Inter-storey overlap in a private house. Ceiling beams in modern interiors

Due to the low height of the ceilings, the design with beams is difficult to present in an ordinary urban apartment. It is created in spacious country housewhere the beams in the interior look more appropriate. However, it all depends on the imagination of the designer and the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises. Since even a big apartment modern planning You can decorate with this element of the decor. Decorative beams will be easy to enter into any stylistry. They are used to distinguish between space, placement of designer lamps, visual expansion of the area. Multifunctional products create an unique atmosphere indoors. Therefore, let's consider in detail the characteristics of this trendy reception in the planning of the house and the advantages of its use.

1. Creating a specific atmosphere in the house. These suspension products give a sense of reliability and peace, because they are associated with powerful structures wooden house;
2. Visual change in space space. Despite the decrease in volume, it is visually expanding. Designers with pleasure use this optical reception;

3. Decorative elements become the main emphasis in the interior decoration. The ceiling beams attract increased attention and with proper decoration can be the center of the art composition;
4. The arrangement of the house beams is possible to carry out his own.

The use of ceiling structures

Their presence in private houses is meant a priori, as designs are an integral element of ceiling overlap. At the same time, the owner can leave the overlap in natural form, and can hide the plasterboard partition. It all depends on the selected room style. Relevant use of ceiling structures can make an individual design project, where strict style will be combined with the practical objectives of the zoning of the room.

So, decorative beams can easily hide the possible flaws of planning. For example, uneven junctions when finishing with plasterboard. Also, in the ceiling structures it is possible to place engineering communications (in order to integrate the decorative backlight, electrical wiring is carried out in the beams).

Beams can be used as a basis for fastening other design elements, whether decorative lamps or even modern plasma. Recreation of dried herbs on ceiling products is considered to be the generally accepted decor. Especially if they are located in the kitchen. There you can also provide hooks for the location of kitchen tools or glassware.

Zoning the interior with decorative beams

The functional design solution implies competent zoning of space indoors. Let's try to call goals that can be achieved in this way:

Materials that are used in the manufacture of beams

For the production of ceiling products use a variety of materials. The presence of a choice allows you to arrange a room or a hall in a conceptual stylistry, whether it is ethno or gothic. It all depends on the taste preferences of the owners and the number of funds. There are also universal materials to create any decor. Big plus is that they can be installed their own. Next will present in detail each of them.

  1. Wood. It is an overwhelming classic and the most popular material in the market of ceiling structures. A huge set of its advantages is not calculated alone with beauty or environmental friendliness. Natural, safe and extremely simple Material Material is extremely popular for kitchen premises. Typically, coniferous breeds are taken for making, but deciduous are come across.

Attention. They will be needed to additionally process the antiseptic.

The only minus wood can be considered the cost of products, since the quality here is primarily. West owners love to order ceiling structures from exotic trees (for example, Meraba or Meranti). Then the processing (toning, spraying) and installation by means of screws. Also allowed options with hollow beams, which can be fixed by the adhesive binder.

  1. Metal. For decorative purposes, a light metal, type of aluminum is used. Its popularity is due to modern requests for new finishing materials, as well as relevance in some design styles. High-tech or industrial interior styles do not cost without these decorative beams. Additionally, structures are decorated with trendy lamps, favorably emphasizing the functional areas of the room.

Attention. The bedroom is the best option for the arrangement of such a decor.

  1. Polyurethane. Also relates to modern finishing materials, since with due processing, it perfectly imitates the texture of any natural elements. It is easy and relatively inexpensive, if compared with previous textures. The convenience of using such a material is an unlimited choice of any design - artificial beams of all variations and colors will reliably transmit the structure of the desired coating. Its products from it are distinguished by moisture resistance and durability, plus easily installed with their own hands.

  1. Fiberglass. It is an optimal option when an impressive profile is required. It is able to hide the spent communications, leaving inconspicuous connecting seams. This is achieved by means of special bandage sets. Then decorative beams are suspended on belts or mounted using self-tapping screws.

How to choose the appropriate option

All factors should be taken into account when choosing ceiling structures. Before acquiring, you must definitely pay attention to the parameters of the room itself. Decisive is the height of the ceiling. If he is low in the house, then it is better about the decorative ceiling products at all. The same applies to both narrow, small rooms. The beams will only strengthen the effect of claustrophobia in humans.

You also need to check the comparability of the selected stylistics with ceiling structures. The pompous baroque will hardly be well combined with these massive products. The brutal overlap is also suitable for Rococo, where the pathoral situation requires completely different types of finishes. Decorative beams are more to strict, stylish, even courageous interiors. Where the naturalness and natural shade of the material is valued above all, and the pompousness is completely nothing.

Much will depend on the budget allocated to create the desired design. Based on the amount of funds, selected optimal Material. For example, with limited resources, it is recommended to stop on artificial beams from polyurethane. If the ceiling is high, no one will notice the substitution of the natural analogue of the false beam.

Nuances of decoration

Decorative Balley Design Stylistics

Decorative ceiling beams in the interior can be made with taste, the main thing is to determine the right style. The types of stylistics are distinguished for the most harmonious use of suspended products:

Classic style

One of the most optimal options for these purposes. Designers love to emphasize the rich interior with decorative beams on the ceiling. This benefits the luxurious furniture and the wooden floor of natural wood.

Attention. Best of all harmonizes the dark color of wooden beams with a light ceiling.

When the budget is limited, it is worth referring to a polyurethane, which perfectly imitates the textured surface. Elegant thread can say a lot about the status of owners.


A more fiscal option, since it allows free use of artificial products. The ceiling beams in the interior are performed in such a bright color, which is not in natural wood. Then the zonal lighting is set to distinguish between functional sections. Their quantity is given to the deposit owners.

Victorian style

The luxurious interior of this style is advantageously underlined by the noble breeds of trees (red), which are additionally processed under the old days.


French style is ideally combined with seminal decorative beams. According to the budget, natural wood is used or false beams. The latter is easy to install themselves, because for installation does not require special skills.


At the peak of popularity is now High Tech and Loft. To create a similar style, polyurethane or aluminum beams are used. Harmonious coexist together with metal suspended structures brickwork In the interior and clarified ceiling.


Rough, brutal style implies extremely natural wood, with the installation of which it is not easy to cope. A friend will be required.


Ceiling beams can be used when arranging a spacious home. This unique design element can be the main highlight in the interior and emphasize the respectfulness of the home owners. The recommendations described above are sufficient to try to perform installation work on their own.

Beaux to the beer

Regardless of the geographical affiliation of rural dwellings, most people are associated with live fire in the furnace and wooden structural elements: beams, rafters. Although in our time at home are built not only from the tree, and stove heating It is not a priority, however, many of the owners of country houses prefer to put a furnace or fireplace and decorate the ceiling by open beams. These details bring a special charm in the home, creating an atmosphere of a good traditional house.

Ceiling beams decorated ceilings even in urban homes and apartments made of concrete and bricks. These elements of the authentic interior are very attractive for a resident of the Stone Jungle.

Thus, open beams in our time are usually not functional, but decorative. This item is called "decorative beam". How do decorative beams use in the interior? What effects allows you to achieve this interior element and how to build it?

What are the good ceiling beams in the interior?

If the ceilings are high, the beams will emphasize the size of the room. If the room is too high, which deprives him comfort, the beams can be placed low under the ceiling - it will visually reduce its level, and the size of the room will feel more comfortable.

In attacks and attic decoration of the scottle ceiling beams helps to make an orderly in space - the room becomes more harmonious.

"Hollow" beams (or "pseudo-bulls", false beams), you can disguise the wiring and other communications going on the ceiling. Designs, imitating beams, use both both shortcuts for fixing lamps.

Well, of course, it is worth saying that decorative beams are simple, easy to install and very inexpensive way to make the ceiling original.

For what styles are the ceiling beams fit?

Beams can decorate the ceiling in the interior in almost any style: from historical classics to an ultra-modern. Well, if we are talking about interiors in ethnic styles, then the beams are at all that "the designer is registered."

If this is a classic with a luxury claim, beams can be decorated with painting, vignettes, thread. Staining in gentle color or even under silver.

In strict classic interiors, smooth lacquered beams are perfectly looking - dark or white.

Smooth white, dark and gray beams are suitable for modern interiors. Here this element looks no less effectively. The difference is that creative and courageous solutions are allowed in the modern interior. For example, beams can be painted not only in white, dark brown or black, but also in a bright color - let's say, make them red, blue or even pink.

In the interiors in the style of Loft and High-tech beams can be metal or painted painted with a metal effect. By the way, B. modern interiors The ceiling beams often adjacent to the walls. This is an "industrial aesthetics", appeal to the theme of old abandoned factories and warehouses, transformed into modern luxury apartments.

Elements of this style ("Loft") can be repeated in a conventional small apartment. Some beams a little facing bricksLittle glass and metal, a few "bare" lights and displayed on the type of wires - and you can enjoy the loft atmosphere.

For an interior in a rural style, of course, it is better to choose beams that imitate the shaped tree. And the beams here can be both light and very dark. Distinguishes their coarseness, texture. The color of the beams can be a very contrasting interior and can not be combined with anything.

Boxes in the interiors in rural style

If we are talking about a French rural style (Provence), then here beams are often quite neat and "elegant." Preference is given to light, selected beams.

Ceiling beams in the interior: color matters

Beams, contrasting ceiling, drag on a lot of attention. If you want to focus on the beams, let them be very contrasting ceiling and all over the interior.

Most often, contrasting beams have a dark wood color, while the ceiling is white. But the opposite solution is possible: a dark ceiling and light beams, although it is far from so effectively.

If the beams merge with the color of the ceiling, they pay much less attention, but their influence cannot be noticed. Staying in the shade, the beams are added to the ceiling volume, make it structural, contribute to the dynamics. By the way, speaking of the beams merging with the ceiling, it is also implied either white or "wooden" beams on the respective ceilings. However, other solutions can be found: for example, the ceiling, and beams can be, blue, lilac, etc.

In the case of contrasting beams, various palettes also apply. For example, beams can be white, and the ceiling is blue.

The selection of the color of the ceiling and beams is made on the basis of the style, color interior design, shades of furniture and textiles, etc. What should the beams in the interior should be consonant? With anything. They can coincide with color wooden floors or furniture. They can be a contrast ceiling canvase, but correspond to the color of the walls. There are no strict canons.

It is necessary to simply take into account that dark beams look like more cumbersome and heavy. White beams seem weightless. The beams of the color of light gray wood make the interior cold, while calm and serene. Black beams add graphitresses, bring rhythm, making the interior dynamic and "hard".

How to locate beams in the interior?

Beams are capable of visually changing the geometry of the room. To visually expand the room, you need to place the beams in width. Well, the location along the wide part will make the room more elongated.

In order not to change the geometry, the beams can be placed crosswise (lattice). Will out imitation of the caisson ceiling. This finish beam adds the ceiling volume.

The beams are drawn up and small sections of the ceiling. It may be "grille", and the "Christmas tree" from beams, and other figures.

The beams are used for the design of niches in the ceiling structures from drywall.

One big beam on the ceiling can divide the zone: in this case, it is mounted at the junction of zones - for example, above the dining table, etc. Such a separation beam is equipped with lamps.

Beams from the ceiling can go to the walls. And on the wall can go and not the beam at all, but a thin strap in the color of the beam. This technique can be used to visually adjust such a disadvantage as a low ceiling.

If the ceilings are very high, the beams can be omitted, securing them on opposite walls. This visually streamlines too volumetric space.

Beams and decor

In the kitchen on the beams, you can mount various hooks and holders, hooking utensils on them, baskets. The beam over the bar can be equipped with glasses holders.

In the kitchens in the country style on the beams hang bunches of herbs and dried bouquets.

In the rooms in the beams are embedded lamps or hang on them light sources, including chandeliers. In modern interiors like Loft lamps on wires or even chains, they simply attach, tight or hang on the beams.

On beams, in fact, you can hang anything - starting from the photo frames on chains or shelves on the ropes and ending the TV panel on a special ceiling bracket. If these are real beams, they even hang swing or "air" chairs.

Boxes in the interior: what and how?

The real full-scale beams made of wood are luxury, available mainly to those who live in their own home. Moreover, the presence of wooden beams as architectural structural elements should be provided in advance, even at the construction stage. Mounting wooden beams for the sake of aesthetics in most cases is not appropriate: they are too heavy, and dear. It is much easier to create imitation of wooden beams, the benefit of imitation of these ones are indistinguishable from the original.

The imitation of wooden beams is usually made from polyurethane. Polyurethane beams weigh very little, which greatly simplifies the installation process. Their cost is not high. They can look different: like beams from an old, cracking tree or as smoothly ground, polished and lacquered.

Another advantage of polyurethane beams is moisture resistance. They can, without fear, actively engage in the kitchen and bathroom.

The p-shaped form of pseudobalok is also a big plus. The beam inside is a hollow, so it successfully performs the function of the so-called cable channel, in which you can hide the wires, cables and even pipes. In such beams are easy and simply mounted.

Install such false beams in different ways. First, you can build on the ceiling in the places of the future location of the beams like a wooden crate or metal profilesAnd then fasten the beams on the crate with self-draws. However, if the beams are not too big, they can simply be placed on liquid nails.

With enough heavy beams use a combined method. First, wooden blocks are fixed on the ceiling (small bars). The edges of the beam are lubricated with glue and applied to the ceiling. At the same time, the beam is additionally connected with screws with a wooden block fixed on the ceiling. The beam fixed with self-draws and glue will safely sit in its place.

Imitation beams can be made independently - To do this, it is not necessary to purchase polyurethane or plastic beams. Pseudobalki can be built of drywall or light plywood.

First you need to decide on the size and location of the beams, then make marking on the ceiling and mount the markup framework from metal profiles: a separate framework for each false beam.

After that, it is necessary to cut the details of the desired size from drywall or plywood and fasten them with self-draws to the frame. In fact, it will turn out long narrow cortic. When all the structures are ready, it will stay to sharpen them, then sand, prejudice and cover the paint.

Walls in polka dots and decor in confetti style

Competent installation and decor ceiling beams, features of the installation of products from different materials, ways to finish old beams.

The content of the article:

The ceiling surface finish beams looks stylish and respectable. This is a great way to emphasize the originality of the design and transform the room. Laying wooden beams on the ceiling is carried out in the process of building a house. However, such elements are heavy and expensive, because for the decor most often attached a kind of false beams from different materials.

Styles of the ceiling beams

If you have made a decision to finish the ceiling in this way, then you need to properly combine the installed beam with other elements of the decor. Moreover, in the presence of certain design skills, this item can be played in almost any style.

Let's look at what style solutions can be used for the decoration of the beams:

  • Classical. The beams made of wood or material imitating wood, in combination with furniture or parquet in the tone - is undoubtedly a classic. The contrasting dark wood on a pastel light background looks originally. But the carving and painting will add a traditional response interior.
  • Victorian. The rooms decorated in such a style look aristocratic and luxuriously. Therefore, the beams must be installed from an expensive breed of mahogany with a finish under ancient.
  • Modern. The beams in rooms with such a design can be painted in bright colors, install inside the backlight and embody various stylistic ideas.
  • High tech and loft. The ceiling finish in such premises with polyurethane beams with the texture of imitating metal will be very powerful. Especially if the walls in the room are represented as brickwork.
  • Provence. Perfectly smooth, painted snow-white beams on the ceiling will become an excellent addition of French, rural style.
  • Rustic. A rough wood finish, emphasizing the natural structure of the material - the optimal option.

Technology of mounting beams on the ceiling with their own hands

Equipment imitation of beams on the ceiling consists of several stages. To carry out installation works quickly and efficiently, you need to decide on the model type, competently compile the scheme, taking into account the features of the room and securely fasten the design to be smooth and durable.

Rules for drawing drawing beams on the ceiling

The location of the beams on the ceiling can visually expand the space or take the room below. Therefore, the scheme of their installation primarily depends on the effect you want to achieve.
  1. If the beams are located along the length of the room, then it can be visually even more extended. Accordingly, to expand the space, ceiling elements are located across.
  2. The cruciform fastening of the beams visually makes the space more voluminous.
  3. You can visually reduce the height of the room, fixing the beam below the ceiling.
  4. One beam with installed lamps or other decorative details is able to divide the room on the zone.
  5. The placement of several beams in one part of the room visually allocates it. In this case, the items are not necessarily fixed in parallel or crucible. It is interesting to look a Christmas line.
  6. It is possible to visually increase the height of the room, consolidating the design on the wall and making a continuation on the ceiling surface. At the same time, it is necessary to fix the entire beam on the ceiling, but only part of it.
The correct location of the ceiling elements will change the geometry of almost any room. Before drawing up the drawing, it is necessary to measure all the walls. The project also includes a scheme for the supply of communications.

Selection of materials for mounting beams on the ceiling

A variety of building and finishing materials allows you to use for mounting beams:
  • Wood. It is environmentally friendly and looks respectable. Most often, preference is given to coniferous rocks (pine, larch, spruce, cedar). They are practical and stronger. Deciduous rocks (for example, oak) are applied less often due to the high cost.
  • Plasterboard. Practical, relatively inexpensive, easy to process. It can be separated in almost any way.
  • Polyurethane. Modern material, characterized by high performance. It is produced in a wide range of colors and textures, it has a light weight and is distinguished by moisture resistance.
Whatever the material you choose to mount the beams on the ceiling with your own hands, consider how harmonious products will fit into the overall design.

Artificial materials beams also differ in profile varieties:

  • From chipboard or mdf. Elements of a veneer in the details with straight joints in this case are connected at an angles of 90 or 45 degrees. The beams with rounded edges are made from the Fanroom MDF or DSP and are connected to the profiled rail on the inner junction. Such models can be patched and painted.
  • From lamellas of durable wood. For the manufacture use oak, ash, pine, larch. May have straight or rounded edges. Processed as ordinary tree.
  • From the array. In production, an ordinary tree bar is used. The beam can be suspended and carrier. Facing is carried out in the same way as from the ordinary tree. It will cost these models much more expensive.

Selecting the manufacturing material, it is important to take into account the specifics of the room in which the installation is planned. For installation in conditions of high humidity, for example, polyurethane products are optimally suitable.

Preparation for the installation of beams for the ceiling

Before starting the installation of beams on the ceiling, the coating should be prepared. This is a step consisting of the following processes:
  1. I carry out all the furniture from the room, remove the lighting devices, mirrors, curtains, carpets, eaves.
  2. Clean the surface from the old finishing layer.
  3. Get rid of unreliable fixed elements.
  4. If necessary, we remove the old wiring.
  5. We proceed with a special primer spots of mold, fungus or rust. They need to get rid of them, otherwise they will continue in the future in the new trim.
  6. Close up by putty on the basis of cement large cracks and gaps.
  7. Fit coating with antiseptic composition.
  8. Align the surface of the plaster (with irregularities from 5 cm) or starting putty (when irregularities up to 5 cm).
  9. Breasting the ceiling and salable glass chickens for amplification.
  10. Apply a layer of finishing putty and wait for drying.
  11. Grinding the roughness of fine-grained paper and soak the primer based on acrylate.

Features of the fastening of wooden beams on the ceiling

Ceiling elements made of natural wood are heavy, and therefore reliability of fixation need to pay special attention. The beams themselves can be purchased ready or make themselves from the bar. In the latter case, it is worth choosing a tree with a drying up to 12%, on which there are no damage and traces of rot. It is also important to handle antiseptic compositions to protect against moisture, mold, rodents and insects.

Installation perform as follows:

  • The ends of the elements are adjusted using a plane and grinding fine paper for the maximum dense fit.
  • Fix the bars to the side panels using the screws.
  • To fix the lower element, drill a hole in the holes of the hole in 15-20 cm increments. They should be located at an angle of 90 degrees to the self-drawing connecting the bar and the sidewall. The distance from each hole to the self-press should be about 5 cm.
  • For reliability in the joints of the joint, we wipe the wood with jointed glue.
  • We combine all the details by self-drawing by forming a P-shaped false beam.
  • To the overlap fix the bars with a step of 0.5 meters. Brous width must match the internal size of the emptiness of the box.
  • Beam attach to bars using self-tapping screws, deepening fasteners inside.
  • By putting off the place of depressions with putty under the color of the wood.
  • We carry out the ceiling element finish.

Please note not to damage the ceiling finish, staining the beam, you can salary the joints with the ceiling coating with painting tape.

How to install plasterboard beams on the ceiling

The correct installation of the design of the drywall on the ceiling, first of all depends on the accuracy of making markup. That is why, using the level, tape measure and the folding cord, first it is recommended to apply the profile fastening lines and only then start working.

Before making a beam on the ceiling from GLC, we recommend reading the installation instructions:

  1. Dowels at the noted lines attach a guide profile.
  2. We make segments from the carrier profile that will be equal to the height of the beam.
  3. Insert the sliced \u200b\u200bblanks in the starting profile and screw the screws in 10-15 cm in increments.
  4. At the bottom edge we combine all segments of the guide profile.
  5. Lobzik or sharp knife for plasterboard cut from sheets of parts in the size of the beam.
  6. Attach the gypsum gypsum to the profile.
  7. Cut the joints with sickle ribbon. Split the gaps and places of deepening fasteners.
  8. We apply the finishing spacion layer and after complete drying, we drag the roughness of the fine-grained grinding paper.
  9. Ground the surface and perform the beam finish.
To install such a design, it is better to use a GKC thickness of 9 mm.

Fixation of polyurethane beams on the ceiling

The main advantage of the installation of polyurethane beams on the ceiling is the simplicity and efficiency of installation work. The design is low weight, because for fastening the beam made of polyurethane standard length (3 meters) you will need only three wedge-bar.

In the process, adhere to such an action plan:

  • We make the markup of the fastening of the beam.
  • We drill a hole in the wedge-bar, a diameter of 2 mm less than that used for fixing the screw.
  • We screw the blanks to the ceiling in a step to one meter. If the junction of the elements is planned, the wedge should also be enshrined on it.
  • We proceed with special glue of the surface of the wedges and attach the beam.
  • For additional reliability, we fix the design by self-draws.

If you want to hide communication inside the beam, you can make cutches in the bars through which the wires are stacked in the corrugated pipe.

Methods of decoration of old beams on the ceiling

Installation of false beams does not take much time and does not require special skills. Conduct with installation work for anyone. But what to do in the event if the old beams on the ceiling already have? They can give aesthetic appearance.

To do this, use such methods: Painting (if necessary, pre-putty and primer), installation on the old design of polyurethane false beams, decoration of ropes in the marine style, pasteing with a mirror tile. If the beam is in the kitchen, you can attach a special suspension (Reheling) to it and use it for storing dishes, bags with herbs and kitchen utensils. By the same methods, you can beat the concrete beam on the ceiling.

As for the methods of complete disguise the ceiling elements, the most common are:

  1. Stretch cloth. In order not to lose the height of the ceiling, you can make a two-level design.
  2. Plasterboard ceiling. Sheets and frames must be attached to the ceiling, and not to the beam.
  3. Caisson design. The most elegant and expensive option.
  4. Lining. The easiest way. Instead of lining, you can use even the usual cutting board.

Note that it is possible to fully mask the beam only in high rooms, otherwise the size of the 15-20 cm of the room, you can absolutely spoil the interior.

How to decorate beams on the ceiling - Look at the video:

In the material, we reviewed the basic methods for installing false beams on the ceiling from different materials. Acting on the instructions and taking into account the recommendations, you will be able to implement installation work. And the advice provided, how to beat the beam on the ceiling, will help you to transform the room and make this item not only decorative, but also functional.

Previously, the beams under the ceiling were solved quite functional task - supported ceiling overlap. Now this exclusively decorative element is most often found in the interiors performed in a rustic or Old-German style, in Provence styles, Country and Chale. It is not bad to integrate the beams in modern interior styles: Loft, modern, minimalism, high-tech.

The most advantageously decorative looks in rooms with high ceilings, which dictates their placement mainly in the houses with the height of the ceiling from three meters. Wooden beams Under the ceiling - a stylish home decoration element, underlining the room space, and in some cases the carrier load (for example, is used to hide communications). The most often beams are placed in kitchens, halls, halls and cabinets.

Types of beams

Of course, modern houses rarely decorate real wooden elements under the ceiling. Although there are natural connoisseurs, preferring real heavy beams for the ceiling decor, as a rule, a country house.

Building materials stores offer a huge selection of false beams from a lung and convenient to mount polyurethane. Visually, such elements are not distinguishable from natural wood, and in practice even surpass it in something.

The benefits of polyurethane false beams can be attributed to what they are:

  • not afraid of dampness, do not swell from excessive moisture;
  • do not crack and are not deformed;
  • very easy attached to the ceiling (including stretch).

However, physician lovers can stop their choice and on MDFs made from MDF or DSP false beams, hollow inside. Such beams are sticking with veneers made of valuable wood. You can meet options made of lamellae. Beams are with sharp and rounded edges, P-shaped and M-shaped (for jewelry).

Table. Comparison of polyurethane and wooden false beams.

For the style of High-tech, some designers use metal beams, but such elements are more difficult in the installation and for their installation you need to attract professionals.

How to make decorative beams on the ceiling with your own hands

Some craftsmen make the beams with their own hands, which takes a minimum of time and costs it inexpensively. For example, in order to make false beams, you can use the conventional foam, which remained from the insulation of the garage or loggia.

Step 1. Sheets 4-5 cm thick cut into the strip of the desired width.

Step 2. Stripes glide with liquid nails in the P-shaped beam.

Step 3. After grappling, cut the beams on the segments of the desired length.

Step 4. Cut the beams by self-adhesive film under the tree (except the side that will be glued to the wall).

By the same technology, you can make beams from plywood or even from ordinary boards. The boards can then be coated with mourn and varnish.

If there is a desire to make beams from a natural bar, you can buy a edged grinding bar, for example, 70x50. When choosing, it is necessary to check that it is smooth and dried. Then you need to handle the versa and varnish and cut on the required length. This is also an inexpensive and affordable option.

Decorating beams

For each style of the interior, the beam design will be required.

  1. For classic and Victorian styles, you can decorate the beams by carving under gold, decorate with patterns and vignettes. You can find such ready-made polyurethane beams on sale.
  2. White, black, brown, as well as colored beams will be the perfect solution for modern interiors.
  3. For the style of Hai-tech, the design of the beams for metal is suitable.
  4. To create a country style, wood will be required.
  5. For rural style (country), a rough texture is characterized.

Options for placing beams on the ceiling

False beams can be decorate any type of ceiling: stretching, drywall, ordinary painted and so on. With their help, you can zonail the room or create such a popular decor element as a false window on the ceiling with a stained glass imitation. Decorative beams can imitate window overlaps, between which a canvas with a photo printing, mosaic, frescoes, and even mirror panels are pasted in the process. A modern Eurotherdend is very interesting when the beams are moving to the walls.

Beams can be decorated from above LED backlight, which will give a special decorative effect. The beams in which the ceiling lamps are mounted are stunningly. All wiring in this case is hidden inside the hollow structure.

In general, the beams on the ceiling will give a feeling of warmth and comfort to a residential premises, make a highlight to modern interior styles and allow you to create the necessary authenticity in public institutions such as clubs or pubs.

How to locate beams

If the room needs visual expansion, then the following points should be taken into account when locating beams.

  1. If you need to make the room wider, then the beams should be placed on the short side.
  2. If you need to increase the length, the beams should be placed along the entire length of the ceiling.
  3. The location of the cross will give the room visual volume.
  4. One beam can be distinguished separate zone: for example, a bar counter.

The location of the location also plays a big role. For example, if the ceilings height is very large (which happens on the first floors of buildings), the close location of the beams helps to reduce it to each other. If the ceilings are medium height, the beams should be attached at a greater distance from each other. Also, the beams can be laid with a Christmas tree. Dersighted premises without ceiling look especially effectively if the ceiling beams pass through the columns and fasten the walls in the walls, creating a shala effect.

How to mount the beams on the ceiling

Features of the procedure depend on the material from which false beams are made. Consider more each of the options.

How to glue fontoam false beams on the usual ceiling

This is the easiest option to place false beams in a modern apartment. If you want to decorate the kitchen or room quickly, inexpensively and on your own, better option can not found.

Step 1. First on the ceiling and on the walls are applied labels to designate places where false beams will be glued. Places stickers must be projected for better adhesion.

Step 2. Then the beam is labeled with liquid nails and glued to the required place. Foam products are practically weightless, and liquid nails climb literally instantly.

Some instructions are advised to smear the wall simultaneously, but in case of excess glue, the beam can start going through the wall. therefore golden middle It is necessary to determine the experimental way.

Step 3. If the room is narrow, you can stick 2 beams along the long wall walls, and transverse beams are simply placed perpendicular to them. Such a simplest ceiling will help hide the irregularities of the usual concrete ceiling and will look very winning.

How to quickly fasten wooden beams on a wooden or concrete ceiling

It is also not very difficult to do this and is not expensive.

Step 1. On the ceiling we appline lines for accommodation.

Step 2. In a bar, drill holes with a drill 12 mm depth of no more than 0.5 centimeters every 30 cm.

Step 3. In the same holes, 8-millimeter holes drill in which the screws are 120 mm.

Step 4. We apply a timber, mark the places for the holes on the ceiling.

Step 5. On the ceiling in places placed perforator drills a hole of 8 mm.

Step 6. They drive choppers in them.

Step 7. We screw the timber.

Since the self-drawing hat is walking, putting these places with a putty on the tree. After drying, we apply a mourn, then varnish. You can cover the hats of the screws with wooden corks or special decorative linings with imitation under the hats of forged nails. It can be mounted on ordinary dowel nails - this is even faster option.

If it is planned to cross the beams, then irregularities may occur in the joints of the joints. The design of these nodes depends on which style is made in the room. If this is a country, for example, then these places can be covered with leather decorative belts or a large bechie pasted into several rows.

Installation of polyurethane decorative beams on bars

This is a professional installation method.

Decorative beam B1 from polyurethane (wenge, cherry, oak, olive, walnut, light oak)

Step 1. For polyurethane false beams, wedge-bars made of wood, which fully correspond to the inner cavity of the beam.

Step 2. The ceiling markup is made: lines are held for which the beams will be mounted.

Step 3. Wedge bars are installed through the line after 1 meter on the self-tapping screw or dowel.

Step 4. When installing the false beams on the ceiling, glue for polyurethane is applied. This is not necessary for fixation, but for a more dense fit to the ceiling so that no cracks remain.

Step 5. The beam is tightly put on the bars and through the sides is screwed by screws.

Step 6. Screws that fasten the false beam to Brus and the locations of the beams are covered with decorative leather belts with a rivet imitation.

Features of the device beams on the stretch ceiling

To make a stretch ceiling and decorate it with decorative tanks, set down the details should be installed, similar to those that are installed for hanging the chandelier. The mortgage for the decorative false beam is just a wooden bar of the required thickness. It is attached to the main ceiling, and the stretch ceiling is stretched in such a way as to pass, touching the bottom plane of the bar. Then raised beams are attached through the ceiling to brus.

You can use the mounting beams using suspensions. The suspensions are attached to the base. And after tensioning the ceiling in the canvas, slots are made. Specific actions depend on the type of material.

If the stretch ceiling has been hanging for a long time, but I want to somehow diversify the interior without dismantling the canvas, you can use external consoles with fastener to the wall or internal bars, screwed to the walls. They will be attached to the self-tapping screws.

Features of the device beams on a plasterboard ceiling

As plasterboard ceiling It is suspended, just do not attach the beams to it. We will have to remember / challenge the places where the frame profiles go, and attach the beams to them. It is possible to mount in any convenient way: a long anchor through the beam, GKL and profile or on a bar attached with a self-tapping screw to GKL and profile. Self-screwed exclusively on plasterboard, long to keep the beam.

Some nuances

The locations of the beams or the vehicle exit place are covered by various types of decorative lining, among which you can select the following:

  • disguise with decorative rope;
  • disguise with wax pencil;
  • disguise with copper forged plates;
  • decorative leather belts.

To decorate the space, you can use decorative consoles that are sold together with beams and create a simulation of the sub-wall on the walls. If inside the polyurethane beams will pass cables for lighting devices, then they must be hidden in corrugated protection.

Video - Installation of wooden decorative beams on the ceiling

Thus, you can get a very beautiful unusual interior with an emphasis on wooden beams under the ceiling. This interior does not require a large investment of money, and it is possible to fix the beams with your own hands within a few hours.

Oct 30/12.

Beams on the ceiling - Original decor with a rustic flavor

Simple country life in lately Extmit urban glamor, and the desire of a person to live in harmony with nature pushes him to the design of his dwelling in a simple rustic style. And what is the most characteristic element for such a style, except for the abundance of wooden furniture and finishes in the interior? Right, beams on the ceiling! And if the presence of decorative beams on the ceiling in urban apartments, some designers are skeptical, then here are the place in the country house.

The ceiling beams fit harmoniously both in the classic interior style and in. But before we plunge into the world of decorative beams, let's determine where which of them are used.

Beams on the ceiling in different interior styles

The ceiling with wooden beams (massive and not very) is characteristic of styles where the abundance of wooden decorative elements is welcomed - it is, a rustic, eco-style, Mediterranean ,. But for the style of High-tech, the ceiling was characterized by beams not wooden, but more often metal, where the laconicity and functionality of the room is particularly emphasized.

Decorative beams on the ceiling

Decorative beams on the ceiling photo

Decorative beams on the ceiling - varieties

As we have already found out, beams can be wooden and metal. But there is another type of beam - polyurethane. What do they differ and what is the advantage of each type?

Wooden beams for the ceiling are the classic of the genre, it is they painted in the interiors of a rustic and eco-style. As a rule, such beams are made of oak, pine, ash, they can be both whole and hollow inside. The latter option is great for hiding various communications, such as wiring.

Ceiling decoration beams

Ceiling design with beams

Metal structures are used in the interiors, but their installation should be carried out exclusively by experts in this matter. And all because metal beams are very cumbersome and heavy. It is better not to risk the health of your neighbors and give the work on the installation of beams to people specializing in this matter.

But polyurethane beams can be fastened to themselves. They are hollow inside and sufficiently light, so the ceiling design beams from polyurethane can be attributed to the most beneficial, time and labor costs. In addition, polyurethane can mimic the color and texture of the tree, it does not absorb moisture and smells, so it is advisable to use it, for example, in the kitchen.

Decorative beams on the ceiling

Design room with decorative beams on the ceiling

Initially, the beams were by no means decorative element The premises, they assumed the entire load from the roof of the house, and at the same time served as a support for the attic overlap. Subsequently, the beams as an unnecessary element began to hide from the eyes, but in recent times they returned to us again, and exclusively with a decorative function.

In what room can be used beams? The beams are organically look at the kitchen, in the living room, bedroom, office, and even an entrance hall. Their amount and massiveness is determined by the size of the room. In the spacious kitchen, the entire ceiling is "sanding" with large beams, and in a small hallway enough just a few pieces.

Ceiling beams in the interior

By the way, even the most decorative beam is not a useless thing in the interior. It can be consolidated by unusual lamps representing a single whole with a beam, or hanging on chains.

Wooden beams in the interior photo

But the ability to organize unusual lighting is not all the delights of the ceiling design with beams, with their help another function is performed - the zoning of the room. For example, to highlight the dining area with beams and successful backlight. It is also possible to divide the living room into two parts using ceiling beams.

How to beat the beam on the ceiling

If some customers persistently ask the designer to build on the ceiling of the house beams, then the other "happy owners" at home with beams are trying to make them if invisible, then at least more functional. Let's see how to beat the beam?

So we have beams on the ceiling. And the first thing that comes to mind is to arrange unusual lighting on them. You can install point lamps on the beams, and you can do this in two ways: to embed to the beam itself or install on the remote bracket.

How to reap the beams on the ceiling

In addition to lighting, the beam can be beaten with various drawings and ornaments applied to it and repeating the design elements of the room. If the beam is in the kitchen, then it can be hoisted on it - the device for storing kitchen accessories. If you look at the photo of design or scandinavian style, you will see examples of using beams as a place to store dishes. In addition, under the beam can be built.

But the most commonly used reception of the beam decoration is a rope trim. Moreover, notice the aesthetic component and the environmental friendliness of all materials is placed in the first place. The beam simply "revives", winding it with rope. This element is characteristic of mediterranean-style rooms and country style.

Decorative beams in the bedroom interior

How to hide or hide the beam on the ceiling

The only way to forever close the beam on the ceiling is to sew it. For these purposes, everyone is good. Perfectly cope with the masking function of the beams. Plasterboard structures, stretch ceilings, rush ceilings, Armstrong. But this option is possible only if the height of the room allows you to steal 15-20 cm. Otherwise, there will be a beam in harmoniously into the interior.

Wooden beams on the ceiling photo

As you can see decorative beams on the ceiling - a great way to make your home unique and unique. This is how the grains, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea, can be combined in the same room functionality and comfort.