Make a tire well. White well

To go for the water to your well dreams every way, if, of course, the source of this life-giving moisture is located near. To go without excess time to go behind water, you need to create a plot on property. This is not too time-consuming and long, but the efforts will have to be attached.

Search Place for Well

To get for the construction of the well, at first it is necessary to find out what kind of place are underground water, as well as at what level they proceed. Traditionally, the role of waterproofs is performed by sand and clay, and already under these layers there is a breed that does not allow water.

How and where do you need to dig a pit for a cottage well? This question is intelligently asked for neighbors. When groundwater is located at the same depth, then the output is much simpler: the location of water is equally on several square meters. If there are no such structures near the site that belongs to the initiator of the construction of the well, there is no such structures, then determine immediately, in which place it is necessary to dig a well, will be complicated.

When everything is clear with the place, you need to choose a kind of well. There are tube, mine, drilling rigs, but easier and more economically perform it from the tires.

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Tires are - you can build


  • bituminous varnish;
  • tires;
  • rubbank;
  • bars;
  • boards;
  • nails;
  • antiseptic glue.


  • shovel;
  • brush;
  • hammer.

Having calculated the depth of water underground and choosing a place for the future well, you need to prepare pre-assembled tires and calculate, in what quantity they need. Usually use four or five automotive tires.

Next, it is necessary to increase the tire diameter value: at a distance of 5 cm from the tread, cut the ring. For these purposes, the knife used in the work should be moistened in the soap solution. Then the tire should be treated with a bitumen varnish. This should be done so that the well from the tire serves as a dull longer. Due to the extent, the substances harmful to humans after contact with the rubber tire and water will not be in a liquid intended for drinking.

For a well, you can use tires of any diameter.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a hole that will be 20 cm in its diameter wider than the tires. Then the bottom is covered with a layer of rubbing (width - 40 cm). Now you can place automotive tires. So that this or that tire is not shifted, you need, installing the first car tire, drive four bar across it. The tire is placed to the tire, among them - rubber trimming. The gaps formed between the soil and tires must be filled with rubble. Tires that will be placed over earth ground do not need additional rubber layers.

Some are advised to fasten the tires with glue, designed for rubber and possessing resistance to water. This recommendation will give the resulting construction from tire some strength.

Over the earth surface, the well, where the base is a tire, rises approximately 70 cm. Next is made by the lid of wooden boards or canopy. After, depending on the host preferences, make a device to lift the bucket with water, or install the automatic rollout system. The preferred option is to use pumps provided with overheating protection.

Around the well created from automotive tires perform waterproof coating. The easiest of its option: to the ravarity and then pour rubbank. A little more difficult to make a breakfast from rubbed clay or cement.

The drainage of tires is one of the simple variants of the improvement of the drainage system on country plot. The drainage itself fulfills a very specific task, protecting the Earth and various structures from excessive moisture.

Elements of this system can be manufactured different ways, incl. Of the special purchased parts intended for such a goal, or from the remedies. Naturally, in the latter case, it is possible to significantly reduce costs, and if you still do everything with your own hands, then the system will do it very much cheaply, while it will not lose anything.

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Why do you need drainage wells

In essence, drainage is a complex of hydraulic measures to protect the structures and the land plot from the effects of excessive moisture generated by precipitation, floods, seasonal increase in the level of groundwater, etc. Any, even the most durable structures begin to gradually collapse, if unplanned water will be tolding the foundation. Fertile land, for a long time filled with water, just lose all their best qualities.

These circumstances lead to the need to protect the construction and its own plot from hazardous impacts, especially in areas with increased natural humidity. To this end, a special drainage system is manufactured, which solves specific tasks: collection, discharge, removal and disposal of excess water . Such systems are created by their own hands, but taking into account the recommendations of specialists.

Constructive drainage complexes include such components:

  1. Water intake elements. They are placed directly in the flooding zone and can be formed in the form of trenches to which tube plums are connected.
  2. Trunk elements: Pipeline (drain) or trench system for water removal.
  3. Recycling elements. This part completes the process, that is, it fulfills the final operation: the accumulation of water or reset it into the soil in a safe place.
  4. Additional operational elements. These include regulating and locking devices, fixtures and structures for operation and repair of the system.

It is considered an important part of the entire drainage system. It can perform recycling functions (main task) or play the role of an additional operational element. The functioning and efficiency of the entire system depend on the reliability and correctness of its installation. In particular, its volume should allow to collect all the allocated water, otherwise drainage simply will not provide the desired drainage.

Which wells are logged in

When providing drainage with their own hands, such types of drainage wells are envisaged:

  1. Rotary option. Such wells are installed at the extended pipeline in the following points: after one turn of the pipe and in the place where several pipes are converged in one line. The solid task is to purify the pipes (drains), since mud plugs often occur in the bends.
  2. Absorbing type. These structures do not require prefabricated and main elements. They dig in different points of the water accumulation, which itself flows into the wells. When installing such structures, it is important to form a slope of the surface so that the moisture flows into them itself.
  3. Puttingable wells. In essence, these are hermetic containers in which all collected moisture in the drains flow. As they are filled, water pumping or its use for technical needs, for example, for watering.
  4. Filtering designs- The final element of the drainage system located in the remote area where the water is discharged into the ground. In principle, this is a variant of the water-driven well, in which the bottom is not hermetically, but is made in the form of a natural filter. Water through the bottom zone seeps into the ground.

The design of drainage wells depends on the task being performed, and this difference is mainly associated with the structure of the bottom area. Bottom can be equipped in two ways: be sealed in the form concrete fill or leakage, based on the pillow of sand and rubble. The well of the well has a depth sufficient to accumulate the desired volume of water.

Most often it is 3-5 m. The wall of the mine should have waterproofing, eliminating the seeping of the collected moisture into the upper layers of the soil. Finally, the upper plate and hatch are completed. In the operational wells inside the mine installed a staircase.

Wells from tires

When making a drainage well made of automotive tires, the following tools will be required:

  • shovel bayonge and soviet;
  • a bucket and a durable cable for its immersion when the soil and sweeping of the pillow;
  • master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • roulette;
  • plumb;
  • building level.

During the construction of a drainage well, it is an important task - maximum reduction in construction. In this direction, the manufacture of the wall of the mine from the subwoofers solves such a problem. One of the common materials was the automotive tire. What are the advantages of this "building material"?

First - availability. Allowed tires are, in principle, garbage, from which any car salons is easily getting rid. Secondly - properties. Rubber provides waterproofing, and reinforced frame - mechanical strength.

For the construction of the well, the tires from the cargo transport are best suitable. Their diameter is quite suitable for construction, and the width will reduce the complexity. In addition, their strength is very high, which will allow you to hold back any soil movements.

The construction of the tire well is carried out in the following order:

  1. Digging shaft. Round pits are manually. The diameter is selected by 20-25 cm more external tire diameter. Depth is calculated taking into account specific volumes of water and, as a rule, is 3-3.5 m.
  2. Lental arrangement. In the formation of a hermetic bottom, the pillow of a mixture of sand and rubble with a thickness of 15-25 cm, and then poured concrete with a thickness of 10-15 cm. The filter bottom is made of 3 layers of rubble (alternately large, medium and fine fractions) with a thickness of 15-18 cm each.
  3. Laying tires. Each tire is placed on the previous layer strictly on one axis, so that the entire column is strictly vertical. In the process of installation, the internal cavity of the tire is filled with rubble, pebbles or clay, in order to reduce the overall shrinkage of the column. In addition, the weighting of the elements allows you to provide more tight fit to each other.
  4. Filling the gap between tires and soil produced by rubble, pebbles or broken bricks. As the gap is filling out, a thorough traam is produced. When dripping, it is necessary to control the location of the tires, not allowing their displacement relative to the vertical.
  5. Introduction of drainage pipe. For the introduction of drain into the well in the bus, the hole is cut down on the diameter of the pipe. After it is pushing the joint sealing.
  6. Formation of top plate. From above of mine, lined with automotive tires, stove stacked with a hatch hole. Best use standard well concrete slabBut you can apply a metal sheet. The hatch is closed with a metal or reinforced concrete lid with handles.

It is a necessary element of the system to eliminate excess moisture. To reduce the cost of construction, it can be built from tires of trucks or tractors, which will ensure the necessary tightness and strength of the well wall. All work can be easily made with your own hands.

Groats, filled with water after each rain, turn into a swamp? Collect a decent harvest from a garden where the soil is oversaturated with water, it will not work. Solving the problem - drainage. If the site is planned to build a house for permanent residence, it is better to design a drainage network before the construction site. But at the cottage, which is used only as a place for picnics and seasonal cultivation of vegetables, equipped full-fledged systems is expensive and irrational. Let's try to figure out how to make a budget drainage from the tires with your own hands so as to save on pipes and wells, and turn a sad wetland into a healthy green garden.

Drainage needed: instead of beds - lake

The easiest way to remove the excess moisture is to make several drainage branches from girlfriend with an output to the receiver. To work it is better to choose the period when the amount of precipitation and groundwater level are at a minimum: in summer or at the beginning of autumn. And planning the drainage scheme is necessary in the season of abundant rains or melting snow - in the spring.

Unsuccessful time selected: Works stopped due to rains

Functions of drainage networks: why do you need drainage

In addition to drying the soil, competently laid drainage from old tires can solve several problems:

  • Stop the process of erosing the upper fertile layer of soil.
  • Lower moisture in the deep layers of the soil.
  • Take the streams of rainwater from the beds.
  • Prevent trees, ornamental plants.

Planning Channel Schemes and Water Collection Points

To work properly, it is necessary to select the trajectory of drainage lines correctly, determine the depth, a plum place. The easiest method is observation. During the shower, pay attention to the flow direction - the natural flow lines of water will help determine the correct lines for drainage channels.

Simple Dual Drainage Wiring Scheme

When planning the system, the relief of the plot is taken into account: the branches are placed in such a way that the beginning of the trench is at the top point, and the stock - in the lowest place. In addition to linear taps, it makes sense to equip point water reservations. Points of collection rationally install in small areas of natural depressions, where water is causing - the arrangement of the point drainage from the tire will take less time.

To properly determine the depth, a simple analysis of the state of the soil is needed. If the groundwater level is constantly tall, and the breed is heavy, with weak permeability, you will have to dig deep trenches:

  • Up to 1 meter depth in the zone of planting fruit trees.
  • Up to 70 cm - in the locations of the Grokeok.
  • Up to 50 cm - around the perimeter of the site, along the tracks.

Trenches and open lines

Channels shouted to the depth of more than half meters are considered deep. Trenches to adjust the level of groundwater to equip the drainage rope: pipe with perforation in the sprinkling of rubble and geotextile wrapper. You can replace purchased materials with screwdrivers:

Instead of finished pipes - Tires

  • Old tires of different diameters will perform the function of the drainage pipe.
  • Instead of rubble use broken old brick, pebbles, ceramzit, pieces of foam sheets.

It is advisable to do not save on geotextile: the canvas protect the drainage from the grain and destruction of dense clay.

Surface channels, a depth of up to 50 cm, leave open, or equip the rope as well as deep trenches. Instead of solid wheels, pieces (segments) of the tires are installed as a pipe. Flowing materials that are needed for drainage - sand and crushed stone.

Reception drainage wells

Waving to drainage channels moisture should be removed from the drained zone and organize a plum point. If there is a pond, roadside ditch nearby, then the discharge of water is carried out without the construction of a drainage well. In the site, drainage receivers - tanks without bottom, mounted on a gravel or rubble pillow. Water from the channels after draining to the well is additionally cleaned with a flowing filter and is given to the ground.

The options for arranging the walls of the drainage well - several:

  • Ready plastic or concrete products.

Factory plastic reservoir

  • Homemade drainage wells. Materials for assembly - Tires or old plastic barrels, brick.

Homemade drainage receiver

On the oversaturated moisture rocks of the device of one drainage reservoir is not enough. To relieve large volumes of water, especially if there is a septic tank on the site, equip the drainage field: a platform with a drainage tunnel for drain. Tunnels are made of plastic in the form of hemispherical channels resembling the pipe cut along. Alone, the channel can also be made of large-diameter tires.

We make a network of channels for drying a plot of tires: instruction

How to make trenches for drainage from tires? Prepare tires: you will need old wheels of different diameter from 13-inch. In addition to tires, you will have to buy sand for submissions and geotextiles. For surface dials, it is additionally needed rubble. The fraction of falling materials is large or medium. Small sand and crumbntry crumb are not suitable for drainage: small particles clog the holes of the canvas.

Tires: Suitable any diameter

Auxiliary tools and materials:

  • Connecting elements: plastic clamps, self-tapping screws.
  • Slices of dense rubber for compaction compaction.
  • Drill - for rapid penetration of holes in rubber.
  • Shovels, kirk, car, level, film, pegs and construction tape (fishing line) - for earthworks.

Preparation: Earthworks

To make her own drainage from the tires, first need to be placed the trajectory, length, plan the depth and width of the branches. Choose a line for the arrangement of the central channel. On the parties from the main line, there are taps: side branches at an angle to the central.

In the upper points of the taps, the width of the channels should correspond to a tire diameter with a reserve up to 20 cm. Depth - tire diameter plus up to 30 cm per submission.

Drawled on the markup line

Taking into account the fact that as it approaches the connection point with the central line, the larger diameter bus will be used, the depth and width of the trench will be smoothly increased towards the main line. In order for water to flow quickly, the slope is formed: for the side branches, the difference is enough in 1 - 2 cm per meter.

In the same order, they dig a central trench. The height difference in the main line should be greater than in lateral discharges. The optimal tilt of the bottom is up to 3 cm for each meter.

Slope along the natural slope of the site

The bottom of the dug-in channels align, check the observance of inclination. From the sand make a sandy pillow with a thickness of up to 15 cm.

Montage drainage from tires

Geotextiles fill on the sandy pillow. Leave free edges, taking into account the height of the tires in the drainage. For additional filtering, you can fall asleep on the web layer of rubble height up to 15 cm.

Finished drainage clip

Building pipes from tires:

  1. Tires are installed on each other. Begin connection from the wheels of a small diameter.

Bolt with nuts

  1. The side walls of the two tires are connected by clamps through previously drilled holes. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, or bolted nuts. With this method of compounding under the holes, put gaskets from a dense film or rubber: the old rubber crumble, the carving breaks down.

  1. The pipe is collected vertically, after installing the last tire, the finished drainage tube is placed in the trench. Due to the high weight, several segments are formed, which are connected after directly in the channel.

To strengthen the design from above and durable segments, metal strips with drilled holes are used. Self-pressing fasten the strip to neighboring tires.

Channel segment connection

The finished pipe is wrapped in geotextiles. The edges of the canvas in several places are connected by the tape, brackets.

Pipe laying in a ditch

On top of the finished climax, the sand layer is poured. From above - reverse fusion of the soil. It is advisable to make a protrusion above the finished channel from the sand and soil to a height of up to 10 cm: with the time the sand will see, and the protrusion comes with the surface of the soil.

Surface line with tires

Surface drainage removals are made of tires. To improve outflows, use tires cut into segments.

Scheme of surface drainage installation

Arrangement of the surface line starts with styling geotextiles and backfilling rubble. The height of the rubble pillow is up to 25 cm. On the submetock laid parts of the tire internal cavity to the bottom of the trench. The openings expanding the book will perform the function of perforation in the factory pipe: through the slots, water freely seeps into the crushed stone.

Top puffed another layer of rubble. Watch and fix the edges of the blade of the mustard. The finished clip falls asleep.

Drainage well: homemade tire receiver

To collect your own hands the receiving well for drainage, you will need old tires of large diameter. The optimal option is durable tractor or cargo tires. The number of products are calculated in the height of the planned tank, taking into account the height of the draining pillow. Wells equipped with a lid of cast iron are installed as point drains in places of constant cluster of water.

Tires: Hermetic Wall Wall Material

Choosing a place of installation and digging

The deepening should be in the natural cavity or in the lowest place on the edge of the site.

Copk for a receiver

Dimensions of the pit:

  • The depth is determined, based on the features of the soil and the water level in it. It is desirable that reset takes place to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m. With this deepening there is no risk of freezing of the liquid.
  • The diameter of the pit is equal to the tire diameter with the addition of up to 30 cm around the circumference for isolation and submetakes.
  • The central line input must be in the upper third of the receiver.

Dropped deepening must be checked on the verticality of the walls: the tires must be installed strictly vertically on each other. The bottom should be smooth.

Sand pillow at the bottom

On the rammed soil fall asleep and seal the sand. The thickness of the sand layer is 15 - 20 cm. From above - a layer of crushed stone of a large fraction. So that the lift is not eroded, it is advisable to install several large stones, and from above - rubble. Instead of rubble, laying of river pebbles or stone is allowed.

Build a well made of old wheels

The first tire is laid on the prepared base. Select the connection method. For hermetic fixation use cement mortar.

Connection of tires of plastic clamps

By installing tires alternately, remove the height at the planned level. At the bottom, on the first tire, you can make narrow rectangular slits in advance for removing water on the submetage.

Insertion in the top of the well

In the upper ring make a hole under the pipe from the central line. Around the walls make a spray from rubble, pieces of foam. On the outer diameter, clay or poured the solution.

Receiver for surface removal

So not only the receiving drainage containers are shown, but also point receivers in places where there is no natural outflow of water, and the divestock is not planned. When installing a point drainage drainage on the top tire, you must install a protective lattice: buy ready or welded from metal rods, fittings.

Dot receiver with lid

Tunnel instead of the filter field

From the tires, not only a linear drainage or receiver can be made, but also equip a full filtration field. This method of removal is arranged in areas where elevated level Groundwater and the complex composition of the breed do not allow to organize reset to the well.

Tunnel Scheme: Ready plastic structures can be replaced by cut tires

The field is a pad of an in-depth floor with a rubble backfill. Instead of wells - a tube of half of the tires, folded close to each other in the form of a tunnel. The water coming from the line is seeping through a crumbntage in the soil.

Video: Drainage from old tires in a complex peat soil

Visual instructions, how to dry out a complex area using the simplest drainage from the tires.

The organization of homemade drainage subsidiaries and wells is a temporary solution to the problem. In this way, you can remove moisture from the garden or with cottage plot. If construction is planned, and the soil is overshadowed by moisture, a plot with a complex relief, a serious drainage system will be designed. Comprehensive protection consists of several separate networks: used, deep, reservoir drainage, and, of course, surface drainage systems. The construction of drainage is planned before the start of work and carry out installation during construction.

A decorative tire well is an ornament for a garden that is enough to make it yourself. However, he may not only decorative element. How to make such a well from tires and how can I use it?

Why do you need a well from tires

Well made of automotive tires can perform a purely decorative function. It can serve as a flowerbed or mask a septic tank or drainage. In the latter case, the design must have a lid.

Where to get tires? If you yourself have not accumulated in the garage the necessary number of tires already unsuitable for use, they can always be asked to relatives or car neighbors. You can also contact the tireage - there are old tires, besides, perhaps different diameters, you will be given for a symbolic fee, and if you are lucky, then for free.

Well with flower

To build such a well to decorate your own hands, you will need:

  • 3 old car tires,
  • 2 identical segments of timber or logs as a roof support
  • material for the roof (tree, professional sheet, plywood, etc.),
  • 4 Cut thin bars for roof frame,
  • fasteners (nails, screws),
  • paint,
  • capacity in which you put flowers.

Build such a flower - a matter of several hours.

  • In tires, it is necessary to make slits into which the segments of the timber will be inserted. They will hold onto the roof. The slots can be made using a knife or saw. You can also install supports outside tires.
  • Tires are put on each other so that cutouts coincide.
  • In the cuts insert bars and clog them into the ground.
  • After that, the design must be painted.

Attention! On tires can be the remnants of machine oil, so they must be prepared: rinse with detergent, dry, wipe the degreasing composition (gasoline, alcohol, acetone).

Paint that is suitable for painting such a well is

  • oil (sticks well, but keeps no more than several seasons, then you need to reproduce),
  • enamel
  • bituminous
  • rubber (there are no rubber in the composition, but this paint is elastic and does not crack when the tires will expand or shrink when temperatures change).

To paint the well from the tires is the most convenient with the kraskopultum or from the can. After the paint is driving, you can apply a drawing with a tassel.

The roof can be made of double or single. It will look good if it is covered hereby. roofing material, for example, slate, straw, boards. The roof frame is made in the form of a grid of thin bars.

When the well is ready, the color container is placed inside. It does not have to get to the bottom. If he is smaller, then you can put a stand in the well, and already on it is a container.

What else can I use decorative wells from tires?

  • Decorative well around trees. For this take 2-3 tires. Such a well makes only around young trees.
  • Lamp. Under the roof of the well, you can put a flashlight, and it is not necessary to carry out electricity for this. You can use flashlights on the photocells, which in the day are charged from the sun, and after the onset of darkness starts glowing. If you want to use an electric flashlight, you need to pave the power cable in compliance with all safety regulations.
  • Element of the playground. A decorative well may well become a place for children's games. Other designs for the playground can be made of tires.

Also, the well can be issued more interesting. To do this, it is coated with plaster or cement and stick stones or tiles. Of plastic bottle Or a log segment can be imitating a well gate. On the gate you can hang a bucket in which to plant flowers.

Well over drainage pit or septic

This is no longer quite decorative option. Septic is a variant of sewage, which consists of two holes. In the first directly, the drains are received, there they are processed with bacteria, and a partially neutralized liquid flows into a second pit, where waste is also processed by bacteria. After that, almost clean water absorbed into the ground.

Important! You can arrange a septic tank where the soil waters occur at a depth of at least 5 m.

Used automotive tires have proven themselves as a rings for such septic. To make a septicch with your own hands, you need to dig a pit and put the tires in it according to the scheme. The figure shows the septic device with a drainage pipe or without it.

The volume of the septica should be such that the three average daily sewage volumes can be placed. Based on this, it is necessary to calculate the depth and width of the well and, accordingly, the number of tires. It is necessary to proceed with the fact that the water level should never be higher than the soil level. One bus is put on the ground and marked the borders of the pit. You can dig a hole a little wider so that it is more convenient to lay the tires and it was possible to insulate the well. Such wells need two, they have them as shown in the figure.

  • At the bottom of the first well, a layer of rubble with a thickness of about 30 cm is poured, it is best to fill in top concrete screed. More budget, but less reliable option is to put a ruleroid or other, non-passing water, material.
  • In the second well, a well depth is a depth of about 5 m, where the pipe is lowered from plastic. Through it, water will be absorbed into the soil. A layer of rubble is also poured on top.
  • After that, placing the tires. They are tightened with wire, and the gaps are filled with waterproof sealant.
  • Next, from one pit to the other, the pipe is paved, for this, holes are made in the tires. Also from the house to the first well, the pipe is paved at which water will be discharged. It should be located slightly higher than the pipe along which the pipe goes into the second well.

Important! The main advantage of such a septicity of tires is low cost, but it serves not for a very long time, about 15 years. It is impossible to overhaul, so there will have to make a new one with serious damage. Septic state needs to be checked every year.

It is necessary to place a septic

  • not less than 5-10 meters from home,
  • from a well with drinking water - not less than 30 m on sandy soil and at least 25 m on clay,
  • not less than 2 m from trees,
  • from the adjacent area - also at least 2 m.

The best septic equipment works on sandy soil. It is advisable to do it where the soil is not freezing to a large depth.

What else can be made from tires

Old car tires are a material from which many different things can be made, which are shown in the photo below. In the garden, except the well, you can make a variety of flower beds, garbage containers, a small pond or fountain, as well as a completely functional staircase if there is a slide on the site.

Children will be glad to make a playground built from tires - you can make a swing, slides, bar of obstacles, the figures of fabulous characters, and from the tire of a large diameter - sandbox.

In addition, the tires can be made with their own hands in the garden (and not only) Furniture: tables, otfiki, chairs, as well as furniture for pets.

Well for the garden decoration is only one version of the decorative construction from tires. In addition, such a well can also perform a practical function, for example, to serve as a septic.

To equip your home by all the benefits of civilization is the main task of a good owner. Fortunately, now there are all the opportunities to bring to residential house Electricity and organize water supply. But the centralized sewage is not everywhere. If there is enough money, then you can buy a ready-made factory septic tank or to build it, for example, from concrete rings. In the case when the finances of the case are not very good, the folk craftsmen, who invented the septic tire from the tires with their own hands. This is very a good ideaBut what is happening exclusively for the house with a small number of tenants.

People who are not particularly knowledgeable may seem that the cesspool and septic tank are different names of the same sewer construction. This is rooted incorrectly. Septic, unlike cesspool, is a more modern and upgraded sewage type.

It consists of two, interconnected, tanks. Waste waters sewage pipe Find the first - cumulative. In it takes primary cleaning: large particles are settled on the bottom and cleansing bacteria begin to recycle them. In the second tank, which is usually somewhat less than the first, there are already partially purified drains, where bacteria continues. Approximately 95% of the total volume falling into a septic tank is ultimately displayed as pure water.

If you compare all the characteristics of the cesspool and septic, it will become understandable and obvious the indisputable advantage of septic sewage. It shows much more efficiency.

Benefits Septicity of automotive tires

  • Availability and abundance of material. Old tires can be accumulated independently or asked on the nearest tire terminal. They will be willing willingly, because employees hundred will have fewer problems with tire utilization.
  • Wonderful performance. If you can easily calculate and responsibly approach the construction of a homemade septicity of the tires, then you can even achieve more efficiency than some factory instances.
  • Low cost. The device of the sewer well made of tires can do and not at all, if the tires are assembled independently, and to perform earthworks do not attract hired workers.
  • Easy mounting. To establish many factory septic tanks, you have to use not one extra pair of hands, and the sewage from the tires is so available in the installation, which can be done without any help.

Discharges of septic tires

  • This sewer facility is not suitable for use in homes where more than 3 people live.
  • In winter, the use of septula from tire makes it difficult, because despite thorough insulation, the tire material is still freezing and the contents of such a well are not processed by bacteria.
  • Whatever the size of the tires is set, their contents will have to retracted at least once a quarter.
  • Twice a year it is necessary to inspect the connections between the tires in order to reveal the places and sewers in time and take the joints.
  • The service life of such a dacha septica of tires, even with careful care and careful operation, is not more than 15 years.
  • If you do not install ventilation pipe, from under the cover of the septica can occasionally appear unpleasant odor from time to time.
  • Carefully repair your own septic tank, made of old car tires, is not recommended, so when the tire material is discontinued, it is necessary to redo everything again.

If all "for" and "against" weighing and decided in favor of building sewage from tires - you can work for work.

You can learn about storm sewage from. What is the functions and which types it happens.

And we have a material about how to do.

Requirements for location

  • The sewage in a private tire house is best spaced from a leeward side of the house. This simple technique will allow you to protect yourself from "pleasure" by unpleasant smells, coming from under the sewage cover.
  • In order not to worry about the overflow of the drain, it is better to initially install the tires with the highest possible diameter and in the amount of 5-7 pieces. In this case, even with a constant stay of three people in the house, the amount of septic will be abound.
  • During the coppe holes for each of the tanks, it is necessary to periodically check the diameter with the same tire to gradually not narrow.
  • For earthworks More convenient to use two different shovels with long cuttings. The bayonet is designed for the loosening of the Earth, and the Soviet is to choose an explosive soil from the pit.
  • Not only sewage communications from the house can be inserted to septic from the tires, but also from the street washbasin or summer soul.
  • The inner rim of the tires must be cut off so that non-processed dirt and garbage can be accumulated in the roundabilities.
  • To fasten the tires, the plastic "clamps" is best. They are not prone to damage to moisture and quite easily attached.
  • The ventilation pipe must rise a bit above the septic lid (at least 60 cm). The closer the tanks for residential structures, the higher the pipe should be.
  • For convenience in the septic lid, you can make an observation window and cover it with a piece of dense rubber. So it will be much easier to control the degree of tank fullness.
  • For insulation of the septic, before filling the sand or rubble, the tires can be wrapped with rubberoid or dense polyethylene. The same reception applies if there is at least the slightest risk Ingressing crude effluents in groundwater.
  • Experienced owners recommend landing near the tanks of some kind of moisture-loving tree: Merchant IVI, alder or Rakit. The plant will absorb all excess water.

Septic tires do it yourself video

In this section you can watch the video on our article.