Bassni genre features. What is bass in literature? Definition of Basni.

Theme lesson: Extracurricular reading. Bass as a literary genre.

The origins of the fastened genre

(Esop, Lafonten, Russian Basinople 18th Century).

Class: Grade 5 E.

Type of lesson - Lesson studying a new material.

Objectives lesson:

a) didactic:

Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bass as one of the oldest genres of literature;

Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe emergence and development of the fastened genre;

Introduce children with the names of famous Basinasians;

b) developing:

Develop cognitive interests of students;

Develop expressive reading skills;

Develop the ability to build an oral statement;

c) raising:

Educating the non-indifferent attitude to the problems affected in the works of the Basinoisians.


    TextbookLiterature. Grade 5 / V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010;

    The texts of the basin Ezopa and Lafontaine;

    PresentationPowerPoint "Fable. The origins of the fastened genre. "

During the classes


    Setting the purpose of the lesson. Introduction to the topic.

In today's lesson, we will talk about the bass. About the origins of this genre. We find out, whether it was much in the light of the Basinoisians, and we will try to remember their names.

But first remember what fable is.


Remember what fable you have read? Who is the author of them? Do you know other basinists?

Read the entry on the board (reading a record with one of the students):"Bassnya is some kind of frivolous literary genre. A small product of moral character, mainly a poetic form. Perhaps, that's all! So it can only argue ignorance. Basnya is an extremely difficult form of poetry, and Basinoisians are a rare phenomenon in literature. " (Zh.N. Critarova)

Let's figure out what the difficulty of this genre is.

    Work on the lesson.

1) Fable - Laro-epic work.

At home you read the article by the textbook "Birth and genres of literature". What three kinds of literature are you known? (Scheme)

What kind of literature will we take the genre of Basni?

The complexity of the fastened genre is that it is between lyric and epic native of literature. We call her lyrol-epic work. The fable most often has a poetic form, but it is narrated by any events, as in the epic, you can trace the sequence of events in it.

2) Working with literary terms.

Basina is a short poetic or prosaic story of moral character, having an allegorical, allegorical meaning.

The bass makes fun of human vices. Existing persons are usually animals, plants, items.

Allegory - an allegorical image of an object or phenomenon in order to visually show his features (wolf - an evil person, fox - a cunning man - continue …)

In Basna, there is a morality.

Moral is the initial or final lines of fables with a moral output.

3) Basinisians.

Basinisians are really rare in the literature. What is the Basinist familiar to you from early childhood? (I.A. Wings)

But the story of Baszy began not from Krylov. Basnya is a very ancient genre. One of the most famous Basinople Esop. He lived in 6 V to AD. In ancient Greece. He was a slave and had an unattractive appearance (Gorbun), but possessed an extraordinarily sharp mind. He composed a lot of fables, which were then recycled by other basinists.

There is an expressionEzopov Language - This is an allegorical, figurative, allegorical speech. This expression is associated with the name of Ezop.

Prepared disciples are read by the Basni Ezopa "Raven and Fox", "Fox and Grapes".

In the 18th century, at the court of Louis 14, the writer Jean de Lafontane lived. He realized that the fables, who wrote Ezop 23 centuries ago, continue to remain important for people, and also began to compose and recycle fables. Basnie Lafontaine is written by verses.

Prepared disciples are read by Basni Lafontaine "Raven and Fox", "Fox and Grapes".

In Russia, writers of the 18th - 19th centuries also wrote Basni. He wrote the Basni Lomonosov, about which we were speaking on the past lesson. And today I want to read you the fables of Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky.

Reading teacher Basni Trediakovsky "Raven and Fox".

Some modern writers also use this genre in their work. But the most famous Basinista, of course, was the wings. We will talk about it in detail in the next lesson.

    Summing up the lesson.

What is bass?

What is morality?

With the names of which basinists, we met today's lesson?

6 . Homework.

Reading and retelling a textbook article about I.A. Kryonov (p.56 - 58). Write the fable (it does not matter, in prose or in verses, the main thing is that human vices are ridiculed). Emboss beautifully on album sheets.

Aesop (OK. VI century BC. er) is a native of Thrace in Malaya Asia, an ancient Greek Basinople, who is considered the impetus to the fastener genre. All the fables, which later retells to different ways for many centuries, for the first time I first composed Ezop: And about the wolf and lamb, and about the fox and grapes, and many others.

Esop composed Basni because he was a slave and talk directly what he thought was dangerous for him. On behalf of Ezop, an allegorical language was called "Ezopov Language" or "Ezopovsky."

The appearance of Ezopa was ugly: head as a boiler, nose smoky, thick lips, hands are short, humpback spin. But he had a sharp mind, possessed the gift of words and knew how to compose Baszy.

According to legend, Ezop died in delfes. Delphians who fed from the victims, brought to the temple of Apollo with all Hellenes, were afraid that Esop will deal with the only light about it. They threw the Ezopu in the bag of the Golden Bowl of the Temple and accused Ezop to the steal. They sentenced Ezop to death and dropped from the rock. For this Delphi suffered a plague, and then many other troubles. Long had to pay the dolphins for the death of Ezop.

Jean de Lafondten (1621-1695), French poet. Born in Chateau-Thierry on July 8, 1621. Since childhood, a distinguished persistent temper, was sent to study the right to the Paris Oratronian seminary. Returning to the parental estate in Champagne, where his father was the royal governor, twenty-essential Lafonten married the fifteen years Marie Erikar. The marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, and Lafonten, the desire of family responsibilities, in 1647 he went to Paris with the intention to devote himself to literary activities. In 1657 he found a patron woman represented by Minister Fuce, who dedicated several poems. In 1667, the duchess of Boulevard became the Duchess of Lafontaine. Continuing to compose enough free to the content of the poem, he in 1665 issued his first collection of "stories in verse". Staying up to 1672 protege of the Duchess of Boulevard and wanting to give her pleasure, Lafonten began to write Basni. Crossing ultimately under the patronage of the Marquis de la Saberer, the poet in 1680 completed the edition of the Twelve Bassen books and in 1683 was elected a member of the French Academy. Lafontane died in Paris on April 14, 1695.

Basni Lafontaine is remarkable by their diversity, rhythmic perfection, skillful use of archaisms with a sober look at the world and deep realism.


Raven and Lisitsa

Raven took a piece of meat and sat down on the tree. I saw a fox, and I wanted to get it meat. She became before the raven and began to praise him: he was great, and it could be better than others to become a king over birds, and it would be, of course, if he also had a voice. Crow and wanted to show her that he has a voice; He released meat and refrigerated with a loud voice. And the fox ran, grabbed meat and says: "Eh, Raven, you also had the mind in my head," you no longer needed anything to reign. "

The bass is appropriate against a person unreasonable.


Fox and grapes

The hungry fox saw a grape vine with hanging clusters and wanted to get to them, but could not; And, leaving away, said herself: "They are still green!"

So and people can not succeed due to the fact that there are no power, but blames in this circumstance.

Jean de Lafondten

Fox and grapes

Lis-Gasconets, and perhaps Lis-Normands


Dying with hunger, suddenly saw over a gazebo

Grapes, such a common mature,

In ruddy skin!

Our courtesy would be glad to enjoy it,

Yes could not reach him

And said: "He is green -

Let them feed all the rack! "

Well, isn't it better than celebrating to complain?

Basni Jean de Lafonden

Raven and Lisitsa

Uncle Raven, sitting on a tree,

Held cheese in his beak.

Uncle Lis, attracted by the smell,

He led such a speech with him:

"Good afternoon, noble raven!

What kind of see you! What beauty!

Also, the same, like your feathers, -

Then you are the Phoenix of our oak! "

The crow appeared little

Rushed the beak - and dropped cheese.

Picked up his fox and pivy:

"Sudar, remember: every littleer

Feeds from those who listen to him -

Here is a lesson to you, and the lesson stands cheese. "

And embarrassed raven sworn (but late!)

That another lesson does not need him.

I.A. Krylov

Fox and grapes

Hungry Kuma Lisa climbed into the garden,

In it grapes brushes moved.

In the nail polish eyes and teeth flared;

And juicy brushes like yahonts are lit;

Only that trouble, they hang high:

Roll and how it will go to them,

Though sees the eye,

Yes, tooth nemet.

Breaking through the hour of hour

I went and says with the annoyance: "Well, well!

In appearance, he is good

Yes green - berries no mature:

Immediately set up. "

Vasily Kirillovich Tredyakovsky (1703-1769)

Raven and Lisitsa


Nowhere to carry the cheese, the part happened;

To the tree so took off, something fell in love.

One-Lisa wanted to eat here;

In order, the domain b, attended such flattery:

Voronov beauty, feathers color of the pivot

And his broadcast is also praised,

"Straight," said you - the bird mail

Zeusy inwards, I will be a voice of yours for myself,

And I will hear the song, the kindness of all yours worthy. "

Raven's praise shift, Mnya is decent,

Started as much as possible louder, slap and scream,

To praise the latter to get yourself a seal;

But thus dissolved from his nose

That cheese fell on Earth. Lisk, rimmed

I will be careful, says to laughter:

"All of you are kind, my raven; only you without heart fur."

Basney is called an allegorical composition of a small size, which is of an instructive nature. These are the main signs of Basni, as a separate literary genre.

Bass as a literary genre

In addition to them, the Basna is inherent in the image of just one event from the Hero's life and their short time, just two or three characters and a narrative way of presentation. Basic, the fable is a poetic form, but there are other types of fables.

In the bass necessarily there is an instructive part, so the construction of this artwork is special and different from others. Bass is known as one of the most ancient species of the literary genre, since the most famous fables were written by Ezopom in 5-6 centuries. BC. In ancient Greece.


Allegoria is called a conditional image of some abstract concepts, and the image occurs through an artistic image or dialogue. Initially, the allegory was used in folk creativity, parables and bass. Therefore, it is considered one of the fixed assets of the image in the bass. For allegory, the presentation of certain concepts through the images of plants, animals, mythological characters and other non-residential items is characterized.

In this case, these items are figuratively in which the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable is invested. For example, such concepts like love, war, justice, peace, soul, honor, greed and generos are depicted in the form of living beings. They are revealed through the qualities of living beings, through the features of their behavior and actions, sometimes through their appearance.

Ezopov Language

The expression "Ezopov language" went on behalf of the most famous Basinist - Ezopa. So it is customary to call any kind of allegory. Such a work intentionally masks the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, as it uses the allegory to convey the Moral Basni to readers. In addition to Allegoria, Ezopov language is influenced by irony, allusion and peripherals.

Moral and morals

The moral characteristics of people and their quality in the bass are shown through the allegory. But it is important to understand what the author's main intention that he wanted to say this small allegory, which he wanted to teach? No wonder the fables are mandatory for studying at school, and especially for young children.

In Basna, there is always a morality that the author determines at the end of the fable when it becomes clear than the problem raised in the Basna is resolved. Scientation in the Basna is its basis, in this and consists of its main purpose. Through moraling, children receive a useful life lesson who helps them to grow correctly and on time. But moraling in the bass is useful not only to children, adults have too much to learn.


Elimination means attributing certain properties and characteristics of animated objects inanimate. And most often, personification belongs to the image of nature, which is specially empowered by human features. The personification is inherent not only to bass and allegory, it meets in other literary genres.

Humor and satire

Humor is determined by how the ability to compete their comic sides in different phenomena, and it often happens through the contradictions of the world. As a means of expressing a copyright and as an artistic method, humor refers not only to fables and allegoryrs, but also to many other literary forms.

For example, often humor is used in satire in order to dilute the frank criticism of the work, and in order for satire to not look solely as moraling and sermon. And satire is a humiliating impact of phenomena using different comic funds. It may be sarcasm, grotesque, irony, hyperbole, parody, allegory.

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"MBOU SOSH № 39"

Research work in literature

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Bass: Past and present this genre of literature

Scientific leader: Teacher of the Russian language and literature Kotasova Natalia Dmitrievna.

Khabarovsk, 2014.

Slide 3.

  • Object of study: Basnie as a genre of literature.

  • Research Subject: History of Development of Bass Creativity.

  • The goal of the work is: to explore the historical development of the Basni.
  • Slide 4.


    ▪ Determine the features of the fable as a genre of literature;

    ▪ Find out how bass developed;

    ▪ reveal the points of contact of the basinishers of different times;

    ▪ Compare Basni Krylova I. A. and Mikhalkov. S. B.;

    ▪ Prove that fable as a genre takes a worthy place in our modern literature.

    Slide 5.

    Research methods:

    ▪ bibliographic;

    ▪ Research;

    ▪ Analysis (Basni).

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    In the fables, they reflected those human qualities that the people themselves perceive as vices and disadvantages and all ways are trying to eradicate them. Evil is always very lively, so today we laugh at hypocrisy, misfortune, tune, treated, stupid, masterfully shown by the Basinople in their works a few more centuries ago.

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    Hypothesis. Basza as a genre of literature has its own genre features, its development history and

    significance in the modern world.

    Work plan

    1.Basting: History and features of the genre.

    2. About Basnya I. A. Krylova and S. V. Mikhalkov.

    3. Basen I. A. Krylova and S. Mikhalkov.

    Slide 8.

    1. Bass: History and Features of the genre.

    Bass - a short story, most often in verses, mainly satirical character. Basznya is a genre of allegorical, so the story of the fictional characters (most often about the beasts), moral and public problems are hidden.

    Basnya is an ancient Russian word due to the origin with the disappeared verb of Bati (talk) and meant the initial "story, fairy tale".

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    The occurrence of fables as a genre belongs to the V century BC, and the creator of it is considered the slave ESOP (VI-V centuries. BC). Esop lived more than 2.5 thousand years ago; Basni his own prose. Walkers and resourcefulness glorified his name in centuries. It is believed that he first began to compose Basni - opened the language of allegory, when the poet is not expressed directly, and honeycombs. This allegorical form of expressing his thoughts and was subsequently called the "Ezopov language". Only about the II century BC. e. Basni began to record, including the Basni Ezopa.

    In the ancient era, the famous Basinople was an ancient Roman poet Horace (65-8 BC). In the ancient Rome Basni in Latin created Fedr. Many of his bachen are the processing of Basen Ezop. In Europe, the Frenchman J. Lafontane was famous in Europe, in England - T. Moore.

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    In the XVII century, the French writer Lafonten (1621-1695) revived the genre of Basni again. At the heart of many Basen Jean de Lafontena lies the plot of Basen Ezop. But the French Basinople, using the story of ancient Basni, creates a new fable. In contrast to the ancient authors, he reflects, describes, comprehensiles what is happening in the world, and not strictly instructs the reader. Lafonten is focused more on the feelings of his heroes than on moraling and satire.

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    In Russian literature, the foundations of the National Basic Tradition laid A.P.Symarkovov (1717-1777). With his poetic motto there were words: "Docci's stiffness is not fading, against the vices I will not write ...". The vertex in the development of the genre was Basni I.A. Krylova (1769-1844), which made up the experience of two and a half millennia.

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    2. About Basnya I.A. Krylova.

    Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a famous Russian poet-Basinople of the 19th century, Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841). I published satirical magazines "Mail of Spirits" (1789) and others. Wrote tragedies and comedies, opera libretto. In 1809 - 43, it created more than 200 bass, imbued with the democratic spirit, characterized by satirical sharpness, bright and tame. They were infused public and human vices. N. V. Gogol called Basni I. Krylov "... Book of wisdom of the people himself". Its works reflected many events of the social life of this period in which he seeks to make people cleaner, kinder honest. In his fables you can see not only your drawbacks, but also the ways for their corrections.

    In their fables I. A. Krylov, make fun of the vices of human life: cowardice, trick, greed, stupidity and other.

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    In Germany, the XVIII century to the genre of Basni addresses the poet Lessing (1729-1781). Like Esop, he writes Basni prose. The French poet Lafontna Basnya was a graceful novella, richly ornamented, "poetic toy. Lessing announces Literary War Lafondtena:" The story in Basna, he writes, - ... must be compressed before the ultimate opportunity; Definted all the jewelry and figures, it should be content with one only with clarity "(" abhandlungenuberdiefabel "- reasoning about the bass, 1759).

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    Basnie also wrote and L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910). For example, his fables "two comrades", which speaks about two friends. Once they walked through the forest. Bear joined them. One boy rushed to run, got into the tree and hid, and the comrade left. There was nothing to do with the second boy - the ground fell and pretended to be dead. The bear approached him and began to sniff. The bear thought that the boy was dead and departed. When the bear gone, the first boy tears from the tree and laughs: "Well, what do you have said the bear in your ear?" "" And he told me that the bad people are those who run away in the misfortune. " This is a teaching, conclusion. Proverbs are suitable for this bass: "A friend will learn in trouble." - "Self-killery himself, and a friend to cut down." - "Comrade is always helping - in trouble awareness."

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    Bassni features should be allocated:

    a) moral;

    B) an allegorical (allegory) meaning;

    C) the typical of the situation described;

    D) character-characters;

    E) ridicuing human vices and disadvantages.

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    In addition, there are ironic, parody bass kuzma prutkov, A.K. Tolstoy, pearl brothers, revolutionary fables of Demyan poor.

    Soviet poet Sergey Mikhalkov, whom young readers know as the author "Uncle Stepe", revived the fastened genre, found his interesting style of modern fables.

    Kuzma Pirtt

    Sergey Mikhalkov

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    About Basnya S. V. Mikhalkov.

    Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (02.28.1913-27.08.2009) - Classic of Russian children's literature 20th century, poet, Basinista, playwright, prominent public figure, author of two hymns of the Soviet Union and the Anthem of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Community of Writing Unions.

    The large work of S. V. Mikhalkov in the field of Basni is widely known and recognized and recognized. The poet continued the tradition of Russian classical fables, which begged negative phenomena in everyday life and neutralities, exposing unattractive features in the nature and actions of a person.

    Mikhalkov was written more than 200 Bassen.

    Baszy S. V. Mikhalkov read easily and fun, because they are mainly with humor, but have a certain meaning.

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    3. Comparison Basen I.Krylova and S. V.Mikhalkov.

    We look at Basni U.A. Krylova (19th century) and S. V. Mikhalkov (20th century) and find their similarity and difference.

    Basnya I.A. Krylova "Dragonfly and ant".

    The wings borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bass about the dragonfly and ant at the Basinista Lafontena, who, in turn, spied the plot from an equally well-known ancient Greek writer Ezopa. Ant symbolizes hard work and not surprisingly, because this kind is famous for its health, at any time of the year they work hard. Dragonfly on the contrary, associated with frivolism. Moral Basni is simple: you don't want to freeze and starve - work in the summer.

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    Basny S.V. Mikhalkov "White Gloves".

    White gloves appeared in a bird-risk. He was caught up, that only he has such beauty. Birds gathered to fly to work, collect all sorts of bugs, but to eat, and the rag of the house remained. How is it so white gloves to paint? Birds broke out for the day, returned back, and rice in their gloves sits hungry-hungry, and it was so stumbled that he asked for birds to feed him. The birds were denied such a fuck, they sang the songs and went to bed, and the rag sat, sitting, and he ate the glove from hunger. So it turns out that things will not make anyone special, but it is better to work and relax to everyone together.

    As we can see, laziness, irresponsibility, reluctance are condemned in both bass. And although the heroes and actions are different, Moral is alone here: "Do not be lazy, and you need to work." The same confirms the Russian folk proverb "Without difficulty will not endure and fish from the pond."

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    V. A. Zhukovsky in the article "On Basna and Basniy Krylova" pointed out the four main features of the fable.

    The first feature of the fable - characteristics of character, then than one animal differs from the other: "Animals are in it a person, but a person in some only relations, with some properties, and every animal, having his inherent constant character, so to speak , ready and for each clear image of both a person and character, to him belonging. You make a wolf act - I see a bloodthirsty predator; take a fox on the scene - I see the lees or a deceiver ... ". So, the donkey personifies stupidity, the pig - ignorance, elephant - badness, dragonfly - frivolity. According to Zhukovsky, the task of Basni - to help the reader on a simple example of understanding the difficult everyday situation

    The second feature of the fable, writes Zhukovsky, is that "turning the reader's imagination into a new dreamy world, you bring him a pleasure to compare fictional with the existing (which is the first to serve as a similarity), and the pleasure of comparison makes the most morally attractive." That is, the reader may be in an unfamiliar situation and live it with heroes.

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    The third feature of the fable is a moral lesson, morality, condemning the negative quality of the character. "Basnie is a moral lesson, which, with the help of catot and inanimate things, you give you a person; imagining him in an example of creatures other than His Naturo and completely for him alien, you are shaking his pride, you make him judge impartially, and he insensitively utters a strict sentence Over your own, "says Zhukovsky.

    Fourth feature - instead of people in the basin there are objects and animals. "At that scene on which we are accustomed to see the acting person, with the power of poetry such creations, which in the materiality removed from her nature, wonderful, is pleasant enough for us, as in the epic poem, the operation of supernatural forces, spirits, sielves, dwarves And the like. The diversity is miraculously reported in some way and the morality, which is hidden under it with a poem; and the reader to reach this morality, agrees and the most wonderiness to take for the natural way. "

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    Now compare the fables of the Krylov "Mirror and Monkey" and Mikhalkov "Mirror".

    The fables of the "Mirror and Monkey" in its content rises nonsense, peeling, the tactlessness of the monkey, which in the mirror "seeing his image" did not want to know himself and asked the bear: "Kum, my dear, what is it there for a face?" And immediately remembered the "medium of the naughty of their such crusher five to six." In response he heard the good advice of Misheniki: "What is the bitter to work to work, no better about yourself, kuma, turn around?".

    A similar topic is revealed in Basna Mikhalkov "Mirror". One incoming rhino constantly mocked other beasts. He shouted Giraf: "Uncle, get a sparrow!" That baptized to the poor ostrich: "Hey, you, ill-one, what kind of bird, do not know how to fly!"

    The beasts are tired of these ridicule, and they decided to teach nahala. And here the mirror appears. Put his beasts before rhino, so that he looked at himself. Rhino laughed for a long time and shouted: "What is it there for urodin?" But I did not understand that it was he himself. Well, and everyone decided that the rhinoceros "stupid, like a plug," and stopped offended.

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    If in the first pairs of Basen is similar to morality, then the following characters appear in the following pairs. So the rooster becomes the center of attention both in the Basna of Krylov "Rooster and Pearl Grain" and Mikhalkov in the Basna "Stubborn Rooster".

    Ivan Krylov's hero found a sparkling pearl in a dung heap and everything was surprised:

    "What a thing is empty!"

    Whether it's a barley grain!

    "It is not so at least visible, yes satisfy."

    "Nuneys are judged exactly like this:

    What is the point will not understand

    That all they have nothing ":" Condisters the rooster of the wings.

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    In the Basna Sergey Mikhalkov Roosch, seeing the Eagle soaring in the sky, began to brag: "What am I not eagle?" Those who were afraid, chickens and puppies, agreed with him. But the cat snorted indignantly: "I'll take it high without wings!" - And climbed onto the tree.

    The rooster became angry, ruined, waved the wings and ... "I found himself on top of the pig." Scared asking, the pig jumped, rushed under the bench. Stalling a bucket with water covered the rooster. After that, he became looked like a wet chicken. But, having sinking in the sun, began to shout again: "I am eagle or not eagle?"

    Yes, conceit and stubbornness are akin to ignorance.

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    4. Why Basni I. A. Krylova and S. V. Mikhalkov do not lose their relevance? So, mine

    the study confirmed the idea that the fable, having passed a long path of development, alive today. Why?

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    Works of the wonderful Russian Basinist 19th century I. A. Krylova, and S.V. Mikhalkov, the Basinist 20th century, have worldwide fame. Admiration and widespread interest caused Basni in the XIX century, they do not lose their relevance and now. What is the reason for such an amazing vitality of these short poetic stories?

    Gogol is not in vain called the Basni Krylova "Book of Wisdom of the People himself", because they reflected those human qualities that people themselves perceive both defects and disadvantages and all ways are trying to eradicate. Beasts and things telling our understandable language with the characters that we can easily see from our friends and others help us critically look at ourselves, become more honest, kinder, hardworking. However, evil is always very lively, therefore today, reading Basni Mikhalkov, we also laugh at hypocrisy, misfortune, tune, treasurely, stupidity, masterfully shown still wing in their works 150-200 years ago.

    The second reason for the "long-life" of the Basen is a designer, accurate and bright language of poets. That is why most Basen are remembered without any difficulty, which is why many lines from Basen Krylov became aphorisms that we and today use in everyday life.

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    Krylov's basci became widely known in his life, but still very popular, because the themes affected by them and the allegorical images created by them are now relevant. In his fables, folk ideals of hard work, nobility, honesty, devastations, good and justice are embodied.

    A. S. Pushkin found the distinctive properties of the Russian people in the fables: "The cheerful debris of the mind, mockery and a picturesque way to express." Basinie S. V. Mikhalkov is different and this quality.

    You need to possess a real talent in order to be so bright and briefly, in two lines, as the wings did, be able to show a whole character. The wings wrote so simple, it is intelligible that every person easily remembers the wonderful language of his Basen, learns Russian character in heroes. In his works of the wings, defending the ideals of good and justice, unconsiderable and hardworking, the cunning trick, laziness, stupidity, stubbornness, cowardice.

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    For example, in the quartet fables, "Swan, pike and cancer" it criticizes the lack of elementary skills and consent, without which good results cannot be achieved. A "Wolf and a lamb" - an evil satire, in which the author criticizes immorality, despotism and arbitrariness of the authorities: "There is always powerless to blame."

    Huge success and popularity of Bassen I. A. Krylov can be explained by the fact that the author presented in his works all Russian life and estimated it in terms of simple people. In his fables, the wings responded to the events of the modern life, but they do not lose their relevance, because real, poetically strong words and truthful images forever become the property of the people. In the language means, the images of the wings go from the folklore, but at the same time, due to accuracy, the accuracy, the simplicity of many lines of his fables entered the conversational Russian speech, became proverbs and sayings, healed their own lives: "And Vaska listens and eats", "and you , friends, as do not sit down, do not get everything in musicians, "" And Larchik simply opened up, "" Naeda says, Basni I. A. Krylov is not aging. They and for us, modern readers are interesting and useful.

    And everything is valuable, which is in Basnya I.A. Krylov, continued and developed in his work a representative of Soviet literature S. V. Mikhalkov, which suggests: Bass Creativity, passing a long path of development, lives in our time. The hypothesis nominated by me is proved.

    Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
    Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
    Faculty of Special Education
    Department of Logopedia


    For the subject "Patriotic and World Children's Literature"

    On the topic:
    "Bassnya as a genre of children's literature. Educational meaning Basen I.A. Krylova, L.N. Tolstoy and S.V. Mikhalkov "

    Performed: 5th year student
    Groups 053, absentee compartment
    S.S. Moskaleva
    Lecturer: L.I.Glinskaya

    Minsk 2012.


    "Morals of this fable is such a ...", "Solovya Basni do not feed" - these expressions we are not only well known, but also understandable. The reason is clear: we are familiar with the most early childhood. In popularity, this genre is comparable except with fairy tales.
    The world of children and the world of surrounding their wildlife is very close to each other. The world of children's imagination and allegory is essentially the phenomenon of the same root. Hence the genre similarity. In the Basna, as, perhaps, in any other genre, and indeed the mouth of the infant, the verbolet truth. Her allegorization is not synonymous with caution. Delicacy, yes. It is rather a matter of tact, rather than the principle. Baseless allegorization is a special kind of directness. And the directness is not always safe for the author.
    Bass is a long-range satire weapon, designed not to superficial touch, and at the entire depth of implementation in one or another vice, the beginning of which is sometimes detected in the long-lasting time layers and social epos. From here - and the leading of the healing factor of the Basni, the strength of its concrete daily exposure, the force of advanced prevention.


    Basnya is a brief, most often a poems, a moral story.
    The heroes of the Bassen may not be people, but also animals, plants, subjects endowed with those or other human qualities. The fastened story is allegorical, which, however, does not contradict his moral character. Based morality is emphasized by the fact that the early or end is usually formulated by morality - a teaching, for which the fable and wrote.
    The word bass in Russian has two meanings.
    1. A brief allegorical moral story, poem.
    2. Fiction, fiction, empty conversation.
    Dictionary V. Daly also gives two meanings of this word, the basic meaning is "a fictional incident, fiction, a story for the hitch, for the sake of the red sense," the second meaning is "an allegorical, instructive story", "where it is customary to bring animals and even verbal things."
    As the study of the history of this ancient genre shows, it was not immediately for the children of bass. For a long time, she was a rhetorical taking (next step after "" example "), which incorporated listeners to a particular decision.
    There are two concepts of the origin of the Basni. The first one is represented by the German School Otto Cruzius, A. Hausrat, and others, the second - American scientist B. E. Perry. According to the first concept, in the Basna, the narrative is primarily, and the morality is secondary; The bass comes from the fairy tale about animals, and the tale of animals is from the myth. According to the second concept, in the bass primary morality; Bass is close to comparisons, proverbs and sayings; Like them, the fable arises as an aid argument.
    The first bass were known in ancient times. It is believed that the first ancient Greek basinists were Hesiod (Kon. 9-8 centuries. BC) and Stsisihor (6 V. BC) Ancient world knew many fables, no wonder in ancient Greece, a classification of various works of this genre was classified . Apparently, they were composed in various places of the Mediterranean. The most common options are the Basni Sibarite (who originated from the city of Sibaris), which acted people, and Esopov Basni, whose heroes were animals.
    Ezop (Ser. 6 V. BC) - The most famous ancient basinist, whose works have become classic and repeatedly translated into the worlds of the world. Their plots served as the basis for the creativity of many writers of subsequent era. Esop is a semi-per-end identity, about whose life has walked a lot of stories in which the truth and fiction mixed up. Traditionally, his homeland is called Frigia - an area in Malaya Asia. It is believed that he was a slave, several times moved from one owner to another and suffered a lot of misadventures.
    M. L. Gasparov in his work "Basni Ezopa" about the premises of the appearance of Basni writes: "When a primitive person felt like a man for the first time, he looked around himself and for the first time he wondered about the world and about himself. Essentially, it was two questions: theoretical and practical ... Theoretical question I said: How is this world arranged? The practical question reads: how should a person behave in this world? The person answered myth to the first question. On the second question, a person answered Basney himself ... Along with the myth of the Basnie, was one of the most ancient forms of thinking and one of the oldest genres of verbal art. "
    In literary sources, three of the most significant meaningful signs of the genre, which established for the classical Basney are identified:
    1) narration;
    2) fiction;
    3) editivity.

    In Russia, the development of the Baszy genre refers to the middle of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries and is associated with the names of A. P. Sumarokov, I. I. Chemnisser, A. E. Izmailova, I. I. Dmitriev, although the first experiments of the poetic fables were still in XVII century in Simeon Polotsk and in the 1st floor. The XVIII century at A. D. Kantemir, V. K. Tredyakovsky. In Russian poetry, a fastened free verse is produced, transmitting the intonation of a relaxed and delicate tale.
    Basni I. A. Krylova with their realistic liveliness, a sensible humor and excellent language marked the flourishing of this genre in Russia. The Basinie Demyan Poor, S. Mikhalkov and others have gained popularity in Soviet times.
    Ivan Andreevich Krylov took a prominent place in the literature of the XVIII century with his satirical, comedy and lyrical works. But the glory of the "folk wisdom" of the wings deserved primarily with his fables.
    By the beginning of the XIX century, by the time the wings became exclusively a basinist, he was already a big creative way. He was the author of the comedy, comic operas, tragedy, a satyric journalist and a poem. It was necessary to change the types of literary activities due to the difficulty of holding their ideas through censorship. In the genre of Basni, the greatest opportunities were opened for this.
    The first book of his Bassen reached in 1809. Since then, until the end of the life, he created predominantly fables. Krylov's fables are distinguished by the accuracy of people's sayings, cheerful and mocking tone, sobriety and practicality of the common spirit. Conclusion from Basen Krylov, their morality belongs entirely to the area of \u200b\u200beveryday wisdom, that is. Directed to promoting skills useful in life
    For the education of children and the acquisitions of the necessary moral qualities, Basni Krylov, implanting laziness, vanity, tunestry, boasting, ignorance, falsity, greed, self-esteem are of great importance.
    Many fables that have gained popularity among children and youths are devoted to specific historical persons and topical events of that time, for example: "Quartet" ridicules the State Council under Tsar Alexandra I, "Wolf on Psarn" allegorically depicts the Patriotic War of 1812. This fable is chasing the Great Commissioner M.I. Kutuzov, raising patriotic feelings in the growing generation.
    Highly appreciating the advantages of Basen Krylov, Belinsky strongly recommended include them in a circle of children's reading: "There is no need to talk about the great importance of Basen Krylov to raise children. Children unconsciously and directly drink from them with Russian spirit, master the Russian language and are enriched with an excellent impression of almost the only poetry available for them. "
    With their fables, the wings entered everyday speech, in the life of the people. In various provisions and cases of life, wovel images and aphorisms come to the mind. However, not only in this set sparkling wit and the irresistible logic of expressions and taking words the modern meaning of the Great Basinist. In addition to them, we have a large artistic work of Krylov, drawing a whole panorama of public life in a wide variety of its manifestations, - His, as it is customary to speak, the main book.

    Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy throughout his life applied to the question of the appointment of literature and art, however, the strengthening of attention to the educational role of literature is manifested in Tolstoy in the late 1850-1870s.
    At this time, he gives a lot of effort in the current school of school for peasant children, studies the formulation of pedagogical affairs in Russia and abroad, begins to publish the pedagogical magazine "Clear Polyana".
    The huge reservoir of works included in the collections for children were translated fables, primarily Ezopa and Lafanten ("Donid in a lion's skin", "Deer and Lanchuk", "It became a bad way to live from the cat ...", "The enemy soldiers came to the land ... ").
    Tolstoy makes the fables of Ezopa in the property of children and in a processed form includes in "Russian reading books". It should be noted that the degree of processing varied in thick on the almost literal arrangement from Greek into Russian to a compressed, free translation or alteration of any episode from the transferable fable. As a result, affordable by content, they are perceived as original works of the writer and exceed other translations of these fables complicity and concreteness of presentation, simplicity of the language.
    You can compare the favor of Ezopa "Agriculture and his children" in translations I. Martynova and L. N. Tolstoy.
    Translation of I. Martynov: "Agriculture, ending his life and wanting children to be inhaling towards agriculture, called them to themselves, said: My children, I leave life; You have been searching for everything, everyone will find that in the grape garden my garden is hidden. "
    Translation L. N. Tolstoy: "I wanted a gardener with sons to teach to the garden. When he began to die, called them and said: "Here, children, when I die, you look at the grape garden what is hidden there."
    The presentation in fatty bass is more figuratively and available for children. This contributes to the elimination of particle inclusive revolutions, the use of nationwide expressions (as opposed to the deliberate sublime vocabulary of Martynov), the reception of inversion.
    In the process of work, the writer sought to clearly express the main thought, to strengthen the emotional side (for example, the Basnie "Donkey and Horse").
    A distinctive feature of the fatty fable is the absence of an outfit moralization. The bass ends not by a teaching, but a very bright picture of "getting deserving". "Donated in the lion's skins": "Donkey put on a lion's skin, and everyone thought - the lion. Ran the people and the cattle. The wind blew, the skin swung open, and it became visible to the donkey. The people came down: Osla meant. "
    The end of the fatty fables is very often associated with a certain type of punishment. It may be a picture of death ("Cockup and quail", "Wolf and meadow"), the situation of discord ("Ax and drank", "dodged in a lion's skin"). The reception used in the fables is transferred to the story and in the story, where the function of the teaching also carry the endings associated with the death of a beloved being, quarrel, tears of a child.
    Thus, compression, lack of morality and brightly represented pictures of Russian peasant life became the main features of the fatty bass.

    Large work is widely known and recognized by S.V. Mikhalkov in the field of Basni - this oldest, tested literary genre. The poet continued the tradition of Russian classical fables, which begged negative phenomena in everyday life and neutralities, exposing unattractive features in the nature and actions of a person.
    Peru Sergey Mikhalkov owns more than 200 Bassen, the last of which, the "wise council" was written in 2002. Laconicity, simplicity, spoken language, humor are the main distinguishing features of the poet's faded style.
    At the end of 1944, Sergey Mikhalkov's significant conversation took place with Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy, continued authority for all writers of that time. Tolstoy suggested a poet to test herself in satire for adults. "Your children's poems," he said, "I think, give you the opportunity to try your hand in the genre of parables, in the genre of Bassni. You best do the poems in which you go from Folklore, from the people's humor." Later, Mikhalkov admitted that he did not immediately get a comrade to the Council on the workshop: allegoric poetry seemed too archaic. But, by a happy coincidence, it was in 1944 that the 175th anniversary of Ivan Andreevich Krylova was noted, and at the request of A. N. Tolstoy Poet was included in the Jubilee Krylov Committee. Listening to Krylov's Basini radio, which in those days were constantly transferred, Mikhalkov began to penetrate the social sound of this epic genre and the sketch of his first Basni took the presidium at the table at a solemn meeting of the memory of the Great Predecessor.
    Soon the two first fables, the "hare in Khmlya" and "Fox and Beaver", one after another appeared on the pages of "Truth" with the drawings of Kukryniks. Success was deafening, and figuratively speaking, he lit a green light with satirical genres in Soviet print. He is not only an expert and servant of this old genre, but also a rather brave innovator. One of the innovations brought by Mikhalkov in this long-established genre, I would call, for example, its departure from the purely traditional number of fastened characters under all sorts of animals. Mikhalkov often takes the courage to behave straight, without any beasts there, without playing the zoo. Moreover, he sometimes makes the characters of his fables even inanimate objects, thus approaching the favor to our fairly implicit modern.
    Laconicity, simplicity, spoken language, humor are the main distinguishing features of the poet's faded style. The plot of any fable, having passed in the creative laboratory of its creator the stage of generalization, typing, turns into something more - in a socially and morally significant topic for reflection, because the fundamental aesthetic purpose of the satirical work is the initiation of ideas about the truth, good, about the beautiful and, ultimate Account, restoration of justice. But as difficult, sometimes it is possible to distinguish the truth from the half-trial, says Mikhalkov himself in one of the shortest and capacious bases:
    "Where is our father?" - I asked stubborn
    Son worm at mom-worm.
    "He is fishing!" - Mom answered ...
    How half a truth to truth is close! ("Semi-truth")
    The most famous fables ("joke", "Chamomile and Rose", "Dog and Donkey", "Bear Honey", "Hippocratic Oath", "Scientist Cat", "Eagles and Sparrows" and others) - firmly entered the repertoire of artistic masters The words of several generations and over time they did not make anything.
    The development of the fastened genre directly depends on the historical features of the formation of each individual culture. The main task of Baszya is to convey and approve in the minds the wisdom of generations and instructive lessons applicable both in everyday life and community and in special special cases.
    Plots and characters, motifs and images of Basen are universal. And not only because they are revealed by "Eternal problems" of good and

    Basni we love to read from childhood. Many of us are stored in the memory of images from the Bassen, which, with certain situations, pop up in our head. These stories, small in size, but with a deep meaning, will teach us a mind-reason and accompany in life.

    What is bass?

    Bass is a brief moral story, which is allegorizing satirical. In bass, as a rule, actors are not people, but animals who are inherent in human personal qualities: trick - fox, stubbornness - cancer or branches, wisdom - owl, stupidity - monkey. Objects can also act as the main characters of these short stories.

    Basni's speech form is a prose or poem. There are quite often motives for social criticism, but human defects and incorrect actions are often ridicule.

    The emergence of satirical story-based Bassen in Russia

    Bass is a story that appeared in Russia as the translation of the compositions of Ezopa at the beginning of the 17th century. The first translator was Gozvinsky Fedor Kasyanovich. It was he who first introduced the definition of fable as a literary genre. It was believed that the fable was a small product in prose or verses, which was built on the principles of the allegory and contains a moral nature. Truth manifested itself through a false story.

    In the 18th century, Antioch D.K., Tredyakovsky VK, Sumarokov A.P., Himnizer I.I. They carried out transfers of fastened stories, mainly Ezop, as well as the works of European Basinople: Gelllert H., Lessing G., Mura T., Jean de Lafontena.

    Ivan Ivanovich Chemnitzer began to create their own Basni. In 1779, his collection was published under the name "Basni and NN fairy tales in verses." He continued the tradition of the publication of his own Basen Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev, who tried to form a new one, his own approach to literature. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the works of Izmailov A.E. However, the work of the great classic Ivan Andreevich Krylova is the most significant contribution to the development of the well-known genre. To this genre at different times, Derzhavin, Polotsky, Tails, Fonvizin, Poor and Many others also appealed.

    What is metaphor

    The bass is a work in which the authors use metaphors - the appearance of the trail in which properties are transferred from one item to another. The metaphor is a hidden comparison, in which the main words are actually omitted, but are meant. For example, human negative qualities (stubbornness, trick, flattery) are transferred to animals or inanimate objects.

    Animals Basny

    In fact, Basnya is heroes-beasts with human character. They act as a person. The trick is peculiar to a fox, cunning - snake. Goose, as a rule, is identified with stupidity. Lion is assigned courage, courage and courage. Owl is considered wise, and a ram or donkey - stubborn. Each of the characters necessarily has any one character's characteristic feature. The moralized natural science of animals from the Bassen was eventually decorated into a series of collections known under the general name "physiologist".

    The concept of morality in the bass

    Bassnya is a small story of an instructive nature. We often think that you should not think about read and look for secret meaning in words. However, this is rooted incorrectly if we want to learn how to better understand each other. Bassny needs to learn, think about it. Moral Basni is her brief moral conclusion. It covers the whole problem entirely, and does not concentrate on some particular episode. Basni is written so that the person does not just laugh at its content, but also understood his own miscalculations and at least tried to correct for the better.

    The benefits that bass

    Life problems that are ridiculed in bass are endless and endless. Most often laziness are criticized, lie, stupidity, ignorance, boasting, stubbornness, greed. Each of us can find in the fables like a character. All situations that are described in these small satirical stories are very vitality and realistic. Thanks to the irony, Basnya teaches not easy to notice those or other vices, but also makes attempts to their own improvement. The reading of humorous works of this nature is very beneficial effect on human psychological health.

    In the bass, among other things, the political system of the state, social problems of society and generally accepted fake values \u200b\u200bare often ridicule.

    Bass "Crow and Fox" - in what morality?

    Perhaps this is one of the most famous creations of Krylov. The author warns his readers - it is impossible to be trusting, to go for everyone. Do not blindly believe those who flatter and praise you without any reason. After all, it is known that the nature of the crow does not know how to sing, but it still believed in the laudatory Oda Sly Serius. What is significant, the author does not condemn the intelligent fox. He, rather, criticizes the stupidity of the bird, saying that you just need to believe in what you know exactly and you know.

    Bass "Mostoz" - for children or adults?

    In this product, the wings compares the actions of a young horse and more experienced (kind horse). The old horse acts slowly, slowly, thinking through every step to pull the WHO safe and safety. But the young and too boastful horse considers himself better and smarter and constantly reproaches the old horse. As a result, everything ends sadly.

    Basnie is a display of historical events. "Toms" is precisely such a product. The author identifies the heroes of Basni with the participants of the battle under Austretrian, which occurred in 1805. Mikhail Kutuzov, who was a brilliant commander, quite often retreated back and delayed large battles, knowing and understanding the weakness of his army. However, this state of things did not like the emperor Alexander I. It was before that ill-fated battle that he decided to take the situation into his hands and head the army, which led to the defeat of the Russian-Austrian coalition.