Watch jits Kun Bruce Lee. Li Bruce

Unique and efficient system jits kun before (Chinese - "The Way of An Advantage Fist") was proposed in 1967 by the master and a popularizer of martial arts in the movie Bruce Lee. This style of martial arts is not characterized by a strict set of rules, nor a certain set of technical techniques.

The founder himself called a kun before (eng. Jeet Kune DO) is not a "style" of martial arts, namely "method", since, according to Bruce Lee philosophy, this method can be used in any form of martial arts.

Video: "Golden Dragon" - jits Kun before, first lesson

According to Bruce Lee, jits Kun before was not at all a new style of karate or kung fu and not a modified old one, which was given a new name. Bruce Lee has seen his task only to release from the blind dependence of its followers from any style, any systems or samples. He decided to create this method after the professional mastering of Wine Chun, Jiu-Jitsu, Kung Fu and Boxing, aligning all the elements of these styles in it. In jit kun until almost missing straight blows. When attacking, the strikes are applied only after committing fraudulent movement or after a counterattack.

Bruce Lee strikes did not allow them to shoot at the camera, so during the filming he intentionally beat slower

Bruce Lee (The real name of Lee Jan Hairdry) was born on November 27, 1940 in the city of San Francisco California's state in the family of actress and opera singer. First starred in the film at the age of three months. At the age of 6, played a major role in the film "The Narity of Humanity". Most of the life lived in Hong Kong. He graduated from the university in Washington in the specialty philosophy. He also met his future wife Linda Emery. In 1965 he had a son. Created his own martial arts school, where he trained his students, and which he subsequently called "jitsu kun." Throughout his life, actively starred in films and by the end of 1972 he became a star of cinema. He founded his own film company and managed to release his first picture "Dragon path". But in just one month before the release of the premiere of the film Bruce Lee suddenly died at the age of 32 years from the brain edema.

Sparring in jit kun

In the process of teaching in his own school, Bruce Li considered it appropriate to simultaneously train only several students. Such a method gave the opportunity to constantly observe each student in order not to lose the ties of the teacher with the student and help develop their internal abilities. He also believed that a real fighter jits Kun to this one who understands the entire essence of this method, and only such people will be able to comprehend the power of liberation, while becoming a mirror of self-knowledge. The best practicing fighter should always be guided by only his own intuition. According to Lee teachings, combat style should never be similar to the science in which there are strict laws and principles, and they can never be violated. Among the fighters there are always differences between their personalities, the levels of their training, physical and spiritual training, the ability to navigate in any atmosphere, as well as their sympathies and dislike.

Bruce Lee with a little son Brandon Lee 25 years before his death

Jits Kun until first was intended for successful self-defense in street fights. In the combat technique of this method, there are English and Philippine boxes, as well as such styles of eastern martial arts, like Jiu-Jitsu, Kung Fu, Tai Chi with generalized use of all techniques, but with its own specific specificity. For example, from the fight of Kung Fu Bruce Lee removed all the standard options for answers and counterattacks, as well as "solid" protective racks, but retained all blocks and interceptions, shock techniques, only with their simplified use.

Young fighters jit kun before at the open championship of Tula

Bruce Lee had a general teaching technique, he used only the guidelines that would help him lead a student to the highest level of skill. Constantly using sports equipment and an individual approach during workouts, the student was able to develop stream strength, speed, coordination, as well as work with legs and severe endurance. Jits Kun to not for Bruce the ultimate goal. This method was a side result of his personal classes by martial arts and served as the basis for the growth of skill level. In the 80s. Jit Kun was taught only in three institutions: in the Philippine Academy in Kali State Torrance, in Charlot of the State of North Carolina and in Seattle Washington.

Delivery to the belt jits kun to in Russia, 2013

The most complete learning was conducted in the Philippine Academy, where, in addition to the study, jits Kun before, the students also received experience and other martial arts: Western Boxing, kickboxing, judo, etc. Now this method is popular in the world through the student Bruce Lee Dan Aliano. He is the successor of the idea of \u200b\u200bBruce Lee at the Philippine Academy of Martial Arts - Kali, where during the fight one or two wooden sticks are applied, a knife or some other item that was at hand. In other schools, the kun is not used to the Philippine techniques, but apply Karate technique, Wine Chun, Kung Fu and many other styles. The method of studying the method jits Kun is 10 training and as many combat complexes, as well as all sorts of tests to determine and improve strength and frequency of impact, speed, breaking various items, a fight with one and several rivals.

Bruce Lee called jitsu kun-to the "method", since, according to his philosophy, he jits KUN-tos to be used in any form of martial arts, as well as in everyday life.

As written in the book of Bruce's wife, Linda Lee "The man who knew only I", this method Originally intended for successful self-defense in a street fight. The technique jits Kun-tos, many styles of eastern martial arts - Kung Fu (mainly Wine Chun and Tai Chi), Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwon-to ITF (he studied with kicks from Juna Ri), as well as English and Philippine Boxing, With the generalization of the use of their technician, but with its own philosophy.

For example, using Kung Fu martial art elements in jit, Bruce Lee removed all the classic "hard" protective racks, the classic sequences of answers and counterattack, but retained, however, all shock techniques, blocks and interceptions, with simplifying them use.

In the Linda Linda book, the Bruce phrase is quoted:

"The simple way is the right way. In the fight, no one is doing to beauty. The main thing is confidence, honed skills and accurate calculation. Therefore, in the method jits Kun-before, I tried to reflect the principle of "survival of the most adapted". Less empty movements and energy - closer to the target. "

About the children's and youthful years Bruce Lee tells his friend who studied with Him Chun in the School of Grandmaster IP Mena - Hawkins Chun.

Hawkins Chun began to engage in Wine Chun's Grandmaster IP Mena in 1953. He studied at school along with the legendary Bruce Lee, and in the evenings both with passion practiced Wine Chun. To get a combat experience, they participated in the scuffle, and when they had no one to fight, they fought with each other. Later, their lives were divided, Bruce went to the USA, and Hawkins entered the college in Australia. But despite this, they continued to call and write to each other. In conversations and letters, Bruce talked in detail about the development of his martial art. Hawkins - one of the few people who know the whole path, which was hung: from Wine Chun to June Fan, and then before jit Kin before. They met again, when whether he returned home to starve in films. Both were shared and exchanged by combat experience and methods of training. They supported close contact, up to the death of Bruce in 1973.
In addition to Wine Chun, Hawkins Chun also well owned other types of martial arts. Highlighting Tai Ji Tsyuan, he was known in the directions of Wu, Jan, Chen and Sun. Master Hawkins Chun also has the fourth Dan on Karate-up. In 1978, he immigrated to the US in order to develop Wine Chun there. He is also a chef instructor of the Asian Academy of Martial Arts Hawkins in Los Angeles. Information about it often appeared on the pages of the magazine "Inside Kung-FU", he participated in numerous demonstration performances, as well as in television transmissions. He never applied to his friendship with Bruce. Now, when his friend died, he saw that many followers of Bruce, they attached to a kun to a completely different meaning. In his articles about Bruce Lee and jits Kun to Chun shows the development of Bruce from early period in Hong Kong to his last daysLike cinema stars, tells about the creation of Bruce jits Kun before and characterizes the martial arts today.

Hong Kong 50s was an oppressive place. After World War II, Hong Kong suffered from unemployment, weak economy, overpopulation and lack of housing, people tried to deceive each other. Gangs gathered, and juvenile criminals taped on the streets.
I met Bruce in high school, the Eurasian School of Francis Heavir, which I visited. Bruce was an outcast, and I, in turn, also laughed at him, called him a "bad boy." It was the beginning of our friendship. At that time, in the 50s the situation in Hong Kong was as follows: the British founded the colony there and often belonged to the Chinese as dogs.
Then Bruce was not a big star, he was the most ordinary guy. He began to study Wine Chun to survive. When we were not able to fight, we fought with each other. We argued with him about the training of wine Chun, about our own experience and knowledge. Everyone wanted to be better than a dog. We deliberately hid the information that was collected. Everyone tried to find his own source. We often hid the technique shown by us by the teacher - IP Maine, senior students or friends from other styles. We did not care about the beauty of technology, but only about its effectiveness. Everyone wanted to know the best way to use it.

We were good Buddhists. We did not share the technique openly, but tried to look at each other in the cards. When we studied a new method or technique, we added it to your repertoire. Bruce checked a new "piece" on me, and the next time I first returned it to his technique. And everyone always tried to understand where the other took this or that information.
To test the skill of Bruce, I often starred a fight with him. I wanted to see Bruce holds how well he does it. From his part there was the same. If he won, we laughed, but if he lost, he was very frustrated and began to work harder, in search of best way beat your opponent.
We have fought over our opponents to raise, sometimes hiding their best acceptors. All the technique that someone tried on us, we have definitely returned to him back.

Our competitive spirit manifested itself not only in martial arts, but also in everyday life. Everyone knows that Bruce was well dancing Cha-Cha-cha. I had Filipino friends at school, who also knew how to dance well. I learned from them a few movements to show Bruce. When I met him next time, he showed me a whole set of such movements! I asked my friend, whether he taught Bruce with new elements, but he denied it. Later, I found out that Bruce went to engage in the dance teacher of my Philippine friend to learn more movements than me. It was our character - a constant search for new sources. After I went to the same dance teacher and tried to convince him no longer teach Bruce.

William Chun and Vill Shun Leun were for Bruce the main source of information on Wine Chun. They were elders for us, but we could not openly show our level of technology, because they were afraid that they would not show us more. If the elder fell into a street fight and lost, then we could see his level. If we could not solve the problem, they asked about all the old man IP MANE. Having matured, we began to share information more openly.
I lived just a couple of quarters from Bruce. Our families were wealthy and we often used the services of our personal drivers to get to each other. We spent a weekend together, together prepared for graduate exams at school, played our favorite old game, filling out of anyone unsuspecting people. In this game, one of us played a bad guy, and the other was good.
Once we convinced the two of our European classmates to fight each other. They were much younger than us and were good friends. Bruce and I wanted to find out who of us is the best instructor. Everyone took one boyfriend and coached it so that he could beat the second.

In the school, Bruce was the nickname "Gorilla". He got him for a muscular body and big hands. Most students were afraid of him, and only I called him a "chick leg", he was angry with me and chased throughout the school court. We were very good friends.
We had a good football team at school, but we did not participate in Bruce in team sports. We were interested in quite another.
Once announced the holding of the Boxing School Championship, who conducted the English School of St. George. In our school there was never a boxing team, but suddenly someone had the idea that Bruce and I could make a good boxing team. Apparently we made the impression of the most revealed Drachans, and here someone offered us to participate in the match.

In the night of the match, I sneak into the locker room to see the previous champion. He was a friend of my brother, and Bruce really wanted to meet him. I warned the champion that he would meet with Gorilla, an expert in Kung Fu and advised him to be careful. To confess, he was slightly scared. He earlier heard that we practiced Kung Fu together. And Bruce in the meantime ate other doubts, he was concerned that he had never boxized before. But at the beginning of Bruce, attacked the enemy from the inside technique Tang Yes. The champion was unbalanced physically, and Bruce continued to use Tan Yes, with subsequent straight blows in the face. He won the championship.

The next battle was mine. But I was disqualified for the use of the package of Pak Yes, which the judges found the violation of the rules.
We graduated from school in 1958. Bruce said that he was leaving in the USA, as his father wants. And I decided to go to college in Australia. I asked who he wants to become, and he replied that he wanted to be a dentist. I was somewhat surprised by such a decision. "Your patients will lose all their teeth," I said.
Bruce's father was supposed to support him in the United States and pay all his costs. But Bruce wanted to be independent. To make money on the side, he decided to train people of wine Chun. But we learned only the 2nd shape of the Kyu chas and only 40 movements on a wooden mannequin. It seemed to me that this was not enough for teaching.

We had a friend whom we called Uncle Shui Hon Sang. He studied the northern styles of Kung Fu. Bruce wanted to learn the most spectacular of them, for showing. We were ordered to come to classes at 7 o'clock. We started studying Lam ED (the basic direction of the Northern Style Kung Fu). But I had no very good relationship with the dog of the master of the tire, - I hated her, and she me. She buried me whenever I came. In the end, the loud barking dog and the early morning made me leave this business. Bruce was engaged in two months more than me and learned Gun Lick Kouen (1st form for training strength), Bun in Kouen (basic shape of the mantis), jits Kuen (ahead of his fist), all forms of the northern style.

Before a Hong Kong resident could go to another country, he had to go to the police station to get a special certificate, indicating that his biography was not replete with plots from the gangster past. When Bruce came to the certificate, it turned out that our names were in the black list of famous juvenile criminals. He called me and said: "Hawkins, we have big troubles, our names are in the famous gangster list. I'm going to go to the police to clear my name. While I will be there, I will make your name pure. " I was very grateful to him. But a few days later, the investigator came to my house and began to ask me about belonging to any gang. To such, gently, say, an unexpected result led Bruce attempts to help me.
My father had to pay money to this investigator so that my name was drawn out of this list. Otherwise, I could not go to College in Australia. I hated Bruce for what happened.

When he left, I spent it to the port. After many years, during which we were like brothers, we first parted. It happened for many years before our paths crossed again.
After the departure of Bruce from Hong Kong, I entered the college in Australia. But, no matter what, we continued to correspond with each other. Bruce wrote that he works at the Ruby Chow restaurant in Seattle, and in free time He teaches several pupils of Wine Chun, along with high kicks from the northern style of Kung Fu Uncle Shui. In the letters, he often said that he loves Win Chun and wishes to return to Hong Kong to improve his knowledge in this system.

He convinced me not to give up and continue to train. True, then I did not have the time to "throw" Wine Chun. The fact is that I arrived in Sydney, to Australia, in the late 50s. 14 years after World War II, Australia suffered a lot from Japanese occupation. I often had to fight, because people experienced a strong hostility to the Japanese, and the Chinese and the Japanese were for them on one face. I fought with people twice myself to survive. A lot of southeastern Asians studied in college, and sometimes racial stress and cultural differences gave rise to violence. Fights began without warning. I had trouble with several Thai boxers, they called themselves "prize fighters", because fought for prizes. I fought for my life. It was difficult to beat with Thais, it seemed that they had four hands. I wrote Bruce about the battle experience acquired by me, about what I learned how to apply Wine Chun against martial arts of different cultures. Bruce replied that if I had problems in Australia, so I came into the USA. He said that she would take care of me about me.
I returned to Hong Kong in 1964. Once, only I am going to cut out from a parking lot on the street, as suddenly, on the left side of the car I saw a man. I have not seen his face, but I thought that he was clearly nagging for trouble. Opening the car door, I got ready for a fight. Suddenly I recognized Bruce. My joy was not the limit, and only I am going to say hello, he slowed down: "Hawkins, stand, where you stand. I'll show you something now. " He walked a couple of steps back and rapidly attacked. I was surprised by the speed of his movements.

The second surprise was that Bruce's character did not change in no way. He still wanted to be above the dog, and everything still wanted to shift. If he liked you, he shared with you everything that he had in his soul. If not, then in this case it was very difficult to have a matter with him. He had a rare ability to lead the attention of the interlocutor to the side. Sometimes it was impossible to understand what he was thinking about. But when Bruce became very good, a nice guy, it caused some suspicions, or he wanted something from you, or he was thinking how to take over you. His character attracted people, but on the other hand he did not make a problem.
I was interested in Bruce, as he was able to learn such a rapid entrance. He said: "Listen, Hawkins, in the United States I did not have good partners to work out the technique of Wine Chun. You can say that I know Wine Chun better than some local, so-called masters. But in reality I could not advance further in the technique. But I had a lot of fights. My opponents were quick, but I had to be faster. They are strong, it means that I should be stronger ... There was no other way, because in the US I was a guy "Kung Fu". But since my knowledge of Wine Chun is limited, and my structure cannot resist the big opponents, I followed the principle: "The limit, as such does not exist."
For the first time I heard something similar from Bruce. This is what the Chinese are talking about the phrase "Bik Fu Tiu Cheng", which means a tiger-pressed tiger through the wall.

I realized that Bruce felt frustration in training on martial arts. But, despite the fact that he began to increasingly lean towards West Tip, he was proud that he was Chinese and did not want to mix Chinese kun-fu with the martial arts of other nationalities.
He continued: "I trained a lot to beat my opponents. Therefore, I returned to continue learning the style of Wine Chun. I hope to learn from the old man (IP MANA) work technique on a wooden mannequin. Maybe Sifa will leave me a 8-mm film that I can show my disciples in the USA. "
Bruce just shared with me what, perhaps, began his acting career. "By the way, he noted - I just concluded a contract with the film company XX century Fox on the creation of the film" Charlie Chan "(later he served as the beginning for the series" Green Horsen "). And now I'm going to go to the old man. " I knew when Bruce wants something to achieve something, he did not interfere with him, so he left.

A few days later, Bruce arranged demonstration performances in one of the popular talk shows on television. He did not even mention the wines of Chun, calling his art simply: "Gong-Fu". I realized that something happened between him and Ip Maine. I was known for the character of Bruce: if something very, it was very necessary, or he wanted to achieve perfection in something, no one could stop him, and if they tried, then Bruce climbing out of leather, but so that the planned was made. Then he returned, showed what he reached, trying to bring you into confusion.
I learned that the old man refused Bruce in the request to record a film about working on a wooden doll for him. The old man was faithful by Chinese traditions, and Bruce, on the contrary, began to think more in Western. He wanted to study everything in one night, but the old man insisted that he should train to get what he asked about.
Later, it became known to me that Bruce created his own methodology and called it jitsu kun.

In 1966, my friend and I witnessed the arrival of Japanese karate in Hong Kong. I felt some changes in myself during sparring with karate instructors. Their attacks were rapid and emotionally filled. They attacked just as quickly as they disappeared. They struck shocks at such a speed that when I put the pack of Pak Sao, they managed to return the hand, and I did not have the opportunity to create contact. When I tried to enter from the inside, they used a straight punch with the foot. But my defense was not on your teeth. They could not get me. True, when the moment of attack came, then I did not have the opportunity to get glasses. I was very upset with this type of sports fight. It was distinguished from the real fight, i.e. emphasized art, and not just courage and endurance.
I remembered that Bruce told me: "If the opponent is fast, you need to be even faster. If Silen - you have to be stronger. " Then I thought that the instructor karate was trained in years to develop speed and strength. I do what I said, as Bruce said, I would spend twicest more time to defeat them in the game by their rules. When I applied a straight blow to the wines of Chun, I understood that it was impossible to get my opponent, because I used the horse's rack, in which the body weight is at the back of the standing leg. Using the front carat rack, I could overtake my opponent, but he turned, and I lost my structure of Wine Chun. So, in front of me difficult questionWhat will happen if I try to throw my body forward to get my opponent. This may have worked against the one who works for one strike. But I always wondered what would happen if I would fight a man who knows Kun Fu, or just with a street fighter, and they will be able to withstand my best blow? Or, for example, my opponent began to enter at the moment when I was hoping to spend my best blow? Obviously, I would get into big trouble.
I wanted to keep the right position of the body, hands and legs on the Wine Chun. I reflected how to keep or stop a big opponent, without such a structure. The structure was as very important against people who use certain combinations in battle. And I asked myself, what happens if, with age, my speed and power will decrease? It meant that I will not have chances in old age!

BUSINE ADVANCE PATHE (JUIT BUT) is one of the principles of Chun. This method is limited. Bruce put ahead at the head of his method due to the circumstances, which he told me during his first arrival in Hong Kong. Even before his death, he told me that "Jeet Kune" means Pak Sao in Wine Chun, or stop the strike of the enemy before it reaches the goal. I asked him if he invented a new style? Bruce rigidly answered me: "No! It is only an impression in motion! It can be said that this is my impression from PAK SAO (approx. Auth. PAK SAO is one of the main movements of Wine Chun, and, depending on the circumstances, it can be both defensive and offensive). I did not betray Sif, I did not betray Chinese martial arts. I wanted to show another application of the Jeet Kune principle. I wanted to prove that I could stop their quick attacks. " I was a sign of Bruce. I knew that he wanted to prove to everyone who was engaged in Wine Chun around the world, that he was above the dog. Bruce has always changed his way to fight to prove to himself that he is the best. I never read his books, as well as books that others wrote about him, but I saw him in real battles, and in the actors. I realized that his martial art had two sides, one - real life, the other - movies. The speed and strength of Bruce scared his opponents and proved the principle that he called jits Kun before. What he demonstrated on the screen, spoke about his acting talent, these are showing movements leading to the delight of his fans. But I did not see the present jitsu kun before in his films.
I believe that people who knew Bruce personally could say that his films are clean and very modern. People who did not know Bruce, also attracted his films and philosophy.

I live in America for 12 years, and repeatedly seen his students and friends. They changed a lot in his method, because they did not know the essence, the true value is jitting Kun. Some of them are already taught jits Kun to as a style! They say that they are engaged in kun before, and create their own style, calling it "jitsu kun to such something."
As far as I remember, Bruce explained to me that he jits Kun is a method of stopping or interrupting the activity of the enemy. That is, he jitsu kun before - this is the "meeting" method of the enemy during his attack. The principle of interrupting attacks is used in all kinds of martial arts. If you do not want to get a blow, it is better to stop, or you will not drop the attack without running away and without jumping. Each style or person demonstrates ahead in its own way. Bruce showed it in his own version, in accordance with the aggressiveness of his character and the thirst for victory. Bruce style business card - activity at the entrance. Only Bruce could do it.

He changed his work method with hands not for you or for me. He became an expert in advance. Bruce constantly trained to prove what he spoke about jits Kun. He expected to bury the name "jitsu kun before" while was alive. Since he died, the disciples would have to support this Bruce promise. The question is whether they can prove that they can "Jeet Kune" to him or public?
It does not matter how Bruce's disciples changed his way. We just want to see the same or even better than Bruce Lee in action, but not in another style or method. If your results differ from Bruce's results, then you can not represent jitsu kun before. If you are engaged in kun before, you must try to become an expert in the advance attack. Do not humiliate the memory of Bruce, in your way. This is not his creation. As, seeing the technique you can identify people engaged in Wine Chun, also those who follow the way of Bruce, should be recognized on the principle. This is the principle of ahead of attack.
To understand Bruce and his martial art, you should take a look at his mother's art of Win Chun.
In the fifties, Wine Chun was a very popular system, thanks to his reputation arising from numerous fights with other kun-fu styles. Win Chun was known for its simplicity, orientation, economical movements and non-classical style.

Many people who come to training Wine Chun wanted to learn to fight. Bruce and I also began to engage in wine Chun, having heard about the combat reputation of this style. But the first feeling that you experience, starting to study the first form of Wine Chun - this is indignation. We asked: "Why do we need to teach it? How we studying it, can fight? " Everyone wanted to learn Siou Tao quickly, to quickly go to the exercise "sticky hands." But Dan Chi Sao (an exercise with one "sticky" hand) was also not very cheerful, so young students tried to slip it as quickly as possible. And when we finally studied double "sticky" hands, we felt excitement, and thought: "I can fight! I know Wine Chun! " We liked to imitate the elders. And if you managed to hit your partner, you were proud of themselves. "And I can beat him!", I was our first idea. So, everyone tried to defeat his partner first to be the best.

Everyone was also trying to "deviate" the elders so that they teach them new techniques, with the help of which it was possible to beat the one who you did not like or with whom you competed. So, students gathered in groups and organized competitions among themselves. And each group thought he could beat another. From my point of view, the policy of wine Chun began. With a weight, 45-47 kg, I was very difficult with those who are more than me. To beat your opponents, I tried to give up as many techniques as possible. If the enemy recognized your reception, then you had to look for a new one, but if he knew all your tricks, then, being a little guy, you got into great trouble. The old proverb says: "In one game, the same rules, one who is more, always wins. " This proverb belongs to any kind of physical sport.

Later, all the techniques became useless. During the advanced practice of "sticky" hands, I was always pushed, because of my limited physical strength. Many opponents were stronger than me and knew all my "things." I was very upset. If I tried to hit, they were nippless, they caught the moment and returned to me a blow. I realized that the "sticky" hands very different from the battle at the distance. At the distance, the lightweight can move faster than heavyweight. My problem was that I studied Wine Chun, and not the battle system on the far distance.
When I practiced Chi Sao with big senior students, they always pushed me out. Everyone who studied wine Chun tried to prove that he is better than others. Many of them were concentrated on the attacking side of the "sticky" hands. They tried to learn how to quickly hit their opponent. Practice turned into a sports-sensitive game, and who was physically stronger, he won. Egoism intensified, and everyone tried to be the best. There is a proverb in Wine Chun: "Do not talk about older and younger. Who learned the first, that senior. " This means that we have no older, since we are better than them. We say that we have no older, just because we strive to become better than them and better founder of Wine Chun. If you look at your art from this point of view, you certainly prove that you are the best.
This period was very difficult for me. I thought about leaving the wines of Chun several times, until finally, did not come to the old man (Grandmaster IP Mane). He always told me: "Relax! Relax! Do not fall into the excitement! ". But when I worked with Chi Sao, it was difficult for me to relax, especially if I got a blow. I was very angry and wanted to kill my partner. The game "sticky" hand became a fight, where it was delivered to both sides. The difference was only the one who would get more. And since I was less, I always got a lot of blows.

I saw how the "sticky" hands of IP Meng. He was very relaxed and spoke with his partner. Sometimes he pushed the partner without hitting it. When I worked "sticky" hands with IP Maine, I always felt that my balance controls him. And when I tried to hit him, I immediately deprived the equilibrium, feeling my legs torn off from the ground. Applying strikes, I felt my hands fly by. It seemed to me that Ip Maine used my power to strike me. His movements were so easy, which seemed he did nothing, he would not even make his hand. When I discarded me, it was very gently, not sharp, but I could not see his technique. When I asked him, as he did it, he just said: "That's it!". And showed the movement of the hands, which was exactly in exactly, as in practice. I watched Ip Maine did the same with other students, and with the younger, and with the elders. He never beat his disciples, but put them in a ridiculous pose, causing this spectacle to laughter from others. He was a very cheerful old man. I have never seen that Ip Maine retreat with Chi Sao. I thought about myself: "This elderly man is my size and weight, as he manages so easily controlling his students!". Every time he played in Chi Sao with his disciples, I watched his excellent Wine Chun. Whenever he took a step forward, his opponent was always rejected back. Ip Maine never showed fatal techniques, no matter how big his student was. The disciples tried to confuse his hands, and Ip Maine smiled, and clearly controlled movement.

I lost hope, so I asked Sifu what I do next. He told me: "Why do you want to be the same as the rest all the time? You know that it does not work, why not change? Do more form, and forget about the time about Chi Sao. Do form slowly. " I was confused, I wanted to learn how to fight Win Chun. I wanted new ways and new techniques. And after so many years, the Council of IP Maine was only a few words! I confused, but I still could not argue with him. Before me got a choice, or throw everything or do, as he said. So, I reviewed all the forms with him, and adjusted them in private lessons. I slowly worked with him "sticky" hands. He only coached me and led my hands like a nanny. In this manner, I studied the soft, defensive side of Wine Chun.
Who could know the high art of IP MANA. He could neutralize the power of the enemy or interrupt his movement, so that it never reaches the goal.

Similar to a large car faced with a small one. It can be assumed that the driver of a small car is not a lot of chances. It must turn off his engine or the first to interrupt the engine operation of a large car. Of course, a big car can drive in a small and crush it, but it depends on how much a car, and what the driver has it.
When IP Meng met with a big opponent, his skill was so great that he could stop the "engine" of the enemy, or not even give it to "start." When you are old, you have to use this way to survive. I was forced to explore this method, because there was a small growth. I have to be faster than the beginning of the movement of the fist or even the elbow of my opponent. I had to learn how to see the signals of his body or the intention to attack. It does not matter to the nearly the battle or battle at the distance, I needed to stop his "engine" or interrupt his desire to attack. For Bruce, there was no need to study this high level of wine Chun, because according to Hong Kong standards he was a large car.

Each man in Win Chun has its own point of view or politics. Politics begins when everyone talks about the "best" method of entry and attacks. "The best entrance" or "best attack" is just a product that chooses and buys the consumer of wine Chun. For a person's Wine Practitioner, every attack is recognized by the "Holding Hand". I will ask you the first question: if you are attacked, and you decide the problem before it originated, whether there will be a policy? Politics arises where everything is divided into parts, so I say: there is no technique in high level wines. Who can realize the art of IP MANA? My training brothers were respected by IP Ming for the fact that he never hurt him, as well as for the fact that they did not have enough ability to harm him. In the 50s, the art of IP MANE was a riding sensitivity, he could immediately read the intentions of the enemy.
Wine Chun - more mental, rather than physical martial art. The system was created by a woman and therefore requires a mental strategy, physical skill and sense of time. Wine Chun requires mental to be ahead of physical. This system is designed to develop skills, not style. I am not the best, but I know my place in this art.

A good practice of Wine Chun will constantly work with Chi Sao. Chi SAO makes it possible to learn the person with whom you practice, its character, shortcomings and advantages. You can look at the body of the fighter and determine who he is boxer, kickboxer or wrestler, in his movements and muscular structure. His behavior also talks about what fighter you met. Of course it is not 100 percent. Before making rates on jumps, an experienced player will try to collect as much information about the horse.
He will look at her, will see its statistics and will take an intellectual decision. You must learn to reduce the risk to a minimum. This is what teaches Chi Sao.

When you practice Chi Sao, you should not attack first, but on the contrary try to collect as much information about your opponent. Many practices wines Chun instead of learn their opponent better, immediately try to hit. But remember when you attack the first, you give the opponent information about yourself. Sun Tzu advised: "Know yourself, know your enemy - in 100 battles, 100 victories." Wine Chun's forms are designed to know themselves, the CAO helps to recognize others.

Bruce has changed its methods when he arrived in the United States. Undoubtedly, time and experience cause changes, but she also helped him Chun, pointing in what direction to move. Just like the other my training brothers express Wine Chun in their own way, Bruce created the method of teaching his version of Wine Chun in the United States. He used the "offensive" side of Win Chun. He said that perhaps he saw the "restrictions of wine Chun", but the truth was that with Win Chun was all right. Win Chun is not a style, this is a system of preparation for battle. Win Chun gives you information that allows you to always be one step ahead of your opponent. Wine Chun is no better than other martial arts systems, but it gives some unique advantages to those who practice it. No matter what style or martial arts system to defeat your opponent, you need to apply your "tools". I can fight using Win Chun tools. But I express my own style of Hawkins Chung, based on my experience.

Each combat art, should have his own style, not the style of his master.
When I teach my students, I train them to find your own way suitable for their nature. Some disciples are very emotional, and at the beginning I can't make them relax, so I teach them offensive, the aggressive side of Wine Chun.
When their attacks get better, they feel that they cannot go further, upset and automatically come to me and ask how they cope with this guy or other. It means that they really want to learn. I explain to them that they should relax and pay attention to the defensive side of Win Chun.

The day comes when the feelings of their hands and bodies become reflex, and then I let students go on their way further and independently find the highest level. If they continue to ask questions, it means they have not developed enough to feel this moment. They still need my help, and I will do everything to help them.

Wine Chun is very simple in learning. It has only three forms, a shape with a mannequin, six 6.5 points and butterfly knives. All this is very easy to teach. The question is whether you checked all this? Can you practice your skill in practice? Do you remember who they fought, and how much fought? Each martial arts style is based on protection, so use what is useful and discard all unnecessary to you. You must find a useful yourself, it can be absolutely useless for others. But you must independently, according to the circumstances, be able to change the order of the use of tools of Wine Chun.
According to my principle of wine Chun, I prefer that the enemy attacked first. I will start choosing time to enter the beginning of an opponent's attack. In my experience, this movement is a trap. When you approach me not directly, you should have a reason.
First I define your intentions. I'm just calmly waiting. My mind becomes a "referee." Waiting is better than change. I listen to my own music or the rhythm of your body. For me, everything does not matter, my emotions are not involved in battle. The biggest question is - when to start?

Of course, in order to learn how time is required.
Many of the students of Bruce studied the system taught by them called "Modified Wine Chun". But the term "modified" Bruce Lee is equal to the terms of wine Chun - "feeling" and "sensitivity". The "feeling" of Win Chun allows modifications. This is a change for the sake of survival. There is no such thing as "modified Wine Chun", each good practice of Wine Chun changes the system for itself, based on the feeling. When Bruce borrowed "tools" from other

Jits kun-to

Jits Kun-up - is a method of effective self-defense, developed by the Master of Oriental Martial Arts and World-known Film Actor Bruce Lee.

In jit Kun-to Bruce Lee included the most effective techniques of various directions of martial arts, such as Wine Chun, Taijituan, Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, English Boxing, and the Philippine Martial Art - Bicolano, which is an advanced style of Chinese kung fu .

The technique jits Kun-up to the most unobed in such a way as to simplify the transition from one reception to the other.

For example, used in jit kun-before receiving wine Chun lost the classic "solid" protective racks, while the basic sequences of attacking and counterattaking strikes are preserved, which in the style of Bruce Lee are performed in the dynamics, at minimum effort and with a simplification of shock technology, blocks and interceptions.

In addition, he jits Kun-before included his own philosophy, the essence of which can be expressed in principle " survives the most adapted".

The force is jit-to-before, according to the creator of the style lies in confidence, honed skills and accurate calculation,allowing without empty movements and costs of excess energy achieve goal.

Bruce Li believed that Jitsu kun before - the path of the fist, It is "Style without style", which is based on ideas and principles of Dao, Zen-Buddhism and the teachings of Krishnamurti.

Bruce Lee said that he jitsu kun before The path leading to the heart of the subject.

Jits Kun before - the path of self-knowledge and self-realization through an understanding of themselves, the surrounding world, through the awareness of the ancient Taoist principles and their use in practice.

Bruce Li believed that:

"you truly begin to understand yourself only when you try to go your own way!"

Kung Fu Bruce Lee

Understand the essence of Bruce-created Li Style, you can only understand the essence of the foundation of this style, which is undoubtedly kung fu.

According to Bruce Lee - Kung Fu can not be viewed as a set of exercise, Kung Fu is a specific art of brain expression through the implementation of certain techniques.

To understand the essence of Kung Fu is impossible to study the combat technique as a scientific discipline by receiving facts and their analysis.

Understand the principle of kungfu can only be spontaneously At the time of insight, which arises in the mind liberated from emotions and desires.

Taoist philosophers and masters Kung Fu call this phenomenon " Dao spontaneity", through which the essence of all things and phenomena occurring in the universe is manifested.

Basic principle Kung Fu " Principle of softness", allowing neutralizing the enemy's efforts with the minimum cost of its own energy, opened Bruce only after several years of persistent workouts, which Bruce writes in his book" Path of the fist ":

Remembering the words of the Great Teacher - Grand Masters IP Mana On relaxation, calmness, need to forget about yourself and follow the movements of the enemy, so as to afford without hesitation and doubts to produce all the counterattacking movements, Bruce realized that the basis of an effective fight is the art of relaxation in any battle phase.

IP man said that:

only following the natural go of things and not interfere with it, you can save yourself.

It is impossible to oppose itself the natural course of events, it is impossible to meet the problems "forehead in the forehead", and should be taken under control, moving in contact with them.

The basis of the principle is jit-before, the understanding of Bruce and the expression in practice is that to obtain control over their actions, it is necessary to first learn to follow their nature, and not oppose her.

Kung Fu techniques are so perfect that human life is not enough to understand them, especially more to master and apply in practice.

But there is another way, and he is to penetrate the inner spirit of martial art, take it into his heart, so that it becomes part of you, and you are part of it and then the technique will become apparent and natural.

But this path is available only if the mind is in full harmony with the outside world.

Be how water ...

In his book "Path of the fist" Bruce Lee describes how he opened the essence of Kung Fuwho has become subsequently the basis is jit kun before:

After long and exhausting workouts and meditations, Bruce went to the sea, there he again remembered his workouts and he was overwhelmed by the feeling of dissatisfaction, which brought him out of his own and from all his mood on the water.

There was no damage to water. Then I hit again, squeezed the water with my fingers, washing to grab it, keep it in a compressed fist, but it was an impracticable task. At that moment, according to Bruce himself, he understood the essence of Kung Fu.

Water is the basis of all things on Earth. Water is the most soft substance that can fill any form, while water can pass through the hardest substance in the world.

"You need to be as water!"

At the time of this revelation, a bird flew over Bruce's head, throwing the shadow on the water.

And at that moment Bruce visited another insight -

"the emotions and the thoughts of my opponent should sweat in my mind, as a reflection of birds on the water"

It was then, according to Bruce himself, he realized that he had in mind his great teacher IP Mans, saying: " do not try to control your actions, learn to follow our nature, and not oppose her".

At that moment, as Bruce himself said, he i felt unity with DaoAnd at the same time with its nature.

At that moment I felt state of spiritual harmony "The state in which everything that previously aroused the confrontation reunited with him, and there was no longer a place for conflict in his mind, the whole world became native.

The base is jit kun-to

The essence of the movements is jits Kun-to Bruce Li called " fluid continuity".

Each movement as soon as it ends - smoothly goes into another, which is the basis of the fact that the movements are perceived as faster compared to the movements of other types of martial arts.

This is especially important when interacting with the enemy, when one should not interrupt or resist the flow of enemy movements, it is not necessary to stop its strength.

Instead of this it is necessary to follow the enemy,directing and complementing his movements, thereby simply help him to destroy himself.

Another important aspect of practice jits Kun-to, especially at the highest stages of training, is imagination connection or, as said Masters Kung Fu antiquity - "Movement of the Spirit" with each physical movement that allows you to bring almost to perfection each acceptance.

Training jits kun-to

The basis of the training process, according to Bruce Lee, is bringing a person in readiness for intense nervous and muscle loadsin the way that make the whole organism to work harmoniously.

The minimum daily Bruce training program consisted of the following exercises:

1. Stretching exercises (alternated twine).

2. Push ups in the stop.

3. Running on the spot.

4. Rotation of shoulders.

5. High kicks.

b. Deep knee bends.

7. Side shocks feet.

8. Turns in squats - straightenings.

9. The bends and rotation of the lower back.

10. Holding feet on weight and mahu.

11. Tilt forward.

The basis of the technique jits Kun-to Bruce Lee called coordination, accuracy, power, endurance and equilibrium.


Training coordination in jit kun-up is not just muscle training. The development of coordination is a practice involving the process of forming connections in the nervous system. In this case, each performed action enhances the established links and makes the following execution easier and more prepared.


The development of accuracy is based on improving control over the movements of its body. Ultimately, these movements should be performed with a minimum application of force and voltage, with the continued achievement of the desired result.

For the development of accuracy, the implementation of a significant amount of exercises performed with maximum accuracy, and only after complete development and grinding of the reception - should be added to it and speed.


An increase in power contributes to the clarity of the strikes, which should go from the body, in which there must be sufficiently stability to maintain balance during action. At the same time, a powerful fighter, according to Bruce, is not a strong fighter, but the one who can show its power quickly.

Power is power multiplied by speed. To increase the power, it is invariably needed to learn to make quick movements, connecting into a single whole of all individual movements, sending nerve impulses to working muscles, while simultaneously decreasing pulses aimed at antagonist muscles.


The development of endurance is achieved by severe and long exercises exceeding a normal physiological state, while significant loads should be superimposed on the respiratory and muscular system.

According to Bruce, the best form of raising endurance is participation in battles, and it is impossible to reduce the significance of other forms of endurance training, such as running and fighting with shadow.


The secret of equilibrium, according to Bruce, is to maintain the right position of the body, the basis of which is the right rack.

It is necessary to keep legs right under the torso, on average, the distance from each other, the weight should be either distributed evenly on both legs, or (as in English boxing) is slightly served on the lead.

This position allows you to achieve relaxation, speed and ease in motion, as well as, if necessary, colossal power.

When choosing a position in the rack, follow the following rules:

1. Reduce the center of gravity.

2. Hold the database on the width of the shoulders.

3. To keep the weight on the pads of the legs.

4. Knee hold slightly bent, even during running. The center of gravity should be moved by light and fast movements.

Harmonious body and spirit interaction

The most important element jits Kun-to Bruce Li considered the harmonious interaction of the body and spirit, to achieve which the Master recommended adhere to the following rules:

Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940, San Francisco - July 20, 1973, Hong Kong) - Master of Oriental Martial Arts, American and Hong Kong film actor, as well as film director, producer and screenwriter.

To be filmed in the cinema began since childhood, just starred in 36 films. Low growth and not possessing athletism from nature, subsequently managed to achieve an extraordinary speed of movements and develop phenomenal coordination, began to own his body perfectly.

It was he who popularized the eastern martial arts in Western countries in the second half of the 20th century. He became a legend in the field of martial arts and caused many imitators in the cinema and on television. About 30 films were shot about 30 films about the life and work of Bruce Lee, which claims an absolute record.

Books (7)

Bruce School Li. Book 1. Self defense

Bruce School Li. Book 2. Main training course

Bruce Lee began teaching martial arts with wines chun. Maybe because in his workouts he almost reached fanaticism, he was able to turn into a philosopher, the masters of his business and an innovator. Lee developed his concept of martial arts, jitsu kun before, or `the path of the fist`.

In this book of the series, prepared by his friend and Pupil M.Uekarea, photos from Li personal album are used.

Bruce School Li. Book 3. Improving Technology

Bruce Lee began teaching martial arts with wines chun. Maybe because in his workouts he almost reached fanaticism, he was able to turn into a philosopher, the masters of his business and an innovator. Lee developed his concept of martial arts, jitsu kun before, or `the path of the fist`.

In this book of the series, prepared by his friend and Pupil M.Uekarea, photos from Li personal album are used.

Bruce School Li. Book 4. Mastering techniques for the master

Bruce Lee began teaching martial arts with wines chun. Maybe because in his workouts he almost reached fanaticism, he was able to turn into a philosopher, the masters of his business and an innovator. Lee developed his concept of martial arts, jitsu kun before, or `the path of the fist`.

In this book of the series, prepared by his friend and Pupil M.Uekarea, photos from Li personal album are used.

Methods of struggle. High appliances

This manual is not related to the method of training of a certain type of struggle, although Bruce Lee created his style kung fu, which was called Jeet Kune Do. Exercises that are described in it are useful for any athlete, but especially for those who are engaged in oriental martial arts.

Although this guide cannot replace the present, living teacher and give you the art that Bruce Lee owned, but it will help you improve and increase your art of struggle.

The path of the fist

This book is the most complete collection of the creative heritage of the legendary master of martial arts Bruce Lee. Created by him - Jits Kun before, the path of the fist, Bruce himself called - style without style. He imagined all the best different species and martial arts styles.

The book went out in general circulation over 750,000 copies in 9 languages, 50 campaigns came out in the USA! It is addressed to all fans of martial arts seeking real progress.

Readers comments

arthur / 11.11.2018 Bruce Lee Legend on Sea time I will come together on his method

Mongol / 02.23.2018 Unsurpassed athlete to this day!

nick / 12.09.2017 In China, he is respected as an actor who did not do a little to that

Edward / 07/18 / 18.2017 Bruce Lee developed his system and called it jits Kun before, H always worked for the defendant of the enemy, and caused short blows, it is called it in physics with reactive strength, the stall and movement in the rack "took off" with fucked.

Victor / 15.04.2017 Bruce Whether this person who does not need any praise, he respect for himself proved to the world and no matter what kind of religion is the main thing that he was great

Alex / 03/30/2017 Guys, speaking about the "Philosophy of Bruce Lee", we are talking about the philosophy of D. Krishnamurti. His beloved thinker. But the skill of Bruce, it is certainly super!

Bugmen. / 03/23/2017 who was interested in the biography of IP Mana, he knows that the master gave clikuhi to his students. This I received this from IP mana clikuhu "Justle", so I have nothing to say about him, for IP mans all and so he said about him.

Igor / 9.03.2017 Dagestan, Google - Dim Mak .. Island of deferred death .. Death can come in 2 weeks, and maybe in the morning. Depending on which task is set - so applied and hit .. One missed blow from the monk could well cost him his life .. Even if a person just does Wushu - he could have a blow to impartantly .. Chance meager, but he is ..

Igor / 9.03.2017 Edilkhanov Musa.Gord is a legend and it is not necessary to prove very sorry that he is not a Muslim
Only Muslim is capable of bringing his religion everywhere .. nothing to think more people ..

kashing77. / 6.03.2017 Bruce was a good athlete. All can be considered to be a Wu-Shu Master! His films were very different that time, he showed realism U-Shu. It is actually applicable to practice. And he was not afraid to go to the ring who threw him a challenge. It's speed and strength awesome. Even memory him!

san / 8.04.2016 King Kung Fu and all combat arts

/ 02.26.2016 Edilkhanov Musa.Gost is a legend and it is not necessary to prove very sorry that he is not a Muslim