How to arrange a water supply in a well house. Automatic water supply from the well: main components and installation of automation

The main goal of the organization autonomous System Water supply - uninterrupted flow of well water into the house. To implement such an idea, the automatic well is used, which consists of a pump and additional electromechanical components intended for control and the management process.

Well on the plot can be used as the main or auxiliary source of water supply. And in the first, and in the second case it is desirable to initially provide for the installation of automation. Not the premissory advantages of the manual water lifting mechanism in the form of a gate with a bucket, such a device still requires considerable physical costs. Whereas the automated feed allows you to produce water for household needs or watering the garden, without applying to this special effort.

Interesting to know. To pour a small area of \u200b\u200b100 m² about 1 m³ of water or 100 buckets. Even without taking into account the physical costs, the manual way will take a lot of time. At the same time, using the medium-sized pump, the operating operation can be carried out for half an hour.

The automatic flow of water from the well to the house deprives a person of the mass of household inconveniences, especially in the absence of centralized water supply. Therefore, most modern wells are equipped with similar systems.

Automation Elements for Well

To implement a normal water supply, an autonomous system, in addition to the pump, includes a number of devices, the purpose of which is to control a stable water supply and a warning emergency situations.

Standard scheme of automatic water supply of a private house

Pump equipment

The pump is the "heart" of the system, since it is he who carries out groundwater from the bottom of the source. There are two types of similar services:

  • superficial;
  • submersible.

From the name you can understand the principle of operation of each option. In the first case, the equipment is located on the surface, and in the second - it drops directly into the water. As a rule, the choice of one type or another depends on the parameters of the well.

Council. For small depths (up to 15-20 m) it is more expedient to use a more affordable and easy-to-maintain surface pump. At a considerable depth, submersible aggregates are most often used.

Calculation of the performance of pumping equipment is carried out taking into account the flow rate of the source and the necessary pressure. If there is a minor flow rate, then you should not install a too powerful apparatus. In such a sessitation, you can very quickly spend the whole stock of water, and you will have to wait for a long time until the desired volume resumes.

Application of surface and submersible equipment

The hydroaccumulator performs the function of the pressure stabilizer with automatic water supply from the well. In addition, it protects the pump from frequent inclusions / shutdowns, and the pipeline from the hydrowards. In case of disconnection of electricity, the tank can be used as an emergency water source.

Hydrobacom is a metal container, one part of which is filled with air, and the other water. In the process of air, the air is compressed and acts as a spring, stabilizing the pressure in the system and thereby unloading the pump.

Hydroaccumulating tank in the context

Pressure switch

An integral element of the automation of the well is a pressure switch, which gives the command to turn on the pump equipment at low pressure in the hydraulic panel, and turns off the electric pump when the established indicators is reached.

For your information. The operating pressure is set using a special regulator located on the sensor housing.

The principle of operation of such a device is quite simple. Inside there is a contact group for connecting a relay into a rupture of the pump power supply chain, as well as a spring mechanism to which water presses. At low pressure, the contacts are closed, thereby "resolution" the power supply of the unit. After the pressure in the system reaches the necessary parameters, contacts are open and the water supply stops.

Typical sensor device (relay) pressure

Dry pass sensor

Good automation should not only control the flow of water from the well, but also protect the system from emergency situations. As you know, pumping equipment cannot work in dry mode for a long time. In this case, its parts are overheated, deformed and fail. To prevent a malfunction, a dry-end sensor, disconnecting electrosos, is used at a low water level. Thus, the device stops working before the breakdown occurs.

There are several types of similar protection. It can be a float switch, a level sensor or a duct relay. The principle of operation of these devices is different, but the goal is one-register of the dry stroke of the equipment.

Driver Relay - One of the Protection Options from Dry Toothy

Organization of automatic water supply to the house

Installation of the pump and automation well is not an excess task. Therefore, it can be done independently. As an example, consider the organization of the autonomous water supply system based on the submersible apparatus. For this, you will need the following components:

  • submersible electric pump;
  • pipeline;
  • galvanized or kapron cable;
  • check valve;
  • hydroaccumulator;
  • elements of automation (pressure gauge, pressure switch, dry stroke sensor);
  • pythyoded fitting;
  • fitting.

Before performing installation work, the trench is necessary to make a trench in which the pipeline will be laid for automatic water supply from the well to the house. In this case, the pipe should be located below the soil freezing line so that the system can be operated in winter.

Automatic Water Supply System

Although in theory, installation of automation for water supply from the well does not represent a special difficulty, in practice certain problems may occur. Special attention should be paid to the reliability of the sealing of compounds and correctly connected the elements of the automation. In the absence of necessary experience, the arrangement of the water supply system is better to trust the specialists.

We all appreciate comfort that even equipment vacation home, try to surround yourself with amenities. Water supply takes one of the key roles when creating comfortable conditions for accommodation. If for household owners in which centralized water supply, the system for arranging the system is practically solved, then for owners who plan to conduct autonomous water supply in their sites, all the troubles fall on their shoulders. Water supply country house The well is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to improve the autonomous water supply system.

Advantages of well water supply

Planning the water supply of the cottage from the well, it should be borne in mind that for the organization of the water supply system, you can only use the correctly equipped source. What kind of a hydraulic structure will have, depends on the owner. But its walls should be reliably protected from grounded colts, and therefore are made of masonry, concrete rings or a wooden log cabin.

The easiest option of the exhibition of the well - using concrete rings, which impede not only the collapse of the soil, but also flowing surface water

Well water supply involves the production of water with the use of pumping equipment and the subsequent distribution of it in the site and the house. Compared to other options for arranging water supply system, well water supply has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • Easy installation. The owner who owns at least basic knowledge and construction skills, dig and equip the source independently. At the same time, he does not need to receive official permission to dig a well.
  • Minimum cost. On the construction of the well, in comparison with the same well, no significant material costs are required: it is enough to purchase a water pump and pipeline. Provided by water the dug source will be not one dozen years old, and completely free.
  • Free access to water. In case of disconnection of electricity, it is always possible to get water from the well, armed with a rope and a bucket.

But the main advantage of the autonomous water supply of the cottage from the well is the ability to equip it with your own hands. Indeed, in principle, the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling such a water supply system is not new and has been repeatedly tested in practice. But the project with the development of the power supply scheme from the well, as well as the selection and installation of pumping equipment, it is better to commission professionals. This will prevent the occurrence of problems in the operation of the system that arise due to errors allowed at the design stage.

However, it is worth noting that, due to the close-up to the surface of the Earth, well water often contains a large number of impurities. Such water can be used only for watering the garden and the needs of a technical nature.

Clean water with a large amount of impurities for use in food the easiest way, installing the filtering system

Planning to use water for drinking, you need to additionally provide for the installation of the filtering system. In addition, the well itself must be cleaned not less than once a year.

Choose a pump and pipes for the water supply system

It is impossible to organize the water supply of a private house from the well without a pump, which pumps water from the source and on the pipeline attached to it serves it into the house. Therefore, when a model is selected, the power of the unit should be taken into account, which should be sufficient to maintain the water pressure in the area of \u200b\u200b1.5 atmospheres throughout the pipe system, laid from the well to the house. Conventional submersible pumps are capable of pumping water from a depth of 9 to 40 meters. If the well is placed at a considerable distance from the house, it is desirable to install a more powerful self-priming centrifugal pump that can pump water from a depth of up to 45 meters.

When choosing a pump, it is necessary to repel from the fact that the productivity of the unit must exceed the marking of the maximum water consumption during the greatest consumption. On average, the "stock" of performance should be about 30%. For example: for a country cottage in which a family of 4 people lives, it is enough to install a pump with a capacity of 3-4 cubic meters / hour. It will be enough not only to ensure the work of household appliances, but also for watering the vegetable garden.

If the depth of the well, from which the autonomous water supply is expected, does not exceed 10 meters, then it is best to install a small pumping station equipped with automation and hydroaccumulator system

It is good because it allows you to increase the resource of the pump itself. It operates at full capacity when pumps water from the well into the hydroaccumulator, and then only squeezes the required amount of fluid into the water supply system leading to the house.

For on cottage plot You can use pipes made of steel, copper or metalplastic. The latter option is more preferable, since the polymer material is quite easy to sleep, which greatly simplifies its installation when the track is laying. It is not subject to corrosion.

Technological stages of the arrangement of such a system

Technology of well-cleaning water supply includes several stages:

  • Development or selection of a finished power supply scheme;
  • Trench gasket for installation of caissons and styling of the pipeline;
  • Installing pumping equipment;
  • Installation of water purification system;
  • Paving the pipeline from the source to the house;
  • Installation and connection of equipment in the house.

Before installing the pumping equipment, take care of the wiring of the water supply system inside the house.

On the finished scheme should be clearly shown: the source of water intake, water pump with control unit, waterproof tank and pipeline

To arrange autonomous water supply from the well to the house, the trench is digging, the depth of which should be below the level of the soil freezing (on average at least 30 cm). To prevent corrosive surface changes metal pipes It is desirable to cover with a special protective composition.

On the bottom of the trench, the pipe is placed, the end of which is removed through the hole in the well ring and lowered into the water, not bringing 35-40 cm to the bottom of the well. The pipe must be placed under a slope of 0.15 m through each meter of the product length. The end of the pipe is equipped with a mesh filter that protects the suction hole from entering impurities, thereby ensuring the smooth operation of the pump itself.

The hydroaccumulator is equipped at an altitude of at least 1.5 meters from the floor level, most often - in the attic or roof. Thanks to this placement, in the event of a disconnection of electricity, water will be provided, at which it will continue to enter the crane.

Closed and dry room - optimal conditions for placing pumping equipment, the creation of which allows you to extend the service life of the water supply system

The most common and simple option to improve the well, it is to spend a summer or winter water supply in the country using the DAB DIVERTRON submersible pump with built-in automatics, Grundfos SBA, or a pump with a float switch of water vessel, domestic jilex company. The pumping equipment is selected by the engineer depending on the conditions and technical requirements for the object.

Our company will improve the installation and installation of an autonomous system of private water supply from a turnkey well for a country residential building or a cottage inexpensive. Summer water pipe Designed for seasonal use. Winter version of the water supply of your private house is designed for year-round accommodation and for a periodic visit to the country house in the winter, on weekends and holidays.

Autonomous water supply system from the well will create for you comfortable living conditions in the country, or in a private house round year. Cold and hot water will increase the quality of your country life and winter, and in summer.

Installation of water supply from the well occupies 1-2 days, depending on the complexity and volume of work. The cost is calculated taking into account all materials, including all types of work, including earthworks (trench coppe). Autonomous water supply from a turnkey well is calculated based on the conditions and requirements for the object, given your wishes. Accommodation at the facility is not required, all employees are Russians. We work under the contract, provide a reminder-instruction manual. Warranty on completed work 2 years.

Preliminary estimation of individual water supply from a well with a submersible pump for all-season use

Various installation companies constituting the estimate consider it possible to pave water supply into the cottage or to the cottage without a heating cable and filters. Our experience in conducting a system of private autonomous water supply turnkey allows you to be better than competitors, and include filters and summer watering faucet. You can familiarize yourself with the typical estimate compiled under the following conditions: the distance from the well to the house is 5-6 meters, the depth of the well of 10 meters, water in the well at least one and a half rings (1.4 meters), tape or pile Fundam, One bathroom on the first floor, sink in the kitchen. (Minimum demands for country comfort)

NameNumber ofUnits.PriceSum
Earthworks 1.50-1.606 meter1 200 rub.7 200 rubles.
Installation of a fine filter1 pC1 000 rub.1 000 rub.
Installing coarse filter1 pC400 rubles.400 rubles.
Connect the heating cable1 pC1 000 rub.1 000 rub.
Installation of pumping equipment1 pC12 000 rubles.12 000 rubles.
Arrangement of the system of watering1 pC2 000 rubles.2 000 rubles.
Installing Switching Rod2
pC600 rubles.1200 rub.
Fare1 pC2 500 rub.2 500 rub.
Pass concrete Ring under the pipe d-321 elf700 rub.700 rub.
TOTAL 28 000 rubles.
NameNumber ofUnits.PriceSum
DAB DIVERTRON 1000 M pump with hydroaccumulator and fasteners1 pC17100 17100
Heating cable with 2 meters gland (Sweden)1 pC3500 3500
Hydrophotoma1 pC450 450 .
Crane Ball Valtec Base 1/2 HV lever vt.215.n.041 pC258 258
Crane water treatment with removable fitting 1/2 vt.051.n.041 pC281 281
Crane Ball Valtec Base 1 HV lever vt.215.n.061 pC590 590
Fitting of threaded - nipple 1 * NN vtr.582.n.00064 pC138 552
Fitting Threaded - Tee 1 VTr.130.n.00064 pC371 1484
Fitting threaded - nipple transition 1-1 / 2 VTr.580.n.06042 pC116 232
Fortorka 1-3 / 4 HV vtr.581.n.06051 pC78 78
Crane Ball Valtec Base 1/2 NV Butterfly VT.218.N.041 pC215 215
PND Coupling Transition with Outdoor Pipe Thread 32x14 pC52 208
Pipe pressure. PE100 DN32x2.4 PN12,5 SDR 13.6 Sin. Stripe20 meter55 1100
Corrugation D-2015 meter26 390
Stainless steel cable D3 mm, 630 kg10 meter50 500
Clip for cable stainless. 3mm4 pC65 260
PVS cable 3 * 1.515 pC37 555
Thermal insulation Super 35 / 9mm (2m)4 meter33 132
Tee PP 32-32-32 VTP.731.0.0324 pC22 88
Connector p / n Valtec with a cape nut 20-1 / 2 vtp.708.0.020042 pC105 210
PP pipe, reinforced Valtec PP-Fiber PN 20 DU 32 VTP.700.FB20
4 meter144 576
Pipe PP DU20 PN20Airmir Fiberglass VTP700FB20.204 meter51 204
Patch outlet1 pC250 250
Fork el.uglova1 pC150 150
Delivery1 pC3000 3000
Consumables1 pC1500 1500
Pipe Clamp DGR with Nut 1 "(31-36) M86 pC90
Crane Ball Valtec Base Butterfly 1 HV VT.218.n.061 pC577 577
Mechanical cleaning filter Washing cascade 1 * VT.389.n.061 pC2125 2125
Case 10 "Input 1" FHPR1-B filter assembly (cartridge, key, bracket)1 pC1700 1700
TOTAL: rub 38855
Total subsidy: rub 66855

If the individual autonomous water supply from the well cannot be organized with the existing equipment, then our company's specialists will choose suitable submersible pumps with a hydro battery. You should not worry about this, all the troubles on the installation, laying and the construction of the water supply in the cottage we will take on yourself.

For the winter version of autonomous water supply, the trench is digging on the territory of the dacha or country house area at a depth of one and a half meters, it allows you to use the well year-round. Entering water into the house is insulated under the floor, additionally is insulated, and a warm cable is used to heat the inlet tube (with a tolerance for drinking water), we are ready to install the water supply system from the well, both in the summer and in the winter. By ordering the water supply arrangement from the well in our company, you get the organization of the winter autonomous water supply system from a turnkey well, with a guarantee for completed work.

The numbers in the table on the installation of the autonomous system of the private water supply system have average. The arrangement of the "turnkey" well bundled with the submersible pump and the necessary amount of work will take no more than one working day.

The price may change, for example in the winter or depending on the element earthworks. In the estimate of the inexpensive device of the country automatic water supply from the well for the cottage, a private residential building or cottage, we take into account the materials of reliable and proven manufacturers.