The use of spruce cones in the country. How to apply pine cones in folk medicine

On the healing properties of coniferous trees, people are known since ancient times growing in the harsh northern edges of pines and spruce helped local residents to deal with quinta, cold and vitaminosis. Today, phytotherapists and non-rigging healers advise to treat not only the cheeky and shoots of young branches of coniferous trees, but also fir cones, possessing many useful properties and able to help with diseases such as angina, bronchitis, pharyngitis and even ration.

Spruce Corses - Medical Properties

Spruce cones are real storage facilities and vitamins, decoction and tincture of young cones have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. They include essential oils, volatile compounds, biologically active substances and vitamins, which is most of all vitamin C - an indispensable assistant in avitaminosis, reducing immunity and the general weakening of the body.

Spruce bumps are used to prepare common decoctions and beverages, with their help treat cold and bronchopal diseases, accompanied by a long cougium. The high content of biologically active substances and vitamins allows them to be used to treat such severe diseases, like a qing, tuberculosis and even stroke. And the outdoor use of tincture and decoction from the cones of ate helps to get rid of pain in the joints during rheumatism, arthritis and other diseases of the bone-articular system and clean the skin in dermatological diseases.

But for the preparation of truly healing braids and tinctures it is necessary to collect only the youngest, immature seed or "female" coneswhich retain the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins. To distinguish the "female" cones from "male" containing pollen and for the treatment of unsuitable, quite simple. Therapeutic cones are larger, they ripen on the tops of ate and the ends of the branches, in the spring and summer they are red and like candles, "watch" up. You can collect cones late in spring and summer, closer to autumn, when they have not yet matured and did not open.

Spruce cones - Application

1. Broth of immature fir bumps - Only young, soft and immature cones, collected in the spring and, are suitable for cooking such a branch. early summer. Such a decoction is taken with a decrease in immunity, the overall weakening of the body and for the treatment of colds accompanied by cough. For cooking, immature cones are finely crushed, poured with boiling water and in a water bath, on low heat boil 30-40 minutes, constantly stirring, then insist 30-60 minutes. Before use is filled and cool. Such a decoction can be used for inhalation and rinsing the throat or take 14-13 centuries per day, diluting with an equal amount of water;

2. Flashing tincture - it is considered more powerful tool, It is used in the treatment of bronchitis, purulent angins, inflammatory diseases of internal organs and tuberculosis. For the preparation of tincture, 7-10 unripe cones are crushed, put in 1 liter can, poured 40% alcohol and leave for 1-2 weeks in a dark cold place. After instevating, the tincture is filtered and give a patient 1st l or 1 st l 3 times a day after eating. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and can continue from 5-7 days to 2-3 months;

3. Broth on milk - It is used in qing, avitaminosis, rheumatism, skin diseases and severe inflammatory lesions of respiratory organs. For the preparation of the broth 30 grams of small immature cones are crushed, poured 1 l of milk, they bring to a boil and boiled on a slow heat for 5-10 minutes. The resulting decoction is filled and give a patient at 12 st 3-4 times a day, in the treatment of colds, it is enough to drink a decoction of 2-3 days in a row, and with more serious diseases the course of treatment may continue until 10-15 days;

4. Infusions and decoctions of cones and needles - finely divided cones and needles poured boiling water, insist or boiled on slow heat for 5-10 minutes and are used for medical baths, lotions and baths at articular and skin diseases. 110 part of the cones and needles are taken to prepare such infoers and decoctions at 910 parts of water;

5. Jam from cones - Such jam perfectly helps with a cold, reducing immunity, avitaminosis and tuberculosis. For the preparation of jam, green shoots with bumps are crushed, lay layer in enameled capacity, each layer, speaking sugar, then leave for 1 week until the shoots are given to juice and then boil on a slow fire for 40-45 minutes without stirring. The finished jam rolling into banks, while not using a resin-tempered at the bottom of the container. Take the healing syrup of 1 st l 3 times a day before meals.


The decoction and the tincture of the coys of ate cannot be used to treat children under 12 years old, pregnant and nursing mothers, patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the aggravation stage and diseases of the cardiovascular system in the decompensation stage.

Coniferous cones are modified shoots that perform a crucial role in the tree life. They provide cross-pollination, fertilization, and then - the development of seeds. The bump is simple enough. There is central assault, there are scales derived from her. Under the scales of men's cones in special "bags" ripens pollen. Scales of female cones cover the sicks, and later seeds.

About the "flowering" ate more I already wrote. You can get acquainted with this very spectacular process by going to.

After pollination, men's bumps that performed their function becomes unnecessary and fall. A row of metamorphosis occurs with women's cones.

Metamorphosis of female sprues

Women's spruce cones appear on the branches (paws) ate around in mid-May. They develop at the ends of those shoots, which turned two years.

Most cones grow at the top of the tree crown, even if the crown is descended almost to the ground. This is understandable - at the top there is a chance to "catch" the diversion to the wind is much higher.

Women's cones ate, only those who appeared from the kidneys, about about the thimble. On the branches of the tree they are sticking to the top, like Christmas candles. Color cones raspberry or bright red.

Spruce cones during "flowering"

After pollination, quick and noticeable changes occur. A pollarged bump closes his scales. Having a resin, it is tightly clogging between them. Changes color. The pinkish shade is still preserved for some time, but in early June the bumps become green.

Since the appearance and until the middle of the summer, the cones are growing rapidly. Their position is changed and their position on the branch. From the vertical they become hijacked by turning their tops to the ground.

Young fir bumps. The end of May. You can already collect.

Green is replaced by close to purple, moving later into light brown. And here in August in the tree hanging "classic" fir bumps - brown. Their scales are still tightly closed.

In the fall in cones ripen seeds. Fir do not need, how, stretch this process for two years. Everything is happening in one season. But at the beginning of the winter, the bumps on ate still closed. Only in February - March, in dry sunny weather, they open, dissipating seeds.

After falling out the seeds, the old bumps hang on a tree with discontinued scales. Gradually, they fall.

Useful properties of fir cones

What are these substances? As, the cones contain essential oil, highlight a huge number of phytoncides. Significantly and the content of vitamins, especially C and D. Many resinous substances that make up a spruce zhvitsa. And it is similar, and contains terrentin.

A good song in excellent performance - in honor of the anniversary of the Great Victory. Moreover, in the song, performed by Vladimir Bunchikov and Vladimir Nechaev, there are words about our beautiful blooming ate.


The agronomical reception of the mulching of the Earth on the beds was widespread with the advent of non-woven underfloor materials. To promote the goods, this topic has become widely known in the garden literature and the Internet. However, the observation garders have long used this method using the humus, sawdust, pine opead and cones on their sections. Mulching of cones is especially useful for new-fashioned plantings of cranberries, blueberries and rhododendrons.

Why do you need a mulch

Mulching is a soil coating with a layer of various natural or artificial materials. This is the necessary stage of processing the Earth in the practice of natural organic farming.

Application on carts Mulch helps solve a lot of garden tasks:

  • regulation of humidity and protection against the rapid drying of the Earth;
  • better soil warming;
  • protection of plant roots from overheating and cold;
  • collecting pure harvesting with beds;
  • protection against weeds;
  • protection against washing nutrients;
  • significant increase in yield.

Organic Mulch is able to solve additional tasks:

  • preservation of useful microorganisms and the creation of a biologically stable system with plants;
  • creating a habitat for earthworms;
  • soil enrichment with mineral substances;
  • extension of humus for some time;
  • clumbus decoration.

On an industrial scale, only recently the mulch in the form of a black and white film began to be used in the landings of raspberries and strawberries. On other vegetable and berry cultures, it is not yet used.

In private farms, the use of mulching on any cultures provides plants with the best conditions of existence, significantly raises yield.

The application of mulch implies not mindless use of it.

There are several rules for its use, without complying with a negative result:

  • the mulch is folded on the beds after the land completely excited and warmed up;
  • the mulch is located at some distance from the roots and plant stems.

Existing species

The use of artificial nonwoven materials as mulch has become possible quite recently. For this, industry produces special materials:

  • spunbond;
  • agrofiber (Loutrasil, Agrotex);
  • film;
  • crumb of plastic or glass.

The convenience of this group of mulching materials is that it is not necessary to search. This is a clean, comfortable and lightweight material that can be used for several years. The disadvantage can be considered that it does not decompose and does not feed the soil.

Therefore, fertilizers are entered or under the passing material or supplied with drip irrigation, laid under it.

The use of organic mulch is more attractive for farming. For these purposes, you can use:

  • humus;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • coniferous opead;
  • coniferous cones;
  • rubble and gravel;
  • sawdust;
  • chips;
  • husk from seeds and nuts;
  • dry foliage;
  • mowed grass;
  • straw;
  • chopped bark;
  • soil plants;
  • cardboard, newspapers, magazines.

Much of this gardener can make or deliver to the garden itself, free. And this is another favorable side of the organic mulch.

Mulching coniferous cones

Free mulch in the form of pine or spruce cones from the nearest forest will be excellent protection of black and red currant and raspberry from pests. It will help reduce the amount of irrigation and create comfortable growing conditions for berry shrubs.

Oil soil lovers:

  • decorative coniferous cultures;
  • rhododendrons;
  • hydrangea;
  • heath;
  • northern berries - will feel great for such a mulch.

In addition to these crops, a very good result is obtained from the use of coniferous caps along with cones:

  • on the beds of strawberries;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • potatoes;
  • luke and garlic.

Such a mulch protects these plants from slugs and snails.

The layer of cones under the trees and shrubs should be 10-15 cm, on vegetable beds - 5-7 cm. After laying the mulch, it is necessary to shed water to which you can add Fitovyerm or actor fungicides.

After harvesting, the mulch with vegetable beds are cleaned or dripped. Under the trees and shrubs, she remains for the winter.

It doesn't matter which cones will be used - spruce or pine. All of them are lungs, voluminous, do not tear and are not compacted. This ensures the unimpeded flow of moisture and oxygen to the roots of plants.

Important! When using cones under berry shrubs, they must be poured by a solution of urea.

When decomposition, the organic bacteria consume a lot of nitrogen from the soil. That is why in a pine and spruce forest, it is rare to meet herbal cover. Nitrogen deficiency is compensated by mineral or organic fertilizers made under the coniferous mulch.

Instead of urea or ammonia solution, under berry shrubs, you can use humus, and even fresh manure. Wood ash is a natural nitrogen supplier. Scattering it on a mulch can also be eliminated by the lack of this substance in the soil.

In addition, the experience of applying coniferous cones and needles as mulch shows that a layer of less than 7 cm does not affect the acidity of the soil.

The cones as a mulch carefully look and do not decompose for a long time. Therefore, the cones can be used as a decorative coating near the trees, bushes and perennial plants during the summer.

In the fall, fallen foliage will reduce decorativeness. And in the spring, it will be quite difficult to clean the bumps from her, and they will lose sight. Therefore, to maintain a decorative effect, any mulch, including from cones, should be updated annually.

Do not forget that the bumps are easily flammable and quickly burn. Therefore, mulching landings should be away from the garden mangala or fire.


The mulching of the beds in cones brings undoubted benefits of plants, restores the fertile layer of the soil, adds a charm decorated flowerbeds and strengthens the health of the gardener to long walks in the coniferous forest.

Pine, in comparison with other trees, is not only the embodiment of harmony and beauty, but also a real forest lane. This high tree with a smooth and slender barrel, whose height can reach 30 meters, has long been used for treatment and was used in folk medicine many nations. Moreover, all parts of the pine possess therapeutic properties. Very varied medical properties Pine cones, which are used by folk healers for the treatment of various diseases.

Pine cones Medical properties

Pine bump is a cone that develops from kidney pine. Young green bumps have an oblong-ovoid shape. For full development of the cone, you need two years, during which it becomes dark brown or red, revealing its "wings" and throwing seeds.

The chemical composition of pine cones is very rich and diverse. They are present:


Monoterpenic carbohydrates;


Essential oils;

Organic acids;

Many vitamins and minerals.

Due to its composition, pine cones have many therapeutic properties:







No wonder how scientists installed, the air practically does not contain microbes within a radius of 25 meters from the place where the pine grows. Pine cones are used to treat many diseases, such as:


Pneumonia and its complications;

Reduced hemoglobin;

Avitaminosis (Cingle Treatment);

Rheumatism and other diseases of the joints;

Diseases of the urinary system;

Inflammation of the gallbladder;

Some kidney diseases;

Thyroid disease.

Therapeutic champs and infusions, alcohol tinctures are preparing made of pine cones, and pine honey, which even young children eat with pleasure, which makes it easier for moms to cure cough.

The use of pine cones in traditional medicine

Folk healers many thousand years ago turned their attention to pine and began to use it for treatment. Healing properties All parts of the tree are possessing: bark, resin, needles, kidneys and young shoots, bumps. Most often in folk medicine, green cones are used, but the ripe redes found the use. Tincture on red pine cones - an excellent means of treatment in after a stroke period, helping to restore blood supply in the brain.

According to healers, inhalations with pine cones have a positive impact on the work of the nervous system and have soft soothing properties.

Young green cones can be brewing as a vitamin agent for filling the vitamins in spring, as an expectorant of cough, with walled diseasesAs a prophylactic remedy against cinggi.

It is widely known in folk medicine. Application of cones for improving the composition and purification of blood.

Infusion of cones is used to improve the mobility of the joints. Alcohol tincture is treated with tuberculosis. Special love enjoys jams and honey from green pine cones, which is used to treat colds, cough, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with pine cones and other pine gifts is not only folk knowledge accumulated by centuries. Back in the 18th century, the study of the properties of pine was spent the famous scientist S.P. Pallas, which confirmed the unsurpassed properties of pine against Qingi.

Pine cones in folk medicine recipes

Many do not even realize how many recipes and from how many ages can help get rid of healing preparations from pine cones.

Infusion cones from bronchitis and cough

In addition to the treatment of cough, this infusion can be used as a hemostatic remedy, heart pain, as a coorative, anti-cutting and choleretic agent.

Pine cones - 1 tablespoon

Water - 1 cup

Pour pine cones boiling water and breeding for 12 hours. Drinking infusion 3-4 times a day before taking food.

Broth bumps for liver

20 grams of pine cones

1 glass of water

Pour bumps hot water And put on the stove. Boil within two minutes on low heat. Remove and cool. Strain and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day before taking food.

Pine cones with asthma

1 tablespoons of cones

1 glass of water

Pine cones pour a glass of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Drinking the infusion of 1/3 glasses three times a day before taking food.

Treatment of pine bumps of joints

In case of diseases of the joints, traditional medicine offers several recipes using pine cones. Therapeutic infusions and decoctions are taken inward, used in the form of compresses and for rubbing. Showing foot baths with decoction of cones.

Infusion cones with sugar

For infusion, green pine cones are needed, which are collected on June 5. That is what day. So says an old recipe.

Collected cones rinse and dry. Cut into 4 parts and folded into the pure 3-liter bank, filling it with half.

Purplus the cones with sugar and add cooked water cold to room temperature. Close the lid and put a warm dark place. Periodically shake the jar for uniform sugar dissolution.

Infusion is ready when all sugar is dissolved and fermentation will not stop, the healing syrup is ready. Straighten it and pour into a jar or a bottle of dark glass. Store in a cool place. Drink across the tablespoon twice a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Pine cones for rheumatism

Pine cones - 90 grams

60 grams of govetany chips (or Bowls, grows in the north South America And in India)

30 grams of Sassafras (laurel family)

30 grams of juniper fruits

Prepare collection and pour it with 1 liter and 74 grams of alcohol (1074). Let it be labeled as an ordinary alcohol tincture and drink from 2 to 4 ml. The recipe is very unusual for our edges and apparently was visible by navigators or merchants from new open areas of West India or America.

Pine cones for removal of salts

One medium sized bump put in a saucepan and pour it on the night of a glass of water. In the morning put on the stove and peak with weak boiling for several minutes. Cool and add to the initial volume. Divide on 2 receptions and drink during the day.

Treatment of pain in the joints

To reduce pain in the joints, a bath with decoction of pine cones will help. For her cooking you need to brew 3 liters of boiling water 17-20 pieces of green cones. Put on the stove and slaughter with weak boiling for 25-30 minutes.

Pour the decoction into the basin, diluing with cold water, and keep legs no more than 15 minutes. Such baths can be done daily until pain relieves.

For taking a bath brew pine cones along with young coniferous branches. For this, they are taken in equal proportion and brewed with boiling water. Then you need to peck for 30 minutes and leave it to be 10-12 hours, until the decoction becomes red-brown. A full bath requires 2 liters of such a beam.

Rubbing for joints

Rubbing for joints is prepared on the basis of vodka or alcohol. To do this, take 10 pieces of pine green cones (medium) and pour 0.7 liters of alcohol. Insist for 2 weeks. Profiltrate and use for the trituration of sick joints. It is better to do it overnight, looking well biting the sore joints.

Treatment of pine cones

With upper disease respiratory tract Help brands and infusions of green cones, needles pine (they need to be brewed only in fresh otherwise they lose their properties), make steam inhalations, make the throat.

Cough syrup

For its cooking you need to take:

50 grams of fresh green cones

0.5 kg of sugar

50 grams of natural honey

Missed pine cones rinse and cut. Pour them with 2 glasses of boiling water and, shutting, let it stand in 2 hours. Infusion to strain and add sugar and honey to it. Stir and store in a cool place. For longer storage after the addition of sugar, the decoction can be respected to a syrup thickness and coating to room temperature, add honey. In principle, it turns out nothing but pine honey.

Syrup can be taken both independently 1 tablespoon, and add to tea, including herbal.

Infusion of cough

A simple cough infusion can be cooked, brewing a tablespoon of green cones with a glass of steep boiling water. Wrap and insist 40 minutes. The fluid decoction is taken in a warm form when the cough attacks in the warm form of OP is several sips.

Ans of cough on milk

With colds, the decoction of green pine cones on milk will help to quickly overcome the disease and restore forces. To prepare this healing agent, you need:

500 ml of boiling cow milk (preferably home) pour 6 pieces of pine cones and pecking with weak boiling for about 20 minutes.

Remove from the stove and insist for another 25 minutes. Strain and take in warm form by adding honey. This quantity is designed for a week. Store in the refrigerator and warm up.

Tincture of cones from cough

Adults for the treatment of cough can be taken tincture with honey. To do this, 0.5 liters of the finished tincture of cones are needed (it is prepared as a rule from the ratio of 1 part of the cones on 10 parts of the vodka) to mix with 100 grams of natural honey and 100 grams of aloe juice.

Everything is good to shake and leave in a dark place for a day. After that, take on a tablespoon three times a day, shaking before use.

Infusion from bronchitis and asthma

Several green young pine cones put into the thermos, adding a piece of resin (about 2 centimeters) and pour a 0.5 liter of boiling water. Stir and insist for 4 hours.

It is filtered through a bandage or gauze, folded in several layers. Take an infusion on 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for 4-8 weeks.

With asthma, take a break and repeat the course of treatment.

Footballs with cold

Handful of pine cones (green) pour 3 liters of water and withstand about 20 minutes on the stove. Pour into the basin and dilute with cold water to a comfortable temperature. Lower the legs and soar at no more than half an hour, shook them from above the blanket.

Tincture to strengthen immunity

For the preparation of tincture, green cones collected in June, rinse and dry. Cut as smaller and fill the container to the edges. Pour vodka and, closing the lid, insist during the week in a dark place.

Drink a tincture 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon for half an hour before meals.

With colds, it helps good jams of pine cones, honey, or syrup.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with pine cones

Tincture of pine cones with ulcers

Prepared pine cones (green) chop and fold into a liter glass jar, filling it with them on 1/3. Pour vodka and close the lid. Innote in a dark place during the week.

After insisting, the tincture is filtered and drinking on a tablespoon, diluting 50 grams, 2 times a day before meals. The course treatment lasts 2 months.

Tincture for the treatment of gastritis and ulcers

This tincture is made by 70% alcohol. To prepare 100 grams of green cones to pour 0.5 liters of alcohol and, putting in a dark place, insist for 2 weeks. Drink the tincture also on the tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment of the thyroid gland pine cones

Pine cones are better known for the treatment of respiratory and joints and few people know that they can be used in the treatment of a number of thyroid diseases. Thyroid diseases today are becoming increasingly for the treatment and maintenance of their health on a par with appointed treatment, pine cones can help.

Tincture on young pine cones

Abroad, this tincture is called Russian drops from the thyroid gland. For her preparation, collect in the spring of 15 green young pine cones about 3-4 centimeters long.

Come home to rinse and dry. Then cut the knife as much as possible.

Fold in a bottle or jar and pour 50 grams of good vodka. Close and insisted in a dark place for 10 days. Take 5 drops 3 times a day. Course for 3 weeks.

A tincture of alcohol from goiter

Young green bumps chop and folded into a jar. Pour 90 percent alcohol and, removing in a dark place, insist for a month. Periodically shake the jar.

Take the tincture according to the following scheme:

1 drop - the first 3 days

5 drops from the 4th day of treatment and on 21 days.

Take a tincture 3 times a day.

Then after the course spent, take a break for 21 days and repeat if necessary again.


From time immemorial, known beneficial features Pines. Her needles can clean the air, because it is rich in phytoncides (substances produced by plants for their own protection against pests). Pine phytoncides are so strong that they kill koche wand, the pathogen of tuberculosis, as well as an intestinal wand.

Walk along Boroditrite will fill with the forces, will help get rid of stress, forget about irritability.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of the plant are concentrated in the seeds. Pine accumulates the stock of biologically active substances, keeping them from spring to winter in cones.

Phytoncides, tannins, vitamins, essential oils, selenium and magnesium, iron is the "treasures" of these little coniferous storage rooms.

Specialists of traditional medicine argue that pine cones can be used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, diseases of the joints, for cleansing the body.

For a long time, green pine bumps were used as a means against cings.

The components contained in this natural medicine contribute to improving immunity, help to avoid tuberculosis infection. These properties of cones are known most widely.

If you are going to apply for treatment folk remedies, do not forget about the general rules:

  • consult your doctor;
  • learn about the benefits and contraindications;
  • do not use folk remedies in sharp periods of the disease;
  • use caution in the treatment of children and people over 60 years old;
  • start with small doses, gradually increasing the amount and carefully watching the body's response;
  • do not take a long time alone and the same preparations of plant origin;
  • make breaks;
  • remember by hazardous consequences Oplain.

Decorations, tinctures, syrups and pine cones jams have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, immunomodulating therapeutic properties. They can be applied at various diseases:

  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the joints.

Secrets of collecting

In folk medicine in therapeutic purposes Old and young bumps are consumed - the latter all summer remain green, inconspicuous.

Usually collect young copies of 1 to 4 cm long in May-June ( optimal time For middle strip). They should easily cut the knife, be soft. In the "field" conditions for checking such cones scratch a nail or try to cut.

Preferences are denied with dense, smiling and sticky lindens. These are female individuals. They are easy to determine the ribbed scales.

The characteristics advise to collect formed, but have not yet established pine fruits on the day of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that at this time their therapeutic properties are maximal.

Solid green instances can be used to prepare tinctures. If you are going to use a tincture for preventing stroke or in recovery period After this disease, go to the forest from June to September. The bumps are already matured, the tannins will be accumulated (they play a key role in the fight against brain cells), but will not reveal and will not lose their seeds.

Age of cones a year after the formation: they darken, change the color and reveal. By this time, seeds in their hard cavities you will no longer find.

Pay attention to the tree itself. Sometimes pines are affected by pests. From such trees, therapeutic raw materials are better not to use.

You can use the beneficial properties of pine cones in different ways. You will be surprised how much the options for their use in folk medicine.

Mature cones in decoction and tincture

Tinstures are prepared on alcohol or vodka. Demissions are recommended for use if alcohol is contraindicated. You can prepare them on water or milk. Apply with bronchitis and pneumonia, cold cough, lung tuberculosis.

In the east, brazers from green pine cones are considered good to a tool For skin cleansing. If within 10-14 days you will drink on a cup of rage daily, the bustle and rash will disappear, the blush will appear, small mimic wrinkles will appear.

For cleansing skin, you can cook a decoction with floral honey (just 1 tsp. Per glass).

Alcohol tincture is taken to prevent and treat strokes, but not in the initial stage of the disease.


Like others medicinal products On vegetable basis, decoction and infusions from green and mature pine cones have contraindications. The main diseases of the kidneys, as well as:

  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • age (younger than 7 and over 60 years).

Individual intolerance will replenish the above contraindications.

It is necessary to avoid large doses. Otherwise, headache or symptoms may appear due to inflammation of the stomach.

Attention! Benefit medical decoctions Does not replace drugs appointed by the doctor. Apply natural remedies carefully. Do not forget to consult a specialist. Self-treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Healing decoction

4-5 green cones are well rinsed, cut, add 1/2 l of water, wait until the water boils, hold the decoction of 5 minutes on low heat.

Drinking on a quarter cup every morning after meal. Take up to 3 times a day.


  1. For cooking tincture you will need 5 mature cones. Rinse them and cut them.
  2. Pour one glass of medical alcohol or good vodka.
  3. Be sure to put the dishes in a dark place for at least 2 weeks. Do not forget to shake the infusion every day. It is advisable to do it several times a day.
  4. Two weeks later, the resulting tincture must be strain.

To prevent stroke, take 1 tsp. Every morning after meals. The post-postal period recommended reception three times per day. The benefit from the use of this infusion will only with long-term use: at least six months.

I would like to warn against the thoughtless use of tincture. Remember that only the doctor can confirm the healing properties of the tincture.

Alcohol tincture with homemade vinegar

  1. For this therapeutic agent 5 of ripened cishkens, pour a glass of medical alcohol or vodka. Vodka must be a good quality.
  2. It is recommended to insist 10 days in a dark place at a temperature of about 20 degrees.
  3. Then strain, pour 1 tsp. Apple or grape vinegar cooked at home.

Before bed, drink a glass of tea with honey and a teaspoon of this tincture.

Infusion with pain in the joints

  1. To improve the mobility of the joints, it is recommended to take the infusion prepared according to the following recipe: a three-liter jar to fill in 1/2 with sliced \u200b\u200byoung cones, add 400 g of sugar sand, pour out cold water. So far, fermentation does not stop, you need to shake the jar several times a day. Take one art. l. half an hour before meals.
  2. The infusion from the discontinued old cones can be prepared in one night. No more than two major cones pour boiling water so that the water closes a little closer, to shove and leave for the night. 20-30 minutes before breakfast drink the drug. Drinking infusion with joint diseases is needed about 2 months.

Syrup with cough

Jam and syrup from green pine cones, though they are pleasant to taste, but are therapeutic agent. Therefore, it is recommended not to be touched by them, but to take with a cold cough, inflammation of lungs and bronchitis. These natural sweets have excellent expectorant properties.

Prepare syrup just. Young cones, collected in the spring, cut, folded into the jar, each layer peeping sugar. Store syrup better in the refrigerator.

Children with a cold give 1 tsp, but start better with small doses. Do not forget about contraindications for children under 7 years old.


Pine cones cooking jams just like fruit. Just do not strive to cook as much as possible. 2-3 liters per family will have enough for the winter-autumn period when there is a danger to infect flu or cold. By using 1 tsp. With a glass of tea, you strengthen the immunity.