Official duties of the medical psychologist children's clinic. Psychologist


(Name of the organization, enterprise, etc.)

"___" ______________ 200__ g _________

This Property Registry is developed and approved on the basis of

Labor contract with ____________________________________________________

(Name of the position of the person on whom


compiled this job description)

And in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other

Regulatory acts regulating labor legal relations in the Russian


1. General provisions

1.1. Medical psychologist refers to the category of specialists.

1.2. At the post of medical psychologist, a person having a higher person is appointed

Psychological education and additional education on medical

Psychology and having ____________________________ Qualification category.

(II, I, Higher)

1.3. The appointment of a medical psychologist and liberation from it is made by the order of the head of the institution.

1.4. Medical psychologist should know:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on health issues, providing psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens;

Declaration of human rights and freedoms;

Medical psychology (neuropsychology, pathopsychology), personality psychology, general and differential psychology, age-related psychology, psychotherapy, psychohygin, psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis, psychological consulting;

Methods of active learning, social and psychological training of communication;

Methods of diagnosis and correction of normal and abnormal personal development;

Labor psychology;

Labor legislation and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection;

- _________________________________________________.

1.5. A medical psychologist in its activities is guided by laws and other regulatory legal acts on health care and psychiatric assistance, as well as this official instruction.

1.6. Medical psychologist submits directly ______________________________________________.

1.7. ______________________________________________.

2. Official duties of a medical psychologist

2.1. Conducts work aimed at restoring mental health and correction of deviations in the development of patients.

2.2. Resets conditions that prevent or impede the harmonic development of the patient's personality.

2.3. He carries out work on psychoprophilaxis, psychocorrection, psychological counseling of patients, as a result of which assists the patients and their relatives in solving personal, professional and domestic psychological problems.

2.4. Conducts psychodiagnostic research and long-term diagnostic observations of patients, paying special attention to persons with the risk factors of mental disorders.

2.5. Together with the attending physician, developing and psychocorrection programs, taking into account the individual, sexual and age factors of patients, performs work on vocational guidance of patients with regard to their wishes, abilities and situational capabilities.

2.6. Conducts work on learning medical personnel issues of medical, social psychology and deontology.

2.7. Assesses the effectiveness of the patient the effectiveness of the psychological, medical and preventive measures.

2.8. Strictly observes the principles of medical ethics.

2.9. ______________________________________________.

3. Rights of the Medical Psychologist

3.1. Receive the information necessary for the qualitative performance of functional duties.

3.2. To make suggestions to improving the quality of medical and psychological assistance to the population, improving the organization of labor.

3.3. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections, medical associations, which addresses issues related to the professional activities of the medical psychologist.

3.4. ______________________________________________.

4. Responsibility of a medical psychologist

4.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official dutiesprovided for in this official instruction, within the existing labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the existing administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the existing labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For errors that resulted in grave consequences for human health and life, within the existing administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. ______________________________________________.

1. This job description determines the duties, rights and responsibility of the Clinical Psychologist.

2. A person with a higher psychological education and additional education (specialization) on clinical psychology is appointed to the position of medical psychologist.

3. The clinical psychologist should know the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health care; regulatory documents regulating the activities of health institutions, the provision of psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens' rights; Declaration of human rights and freedoms; Medical psychology (neuropsychology, pathopsychology), personality psychology, general and differential psychology, age-related psychology, psychotherapy, psychohygin, psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis, psychological consulting; Methods of active learning, social and psychological training of communication; methods of diagnosis and correction of normal and abnormal personal development; labor psychology; Basics of labor legislation; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4. The clinical psychologist is appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the Health Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The clinical psychologist is directly subordinated to the head of the health institution or his deputy.

II. Official duties

  1. Conducts work aimed at restoring mental
health and correction of deviations in the development of the personality of patients. Resets conditions that prevent or impede the harmonic development of the patient's personality.

  1. Carries out work on psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection,
psychological counseling of patients, for which assist in patients and their relatives in solving personal, professional and domestic psychological problems. Conducts psychodiagnostic research and long-term diagnostic observations of patients, paying special attention to persons with the risk factors of mental disorders.

  1. Together with the attending physician develops educational and
psychocorrection programs, taking into account individual, sexual and age factors of patients, performs work on vocational guidance of patients, taking into account their wishes, abilities and situational capabilities.

  1. Conducts work on learning medical personnel issues
medical, social psychology and deontology. Assesses the effectiveness of the patient the effectiveness of the psychological, medical and preventive measures.

  1. Qualified and timely execute orders, orders and instructions of the management of the institution, as well as regulatory acts on their professional activities. Complies with the internal regulations, fire safety and safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime.

  2. Promptly takes measures, including timely informing
guidelines, to eliminate security violations, fire-fighting and sanitary rules that have a threat to the public institution, its employees, patients and visitors.

  1. Systematically improves their qualifications.
III. Rights

Clinical psychologist has the right:

1. independently establish a diagnosis and conduct treatment with a specialty; participate in determining the patient's management tactics in accordance with established rules and standards; involve in the necessary cases of doctors of other specialties for consultation, examination and treatment of patients;

2. To make suggestions to the management of the institution to improve the medical and diagnostic process, incl. to improve the work of paraklinic and administrative and economic services, issues of organization and conditions of their work;

3. Control the work of subordinate employees (if any), give them orders as part of their official duties and require their clear execution, make suggestions to the management of the institution to promote or imposition of recovery;

4. Request, receive and use informative materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;

5. Take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings on which issues related to its work are considered;

6. To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category;

7. Improve its qualifications on improvement courses at least once every 5 years.

A clinical psychologist enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

IV. A responsibility

Clinical psychologist is responsible for:

1. Timely and qualitative implementation of official duties assigned to him;

2. Organization of its work, timely and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the leadership, regulatory and legal acts in their activities;

3. Compliance with the rules of the internal schedule, fire safety and safety;

4. Timely and qualitative design of medical and other service documentation provided for in the current regulatory documents;

5. Providing in the prescribed manner statistical and other information on its activities;

6. Ensuring compliance with the performing discipline and fulfill its official duties to the employees subordinate to him (if available);

7. Operational measures taken, including timely informing of the leadership, to eliminate security violations, firefire and sanitary rules that have a threat to health care, its employees, patients and visitors.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a medical psychologist can be attracted in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.


  1. Knows how to identify and analyze information about the needs of the patient and medical personnel through interviews, anamnestic method and other clinical and psychological (ideographic) methods

  2. Owns the skills of planning psychodiagnostic research, taking into account the nosological, syndromic, socio-demographic, cultural and individual-psychological characteristics.

  3. Owns in full various methods psychological diagnosis of mental functions, states, identity and intelligence properties, as well as psychological problems, conflicts, levels and methods of adaptation, personal resources and interpersonal relations, etc.

  4. It is able to independently carry out a psychodiagnostic study in accordance with research objectives and ethical-deontological standards, to carry out processing and analysis of the data obtained (including using information technology.), Interpret the results of the study.

  5. It is able to formulate a deployed structured psychological conclusion that meets the objectives of the study in the context of psychological theory. Owns the skills of providing feedback - ensuring the patient (client) and medical personnel (customer services) information on the results of diagnosis. Able to formulate recommendations.

  6. Owns the necessary knowledge about the main directions of clinical and psychological interventions (psychotherapy and psychological counseling) and their theoretical validity.

  7. Able to identify and analyze the information necessary to determine the objectives of psychological intervention.

  8. Owns the skills to advise medical personnel (or employees of other institutions) on cooperation with patients (clients), creating the necessary psychological atmosphere and therapeutic environment.
The main directions of the work of a clinical psychologist in the Sursing Department of Personnel

Psychological assistance Personnel Osu

Osu staff is an object of professional activity of a clinical psychologist. The difficulties of servicing cancer patients in the terminal stage are determined by a number of factors trauming the psyche of the personnel himself.

The most traumatic is for the personnel a permanent meeting with death, and psychological participation in it.

The specifics of the clinical psychologist are complicated by the fact that the staff cannot distance themselves from patients. The situations of dying are so dramatic, which includes all the staff almost automatically. Identification, identification with patients and their experiences generates increased demands on endurance potential, and even more precisely - to the spirituality of everyone who goes to work for dying patients. Clinical psychologist works with staff towards proper informing patients and their relatives about the patient's condition.

Strying factors affect the staff constantly. Rather, than in other clinics, it is observed here "burnout" syndrome - phenomena of increased neuroticization, the development of psychosomatic diseases, such as peptic disease, diseases of the heart, internal organs.

In personnel in terms of changing the psyche, increased fatigue, neurasthenic symptoms with irritability, mood fluctuations, carcinsophobic obsessions are recorded.

The death of young patients. The experience of this phenomenon personnel is often associated with the phenomenon. The staff transfers death to themselves by representing their own death from the same reasons. In addition, in addition to psychotherapy, it is necessary, first of all, to leisure a person who overshadowed negative experiences, give him the opportunity to switch to another situation, change the environment.

Psychotherapy for medical personnel especially hard and requires much more time and effort, as a clinical psychologist faces a situation where the doctor and patient-medic possess almost the same experience and consciousness.

For staff, it is advisable to apply the same methods that with patients, because it comes first of all about the removal of emotional stresses. The principles of exposure are the same, although the methods are modified in accordance with the difference of situations in which the oncological patient and our colleagues are.

In practice, the morning conference is advisable, include personnel problems. Such discussions create personnel training, but the time regulations do not make it possible to fully stop the emotional reactions of all, but they help personnel feel unity and share the interests of everyone with everyone.

Unbelievable in relation to the personnel are elements of theater gerape. Changing the image itself allows you to get rid of it from stressing circumstances.

An important factor in "restoration" for staff, as, however, for patients, is artherapy. In addition to the aesthetic joy delivered, true art is able to facilitate suffering, immersing the world's world, spiritual values: it makes you forget the bitter minutes, switch to another wave. This refers to the possibility of museums to help the OSU in the conduct of sessions of artherapy on the basis of museum exhibits, in particular, painting works. And most preferred pictures of nature, landscapes.

Perhaps using music therapy. It is necessary and sick, and staff. Negative experiences reduce the personality of a person, make it "close", is a well-known psychological phenomenon. Music therapy increases the space, "expands" it. Preference should be given to classic, spiritual and folk music, since the noise effect of so-called pop music, on the contrary, loads the space and often causes irritation. "Live" music is particularly effectively affected. The combination of special relaxation-oriented musicherapy, although designed for a group, but as if facing each, gives the most positive effect.


senior medical sister branch of nursing care

I. General part

  1. A person with higher medical education is appointed to the position of senior medical sister with a specialty "Nursing case", which owns the training program in accordance with the qualification characteristic, which has at least three years of practical work experience in the branch profile.

  2. The senior nurse is appointed and dismissed by the head physician of the hospital in accordance with applicable law.

  3. The senior nurse is in direct submission of the Main Medical Sister of the Hospital and the Head of the Department.

  4. The senior nurse organizes its work in accordance with the Regulations on the Nursing Department, in its work is guided by official documents on the work section, orders and orders of higher bodies and officials, this instruction.

  5. The orders of the head and the doctor's doctor are mandatory for the senior nurse.

  6. The orders of the senior nurse are mandatory for medium and younger medical staff.

  7. The senior nurse is a materially responsible person.

  8. The senior nurse performs its duties and implementing its rights on the basis of constant observance of the commandments and the basic provisions of the concept of the OSU; Carries out a holistic approach to the patient's personality and his family, facilitates not only their physical and mental state, but also supports social and spiritual potential.
II. Responsibilities

  1. Organizes the labor of medium and younger medical personnel and controls their duties.

  2. Provides the correctness of the placement of personnel of secondary and junior medical personnel with the attachment of each of them to certain service facilities, followed by the statement by the head of the department.

  3. Provides conditions for the normal work of the doctor, nurses and the overall order in the department, controls the presence of medical records.

  4. It makes timely replacement of nurses and emergents that have not come to work.

  5. Provides systematic replenishment of the separation by medical instrumentaries, medicines, sick care objects, their distribution and controls the use.

  6. Provides the safety of property and medical equipment in the department and timely equipment repair.

  7. Accompanies the head. Department and nurse-coordinator during bypass.

  8. Controls the timely and accurate fulfillment of the doctor's prescribed by a medical sister by holding regular parts of the department.

  9. Controls the quality of sanitary processing of newly received patients.

  10. Provides the correct nutritional organization of patients, organizes distribution of food with a sickness of a metering.

  11. The portion sheets for accounting is discharged, makes information about the movement of patients, controls the timely delivery of the diseases of the illness of the patients, is a schedule of work and a challenge to the salary of the department's employees, leads the tabel "accounting of working time use" of employees of the department.

  12. Controls the implementation of the Middle and Junior Medical Personnel of the Internal Labor Regulations and compliance with anti-epidemic events.

  13. Provides and strictly controls compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptic staff of the department, especially in the procedural, laundry and sophobes.

  14. Monthly compliance with secondary and junior medical personnel of the department, sick and visitors of the Internal Labor Regulations and the Regime for the Office.

  15. Controls the proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises of the department.

  16. Provides the correctness of the storage and accounting of medicines.

  17. Controls the implementation of the principles of therapeutic and protective regime.

  18. Under the leadership of the head of the department, it develops and controls the implementation of plans to improve the qualifications of secondary and junior medical personnel of the department, conducts practical classes with medical sisters and junior medical personnel.

  19. He controls the execution of the rules for receiving and transfer to other hospitals, extracts patients with secondary and junior medical personnel of the department.

  20. Prepares the medical records of the patient dischargeable and, if necessary, ensures a patient with the accompanying person or transport.

  21. Controls the correctness of the signation of the nursing history of the disease.

  22. Provides control over the transmissions of patients.

  23. Systematically increases professional qualifications.

  24. Leads the necessary accounting and reporting documentation.

  25. Participates in the work of the hospital nurses and scientific and practical conferences for nurses.

  26. It is a schedule of vacations of the department of separation for a year, represents it for approval by the head of the department, the chief doctor.

  27. Performs psychological training personnel.

  28. Performs disposable orders.

The senior medical sister of the department has the right to:

  1. To give orders and instructions to medium and younger medical personnel of the department in accordance with the level of its competence and qualifications and control their implementation.

  2. Require from medium and younger medical personnel and visitors to comply with the regime of the department and the rules of the hospital's domestic labor regime.

  3. To make proposals to the head of the department on the rational alignment of secondary and junior personnel, depending on the qualifications, experience and attitude towards work.

  4. Proposals to the head of the branch on the promotion and imposition of the recovers of the average and younger medical personnel.

  5. Improve your professional qualifications on improvement courses in the prescribed manner.

  6. Receive the information necessary to fulfill their duties.

  7. Make decisions within their competence.

  8. Take part in meetings held in the hospital and in the department, on which issues relating to its competence are considered.

  9. To make proposals to the head of the department and the main nurse on improving the organization of the work of the department, as well as improve the organization and conditions of their labor and labor of medium and younger medical personnel.
IV. A responsibility

It is responsible for failure to comply with the duties stipulated by this Instruction and the rules of the hospital's domestic labor regulation, material responsibility in accordance with applicable law.

V. Settlement

  1. Knows how to introduce modern forms and methods of learning average and
junior medical personnel at workplaces without separation from production.

  1. Knows how to develop strategies and implement continuous programs vocational education and improve the qualifications of medium and younger medical personnel institutions.

  2. Knows how to implement new organizational forms and
resource-saving technology for the activities of nursing staff; Drawing up a program of innovations and developing an action plan for their implementation.

  1. Owns the ability to ensure the management of medium and younger
medical staff in healthcare facilities.

  1. Knows how to develop management decisions to improve
the effectiveness of the activities of the nursing service and ensuring their implementation.

  1. Able to use modern approaches Quality assessment
medical care.

  1. Owns an analysis of the work of medium and younger medical
personnel, assessment of the potential for the development of the nursing service of the institution.

Psychological training of medical personnel for working with oncological patients

Psychological assistance to personnel, carried out by the senior medical sister consists of the following:

Educational work (on training activities OSE employees master the basics of psychological knowledge; During individual conversations, they get acquainted with the psychological characteristics of specific patients and tactics of their maintenance at this stage);

Work with representatives of religious denominations (Many OSE employees are Christians and use their spiritual life (visiting the Church, reading the Bible, Prayer) as a source of force, hopes and love);

To prevent the development of the combustion syndrome and support for employees, when they are tired, a system for providing recreation hours has been developed for switching to another type of activity;

Psychological attitude to the work of medium and younger medical staff before the work day;

Implementation of supervisor practices, i.e. Assistance to medium and younger medical personnel in solving professional psychological problems.


Qualified full-fledged assistance to sick people cannot be limited only to medical care. A person experiencing suffering is needed psychological support and psychological support at all stages of treatment.

The position of medical personnel and specialists with higher professional education in health care facilities has introduced a medical psychologist.

The functions of a psychologist in the health system are very wide and meaningful. The psychologist should help the patient to survive the formulation of a heavy diagnosis, adapt to a new way of life, which requires a disease, form an adequate self-esteem in a person as a patient or disabled person, an optimistic view of the world, strengthen faith in itself and its ability to overcome the disease. In addition, a psychologist can help the patient to adjust the negative personal properties that appeared during the disease, overcome the hypochondriac (from Greek. Hypochondrios - imperisibility; obsessing the fear of disease) phenomena. A psychologist can assist in medical professionals at different stages of treatment and when conducting specific medical procedures - psychologically prepare a patient for complex diagnostic surveys, operations, physiotherapy procedures, help overcome fear, depression, aggressiveness and irritability. The role of a psychologist and in work directly with medical personnel experiencing tremendous psychological loads, negative stresses, mental tensions in their professional activities. Thus, a psychologist can solve issues of psychosomatics, psychohygin, psychoprophylaxis, pathopsychology. It is not by chance that recently expanded the preparation of psychologists with a specialization in the field of clinical psychology (from Greek. Klinike - requiring medical influence). B.D. Carvasarsky notes that the faculties of clinical psychology have recently been created not only in the system of psychological education, but also in medical universities.

Psychological service in the health care system is currently only organized, since the relevant legislative framework has not been developed. In medical institutions, despite the enormous need for psychological profile specialists, there are no appropriate rates in a staff schedule, workplaces were not created for psychologists. Therefore, psychologists are currently working mainly in large, well-funded health facilities (All-Russian Cardiology Center, All-Russian Institute of Endocrinology, Moscow Oncology Center), as well as in psychiatric medical institutions (clinical psychologists, pathopsychologists). Currently, about 1,000 psychologists work in the health care system, although the need for them is estimated at 20-40 thousand people.

The primary feature of the psychologist in a medical institution is the liberation of medical personnel from unusual responsibilities, an increase in time directly to the treatment of patients, medical care.

The main directions of the work of the psychologist in the health care system:

1. Assistance in diagnosis in mental illness, auxiliary therapy and treatment of psychic patients with non-drugs (psychiatric clinics and hospitals).

2. Help in diagnosis in neuropsychological disorders in various injuries, accidents, acute poisoning, some diseases (surgical clinics, hospitals).

3. Protection of motherhood and childhood. Psychological assistance in pregnancy and childbirth, in the postpartum period. Psychological support of family members in which the child's birth is expected (women's consultations).

4. Psychological assistance and maintenance of somatic patients (clinics and hospitals).

5. Psychological assistance and maintenance of victims in medicine disasters (extreme situations, accidents, armed conflicts, terrorism, natural disasters, etc.).

It is assumed to create medical and psychological cabinets in a common profile clinics, children's clinics, psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries, hospitals, emergency medical centers, as well as special departments of medical and psychological rehabilitation. Currently, in the homes of the child, children's sanatoriums, children's clinics, clinics, hospitals, the position of the psychologist's teacher has been introduced in the staff of the Pedagogical Workers.

Especially successful is the experience of psychological monitoring in children's clinics and hospitals. So, in France, during a two-four-week stay of the child in the hospital, a psychological examination and consulting is conducted, work with family is being conducted; Mental disorders and mental development starting with infant age are revealed. Early psychological diagnosis is especially important, as small children are usually out of control of educational institutions, and professional psychologists do not work with them.

The psychological service is actively developing in other sectors of the national economy: at work, in industry, in trade, in financial institutions, but at present its divisions are still quite rare, they are not provided with a legislative base.

Psychological service works in the Social Security Services System in state institutions, To provide psychological support to unemployed citizens, disabled and older people who are on providing the state.

Possibility of a psychologist introduced in the compounds and military units of the Ministry of Defense.

The psychological service of penitentiary correctional institutions is working with the goal for the purpose of providing psychological assistance to the convict, holding psychodiagnostics to study the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of the personality, group and individual psychocorrection work. Psychologists have been working in the divisions of the criminal executive system of the Ministry of Justice, special centers of psychological diagnosis of military medical commissions are being created.

Psychological service was established in institutions working with children and young people in the areas of health, culture, social protection and other sectors of the economy. Psychiatric teachers are among the pedagogical workers of such institutions as a hostel of enterprises and organizations, housing and operational organizations, youth housing complexes, children's cinemas, theaters of young spectator, puppet theaters, cultural and educational institutions and divisions of enterprises and organizations to work with children and adolescents .

The needs of the practice lead to the creation of all new jobs for psychologists in institutions of various fields of activity, to the organization of units of psychological service in various sectors of the national economy.

National psychological services in various countries, as V.V. notes Scarov, despite their different structure, solve similar tasks.

Questions for self-control and self-preparation

    Psychological service in the national education system is the history of the creation and main tasks.

    Structure and functions of the Center for Psychological Assistance.

    Tasks of the psychological service in the health care system.

    Directions of the work of the psychological service in the health care system.

Tasks for independent work

1. Psychological service in the system of public education is presented:

2. What are the tasks of psychological service workers in the health care system.

I. General provisions

1. Medical psychologist refers to the category of specialists.

2. A person having a higher psychological education and additional education on medical education is appointed to the position of Medical Psychologist.

qualification (Oh) category (s).

3. Appointment to the position of medical psychologist and exemption from it is carried out by order of the head of the institution.

4. Medical psychologist should know:

4.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on health issues, providing psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens.

4.4. Medical psychology (neuropsychology, pathopsychology), personality psychology, general and differential psychology, age-related psychology, psychotherapy, psychohygin, psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis, psychological consulting.

4.5. Methods of active learning, socio-psychological training of communication.

4.6. Methods of diagnosis and correction of normal and abnormal personal development.

4.7. Psychology.

4.8. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.

4.9. Rules of internal labor regulations.

4.10. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

II. Official duties

Medical psychologist:

1. Conducts work aimed at restoring mental health and correction of deviations in the development of the identity of patients.

2. Resets the conditions that prevent or impede the harmonic development of the patient's personality.

3. Carries out work on psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection, psychological counseling of patients, as a result of which assists the patients and their relatives in solving personal, professional and domestic psychological problems.

4. Conducts psychodiagnostic research and long-term diagnostic observations of patients, paying special attention to persons with the risk factors of mental disorders.

5. Together with the attending physician, developing and psychocorrection programs, taking into account the individual, sexual and age factors of patients, performs work on vocational guidance of patients, taking into account their wishes, abilities and situational capabilities.

6. Conducts work on learning medical personnel issues of medical, social psychology and dentology.

7. Assesses the effectiveness of the patient the effectiveness of the psychological, medical and preventive measures.

III. Rights

Medical psychologist has the right:

1. Receive the information necessary for the qualitative performance of functional duties.

2. To make suggestions to improving the quality of medical and psychological assistance to the population, improving the organization of labor.

3. To participate in the work of meetings, conferences, sections, medical associations, which addresses issues related to professional competence.

IV. A responsibility

Medical psychologist is responsible:

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction - within the existing labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities - within the existing administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

3. For causing material damage - within the existing labor and civil law.

4. For errors that resulted in serious consequences for the health and life of a person - within the existing administrative, criminal and civil legislation.