HIS HIS HEB HEW. Hyperships - Russian People's Moving Game

In Russian Internet space, a new dangerous offline game is gaining popularity. Children and adolescents are offered to leave the house for 24 hours, hide from all friends and acquaintances, and under any circumstances do not issue their location.

The game was called "Hyperships for 24 hours" and the participants have already become dozens of minor Russians. More about this dangerous venture, as well as about who is its initiator, you can read below.

No wonder psychologists call the teenage age "the most dangerous", because during this period the children tend to make rapid acts and go to an unjustified risk for the sake of obtaining new impressions. So the participants of the game called "Hyperships for 24 hours" over the day are hidden from all their loved ones and relatives to ... just have fun.

At the same time, they do not prevent anyone about their sudden disappearance, do not communicate with their parents and ignore their friends. Such conditions of the game.

Whoever puts them is unknown. For the first time about this game spoke a few years ago popular jutups. For the sake of getting likes and attract subscribers to their channels, they themselves participated in such games, for example, hid in supermarkets and shops so that no one saw them.

But from recently, the game "Hires for a day" scored new revs. Children began to disappear in various Russian regions. Fortunately, most of them were already the next day, but their search for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police and volunteers always threw huge forces that could spend on really important things.

And not so long ago, the news thundered the news about the disappearance of a 13-year-old schoolgirl from Moscow. The girl named Angelica after lessons at school was supposed to go to the tutor, but instead she disappeared and ceased to communicate with his parents.

Already soon in Moscow and the region began searching for girls. Volunteers ", friends and classmates schoolgirls joined the search operation. The next day, the missing Angelica managed to detect 25 km from the house, the whole and uncruited.

The girl said that she was superimpled by "someone on the Internet." An investigators are engaged in clarifying all the details of this incident.

While it was not yet possible to stop the popularization of the ill-fated game yet, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they ask for all parents to closely monitor their children and, if possible, stop visiting suspicious pages on the Internet. Psychologists add that it is a special danger of entertainment for adolescents, because they, as anyone else, you want new sensations and adrenaline, and the ability to "pump your mother with dad" goes as a bonus.

The game of hide and seek is a game where the players are hiding, while others are trying to find them. She is very simple, but over the years there have appeared a lot of different species. Whatever you choose (and we will consider a few), you need only a few friends, places where you can hide and spy skills.


Part 1

rules of the game
  1. Choose players. The most important thing in "hide and seek" is to find those who wish to play. At least two of them should be. Although, the more players, the better.

    • If players of different ages, then take it into account. Those who are younger, can fit anywhere, but they do not always choose successful places and they have a reduced concentration of attention.
  2. Observe the rules of the game. If this is not done, then instead of the game there will be just chaotic running, broken figurines or someone from the youngest stuck in a washing machine. Or everyone is run away from the house when the leading starts to look. Close all rooms in which family and personal belongings are stored - attic and bedrooms of parents. Or allow it to hide there only under certain conditions: "Do not turn everything upside down and jump on the bed."

    • Make sure everything remains integer and unharmed. No one should fall from the trees or climb on the roof. Take a rule to hide only where two people can fit.
    • Very soon you will learn about the types of games. Now just doginate the most important thing - who hides, who leads, where to hide, how much time count, etc.
  3. Find a suitable place. On the street is more fun, but during the rain it is better to play at home. It is important to determine the borders of the terrain for the game so that no one has escaped too far. This is the game of hide and seek, not marathon running!

    • If you play with your parents, then they better be aware of what is happening. They will not be delighted, learning that you hide in the garage, under the porch or in the shower, where they will have to jump.
    • Try to play every time in different places. If you always do it in the same place, then everyone will be known the best places and will quickly find you.

    Part 2

    beginning of the game (traditional version)
    1. Determine who "leads". To decide who will "lead", there are many methods, for example: the first can "lead" the youngest; The one who has a birthday or the belonging "times potato, two potatoes". You can also pull the cards with the numbers from the hat - the one who No. 1 will "lead" first.

      • If one of the players is older, then it is better to "lead" to him. More young participants of the game do not have such experience. The amount of attention changes with age and senior players will easily beat young opponents.
    2. Start the game. After it was decided who "leads", he or she should close the eyes and start counting to 10 or up to 20, 50 or 100; You can also sing a song or tell the poem. Everything is suitable for killing time while everyone else is hiding! The most important thing is that everyone knows how much time they have in stock!

      • Make sure "driven" does not scatter! Eyes should be closed with hands, and the head is turned to the corner. No peeping!
    3. Quickly hide! Those who do not "lead," should be fastened and look for a secluded place while he believes. "Driving" has no right to watch who ran down. Try not to make noise when it is hiding, otherwise "driving" will be able to determine the direction for the rumor.

      • After taking asylum, sit as quieter as possible. Do not give yourself! If you are noise, then even the most secluded place will not save you.
    4. Start search. As soon as the account is completed, after the words "who did not hide, I'm not guilty" immediately start the search. Use your eyes for this. and ears. As soon as you see someone - hurry to stain him.

      • If desired, hid players maybe change places. Hide where you already searched - Very good idea. This is called strategy.
      • If someone was not able to find someone after searching, and he did not return home, then the "driving" should apply a clear signal that the game is over. Scream - and after that it will become clear that you can go out.
        • You can also scroll "all free" or "Alle, Alle Auch Sind Frei", which means "exit".
    5. It's time to change the "leading". They will be the one who found the first. You can start a new round immediately after the first player found or first find everyone, and then start re-on.

      • It can also be controlled. If the "drive" does not find anyone after three attempts, it is better to replace it. Let everyone have a chance to hide!

    Part 3.

    Different types of games
    1. Game on the main base. Now and hide, and it has become harder. Driving and players the same, but you need not just hide, and also have time return to Base. And not be caught! They will have to risk and get out of shelter while the leading will look for them. This is a more intense version.

      • The hidden do not know what is happening around. They all have to go back before how they are stored. Or they will lose!
    2. Play with multiple watering. Those hidden who were found should also help in search. And at the end of the game of the last player is looking for 4 people!

      • The game also begins with one "leading", to which the rest are gradually joined.
      • The first player who "stained" will look for the others in the next round, which will begin immediately after everyone is found.
    3. Jail break. This adds even more acute. Those who wish should go to the "prison". Usually it is just a room or an entrance. The purpose of the leading is to put everyone in prison. But those who are free, can free others from the conclusion! To do this, you need to penetrate there and not be caught.

      • The liberated can hide again or just enjoy their newfound freedom. If someone is in prison, and someone hides, proceed according to the same principles. If you wish, you can add some other interesting items!
    4. Sardinics. These are hide and seek inside out. Hides only one Player, the rest are looking for it. The one who finds him first hides along with him. Then they join them the next, who will find them, then in turn all the rest. The game ends when the last player joins the rest. Usually by this time they really resemble the bank of Sardin!

      • In Sardinki often play in the dark. It is much more fun - catch a friend and ask: "Are you sardine?". If he responds yes - Join now!
    5. Search. This game is similar to Escape from prison, but it is rather a group option. Play two teams (better than 4 people or more), each has its own base. Each team should hide on the basis other teams, while the other - on them Base. The team wins that faster in the opponent's base without loss.

      • This game is well played in the parks. And even better with the onset of twilight! Only to start, make sure that you support the connection with each other, and no one will lose. People need to know when the game is over!


Now guys play hide and seek.
A long time ago, this game was called "Horonushki", "spanking" or "furser". Yes, and in my time, the girls were often called her in ancient and affectionate - "spicy."
The game is simple and many familiar. But when I asked the guys as they play hide and seek at this time, it turned out that they were playing differently. Sometimes they even mix the rules of this game with a chopstick and it turns out that neither se. So I want to tell you about those hide and seek, in which we played so that you can check if you yourself play. And, of course, I am writing for those who may have not had to play this game.
Usually in hide and seek play in the yard. And for the game to be interesting, try to make you no more than ten people, otherwise it is difficult to search for everyone for a long time. But less than four times, you should not play too.
First, you need to agree to all together, then what seats can not be hidden. For example, not to run away for the neighboring house or outside, do not climb into the basement and so on. Decide yourself, considering the features of the place where you will play.
Then everyone is considered to find out who will led first. You will have to be considered only at the beginning of the game, and then everything goes by itself.
Driving becomes face to the wall or in any angle (this place is called "House") and closes his face with his hands. And we sometimes covered his head with a jacket or something else so that there was no temptation to look. Then the rest quietly scatter in different directions and hide.
Last minute or two, the driver asks loudly: "Time?"
All who managed to hide, silent, and who has not yet managed, answer: "Not time."
So the driver asks until the answer will not be complete silence. Then he says: "It's time, it's not time, I go from the courtyard!" And goes to look.
He calls all the found loudly by name by name, they leave their asylums, heading to the "house" and wait until the last will be found.
Sometimes it happens so that I found everyone, and one cannot be found alone. All seats look at, and he failed through the earth! But in the end, there are all. Then the game begins again, but the one who was found first leads.
And if someone violated the persuasion and hid there, where it is impossible, then it is turned off from the game.
While the driver is looking for, you can not run from one place to another so that he should have to look at the same place several times. Otherwise, the game may never end.
But usually you don't have to drive away in hide and seek, if only someone did not hide very cunning.
I will tell you how I once hid. Since then, it has passed fifty years, and I still remember!
It was in the village. We played near our house. And so it came to mind for laughter to hide everyone in sight. You probably saw how the corners of the rustic hut were made, the logs of two walls protrude with each other, crosswise and form a small outer corner. So, I climbed on the protruding ends of the logs under the roof, where the swallow jack was rushed. Cook his hands and stand in this corner. From above, everything was very good for me. And most importantly, the driver was standing nearby, around the corner. Hence, he went to look. Many times he went under with me, and he did not guessed his head. I found everyone, but I can not find me. Found guys and girls see me, show each other, laugh, and they do not speak.
Well, then he still found me, probably because he noticed where the guys look.
And the rustic bastard has played to the hide and seek years. And the rules were easier. The main difference here is that the driver, as soon as one, first, found it, rightly called his name, and then shouted: "On porridge guys!" Everyone came out of their Ukry, and found was to drive. He went to the "House", again asked: "Time?" "And everyone fled to hide."
As you can see, it is not necessary to look for a long time, therefore the number of players is not limited. But to negotiate where you can hide, and where it is impossible, you must certainly.
Well, those who did not find, not necessarily run "porridge" every time. They may not go out of their places if they are satisfied with them. And can and overwhelm. Usually, those who think that the new driver could see where they hid.
And the last remark to hide and seeak. If someone called home, then he can get out of the game only during the change of a leading player not to break the game to everyone else. At the same time, you can take the game and others who want to play with you at hide and seek. But the newly accepted must first drive, as they say, "on the new one."

Well, at times, when Pushkin lived, this game was called "Kuratuchi", and not only children played in it, but also young men and maiders. Already then she was considered "belonging to the number of household functions of our ancestors" and was described like this:
"One of the players sits into the angle - to poule; Others closed his face, eyes, all - scarves, with different dresses, and he draws a patter:

Kuly, Kulya - Baba!
Do not choke eyes
Eye on polysce
Other in Solonice.
Starting, or what?

At this time, all other players hide themselves in all possible, inconspicuous places. When will hear: "Time, or what?" - They only answer him: "No!" Again the soup begins again, again the question: "It's time, what?", Answer the answer: "No!" It lasts up to three times, and sometimes more, while all players manage to hide. Do not get an answer to your "time, what?", He goes into search. The first, found them, must replace it. It often happens that the players make the shoe search for everyone to one. "
Here the cutyra does not just say that he speaks his sentence, he scares: Look, they say, one eye is on my shelf, and another in Salonka - I see everything! But another meaning is, useful for hiding, - when he is so tambouring, he heard less heard where they are hiding.
As you can see - how many years have passed! - And the rules of the game almost did not change. And you too, if you want, you can play at home according to the old custom ...

The material is copied from the site.

Hyperships are one of the most popular games for children. Children of all ages love this game. Our grandmothers played in it, and our grandchildren will play.

There is a belief that this game originated in England. With the arrival of spring, adults went out into the fields, meadows, forests and searched there "hide" signs of spring. These were flowers or birds that appear only in the spring. All that was found, brought to the village as proof that spring really came. The whole search process and became the basis of the game of hide and seek.

How to play classic hide and seek?

The rules of the game of hide and seek are very simple. First, players are going together, choose who will be water. Then everyone runs away, except for the water itself, and hide in various places. The same time should count to a certain figure (from 10 and more), closing the eye and clinging to the face to something (wood, wall, etc.), and then look for all hidden. The one who drove found first should be water in the next game. They play hide and seek on the allotted territory that players themselves are installed. Today, there are many varieties of the game of hide and seek. For example: "Moscow hide and seek", "Zhmurki" and so on.

How to play Moscow hide and seek?

Moscow hide and seekers are most famous. Rules of the game in the Moscow Hide Hice Hips are harder than in the usual. There is not only a certain territory for the game, but also a stone (brick), a board and a certain amount of sticks equal to the number of players (let's say 12 of them). First the stone is put, the board is put on it, and on the edge of the board 12 sticks. Shouting: "Goni", some player jumps on the board, leading immediately begins to collect scattering sticks and fold back to the board. During this time, players run and hide. Having gathered all the sticks and putting on the board, the water begins to look for the hid players. Players must again and imperceptibly "split" sticks, then the game will begin first.

It should be noted that a children's game of hide and seek is developing many mental and physical qualities. At the same time, children can consider themselves "openers" and "trafficking". From your early years, they have "thrust for discoveries", so this game is very liked by the children. Hyperships play a big role in the upbringing of the child. He is being formed purposefulness, resourcefulness, the logic and the ability to concentrate attention on something is developing.

Hares from 1 to 3 years old hide and seekers with objects from 1 to 3 years. Give the child his favorite toy, and then take and hide, the child will start looking for it. Thus, you will stimulate the rapid formation of the child's mental abilities. Even adults can play this game, which is especially useful, since the movable game of hide and seek allows you to distract everyday fuss and plunge into the world of childhood.

Did you like to play hide and seek? We suggest you run along with!

Photos from open sources

Many probably know what supernatural horrors will wait for a person in this world. However, not only the formidable infernal evil can lead any of us in the thrill. Sometimes something mystical and frightening occurs right in the middle of everyday life, in everyday life, where you expect this least. And read about such cases is no less interesting and scary. For example, in this cracked story, we will talk about the "ordinary" children's game of hide and seek, which began for many years ago and, perhaps, not ended so far. She told the users of the World Wide Web Some Russian. Let's call him Pavl. (website)

Photos from open sources

Paul says that in early childhood, one of his favorite entertainment was hide and seekers. When the evening began, the man took his son from the garden and played with him to return home for some time while the boy did not come from work too. This family lived in a two-room apartment in the house of Khrushchev buildings. Despite such a limited space, the father sometimes hid very ingeniously, and the child could not find it without a hint. In such cases, the man began to quietly pound to give the son a tip. Our hero carefully walked to the sound, and his father jumped out of his shelter every time, as a second, frightening Karapuza. The boy laughed from the delight of instant fear, invariably asking a parent to repeat the game.

Mystical disappearance of Russian

One of these evenings just started to thicken twilight, and the light was not yet lit. The man told the Son that this time would hide as well as he was never hiding, and therefore it would be very difficult to find it. Paul came to the hallway, faced the entrance door, counted to ten and began to look. After some time, the boy realized that something was wrong. My father was not all, although the little driving searched all the apartment. The usual shamefulness also did not hear: neither from the rooms or from the kitchen, nor from the bathroom, nor from the storeroom. The child was frightened and began to call the father, but he did not appear.

Photos from open sources

When the mother returned, the bored Paul told her about what happened. At first, she did not believe it in it and herself examined the apartment, then he was squeezed for a long time, where his father was killed. Late in the evening, a woman became clear that her spouse had disappeared. She naturally appealed to the police. Law enforcement officers conducted an investigation, but did not find any traces of the abduction. As a result, the guards of the law concluded that the man escaped from the family, and stopped his searches. However, this is strange: Father Paul did not take with him no clothes, no money or documents. He did not even take the keys, although when the boy's mother came home, the door was closed. Jump out of the window of the fourth floor and calmly leave the disappeared disappeared clearly could not. It seemed that he was simply dissolved in the apartment.

Hires with the Father are not finished yet?

It happened more than fifteen years ago. Paul inherited those most apartments in Khrushchev and now lives. He, his mother, all relatives and surrounding a long time decided that the dishonest father of our hero left his family, very cleverly informing his mystical disappearance (apparently, he was seriously preparing to run). It would seem that the story is over, isn't it? However, recently, Paul began to tend to believe that his father ... Still here, in the apartment. The fact is that when it begins to try out and include the light, it is too early, it is heard a quiet feigned shaking, very similar to the fact that the boy heard here in childhood. Paul is afraid that one day, his father will suddenly jump out of the closet or from under the bed, not a minute. Or something that in this case will pretend to be his father ...

Some Runet regulars reacted to this story with irony. Saying, the dad of our hero decided, finally, to appear when the son had already achieved a majority, and now there is no need to pay alimony. However, most commentators turned out to be very intrigued by this mysterious history, from which chill runs on the back. Someone says that the Father Russians knew how to move in and imprudently used this ability during hide and sucking with her son, until he was stuck in another dimension. Others believe that some otherworldly essentially dragged the man to himself and is now trying to get to his son. According to Third, Paul simply experiences auditory hallucinations, being in the place that has brought so much unpleasant memories to him.

Photos from open sources

Finally, we will give one more, very interesting addition to this story of some kind of Alexey:

We also played with your father and seek, exactly also, at twilight, waiting for a mother from work, just happened in a private house on Vladimirchin. Father also scared me, jumping out of his shelter, and when I was hiding, I didn't find any horror stories for a terrible voice for a long time, why I finally searched from under the bed or from Chiffirara, because it was already terribly . And once I hid in Chiffiorier between clothes and I was looking forwarded when my father starts to scare me (it was terribly scared, and at the same time somehow sweetly), but for some reason he went quietly and did not even say anything And then generally went to another room and quiet. And I imperceptibly fell asleep in that lurking closet. I woke me up my mother, banging for what I hide and frighten her to death: she was all searched all the house, I already wanted to run to the neighbors. And when I told her about seek with my father, she looked at me for a long time, and then he sighed heavily: "With what father, he died when you're still in the diaper." So I did not see my father, if you do not count his photos and graves at the local graveyard. It seems that Chiffonier was with a surprise. I then a thousand times (if not more) specially hid in Him in the hope that my father returns (or rather, I will return to the world where he is alive), but I did not manage to change anything ...