Project of buildings of two-storey houses. E) pile screw. Video: How much does it cost to build a brick house

Two-storey house from foam blocks - from foam blocks are now raised quite a few buildings, especially in country construction. The project of such a building will make it possible to build a large area house even in a small area and it is profitable to locate the rooms.

As a rule, the ground floor has common rooms: kitchen, living room, dining room, and on the second there are bedrooms and children's rooms. Small two-storey houses From foam blocks cost relatively inexpensive, and much faster than bricks are built.

The design of houses is already standard with an extra room on the first floor, which can later be adapted to the senior room. Remember that the placement of such an attic or storey room will require daily several steps, which may be unpleasant for the elderly.

If we are looking for a house for further expansion, we note that, for example, it may be difficult to increase the next floor. To build a higher floor, we must have sufficient foundations foundation and place in the house for internal stairs. However, for the development of the horizon requires a large land plot.

Advantages of using foam concrete blocks for construction

Thanks to its unique, it is becoming increasingly distributed in construction:

  • Foam blocks are made of foamed cellular concrete, which has quite great strength and convenient in construction;
  • Blocks have the right form, and they are easy to cut. In size they are larger than brick, which allows you to speed up the construction of walls;
  • They can easily combine, which allows us to build a variety of buildings on individual projects. Find such projects two-storey houses Foam blocks are free now, as foam concrete is becoming increasingly popular;
  • The material is made from natural raw materials, so it is environmentally friendly;
  • The house will have a pleasant atmosphere, as foam concrete has the ability to "breathe". .
  • The foundation for a two-storey house of foam blocks may not be particularly powerful, since they themselves are small.

The optimal solution is cottage With a useless attic, where through the years we can change the assignment of the attic and adapt it to residential purposes. If we leave the attic unfinished and want to live only on the first floor of an attic home, it is not enough to simply notice the completion of construction. You will need permission to use. If, however, we adapt the non-residential attic to residential purposes, you will need not only work permit, but also a change in the purpose of the building or its part.

Thirdly - rate the comfortable surface

Of course, they are cheaper in construction, but an increase of 20 square meters. However, by choosing small housesWe can't refuse to comfort apartments. When viewing projects, pay attention to the value of the surface and compare it with your needs or with the current housing situation, which satisfies us or we definitely want to improve.

How to develop a project for building a house of foam blocks?

Consider in more detail how to build a two-storey house of foam blocks with your own hands to provide minimal costs, and in the end, to get spacious and warm housecorresponding to all security requirements.

Work begin with design. You can choose the already developed project that is quite a lot on the Internet, and you can create your own plan, which will build a unique and unique home.

It is worth remembering that the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is the amount of living space: rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, offices. On the other hand, the room area is also added to the network: laundry, dryer, pantry, boiler room. Comparing the functions of the rooms with the design with our needs, we note that the impression of the space depends largely on the height of the premises. Interiors in standard houses are high 2, 6 - 2. Remember that a separate house without any additional amenities, such as a boiler room, a dressing room or even a small warehouse room, may be uncomfortable and easy to use.

The project of the two-storey house of foam blocks begins with planning its placement on the site. It is necessary to determine the sunny and shadow side, remembering that large windows from the solar side provide not only good illumination, but also reduce heating costs.

Think out the size of the future house in accordance with financial capabilities. The project of the house 9x9 of foam blocks two-storey is a typical convenient solution, as such dimensions allow you to conveniently plan the rooms on the first and second floors.

If there is no place on the site, and we are planning a house without a basement, let's take a small room for the economy. It is worth noting that when it comes to basement houses, the construction of the basement can increase the total cost of building a house by 20%. Therefore, if possible, we must refuse such a decision.

Fourth - decide on the type of building

We do not need to build internal stairs, install more expensive windows, although the large area of \u200b\u200bthe roof requires significant financial investments. We do not need to build floor over the first floor. Also, foundations should have a large surface area, but here we can save on their lifting capacity - on the same floor there is less burdensome foundation.

Individual project Allows you to include at the plan at home the attic, auxiliary garage used by the basement, in which you can place anything, from the workshop to a personal gym.

An attic room will allow equip those rooms for which there is no place in the usual house: a billiard room, library, a studio for creativity. Installing special windows in it will provide optimal natural lighting.

One-story houses are built quickly, so we save time for construction, and simplicity of construction excludes the risk of administrative errors and expensive changes. However, remember that, as mentioned above, their expansion can be difficult, and sometimes impossible.

In double-storey buildings it is easy to plan a functional division into zones, and the design of the installation, where you can provide, for example, the bathroom in the kitchen will be cheaper than in a single-storey building, where it is difficult to centralize all devices in one place.

The house on the loft is easiest to build stages, and it is sometimes more subtle than a duplex house. However, let's pay attention to the attic rooms - on which surface of the attic can we conveniently manage? Will there be expensive secondary furniture not needed later for comfortable accommodation?

Stages of work on the project

The preparation of the project is better to conduct a better consulting with a professional architect. This is quite complicated and responsible work, as it will eventually depend on the convenience, durability and practicality of the future at home. The project preparation takes place in several stages in which the main rules and construction norms must be followed.

However, the choice of building type largely depends on the conditions of our conspiracy. For the house on the first floor, it requires significantly more space than a house with a attic or floor with the same surface. Secondly, as we mentioned, they imposed the construction of only single-storey houses.

Fifth, pay attention to the cost of the building

Let's remember that the house should not only build, but also support it. The cheapest home heating will be when we choose a simple and compact building block, scheduled for a square or rectangular plan, covered slightly inclined two scope roof.

Main part design

When working on a project, it is important to take into account several patterns. Approximate design instructions:

  • When designing the foundation, the composition of the soil and the depth of groundwater occurs. It will not be superfluous to consult with specialists and in advance to conduct a geological examination;

Tip! It is worth thinking about the insulation of the foundation, especially if the house is planned to be built on bubbly soils. When freezing, the soil expands, and will put pressure on the foundation, which may eventually cause cracks.

Big glazing popular in modern houses, Must be located only on the south side, otherwise they can generate more energy losses. Heat may also hide through decorative windows on the roof. The energy-efficient house is a building, a well-isolated suitable thermal insulation system, in which ventilation is also used, allowing you to exchange the exhaust air from the inside of the house. This is a building in which the windows are tightly tightened, and the sun penetrates inside. This type of construction on average is 20 percent more expensive than traditional single-family homes.

  • The most important stage is the calculation of the thickness of the walls. According to construction standards, 10-mm masonry withstands the weight of about 10 tons, and it is necessary to calculate the weight of overlaps and roofing materials. The thermal insulation properties of foam concrete is high, and in the absence of additional insulation for quite a comfortable home there will be enough walls with a thickness of 300 mm. In its properties, he will not give way to a brick building, it will even be warmer;
  • Together with all family members, imagine how many rooms you are planning to see in your home, and how they should be located. It is worth considering all the needs and wishes, for example, rooms for the elderly family members are better to have on the first floor. If you own modern computer modeling programs, you will be able to arrange a virtual "walk" for the future house to make sure that it will really be comfortable.
  • Think over the location of the door and window openings and mark them on the plan. Imagine how lit rooms will be located whether it will be convenient to pass from one room to another. Another important moment - Layout of the stairs to the second floor. It can be straight or curved, and it is important that the steps are not too cool.

However, the costs embedded in special materials and technologies intended to create an energy efficient house for several years can be reimbursed. Energy-efficient homes are investments in the future - such a house will have a higher market value and it will be easier to sell.

The Foundation will support individual investors totaling 300 million zł to finance the construction or purchase of planned 12,000 houses and low demand houses. The construction of single-storey and single-family houses is quite a big consumption. However, some costs can be reduced by good planning of all building processes or refusal from some project elements - for example, basement. Also worth evaluating preliminary estimate Construction, which will allow you to determine the approximate volume of expenses.

Deciding with the location of the rooms, select the appropriate roofing material. Do not forget that most of the heat leaves exactly through the roof of the building, so it is worth taking care of a multi-layer insulation.

The floor in the building should also be insulated, for which you can use or traditional materials, or schedule the creation of a "warm floor" with water or electricity.

Calculations can also be made on the calculator of the cost of construction. Construction will also require the search for proven construction companies. Before holding elections, you must compare offers, at least with several contractors and choose the best. If you want to find offers from companies in your area is easy! " Fill out this form, and the companies themselves will contact you. You will choose the one that has a better offer.

The cost of investment and the choice of construction project

The choice of the project has a decisive influence on the final cost of building each building. If we want to build a relatively cheap building, let's think about his character. The inexpensive house is a simple structure of the walls and roofs. Recall that the form of the building and the roof will be more difficult, the more difficult it is the cost of its construction. The cheapest, simple, aesthetic buildings with a rectangular case with a conventional duplex roof.

Planning finishing materials

You can start planning the finish. There may be many options here, and the final choice will depend solely on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

To find out how much it is worth building a two-storey house from foam blocks, it is possible to see the cost of building materials necessary for the construction of the building and the cost of paying for hired workers and techniques.

Choosing a construction project, let's also consider the construction of the basement. Undoubtedly, the house without basement will definitely be cheaper in the construction process. We will preserve, among other things, deep excavations, moisture insulation and stairs to underground floors. Currently, more and more go away from the construction of the basement. The estimated cost of performing this room can be from 10 to 30% of the total cost. Houses with basement rooms are currently being built in small areas, that is, where there is no room for the construction of additional objects.

When drawing up the estimates, it is worth advised to consult professional builders and must be put on the calculations at least a minor percentage on the overrun of materials.

Two-storey houses from foam blocks of which can be found on the Internet, assume use for outdoor decoration facing bricks, tiles, siding or other options that have very different costs.

A very big impact on the price of construction will choose the appropriate contractor. Never take the first sentence. It is best to ask for at least a few companies in the area, compare their suggestions and get feedback. Only on this basis can be a reliable solution. There is a way to cope with this quickly and efficiently. Just fill out this form. Based on this, we will notice local construction companies And those who have free time, contact you with a proposal for construction.

You will receive several offers, and you make sure you have chosen the best. Before building a house, it is necessary to prepare a preliminary cost estimate that must contain as possible more details. It is very useful to create a free cost calculator. As an example, we present a one-story and one-storey house. These will be structures with a simple solid and scope roof. In both cases, we will take into account the approximate cost of the construction of the basement.

One of the popular options is the facade plaster, which further increases the sound and thermal insulation properties of the house. In interior decoration The varieties of materials are even more, and here, when choosing, you need to simultaneously focus on their operational and design properties.

Communication planning

Another important part of the design is the location of engineering communications in the house and on the plot. Modern houses are supplied with a water supply and wastewater system, and the pipe arrangement scheme must be taken into account with future construction work.

The cost of building a single-storey house with a basement

The first universal flow is the purchase of a construction project. Good idea to save money is to buy ready projectwhose cost ranges from 3 to 6 thousand. zlotys. An individual project will be somewhat more expensive, it can be purchased for 5-15 thousand. zlotys. After buying a project, we begin to evaluate the costs. We estimate the cost of closed raw materials, divided into three categories.

Foundations and construction of an outdoor building. . Excavations and foundations - the first stage of work is excavations and foundations. For 1 m 3 mechanical excavations, we will pay from 30 to 40 zł. Suppose our excavations have a standard depth of 1, 3 meters. These costs may increase in the case of muddy soil.

It is necessary to think about how it is more profitable and saving the pipes on the plot, which is more convenient to bring the electrical wires, whether gasification is planned.

Important! Be sure to design ventilation moves, since they will depend on the atmosphere in the room and its safety.

After the excavations, we can start building foundations. Suppose our building will be installed on the canvas benches. Therefore, we can assume that funds will pay from 440 to 780 zł. Thus, the walls of the foundation will cost from 900 to 700 zł. Also, do not forget to make wall insulation, the cost of which will be an average of 800 zł.

Walls are another important account. it a good idea To transfer cell concrete cell walls. Let's do it with a cellular concrete, which will save us about 700 zł. The smoke and chimney should be made of high-quality materials resistant to variable temperatures. Suppose that in our chimney pipe There are 6 sails and 1 chimney.

When work on the plan is completed, it is worth recovering all the key elements and make sure that none of them remainsless. After that, you can buy materials, place a plot and start building.

The video in this article will tell about the features of the design of the house of foam concrete:

The ceilings - in the case of the first floor with the basement, two ceiling will be required. The floor between the base and the ground floor should withstand higher loads and, therefore, made from reinforced concrete or prefabricated sections. Despite the fact that these materials can be purchased at a similar price, the cost of labor for prefabricated items from Tervia can be two times lower. Therefore, to ensure savings, it is advisable to make reinforced concrete ceiling.

Secondly, we make the ceiling over the first floor. Its design is not subject to such strong loads, so we can safely make it from wood. Consolidated cost - the construction of a single-storey building with a basement can cost from 580 to 878 zł.

Landscaping design

Final Stage Design - Thunderstorming the Future landscape design and placement of economic structures. You can make a project two-story bath From foam blocks, since this material will provide good thermal insulation, and its price is small.

All structures on the site should be placed in compliance with sanitary and fire standards. Think over the location of the tracks and the possible zoning of the territory.

Once deciding to build a two-story brusade house, the owner acquires a lot of benefits, relating to not only a separate accommodation, but also other important factors. But the instrument should know about the shortcomings of such construction before making a choice in favor of a bar. More information about the pros and cons of the construction and subsequent accommodation in objects of this type below.

Frequent material problems for construction

Bar, as construction material not an exception. The difference can only be in its processing. Types of quality ascending:

  • Simple, non-stroke. The only advantage will be solid wood, and, it means that the ecology will not be broken.

Yes, and the price is acceptable. But! When shrinking, such material is capable of cracks, large gaps, twist.

  • Profiled. It has lock connections to simplify the assembly of a two-storey structure or any other. It is also solid wood.

For sale submitted by all types of protection. The troubles are identical: the timber leads, defects arise in the form of cracks.

  • Glued. Refers to the class of elite. Bruceous two-story houses made of gluite material look more than presented and expensive.

The ideal geometry and appearance overshadow the obvious disadvantage - a large amount of chemical glue puts doubt on the environmental purity, for which the construction of a wooden house is actually asked.

The listed materials can be combined, but then the price increases accordingly. Deciding with the choice, the customer according to the bridge should mark all the compliance of the material with the invoice. Namely:

Following the rules clearly, there is a chance to acquire really high-quality construction wood.

The construction process. Nuances

Build a brusade two-storey house with your own hands possible. There will be many difficulties and below are frequent errors of home-grown masters, hoped from dubious sources. So:

  1. Arrange block foundations For brusal raw materials. As it was already said, the winter bar cannot be thin and light. And the building in two floors implies a sufficiently strong load on the platform. The savings that cellular concrete offer are inappropriate. There is enough monolithic reinforced ribbon with a depth of 70 cm, provided that there is a good location of water layers. Otherwise, you will have to do a solid monolithic slab.
  2. In addition to the oscillation of the foundation, it is necessary to lay it with its runneroid or rolled rubber. Protection of wood from condensate is the salvation of the crowns from premature rotting. Replace it problematic.
  3. Cannot be used independent construction Metal fasteners. To work with wood, invented brazen - wooden elements of a rectangular shape. Inserted into the round holes, they will be the key to the fortress. Metal is subject to corrosion and as a result, damaging wood is provided.
  4. The absence of an interventovation seal in the case of working with a profiled bar, even if the manufacturer claims that its material does not need it - a gross violation of construction technology, as well as the absence of cacopa. In this case, the owner will receive housing blowed by all winds.
  5. The solry system must calculate the specialist - the roof is a fairly responsible design, even if the model is simple. Bearing elements can not be thinner of the main timber. It is possible to reduce the section only on the cut.
  6. Hearth roof - an important stage. To allow racks to freeze.

The list of conditions is deficing. We are best to use knowledge obtained from consultation with specialists of companies where the timber acquired.

To attract customers, many of them provide services of this kind, especially if you buy a ready-made domocomplekt. In this case, construction oversees a foreman with experience.

After the construction and decoration, and perhaps the settlement, the owners should not have unreasonable thoughts about the fact that everything is possible. They should be remembered - the regular prevention of two-storey houses and other wooden buildings from the bar - the key to their durability. What are these actions?


It also happens that new objects suffer from molds, fungus and a grid of small cracks.

There is a lot of reasons for this, and before thinking about why the trouble happened, you need to get rid of it.

So mold and fungus.

Large lesions are cut into a piece, small - are cleaned, they are migrated to the bacteriological substance and the grinding machine is sought.

After - these places are again soaked with the compositions.

Get rid of cracks, if they are still small, it is possible: the place is inspired by Eatak. Waste - dust and chips, mixed with joinery glue, and paste is brought into the grid of cracks. After some frost, the plot is grouped.


Sometimes it is a wonderful way to overhaul. Having conceived a new type of my own home, you can see the changes and your own errors on the old building or hide the defects that cannot be eliminated.

So, for example, hide not too presentable walls will help barous two-story houses with an erker - this is a remote element that serves not only with a useful area, but also an additional stability of the entire structure. It is possible to build such an addition without changing the fundamentally general type of building.

Any construction causes complexity. But following generally accepted standards and careful calculation, you can easily become professionals and execute one of our own destinations - to independently build a house of any complexity.

Technology and variety of materials allow you to do it quickly and inexpensively. The advantages of living in two-story brusade houses remain without comment.

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