How the name Vyacheslav is translated. Glory: full name

What does the name Vyacheslav mean in the ancient Russian? This is a complex, a two-breeding word formed by the fusion of the roots - (s) and -slav- (a), meaning "special", "heading nice". There is another meaning of Vyacheslav - "more nice", implying military valor, courage.

The origin of the name Vyacheslav historians are associated with our pagan ancestors. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, called so man was closer to the gods, he could communicate with them. The closest translation to modern language Will sound like "Highway". Usually so called boys born in families of leaders or priests.

According to astrology and numerology, such a characteristic named Vyacheslav can be given: stable, soft, strong, discreet, conservative. In general, men with this name are distinguished by enviable constancy, the bull durability in a good sense of the word.

They are targeted, responsive, capable of noble deeds. Fighters for justice can stand on the defense of weak. At the same time, they are sociable, generic, extremely rarely enter into conflicts, have many friends.

  • A happy number is four.
  • Color - golden, orange.
  • The most successful time of the year is autumn.
  • Day of the week - Friday.
  • The Patron Planet is Venus.
  • Minerals bringing good luck - Jasper, Topaz, Malachite.
  • Wormage plants - heather, hazel.
  • Patron Animal - Buffalo.

There is another secret named Vyacheslav - his owner is inherent in an extraordinary sexuality. Women appreciate him for the tact and charm, the ability to open, liberate in sex. But at the same time, this is the faithful, loving and caring husband who is not capable of treason.

Vyacheslav - talented and multifaceted personality. They are good mathematicians and financiers, ingenious actors and musicians. The owners of this name are endowed with an excellent artistic taste, often draw well.

Characteristics of boys named after Vyacheslav

Consider in detail the meaning of Vyacheslav for the child. Children called this name, extremely hardy, possess good health And prone to sports. However, they are very wounded, they are important for them to communicate with their parents.

Speak with them more often, support, direct, and the response gratitude will not wait long for a long time. These are diligent disciples seeking knowledge. With due effort, they can achieve excellent results.

The full name Vyacheslav can be cut to affectionate Slavik, nice, knacquicker, cheeve. The etymology of the name is that even in the very short version they feel the power and nobility of its owner. Your baby with young nails will feel "glorious."

In adolescence, young men can immerse themselves in protest, meaning disagreement with the rules that limit them in achieving the desired goal. They are stubborn fighters, not seeking easy ways. They are also the company's guys who have many friends, and in the family - loving and caring sons.

At this age, the boys begins to wake up a male character, requiring to be in all the first. However, prudence, peculiar to the owner of this name, will not allow bad actions. Vyacheslavs are not religious, but in the mature age of Orthodoxy can become an intense for them.

Fate, family, marriage

For a person who is named Vyacheslav, the meaning of the name can become a fateful. These are kind, loving fathers who protect their family from any trouble. Their house is a complete bowl, among them there are practically no people abused by alcoholic beverages. Vyacheslav prefer to express themselves through work and hobby, achieving excellent results.

The interpretation of named after Vyacheslav implies fame, so an extraordinary woman should be a companion of life for him - a kind, which is able to support and understand in any situation. These are monochromas, so they are thoroughly approaching the choice of a candidate for the role of the future spouse. Consider compatibility by Vyacheslav with common women's names.

Union Olga and Vyacheslav can denote love, loyalty for life. This is the most favorable combination, strong relationship, harmony. The spouses are destined to pass through the hand in hand, to give birth to strong, healthy children.

Anna is a difficult personality, such a union will boil from the heat of passion. But if the spouses learn to listen to each other, they will be very happy. This combination promises sexual harmony, which is important in marriage.

Vyacheslav and - calm and balanced steam. Anastasia pacifies the mouth of her husband with his softness, love, and Vyacheslav protects, gently protects it. In such a union, very happy children often grow.

And Vyacheslav - "Lion Union", a secular couple. Both are very sociable, brilliant, bright, have many friends. Such couples are jealous, even take an example with them. Spouses will be happy if they overcome the desire for the championship, learn to trust each other.

Natalia in the Union with Vyacheslav - a strong, loving couple, being joy in the most ordinary things. In such families, many children, wealth and stability.

With Vyacheslav - well-combined names are aligned with their owners longevity and strong family.

Vyacheslav. Usually, marina are creative nature, artists, writers, their elements - the sea. For them, not material wealth is important, and the kinship of the souls, the generality of interests. If Vyacheslav is lucky to touch the heart of Marina, she will dedicate him all herself without a rest.

Light, Larisa, Elena can also be a good couple Vyacheslav, the family will be strong, prosperous. Zhanna, Elsa, Clara - less successful options, but such unions can bring happiness. The most important quality for the life companion of such a man is loyalty, honesty, love. After all, once disappointed in a woman, he can only trust her with great difficulty again.

Rare female name Glory has an ancient origin, and its owners are distinguished by a special character, due to the male energy of such a word.

Where is this name

This adherence has no doubt Slavic roots. It is part of many famous names, originally male (Vladislav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, etc.), from which women's options were formed (Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Miroslav, etc.). Such names are sufficiently common, and they form various options. And the male and female name of Glory is most often a reduction. However, sometimes it is used both as a complete form, the value of which corresponds to the concepts of "glorious" or "Slav". As for its origin, in the old Slavonic sources such name is not fixed. His emergence is associated with the fashion on the Old Russian names.

Writing and Forming Rules

Since the glory corresponds to the brief form of many names with such a basis, it is additionally not reduced. At the same time, there are many options in order to affect its support: Slavnya, Slavuna, Slook, Slavchik, Slavonka, Slavula, and the like. Abroad, this name is unknown, so in other languages \u200b\u200bit uses SLAVA transliteration. There is no such admixture in Orthodox sacraments. When baptized, the girl gives another name, according to which it will celebrate its named after.

The passport uses Slava writing.

Children's and school years

The literal meaning of the name is manifested in the character of the Slavs already in early age. It is characterized by activity and perseverance, which are often converted to mischief.. Its irrepressible energy splashes in rolling games that are more suitable for boys, and often it becomes the coincidence in the company of peers. All attempts for parents to force a daughter to something will be doomed to failure. It is better for them to raise the Slavs to their own example and explain that all their requirements are aimed at its benefit.

The school successes of the girls are directly dependent on what extent is it to pass the subject, as well as from the sympathy level to the teacher. If Glory is really interested in something and will see a benevolent attitude towards himself, she will become diligently and achieve great success. Very often the girl finds himself a lesson on the soul outside the framework of the school program, and such a passion can become its future profession.

Glory rarely sick with something serious. The active lifestyle has a positive effect on her health, and the physical condition can deteriorate only during periods of forced inactivity. Of the glory, a beautiful athlete will turn out, but there is a farewell to it contraindicated.

Features of adult age

Over the years, the energy and purposefulness of glory are only increasing. At the same time, she appears the features of the perfectionism, the desire to do everything perfectly. She does not like to discuss his plans with someone and prefers to act alone. The carrier of this name always achieves the goals and the necessary results. At the same time, it practically does not make mistakes, it has an impeccable taste and looks great.

All this makes an excellent impression on others. Glory usually uses authority, she has a wide range of communication. But, although her goals and deeds look impeccable, in fact, it is very critical in relation to other people. Moreover, a woman is not ashamed to use them in their own interests, stating that it acts solely for a common good. The secret of the personality of glory is its ability to deftly manipulate people.

Love and family

Activity and good external data of fame attract the attention of representatives of the strong floor to school years. However, the girl knows the price and knows how to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a potential challenger on her heart. She will never lose her head and does not react condescendingly to its shortcomings.

For serious relationships The owner of this name is looking for a man who will agree to her leadership and that the decisive word will always be behind her. Oddly enough, if you wish this non-easy task Glory decides as successfully as everyone else, and her married life is quite happy. She understands that the strength of the family depends on how important the interests of all its members are taken, therefore it is advised of them on important issues and makes a decision, trying not to infringe upon anyone. The same applies to the upbringing of children for whom Glory tries to do everything as best as possible.

Work and profession

Women's own interests with this name are defined in school years, so it is quite early to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. The scope of applying their abilities is very wide: a distinctive designer or designer, a high-level professional in sports, politics, jurisprudence, finance, etc. Glory everywhere seeks excellent results, while appreciates its skills and abilities and will not agree to a low payment or on the promise of income in the future. In addition to money, it is interested in other motives, for example, public recognition, authority, high status. What would be glory to do, she will do everything in the best possible way.

The origin and meaning of the name Vyacheslav lies in the fusion of two roots - "dried", which is translated as "better" or "more", and "Slav", that is, "Glory". It turns out the meaning of Vyacheslav - "more glorious."

The name is most often applied in Slavic countries, including Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic. In other states it is less common. His initial forms looked like this: Breaky, Vyzseslav. Today they have changed to Vencylava or Vaclav.

Name Name for Baby

For the boy, the meaning of Vyacheslav is kindness, mobility, barely tangible impulsivity. The baby will be very cheerful, active and playful. It is distinguished by peculiar naivety, likes to spend time for active games in a big friendly company. But its excessive impulsivity can often serve as a barrier in communicating with other children. If parents will not pay due attention to the emotional component of the life of the baby, then increased impulsiveness can be a problem in his teenage and adult life.

Vyacheslav Tretyak

For the child, the meaning of Vyacheslav provides good performance. It is not difficult for him to peel into the topic and understand almost any school discipline. This is an incredibly talented child who can go far beyond the border of the school program. His big thrust will still have to accurate sciences, namely to the realization of the knowledge gained in practice. It can be noted in his great love for the designers with which he is willing to spend at least a whole day.

Since childhood, the child can notice the meaning of Vyacheslav for the boy such as pedanticity. Adults are very often surprised and dislike the maximum responsibility of the child and his desire to ensure order in their own things. But for Vyacheslav there is a big difference: it will be happy to create your own interesting order he will be happy, but if you impose an extraneous opinion or desire to impose him, then here his desire will instantly disappear.

It is very important since childhood to make the habit of kid to play sports. Despite the fact that he has good health from nature, the sport will be very useful to him, as it will help to limit its impulsiveness. At the same time, the nervous system of the child will also periodically relax from emotional loads. This boy will be endowed with huge endurance, so he will be able to conquer any kind of sports, where in priority functional loads.

Personal life

Name Vyacheslav - the meaning of the name and fate in personal life will not be associated with the desire to create a family. Yes, the meaning of Vyacheslav will allow a man to become excellent and even an ideal companion for women if they are together will be able to overcome the tipping moment to each other. A man with the name Vyacheslav, which means "evolving", never be able to forgive treason to a woman. In the rest of the same cases, his chosen will be fun and easy. He will be sincerely loved to love his family, and home deals with joy.

Very often, a complex character of Vyacheslav leads to the rupture of relations. He stubbornly try to push the woman with all ways and does not seek to find a point of contact with it. Therefore, the family will come often quite late. Men with this name often become good fathers. With age, they are gaining experience, only then become perfect family mans and begin to correspond to the rank of the head of the family.

Before marriage in relations with women, the meaning of Vyacheslav allows a man to behave relaxed in intimate relations and communication. They often choose more experienced partners, to appearance which are presented with increased requirements. Such qualities as the manifestation of fantasy, tenderness, caress and ingenuity make women be tied to Vyacheslav and sincerely love him.

In relation to the elect, Vyacheslav tries to be as attentive as possible, studying all her desires and feels his responsibility to her. For this, Men are very important smells. If he won't like the fragrance of his partner, at any moment he can break with her without clarification of circumstances.

Business and Career

Talented boy Vyacheslav, who succeeds in learning in all subjects as successfully can realize itself in any field of activity. Best of all the nature and meaning of Vyacheslav are manifested in areas where there is healthy competition. You can observe a lot of examples of successfully implemented in Sports of Slavikov, where they were able to show their persistence, purposefulness, spirituality of the spirit, excitement and endurance.

If this is a team game, Vyacheslav is usually the most respected person, that is, the captain. According to the meaning of Vyacheslav, it can become a leader where his organizational abilities, honesty and justice will be manifested. He will be for his subordinate wise and reliable mentor-friend who skillfully combine his own interests with the benefits of a common occupation.

Not many know what the name Vyacheslav for a man is financial success. He has great prospects and many financial opportunities. Any business started with zero can lead to material well-being.

The soul of this man will be the most technical professions. Glory can become a successful archivist or accountant. It is better for him to be a worker, although a businessman will be quite good. Employers will appreciate it for scrupulusity, responsibility, punctuality, fancy, good faith. He always finishes the work started, but does not show special enthusiasm and initiative at work.

Character name

For Vyacheslava, the meaning of the name is a huge excerpt and patience. This man is a big worker. Since childhood, he used to do everything himself and not to ask for help from others, he does not need extraneous councils. Prefers alone to cope with life problems and difficulties. His goal is permanent self-improvement. He constantly finds himself a new occupation. He likes to study foreign languages, visit various sections, go to the pool, refuse to eat alcohol.

The character of the name, the meaning and fate of Vyacheslav is often associated with its temperament - this is a Sanguine person, characterized by shyness and modesty at the same time. This is the most honest, decent, open and straightforward man. In his character, the softness and huge pressure are combined simultaneously, but its nervous system is weak.

Sometimes this man covers anger wave, which he gives a full-fledged exit, after which it quickly cools and comes to himself. Not suppressed by the parents in childhood, impulsiveness may poured into the commission of various rash actions in adulthood.

The most glorious, which means the name Vyacheslav, does not tolerate deception, especially from women. If the deception of them was disclosed, then his chosen will forever lose the trust of this man. He attracts women with his charm and kindness.

A man with the name Vyacheslav, who was born in summer or in winter, is distinguished by such qualities as stubbornness, hypathy and has excellent health. Men born in spring and autumn are endowed with a more rigid temper, have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Vyacheslav is a faithful and reliable friend. It is not worth expecting betrayal, envy, gloating or pactures. But if he has to choose between his own well-being and helping a friend, the last protection and support from him will not raind.

Mystery named after Vyacheslav

The main mystery named after Vyacheslav is a predisposition to pride and self-employment. It is the impulsiveness of a man that encourages the manifestation of these disastrous qualities. The people around him should treat such a lack of attentive, try to slow down the development of unfavorable features.

The meaning of Vyacheslav corresponds to such astrological criteria:

  • planet Patron - Venus;
  • zodiacal constellation - scales;
  • totem animal - buffalo;
  • stone Talisman - Topaz;
  • favorable tree - Walnut;
  • tint - pale golden.


Successful relations with Slavik will be shaped with women named Valentina, Antonina, Maria, Polina. He stands to marry him in Anna, Irina, Margarita, Larisa, Elena, Yulia. Sophisticated relationships will arise in a man with Valeria, Inna, Alla, Lily, Oksana, Tatiana.

Analyzing the meaning of Vyacheslav for the boy, parents form a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the future kid. Thanks to these knowledge, it will be easier for them to understand the child and put it on the right path in time, avoiding most mistakes. So, what to expect from the boy, whose name is Vyacheslav? The meaning of the name, the nature, what fate is prepared by its owner - consider everything in order.

Name Vyacheslav: Origin and meaning

The name refers to the group entered into the sacraticles. According to historical facts, it was not too famous in Russia until the 19th century. The name was used only in the monasteries. It has become more common thanks to the interest of people to the whole historical, ancient. Vyacheslav, whose name is interested in many, has its own historical legend. According to her, the story of the name is related to the Czech prince, which created the temple of St. Vita. The legend states that the mystery of the death of a high person is related to the betrayal of his brother. Perhaps these circumstances also influenced the fact that the parents did not want to inform their children with the name of Vyacheslav for a long time. The meaning of the name after all imposes an imprint not only for character, but also on the fate of its owner. Currently, people have become less impressionable, so the name has gained popularity.

Interpretation of the name

Name Vyacheslav came to us from Ancient Russia. As many of the names of that time, it has two Knicz and Glory root. Translated, they mean "more than fame." In this way, male name Vyacheslav value is "more glorious" or "the most nice."


In childhood, this is a cheerful, slightly impulsive child. The meaning of Vyacheslav for the boy is very important, because even in infancy, children already have a certain character. Since childhood, the knapless (abbreviated name) seeks to fight injustice, protects offended. If he does not work, he himself can break away from powerlessness. At such minutes, Vyacheslav does not control their emotions, he may quit the first thing that came across, without thinking about the consequences. However, the child coolers quickly and, feeling his guilt for the deed, becomes good and affectionate. However, the evil boy can not be called at all. The meaning of Vyacheslav for the child determined his character. The boy grows very kind, slightly naive. He loves to play with other kids, but his impulsiveness peculiar to him often scares the kids from him. That is why the parents of the child recommended special attention to pay for the emotional loads of the Son, otherwise such behavior will become familiar to him and in adulthood.

School years

The name Vyacheslav, the origin and the importance of which will surely interest many, imposed their imprint and on the mental abilities of the boy. The study is given very easily. The boy is talented in many school disciplines, and often beyond the mandatory program. He is often participating in various competitions and the Olympiads, taking the first places on them. Most of the child likes the use of accurate sciences in life. Vyacheslav loves constructors, he is ready to sit over for hours, until it reaches the goal. The boy since childhood is a pedant. Sometimes even parents are surprised by his collens and taiga to order. However, the latter is important for him only in its area of \u200b\u200binterest, and not imposed by someone. Vyacheslav, whose name is "the most nice", justifies this definition. In school years, he occupies a confident position of the leader in the team. Odnoklassniki love Vyacheslav for the magnificent organizational abilities and the restless sense of humor. Very often, the boy becomes proud of not only class, but also the whole school. However, close to remember that Vyacheslav in difficult moments of life needs support, otherwise he can be disappointed in himself, losing confidence in his abilities.

Adult Vyacheslav: Name

In adulthood, conservatism, simpleness, kindness and some naivety are also characteristic of Vyacheslav. The impulsivity will remain, but it will be more rarely manifested, perhaps the man will learn how to restrain himself. Vyacheslav hardworking. It is especially attracted by professions, where they should work with their hands - a mechanic, a mechanic, etc. He perfectly cope with a senior position if it is related to the technique. It is unlikely that Vyacheslav will decide to engage in its own activity, for this in his character there is not enough ambitiousness, he does not seek to be the first to be sufficiently achieved heights.

Sexy life

The sex life of Vyacheslav is quite diverse and full of adventure. A young man is very overdoor. He chooses a girlfriend as carefully, preferring gentle and gentle women who, one only a gesture can understand his intimate desires. Vyacheslavov, born in summer, sexual life is not very joyful. In the depths of the soul, they understand that other men are brighter, more interesting. In communicating with women "Summer" owner of this name is Covan, indecisive. "Winter" Vyacheslav, on the contrary, gives his love without prohibitions and restrictions. He carefully chooses a partner to himself. Moreover, it is important for him: figure, manner of behavior. Of particular importance it gives the sexual experience of the girl. In sex, Vyacheslav is not selfish. A sense of debt to his partner is too developed. In bed, he behaves naturally and frankly, trying to learn as fully as possible to learn the addiction of the partner and bring it to ecstasy. It should be noted that Vyacheslav is too sensitive to smells. Moreover, to such an extent that the defeat may suffer during proximity.

A family

Family life does not particularly worry Vyacheslav. The most difficult man with his character to transfer the graffiti period is that quite often leads to a break of relationships. Vyacheslav will become a real family man. He will be a good father, although before the ideal is unlikely to reach.

The combination of name and patronymic

Name named after Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, Borisovich, Grigorievich, Vadimovich, Matveyevich, Nikitich, Tarasovich, Pavlovich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich, Arkadyevich also imposed his imprint. A man having these combinations, emotional, impulsive, selfish. He is a magnificent speaker, in any situation knows what to say than and seduces girls. In the circle of friends, a man has fun, behaves gallant and respectful. The family is a completely different person. He is very capricious, annoyed for any reason, constantly grumbling. It is difficult to please it enough, it's better not to pay attention to his "skull", then he slowly calms down himself. This Vyacheslav is not in a hurry to acquire a family, but when it still decides, then he takes a smart, educated, independent woman in his wife. Vyacheslav remembers that money goes to money, so it is unlikely to stop his choice on the girl out of the poor family. A man loves children. As a rule, he is born by diverse offspring.

Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, Danilovich, Georgievich, Vladislavovich, Gennadevich, Robertovich, Yaroslavovich, Svyatoslavovich has a very developed sense of duty. Marked consciously, in adulthood. A man is obligatory, reliable, willingly helps his wife in conducting a household, will never share the duties for "female" and "men's", leaning, stuffing. Loves to receive guests. In his house there is always something to meet and surprise friends. This Vyacheslav tries to live in a private house or at least have country cottage areawhere he will spend most of his free time. The man independently makes stocks, it is in the garden and garden. Loves hunting. Children in him, as a rule, are born of diverse. They also pays for maximum attention.

Vyacheslav Andreevich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Ivanovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Vitalevich, Valentinovich Dob, trusting, easily converges with new people. Devotee friend ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of close man. He loves freedom, independent, so there will never be a "under the heel" spouse. Does not endure restrictions and critics. In any difficult situation, it prefers first to think about the actions, and then implement them.

Vyacheslav is the male name of Slavic (Old Russian) origin. The name is doubled and consists of the roots of "sluggish" (from other rus. "Evice") and "Glory". Translated from the ancient Russian "Evice" - "more" or "better." Turns out that meaning name Vyacheslav - "more glorious".

Name is used primarily in Slavic countries. These are countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Vaclav), Poland and Bulgaria (Vezeslav), etc. In other languages \u200b\u200bof Western Europe, the name is also present, but are not essential.

Meaning name Vyacheslav for baby

Little Vyacheslav Movable, cheerful and slightly impulsive child. He is a very kind boy, which can even be called some naivety. Vyacheslav loves active games, and especially if there is a good company. However, his impulsiveness often blends other children. It is worth paying particular attention to the emotional loads of the child, and otherwise its impulsivity will become the usual behavior and in adulthood.

Vyacheslav learns well. The boy is talented in many school disciplines, and often outside the mandatory program. Most of all, the child shows a craving for accurate science, or rather its use in practice. He loves designers and is ready to play a huge amount of time. It is also worth noting him for a pedanticity in childhood. The boy is very responsible, and his traction is often surprised by adults. True, it is important for him only in an interesting limits of interest, and not imposed on the outside.

The child's health is strong, but it is advisable to play the boy. This will reduce its impulsiveness, and nervous system Resting from emotional loads. Vyacheslav is peculiar great endurance, so it is easily given any kind of sports with functional loads. However, special attention should be paid to the warm-up, since its impulsivity often makes it necessary to neglect this component of the workout. This can lead to excessive traumaticity.

Abbreviated name Vyacheslav

Glory, Slavka, Slavik, Vyachi, Vyachich.

Reductantly mascara names

Vyacheslavchik, Vyacheslavachchka, Vyacheslavlushka, Slavushka, Slavonka, Flavor.

Patronymic of children

Vyacheslavovich and Vyacheslavovna. Does not have established folk (conversational) forms of patronymic.

Name Vyacheslav in English

IN english language Name Vyacheslav is absent, and therefore it is necessary to use the broadcate name.

Name Vyacheslav for passport - ViaCheslav.

Translation name Vyacheslav to other languages

in Belorussky - Hisp
on Bulgarian - Vezseyslav
in Hungarian - vencel
in Spanish - Wenceslao
in Italian - vencedlao
Latin Writing - Wenceslaus
In German - Wenzel
On Polish - Więcesław
In Portuguese - VenceSlau
in Serbian - Veeslav
in Slovak - Václav
in Slovenian - Venčeslav
In Ukrainian - in "Yarslav
in french - vencedslas
on Czech - Václav

Name Vyacheslav for church (in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vyacheslav.

Characteristic named after Vyacheslav

Adult Vyacheslav is a man who is characterized by conservatism, kindness and some simplicity. If simplicity, kindness and gullibility is characteristic of him from childhood, then conservatism will appear with time. It will be one of the signs of growing up. The impulsivity of the character unfortunately will remain, but it will be more rarely manifested. It can also be noted that adult Vyacheslav is endowed with certain leader's deposits. Leadership will become noticeable in it quite late, but it will manifest itself especially bright. The main thing is that Vyacheslav can apply them in the right direction.

Works Vyacheslav loves, and especially the professions are attracted, where it is necessary to work with your hands. This feature is noticeable for him since childhood. It will be no less successful on the management position, but again related to the technique. If we speak from your own business, then Vyacheslav has little chance. Of course there are happy exceptions, but they just confirm the rules.

The family does not particularly worry Vyacheslav. A man with his character is hard with the moment of wishes, and this leads to a frequent rupture of relations. Vyacheslav will still acquire the family, but the real family man becomes late. He is a good enough father, although before Ideal it is certainly far away. The older Vyacheslav becomes, the more he corresponds to the title "Family Chapter". It can be noted that Vyacheslav is a very worthy owner of the house.

Mystery named after Vyacheslav

The secret name of Vyacheslav can be called his tendency to audit and Gordin. The impulsivity of Vyacheslav is just one of the manifestations of this delicate inclination. He and the people around him should carefully take this issue. It is better not once again not to feed this negative feature of Vyacheslav, if it is of course important to you.

Planet - Venus.

Zodiac sign - Scales.

Totem animal - Buffalo.

Color name - Pale golden.

Wood - Walnut.

A rock - Topaz.