Contacters - truth and fiction. What is Chenneling, or how communication with a subtle world interaction with a thin world

Relatively recently received widespread method of communication with the dead - instrumental transdomism (ITC) or the phenomenon of electronic votes (FEG).

Its essence lies in the fact that almost every person is able to contact the afterlime world and chat with the soul of a deceased person. For this, it is not necessary to have any extrasensory abilities or carry out magic rituals with the call of other forces. Everything is quite simple ... and at the same time is difficult for understanding, since this phenomenon has not yet been studied ...

To contact the subtle world, it is enough to have some patience, own a computer at the level of the average user, have a microphone and headphones.

There are many developed transdument methods, but they are all built on the same basic principles - on recording and processing audio signals. The source material may be white noise of radio waves or overlay multiple audio reports of radio stations online (from 4 to 8), for example, in English, or phoned audio operation.

I want to stay on experience only multitro methodwhich, in my opinion, is the most affordable, understandable and best of perception. This technique based on the audio unit Audacity, with all the settings is painted in detail on the Speryvye family site ( - Article from 10/08/2011), so it makes no sense to reprint it here. But first I recommend familiarizing yourself with my ITC practice.

Principle of operation in 2 words: Configure the appropriate software, connect the microphone and turn on the phonam blank (I used an entry from 8 English-speaking radio stations in one). Next, bring the microphone to the dynamics at the maximum distance until the background occurs in the columns. Mentally or loud ask questions and start recording. After that, the received recorded sound is processed by any audio editor (in our case, free Audacity) And listen through the headphones.

Important nuances and personal observations:

1. When listening, it is necessary to use intra-channel headphones, which are inserted into the ear shell (vacuum).

2. It is advisable to use a stationary computer with a separate plug-in microphone.

3. Be sober, rested and emotionally calm.

4. Communication is carried out unilaterally, that is, first set the question, then processed and listen to 20-30 seconds, and it takes 5-10 minutes of time.

5. Preferably to personally know the interlocutor in life and ask for it to communicate. Otherwise, you can simply scare or offend the personality from the lower layers of the subtle world.

6. This is a connection for one person. It happens that you clearly hear the phrase and gave to listen to the recording to a friend or relative, and he does not hear it or hears quite another. No one really knows why it happens. It is probably somehow connected with and telepathy, as well as individual peculiarities of perception. But it is already reliably known that the channel of communication with us is formed precisely the interlocutors of the subtle world, they are mostly adjusted to the features of our mind and specific equipment.

7. In the records made by the Multitrophic method, voices, duplicating or clarifying information from the main interlocutor, are almost always audible. They can go as if in the back or foreground of the main voice.

8. On the other side there are so-called "stations" - groups of entities with which you can also communicate. Through them, you can ask for the connection of the deceased loved one. In Russia and the countries of the former CIS, the most popular station of Sanchita. They communicate in Russian delivered by the record voices. There are still "energy", "Cosmos", "time stream", etc.

Examples of communication with the dead (connection with Santity dated 09.01.2014)

The records processed the same method. For better perception, each file duplicated the phrase 4 times.

1. A question was asked about what world they had - wave or material.
Answer: You will be surprised by our world, our world is like usual (better), only otherwise. (speak male and female voice)

2. asked whether the theory of corpuscular-wave dualism is true?
Answer: Is it nonsense, understandable?

3. Sanchita, it is Sanchita. (There are several voices at once in the front and background)

4. End of communication.

5. Common uncircumcised audio. Many things are interesting. At the end of the phrase goes even in English: "Still | Let "S MEET LATE AT NIGHT | Better." Translation: Let's meet late in the evening.

Arthur Ford learned that the famous illusionist who did not believe in the mediums, long before his death agreed with his wife, if he would try to send her message from the world: "Rosabella, Believe." He will give him the encrypted words that they used when the focus showing with reading thoughts at a distance. Hudini bequeathed 10 thousand dollars to a medium that can transfer this encoded message.

In January 1929, Arthur Ford was able to say: "Rosabella, answer, tell me, begging ... answer, see ... answer, say." After that, he said by the spells of the word, which meant: "Rosabella, Believe."
Shocked, Bess confirmed their correctness and signed a statement, witnessed by three people, among whom was the deputy editor of the Scientific and Popular Journal "Sayntifik Ameriquan". It said: "I want to state that the message transferred to me by Artur Ford completely and in the agreed sequence of words is exactly the one that I had a preliminary agreement with Hudini."

From the end of the XX century, almost simultaneously in different ends of the light on the TVs of the TV, people began to see images of dead relatives. Here, for example, what happened to Elena Nikiforova (Novorossiysk).

"The TV program" Time "was on TV. Suddenly the screen was covered with stripes, and after it appeared a man's face - as it were in the haze, "Nikiforova says. It was motionless. I brospked in him and screamed from horror. From the screen, my late brother Misha looked at me. After a few seconds, the bands ran again on the screen, and then the TV began to show the program again ... "

And this happened in Riga. People gathered on the traditional commemoration of the mother - the head of the Big Latvian family. Friends and relatives all arrived, and the apartment has already lacked the place for everyone. We decided to move the commemoration to the cottage, the good was not far from the city. Two days later, the family returned home. When the TV turned on, the whitish face was clearly fired on its screen ...

The most impressive success on the air has achieved a talented engineer of Hans Otto Kenig, who has developed a new technology with the combined use of supersensitive devices for contacts with the subtle peace. 1983 - he performed on the radio station "Radio Luxembourg". Leading Rainer Holbe gave the opportunity to Kenigi to establish his equipment in the studio. When everything was prepared, one of the engineers who did not know that the host had already included the ether, asked in doubt the voice asked: "Can they speak right here in the studio?"

At this instant, there was a loud answer: "We hear your voice. Otto König entered radio contact with the dead. " Shocked Rainer Holbe turned to a million audience of radio listeners throughout Europe: "I swear that nothing is adjusted. It was someone else's voice, and I don't know where he came from. " But, unfortunately, the contact with the subtle world was interrupted.

About contact with a thin world, an electronic engineer Klaus Schreiber absolutely did not think, and simply developed a new television antenna, which in July 1990 he connected to the TV. And here, unexpectedly, instead of frames of the TV show on the screen, an image of his beloved daughter Karin, who died in a car accident appeared on the screen. The girl began to talk with her father, however, her voice was drunk.

After the first short session, Shreiber with double energy took up the antenna improvement. Soon he could see and hear her daughter, and then the deceased wife. In the future, other essences began to appear on the screen from the chaotic background, including Albert Einstein and actress Romi Schneider.

But, according to the researchers of this phenomenon, called instrumental transdomism, screen images from the otherworldly world are rarerging than recordings on a magnetic tape. It is believed that today hundreds of people all over the world make voice records, but only units manage to get an image on a television screen. Over the past 30 years, only 5 such cases have been registered.

In our time, the list of channels has also replenished a computer. The first "crash" on the screen of the monitor happened in 1980, when short phrases began to appear on them, accompanied by a "zhuman" voice. Then people began to receive Email the messages from the world, from relatives and loved ones, while their content confirmed that this is not someone's draw.

The most amazing story happened to Professor Ken Webster from England, who for 15 months communicated through a computer with the dead man who lived in the XVI century.

The scientist absolutely did not show interest, and even more so to contacts with representatives of other worlds, but somehow I received an email from an e-mail from an unknown person named Thomas Hardin, who claimed that in 1546 he died in the house in the place of which We currently stands the website of the Webster. Probably, the professor would not pay attention to the "stupid" message if his author was not expressing at the Staroangalian dialect, so Webster joined the correspondence with an unusual correspondent who wrote. What was the surprise of the professor, when the identity of Thomas Harden, as well as some details of what he told about, was confirmed by the old documents found in the Oxford library.

In the end, it was interrupted as unexpectedly, as it began.

There is no doubt that we sometimes sound telephone calls from that light. Here are some characteristic examples posted on the Internet:

"Not so long ago, my friend rang a cell phone," says one of the users. "The number is hidden," the determined is highlighted. Her mother called:

Hi, Lenochka, how are you? Look, the spring comes, and the little Zhenka in the old shoes, buy him something fashionable! How? Why don't you go to my grandmother - she got sick ...

The ribbon on the machine answered, I wanted to ask something, but my mother's voice would have a strange shuffle, and the connection was cut off. It seems to be the most ordinary conversation, if it were not for one "but": Mama Lena buried 40 days ago. "

"Somehow, in the late evening, the pensioner Mary Pavlovna had a phone call. She immediately recognized the voice in the tube - it was Volodya, her son of her close girlfriend. "Aunt Masha," he said, "Come to us, my mother is very bad." After that, the connection was interrupted. Not thinking, Maria Pavlovna gathered and went. The arrival of it in shock. As it turned out that Volodya, the same calmed on the eve of Volodya, died two days ago in a car accident. "

2002 - A teacher of St. Petersburg Radio Engineering University Artyom Mikheev set forth the goal of creating unique equipment that promotes contacts with "thin-material levels of existence". The experiment lasted two years. Day August 25, 2004 in Russia was declared the day of national mourning - two passenger aircraft crashed this day.

Upon learning of the tragedy, Artem wanted to learn its causes. Then, "radio communication" was carried out, during which the "the side" was asked the relevant issue. After that, the ether was heard a strange click. Slowing it, the scientist disassembled distorted, but a distinct voice: "There was a terrorist!" A few days later, the message from that light was confirmed by the official statement of the FSB ...

Many people are confident that in addition to the main real world, there are other spaces in which you can get through different techniques. The study of the subtle worlds is engaged in a huge number of people, which gives a chance to know the world around the world fully.

What is a subtle world?

Invisible to human eye, formed from thin intangible energies, spaces, and, all this describes the subtle world. There are bright and dark sides. The thin world is a separate space that creates programs for managing the physical and energy processes of the Earth. It has an impact on nature due to energy systems. They believe that the soul of every living being on Earth is born in the small world and lives.

The thin world represent the place where it is good and evil, thoughts originate and from here they go into the consciousness of people to come true in the real world. Human's eyes cannot see subtle energy, but there are other ways to do, for example, astral vision, clairvoyance, and so on. The opinion is put forward that the delicate world, as well as physical, is created by the Lord.

Is there a subtle world?

It is believed that real life is only part of the overall destination and the most time a person spends in the other world. Materialists fully deny that thin worlds are reality, since there is no possibility to prove their existence using well-known research methods and measuring instruments. It should be noted that modern science is actively interested in this sphere, for example, antimathy materials were opened.

No one suggests that evidence of the existence of a subtle world will not appear in a few years, since radio waves also cannot be seen through their eyes, but the device for measuring was invented. For the evidence of a subtle world, where the soul falls, the revelations of the prophets and saints are accepted. Scientists carried out experiments, weighing the human body before and after death. As a result, it was possible to establish that the body becomes easier to 21 g and it is believed that this is the weight of the soul.

What does the thin world look like?

Because real opportunities get to another world to make photos or otherwise fix until there is, it remains to rely on the information provided by people who commit astral travel. The world of thin energies is largely similar to the usual life, there are mountains, forests and reservoirs, there are elements and various substances. Vegetation, animals and people are presented in their thin-material forms.

Laws of the Thin World

There are numerous differences between the physical and subtle world:

  1. There are no such concepts as distance and time, but the movement is present. Movement can be carried out in all directions. While finding in the small world of the year seems to seconds.
  2. The laws of the subtle energy world indicate that all phenomena and things in the consciousness of a person are reflected and refracted differently, so any thing looks transparent and can be viewed from the inside.
  3. The characteristic features include the absence of such concepts as the top and bottom, far and close.
  4. In the thin world, everything is moving due to thoughts and huge distances can be overcome at one moment.

Inhabitants of the subtle world

All entities living in the Outstanding World are divided into several types:

There are essences that are presented in the form of a cloud or tape, and they constantly change their configuration. They prefer to move by flocks. Such entities are energy vampires who are wounded by a person and slander him. It is worth noting that not only people do not see the subtle world, but also the essences do not see a person as it is. People are represented by body radiation and aura in the form of glowing rotating objects.

How to learn to see the subtle world?

People who interact correctly can use it for their own purposes. You can absorb different knowledge in a short period of time thanks to the phantom and soul. The thin world will help change your destiny to avoid mistakes and achieve heights, and program situations. Of great importance is purity of thoughts and compliance with laws of life. There are several ways to see the subtle world, and most of them have a meditative nature.

How to enter the subtle world?

Several ways are known, how can travel to other worlds and it is important to memorize your feelings during training, so that it is much easier to communicate with a subtle world. There is a simple exercise to enter the subconscious, which as a result will find some form and use it easier. It is one of the types of meditation, since it is easiest to achieve the state of emptiness in the head. Contact with a thin world spend like this:

  1. Relax and calm the breath by taking a convenient position of the body. Try to mentally see yourself from the side.
  2. Pay attention to your feet, and then, translate the eyes to what they are worth it, it can be earth, sand, stones, gender and other bases.
  3. Look around to get used to the new world. It is worth noting that each person has their own pictures, for example, someone sees the house, and someone forest.
  4. Move towards the most clear object. A animal or person will be near him, this will be an image of a person living in a small world. It can be accessed with different issues.

How to receive information from the subtle world?

Each, if desired, can come to contact with the otherworldly world. More often in the dialogue, the souls of dead people, phantoms and essences of the essential plan are entering. It is important to take into account that information from the subtle world is different, so it is better to immediately tune in to that entity that will be able to answer questions. Communication with a subtle world can be carried out according to such a scheme:

  1. Previously decide which information is needed, what interests, and what questions will be set.
  2. Clean the space from the negative energy, for example, using incense or.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to highlight the portion of reference energy for communication with clean spirits. For this purpose, read prayers that meet the requirements, or "our own".
  4. It's time to call a "interlocutor" from the subtle world. For this purpose, you can use fortune telling, automatic letter, pendulum, intuitive guesses and so on. Ask all the questions you are interested in, and thank the essence for the help.

6.3 How the contact of the contacter changes

Now we want to consider another question related to the interaction with the forces of the subtle world. Suppose, as a result of some events, you began to receive decent information from the subtle world. That is, you have become a contact, using our terminology. So this is what: Accident or God's grace? And how can your behavior change depending on this event?

I am expressing otherwise, we want to consider what can happen to a person who has opened an information channel in the subtle world.

Probably, a unambiguous answer here cannot be. Unless, of course, move away from materialistic psychology, which clearly considers all contactors to mentally patients. Although, maybe, in this approach, there is a share of common sense?

But we are not atheists and non-materialistic psychologists, so we will understand. As it seems to us, options for the conscious interaction "Man - Slim World" can be many. Let's look at some of them.

At the same time, we proceed from the considerations that people are in cooperation with the forces of the subtle world all the time. Another thing is that the overwhelming majority of these contacts occur unconsciously and uncontrollably, so a person does not understand the causes and consequences of the events taking place with him. Faced with inaccuracy and incomprehensibility, the person throws his contact experience and tries to live quite earthly life (but at the same time remaining on dense contact with the subtle peace). That is, he begins to live in an unreasonable world, in which there is little depends on him. Consider the options for such a low life.

Warming by demons or souls of people

One of the widespread options for such an unconscious interaction is the situation when a person falls under the influence of various level demons.

It may be a direct subtle, when the demon (or soul of the deceased person earlier) settles right inside the person and literally the voice begins to dictate what to do. Under the influence of these votes, a person begins to make strange actions like trips to unfamiliar sites (visiting, for example, churches, buying icons, etc.), writing letters or accusatory articles, pronounce incoherent speeches and so on. A typical explanation of such behavior is complaints about irradiation with a psychotronic generator or cosmic rays, although there may be options and even more funny. We met people who entered into a sexual relationship with the essences of the subtle world, received beatings from them and other annexious effects.

Since such an obsessed person almost completely falls out of society and is guided only by the ideas of his inner mentor, quite often relatives send it to psychiatric treatment. What is the difficult fate of this contacter! But this is a joke, of course.

During treatment with psychotropic drugs, all processes in the human body will slow down, it becomes sluggish and calm, nothing hears anything (and often does not see). The demon of such a sluggish subject can be bored, and he can really leave the captured human body - then the treatment succeeded. And if the demon remains, after a while, all this is repeated and the disease (schizophrenia) is returned.

A little later we give examples of such an obsession.

The procedure for the expulsion of unwanted "subtles" in Christianity is exorcism, and only some priests and healers can conduct it (the author does not conduct). The exorcism procedure is much harmful and faster than psychiatric treatment. And with a successful procedure, contact with the daemon completely stops.

Here it is necessary to note that the cause of obsession may be not only the subsidence of the demon, but also the subsidence of the soul of the deceased person. How and when it can happen - the topic of a separate study. But such cases are found in our practice.

Wrapping with clean spirits almost does not happen (we, in any case, have not found).

Obsession of the idea

In addition to the direct obsession of spirits, there is an obsession with some kind of idea or information, that is, the fanatic dedication of some kind of idea. For example, fanatical religiosity is a kind of defeating with religious ideas. Fanatic faith in communism is the ideas of universal equality and fraternity, and so on. In general, it is wonderful and provides tight contact with the clear spirits that the idea capture you.

But it should be noted that even a clean perfume is not always worth the religious ideas. Demons also try to intervene and distract the attention (and energy) of people to some very earthly objectives associated with their religious attitude. Fanatical religious followers are completely easy to push toward sin. For example, an inquisition and religious wars arose to the extermination of the inners - hence. Devoted fighters with innerians demons also assist and throw new ideas than they attach confidence in the correctness of their affairs. As it seems to us, intimidation or the destruction of innerians is the path of far from pure spirits. Clean spirits, as a rule, to attract new followers prefer to use more humane methods of "recruitment" of supporters. For example, showing the power and greatness of the Creator on the acts of truly believers using the methods of belief (with the help of sermons), organizing the appearance of miracles, etc.

In addition to the fanatical devotion to traditional religious egremors, it is often found as high devotion to the new prophets or systems of views on the world (for each of which is its terrestrial conductor and some forces in the small world).

Today there were many books about various new religious and spiritual teachings, and each of them has fanatical followers. This is also a kind of obsession. By whom it is easy to understand the contents of the system of views on the world preached in this teaching, ways to promote them and other factors. But we have already told about it.

Thus, it can be argued that the fanatical dedication of some kind of idea testifies to the establishment of tight contact with some essentialities of the subtle world.

Periodic contact with various forces of the thin world

The next, more humane contact option - when a person is spontaneously or as a result of working on herself on one or another techniques begins to receive information from the subtle world.

The most interesting, but also the most dangerous option is constant in contact with the method of clearing. That is, the channel is open constantly, the person at any time asks the question and immediately receives the answer. With whom it contacts is a difficult question. Everyone can appreciate it himself, the benefit of the tools for the assessment we have already given.

How such a person will behave in life, is determined by its system of values, upbringing, character traits, etc. We had to meet modest and calm people with the ability to get at any time the information they need (within certain limits, of course).

There were people who almost dropped out of the society because of the fact that in their heads all the time there are talk, teaching or other information that needs to be recorded or sketched. And if in my head all the time someone tells you, how can you deal with earthly matters - go to work, for example, or take care of the family?

And at the same time, we met a contactees crowded with pride, a sense of their own importance, significance, and so on. Who is sitting on the channel "on the other side", it is easy to understand.

In this case, we mean those people who receive information in the form of full, decorated thoughts or even a voice from their "invisible interlocutor." But it occurs infrequently even among the contactors.

Developed intuition

Another option is a man with developed intuition. There are no voices or mental contacts here, but there is receipt of information in the form of ready-made answers to various questions. Intuition helps a person make the right solutions in difficult situations, whether business, personal life, an extreme situation or any other case. But what does "good intuition" mean within the framework of the theory outlined by us? This is a steady contact with someone from the entities of the subtle world, who conveys a person quality information in the form of ready-made solutions. And this is usually essentially not low levels, because they do not need your suffering. But, most likely, not angels, especially if your intuition works well in the field of business or personal life. Most likely, such a person has a good contact with the egregor of the corresponding level (and those who stand behind him, of course).

Thus, people with highly developed intuition are the most real contactors - even if they are not suspected of this. And contacts successful, with very decent interlocutors in a small world that helps them achieve their goals. And this happens if you remember, only people, Karma Vessel, which are filled with no more than 80%. That is, if a person has discovered good intuition, he can use it. But on the basis of this quality, looking contemptuously on other people - it will be a typical idealization of his abilities and pride, which will definitely attract the very other entities of the subtle world. Those whose tips will lead to failures and defeats. And only a person himself will be to blame for this that did not cope with his abilities and in the end who has lost his intuition.

Episodic contact

But people with good intuition are not so much, especially in adulthood. The case is more common when a person read some book or has any courses or seminars of the esoteric direction and has learned to periodically receive information on request. For example, using a pendulum or frame. And then it all depends on its value system, upbringing, etc. He can be frightened and throw this business - then his life will not change.

He can begin to explore his new opportunities and start using them for himself or other people, remaining a normal person. And may be challenged with its exceptional abilities and begin to look at the rest of people down. Or try to extract the maximum economic effect of their unexpectedly discovered abilities. In general, a person overwhelms idealization, and it is unlikely to further wait for sustainable contacts with clean forces, even if he started to contact them.

Contact little changes

Thus, in itself, the presence or lack of contact with the forces of the subtle world almost does not affect the life of a person (except for the occurrence of karmic debts).

But the life of the contacter may change, and quite strongly, in some cases.

For example, if it becomes changed in accordance with the recommendations of the forces of the subtle world. He can advise to quit his job and take a healing or preaching - clean perfumes, naturally. If he does it, his life will change dramatically - for the better for pure spirits. But it is not a fact that it will be better for a man's earthly life.

Or a person suddenly will appear those not very good qualities of personality, which he used to have had the opportunity to present people due to the lack of grounds for this. And now contact with God has appeared - than not the basis for the idealization of its abilities, the development of pride and feelings of their exclusivity. Meanwhile, almost every person can enter simple contact with a subtle world - only a little effort and faith in themselves.

So the life of the contacter can change and remain the same. It depends on the person himself, and contact is just one of many factors that pushing it to changes.

On this we are time to move on to summing up the next results.

1. People are all the time in contact with the essences of the subtle world, but in most cases it is an unknowable contact and uncontrollable.

2. Contact with the entities of the subtle world takes various forms: by demons or souls of people, obsession with idea or information, periodic contact with different entities, developed intuition, episodic contact.

3. In itself, the presence of contact is little affected by the human life. Large changes occur if a person under the action of the information received changes dramatically his life or in it develops negative qualities of the individual.

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Throughout the centuries, humanity worried a question of the afterlife. Part of all religions and cultures of the world is faith in the transition to another world, differing from the earth.

And it would not be bad for this faith to support scientific evidence using appropriate devices from the real, physical world.

The fact that in the same century is considered mysticism in another century it becomes scientific knowledge


Around the middle of the nineteenth century it was open Phenomenon of instrumental transdomism (ITC). Technical connection with the otherworldly world.

This discovery made it possible to learn more scientists and to learn more about him. They were engaged in studying people known in their time: members of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Academicians William Circle and Oliver Lodge.

In addition to its main classes, both studied the phenomenon of Spiritualism. The spirits are made to call people who receive in a certain state of consciousness tangible evidence of the existence of the other world.

They confirm the classical ideas that death does not exist. This is just a transition to a different space where there is no need to have a dense body.

Multitrust method of instrumental transommunication makes it possible to technically set up a constant connection between the worlds.