Modern roofs of private houses. Construction of a scope roof - errors. What type of roofing system to choose for a private house

The appearance of the house largely depends on the selected type of wall decoration, but the roof design is no less important. There are several types of roof designs for the house, each of which will look different, depending on the material selected.

What are the types of roofs in design?

All of them are divided into flat and scanty. The concept of "flat" implies the angle of inclination of everything in one or two degrees. They are relatively rare for residential buildings, due to the need for complex drainage systems. However, they are much more economical. Here the angle of inclination is more than ten degrees, but the installation is much more complicated.

In turn, all existing scope structures are divided into their types. With them, we will get acquainted in the list below.

Types of roof material

All listed design types will look absolutely different if you use one of the existing roofing materials. Progress does not stand still, and over time, the materials are improved, they gradually displaces new inventions.

Among the types of material for the roof of the metal tile is no longer a novelty. But it is not in a hurry from the market. This is a cold-rolled metal sheet, incredibly similar to conventional tile, galvanized and color-coated. Weighs little, the installation is fast, the price is available. But during the rain it will be noisy, and a lot of waste during installation. Professor something like a relative of the first type of roof, has about the same characteristics, but the waste during installation is less.

Ontulin is a cellulose fiber impregnated with bitumen and polymers. With all its budget and environmentally friendly, it remains a flammable material, fades in the sun and becomes moss.

A classic solution for any kind of roofs - slate. But it has asbestos, which is not safe for health, therefore it is relatively rare. But the flexible tile is increasingly gaining popularity. This is something like a compromise between price and expected results. But it is a flammable material. If you are ready to pay more, we boldly choose a folding aluminum or copper roof.

November 28, 2016

What are the types of roof roofs and types of roofing materials for the roof?

When designing a private house, an important stage is the choice of the type of roof and roof design. The results of this choice will have a significant impact on both reliability and the cost country house. Different types of roof roofs are selected depending on the following factors:

  • climatic conditions of the region, where construction is assumed. A large amount of precipitation makes unsuitable roofs, and heavy snowfalls will have a strong pressure on, also strong winds can carry too high design;
  • features of the construction of the house. Light houses from sip panels make it impossible to install heavy roofs from ceramic tiles and other things;
  • "Budget" of the construction of the house. For some, the type of roofing materials for the roof (for example, the slate) will require significant costs;
  • the need for a balcony, attic.

Flat Inclined (Single) Roof

One of the easiest and most affordable design options. Often such a roof can be seen on different lightweight buildings, such as sheds, houses. Buildings, baths and so on. But also flat designs are often used in the construction of a cottage or a small country house.

The structure itself is represented by a flat surface located at an angle, which ensures the similarity of water and snow. There is a kind of flat roof and without a slope, but in our country, with its abundant precipitation, the lack of angle threatens the stress of water from the rain and the melon snow, which sooner or later leads to the flow of roofing materials.

The main advantages of a flat roof for the construction of a private house are low cost and simplicity of construction. Its construction does not require large skills. The disadvantages of flat design are impossible to build a attic or balcony, as well as the need to regularly clean the surface of snow.

Duscal structure

The next majority, after flat, roof design is a duplex. This species is widely known and used in most simple village houses. It is possible to use a bounce option when erecting small private houses or household buildings.

Design duscal roof Consists of two surfaces located at an angle regarding the total center of the skate. The angle of inclination ranges from 25 to 45 degrees. Dupports of roofs due to good corner are capable of self-cleaning: snow and water are not delayed on their surface.

The main advantages of the bartal variety of roof is simplicity in design and construction. An important advantage will be the possibility of mansard and balcony.

Design similar to the structure with double roofBut with the difference that instead of the frontons are installed additional skates (hips), as a result, it turns out 4 skates. Often, hearing windows are installed in the surface of large rods.

With competent laying of metal tiles will last dozens of years. Unlike slate Sheets of tin, therefore, their laying on rafters will not be much labor. It must be remembered that the metal tile requires good noise insulation.

The last type of sheet roof is bitumen-cardboard sheets. In fact, it is a soft roof such as a roll material, but made in the form of sheets. Cardboard thickness B. sheet roof More than in a roll, which makes the first more durable. On average, the service life is 30 years.

Covers of piece elements

The main representative of this category of roof is a lot of centuries remain a ceramic tile. Ceramics coating are used in a variety of buildings around the world. And it is not surprising, considering its high characteristics. Tile from ceramics easily withstands the effects of atmospheric precipitation, does not age and does not require care. It is also environmentally friendly.

The main advantage of ceramic tiles is an unlimited service life. In Europe, the roof of some castles for the hundreds of years they have no care of any care, while they retain functionality and a great look. The disadvantage can be a big weight of the tiles.

IN lately A shingle from concrete comes to change ceramics, such products, though easier than "original", but no longer possess unlimited durability.

There is also a separate species of piece coverage - soft tile. The product is made from cardboard impregnated with bitumen and, according to its characteristics, is an analogue of a soft leaf roof.

Sandwich panel coating

The type of roof that has been widespread in the construction of prefabricated houses. The design resembles, only instead of the top soft sheet, the hard steel sheet is stacked. Thanks to the insulation layer, the roof of the sandwich panels can easily withstand very coldy, up to 50. Often these roofing materials are used for the construction of hangars, technical premises and other things.

Special types of coatings

It is also worth noting that the types of roof are not exhausted above. Depending on the preferences of the customer and the fantasy of the architect, the roof can be made of a wide variety of materials, such as glass or polycarbonate. Transparent roof It gives space for the embodiment of various designer ideas and make the interior of the house in unique.

Another original roof coating is the "green roof". Instead of artificial coverage, live grass is used here. The grass is planted on the roof in rolls (like a lawn), which perfectly protects the house from precipitation and has phenomenal noise insulation. In addition, such a coating perfectly harmonizes with surrounding vegetation.


When designing and building the roof, it is necessary to remember that the competent choice of the type of construction and material is necessary, but an insufficient condition for the construction of a reliable structure. The following factors should also be taken into account:

  • parosolation. Due to the temperature difference on the street and the attic on the inner surface of the roof coating, condensate can be formed, which, in turn, can lead to rafted rotation. To avoid this unpleasant situation, you should make high-quality vaporizolation, for this it is necessary for the surface of the coating special nonwoven material, as well as ensure good ventilation of the attic;
  • waterproofing. And although most of the above coatings are perfectly withstanding the impact of rain and melting snow, it is worth considering that the poorly laid roof will reduce all the advantages of its material. In order to avoid leaks, you need to take care of high-quality waterproofing. Even the slightest cracks and holes in the surface of the roof, which could stay after installation, otherwise, the proceeding ceilings will become the usual picture;
  • noise isolation. With the construction of the attic, it is necessary to carry out quality noise insulation, because if it does not make the noise of rain and the streets will make the habitat in it unbearable;
  • warming attic and roof. In itself, the roof coverage will not save the house from the cold and dampness, so to maintain heat in the house, the floor should be warm in the attic. You can do this with both glass gambles and crumbs or foam concrete.

Any construction of houses start with project development, as well as housing design.

We want to make your home practical, warm, comfortable, but more attention is paid to architecture and appearance of the construction. Currently, a large number of houses projects have been developed that add a variety of unusual and modern types of roofs of houses.

However, the roof not only adorns any home, but also protects it from influence ambient (Ultraviolet, snow, rain, wind). Therefore, choosing the shape of the roof you need to pay attention to its functional features.

Let us consider in more detail what kinds of roofs of houses are on configuration, and what functions they can perform due to their constructive features.

Types of roofs depending on the angle of inclination of the roof

Hallet coating roofs (flat) - The angle of inclination is 2.5-3 percent of the horizon level. It is very rarely used in the construction of cottages, because they are possible the formation of water stagnation and roofing; Snow in winter will have to remove yourself.

However, there are also good sides of this type of roof - it is saving materials and the use of its area under the sports field, a seating area or garden.

Scope roofs They are practical in use of the roof type, in which the angle of inclination is 10 percent and more from the level of the horizon.

Such roofs are very convenient in the fight against atmospheric precipitation, because the rods serve as snowgrins and drains.

That is why rational use of pitched roofs during the construction of private houses, especially since they have a large number of form varieties. Consider each other form of pitched roofs and their features.

Types of roofs of houses, their variations and forms

Single roofs - Such roofs consist of one skate. The formation of the slope occurs due to the rafting system based on the walls of different heights. They are simple in the process of choosing roofing material (metal tile, ondulin, slate, tile, etc.), easy to install, and do not need large physical and financial spending.

The 1-pitched roofs are convenient because precipitation does not accumulate on them, but begin to drain in the 1st direction, so that the accuracy of the installation of rave sewers and dryness of buildings is guaranteed. However, the lack of such a roof is the absence of attic rooms, so it is now quite rare to meet at home with a 1-pitched roof, they are commonly used in the construction of garages, terraces and veranda.

Duscal roofs are the most comfortable and popular roofs in the construction of private houses. Such a roof has two slopes based on two walls of the same height.

Between the slopes there is a triangular formation - nippers (frontoths), so such a roof is also called a "forcep roof". In the process of installation, a similar roof is more complicated by 1-scope, however, simple in the selection of roofing material and is not inferior at all on the functional features: it copes well with the wind, snow and rain. In addition, 2-stranded roofs are diverse, creative and modern design.

Loars roofs (attic) - There are 2-stranded roofs that have broken lines of the skate. Thanks to this resistance, the area and the amount of attic space called the attic and used for different purposes increases.

Frontons mansard roofs pentagonal form. Construction loan roof Not difficult, however, in the construction process can not do without good mansard insulation.

Walm roofs - They are roofs having four skate: two in the form of a triangle and two in the form of a trapezoid.

Which are located from the frontal side, are called Valmami. For this roof, the desired double tightening and beams, it is also necessary to equip its skates with angle angles up to 45 degrees by drain. Because a steep slope can quickly remove snow, water and withstand strong winds. The construction of a holm roof needs essential labor costs through the use of complex rafting systems.

Semi-Walled roofs - They are considered a variety of a hip roof. They have a truncated triangular slot and are located above the trapezoidal skates. The semi-walled roof is usually used in windy regions. Its the only drawback is the overrun of roofing materials when covering areas that adjacent to the inclined ribs of the roof.

- It is a hollow roof with 4 and more triangular rods converging at the top point. It is used in the process of building square houses or buildings in the form of an equilateral polygon. Such forms of roofs of houses look beautiful and similar to the tent, however, in the installation process it is complicated due to the use of complex rafter system.

Standard Multi-Top Roof (Endovaya) - This type of roof has a complex design. In the process of its construction, a large number is applied. inner corners At the junctions of the rod - endands, as well as outdoor ribs. That is why when the endo roof is erected, the help of a qualified specialist is required. It is usually used to build a complex polygonal shape with side attic and multiple attacks.

Dome roofs - With this roof, overlap part of the whole building. For their construction, curved framework parts are applied, and for the roof is selected soft materials (rubberoid, glassizol, bituminous tile) or flexible (galvanized steel, plastic tile). Dome roofs are currently very popular, they are able to give home uniqueness and oldity.

According to constructive features

  • cherical (separated from the main premises) - it can be cold and insulated;
  • bescable (combined with the main premises) - divided by the ventilation method into partially ventilated, non-ventilated and ventilated.

Check out the video about the roof of the house:

Naturally, it is possible to list the varieties of houses for a long time, they change, develop new forms, unusual, interesting and creative.

Because it is the roof that is a decoration of the house, makes it reliable and comfortable.

The roof is a construction that serves as the end of the house in its upper part

Roof construction - one of the most important moments in the construction process of the house. When the roof device is very important to follow the installation of the roofing technology, the violation of which can entail the trouble: heat loss, flow or even skew and destruction of the entire roofing frame. So that the roof coped with its protective functions, it must be built properly.

The roof is a mandatory element of any building. Regardless of the type of roofing and materials, of which it is performed, this design Must be solid and fulfill its main functions. The main purpose of each roof is to protect the building from any irregularity, and in the event of an attic floor - serve as high-quality hydro and heat insulator.

Designed in accordance with the estimated loads and architectural features of the building The roof structure will allow not only to decorate the construction, but also will provide him with reliable protection. The more carefully the roof device is thought out and the calculations of the parameters of the compound elements of its design are performed, the more practical it will be in the course of further operation.

Diagram of the device of the roof from metal tile

Based on the magnitude of the slope roofing systemThey can be scanty or flat. The latter are installed horizontally or with a slope not exceeding 3%. Scope roofs consist of intersecting with their peaks of inclined planes - skates.

The slope of such roofs is calculated based on the used roofing material. So, when coating the roof ceramic tiles The slope is determined by the ratio of 1: 2, and if the sheets of metal tile - 1: 3 (L \u003d 16). Roofing with an angle of slope from 15% and more classified as steep, up to 15% - gentle.

What parts of the roofing system of buildings is

Regardless of the features of the structure, on which the installation is planned, its design is mounted from the following main elements:

  • maurylalat;
  • system rafters;
  • doom;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vaporizoation;
  • roofing material.

Roofing system design

Mauerlat acts as a solid base of the roof design. This is the upper strapping from the beams made of wood or reinforced concrete. Brussia should be firmly fixed on the walls of the structure. The upper surface of the beams or wooden logs should be horizontal, as the rest of the design elements will be mounted in the future. To protect the wood of bars from the impact of moisture, they can be laid several layers of rubberoid.

The rafter system is the most important part of the roof design, which determines its form, as well as providing the necessary protection and sustainability to the entire building. Often, the features of this roof element define its type and shape and allow you to create unique roofing systems. The rafters must withstand not only the impact of weather conditions, but also the total weight of the roof. Typically, the size of the bar for the frames of the rafter systems is 5x15 cm.


For a uniform distribution of the load, the strings are strengthened with additional supports: laid in parallel with rafting strings, vertical racks, inclined pins, and also located across the bar race and side runs.

The stability and strength of the roof depends on it carrier design - rafter system

For fastening the roofing material on the rafter, the crate of small planks or boards is placed. Wooden boards have apart from each other at a certain distance, depending on the type of roof material. If the roof of the roll type, the stack of laying the crate should be not more than 1 cm. Under the metal tile or polycarbonate sheets optimal is a step of about 60 cm.

For waterproofing, namely protection of the roof from the penetration of moisture outside, use a special film layer. It can be placed under the crate or on top of it, avoiding excessive tension and layer sagging. At the place of the joints of the film, the film is put in size 20 cm and firmly fasten with construction scotch.

Exists big choice Thermal insulation materials for warming roofs. They can be stacked or sprayed between the beams rafters, not leaving gaps. The uneven distribution of the insulation may adversely affect the quality of the thermal insulation layer and lead to a decrease in its operational characteristics.


To prevent the accumulation in the roofing system of excessive moisture, a special gaps require sufficient ventilation.

The thermal insulation of the roof allows not only to make the house more comfortable, and the microclimate is healthy in it, but also to reduce energy costs for energy costs

To protect against penetration into the roof of moisture from the inside of the construction, the insulation is covered by another layer of film. Special membrane films are arranged in such a way as to absorb water pairs without passing the roof inside. In the future, the absorbed moisture gradually evaporates.

Samoa top And the face of the roof is roofing material. For the roof covering, metal tile sheets, slate, professional flooring, roofing steel are used. Less often make roof from polycarbonate, ceramic tiles, glass.

Metal tile - very popular material for creating reliable roof Any building

Types of roofing designs depending on the form

In form, there are a wide variety of roofing options. IN modern construction mainly carried out the device shelter roofs. Horizontal structures cannot fully protect the structure from adverse weather conditions. A lot of snow is delayed on their surface, and the moisture rain can leak into the building.

Forms of pitched roofs

Scope roofs vary by the number of oblique rods. The simplest and economical design of the roof with one slope. The frame of such a roof is mounted on the walls of the house with a specific slope, due to the fact that they have different heights. On the attic floor with such a roof it will not work out to equip the residential attic. Yes, and looks like a building with such a roof is rustic. Such roofs of polycarbonate are more often built on terraces, balconies, verandas.

Design single Roof Differs the utmost simplicity


Diva (joint) roofs are widely used when erected wooden house In the suburbs or private building of small cities. Often it can be on country buildings. 2 skates of such a roof are interconnected by a skate - located horizontally ribs. This type of roof is the most common and most practical. The space under such a roof, limited to the sides of the parts of the walls of the structure, can be used as a attic or attic. The original type of building can be given by mounting the skates that differ in each other with a width or angle of the slope.

Duscate roof - the most popular construction in private construction

Valves of hip roofs

Very reliable and durable design made in the European style is a hip roof (Dutch). Its frame consists of 4 slopes: 2 triangular shapes located instead of the frontones, and 2 trapezoid skate. The device of such a roof is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but the result justifies the applied efforts.


Sometimes, in order to achieve an unused part of the front form in the form of a triangle, its lower part overlap the slope. In this part, a window is usually mounted.

Even more difficult in performance is the semi-raid view of the roofs. Such a roof has truncated triangular slots, located above the trapezoidal. In addition to additional attractiveness, it is characterized by high functional qualities. In addition, the semi-haul design allows you to arrange a fairly large window on the front.

Semi-War roofs - one of the most interesting options borrowed in the North European architecture

Tent frame roof is also a variety of holm type. It is formed by three or more skates, with its vertices connecting at the top at one point. The peculiarity of this roof is the absence of a skate. Symmetric triangular rods create an impressive design in its appearance. This type of roofs are usually used in a polygonal or square-shaped houses.

Multi-line design

For mounting in the structures of the polygonal form, a multi-tape frame roof is suitable. This type of roof is a rather complicated design and requires a carefully thought-out, exactly composed plan.

Multi-line roof will require colossal physical and financial costs, but will delight the creators of the architectural beauty of the building

For the device of the residential attic on the attic floor, the roof of the broken type is installed. The foes of her rods have a significant angle of inclination, which ensure the formation of a large free space under the roof.

The lifric design of the roof allows you to increase the functionality of the building

Dome roofing design

The roofs of the round shape in the form of a cone or domes are installed not all over the perimeter of the building. They cover such elements of structures as decorative turrets or rounded terraces.

Dome houses are a relatively new word in construction, quickly gaining popularity due to the use of alternative form

Combined roofs

The constructions of combined roofs can combine the most diverse types of frames.

Combined roof may include various elements of holmic roofs. Multi-line design can be equipped with a large number of compact glass windows, small balconies, as well as verandas or polycarbonate terraces. Thus, they allow you to embody the most courageous and original design solutions. Their main disadvantage is complex installation and fairly expensive service.

Combined roofs - the most difficult structures

What type of roofing system to choose for a private house

Construction practices apply a wide variety of roofs of private houses. Basically, the emission of this or that type of roof depends on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owner of the house. Currently, the device is possible the device of the most unusual roofing systems: glass, metal, covers of polycarbonate, ceramic or metal tile.

By preferring to any type of roof, the owner of a private house determines the features of the future frame of the rafter system. It is also taken into account, also in which weather conditions will be a building, how the use of the attic room is planned. If a residential attic is assumed, the desired number of rooms in the area under the roof, as well as their purpose take into account.

Flat roof - Fashionable architectural way to build roofs for a country house, which has a number of advantages and functional features

Roof coating materials

Different building materials are used to cover roofing structures: rigid and rush, piece and rolls, profiled and flat. Some use for the roofing device small houseOthers - for a multi-storey urban building, third - for build-build buildings.

Sheet roof:

  • metal tile sheets;
  • professional flooring;
  • ondulin (EuroShorter, Aqualin);
  • slate;
  • copper fold sheets, as well as aluminum or steel.

Professional sheet and metal tile appreciate, first of all, for their durability. Slate is a more budget option. The folding coating in contrast to the metal tile is more often used when shelting industrial buildings.

Professional flooring is one of the best construction. finishing materials By the ratio of price and quality

Soft types of materials:

  • flexible tile. It is mainly mounted multi-track design;
  • roll roof (glassizole, hydroisol);
  • membrane roof (EPDM, TPO, PVC), for example, polycarbonate sheets.


  • ceramic tile;
  • bulk (assistant);
  • shale roof.

In the construction of country houses, covers from polycarbonate are often mounted. Thanks to its features, the roof is solid and easy. This material is characterized by durability and ease, misses daylight and is an alternative to glass coatings. The roof of polycarbonate is used in the construction of terraces, attic, veranda, greenhouses. Due to the presence of aircases, polycarbonate sheets are characterized by high sound insulation and excellently retain heat inside the room. In addition, the cost of polycarbonate is below glass coatings.

The gazebo with the roof of polycarbonate is a very successful option for installation on dumart sites of any size

Functions and types of roof cornice designs

Svet cornice protruding for the perimeter of the walls of the house is designed to protect against precipitation. Eaves of the eaves are masked by the line of connecting the inner surface of the roof slopes with walls of the house and make the facade of the building finished.

Outside of the eaves are equipped on the sides of the building and from its facade due to the regions of the inclined rods. Svet side cornice is usually 50 cm, frontal - about 1 m.

To ensure the safety of the operation of the front cornice, it is necessary to accommodately approach the choice of materials.


An important point when finishing the cornix is \u200b\u200bthe mandatory provision of sufficient ventilation regardless of the type of the selected design and the size of the cornice.

In total, the number of holes for ventilation should be within up to 1/400 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal space.

The roof cornice device provides an additional function of ventilating

Types of roofing frames

The roof frame system is an important bearing element of any building. Depending on the manufacturer's materials, roofing frames are divided into the following varieties:

  • concrete-type frame design is used for the manufacture of flat or gentle single Systemsconsists of special plates;
  • the roofing system of the rafter type is a frame made of sawn timber. This option is optimally suitable for mounting. different species sheaf roofs;
  • in industrial homes, it is advisable to install metal frames of roofs made of durable metal beams;

With the construction of private houses, a predominantly frame bartal roofing of sawn timber is used.


Roof frame in the process of operation is exposed to large loads. To ensure the safety and reliable protection of the building, it must be as strong as possible and high-quality.

Building frame house with a naked multiple roof

For the device, the roof of a multi-storey apartment house is more commonly used metal or concrete single-sided structures.

The choice of roofing shape and variety of roof material is largely determined by the characteristics of the architectural configuration of the structure, weather conditions, the planned direction of water flow, as well as the individual preferences of the owner of the house. Regardless of the type of roof, if desired, it can be supplemented and replaced with old elements with new ones.

Various roof designs. Part 1

Various roof designs. Part 2