Horovodal games in winter in the middle group. Card Sound Games and Horovodov

Horovodnaya Games sincecrall loved in Russia. Without them, no holiday did without them. Despite the external simplicity, the dance value is difficult to overestimate. They develop a sense of rhythm and musical hearing, contribute to the improvement of motor skills, facilitate the process of adaptation: there are children to each other, they liberate them.

1. Cuckoo

Children stand in a circle.
In the center driven with closed eyes.
Children go in a circle and sing:

To us cuckoo in the garden
Flew and sings
You do not yaw cuckoo
Who is gone to guess "

The teacher indicates any in a circle.
The child leaves "Ku-ku".
The leading must guess vote.

2. Zainka-Gornostainanka

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. Speed \u200b\u200bto read "Zainka"
Children walk in a circle. Suggesting words:

Zainika Gornostainka
Nochda Zainki pop up
Circle High Fences
And Zainy's legs are short
Well-ka bunny with scough,
Turn sideway sideways
Well, bunny turn
Who wants, worship.

With the end of the singing bunny chooses a new leading.

3. "Vegetables"

Children walk in a circle holding hands.
In the center of the circle, driven by blindfolded.

All sing:
Like that evening in bed
Rope beets, radish, bow
Play decided in hide and seek
But first got into a circle

Stop, consider bending fingers
Driving spins.

Calculated clearly immediately
One, two, three, four, five,
Hide better
Hide deeper.
Well, you go to look.

Children are squatting, leading goes to search.
Trying to find and on the touch to guess who caught.

4. "lakes"

Children go in a circle and sing. In the center of the leading "lamb"

You lamb seria
You are white las
We fed you,
We were drove you
You do not bod us,
Play with us
Rather catch up.

With the end of singing, children scatter. Bashek catches. Who caught, he fulfills the role of a lamb.

5. "Astriction cap"

Before the start of the game, a stork and a child with a stork hat are selected.

Children become in a circle, holding hands. In the center Circle Stork. His hands are folded behind his palms together.

Children go in a circle, the stork is going through the circle inside the circle, highly raising his legs. He is looking for a hat and sings:

Stork: I walked over the speech
Here I lost the cap
New hat
Warm cap
Red hat.

Children go in a circle.
The child holds the cap in his hands, goes with a controversy and sings:

Child: I came to the river
Here I found a hat
New hat
Warm cap
Red hat.

With the end of the song all stop.

Child: Try dogon
His cap is one.

Children raise the connected arms, forming a knot, through which aist and child run. The stork catches up, puts on a hat and dances a pair inside the circle. The stork stays in a circle, the child with the cap is chosen another.

If the stork does not catch, then leading becomes a stork. Stork becomes in a circle. The game is repeated.

6. "Game with a bell"

Music sounds.
Children stand in a circle, holding hands.
In the center of the circle, a child with a bell.
With the beginning of singing go in the opposite.

Child sings with a bell:
With a bell go
I look at the guys
Golden bell
Who will dance go with me?

At the end of the song, a child with a bell
Chooses who will be dancing with.
Two children are dancing for any dance music.
The chosen child becomes the lead.

7. "Starry"

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the star.

Children go in a circle to the right and sing:
In the sky, the stars blink
Stars want to play
Star says stars
One, two, three, four, five!

Chorus: (go in a circle, go back.)
Starrot, starvature,
Play-ka with us!
What do you show us
Guess yourself.

Children guess what he did the starvature.

Option 2:

We allowed star
Let it consider us in a row
In our kindergarten as in the sky
Many stars -cakes.

Bows which of you
What am I doing now?

Whoever rents, which makes the star. It becomes an asteristic.

8. "Stork and frogs"

Children stand in a circle, holding hands.
In the center of the stork circle.
Children walk in a circle sing
Stork walks, high raising legs
And makes up with hands- "wings"

Stork went hunting
Walks, walks on the swamp.

I really want to eat frog,
I really want to swallow a frog!

Frogs jump
Stork stands on one leg and waves wings.

Frogs sing:
Kvaock, kvaock, kva-kva-kva.

With the end of music, the frogs jump from Aist, and he catches them.
Who caught, then becomes a stork.

9. "Burners"

Children, holding hands, go in a circle.
In the center of the circle it is worthwhile.
There may be a hare mask on the head.
As soon as the guys graduate, all standing in a circle run.
With the end of music, all players must find a couple.
He who did not find himself a pair becomes leading.

Oblique, oblique,
Don't go barely
And walk the obht
If you wish,
Wolves hare will not find
Do not find you a bear.
Come out, you burn!

10. "Merry guys"

On the two opposite sides of the site drawn lines, and on the side - several circles. This is a water house. Playing gather behind the line on one side of the site and the choir gone:

We, funny guys
Love to run and ride.
Well, try to catch us!
Once, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch!" All run on the opposite side of the site. The leading should catch any of the running before he crosses the second line. Caught becomes in a circle - a house of water. Then children again read poems and move the platform in the opposite direction.

After 2-3 attempts count how many children are caught, choose a new leading and the game continues.

11. "Cosmonauts"

Holding hands, children go in a circle and sing:

Waiting for us quick rockets
For walks on the planets.
What want,
For such a fly!
But in the game one secret:
There is no place for you!

As soon as the last word is said, everyone runs on "Rocketromes" and try to raise places in any of the pre-drawn missiles. Inside each rocket is indicated up to 5 circles. This is a place for the participant. But the circles in rockets are less than participants. Lailed to the rocket, come out of the game.

The number of missiles is reduced. The game starts first.

12. "Zarya-charge"

Children get up in a circle, hands hold his back, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Red maiden
On the field went,
Keys dropped,
Gold keys,
Blue ribbons,
Rings wounded -

With the last words, driven carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they are both running in different directions in a circle. The one who will stay without a place becomes gouring.

The game is repeated.

Runners should not cross the circle. Playing do not turn until the lead chooses who put on the shoulder ribbon

13. "Carousel"

Playing become in a circle. On the ground there is a rope forming the ring (the ends of the rope are connected). The guys raise her from the ground and, holding her right (or left) hand for her, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely barely
Completed carousel, and then around
And then around-round,
All run-run-run.

Children move at first slowly, and after the words "run" run. By team leading "turn!" They quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Quieter, quieter, do not hurry!
Carousel stop.
Times and two times and two
That ended the game!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and ceases with the last words. Playing put the rope on the ground and run up on the site.

14. "Western"

Playing form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, and external - in the other side.

External circle - monkeys sing:
We are funny monkeys
We are jumping, kudcump
We are not sitting on site
And we eat bananas.

Inner circle - Tigers sing:
And we are tigers -not funny
We are hungry and evil
Spot the song again
We will catch you now.

At the leader's signal, both circles stop. Standing in the inner circle raise hands, forming a gate. Merry music sounds, monkeys are running into a circle, passing under the goal, they will run out of it. Music stops, and the inner circle players sharply lower hands down. Players who were inside the circle are considered to be in the west. They join the inner circle standing in the inner circle and take hands. After that, the game is repeated.

15. "Bunny"

Children become in a circle, holding hands. In the center of the circle there is a sad bunny. Children sing:

Bunny, bunny! What's the matter?
You sit very patient.
You get up, get up, download!
Here I get a carrot! (2 times)
Get and babies!

All children are suitable for a bunny and give him an imaginary carrot. Bunny takes a carrot, is done cheerful and begins to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is selected.

16. "Ozerechik"

The teacher chooses the mesh, who sits in the center of the circle. Children along with the teacher go in a circle and sing:

Okuchechik, Okuchechik,
You are just like a little man.
We fed you,
We were drove you
Put on his feet (fit to the creek and raise it)
Dance forced.
Dance how much you want,
Choose whom you want.

Okuchechik dancing, children clap their hands. After dance, the cucumber chooses another child on his place, and the game continues.

17. "Chicken and Chickens"

Children under the guidance of the teacher at one end of the game room arrange chairs. The number of chairs must correspond to the number of participants of the game. Choose a driving-cat. The teacher acts as Mom Chicken. The remaining participants are her children-chickens.

Mama chicken offers all his chickens to take hands. Together they go in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Chicken-horses came out,
With her yelling chickens,
Quachitch Chicken: Ko-Co
Do not go far.

Chicken and chickens are gradually approaching a cat sitting on a separate stool.

On the bench at the track
Melted a cat dorm.
Cat eye opens
And the chickens catch up.

After these words, the chickens are running out, trying each to occupy his chair. Mama chicken is worried about them, waving his hands-wings. Caught chicken becomes a cat. The game is renewed first.

18. "Snowball"

Words are repeated several times with acceleration of tempo.

We looked a snowball (We go round a circle)
I go beyond him with a chamber

Whom became more and more rolled faster

(accelerate in speech and in movements)

Whom became more and more rolled faster

(still accelerating)

I got into the gate! Buck! Oblocked!

(neatly fall)

From the snowdrift, we get out

And clothing with ditch.

19. "Yasha"

Yasha sits in the middle of the meadow.
There is a dance around him, delivering:

"Sidi, Sidi, Yasha, in Rakitov Kush
Gryzi, hernia, Yasha, ripe nuts.
Catch yourself Yasha who you need. "

Yasha rushes after anyone.

Caught becomes Jasha.

20. "Rewrites"

In the middle of the circle sits "Mac".

Horror sings:

- ah on the mountain poppy, poppy,
Under the pea Bel!
Oh, you make poppies,
Gold heads!
Get in a row
Ask those about poppy.

Players stop and ask "Poppy":

- Did Mac sowed?

Horizhodnik answers:

- Only the land plowed.

Repeated chorus. Players are asked consistently: "Did Mac sowed?

- "sowed"
- "Lee bloomed?"
- "Bloom"
- "Was the poppy?"
- "Saw",
- "Decorate."

Everyone rushes to the choir and shake him if he did not have time to escape. If the heroland managed to hit anyone three times, he becomes a temper.

21. "Oats"

Everyone becomes a circle and sing:

"Who wants to know how to sow oats
My father sowed so ...

Show the movements of the hands forward:

"Then he rested like this ...

Get the hands of the cross-cross.

Then turn in the dance, delivering:

- OVES, OVES, Give God, so that you grow!

New verse:

- Who wants to know how to zoom?
- My father gave him so (Show)
- then he was resting like this (shows)

After the chorus depicts how they knit, as it is prayed (with a sharpener, each pounding of your neighbor).

22. Kabestka

Children, take hands, forming a long strip.

They go slowly and smoothly, slowly sing:

Weighting my kale my
Beeisa Belaya
How to melt kapbug
How I do not fall in winter!

The leader of the strings spends the dance through a peculiar "gate" - raised up the closed hands, which keep the last participants in the Renice.

When all the players pass through the "gate", the very latter turns and "curls the cabbage", that is, he throws a hand over his shoulder, which he holds for his friend.

Then the dance passes through the second gate, the third and so on until they "become" all playing.

After this action, the last standing member in the Renice remains standing still, and the whole dance "worsen" around him, gradually ribbing and encompassing in the ring is increasingly and denser until it turns out a kind of "cabbage forks".

Then the cabbage is already beginning to "evolve" until it comes again in its original initial position.

The game is all the time accompanied by singing.

23. Zainka

"Zainka" shows how he washes the handles. The same movements repeat all the players:
Playing become in a circle, holding hands, sing:

Zainka, go out in a circle,
Serious, go out in a circle,
Most, soon, go out in a circle,
Early, soon come out in a circle!

One of the players, pre-selected by the "Zaine", comes to the middle of the circle. Playing continue to sing:

Zainka, you walk,
Serious, you walk,
There, here you walk,
There and here you walk!

"Zainka" is taking care of one, then in the other direction, and the playing claws in your hands:

Zainka, mind handles,
Serious, mind handles,
Levu, right, mind handles,
Lev, right, mind handles!
Zainka, mind lyrco,
On top of the bottom of the mind of the mind,
Top DONAZUE Quality Lico!

Zainka shows how he was washing, the rest of the players repeat his gestures.

Zainka, tent fur,
Serious, nice shatter.
Rear, come from the front of the fur,
Rear, come back in front!

"Zainka" spends hands on clothes, worst it, cleans. All players repeat:

Zainka, tested
Serious, tested.
Yes better tested
Yes, better tested!

"Zainka" shows how it is combed. Playing repeat:

Zainka, under the barrel,
Serious, under the barrel.
Dancing, dancing the Cossack,
Pleaches, dancing the Cossack!

Zainka dancing, the rest of the players also dance. After the words "dance, the Cossack dances" are missing, "Zainka" catches them. Caught becomes Zaine.

24. "Spider"

Choose a leading, which sits down in the center of the circle.

The rest of the players go around him, holding hands, and sing:

Spider, spider,
Thin legs
Red boots.
We were drove you
We fed you,
Put on his feet
Dance forced.

After these words, everyone runs to the center, lifting the water, put it on their feet and form a circle again.

Flap in your hands, sing:

Dance forced.

Driving begins to spin with eyes closed.

All sing:

Dance, dance, how much do you want,
Choose whom you want!


Goals and objectives - develop coordination, orientation in space, develop the coordination of words with movements, work on the tempo and speech rhythm; enrich the motor experience of children; raise a desire to move expressively; Be careful in movements and movements.

Promote development gaming activities, Perform actions in a specific sequence.

To form the ability to comply with individual elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and with peers; To form the ability to emotionally - to react to requests and the demands of the adult, on the need to regulate their behavior; Forming the ability to maintain speech communication

"Large and small legs" Grasp your hands and go in a circle, slowly, loudly drowning my legs, then accelerating the move and often dealt with legs.
Big feet
Walked along the road
Top Top Top Top
Little legs
Ran along the track
Top top top top top
Top top top top top

"We go through the forest"

Help your arms and go in a circle:We go through the forest
I will find animals.
The hare loudly call:
Nobody responds,
Only echo speaks
Quiet: "AU-AU-AU!"

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: "Wolf loudly calling", "We are a bear call", "we are a cognte"."On a roving track"
On a roving track,
On a roving track
Our legs are walking,
Our legs are walking.
On stumps, on bumps,
on pebbles,
By pebbles, in the pit - boo!
On the last line sway.

"Bunny walked"

Grasp your hands forming a circle. Go in a circle, sentencing words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,
I found a carrot
I sat down, I went on and then went.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Kabestka found
I sat down, I went on and then went.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found potatoes,
I sat down, I went on and then went.

In the words "sat down" - stop and squat.

"Find out, bubble!"

Together with the educator, children become a close circle and begin to "inflate a bubble": tilting down the heads down, the kids are blowing in the cams, compiled by one under another, as in a dull. At the same time, they straighten up and gain air, and then lean again, blow air into their tube and pronounce the "F-F-F-F" sound. These actions are repeated 2-3 times. With each inflating, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble increased a little. Then everyone is taken by arms and gradually expand the circle, moving and pronouncing the following words:

Blow, bubble, blow big,

Stay so, and do not be sway !!!

It turns out a large stretched circle.

He flew, flew, flew.

And behind the twig, it hurt! (children run in a circle)

"I burst the bubble!" all clap into your hands, say the word"Claw!" and run away in a bunch.

"Water bees dance"
Perform appropriate movements.Water bees dance -
Broome, Broome.
In the drum hit the cat -
Trum, trum.
Steel mice dance -
So, we started trembling all the earth.


We go, go round
Before all honest people.
Sat down
Stood up
Showed yourself.

Jammed jump
In the palm, we patted.


Like under a slide snow, snow,

And on the hill snow, snow,

And under the Christmas tree snow, snow,

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow,

And under the snow is sleeping bear.

Hush hush,

Keep quiet!


Children stand in a circle. The bear is selected. He sits on a chair in the middle of the circle and "falls asleep." On the 1st and 3rd lines, children go to the middle of the circle (4 steps), on the 2nd 4 rows go back, from the center (4 steps), on the 5th line, carefully approach sleeping bear. The last two rows pronounce any of the children appointed by the teacher. The bear must learn this child by voice. The game is repeated with a new child.

"Smooth circle"

Children, holding hands, rhythmically go in a circle, saying:

Smooth circle

Each other

We go for step Step,

Stand on the spot!

Together together

Let's do it!

With the end of the words stop and repeat the movement, which shows the educator, for example, turn, bend down, sit down


"Bunny has a warm white fur coat in winter. He has the ears stand on the top of the top, hence the bunny listens, and he moves them to hearing even better. When the bunny is cold and he wants to warm his paws, he makes it like this (chlorides hands). And if the bunny will completely freeze, he begins to jump - like this. "

Choose a bunny, the rest form a circle. Bunny comes out on the middle and, by depicting the ears with his hands, squats squat.

Bunny white sits

And ears mechanical

Like this, like this

And ears mechanics!

children are squatting and hands depicted like a hare mechanicsears.

Bunny sit coldly

You need to warm my paws

Claw-clap clas

You need to warm my paws!

through one, then another hand, slightly bother in the palm. Then get up.

Bunny stand stand

Need a bunny jump!


Need a bunny jump!

bounce on two legs to the bunny. They try to warm it up, gently stroke. Then returned to the place, and the bunny chooses a replacement.

"We are in kicking"

The tutor, together with children, becomes in a circle to the distance straightened to the hands. In accordance with the pronounced text, children perform exercises:

We are writing legs,

We clap hands

We rush your head.

We raise your hands

We give up my hands,

We feed hands.

With these words, children give each other hands, forming a circle, and continue:

And run around

And run around.

After some time, the teacher says: "Stay!". Children, slowing down movement, stop. The game is repeated

"Cats - Mouse"

Become a dance!

Olya - Mouse,

Sasha - Cat!

We will play together

Kotu mouse do not catch!


Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The mouse enters the circle, and the cat comes out of the circle. By the tutor's tutor, the kids are lifted hands up, forming a "knot", through which they try to skip only the mouse. If the cat did not manage to catch a mouse, the children lower hands down ("Knog" closes) and together with the educator say words:

You do not be afraid, mouse, cat

Will not go to our dance!

The game is repeated with another cat and the mouse.


Circle is formed. "Now we will ride a carousel," says the teacher. "Repeat words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break."

Holding hands, children along with the educator move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely barely barely

Completed carousel

the carousel is slowly moving on the right side.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

The tempo of speech and movements gradually accelerates.

Ran down, ran,

Boiled, ran!

Carousel changes the direction of movement.

Quieter, quieter, do not rush

Carousel OS-Ta-No-With.

Once or twice, only two (pause),

That's the game.

The movement rate is gradually slowed down, and everyone stops on the words "Once or two" and bow to each other.

At the end, children clap with each other in their hands and scatter.

"On the River Kamyshey"

Grasp your hands and go in a circle:

On the river -
Slowled out there Yershi.
Circle - older

stop and turn your face in the center of the circle

Circle - shame make a step towards the center
Circle - Narrow


Playing go in a circle and say:

Silence at the pond

Do not pegs,

Do not noisy root.

Fall asleep, kids!

At the end of words, children stop, squat and lowered their heads. In this position they are up to 10 s. Those who move will not hold equilibrium, are considered losers. The game is repeated 2 - 3 times.

"Horse - fire"

Children move in a circle of the Jack - like horses. As the educator moves rhythmically reads quarters:

Gop - gop - gop!

You download, download in the gallop!

All in the gallop, all in the gallop!

Gop - gop - gop!

After pause, the task is repeated.

"Sun and rain"

Children go in a circle and pronounce:

Looking at the sun in the window, Go in a circle.

Shines in our room.

We scribble into your hands Clap your hands.

Very happy sun.

Top top top top! Rhythmically pour in place

Top top top top!

Floating clast-clap! Rhythmically clap your hands

Floating clast-clap!

On signalrain goes back home

children run to the tutor under the umbrella.

The teacher says:

The rain stopped. Sun shines.

The game is repeated.

"The Scarlet Flower"

The Scarlet Flower,

like lights children go round a pitch

One two Three -

turn the Alena you

the named child turns his back in the circle

The game continues until the last child turns.

Scarlet flower, like lights

One two three four. Five - turned everything again!

all children turn face


Holding hands, children form a circle, one child in

center. Playing go in a circle and say:

We brought all gifts.

Who wants, he will take -

Here you have a doll with a ribbon bright,

Horse, top and plane

With the end of words stop, standing in a circle

calls which of the listed gifts he wants

receive. If you call a horse, the children jump if a doll -

dance if the top is spinning. Circular

chooses a new lead. The game is repeated.


Make a circle. Petya comes out on the middle of the circle.

After that, everyone goes to right left and sing a song:

- How to Petin Birthday

We baked loaf!

- Here is such a embroidery!

Everyone should raise your hands: Show what a high loaf.

- Here is such a nizhny!

Everyone must squat. After these words, it is necessary to quickly stand up, spread the circle wider, but do not dispose of hands.

- Here is such a width!

And now it is necessary to quickly narrow the circle, to overtake Peter and sing from all sides:

- Here is such a dinner!

How to sleep, let them spread again and drown:

- loaf, loaf,

Who do you like, choose!

Petya will think: whom does he choose? While he is thinking, the dance walks, without stopping, and repeats his song:

- loaf, loaf,

Who do you want, choose!

Whom Pete will choose, he comes out on the middle of the circle, and you can start the game first.


In the sky, the larks sang,

The bell rang.

Rushed in the embroidery

Hide a song in the grass:

He who will find a song

Will be fun for a whole year!


Scheduled "Lark". He comes out in the middle of the circle, which forms children. He has a bell in his hands. With the beginning of the poem, the larks runs in a circle. With the end of the poem, the children closes their eyes. Lark runs around, calling the bell, then gives him to some of the children.

At the signal of the leading children open their eyes. Lark calls the name of the one who will look for the bell. The named child will find out, who has a hidden bell. When the children get a game, it can be complicated. Lark hides 2 or 3 bells. Search them is offered to one child. The game is repeated with other participants.

« Checkbox "

Children stand in a circle, one child in the middle with a flag. The educator leads children in a circle and says:

Children became in a circle,

Leave, Olya, in a circle,

See the checkbox.

Take, Olya, checkbox!

Who will give someone to give?

Come out, go out, take,

Who to raise the flag?

Above the flag raise!

The child comes out in the middle and takes the flag from the one who stands in the center, and he goes into a common circle. The game is repeated, the child in the center also walks, lifting the check box. It is necessary to walk beautifully and rhythmically.

"Cap and wand"

One From the children goes to the center of a circle with a stick in his hands,

puts the cap so that he goes down to

the nose itself, covering the eyes. The rest of the children hold on to

hands forming a circle. Go in a circle, saying:

One, two, three, four, five

There will be a stick knocking The presenter knocks the stick. Shows a wand on one of the children standing in a circle. - he says the last three words


They say all the children, after that the presenter is guessing.

If guess, chooses who will go to the middle.

"Like our meadow"

How on our meadow

Pleash mustache in a circle,

And we sing a song

and in your hands loudly beam.

Olya, Olya Cheering!

Do not regret your legs

Bow not forget

choose someone.

How on our meadow

I dug everything in a circle.

we all dance and sing

and in your hands loudly beam.

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle there is a child about which comes in the song. The child dances as it can. After the words "worst do not forget" he bowed to someone, and he goes into a circle. 1 Coupling and chorus are repeated several times, the names of children change. In conclusion there are 2 versue. All children dance.

"Babushkin Dvor"
Lada, frets, ladies, we arrived to my grandmother.
To our cute grandmother,
Grandmother - fun, drove \\ 3 times \\ children,

cute \\ 3 times \\ grandchildren.

(Children go in a circle).I have a roasting, bright red scallop.
Red beard, an important gait.
Red \\ 3 times \\ beard, important \\ 3 times \\ gait.
(Children go high raising legs. The case is held straight, head raised. Hands are reserved. During the movement, children are actively "masting wings", lifting and lowering hands).There is a goat of mischievous, here it is a beard.
He scares children, bodies horn.
Kids he \\ 3 times \\ scares
horns \\ 3rza \\ Bodies.
(Children jump in place, holding a fist head with raised squeezing fingers, depicting horns).There is a cat Murka, a nice nasty.
(Children go soft "spring" step).
Walks after the grandmother, washes the face with a paw.
Goes \\ 5 times \\ after the grandmother,
washes \\ 5 out \\ face with my paw.
(Children show gestures as a cat wash).Tsok, Coc, Coc, Central Committee, Coc
there is a horse - gray side.
Swirl jumps around the yard, invites everyone to the game!
Swirl jumps \\ 3 times \\ courtyard,
invites \\ 3 times / all in the game!
(Children bend in the elbows hands with a "bridle", then pressing them to the chest,then pulling out in front of me).Lada, frets, ladies, that's how many grandmother


Children stand in a circle, "Cockerel" in a circle.

On the way Petya walked

(Cockerel passes near children, high raising her knees, waving his hands)

He found the pea,

(Stops near the child - he becomes peas)

And the pea fell

Rolled and disappeared

(Cockerel is spinning, the pea hides behind any child, squatting)

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Where will peas grow?

(All children are slowly sitting on, the pea rises, raising his hands up - grown)

"Where was Ivanushka?"

Ivanushka is in the center of the circle. Children ask, Ivanushka answers.

- Where was Ivanushka?

- At the fair.

- What did I bought, Ivanushka?

- chicken.

Cearing chicken (Children show how the chicken peels)

The grains are peeling,

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Singles sings.

- Where was Ivanushka?

- At the fair.

- What did I bought, Ivanushka?

- Cellular.

Duck in puddle (Children show how duck swims)

Back - forward floats.

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Singles sings.

- Where was Ivanushka?

- At the fair.

- What did I bought, Ivanushka?

- donkey.

Donkey on the lawn (Children show as donkey pinching grass)

Herbushka chews

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Singles sings.

(It turns out and turns the dance.)

"I go around the house"

Children stand in a circle, leads in a circle and says words:

- I go around the tree and look into the window,

To one, I come and quietly.

Suitable from behind the child, quietly knocking on the back. There is a dialogue between them:

- Who's there?

- This is me ... (name)


- Let's run!

Children get back to each other and run in different directions in a circle. Who will come running, takes place. The second becomes the lead.

"A circle"

Masha sits in the middle of the meadow. There is a dance around him, delivering:

"Sydi, Sidi, Masha, in the Rakitov Kush

Gryzi, Gryzi, Masha, Ripe Nuts.

Catch, catch, Masha, who you need! "

Masha rushes after anyone. Caught becomes a circle and the game continues.


Everyone becomes a circle and sing:

"Who wants to know how to sow oats

My father sowed so ...

Show the movements of the hands like this ...

Then he rested here so ...

Become a folding hand - inhibit. Then turn in the dance, delivering:

- OVES, OVES, Give God to make you!

- Who wants to know how to zoom?

- My father lived him so (shows)

After the chorus depicts, as they knit oh, how they are prayed (with a sharpener, each pounding his neighbor).


The players form a circle, in the middle of which the child becomes - it will be a pear. All go around the skin in a circle:

We will put the sadness - that's it!

Let our pear grows, grows!

You grow up, pear, here is such an embroidery;

You grow up, pear, here is such a width;

You grow up, pear, grow in good time!

Dance, Marika, twist you for us!

And we will pinch this sadness.

We will run away from our marine!

The saddle in the middle of the circle should depict everything that he comes in the song (dancing, spinning). For the words "such embroidery", children raise hands up, and on the words "such a width" bred them on the parties.

When they sing: "And we will knock out this sadness," everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly run away, and the sadness catches children. All gaming actions should be agreed with words.

"Gardener and Sparrow"

Separate garden and sparrow. The remaining participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Nuts (apples, plums, etc.) are put on the middle of the circle. Aside, steps in ten, draw the circle - "nest". The dance is slowly moving in a circle, they all sing:

Sparrow small.
Serious, delete,
In the yard scents,
Crumbs collects;
In the garden will spend the night
Berries steals.

Sparrow runs to the circle (guys, lift and lowering hands, let and release it), takes one walnut and tries to carry it into the "nest". The gardener will strike around the circle and, as soon as the sparrow runs out of the circle, begins to catch it. If the sparrow will be able to put a nut in the "nest", he plays again. The caught sparrow changes with a role with one of the participants. But before that, he should pay off from the gardener and to fulfill the desires of the dance, for example, to sing, to be saved, etc.

Correct the eyelid
In the garden of berries do not cool
On the oak sticks do not sit down.
And you, grooves, sit on the meadow,
And you, sulfur, sit down in a circle.
Do not you stand up and fly,
In the dance our pay!

At the end of the game, count what a sparrow brought more all nuts to the "nest". He is declared the winner and all nuts give as a reward.

"Grandfather Water"

Grandfather Waterman
What are you sitting under water
Looking at a bit
For one minute.
(In the center of the circle sits squatting a child. He is water. Children go around him as a ditch step, quietly pronounce words, at the end of words stopped , calls his name. If guess, it sits out guessing child. The game begins again)

Girl option:

Grandma watering
What are you sitting and blink
Looking at a bit
For one minute.

"Few Datvora"
Play came to play!
How does the pussy meow?
Early hands extending forward.
Meow meow meow.

And how is bugs? Grass movements
Woof woof woof.

How is the silent of the cow? "Horn" hands to the head, tilting forward.Moo-moo-moo.

And how the pig grunts? to the nose with an index finger
Oink oink oink.

Merry children
Game continues
Drive dance

How are frogs squab? Palms forward dissolve
Kva, kva, kva.

How ducklings are cracking? Hands bent in elbows "Kluviki"
Vary, rus, rus.

Sparrows tweet? Hands to the sides, mahu hands

On tracks jump Jumping in place
Jump, jump, jump.

Merry children
Ends game

"Needle, thread and nodules"

Game traffic: Players become in the circle and take hands. Care choose "needle", "thread" and "nodules".

The heroes after each other are running into a circle, they will run out of it. If the "thread" or "nodules" broke off (behind or incorrectly ran out, ran into the circle), then this group is considered a loser. Other heroes are selected.

The troika wins, in which the children moved quickly, deftly, without lagging behind each other.

Rules of the game. "Neck", "thread", "nodules" must be inserted and released from the circle, without delaying, and immediately close the circle.


In the center of the circle sits squatting a child. Children go round a pitch, uttering words:
Cap, cap,
Little legs,
Red boots.
We picked you
(threaten with your finger)
We are kormili (threaten the other hand)
On the legs set ( raise hands up, child in the center rises)
Dance forced.
Dance how much you want
,( the child performs dance movements)
Choose who you want
Bow do not forget
Choose someone
. (The child comes to the chosen child, bowed to him and takes into the center of the circle.)
The game is repeated with another child.


The game is better to spend on the grass. Children stand in a circle and hold hands.
Around pink bushes
Among grass and colors,
Cray, stewed round dance.
(Children go in a circle)
Before that we were skidded,
what fell on the ground.
(Sat or descend on Earth)
Around pink bushes
Among grass and bushes,
Drive, drive dance.
(Children go to the other side)
How to complete the circle.
I jump together all of us suddenly.
(Stop and bounce in place)

"We will now go ..."

Get up in the circle, holding hands. The presenter proposes to repeat it movement:

We first go right
And then go left
And then in the circle we can
And tie to the one-piece
Now back back
And in place are annoying
And praise in your hands.
And now in the circle all together ....

(Repeat the game several times, but at the accelerating pace)


(1) By the hands of friends Take, together traveling
(2) And a cheerful heel, the Central Committee on the floor, the Coc Coc Coc
(3) By the hands of friends Take, together traveling

(4) Jumping-jumping fun, jump - legs do not regret

(5) And a cheerful heel, the Central Committee on the floor, the Coc Coc Coc
(6) Jumping junction of fun, jump - legs do not regret

(7) We look - your fingers, too, all got into dance
(8) and a cheerful heel, the Central Committee on the floor, the CCC Coc
(9) look - fingers with us, too, all got into dance

(10) And again go-goes our cheerful dance ...

Get up in the dance.
1 - Come in a circle of ditching step.
2, 5, 8 - turn the face in the circle and, without letting the hands, put the legs on the heel.
3, 10 - We carry the dance
4, 6- bite in place.
7, 9 - Perform the "flashlights" movement or compress-spin the cams.


Children become a circle. In the center of the circle presenter, his eyes are tied. Children lead dance and sing:
"To us, the cuckoo in the garden flew and sings.
You do not yaw cuckoo who dug answers! "
After that, the teacher shows on a child in a circle, he must say: "Ku-ku". The leading should guess who it is.

Horics and folk dance games almost lost their sacred meaningBut, nevertheless, the dance does not go away and never leaves our lives. I barely learned to walk, we take hands, get up in a circle and singing a birthday man: "We baked a loaf." Then all the childhood dizard the dicks around the New Year's Christmas tree. Hand in hand - Children's friendship for life, a circle, as a symbol of anything: the sun, year, life cycle, the feeling of holistic unity and their relationship to him - all this lives in us and, as a fabulous magic circle, protects against adulthood adulthood . And, getting up in a dance or playing dance games already with their children, we again and again plunge into djoop magic.

In the decoration hall of the forest edge - birch, flowers. Children are dressed in stylized national clothing.
Children because of the Kulis Aukate - the name is each other. The girl comes out with strawberry loud.

Girl: Oh, and I worried! All morning collected strawberries - see what I found: Sweet, fragrant, berry to berry! And where are my girlfriends? (calling) ay, girls! Ay, girlfriends!
Children respond, go to the clearing, each full of strawberries.
Boy: And I gathered more than all berries!
2 Girl: And here is not true - I have more!
3 Girl: Do not quarrel guys! See how much circle of berries - everyone is enough!

Horovoode "Berry"
Children become in a circle, begin to walk in a circle:
"One, two, three, four, five
I go berries to close.
I take one berry (the children stop face in a circle, squat and "break" the berry)
I watch another (palm visor, children turn around them)
Third notice (pursue a finger)
And the fourth experience "(Masha hand)
Everyone is taken by arms and start first. The dance repeats several times, every time everything is faster and faster.

Girl: Listen! Do you hear how to eat cuckoo? Cuckoo, cuckoo, whisper to me on the Ushko: Is it purely the sky? How much bread?

Horovoode "Cuckoo"
Children become a circle. In the center of the circle presenter, his eyes are tied. Children lead dance and sing:
"To us, the cuckoo in the garden flew and sings.
You do not yaw cuckoo who dug answers! "
After that, the teacher shows on a child in a circle, he must say: "Ku-ku". The leading should guess who it is.

Girl (shows all his handkerchiefs): Look, what beauty! Natkal Tissue Tissue on Tane Shawls. Good shawls from Tanya! Ploy!

Horovoic game "Tkachkha"
Children get up in two rows opposite each other. The first line sings:
"I am a cheerful weaves (make 4 steps forward)
Well know how to weave (4 steps ago)
Peach-pool, cock-cock, (cotton, palms clap on the shoulders, then on the knees, a small jump on the spot)
I know how to weave. "

The second line repeats what was done first.

Boy:For adults and children, I have a lot of clauses. Hey, people, do not yaw! Quick in the circle get up!

Horovodnaya game "Candling"
Everyone becomes a circle. One of the participants (one, to whom the teacher touch) to the music begins to move, everyone else is repeated. The task of the leading to find a custody. If the instigator is taped right, he becomes the lead.

Girl: Oh, and our aunt is aunty! Everyone will fly, pulls out, wait.

Boy: And our uncle - All Uncle Uncle! Everyone comes up, moves, pulls out!

Horticulture "like Uncle Fedota"
In the center of the circle there is a "uncle" or "Turatka". All go in a circle and sing:
"Like uncle Fedota (child name),
Like uncle Fedota,
There were seven children.
They did not drink, did not eat,
All looked at each other.
At once did this
"Uncle" shows some movement, everyone repeat. After that, choose a new lead.

Boy: Look! And the wheel rolled the wheel. This sun passed on the evening. It's time to gather home.

Girl: But where do we go? Did we get lost?

Horovoda "I confuse"
All take their baskets and, holding each other's baskets, become a chain. The one who is the first thing is to the music of the whole dance at its discretion: in a circle, around the perimeter, zigzag, changing the direction. According to the signal of the lead, the first person goes to the end of the dance, and another participant starts to lead.

Boy: Here we walked, walked, went to the garden. Cabbage grew thick in the garden. Only about it is empty ... all cabbage is wrapped out!

All children choir: Let the goat go to the garden, he remembered all the cabbage! Weight, cabbage! Think!

Horovoode "Beeisa, Kabestka!"
Everyone becomes a row and slowly start moving. Provides an adult. He moves the spiral, wonderfully curling "cabbage plugs". At the last moment, unfolds and spin the spiral in the opposite direction. All sentence:
Weight, followed, cabbage!
Weight, Belaya Belaya.
How can I, cappust, do not see
How can I not fall in winter!

Girl: We all quail songs, one song was not expensive - they forgot about the Komarik.
Everyone becomes a circle, put their right hand on the left shoulder, and the next one's left shoulder. Go in a circle and say:
Sat down a mosquito on oaks,
For curly leaves,
Sveaw legs on the sand.
Hid! (you need to sit down all together, not extinguishing the hands)

Boy: I do not want to play this game more, I want to another! (offended)
2 Boy: Oh, sneaked like dough on a piping! On angry water caring!

Cheerful game "Bubble"
Children become a circle, converge in the center:
Find out a bubble! Find out big! (Dissolve in a wide circle)
Stay this and do not be reopened! " (make a circle even wider)
You need to try as long as possible not to break the circle. After the "bubble" burst, the game starts first.

Boy:The night came - the darkness led. Mama came out, closed Stanka. Time to sleep! Bai-Bai!

Horovoode "Evening"
Children get up in two circles - one inside the other. One circle moves clockwise, the second counterclockwise. With the beginning of a new quatrain, the direction of movement is changing. All sing the poems of the village "Evening dance":

Good evening, garden garden!
All birchings are sleeping-sleep,
And we will soon go sleep,
Only Song SPOOL.

And girls, Dean-Don,
Let dream sleep dream
Full of red flowers
And green bugs!

Goodbye, garden garden, (Masha handle Garden)
All birchings sleep-sleep ... (palms under UCHO)
It is time for children to sleep - (we go to the center of the circle)
Until morning! (diverge)
(Sasha black)

Children stand in one line and make a Russian bow.
Choir: Everything!

Horovoic game in the story of L. Panteleeva "Carousel"

Children walk in a circle.


The wind blows to us in the face

The village was hardened.

- Wind, quieter, quieter, quieter!

The village grows all you, ours!

(Children swing from side to side, raise hands up, show how the tree grows.)

Children turn face to each other. Clap each other's hands, they say loudly:

Carousel, Carousel!

We are with you at the boat

And in E-ha Lie! ..

(Children work oars.)

Carousel, Carousel!

We and I sat on the horse

And in E-ha Lie! ..

(Children jump riding.)

Carousel, Carousel!

We are in the car satie

And in E-ha Lie! ..

(Children turn the ram.)

Carousel, Carousel!

In a plane with you we sat down

And in E-ha Lie! ..

(Children spread their hands on the parties and "fly."

Carousel, Carousel!

We are with you in the rocket

And in E-ha Lie! ..

(Hands are above your head, the fingertips are connected. The children sat down. "Fly!")

Children take hands and walk in a circle one way, then to another.


The wind blows to us in the face

The village was hardened.

- Wind, quieter, quieter, quieter,

































































































































































































































































































































Smooth circle































































{!LANG-364f6069792e54b60214537924391cd0!} {!LANG-bde377a4549c9b34e340dff750ec8f48!}.









































Players stop and ask "Poppy":


Horizhodnik answers:




Everyone becomes a circle and sing:



Show the movements of the hands forward:




New verse:











Walked along the road

Top Top Top Top


Ran along the track






I will find animals.

The hare loudly call:



Only echo speaks





Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,














We first go right

And then go left

And then in the circle we can

And tie to the one-piece

Now back back


And praise in your hands.






























































We go, go round

Before all honest people.










Slowled out there Yershi.



































How on our meadow











































































































  1. {!LANG-f1d54031c741bd39ff131384b4e14dc0!}
  2. {!LANG-485964cf0eb8a423b0403f97e1416cb5!}
  3. {!LANG-3366668340112de0487d8c3fc03f6cf8!}
  4. {!LANG-5dd77931f4dd72c0eb4543570ba356c0!}








































































































































































Top Top Top Top









































































































{!LANG-b8cf845d429642e65e1be0b68a7b1b58!} {!LANG-46468f714cece83147dffef56ba69ae0!}{!LANG-54921d41edc4c2b5d88ee267508e2670!}













































































































































































































































































  1. {!LANG-40cae3b80bf30425c4709ac8bd2e3d98!}
  2. {!LANG-d7c1199ba93fd333b7f8602ea04a2404!}



We will put the sadness - that's it!

Let our pear grows, grows!

You grow up, pear, here is such an embroidery;

You grow up, pear, here is such a width;

You grow up, pear, grow in good time!

Dance, Marika, twist you for us!

And we will pinch this sadness.

We will run away from our marine!














Smooth circle



























































  1. {!LANG-663f3a4929957734a24560fe50dad261!}
  2. {!LANG-b2ba7b3c4e28db4f59eb77ab50a3bd2a!}








  1. {!LANG-6230166f27e890a78bb27f06fb7ebef8!}
  2. {!LANG-1833ace59155c20a37c2a035659f3d8c!}






  1. {!LANG-ec35bb43bff4f81553f002723b5108fe!}
  2. {!LANG-1a3a0f8cb45fb01dea2c67d966c9dbd8!}
  3. {!LANG-17ab1c810f4e100dd28098789f5a63f3!}








































Game traffic:

{!LANG-7c8768da3656a59fc823ea231f0f2fff!} {!LANG-2983a0566bc3ef298cefa6f7b8ae3ac7!}

{!LANG-00a1ac3e2de488c7bd2fbb1d38155e06!} {!LANG-c00d3d3d5b7ced122638ded07bf61e29!}

{!LANG-185e1b97a48fb603daa3eb3504040660!} {!LANG-cc7b1cafccb41c01908ed202655c29dc!}.


{!LANG-87dcadb3a9b25a55262a715a8ef698d0!} {!LANG-7ee73b71ab191a258f2fe55fda5dd503!}

{!LANG-aed6d3cc4b7fec70a674d9dfc6a9b92b!} {!LANG-c1e9c7de4abb21d06b3bd9f25e68f05e!}


{!LANG-eeef0d3dd65ad56d56e79b86a81cc9ad!} {!LANG-830d819f805d152419ce66da4773c985!}




























{!LANG-4a954e8bb1835f384af90824c6dc0853!} {!LANG-577e97e728849498a1ae57054d57f885!}{!LANG-5bd197aad8c55cd73fc7c456a624ba9e!}{!LANG-fa7bdd840bf402221932197035625ab0!}

{!LANG-536629d2ce0ad0df528f540572c3ee61!} - {!LANG-e4d41588ae9bbbfb5eaca629064234dd!} {!LANG-2b62b634392cea01cce7443ffb4f5009!}{!LANG-c7c9be6bf42d6bee760e8f8ba68cc58b!}

{!LANG-4040ab6362eb4165e45bbeb414700dc4!} {!LANG-fdb3946f660f0ce2d4c80106bffd4a1d!}


{!LANG-660ec22a9133dee348f3b0433240529a!} - {!LANG-5811534bddacea91972900a36cbc23e6!}

{!LANG-56b839b332bd0d0b8b1fd1edb169b8a2!} {!LANG-e8780ee933148ec4918d2c01787d9d54!}

{!LANG-32159a54c037f81e29562e6b321d78b0!} {!LANG-17d1eb1366c40267499d02d13d56acf4!}

{!LANG-988c87a2ac8a764b6f1b1dcaab04a700!} {!LANG-e9f877bc090933d503b72d21634a233b!},

{!LANG-e22184774dde40719ac04b56275048fe!} {!LANG-3c70b82e34e792437d03fce912524166!}


{!LANG-10e3b5c13f54eb04c975d269d8c11075!} {!LANG-257af4794cfbbd63bdc99467243c0646!}

{!LANG-056cf0fc27239f684b159881f6bc70c4!} {!LANG-61c5f78d57a9acd43ae22c6021ee470d!}

{!LANG-5718a22a0c99258678bedb6f7989f095!} {!LANG-690cd051dedca3c87096f6cd4d864127!}

{!LANG-17990aa762317076f581320b70f62d91!} {!LANG-98cc1eeeb4ffa9f32c7594f4d78355e7!} {!LANG-bcb7211114a9916fdf4c1e678cbc91ef!} {!LANG-c8d9385e2fcb16b99f9ced1e98599159!}{!LANG-c168a9038b4c8daa6146f3b61165dde2!} {!LANG-94518c7847cd348d1517f87a59944854!}{!LANG-44a2a0a4d01307fae36418725a7bed1f!} {!LANG-189d885fc4b220e94797756f3882c9c8!}{!LANG-432f4ac0e57900ab061b0442e0197378!} {!LANG-ce5a8a23b8274430938c624910edee16!} {!LANG-4bacff5b91ee2ff97cd855c2ebef7f7f!}{!LANG-6791a2e4a2cc8bec7648916bd48b94cf!} {!LANG-f9260c0a2a6fbd4d96175b4a15591864!} {!LANG-7aae735f52aa893c702e5440b422c5e5!} {!LANG-16461d0e385e801bb78db2db76dda1b0!} {!LANG-51ebc90b17aad4fcdd4cca5dd5cbaca5!}! {!LANG-611b1e2eb00b55787d0fa90493c3846d!}


Game traffic:{!LANG-3d9b93d1be05656509b7dbe1751c2f06!}

{!LANG-8c34dd8d1bddfb5a08e8d6ebc3057c36!} {!LANG-9905ed03cfe1e59e7832ec479787929a!}

{!LANG-be9b40791eded9871bcea19dc8ab2e76!} {!LANG-83bb2a28f6cab1aeb321d137b49e49c9!}



{!LANG-f404d8ca0bee3b4a1314b7a28a6efc4a!} {!LANG-d4a7b2cd71e89bb54b43293a4aa6b0c5!}

{!LANG-2d22cae0b9801676e953665f86761624!} {!LANG-85589bda23be2404c724201f616f68a9!}





{!LANG-c92f5c65ba33de5b18d1d8a7155c59e0!} {!LANG-780ea518c9c77d782fdd0c86304cb3fc!}




{!LANG-89dc5f3063f36df43d91b4152fd203b5!} {!LANG-90193f389b28562748c003982ad908e0!}





{!LANG-dca7ccd2610691188bbd60f0420948fc!} {!LANG-c53a9c66503d9930e2b05baa1e739ae9!}

{!LANG-d835a3ae40319c26623c221ee52b61be!} Clap your hands.

{!LANG-5b8a7976f8ee074e8b35ad1f4e873f02!} {!LANG-4a60998cb1c5a7cade975e0ef4b26bf0!}

{!LANG-393cb09253307bdb1c1effa42529eb33!} {!LANG-7c213ca8932507fa38bacb711a461bae!}{!LANG-e0b8fc20215984516b2483aaa9776ff2!}





Game traffic:

{!LANG-58d222c137886b04d5f947714db3d874!} {!LANG-6027530677b9b0a720c225b21f8cecfa!}


{!LANG-01125db2ef6f0a95bc64f8cc103eb118!} {!LANG-e63a47059ed10cf85ea40c50585552b0!}


{!LANG-47ca2ea8543c1263cabcac54b1ecdac5!} {!LANG-f03ecdbe6f20e210a486f86962a5fa00!}





{!LANG-068d73259a908e70a647c790d52d1b98!} {!LANG-57602f592eb616e76f7363da6ab28814!}



























{!LANG-e301577f13faad5c684c5711eb7090ce!} {!LANG-71d08ac40b55513d9a9f8adfc594916c!}


{!LANG-4b068f9adab186f6d09452d41ab08333!} {!LANG-259f97a8c24442dc8dd0822bb4625b08!}


{!LANG-911d7a95c5d9ac3138930dc950cadd9a!} {!LANG-4f10f0afe6a7d1d5f0c585c88a88a8f1!}




























{!LANG-699c1f64842345247afd3cf1fac79abd!} {!LANG-17953b00bf47f41778100565fff968a0!}{!LANG-87e7b688e9fb3cb792c48f65a3ba995d!}




{!LANG-dd93f0b0041f9448eadfb83e06f649db!} {!LANG-7f4abfb5b3a881544468707aeb8b13ed!}


{!LANG-780a12437f8ed70be55052cace2ab6b0!} {!LANG-9a75488107be4b1c240fb8fce40b6d9e!}

{!LANG-f25e5d91949d33899c67f63a72d4966b!} {!LANG-a53d191e66620c57bf8dbaf1373b568e!}

{!LANG-e8aa4dd200777a270482e4f64446aa0f!} {!LANG-7f90caa406a05996deab13b4dfba55fe!}

{!LANG-45a7ccaad8f91f424b3ff3da80aa1d05!} {!LANG-b20e2973fc09a25d25b360dce7b5feb0!} {!LANG-d94a26d2ea410c7943253a94109550ae!}{!LANG-55f7e8001f35d32b993f4b42f663f726!}


{!LANG-5ad24d23495555e55eaa38c2ff72ac83!} {!LANG-237a2ddaf1eb0019509a407b1c129216!}{!LANG-2b52b9ee6753db51064357e81cf966d8!}




{!LANG-0c6aeec24ee29e869bd52857d4ff58c6!} {!LANG-e445b62de17fdee4333135e8a3f2cb19!}{!LANG-a9f4c36a3844b4ab3589e3dae8379fce!}{!LANG-624c6700767981cdfc43ba6c92e10eb4!}


{!LANG-fd6afad7df7316cd66dd121b63beac68!} {!LANG-03b0bca6d9f251884d4578093e4c8b6b!}{!LANG-f3a7a375196c3716c2c6ab454e8ae386!}



























Game traffic:





{!LANG-9152650d49d9efdce2709cd3e2c6ca00!} {!LANG-26f05afc92595ea026beb2f8c2ab80fe!}






