Rhodiola pink which is better. Rhodiola pink and four-plated: properties, indications for use, contraindications, recipes

Update: November 2018

Rhodiola pink (pink, golden root) is a grassy perennial plant from the Tolstanka family. It has a distinctive feature: the root and rhizomes of the color of bronze or old gilding with a noticeable pearlescent gloss, thanks to which he received its second "precious" name. The plant is made to the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

It is found in regions with a temperate and cold climate, including the United Kingdom, North America and Ireland, growing well on the Alpine Mountain Meadows (in the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians), is found in Kazakhstan, it is grown in China, Bulgaria, India. IN Russian Federation It is found in Altai and Urals, in the mountainous regions of the Far East, East and Western Siberia, in the Polar Areas of Yakutia, on the coasts of Barents and the White Seas. The plant is undemandingly to light and warmth, but needs abundant moisture. It grows on rocks and stony places, in plain tundra, on the shore of mountain rivers and streams.

It has long been used in folk and official medicine as an effective adaptogen that increases the resistance to adverse factors of the external environment, as well as the stimulator of the CNS operation. It enters the adaptogen group, combines and competes with Eleutherococcus and ginseng.

Morphological description

The rhizome is horizontal, powerful, covered with a plug of brown (bronze) color, has thin apparent roots. At the breakfast, the root white, has a bitter-astringent taste, is distinguished by a special aroma, similar to the smell of roses.

Most often, the plant has several (10-15 pieces) are not branched space-standing stalks, a height of 10-40 cm, less often there is only one stem. The leaves are regular, sit on the stems, have an oblong-egg-shaped, elliptical or pointed form with a solid or saw-toothed top.

Flowering falls on June-July, the fruits achieve maturity in July-August. The inflorescence is multi-flowered, has a shield shape. Flowers are yellow same-sex, four-, less often five. Fruits are a reprehension of greenstands of green.

Breeding both seeds and vegetatively.

Collection, blank and reproduction

The root of the rhodium rose harvested (the age of the plant is 3-4 years). Do it in the period from the end of July and in September. The roots are digging, carefully washed away from the particles of the earth in cool water, purified from drier tubes and rotten, dry areas. Cut the rhizome to pieces, each 10 cm long and dry them at T 50 degrees in the dryer.

The finished raw material on the break has a pinkish or white color. If the root of the brown shade is unsuitable for use, because it loses its useful properties. Store dry raw materials in canvas bags, in a dark place. Shelf life - 3 years.

Most often, the plant breeds seeds: planted at the end of autumn or in the winter in a bin with a nutrient soil, providing good ventilation (ceramzite is laid on the bottom). The soil is pre-moisturized by a weak solution of manganese, slightly condensed. The seeds are evenly distributed over the surface and slightly pressed, fall asleep with the soil (layer in 2 mm), is covered with the film and put on the balcony. In March, the box is transferred to a warm spot, and after a couple of days, shoots will appear. They can be resettled when two real leaves appear.

It is possible to breed a plant (which is not less than 2 years old) the fission of the rhizoma by 2 parts, which are planted into the prepared holes with humus, over also placed compost, leaving the renewal kidney on the surface.

Chemical composition

The root of the plant contains more than 140 useful elements, which determine the complex positive effect.

  • Phenols and their derivatives: tyrosol, saidrosis. Strengthen blood systemProtect vessels from narrowing. Prevent cholesterol oxidation;
  • Carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sadogeptulose, sucrose. Participate in energy exchange;
  • Organic acids:
    • solving (stimulates the secretion of the stomach and the opening of the intestine),
    • apple (normalizes digestion, improves vessel condition, improves eyesight and participates in metabolism),
    • amber (neutralizes free radicals, reduces the level uric acid, restores the mobility of the joints, stimulates the production of insulin),
    • lemon (increases appetite, stimulates cell renewal, activates immunity);
  • Terpenoids: Rosimiridin, Rosiridol. Raise tissue resistance to damage;
  • Flavonoids: Kempferol, Astragalin, 7-Rosnoside Camporal, Robolivin, Titsin, Rodionin, 5-Glucoside and 7-glucoside Titsin, Rodiodein, Acetylodalgin, 8-methylgerbacetin. Reduce the permeability of vessels, normalize pressure and heart rate, reduce intraocular pressure, are involved in the processes of bile formation, stimulate the function of the adrenal cortex and regulate the development of urine;
  • Glycosides. Characterized by cumulative and cardiotonic properties, normalize the work of cardiovascular vascular system. Have a soothing and diuretic action;
  • Trace elements: silver, copper, manganese, zinc involved in vital processes;
  • Anthraquinone. Strengthen immunity, participate in the formation of immune cells. Have a laxative action;
  • Cumarins. They have antitumor, anticoagulant and anticular effects. Affect the genetic apparatus of the tumor, thereby the angry ability of cells to metastasis;
  • Essential oil. It has bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, wound-healing, painkillers;
  • Tannins. Change the structure of proteins and participate in the formation of a protective albuminate film with a bactericidal or bacteriostatic action. Have astringent action;
  • Alkaloids. Have spasmolytic, hemostatic, painkillers, sedative and hypotensive effect;
  • Sterina. Reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase immunity, affect the quality and number of assistant cells protecting on the development of autoimmune reactions;
  • Aromatic compounds: Rosavine, Rosin, Rosarin, Cinnamon Alcohol. Improve the work of the CNS.

The composition of the essential oil was found aliphatic alcohols with direct chain and monoterpenic hydrocarbons. The composition of the essential oil varies depending on the place of growing plants.

The above-ground portion of the plant is saturated with organic acids (apple, lemon, oxal, amber), phenols and their derivatives, phenolcarboxylic acids (gallium, coffee), coumarines, tanning substances, flavonoids.

Beneficial features

Golden root (Rhodiola) is characterized by many useful properties:

  • is a powerful antioxidant and adaptogen;
  • protects the body from development oncological diseases and warns the metastasis of tumors;
  • enhances arterial pressure;
  • improves the work of the heart;
  • struggles with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • has an anti-inflammatory action;
  • promotes berevel;
  • stops bleeding;
  • restores the body after overwork, well tones;
  • it has a well-fascinating effect and increases the stability of the body to the influence of adverse environmental factors;
  • has a neuroprotective action;
  • stimulates the work of the CNS;
  • retains high-level energy potential of the brain;
  • improves cognitive functions;
  • accelerates the flow of oxidative processes;
  • accelerate wound healing.

Scientific research

The beginning of scientific research was laid in the 60s of the 20th century. In 1961, an expedition was held, headed by Krylyov G.V., during which scientist managed to find the plant in the Taiga of the Altai Mountain Altai. According to the results of studies, the plant was introduced into scientific medicine and began to be used in the form of a liquid extract with adaptogenic and stimulating properties.

Numerous studies were carried out in order to study the influence of the plant on the CNS. Preparations of plants change the bioelectric activity of the brain and improve the cognitive functions: due to the increase in stressful factors, the memory and the possibility of memorizing information is improved.

Reported on the positive effect of drugs of plants to eliminate side Effects psychotropic schizophrenia therapy.

In a number of research, it was proved that Roseola Pink is capable of improving physical performance. In an experiment conducted on animals (white rats), a decrease in the speed of glycolysis, the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, the preservation of the high level of phospholipids in the muscles and the liver, as well as blood sugar after 2 hours of swimming in individuals receiving the drug plants.

It is also considered the possibility of using plants drugs as hepatoprotectors. Animals were proved by the effectiveness of the use as arapeutic and prophylactic agent during lesions of the liver induced by phosphorodorganic compounds.


Rhodiola pink - powerful adaptogen, which has a visible effect after the first use of the drug! But daily taking drugs of plants without reason it is impossible. Permanent stimulation of the body, even if vegetable preparations, can lead to the effect opposite to the expected.

Rhodiola is applied in many diseases and pathological conditions, and is characterized by a whole range of pharmacological properties. The most common indications for the use of plants drugs:

  • bad appetite;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • physical and mental overwork;
  • neurosis;
  • asthenic condition after long-term diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • radiation lesions (acute and chronic);
  • reduced visual acuity;
  • bad hearing;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bone fracture;
  • menorragia;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • amenorrhea primary and secondary;
  • gynecological diseases (adnexitis, ovarian polycystosis, fibrous-cystic mastopathy);
  • early Climax;
  • oligospermia;
  • later puberty;
  • toothache;
  • headache;
  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • angina;
  • pyorrhea;
  • diarrhea;
  • wounds, damage to the skin, rash, Naryv.

A gold root for men and women is often used: it helps with impotence and shown in many diseases of the female sexual system. Plant preparations enhance the operation of the sex glands, stimulate ovaries and are widely used in the treatment of early climax. The plant has a positive effect on the potency, and its effectiveness is higher than that of ginseng root.

It has been proven that the plant enhances the effect of cytostatics, causing necrosis of cancer cells: the shell, core and part of the cell destroyed, which leads to its death.

In cosmetology

A unique plant has found its use in cosmetology. The gold-root extract has a positive effect on fading, sensitive skin, improves its general condition. A rich biologically active composition allows the use of plants extracts in various creams to give them stimulating and adaptogenic properties, slowing the skin aging processes, increase resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Cosmetic preparations with golden root:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the skin;
  • improve energy exchange in cells;
  • accelerate skin regeneration processes;
  • minimizes trans-epidemic fluid losses;
  • increase the barrier functions of the skin;
  • slow down aging processes;
  • reduce the level of depression.

The most popular cosmetics with the golden root: daytime cream for sensitive skin from "Natura Siberica", face cream "Clean line", daily cream "Recipes Grandmothers Agafia".

Pharmaceutical preparations with Rhodio-Pink

Golden root found application and in official medicine - many drugs and dietary supplements are actively used in the therapy of a number of diseases. Consider the most popular.

Liquid extract of Ramiol

The drug is shown at increased fatigue, neurocirculatory dystonia on the hypotonic type, neurasthenic states, during the recovery period after severe somatic and infectious pathologies, in periods of mental and physical overvoltage, as well as a means for the prevention of ARVI during epidemics periods.

Rhodiola +.

Vis Rodioli pink extract in capsules

The vegetable complex with gold root and vitamin C, which is characterized by stimulating, soothing and toning effect. It is recommended to improve physical and mental performance, acclimatization during flights, health restoration after long-term diseases. It is also used in sports - before training and after them, it helps to achieve higher results and is more likely to recover after the load.


Dry vegetable raw materials, which is used for the preparation of aquatic and alcohol preparations, decoctions, teas, which are characterized by high adaptogens and stimulating properties. The instructions for gold rope describe how to prepare this or that means.

Also, the plant is part of various phytics and fees.

Folk recipes with Rhodio-Pink

People's lycari have long and successfully used drugs of plants with many diseases. The duration of application is established individually, but it is recommended to receive no more than 5 days in a row, after which make a seven-day break.

Golden root tincture on vodka under hypotension

  • Take 50 gr. The dry root root, grind to powder consistency, pour 2 glasses of vodka. Inuscible in the dark for 14 days, periodically shake. Ready to strain.
  • Take 20-30 drops 3 times in day. 30 minutes before meals. You can start receiving from 5 drops, gradually bring the volume to the recommended one.

Tincture on a gold root with a cold and heart weakness, nerve diseases and gastrointestinal pathologies

  • Take 10 gr. roots, grind and pour 1 cup boiling water. Leave for 4 hours to laugh and strain.
  • Take a half package 3 times in day. It is externally used as an effective wound healing agent for processing wounds, cuts, for rinsing the oral cavity during an angina.


  • Improves the work of the heart, vessels, making them more enduring. Helps for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleedingWhen impotence, improves the work of the thyroid gland and normalizes blood sugar levels. Eliminates head and toothache. Can be used externally for skin wiping.
  • Take 20 gr. Roots, grind and pour 500 ml of boiling water, to withstand on low heat 10 min. Leave to not be cooled, then strain.
  • Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

Toning decoction

  • It has a strong stimulating effect on the CNS, which exceeds the effect of black teas and coffee. Therefore, it is not worth taking it every day, but only when it is necessary.
  • Take 1 tsp. The root (pre-crushed) and pour 1 l of water, boil 10 minutes. And to insist another 40 minutes. Warm place.
  • Take 2-3 glasses throughout the day (no later than 4 hours before the deposit to sleep), if you wish, adding sugar or honey to the beverage.

Collecting to strengthen immunity

  • Take 20 gr. Rhodiola roots, and the roots of the lubricants. Add 15 grams. , 15 gr. Dry nettle, 10 gr. Herbelchy herbs, mix. 1 tbsp. Collection pour glass boiling water, put for 10 minutes on a small fire. Leave for 4 hours to push under the lid and strain. The resulting volume is diluted with 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Take 70 ml 3 times a day.

Tincture from anemia and diseases of the female sexual system

  • Also helps with age-related decline, impotence, tuberculosis of the lungs, liver pathologies and sugar diabetes.
  • Take 100 gr. Crushed roots and pour their 400 ml of good vodka. Put in a dark place for 7 days.
  • Take 30-40 drops 3 times in day. 30 minutes before meals.

Collection of cold and disorders

  • Take in equal parts of Ramiolu Pink, Badan, blackberry leaves, strawberries, raspberries, currant blacks, shrub laptop flowers, hunter and chamber flowers, mix everything. Take 3 tbsp. Dry collection and pour them 1 liters of boiling water, insist 60 min. Add honey or sugar to taste.
  • Take 1-2 glasses per day.


  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Heavy diseases of cardiovascular and central nervous systems.
  • Postgrippose encephalitis.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Severe nervous excitability.
  • Increased temperature.
  • Individual intolerance.

Side effects

It is very important to observe the dosage described in the recipes or the prescribed by the doctor - this is a guarantee that side effects will not arise. Preparations are accepted no later than 4 hours before the waste.

In rare cases, the following unwanted effects may develop:

  • excitation;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • unpleasant feelings in the field of the heart;
  • headaches.

In patients who suffer from hypotension caused by a climax, hardship or diancephalitis, drugs of plants can lead to a sharp increase in or decreased pressure, which leads to a deterioration in well-being in general.

In the development of any side effects, treatment is immediately terminated.

Rhodiola pink - This is a healing plant, which is known not only in Russia, but also in Continental America, Greece and Tibet. In the Scandinavian countries and in the Alps. Useful properties and the use of this plant is quite common in non-traditional medical practice, in pharmaceutical, in industry.

Botanical description

Rhodiola pink (Siberian ginseng) is a perennial herbal plant. It has massive bronze-brown rhizomes and thin roots in the appendages. The trunk is a reprehensive, not branching. The taste of the root is a bitter-binding. Oval leaves, one-piece, with rare teeth. Petals have a characteristic aroma of roses. The inflorescence consists of a multitude of small yellow flowers consisting of five and four parts. The fruit is a prefabricated - from several leaflets of the drow-olive tint. Plant height - 50 - 60 cm.

Taxonomy Plants

Separated department; Double class. Order - encounter-color; Family - Crassulaceae (Tolstanka).

Geography of plants

Siberian ginseng It grows in Russia: in the North European regions, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Altai Territory and in the Far Eastern regions (Magadan region, the Republic of Sakha). As well as in the mountains of Western Europe and Scandinavia, China and Mongolia. In the northern regions of the United States and Canada.

Chemical composition

Rhodiola pink is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains:

  • Phenolic compounds (phenol swept, tyrosol - 0.75%, the parentsiside (glycoside of salididoside - up to 1%);
  • Phenylcarboxylic acids;
  • Flavonoids (derivatives of Herbatinetina, Titsin and Kempoferol);
  • Glycosides of brown alcohol (Rosavin - ≃0.5-2.8%, Rosarin, Peligolgin);
  • Monoterpins (Rosiridiol, Rosiridin);
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Carboxylic acids;
  • Lactones;
  • Tubilic tubal rows - ≃21.5%;
  • Inorganic compounds in the ash (manganese, copper, iron, potassium, etc.) - up to 3%.

These substances have been used in the preparation of liquid healing extracts from pink rhodium, which have a pronounced stimulating and tonic effect.

Useful properties, application of rhodium pink

Beneficial features, the application of the plant today is recognized official medicine And widely used in pharmacology. Namely: Rhodiola pink has a multilateral adaptogenic and well-fastened effect, significantly exceeding the properties of Ginseng, Aralia and Eleutherococcus, according to research conducted in 2014 by scientists from the University of Beijing. It improves:

  • Brain nutrition - memory, concentration and speed of information processing, eliminates dizziness and migraines;
  • The work of the nervous system - accelerates the formation of nervous bonds, eliminates the nervous exhaustion and depressive state, helps to relieve pain in neuralgia;
  • The work of the autonomic nervous system - removes the somatic manifestations of the VDC;
  • Hypotonic state - raises blood pressure;
  • Menstrual cycle;
  • Blood formation;
  • Production and restoration of liver parenchyma cells;
  • Exchange processes in the body - helps reduce the high level of blood sugar, get rid of excess weight;
  • Work coronary arteries, heart muscle;
  • Blood and lymph circulation;
  • The endurance of the body;
  • Work of the immune system;
  • Work of the endocrine system;
  • Improves the work of men's genital organs - helps with impotence, reducing sexual attraction;
  • Appetite.

Unlike most of the energy of Rhodiola pink, it has a soft effect: glycoside Salidrosis As part of a utility plant prevents the metabolic manifestations of the stress reaction, the body strengthens. Therefore, drugs from it are shown to those who are experiencing constant psychological and physical exertion, suffering from excessive irritability.

Flavonoids In Robield, biologically active substances that participate in fermentation and regeneration improve the permeability of the vessels, eliminates their fragility and fragility. Flavonoids also have a sedative property. Monoterpins in Rhodiola pink activate the work of bile secretion, are powerful antihistamines, anti-allergens, anticarcoos.

Glycosides We produce energy in myocardial cells. Reduce the frequency of heart rhythms, increase the tone of the heart muscle, get rid of hypoxia. Speakers as an anti-ethnic substance.

Lactonesfound in Rhodiola Pink, strengthen the walls of the vessels, improve blood and lymph circulation. Help get rid of potency. They feed the vessels and cast from the formation of thrombov. Lactones are struggling with the action of free radicals. Help get rid of slags and toxins accumulated in the body. Row healing properties Rhodium Pink is explained by the presence of organic (carbon) acids in it, which normalize acid-alkaline balance in the body, produce ATP, and also contribute to the reduction of sugar and salts in the body.

Mineral complexcontained in ash - the most important components of biological electrolytes. Without it, the muscles lose the ability to normal reduction, there is a decline of forces. The mineral complex of Rhodiolate Pink will help restore life tone, contributes to the production of hemoglobin. It will help to restore the disorders of the endocrine system.

In the pharmacology of Rhodiolation, it is used in the form of extract and dietary supplements ("Terra-Plant Rhodiola" and "Pyola Pink Phytics"). It has a psychostimulating, toning effect in diseases of the CNS and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is used for vegetative dystonia, as well as to prevent chronic neurotic crises.

Useful properties of individual elements of the plant

Maintenance medical properties Rhodiola pink are contained in roots and rhizome (Rhizoma et Radix Rhodiolae Roseae). They are described in detail in the USSR State Pharmacopoeia (11th ed.) And used in drugs. It is from the rhizomes that biologically active extract for therapeutic drugs is produced.


According to laboratory research, the essential oil in the roots of Rhodiola Rosena ranges from 0.03% - 0.2%, which represents undoubted interest for cosmetology. This component of the plant launches the regeneration processes of the epidermis, skin moisturizing and maintaining its elasticity.

Rodiol's rose rose rich rich in tanning substances have an anti-violev and bactericidal effect, so perfectly cope with inflammation.


Leaves and stems of this plant are used in fresh form as a salad. Rowing rowers Pink accumulate carbohydrates - various sugars that are used for the manufacture of jieves, pastes and other slough. A firmly brewed root of the plant is an excellent non-alcoholic stimulating and toning drink - a useful alternative to coffee and tea.


Rhodiola pink applied in alternative medicine. Of the rhizomes of the plant prepare therapeutic extracts, decoction and infusions for treatment:

  • Hypotension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diathesis;
  • Gold;
  • Amenoria;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Sexlessness;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Lack of hemoglobin;
  • Diseases of the tract and liver;
  • Failures in the immune system;
  • Infectious diseases (sore throat, orz, influenza).

For increased level Sugar in the blood of the Zhari was prepared by infusion: they took 50 g. The dried roots of Rhodiola pink, poured 0.5 liters. Purified alcohol and insisted for 14 days. The tincture was used for 20-30 drops for half an hour before meals.

With high arterial pressure: 50 g. Crushed roots and roots pour 0.2 liters. hot water (about 80-90 degrees) and insist about 4 hours. Drink on ½ mug regardless of food intake.

With an angina, it is necessary to prepare alcohol infusion: 50 g. Root to fill 0.5 liters. Purified alcohol and insist 14 days. Then a teaspoon of tincture dilute with hot water glass. Rinse the throat obtained with a liquid about 10-12 minutes.


Thanks to the outstanding adaptogenic properties of Rhodiola - antistress and antioxidant-means №1. It helps to get rid of fatigue manifestations. Tits and nourishes dry, exhausted and thinned skin, stimulates regeneration, improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Thus slows down the aging processes in mature and fading skin.

Aging is often caused by increased oxidation, which speeds up the inflammatory process. Therefore B. composition of anti-aging tools It is recommended to use the components of the Rhodiola Pink - Salidozide and Tyrosol, which are struggling with inflammation.

Due to the rich content of organic acids, Rhodiola is used in antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing drugs for damaged skin (Naryvy, cuts and other physical damage, acne). Essential oils contained in the parents penetrate deep layers of skin and prevent violations that contribute to the formation of fatty deposits in the hypoderma.

Concerning perfumeryThis sphere is of interest to Geraniol - the component of the Ramiol, who gives it similar to the smell of roses.

Other applications

In the northern regions, the plant is used as feed for deer. In ancient times, Rodiolu is pink, due to the high content of tanning substances, was used to tweaking genuine leather. As well as dried and crushed root - as a drill dye with a brightly cast bronze tint.

Studies scientists

Useful properties, the use of Pink Pink Extract is widely studied by Russian biologists. The pharmacological composition of the plant and its impact on the human body to this day causes the lively interest of researchers.

The first studies were carried out at the beginning of the 60s - expeditions under the direction of G. V. Krylov on Altai. The plant was found and identified with the legendary "golden root".

Laboratory studies of Tomsk scientists A. S. Satikov and E. A. Krasnova were devoted to the biochemical composition of Rodiol. In the extract of plants and in its shoots found: carbon and phenylcarboxylic acids, monoterpins, flavonoids, alcoholoids and various trace elements.

Thanks to the research of Tomsk scientists, the extract from Rhodiola Pink was introduced into pharmacology as with timulant, toning and generalifying agent.

In laboratory studies, A. S. Salikova and S. G. Cherdyntseva, the introduction of the Extract of Rhodiola Pink intramuscularly reduces the level of lactic acid with long physical Loads. Normalizes oxidative processes in the brain and reduces glycoliz in cells.

In studies of foreign colleagues, in particular the Chinese scientist G. Mao, the UV-protector property of the glycoside of Salidrosis in the composition of the extract of Rhodiola Pink was proved. In the work of C. Kulkabrini, the antioxidant activity of Salidrosis and Tyrosol was proved, which confirms the efficiency of the use of rhodium rose to care for aging skin, including for the obstacle to the formation of glycozing - the deposition of glycosylation products (sugar ratios).

In the studies of O. L. Kulagin, V. A. Kurkin and others. It is noted that the use of the extract of Rhodiola pink gives a powerful hepatoprotective actionpreventing the destruction of cell membranes and stimulating the recovery of liver parenchyma cells.

A huge number of domestic work is devoted to the influence of this plant on the CNS, the vegetative nervous system and the brain work. According to the latest research, the Extract of Ramiolov communicates bioelectric signals between the nerve cells in the brain. Restoration in BEA stimulates the increase in the life tone, also improves the memory, concentration and speed of thinking.

As reported in the works of R. Brown and P. Herbard, the most distinct therapeutic influence The use of pink rhodium extract is on Parkinsonism phenomena, asthenia acquired neurosis, etc.

Thus, rhodium pink is a plant with a whole range of pharmacological properties. It continues to be actively investigated. It is possible that the new studies of the properties of the plant will expand the range of applying the Extract of Rhodiola Pink.

Growing at home

The plant is cultivated. For many years, Rhodiola pink is grown in the middle lane of Russia in country areas. It is best suited for adaptation on light sandy ground either in ordinary earth with good drainage.

How to care for a plant

Grocery on which Rhodiola pink is planted, it is necessary to squeeze with manure or compost, adding to feeding:

  • Ammonium Selitra - 0.15 l.;
  • Potash salt - 0.2 kg;
  • Superphosphate in granules - 0.23 kg;
  • Lime - 0.3 kg.

Girling Rhodiola Pink should be well covered with the sun. In the ground from time to time it is necessary to plug the sand. The soil is disappeared and repeated several times in the season.


In general, the plant is low toxic, does not accumulate in the body. The competent use of Pink Pink Extract does not promise side effects. Take it in the first half of the day so as not to provoke insomnia. With overdose of the extract of Rhodiola Pink, a mirror effect occurs - pressure drops, irresistible drowsiness and general energy crisis appears.

Useful properties, the use of pink rhodium extract affects the increase in blood pressure, so chronic hypertensive is treated with it contraindicated. In addition, it is not recommended to take it in a state of strong psycho-emotional arousal.

When signs of individual intolerance or allergic manifestations, it is necessary to stop the use of pink rhodium extract. It is impossible to take the "golden root" along with other energy cells so as not to provoke intoxicating the body or excessive emotional excitement.

The influence of it on the body of a pregnant and nursing mother was not investigated. Therefore, the use of rhodium pink in this period is strictly contraindicated.

Rhodiola pink is an extremely adaptive plant within its ecoare. In the conditions of a sharp change of environmental conditions, biological, biochemical and physiological properties change. Due to such plastic acclimatization survives even under severe weather conditions. Due to the fact that Rodiolu pink began to produce in the 20th century on an industrial scale, it entered the Red Book of Murmansk, Tyumen regions as a specially protected natural object.

The healing properties of the Extract of Rhodiola Rose Oncewood were used by residents of mountain altai for the treatment of different colleges. In the people there were belief that the one who would find Rhodio-Pink would live for more than a hundred years without pain and in welfare.

Lama of ancient Tibet and Chinese signs wrote Lama of ancient Tibet and Chinese signs about the use of the extract of Rhodiolate Pink for cure. Exactly at Ancient China The plant was called the "golden root" due to the magnificent therapeutic properties of the Rhodium Pink. He was hunting smugglers who sold a plant at a price of gold. And also equipped with whole expeditions of Chinese signs. It is known another name for Ramiol - Siberian or Altai Ginseng, which also represents a tracker from the Chinese language.

see also

Folk healers argue that thanks to the useful properties of Rhodiola pink, almost all existing diseases can be heard. Of course, this is a strong exaggeration, but a unique plant is really able to help with many pathological processes. The plant can be grown, harvest and turn into a medicine alone. If there is no such possibility, it is enough to visit the nearest pharmacy and purchase a ready-made tincture. The main thing is what you need to remember, natural drug in some cases is not able to replace traditional treatment, so you do not need to fall in extremes.

Rhodiola pink - description and characteristics

Referring to the group of perennial herbaceous plants, Rhodiola pink can reach 1 m in height. Despite the name, it blooms predominantly bright yellow flowers. In traditional I. folk medicine The root of the plant won the greatest popularity. It grows horizontally the surface of the Earth and is treated after some time. Outwardly, he seems to be bronze or even gilded, for which Rhodiola received the national name "Golden root".

The optimal conditions for the growth and development of the plant is the climate of the tundra. Therefore, the natural distribution raids are not so much. If desired, it can be tried to grow independently, providing a pebble or rocky soil. Compulsory conditions are the close location of the reservoir and good soil drainage.

Features of collecting and harvesting Rhodiola Pink

Today, Rhodiola pink is listed in the Red Book, so the use of naturally growing plantations is limited. For pharmacology, golden root is grown in special farms. True, according to some connoisseurs of folk drugs, only grown in natural conditions The plant has all the useful properties for which it is so appreciated.

Specialists and gardeners lovers engaged in breeding Rhodian Pink, know that:

  • An herbal part of the plant is suitable in food. It can be used to prepare salads.
  • FROM medical goals You need to use the root. A few years ago it was customary to collect since the beginning of flowering and until the seeds caused. Today, experts recommend to do this at the end of August, when seed boxes have already been formed on bushes. This allows you to collect harvest 20 times more than before.

Tip: It is strictly forbidden to constantly collect raw materials on the same site. After harvesting, it should be waiting for at least 10 years before a re-approach. This time is necessary to restore the population.

  • It is recommended to start the largest and lush flower bushes on the workpiece.
  • The golden root should be maximally removed from the ground, remove the soil, rinse the workpiece under running water. After that, the cork part is removed from them, and large pieces are separated into smaller. After the products spend on the fresh air for several hours, you can start them with their natural drying under a canopy or use the electric rig.

Compliance with the listed rules allows you to calculate on obtaining the most saturated properties of raw materials. Then it can be used to prepare tinctures or decoctions.

The composition of the rhodium pink and its properties

Rhodiola pink has long been used as a means of traditional medicine, but only recent studies allowed the most fully familiar with its composition. Scientists have allocated about 140 organic compounds that can have a therapeutic effect on the human body. Many of these substances are extremely difficult to find in nature as accessible.

Here are just the most basic chemical compounds that deserve special attention:

  1. Phenolspirts. Activate the activity of the nervous system, due to which the antibodies quickly find pathogenic viruses and bacteria, neutralize them.
  2. Tannins. These substances are famous for their ability to catch inflammatory processes.
  3. Glycosides. Without these chemical elements, the course of redox reactions at the cellular level is impossible. They also take part in the transportation of sugar and increase the functionality of the cells.
  4. Kempferol. Fights with inflammatory processes, warns the development of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver. This significantly increases the life expectancy of a person.
  5. Hyperozide. A unique substance capable of restoring the structure of the walls of blood vessels to optimal indicators. They also remove the spasms of the muscular layer of vascular walls and speed up blood stop processes during bleeding.
  6. Quercetin. This chemical compound is famous for its diuretic properties, due to which the body is cleared, and its overall state is improved. At the same time, the processes of aging walls of internal organs and skin cover are slowed down.

In addition, the root of the Rhodiola pink contains essential oils, sugar, organic acids and flavonoids. Such a combination of substances and chemical compounds gives the product with amazing medical properties.

The benefits and therapeutic qualities of Rhodiola pink

Application of rhodium pink with medicinal or preventive targets can lead to dozens positive results. Here are just some properties of the product that give him a significant value in the eyes of traditional doctors and folk healers.

  • Strengthening the heart muscle, normalization of blood pressure without sharp jumps of indicators. Strengthening the walls of the vessels, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
  • Stimulating the outflow of bile and urine, normalization of the liver and kidney work. Elimination of symptoms of renal failure, the elimination of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urogenital system.
  • Improving blood composition. Prevention of protracted bleeding and anemia.
  • Improving the functionality of all organs and systems. Drugs based on Rhodiola Pink are useful to people who have suffered surgical intervention, a protracted disease. The product has a positive effect on the body even in immunodeficiency states.
  • The healing composition based on the plant is struggling with inflammatory processes, bacteria and speeds up the process of wound healing.
  • A well-used healthy person contributes to rapid restoration of vitality, braking oxidative processes and aging tissues. Thanks to the reception of the folk drug, it is possible to recover in a short time after transferring the heavy load.
  • Soothing impact on the nervous system, elimination of signs of depression, apathy, anxiety.
  • Reducing the severity of symptoms characteristic of allergic manifestations.
  • Reducing elevated temperature. In some cases, gold-root-based decoctions are used to combat fever against the background of infectious diseases.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes. The product stimulates appetite, improves the stomach operation, gently cleans the intestine. The decoction of the root of Rhodiola pink disinfects the gastric mucosa, which speeds up the healing of the wound and erosion.
  • Removal from tissues of toxins, free radicals, radioactive substances and heavy metals salts. Use drug It is shown to people whose activity is associated with dangerous production. Even with pesticide poisoning, the healing mass can improve the patient's condition.
  • The external use of the golden root takes off the painful sensations caused by injuries, fractures, stretching. More products can be used to treat injections, wounds, uluses.

The systematic use of rhodium pink stimulates mental abilities, stimulates memory and attention. For these reasons, the product will not be superfluous in ornament. Useful medicines for men and women suffering from sexual disorders. It stimulates hormonal processes, which is positively affected by libido and reproductive function.

Rules of preparation of tincture and decoction from the root of Rhodiola Pink

People who became the happy owners of the root of Rhodiola or powder cooked from it can prepare such medicinal products from it:

  1. Water tincture. We take 15 g of chopped or ground dried root, pour 300 ml of boiling water. We cover the lid, wrap in a warm blanket and insist 4-5 hours. For the same purpose, the thermos can be used, but only with glass inner walls. The finished product is filtering. It is necessary to drink half a glass no more than 3 times a day.
  2. Alcohol tincture. We take 50 g of dry root extract, pour 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted medical alcohol. Hermetically close the workpiece and insist in a dark cool place for 14 days. Ready Focusing and consumed by the same scheme as a pharmacy product.
  3. Baiga Rodolova Pink. In the container for cooking, we lay out 10 g of dry root, pour a glass of boiling water. The workpiece you need to appear on a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Mass are filtering and drink, like ordinary tea in the morning, day and evening.
  4. Tea drink. In 1 liter of boiling water, we stir the tablespoon of the dried gold root and put the container on the fire. We withstand the mass with weak boiling for 10 minutes and filter. Slightly cool the composition and add a little honey, jam or.

Experts do not get tired of reminding the increased activity of substances in the root of Rhodiola Rose. The use of this product with therapeutic goals should be coordinated with the doctor, especially if traditional therapy is in parallel.

About the rules for the application of Rhodiola Pink in the form of a finished pharmacy tincture is written in detail on its packaging. To obtain the desired results, the instructions should be clearly followed. Usually, the features of therapy depends on the diagnosis and the required effect. In most cases, the therapeutic process looks like this:

  • To obtain a soothing and restoring effect, faster healing of wounds is enough to take 5 drops of composition.
  • Against the background of chronic diseases, with a worsening of well-being or in case of manifestation of neurological states, the dosage will already be 5-10 drops.
  • People experiencing daily mental loads of increased intensity should take 5-10 drops in the morning and during the day. Well, if therapy begins in a couple of weeks before the start of work.
  • If you need to make an increase in physical endurance, you should take a daily 15-30 drops of liquid to 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  • When schizophrenia, the dosage establishes a doctor, but usually a daily dose is in the range of 20-25 drops. The approach must be combined with traditional therapy.

Some supporters of the funds of traditional medicine, after feeling the first positive changes in their condition, begin to try to cure all their sores with natural product. Many exceed dosages or even summarize them on the basis of indications and recommendations. It is categorically forbidden to do this, you can provoke an overdose.

Contraindications for receiving Rhodiola Pink

You should not immediately start receiving the product with maximum dosages, it is better to raise them gradually. It has the use of rhodium pink and contraindications. Before you begin to prevent or therapeutic course, you must make sure that there are no such conditions:

  1. Pronounced emotional or nervous overexcitation. In this case, the decision on the feasibility of treatment should take a doctor.
  2. Hypertensive crisis. In this case, Rhodiola pink will not reduce the jumped pressure and may even aggravate the situation.
  3. Any diseases of the brain.
  4. Fever that achieves very high numbers.
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

The overdose of the composition is characterized by strong headaches, weakness, a general deterioration of the state, a decrease in performance, the appearance of a feeling of depression. In this case, the reception of the product is better to abandon or reduce the daily dosage of up to 40 drops. Do not take Ramiolu before bedtime, it can provoke insomnia. The course of treatment with therapeutic product, regardless of its type, should not exceed 5 days. After that, you need to take a break for a month and, if necessary, repeat the approach.

Botanical Characteristics Ramiol Pink

Rhodiola pink is a grassy perennial plant growing not higher than half a meter. The plant has thick and powerful rhizome and fleshy roots. On the reprehensive stems, there are cupid leaves, which upstairs are painted at the top of the stem. At the top of the stem is the top inflorescence. The leaves of the plant are sedent, there may be an ellipse form or oblong. At the edges of the leaves there are unequal teeth. Rhodiola flowers are same-sex. Yellow small flowers of the plant are collected in a shield inflorescence.

The fruit is a rhodium - leaflet, color that is red and yellow-green. The plant blooms from June to August a month. Fruits ripen already in August.

The plant is found on rocky places, in the plain tundra, on the rocks, on the shore of the mountain river and stream. Rhodiola is growing in Russia, in East Kazakhstan and in the areas of Siberia.

Reproduction Ramiol Pink

Ramiolu most often breed seeds. Sowing seeds produce either at the end of autumn or in winter. Seeds are sulving in a bin with a nutrient soil, into which air easily penetrates. At the bottom of the box should be clamzit. In the soil poured a weak solution of manganese and a little condensed. Next evenly over the entire surface, the seeds of the plant are distributed, slightly pressing them. On top of the seeds pour sand with a layer of 2 mm. On top of the box pounce the film and take the box to the balcony (you can in the garden). In March, the box must be transferred to a warm place, well lit. After a couple of days, shoots will appear. Now we remove the film and water the shoots gently and slowly. Transplant sections are made when they are 2 real leaves. The transplant is carried out with the help of a match that needs to make a well and match to pry a plant along with a piece of land and transfer to a new well.

Ramiolo can propagate the division of rhizomes. This requires plants that are at least 2 years old, and in which rhizomes weigh at least 30 grams. Rhizome is divided into 2 parts, and the slice is treated with ashes. Finished rhizomes are planted into the prepared wells, in which there is already humid in the amount of 900 grams. On top of the roots, the compost or humus is also poured, but the renewal kidney should be on the surface. A little watering the rhizomes, make mulching peat.

Useful properties of Ramiol

Rhodiola has many beneficial properties, for example, it improves the work of the heart and increases blood pressure, contributes to the release of bile. In the roots of the plant contain substances that are used to stop bleeding and restoring the body's forces after a large overwork. Ramiolu is used as an excellent tonic and soothing means.

Rhodiola is applied with a bad appetite, violation of the exchange processes and with inflammation of various kinds. And also preparations from the Rhodiol are used as an antipyretic or anti-allergy agent. Porioloy is treated with sharp and chronic radiation lesions, overheating or supercooling. Rhodiola quickly heels, improves eyesight and increases hearing sharpness.

The tincture of the Ramiol is used as a stimulating agent for the central nervous system. Rhodiola has a good effect at lungs, skin diseases and bone fractures. Also Rhodiola has a well-fascination effect. It is used not only inside the body, but also externally, it also found application: they make a bummer and bath.

Application Rhodiolate Pink

Rhodiolate treats many diseases and ailments, and this is obliged to be the useful substances contained in it. It is used in diarrhea, pain in the head, queing, menorragia, crofulosis and diabetes mellitus. Outward parents are used to treat conjunctivitis, injections, rash on the skin. Its juice can be lubricated with gums when pori. Porolov's juice cleans the wounds. Preparations from Ramioli help with, gynecological diseases and anemia.

Tincture of rhodiol.For its preparation, you need to take 50 grams of the root of the plant and chop it into powder, pour it with 2 glasses of vodka. Leaving it is 14 days in a dark place, periodically shake. Perft with the finished tincture, it takes on 20-30 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals. This tincture is taken by people who have a tendency to hypotension, truth at first the tincture must be taken no more than 5 drops three times a day (but over time they bring the tincture of up to 10 drops).

Collection to enhance immunity. Take 20 grams of Rhodiola roots, as many roots of lubricants and rose hips. Add 15 grams of the fruits of hawthorn and nettle as much. Only 10 grams of grass remained to this mixture. Now we take 1 tablespoon of collection and pour a glass of boiling water. We put on fire for 10 minutes and remove from the fire. We leave for 4 hours to appear and flicker. Raw beam needed to squeeze and throw out, and after adding boiling water to be about 200 ml. Take a finished collection of 70 ml three times a day.

Infusion of Rhodiol with a cold, heart weakness. We take 10 grams of the roots of the plant, grind them and pour a glass of boiling water. We leave for 4 hours to laugh and turning. Take ready-made infusion by half a cup of three times a day. This infusion is used for nervous diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In traditional medicine, for the effective treatment of such serious diseases as diarrhea, menorragia, fever, the qing is applied decoctions with the content of Rhodiolate Pink. Often prescribe such grass in respiratory infections, to remove fatigue and effective increase performance. Pink Rhodiola is effective in crofulosis, anemia, diseases of the stomach, impotence and strong.

In conjunctivitis and all sorts of skin problems, the plant is prescribed outwardly in the form of a surcharge and rings, which are also effective for treatment with a piorea (gums). Moreover, preparations with pink rhodium are shown in various gynecological diseases.

In order to increase immunity, it is recommended to mix 20 grams of the roots of pink rhodium, 20 grams of fruits, 15 grams of ripe fruits, 10 grams of the Hypericum, and 20 grams of dense roots. On one and a half tablespoons such a mixture should be taken a glass of boiling water. We pour the mixture with boiling water and boil 10 minutes. After 4 hours of insistence, it is necessary to measure the means to strain and squeeze raw materials. In the resulting decoction, we fill boiling water to get a glass. The decoction should be taken at 60-70 ml 3 times a day. Such a tool can also be used for lotions.

To stimulate the central nervous system, it is recommended to use an alcoholic tincture.

Rhodiola Rose Root

For the use of drugs in pink rhodium highlights rhizomes. It should be harvested in July or in August. To do this, you need to dig roots, carefully wash away from the ground particles in cool water, then clean from the drier tube and rotten parts. After that, it is necessary to cut the rhizome across on small pieces, the length of which will be about 10 cm. And only then dry the raw materials at a temperature of at least 50 degrees.

Tinolina Pink tincture

To properly prepare such a fund, it is recommended to take 50 grams of crushed plant roots, which should be pouring 400 grams of vodka. After that, we assume the mixture to be in a dark place for 14 days. Once a few days, the container is preferably shaking. Before use, the finished tincture is filtering and use 1 drops first, gradually aroused up to 20 drops. The tool is used inside 20 minutes before each meal. Such a wonderful tincture is shown for patients prone to hypotension.

Infusion Rhodiol Pink

Therapeutic infusion of pink rhodium is prescribed during cardiac weakness and with frequent colds. For its preparation, we take 10-15 grams of roots, which thoroughly crushed and pour 250 grams of boiling water. After 4 o'clock the mixture must be strain through fine or gauze. It is accepted with an infusion of 80-100 ml 3 times a day. It should also be noted that this means Showing at least gastrointestinal tract and at nervous diseases.

Bridarian pink decoction

Miraculous decoctions from pink rhodium greatly improve the work of the heart and an important cardiovascular system. The vessels become stronger, functional and endless. It is often prescribed a decoction for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding, as well as with impotence. Such a means contributes to the effective treatment of the thyroid gland and regulates the level. With dental pain and anemia, such an excellent decoction will greatly facilitate the patient's condition. As well as a healing decoction from the top of the pink rhodium apply in cosmetic purposes For rubbing skin.

Rhodiola pink children

Various decoction and tinctures of pink rhodium, as well as numerous drugs with the content of this grass, it is not recommended to apply children who have not been 12 years old. Otherwise, skin rashes, nausea and one may appear.

Pink rose contraindications

Despite the fact that Rhodiola pink normalizes the pressure, both reduced and elevated, nevertheless it cannot be taken with a pronounced hypertonic crisis! Since this grass has a stimulating effect.

In addition, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the drug, which was prescribed by the doctor.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna | Physotherapist

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Therapeutic business" and "therapy" was obtained at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the department of phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples (2008).

I would like to drink some kind of magical elixir, chew the root and want to work, perform feats, sparkling energy? It can be arranged if there is a golden root or rhodiola pink, therapeutic properties of which also appreciated Tibetan monks of Edak 450 years ago (they called a Tibetan ginseng plant). True, silent about their tirelessness ...

True, this plant is still incredible, and therefore it is not like. You can grow a flower yourself, but the first crop will be suitable for use no earlier than 4-5 years - for therapeutic purposes, roots are used, and they are not suitable for young. It can be assumed that the roots are absorbed from the ground, the groundwater is all the most valuable. And in 4 years saturated, as they say, "juice of the earth". Look at the photo, Rhodiola pink, more precisely, her flower, and color, and the shape looks like a sun - such a beauty will definitely not miss. And while the roots ripen, the parent itself can become a decoration of a flower bed.

Chemical composition of rhodium rose

In leaves and stems, botany scientists discovered two acids: wine and apple. But the rose pink is valuable, the application has found the roots of the plant. In the fresh form, the roots are golden, and the slice has a white color, but for now they are dried, the shade of the cut is changing into pink. But pink is not only color, but also an aroma emanating from the roots. This gave the name of the plant. But it's not about the color of the roots, but about what they appreciate them. They contain:

  • (rose smell);
  • nickel, Iron, Magnesium, Titanium, Molybdenum, Silver, Antimony, Chrome, Cadmium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Lead, Manganese, Tin, Zinc;
  • tannins;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • lipids;
  • proteins with fats and carbohydrates;
  • wax and other connections.

It would be surprising if the roots had a weak effect.

We treat Rhodioly Pink

Rodioli pink roots are going to the progress, then leave Kosolap - by analogy with the Soviet cartoon, where the peasant shared the tops with the roots with the bear, in order to stay alive. Who knows, maybe the roots of Rodiolov, he knocked out.

Rhodiola pink is used to strengthen the weakened organism, lift the pressure, give strength, get fatigue, increase the performance of the muscles and the brain. It is noticed that schoolchildren who drink infusions and decoctions from the golden root are more focused on the lessons, and after occupying, they go to sports sections and various circles. Removes the parents and nervous tension - there is a carriage of irrepressible energy, it means that the nerves are in order.

Sold and in pharmacies Rhodiola pink, instructions for use is required to read. After all, infusion, tincture, tea from the root of Rhodioli can not be taken more than five days - there is a risk of increase in pressure. The head presses so that it seems ready to break from the chain. If you really like the effect rendered by the plant, make a weekly break, and then drink 5 days again. For five previous days, the useful substances so accumulated in the body that this reserve is definitely enough for a week.

Interesting observation. The action of Rhodiola Pink studied pharmacist scientists. They gave an experimental tincture in the morning and in the evening a week before a rich day: Avral at work, sessions, heavy physical labor. Damiol Pink did not save - the reviews showed that volunteers turned out in the head, the forces had disappeared, headache disappeared and difficulties with the rise in the morning, irritability, the memory was improved, the concentration of attention.

However, not everything was so rosy. Continuing experiments, the pharmacists found out that an excessive long-term reception of Tibetan ginseng threatens the nervous disruptions, a sharp pressure jump, shocking into a stupor, up to the loss of forces, tingling in the heart. The conclusion was made - the drug can be taken no more than 5 days.

Here is a more detailed list of disadvantages, to cope with which Rhodiola pink will help, the instructions are already bouncing from the teeth, isn't it?

  • Neurosis and neurasthenia.
  • Anemia and hypotension.
  • Tuberculosis and vegetative dystonia.
  • Sugar diabetes and overwork.
  • Pain in the stomach and headaches.
  • Failures in the work of the nervous system.
  • Problems in the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Schizophrenia and drowsiness.
  • Angry, cold, flu.
  • Radiation disease, myopia.
  • Skin damage: wounds, scratches, cuts.
  • Male weakness and others.

Men treat his family disorder on the male part, and the athletes drink bravers and tinctures, as doping - however, no drug will show anything. Muscles work better, less tired, the attack decreases, sports achievements are improved. Some plants (teas, exhaust from them) can increase muscular weight (,). Rhodiola pink for mass does not affect only the release of internal reserves.

But it has pink and contraindications. So, it can not be drinking pregnant women, hypertensive, people over-excited, suffered by influenza encephalitis and kids up to 12 years. Well, you remember about 5 days?

How to prepare Rhodio Pink?

Preparation recipes Rhodiola are enough to choose a suitable.


For 15 grams of crushed root, a glass of boiling water is needed. I fill the root and, shit, leave for 4-5 hours. Infusion drink three times a day, half a cup before meal. Drink with hypotension and fatigue, problems with stomach and with nerves.


1 Little spoon of roots to boil in a liter of water after boiling for about 10 minutes. Let it stand for half an hour. Drinking with a lean and warm instead of tea to be built with sugar or honey. Indications: problems with heart and vessels, stomach and thyroid gland, with diabetes, male impotence, gynecological diseases.

Recipe for immunity

Prepare the mixture: fruits, roots of lubricants and rhodiol (20 grams), fruits and (15 grams), (10 grams). Mix. One spoon is pouring a glass of hot water and put on fire for 7-10 minutes. Then to insist 4-5 hours, strain, add water to get a glass of beam. Drink a day in three receptions.

Recipe with severity in the heart and colds

Drink infusion by classic recipedescribed above and in the same dosage.

Outwardly apply cotton woven discs, moistened in a decoction or an infusion to clean and align the skin, cure conjunctivitis and piorea (gum disease), to heal the wounds and cuts.

Eat Rodiolu Pinky

Rhodiola pink is quite edible. The leaves will go into salad and vegetable stew, on the roots with the addition of berries boils, jelly, jam, champs, compotes and teas. You can cook from the roots jam, jam, floppy and even candy. But not from the roots themselves, but adding other ingredients stipulated by the recipe.

Who and when it has found out information about the benefits of Rhodiola Pink - is unknown, but it is worth saying thanks to this spy. The rumors still leaked, and herbalists went in search of Tibetan ginseng, but returned with empty hands, since the descriptions of the plant was not exact, and pull all herbs to see their roots, no one would have become. But one day, Botany, headed by a walleh (not a basinist), walked along a high mountain taiga. One of them stumbled and not to roll to the Kubarem, grabbed the plant. He retained, but the flower fell down with the root, which was also edible for verification. Scientists noticed that after eating, their forces were added, inflammation disappeared near the scratches. And now they remembered that a mysterious and legendary golden root possesses such a property. And since this plant was still unknown, decided after long discussions, that this is the desired Rhodiola pink, the good of the color of the root helped them.

And in Altai, still young brings together with the wedding gifts and the root of Tibetan ginseng, so that the delete was a younger, health Tibetan, male strength and offspring.