Teaching Dictionaries of the Chinese language. Chinese Language Dictionaries (Printed and Electronic) Great Chinese Dictionary online

The Russian-Chinese phrasebook will be able to visit tourists (travelers), going to visit China and impress the greatness and rich history of this power. We collected the most consumed words and expressions in Chinese with pronunciation. Be very careful, because intonation in Chinese plays a decisive role. Notified with the wrong intonation word ...

Phrasebook for travel

The Russian-Chinese phrasebook will be able to visit tourists (travelers), going to visit China and impress the greatness and rich history of this power. We collected the most consumed words and expressions in Chinese with pronunciation. Be very careful, because intonation in Chinese plays a decisive role. Word said with improper intonation, can completely change the semantic load.

China - ancient civilization in East Asiathat made a huge number of cultures in four thousand years of existence. The largest state occupies the world first in the population. Capital -. C adjuades in the northeast and northwest. Borders with Myanmar, Laos and, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, DPRK. It is characterized by a pronounced seasonality - monsoon rains, northern winds and minimal sediments in winter and very rainy summer with southern winds. average temperature, respectively, is -18 ° C and + 15 ° C.

See also "" with which you can translate into Chinese (or vice versa) any word or offer.

General phrases

Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
Hello! 你好! Nikhao!
Bye! 再见! Tsazayzien!
Welcome! 欢迎! Huanin!
Thank you! 谢谢! Seed!
You are welcome! 不客气! 不用谢! Brochti! Boguns!
Sorry! 对不起!不好意思! Duibutsi! Buchaois!
Nothing wrong 没关系。 Maiguance
Thank you for attention! 谢谢您的关注 Seis Nin De Guangju!
Tell me, please, how much time is it now? 请问,现在几点了? Tsinwan, Sienjay Jiden Lee?
Tell me, please, where is the toilet? 请问,厕所在哪里? Tsyinwen, Tsxaso Tszai Nali?
Where can I buy a telephone card? 在哪儿可以买到电话卡? Tsainar Khei Maidao Denhua Kha?
Where can I rent a car? 在哪儿可以租车? Tsainar Khei Zzuche?
Please take a picture of us 请给我们拍一照。 Tsin Gay Women Phai and Jao
I do not understand 我不明白。 In Bund Minor.
Repeat, please what you said 请您再说一遍 Tsin Nin Tzai Shuo and Bean
Do you speak Russian? 你会说俄语吗? Neither dick sho eui ma?
Does anyone speak Russian here? 这里有人会说俄语吗? Zhueli Woman Huyasho Ayu Ma?
Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Neither dick sho inya ma?
Is anyone speak English here? 这里有人会说英语吗? Zhali Eugene Kuyasho Yaya Ma?
You are very beautiful! 你很漂亮! Nor Hen Pxiaolyan!
What are you that you 哪里,哪里。 Nali, Nali. In China, it is assumed to answer the compliment exactly, and not say thanks
What do you do tomorrow night? 您明天晚上干什么? Nin Mithangien Wanshhan Gan Shenme?
Do you want to drink anything? 您想不想喝什么? Nin Xiang Bu Xianghe Hay Shenme?
I love you! 我爱你! In ai n.
I love you too 我也爱你。 In e ah
I do not love you! 我不爱你。 In bo
Are you married / married? 你结婚了吗? Neither Jzheunlea Ma?
I am married 我已婚了。 In Ihunle
I'm not married / not married 我没结婚 In Mei Jiheun
I do not have a guy / girls 我是单身。 In Shi Danshhen
Have a good trip! 一路平安! And Lu Pxhin An!
Goodnight! 晚安! Van Anla!
Heck! 糟糕 Tszao Gao!

The airport

Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
Tell me, please, where is the place of departure of international flights? 请问,国际出发室在哪里? Tsinwen, Guoji Chhufashi Tzai Nali?
Tell me, please, where is the place of departure of domestic flights? 请问,国内出发室在哪里? Tsinwan, Guoii Chhufashi Tzai Nali?
Tell me, please, where is the arrival hall of international flights? 请问,国际到达室在哪里? Tsyinwan, Guoji Dodashi Tzai Nali?
Tell me, please, where is the arrival hall of domestic flights? 请问,国内到达室在哪里? Tsinwan, Guoii Dodashi Tzai Nali?
Where is the luggage storage? 请问,行李寄存处在哪里? Tsinwen, Clely Jizzhukhu Tzai Nali?
Is there a rest room at the airport? Where's she? 在飞机场有没有计时休息室? 在哪里? Tzai Fajizchhan Yeu Maeu Jishi Siiusi Shi? Tzai Nali?
What terminal is registered on this flight? 这个航班在几号航站楼登记? Zhege Hunban Tsai Ji Hao Khan Zhan Low Denji?
Where is the registration for this flight? 这个航班在哪里登记? Zhege Hunban Tzai Nali Denji?
How to get to the 1st / 2nd / 3rd Terminal? 到一/二/三号航站楼怎么走? Dao and / Er / San Hao Khan Zhan Low Zenme Zou?
Where is a taxi parking? 出租车站在哪里? Chuzzuchche Zhan Zzai Nali?
Where is the bus stop? 大巴站在哪里? Taba Zhan Zzai Nali?
Where can I pack my baggage? 哪里可以打包行李? Nali Khei Dabao Cons?
Drugs, weapons and prohibited drugs I do not 毒品、武器和违禁品我都没有。 Duphin Usti He Wejin Phin in Dow Maeu


Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
Take me here (specify a place written on the business card) 请把我送到这里。 Tsin Ba in Sundao Zhali
Open the trunk 请打开行李舱吧。 Tsyin Dakhai Sinli Tshan Ba
Turn left here 这里往左拐。 Jelie Wang Tzuu Guai
Turn right here 这里往右拐。 Zhelie Van Yuu Guai
How much is the passing of the bus / subway? 公车/地铁票多少钱? GUNCHE / Dietha Pxao Doshaoo Tsiyan?
Where is the nearest bus stop? 附近的公交车站在哪儿? Fujin De Gongziachychjan Tzai NA?
Where is the nearest subway station? 附近的地铁站在哪儿? Fujin De Dithechhan Tzai Nar?
What is the next stop (station)? 下一站是什么站? Sia and Zhani Shehenhe Zhan?
How many stops is it to?.. 到... 有多少站? Tao ... Doshaoao Zhan?
What bus goes to? .. 去... 乘哪趟公交车? Tsyu ... Chhan on Thhan Gongziaochhe?
What is the subway line to? .. 去... 乘几号线地铁? Tsyu ... Chhan Jihaa Sen Dithe?
Tell me, please, how to get to? .. 请问,到... 怎么走? Tsinwen, Tao ... Jenme Zou?
Please take me to (...) 请带我去... Tsin Dao in Tsyu ...
... Airport 飞机场。 fay Ji Chhan
... railway station 火车站。 huo Chhe Zhan
... the nearest hotel 最近的酒店。 tzu Jin de Jusday
... Nearest Restaurant 最近的饭馆。 tzu Jin De Fangguan
... Nearest Beach 最近的海滨。 tzu Jin De Hibin
... the nearest shopping center 最近的购物中心。 tzu Jin De Gow at Zhong Xin
... The nearest supermarket 最近的超级市场。 tzu Jin De Chhao Ji Shi Chhan
... Nearest Park 最近的公园。 tzu Jin De GUN Yuan
... The nearest pharmacy 最近的药店。 tzu Jin Deh Annea


Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
We booked a double room, here are our passports 我们预定了双人房间。 这是我们的护照。 Womene Yudinle Shuanzhen Fangholds. Zhe Shi Women De Huchoo
Do you have rooms available? 有没有空的房间? Yeu Maeu Khun De Plisten?
Is there a room cheaper? 有没有便宜点儿的房间? Yuu Mayeu Penidiard Dha Fanancezen?
I need a single room 我需要单间。 In Xuyao \u200b\u200bDanjieng.
I need a double room 我需要双人间。 In Xuyao \u200b\u200bShuangzhenjieng
I need a double room with sea view 我需要一个海景的双人房间。 Xuyao \u200b\u200bIme Hayjing De Shuanzhen Fanance
The room has a telephone / TV / refrigerator / air conditioning? 房间里有电话/电视/冰箱/空调吗? Is Yoi Denhua / Denoshi / Binisyan / Kshunthao Ma?
What floor is the number on? 我的房间在几楼? In DE a fan bowl Tsai Ji Lowe?
Is breakfast included? 价格包括早餐吗? Jiage Baochuo Zsaoqhan Ma?
What time breakfast? 早餐几点开始? Zsaoqhan Ji Diens Khayshi?
In my room is not removed 我的房间没有打扫。 In DE Fanancezien Mayeu Dasao
I want to change the number 我想换个房间。 In the Xiang Huange Fanance
We in the room run out toilet paper 我们房间没有手纸了。 Women Fanszien Mayeu Shountry Le
We are leaving today 我们今天走。 Women Jinthien Tzou
We are leaving on August 5 我们八月五号走。 Vomena Ba Yue at Hao Zou
We want to pass the number 我们想退房。 Women Xiang Thau fan
The minibar has already been empty even before I drove into this number. 我进房间的时候迷你吧就是空的。 In Ji Air, De Shikhou Minibus Jiu Khun Dee
It's not i broke the toilet 抽水马桶是别人打破的。 Chhowshuimathun Shi Tejaene Tipo De

A restaurant

Shopping center

Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
Where can I buy children's goods? 哪里能买到儿童产品? Nali Nan Maidao Erthun Chhanphin?
Where can I buy shoes? 哪里能买到鞋子? Nali Nan Maidao Setszy?
Where can I buy women's clothing? 哪里能买到女的衣服? Nali Nan Maidao Nyu De Ifa?
Where can I buy men's clothing? 哪里能买到男的衣服? Nali Nan Maidao Nan Dha Ifa?
Where can I buy cosmetics? 哪里能买到美容? Nali Nan Maidao Majun?
Where can I buy household goods? 哪里能买到日用品? Nali Nan Maidao Zhiunphin?
What floor is a grocery supermarket? 超级市场在哪一层? Chhaoji Shchchhan Tszai on and Tshan?
Where's the exit here? 出口在哪儿? Chukhou Zasonar?
Can I try it? 我把这个试一下,好吗? In Ba Juege Shiya, Hao Ma?
Where's the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里? Shi and Jay Tzai Nali?
I need more size 我需要大一点儿 In Xuyao \u200b\u200bTa Idiar
I need smaller size 我需要小一点儿 Xuyao \u200b\u200bXiao Idiar
I need 1 size more 我要大一号 In Yao Ta Ikhao
I need 1 size less 我要小一号 In Yao Xiao Ikhao
Can you pay a map? 可以刷卡吗? Khei Shua Kha Ma?
How much is? 多少钱? Tuo Shao Tsira?
Very expensive! Let's a little cheaper 太贵了! 来便宜点儿。 Thai Gui Le! Lai Pheyene Diarr.
We are poor students, it's not for your pocket 我们是穷学生, 这个我们买不起。 Women Shi Tsyun Xuesen, Zhege Vomen Ma Bousti
Is there the same but with pearl buttons? 有像这个一样,但是珠母扣子的吗?
No, it means we will look for 没有,那么再找一下。

Grocery supermarket

Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
Is this the price for 1 Jin? (1 Jin \u003d 0.5 kg, in China, the price is usually indicated for 1 Jin) 这是一斤的价格吗?
Where can I buy fruit? 哪里能买到水果? Nali Nan Maidao Shujugo?
Where can I buy vegetables? 哪里能买到蔬菜? Nali Nan Maidao Shutshai?
Where can I buy meat? 哪里能买到肉类? Nali Nan Maidao Jowlei?
Where can I buy alcoholic products? 哪里能买到酒类? Nali Nan Maidao Jiolei?
Where can I buy dairy products? 哪里能买到奶制品? Nali Nan Maidao Niczhihphin?
Where can I buy confectionery? 哪里能买到糖果点心? Nali Nan Maidao Thanguo Denssin?
Where can I buy tea? 哪里能买到茶叶? Nali Nan Maidao Chha?
Need 1 large package 我要大的袋子。 In Yao Tade Daitsa
Need one small package 我要小的袋子。 In Yao Xiaode Daitz
I will pay the card 我刷卡。 In Shua Kha.


Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
Tell me, please, how to go to the nearest pharmacy? 请问,到最近的药店怎么走? Tsinwan, Tao Tzu Jin Dee Yeodien Zzenme Zou?
Please give something from ... 请给我拿一个… Tsin Gay in at IGE ...
...headache 治头疼的药。 ji Thuutchen DE Yao
... diarrhea 治腹泻的药。 zhi Fus DE Yao
... Rubberish 治伤风的药。 ji Shanfen Dha Yo
... cough 治咳嗽的药。 ji Heysou de Yao
I need an anesthetic 我要止痛药。 In Yao Chanthunyao
I need a bactericidal plaster 我要创可贴。 In Jao Chuan Khe Tcha


Numbers and numbers

Number Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
1 and
2 [èR] eR
3 san
4 s
5 w.
6 liu.
7 tsi.
8 ba.
9 jiu
10 shi
11 一十一 and Shi I.
12 一十二 and Shi Er
20 二十 [èr shí] er Shi
30 三十 sanya Sch.
40 四十 sch.
50 五十 shi
51 五十一 from Shi I.
52 五十二 si ER
53 五十三 at Shi San.
100 一百 and Bai.
101 一百零一 and Bai Lin and
110 一百一十 and Bai and Shi
115 一百一十五 and Bai and Shea
200 二百 [èr bǎi] er Bai.
1 000 一千 and Tsira
10 000 一万 and Wan.
1 000 000 一百万 and Bai Wan
Rooms More than three digits, phone number, as well as year pronounced for each digit separately, for example, 2012 or 152002516530 二 〇 一二 or 一五二 〇〇 二 一六五 三 〇 [èR Líng Yī èr] or 一五二〇〇二一六五三〇

In Chinese, the counting word is set in Chinese. For different items, different counting words are used, for example: for flat items: 张 Zhang一 张 纸 or 三 张 地图 or one sheet of paper or three cardsLela books: 本 BEN 一本 本 One book. Also, there is a universal counting word that can be used for all items and people: 个 GE.


Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
I in
we 我们 in Man.
You n.
You 你们 neither Man.
You (respectful) nin.
It tha
She is tha
They are 他们 tha Man.
It tha
This (this, it is) zHE
That (that, then) on the
Also, as in the case of numeral, there is a counting word between the index pronoun and the subject, for example: 这 本 书 or 那 辆 车 or this book or that car

Question words

Phrase in russian Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
What? 什么 shenme.
Where? Where to? Where? 哪里 nali
When? 什么时候 shenme Shikhou
Who! Who? Whose? shai
How many? For example, how much does it cost? 多少 For example 多少 钱? eg doshoao (used if the answer suggests quantity more than 10)
How many? For example, what time is it now? 几 For example 现在 点 点? eg ji (if the answer suggests a number less than 10)
How? How? 怎么 jenme.
Why? What for? 为什么 weishanme.
What? 什么 or 哪 个 or shenme or Hegel

Title flowers

The first hieroglyph indicates the name of the color, the second 色 is the word "color" itself. To say "the subject of such a color" between the color and the subject is added a particle 的, for example 白色 的 子 skirt white color, White skirt.

This is one of the strange records of my blog - the blog of the English language teacher. The fact is that I learn Chinese on chinese courses in the school of Dmitry Nikitina in Yaroslavl. About tactics and methods that I use for a more effective study of Chinese, I already wrote in the record. And today I would like to tell about the training dictionaries of the Chinese language, which help me in an exciting business of learning Chinese

Immediately make a reservation that (so accidentally came out) I know English well, and therefore most Chinese dictionaries that I use, contain comments mainly in English.

Chinese dictionaries with a support in English

  • a convenient interface in which there is a lot of "air", and therefore the vocabulary is very easy to use;
  • the dictionary recognizes the handwriting;
  • determines the order of lines in the Chinese hieroglyph;
  • in the dictionary, each hieroglyph is voiced.
  • sometimes transfer to english Incurious, what I know in classroom with a Chinese tutor. This, however, can be said about all Chinese translation dictionaries and can be explained, probably a huge cultural difference between European and Asian languages.

I use this Chinese dictionary to determine the etymology of the Chinese word, identifying the components of Chinese characters.

Pros of this Chinese dictionary:

  • you can click on the part of the hieroglyph, and you will be shown one of its components;
  • the etymology of Chinese hieroglyphs in English is very well disclosed.

Minus this chinese dictionary:

  • horrible, confusing interface.

I use this Chinese dictionary to determine the sound of Chinese hieroglyphs, studying the order of the lines in Chinese characters, determining the frequency of one or another Chinese hieroglyph, remembering stable phrases with Chinese hieroglyphs. The latter is especially important for me, since I believe that any foreign language should be studied by memorizing phrases and sustainable expressions, what I am writing in the records ,,

Pros of this Chinese dictionary:

  • the components of the Chinese hieroglyphs and the order of rows are perfectly visible;
  • conducts a phrase with Chinese hieroglyphs;
  • the pronunciation of both Chinese hieroglyphs and their components is demonstrated;
  • the frequency of using hieroglyphs is indicated.

I use this Chinese dictionary for the separation of Chinese hieroglyphs into components, due to which it is possible to more effectively memorize hieroglyphs.

Pros of this Chinese dictionary:

  • the information is structured in the form of the tree, so the connection of one Chinese hieroglyph with another is clearly visible.

The cons of this Chinese dictionary I did not find.

I use this Chinese dictionary to determine the vocabulary value of Chinese characters, clarify the values \u200b\u200bof the jargon, clarify the values \u200b\u200bof the professional and academic Chinese vocabulary.

Pros of this Chinese dictionary:

  • it is very good to transfer texts from Chinese to other languages \u200b\u200band from other languages \u200b\u200bto Chinese.

There are no cons of this Chinese dictionary. Very useful site for studying Chinese.

Training Sensual Dictionaries Chinese

I use this Chinese dictionary to find the value of Chinese idioms, sustainable expressions and everything that failed to find in other Chinese dictionaries.

Pros of this Chinese dictionary:

  • this Chinese dictionary is edited by users (like Wikipedia), which makes it quite modern and conversational;
  • all necessary actions are understandable intuitive.

Minus this chinese dictionary:

I use this Chinese dictionary as the main one.

Pros of this Chinese dictionary:

  • shows the procedure for writing hieroglyph;
  • allows you to hear the pronunciation of the hieroglyph;
  • gives the value of the hieroglyph;
  • offers variants of sustainable combinations with data by hieroglyph;
  • demonstrates the historical version of the writing of the hieroglyph and transformation of writing;
  • the mobile version is downloaded by the QR code posted on the site.

The cons of this Chinese dictionary I did not find.

1) Big Sino-Russian Dictionary (printing)

You can buy it, for example, on ozone. There are BCRS authors Z. I. Baranova, V. E. Gladtkov, V. A. Zhavoronkov, B. G. Wisdom for 150000 words:

and BCRS for 450,000 words (this dictionary is not only Chinese-Russian, but also Russian-Chinese):

In the dictionary, we start searching for keys. Everything is quite simple: we look at the hieroglyph, we define the key, consider the quantity of the features in the key, open the list of keys and here are sent to the page, say 765, where all the hieroglyphs are located with these keys.

Now we consider the amount of features at the second part of the hieroglyph, say 7. On page 765 we find our key plus 7 features of the second part and now we are sent to the page to be transferred, say 1465.
This is undoubtedly a long option. There are other dictionaries working on other principles, although it is mainly and comes down to counting the features. There are also dictionaries in which the hieroglyphs located in the Latin alphabet of their sound. In fact, it is useful if you know Pinyin, but do not know the meanings that he solves Polbie.

2) Lingvo Computer Program

Download Lingvo, get a license, set the Chinese language, without forgetting to establish permission to the visibility of hieroglyphs in Windows (start-up control panel and regional standards - Languages-to install languages \u200b\u200bwith a letter of hieroglyphs, insert the Windows installation disk. After copying files, reboot the computer) .
In a fresh version of Lingvo there are dictionaries not only Chinese-Russian, but also Chinese-English and English-Chinese, as well as Chinese-Russian and Russian-Chinese phrasebooks. If you don't have Russian-Chinese dictionaries, we recruit the Russian word in the Sino-Russian dictionary, and the search will begin on all articles that is quite effective.

Sometimes you need to know the interpretation of the word to properly use it in the context, for this there are Chinese intelligent dictionariesThe interpretation of words in Chinese is given in them, which is very useful with enhanced study. The most popular in this category of dictionaries: ZDIC (http://www.zdic.net/) and Baida Dictionary (° С¶iґkμd) (http://dict.baidu.com/).

ZDIC - This dictionary provides detailed definitions, interpretations, etymology, the order of damn, english translation And detailed information for each hieroglyph separately.

Baida dictionary (° С¶iґkμd) - In fact, Baida is a huge search engine, for example, like Yandex, and there, too, have their own dictionaries, therefore translators with good language proficiency can do search queries there and respectively receive answers. This online dictionary contains a huge number of idioms, proverbs, established expressions and other words, which often not found in other dictionaries. Constantly updated with users, quite detailed and easy to design.

Online dictionaries for translation to traditional Chinese

There are also online dictionaries for translation to traditional Chinese, such dictionaries are largely suitable for professionals, rather than beginners, people who are not first working with Wenang. Chinese spell check (http://www.kwuntung.net) - in this dictionary you can check the use of hieroglyphs in different words; Dictionary of hieroglyants (http://dict2.variants.moe.edu.tw/variants/) - This dictionary is looking for different (outdated) options for hieroglyphs, an indispensable site for advanced translators. The only negative, not easy to handle, and sometimes gives unclear interpretation; Chinese dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan (http://dict.Revised.moe.edu.tw/) - This dictionary is good to use to find words that are not found anywhere, as well as to search for detailed information on hieroglyphs. Compared to other dictionaries, very detailed. Sometimes it contains old examples, complex explanations, too detailed interpretation, so who may experience difficulties in use for beginners; Dictionary of Ministry of Education Taiwan for elementary school (http://dict.mini.moe.edu) - This dictionary contains interpretation of single hieroglyphs and phrases in Chinese, more understandable than the Chinese dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. But the inconvenience of use is only that the search is possible only on solitary hieroglyphs; The dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan in the Procedure for Writing Heroglyphs (http://stroke-order.legningweb.moe.edu) - in this dictionary, it is possible to check the order of the features in the hieroglyph and the current spelling standard in Taiwan, the dictionary is quite detailed, well structured.

Ancient Chinese

Chinese dictionaries hieroglyphs

Chinese word dictionaries

Russian pre-revolutionary

Russian-Chinese Dictionary Popova (title)

  • Sino-Russian Dictionary, Cost. b. nach Peking Spirit. Mission Archim. Palladium and Art. Dragoman, imp. Diploma, Mission in Beijing P. S. Popov. T. 1-2. Beijing, Type, Tun-Veng-Guan, 1888. (Number of hieroglyphs 11.686)
  • Russian-Chinese Dictionary P. S. Popova (the first edition of 1888; the second recycled 1896; third 1900)
  • Full Sino-Russian Dictionary compiled in dictionaries: Zhazhalis, Archimandrite Palladium (P. S. Popova) and others, edited by Bishop Innocent. In two volumes. Beijing, 1909. (number of hieroglyphs 16.845)

Russian modern

After the collapse of the USSR, the publications of a fundamental nature was not undertaken. There were only insignificant dictionaries of a minor volume.


  • Big Sino-Japanese Dictionary of Tezzi Morokhasi in 12 volumes and one volume of applications. Tokyo, 1955-1960



  • Chinese online dictionary with handwritten input and PiniN search

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Turbist engines
  • Badalyan, Stepan Sarkisovich

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