Device for connecting a printer for 2 computers. Connecting and Configuring a Printer for a Local Area Network

good day
First, on the computer to which the printer is (physically) connected, you need to share the device:

  1. 1. Go to "Start" - "Printers and Faxes" - and select the required printer;
  2. 2. Further "Property" - "Access" - "Shared access to this printer";
  3. 3. In the "Share Name" line, enter a name for the printer. It should be noted that you must enter the correct name, for example "Samsung AAA12345". If you enter an incorrect printer name, then later in the search errors may occur.
Now, from the second PC, you need to do the following:
  1. 1. "Start" - "Printers and Faxes" - "Printer Installation";
  1. 2. "A network printer or a printer connected to a computer";

  1. 3. Next, select a search method,

it is best to search by name - this is where you need to enter the correct "Network name" (you must enter it according to the above example).

  1. 4. If the search was carried out according to method 1, then in the list of devices presented, select the required printer and click "Next".

If all actions are performed correctly, the printer will be available for printing: set it as the default device or select from the list when printing.
This option is a universal way to connect a printer to two computers via a local network.

Good day, my dear readers.

As far as I know, the problem of access to a common printing device is quite relevant. Since her solution has to be sought both at home and at work. I will conditionally simplify this task and tell you how to connect two computers to one printer. Having mastered this skill, you can easily cope with a large number of PCs.

With this connection, when several users work with it, the printer pays for itself faster. In addition, going to a printer with a USB flash drive is not best idea... At home, it's just laziness, but at work it distracts from performing basic duties;

To understand the connection technology, you first need to decide on the capabilities you have and choose a scheme. I mean a few nuances:

  • Are the computers on your network,
  • What is the connection between them, directly or through a router;
  • Is there a router at all and with what connectors;
  • What methods of connecting the printer are provided.

Let's start looking at different options from simple to complex. But it is not a fact that my rating system will coincide with yours. In any case, remember that for the printer to work correctly with a separate PC, a complete installation of the printing device is required (detection, configuration, installation of drivers). Therefore, make sure that you have access to the necessary "firewood" on the disk or on the Internet.

How to connect devices without a network?

Ideally, the printer should have several ports (USB, LPT, COM, network) through which a print job is sent to it. Then everything is simple: We connect one computer to one connector, and the second to another. All you need to do is have the correct cables.

The next option is considered with the same participants, but the printer or PC has one connector. As a rule, if the manufacturer allows such restrictions, then the choice is made in favor of USB. I have no doubt that this port will also be found on two of the simplest laptops that we will connect to the printer. To implement this scheme, we need three cables of the "USB-A - USB-B" type and an inexpensive dual port USB switch.

The disadvantage of this method is that this device can only work in one line mode and you need to use push-button switching to select a computer.

The advantage is that it works without a network between PCs.

A case from office practice

Let's complicate the task further. Consider a situation where the printer is already connected to one of the computers via USB. But we need to provide print access to another PC. This requires the creation of a direct local area network between workplaces. This is most common in small offices.

The basic condition for such a scheme is the presence of a network card in the PC. In modern devices, it is present in all motherboards. But in old computers still used for office tasks, this moment should be controlled. The computers are connected using a patch cord. This is a twisted pair cable with the usual 8P8C network connectors.

What to do?

Now let's dig into the settings of each computer:

  • Through the "Control Panel" or the "Start" context menu, go to the connection section and select the item responsible for creating a local network;
  • Using the right mouse button, activate the properties of this item and go to the "Internet Protocol TCP / IP" tab;
  • Here, again, in the properties, we register the IP address, which for one PC will be "", and for another "". The subnet mask is indicated everywhere the same "";
  • In order for our printer to somehow distinguish between two PCs, it is necessary to give each of them an original name (better in Latin and without spaces). This is done in the "Properties" of "My computer" on the "Computer name" tab. Here you can set or change the name of the workgroup.

We are ready to work with the software, but for correct interaction between its components, you should go to the Homegroup settings (this is where the Network and the Internet is) and open the "Change sharing settings". Here you should put a checkmark in front of all allowing points. Now let's pay attention to the printer itself.

  • On the computer to which it is directly connected, go to the "Devices and Printers" menu and find our printing device. In its properties (through the right mouse button), go to "Access" and mark the grant of public access rights. If the name of the printer is too long, but you have only one, then here you can change the name to a more concise one (write it down immediately on paper, this may come in handy);
  • On the second computer, we need to install a printer. To do this, go to the menu with their overview, select "Add devices". Ideally, Windows will scan the entire network environment and display the found devices, among which there should be our printer. In this situation, select it from the list and activate the automatic installation. Not forgetting about the drivers.

Printer is not displayed

  • If the laptop does not see the printer, this operation will have to be performed manually. To do this, do not leave the device search window, click on the item "The required printer is not in the search" located below. Here we select "Find a printer by address" and write the following "\\\\ IP of the main computer \\ printer name" (here we need a note with his name).

You should find everything, but your task will remain correct installation printer. By the way, I recommend using the described techniques for working with a local network and searching for devices. Since they can be useful in different options for connecting a printing device.

The above method is convenient for printing documents from different devices, but it has one significant drawback. The computer to which the printer is connected must be turned on. This problem is excluded when the printer has a built-in network card and is connected as a standalone network device.

Print Server - Public Solution

It is even better if this is done through a router, because then you can implement the work of a print server. To do this, you need to have a USB connector on the router, through which we will connect the printing device.

Let's look at our actions using the example of the most common TP-Link routers:

  • We cannot do without a computer, because through the browser at (or we enter the router settings and go to “USB Settings” → “Print Server” and check its status, which should be “online”. You can stop and restart this option (for greater reliability);

  • Now on the disk offered to the router or on the Internet (on the official website) we find the USB Printer Controller Utility program. Install it on a PC and run it on a PC;
  • In the window that opens, we will see the name of the router and the printer connected to it. Right-click on the printer and select "Connect to Install". If you have an MFP, then in addition to the settings for printing, you will have the option of connecting for scanning. Activate them.

In theory, now the router-printer bundle acts as a server and can be detected and installed on any PC in the network. If the device is not found, then we remember how we looked for it (see above). But now it will be easier to find the printer via TCP / IP, where you need to enter the address of the router.

This way of connecting has many advantages:

  • No need to turn on other PCs;
  • You can use at least three computers, at least four (depending on the network outputs of the router);
  • Print jobs are sent via wi-fi.

By the way. If the printer and router have WPS icons, then the entire connection is made by pressing two buttons.

Dear friends. I introduced you to relatively simple and straightforward ways to connect two computers to one printer.

In fact, there may be more such options. But they require additional software or special settings.

Hope this information on how to connect two computers to one printer will help you both at home and at work.

On this I say goodbye to you and wish you all the best.

In the office or maybe at home, it may become necessary to "link" a pair of PCs (hereinafter referred to as a personal computer) to one printer, for this it is necessary to assemble a network of computers. In the creation of a network, in fact, there is nothing complicated, the very process of setting up is simple to disgrace. And now we will tell you how you can link two PCs and one printer.

So. To "link" two PCs to one printer, you need to create a network, and this requires network adapters. If you don't have any network cards yet, you'll need to install them first.

Insert the network cards into the empty PCI slots on the motherboard, then install the drivers on the new adapters. If you have already done this procedure before, then you should not do it again. Connect your PCs with a patch cord (power cord).

Configure the network adapters: click on the virtual "Start" button, in the menu that appears, select "Connections", then select "Show all connections" - the connection should be by default.

Next, on "Local Area Connection", click the auxiliary mouse button (usually the right one) and select "Properties", in the properties window that appears, select "Internet Protocol TCP / IP", and click the "Properties" button again.

Now on the primary PC (or laptop) we set the following parameters:
IP address
Subnet mask

On the secondary PC, set the following parameters:
IP address
Subnet mask

After completing these steps, you need to assign a name to the workgroup. We click the auxiliary mouse button on the shortcut "My Computer", in the list of actions that appears, select "Properties", then go to the "Computer name" tab, then click on the "Change" button. Think of a name for the computer and enter in the field " Working group". Keep in mind that computer names do not have to be the same; computer names must be unique on the network. Once the name has been entered, click OK. Now you need to reboot both computers. After the restart, the PCs will be online.

Now, we make the printer "shared", for this on the "main" computer press the virtual "Start" button and go to the "Control Panel". In the control panel, find and click on "Printers and Faxes".

Hover the cursor over the printer and click the auxiliary mouse button, in the menu that opens, click on the "Properties" item, in the properties window go to "Access".

Check the box next to "Share this printer" (type in the name of the shared printer). On the secondary PC, do the following: click on the "Start" button, then "Control Panel" and then select "Printers and Faxes" - by clicking the auxiliary mouse button, we bring up the menu. In the menu that appears, click on the "Install Printer" item, now click the "Next" button, select "Network Printer", then "Browse Printers". Here we make the choice of the printer, which should be "general" and indicate the location of the drivers for it.

So, you already have two or more computers, it's high time to take advantage of its benefits. After all, the home network is in no way inferior to the functionality of the office brothers, providing Internet connection and peripheral devices such as a printer.

How to connect a printer over a local network?

In order to answer the subtitle question, preparatory work should be carried out:

  1. Create a local network to connect two or more of your devices. To do this, use a cable connection, or a Wi-Fi connection for a wireless one. We talked about the first and the second in previous articles, considering each case with real examples.
  2. Next, check the network parameters of your local network. Make sure the computers are on the same network:
    To do this, go to the "Network and Sharing Center", and open the "Change adapter settings" item.
    In the window, right-click on the "Local Area Connection" shortcut from the context menu, select "Properties".
    In the dialog box, find the line "Internet Protocol v4 (TCP / IPv4)" - open it for editing by double clicking. Make sure that the IP address is set manually, and remember its values, for example: address -, subnet -

    We open the same parameters on the second computer and check the received data. The only difference will be the last digits in the IP address, for example: (the subnet value must be identical).
  3. After checking the network parameters, compare the "Homegroup" used. To do this, it is enough to open the system properties and look at the corresponding item (common names: Workgroup and Home).

    If the “homegroup” is different, you should choose any name and specify it for another computer. To do this, in the System Properties window, go to Advanced System Settings. In the dialog box, switch to the Computer Name tab. Next, click on the "Change" button and change the name of the group in the corresponding field. We save the changes by clicking "OK", if necessary, reboot.

Sharing the printer

As for the network, we checked and configured, it's time to contact the printer. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" and find the "Devices and Printers" section. Right-click on the icon of your active printing device, select "Printer Properties". In the dialog box, go to the "Access" tab and allow sharing over the network.

Once shared, you can go to the second computer. Also open the "Devices and Printers" window and click on "Add a device".
The Wizard for connecting wireless or network devices will open. If the network is configured correctly and the printer is currently on, the wizard will display it, and you will only have to click "Next" to connect the found printer.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to connect several computers to one printer. To do this, you need to create a network of such computers. A shared remote (network) printer greatly speeds up the workflow. It is not difficult for a PC user to create a network of computers. This article will show you how to connect a printer to two computers.

Connecting two computers

Would need:

  • 2 computers with network cards installed;
  • patch cord.

Step by step connection of the printer to two computers:

  • It is necessary to create a PC network.
  • Find out if computers have network cards installed, whether they are built into the motherboard.
  • If there are no cards, they must be inserted into the computer. They are inserted into free liCI slots on a PC.
  • Install drivers on cards.
  • Connect computers with a patch cord. A patch cord is analogous to a regular network cable, that is, an Enternet cable.
  • Configure network cards:
    • In the "Start" menu, click "Connections", then select "Show all connections", then click "Default connection";
    • In the menu that opens, click "Properties", then select "Internet Protocol TCli / Ili", and then "Properties".
    • On the first and second computers, set the parameters: Ili address and subnet mask.
    • Save changes.
  • Create a workgroup name. In the start menu, click "My Computer", select "Properties", then "Computer Name", click the "Change" button.
  • Enter a name in the Workgroup field. Computer names must be different. Click "OK".
  • Restart computers. They will be added to the network.
  • To make the printer common to these PCs, you need the following: on the host computer, click the "Start" menu, then "Control Panel", then select the "Printers and Faxes" tab. Select a printer, click "Properties" in the menu, then "Access". The item "Share this printer" is selected (you must enter the name of the shared printer).
  • On the secondary PC, do the following: in the "Start" menu, click "Control Panel", then "Printers and Faxes", then "Install Printer", then click "Next", select "Network Printer" and "Browse Printers". After that, you need to select the desired printer, and then the path to the distribution kit on which the drivers are located.

Connecting two printers

In order to save toner, printing quite often has to distinguish between color printing and black and white printing. Therefore, the question arises about connecting two printers to one computer. It is absolutely possible to do this if you know how to connect two printers.

  • Printers are connected just like any other device. Only they must be installed not simultaneously, but in turn. Connecting the first printer:
    • Connect the printer to the power supply, connect the printer and the system unit with a cable (most often USB);
    • Turn on the computer and install the drivers for the printer.
    • Turn on the printer, the computer will detect it and automatically install drivers for it.
  • Repeat the entire procedure for the second computer. For this you need to have a free port for connection.
  • In the settings, set for what cases this or that printer will be used.

After reading this article, you will figure out how to connect a printer to two computers yourself and how to connect two printers to a PC.