Download a presentation on biology proteins. Qualitative composition of proteins

How is formed

protein molecule?

Amino acid sequence protein

associated with each other peptide bonds.

Protein features:

1. Structural (plastic). Proteins form all cellular structures.

Keratin - main component Hair, nails, horns, hoofs.

2. Proteins-enzymes.

Amylaza - turns starch in glucose.

DNA polymerase I - participates in reparation DNA molecules.

3. Proteins hormones. 50% of human hormones - protein. Insulin - regulates glucose consumption, Vasopressin - stimulates the reverse water absorption by the kidneys.

4. Transport function. Hemoglobin- transfers oxygenserum albumintransfers fatty acidstransfrine-transport of iron.

5. Backup (energy)- Examples: egg albumin, muscle protein, lymphoid organs, epithelial tissue and liver.

6. Receptor. Via protein receptorsthere is a binding of various bioregulators (hormones, mediators, biogenic amines ...).

7. Cutting. Aktin, Mozin.

Participate in the contraction of the muscles.

8. Immunological.The formation of antibodies.

9. Hemostatic. Blood coagulation proteins.

10. Nequance. Milk proteins are antidote in poisoning salts of heavy metals (lead, copper, zinc ...)

11. Creation of biopotentials

membranes of cells and membranes mitochondria.

12. Gennoregulatoryfunction - biosynthesis protein in the cell.

13. Belky-buffer systems.

14. Proteins - toxins (insect poisons ...)

How is the protein molecule formed?

In the spatial structure of proteins - 4 levels of the organization.

Primary structure-sequence of amino acid residues in the polypeptide chain. It is formed due to peptide bonds. (Type of communication - translation).

The base of the chain is-CH-NH-. Radicals are located outside the circuit carry the main load when performing their functions with proteins.

Secondary structuresquirrel. At the level of the secondary structure, protein "beads" can fit in the form of a spiral and in the form of a folded layer.

Secondary styling occurs only due to hydrogen bonds -N-H ...... O \u003d C-

Two chain laying options:

Alpha spiral (alpha structure). It is human rights, formed using hydrogen bonds between peptide groups of amino acid residues.

Beta-folded layer -Belk The molecule is a snake. Communication

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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Proteins Objectives: give definition to learn the composition to study the spatial structure to learn the basic functions of proteins to study the classification to learn properties

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The exceptional protein property is self-organization of the structure, i.e. Its ability to spontaneously create a certain spatial structure inherent in this protein. Essentially, all the activities of the body (development, movement, the performance of various functions and much more) is associated with protein substances. Without proteins it is impossible to imagine life.

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Proteins - high molecular weight natural compounds (biopolymers) consisting of amino acid residues that are connected by peptide bond. Proteins proteins proteins

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The composition of protein substances includes: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus. Hemoglobin - C3032H4816O872N780S8FE4. The molecular weight of proteins ranges from several thousand to several million. MR Squirrel Eggs \u003d 36 000, MR Muscle protein \u003d 1 500,000 Water - 65% Fats - 10% proteins - 18% Carbohydrates - 5% Other inorganic and organic substances - 2% Qualitative composition Belkov

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The structure in the molecules of the protein α - amino acids are interconnected by peptide (-so-nh-) connections about the o o r1 R2 R3 constructed polypeptide chains or individual sections inside the polypeptide chain may be some cases Advanced interconnected disulfide (-S-S-) connections, or, as they are often called disulfide bridges

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The primary structure is the sequence of alternation of amino acid residues in the polypeptide chain. The sequence of compounding the amino acid residues in the polypeptide chain was called the primary protein structure. Total number Different types of proteins in all types of living organisms is 1010-1012

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The secondary structure is the spatial configuration of the polypeptide chain, that is, its possible location in space. For proteins, the most common variant of the secondary structure is a spiral. The secondary structure has most of the proteins, however, not always on all over the polypeptide chain.

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The tertiary structure is a three-dimensional configuration that the swirling spiral takes place in space. The tertiary structure explains the specificity of the protein molecule and its biological activity. In the formation of a tertiary structure, in addition to hydrogen bonds, ionic and hydrophobic interaction plays a major role. According to the characters of "packaging", the protein molecule distinguish globular, or spherical, and fibrillary, or filamentine, proteins.

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The quaternary structure is the location in the space of several polypeptide chains, each of which has its primary, secondary and tertiary structure and is called the subunit. In some cases, individual protein subunits with hydrogen bonds, electrostatic and other interactions form complex ensembles. In this case, a quaternary structure of proteins is formed.

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Classification There are several protein classifications. They are based on different signs: the degree of complexity (simple and complex); Molecules shape (globular and fibrillar proteins); Solubility in individual solvents (water-soluble, soluble in dilute saline solutions - albumin, alcoholoisseable - prolaminones, soluble in diluted alkalis and acids - vulnery); Function performed (for example, spare proteins, skeletal, etc.).

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The functions of proteins construction (plastic) - proteins are involved in the formation of a cage shell, organoids and cell membranes. Catalytic - all cell catalysts - proteins (active enzyme centers). Motor - contracting proteins cause any movement. Transport - blood protein hemoglobin joins oxygen and distribute it in all tissues. Protective - Development of protein bodies and antibodies to neutralize alien substances. Energy - 1 g of protein is equivalent to 17.6 kJ. Receptor - reaction to an external stimulus

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Chemical properties proteins proteins - amphoteric electrolytes. With a certain value of the pH of the medium (it is called an isoelectric point) the number of positive and negative charges In the protein molecule equally. This is one of the properties of a protein. Proteins at this point are either either, and their solubility in water is the smallest. The ability of proteins to reduce the solubility when the electrophetrality is reached, their molecules is used to release them from solutions, for example, in the technology of obtaining protein products.

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1. Hydrolysis (acid-main, enzymatic), as a result of which amino acids are formed. 2. Denaturation is a violation of the natural structure of the protein under the action of heating or chemical reagents. The denatured protein loses its biological properties. Chemical properties of proteins The primary protein structure during denaturation is preserved. Denaturation can be reversible (so-called, renault) and irreversible. An example of irreversible denaturation with thermal exposure is the coagulation of egg albumin when cooking eggs.

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Slide 2.

"Everywhere, where we meet life, we find that it is connected with any protein body, and everywhere, where we meet any protein body that are not in the process of decomposition, we meet and have a phenomenon of life without exception." (K. Marx, F. Enteps. Collected Works. T.20).

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Antoine Francois de Furkrua

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Proteins are complex high molecular weight natural compounds constructed from α-amino acid residues connected by peptide (amide) bonds - NH -.

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The number of amino acid residues included in the protein molecules is different: in insulin of their 51 (20 in one and 31 - in another chain), in myoglobin - 140. The molecular masses of proteins can range from 10,000 to several million.

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Mr (Eggs protein) \u003d 36,000; Mr (muscle protein) \u003d 1 500 000. The composition of hemoglobin is expressed by the formula (C738H1166O208N203S2FE) 4

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The protein includes: C - 50 - 52%; N - 6 - 8%; O - 19 - 24%; N - 15 - 18%; S - 0.5 - 2.0%.

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Structures of a protein molecule

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    Different ways of image of the three-dimensional protein structure

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    Chemical properties:

    hydrolysis (when heated with acid solutions, alkalis, under the action of enzymes), a protein ↔ amino acids → Blood in all cells and tissues of the body

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    OH OH IIII I H2N─CH2 ─C ─n ─ch─c─ ─ch─c \u003d O → H2OI H2OI I CH2 CH2 OH II Tripeptide OH SH → H2N─CH2 ─C \u003d O + H2N─CH─C \u003d O + H2N─ch─c \u003d OII III OH CH2 OHCH2 OH II OHSH Glicin Serine Cysteine

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    2) Denaturation - violation of the natural structure of the protein (under the action of heating and chemical reagents)

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    3) amphoterity: + NaOH __________ Society of protein acids __________ Base properties + HCl

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    4) Color reactions of proteins - high-quality reactions A) Xanthoprotein reaction: protein + HNO3 conc. → Yellow staining b) buret reaction: protein + Cu (OH) 2 ↓ → Solution of purple color 5) burning - smell of burning feathers

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    The role of proteins in a cage: 1. Construction material Common, organoids and cell membranes. Of these, blood vessels, tendons, hair were built. 2. Catalytic function. All cell catalysts are proteins. 3. Motor function. Cutting proteins cause any movement.

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    4. Transport role - hemoglobin blood protein joins oxygen and spreads over all tissues. 5. Protective function - the production of protein bodies of antibodies to neutralize alien substances. 6. Energy function - with decomposition of 1 g of protein, 17.6 kJ of energy is distinguished.

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    Protein content in various human tissues

    In muscles - up to 80%; in the spleen, blood, lungs - about 72%; in the skin - 63%; in the liver - 57%; in the brain - 15%; Fat fabric, bone and teeth tissue contain from 14 to 28% proteins.

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    Synthesis proteins

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    According to the World Health Organization approximately half of the population globe It is in a state of protein starvation, and the global shortage of the food protein is about 15 million tons per year with the norm of protein consumption per day with an adult man 115 grams

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    check yourself

    1. The main carrier of life is ... 2. ... - These are complex high molecular compounds built from .... 3. The elemental composition of proteins: .... 4. The molecular weight of proteins varies from ... to ....

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    Proteins (proteins) are the basis of life. They are animal and vegetable origin. Animal proteins are contained in meat, fish, seafood, bird, dairy products, eggs. The ratio contained in them amino acids is closest to the optimal for the human body. Vegetable proteins are contained in legume crops, nuts, algae, chocolate, potatoes, various cereals. The human body needs both animals and vegetable proteins: they mutually complement each other. The total daily need of the body in proteins is about 20% of the diet. What is protein? Proteins are a key part of each human body cell. They represent high molecular weight biological compounds and serve as a "building material", from which the body's tissues are built: muscles, skin, as well as hair and nails. They make it possible all the main manifestations of life: digestion, metabolism, the ability to increase, irritate fabrics, reproduction and even the highest form of motion of matter - thinking. The lack of protein in the nutrition of the child can lead to a sharp lag of its development, and in adults decreases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, disability falls. The word "protein" comes from the Greek word "Proteios", which means "occupying first". So this gives us a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of protein in nutrition!

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    General formula amino acids. The amino group has the properties of the base. The group radical - different in all carboxyl group has acid properties between the combined amino acids, a peptide bond arises, on the basis of which the compound polypeptide is formed.

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    Structure of protein molecule
    Primary, linear, in the form of a polypeptide chain: secondary due to hydrogen bonds: spiral-, in the form of harmonica-.

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    Tertiary, globular, due to hydrophobic interactions. Quaternary- combining several molecules with a tertiary structure.

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    Properties of protein.
    First, proteins are predominantly water-soluble molecules and, therefore, can exhibit their functional activity only in aqueous solutions. Secondly, protein molecules carry a large superficial charge. Thirdly, proteins are thermolabile, i.e. Show their activity in the narrow temperature framework.

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    Denaturation - loss by a protein molecule of its structural organization. The effect of increased temperature, dehydration, changing the pH and other effects cause the destruction of the structural organization of proteins.

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    Renaturation is the restoration of the lost structure. If the change in the conditions of the medium does not lead to the destruction of the primary structure of the molecule, then the structure of the protein and its functional activity is completely recreated when restoring normal conditions of the medium.

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    Hormones: hormones - proteins that are produced by alive cells. The hormones are circulated in body fluids, such as blood, and causes a certain effect on other cells, which, as a rule, at some distance from the place where the hormone is produced. For example: Adrenaline is a hormone, which is produced by the body during stress and leads to accelerating the frequency of heart abbreviations and respiration. Enzymes: They are complex proteins formed in plant and animal cells, and contribute to the transformation of one substances (substrates) to other (products). Digestive enzymes, for example, help our body recycle food into chemicals that can be absorbed into blood. Antibodies: Antibodies - protein produced by white blood cells in response to an alien substance called an antigen, such as bacteria and viruses. Hormones, enzymes and antibodies are just some of the substances that, ultimately, are formed in the organism of protein food.

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    Protein functions. Plastic Function: Proteins are involved in the formation of all cell membranes and cell organoids, as well as extracellular structures. Catalytic role of proteins.

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    Motor function - contracting proteins. These proteins participate in all types of movement to which cells and organisms are capable of: the flickering of the cilia and the beating of flavors from the simplest, cutting muscles in multicellular animals, the movement of the leaves in plants.

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    Transport function of proteins: the addition of chemical elements, biologically active substances. Special transport proteins move RNA. Protective function - antibody. Energy function - with a full splitting of 1 g of protein to final products, 17.6 kJ of energy is highlighted. Hormonal, or receptor-proteins are part of many hormones, take part in the regulation of vital processes.

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    Daily protein needs The required amount of protein per day depends on various factors, including the floor, age and level of physical activity. They must be about 20% of the daily nutritional need. Lack of proteins in a daily diet reduces immunity and contributes to the development of various diseases, including cancer. You can significantly increase immunity if you add 15 g of dairy proteins to a daily rate of 1 g / kg (cheese). Proteins are rarely used to produce energy. This is the work of carbohydrates and fats.

    Structure of protein

    Slides: 29 words: 974 Sounds: 0 Effects: 258

    Biology. Proteins are the most important cell components. Plan. Definition of protein. Location. The structure of the protein. Forms of a protein molecule. Protein - spare stuff. Structure of protein. Properties of protein (experience). Quality reaction to proteins. Protein functions. Construction. Catalytic. Regulatory. Motor. Transport. Protective. Energy. No proteins impossible growth of plants, animals and humans. Proteins are found in: meat. Fish. Mushrooms. Legumes. The protein molecule consists of 20 amino acids that alternately alternate. "*" 10 of which are indispensable and must come with vegetable and animal food. - Proteins.ppt.

    Proteins Lesson

    Slides: 10 Words: 164 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Proteins. The content of proteins in the body (as a percentage of dry mass). The structure of the protein molecule. Qualitative reactions. Buret Xanthoprotein HNO3 Naoh Cuso4. Quaternary structure of a protein molecule. General properties of proteins. Protein functions. What is life? The content of proteins in food. - Bellee lesson.pps

    Biology proteins

    Slides: 16 words: 714 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

    The subject of the lesson: "Proteins - biopolymers of life." Proteins. Life is a way of existence of protein bodies. " The composition of proteins is conventional amino acids that are part of proteins. Alanine. Arginine. Asparagin. Asparagic acid. Phenylalanine. Gistidine. Glycine. Glutamine. Glutamic acid. Isoleucine. Leucine. Lysine. Methionine. Proline. Serine. Tyrosine. Thinonin. Tryptophan. Cysteine. Valin. The composition of proteins. Fig.1 Optical isomeria Alanine. Fig. 2 peptide bonds in protein structure. Fragment of the chain of normal hemoglobin: -Glu-deep liz. Fragment of the abnormal hemoglobin chain: -Valo-de-liz. Structure of proteins. Protein conformation - spatial configuration of protein molecule, special geometric shape. - Biology proteins.pptx

    Proteins substance

    Slides: 28 Words: 277 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

    Organic cells proteins. Proteins - the main component of the cell. Chemical composition of proteins. Monomers proteins - amino acids. The amino acid is an organic substance, which simultaneously includes an amino group and a carboxyl group. It is known 20 AK, of which proteins are built. The general formula AK: all AK differ by radicals. In the protein of amino acids, peptide bonds (NH-CO) are interconnected into polypeptide chains. Protein functions. Enzymatic construction transport contractile regulatory food protective energy receptor. Proteins-enzymes. Accelerators of biochemical reactions in the cell. (lipase, amylase, pepsin). - Proteins substance.pptx

    Organic substances protein

    Slides: 21 words: 618 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

    Proteins. Food. Food containing proteins. The composition of the protein. The method of existence of protein bodies. Amino acids. Classification of proteins. Levels of the organization of a protein molecule. Protein structures. The shape of the twisted spiral. Denaturation of protein. Protein functions. Structural function. Enzymes. Regulatory proteins. Protective proteins. Transport proteins. Motor proteins. Receptors. Flashing proteins. - organic substances proteins.ppt

    Properties of proteins

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    Primary protein structure. Peptide group. Peptide connection. The spiral of the secondary structure held by hydrogen bonds. The tertiary structure is a secondary tangle, held by the bonds S - S and S - H. Quaternary structure - a complex of tertiary (an example of hemoglobin molecule). Denaturation. Renaturation. Study of proteins properties. Solubility of proteins. Chicken egg protein partially soluble. Lesson. Study of the influence of substances on the structure of the protein. Alcohol + protein \u003d precipitate (denaturation). Protein + Heavy Metal Salt (CUSO4) \u003d Spectal (Denaturation). The heating of the protein leads to denaturation. - Properties of proteins.ppt.

    The structure of proteins

    Slides: 18 Words: 77 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

    The structure of proteins. Check homework. Terminological work. Hydrophobes. Macroelements. Hydrophila. Bufferiness. Polysaccharides. Lipoproteins. In the cells and tissues there are over 170 different amino acids. The structure of proteins is the primary structure. The structure of the protein is a secondary structure. Usually, the protein molecule resembles a stretched spring. The structure of the protein is a tertiary structure. Most proteins have polypeptide chains rolled by a special way into a compact globe. The method of coagulation of polypeptide chains of globular proteins is called a tertiary structure. The structure of the protein is a quaternary structure. - The structure of proteins.ppt.

    Structure of protein molecule

    Slides: 10 Words: 367 Sounds: 0 Effects: 37

    Proteins. Antoine Francois de Furkrua. Structure of proteins. The three-dimensional structure is formed as a result of the interaction of the lower level structures. There are four levels of protein structure. Primary structure. The primary structure is amino acid residues repetitive in strict sequence. Secondary protein structure. Tertiary protein structure. Quaternary protein structure. Subunis structure of protein. The mutual arrangement of several polypeptide chains in the composition of a single protein complex. The value of protein for living organisms. Proteins carry out metabolism and energy transformations. - protein molecule structure.ppt

    Protekov functions

    Slides: 16 Words: 1165 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

    Subject: "Properties and features of proteins." Tasks: To study the properties and functions of proteins. Distinguish sour, main and neutral proteins. There are proteins extraordinarily chemically active (enzymes), there is chemically inactive. There are resistant to the effects of various conditions of the external environment and extremely unstable. 1. Properties of proteins. The cause of denaturation is the break of connections that stabilize a certain structure of the protein. What proteins are called sour? Proteins, in which more acid amino acids, lowering pH. What proteins are called neutral? Proteins in which the same amount of carboxyl and amino groups. - Functions of proteins.ppt.

    Proteins and their functions

    Slides: 14 Words: 311 Sounds: 15 Effects: 15

    The structure and function of the protein. Concept of proteins. Protein functions. The functions of proteins are extremely diverse. Construction material. Proteins are involved in the formation of a cage shell, organoids and cell membranes. Blood vessels, tendons, hair were built from proteins. Transport function of proteins. Catalytic role. All cellular catalysts are proteins (active enzyme centers). Protective function. Development of protein bodies and antibodies to neutralize alien substances. Energy function. 1 g of protein is equivalent to 17.6 kJ. Motor function. Cutting proteins cause any movement. - Proteins and their functions .ppt

    Amino acids and proteins

    Slides: 15 Words: 873 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

    Proteins and amino acids. Proteins. With the help of proteins, we digest food and struggle with diseases. Biological "beads". Protein molecule is very long. So the beads in the necklace are risted. In polymers, the role of the thread is played by chemical bonds between molecules beads. For example, the red are attracted to yellow. Something similar happens in proteins. Energy value of some products. Amino acid device. In each amino acid molecule there is a carbon atom associated with four substituents. Amino acids. For normal vital activity, the body needs a complete set of 20 main A-Z-amino acids. -