What is Russian land. The concept of "Russian Earth

"Russian Earth" - Kiev State of the IX-XII centuries

In the chronicle sources, the terms "Russian land", "Rus" in relation to the IX-XI centuries, all lands of the Kiev state are usually designated. In the X-XI centuries, Rus in the chronicles occupies an extensive territorial space from the Carpathian to Don and from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea and as an ethnos, as the country is opposed to "Varyags", "Greeks", "Lyash land", "Polovtsy Earth" and other peoples and countries. At the same time, historians are celebrated - in the sources of the X-beginning of the XII centuries, the Russian Earth stands out also as the territorial-political core of the Kiev state. So, Konstantin Bagrynorodnaya in his essay "De Administrando Imperio" writes about Novgorod as "external Russia", and also opposes Russia's Russia, "paying tribute to russian land." In the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the X century "Russia" are opposed by Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribal unions of the emerging Kiev state; As an exception - the Tribal Union "Polyana", which is identified with Rusya. In the first articles, Rusin and Slovenine and Slovenine are simultaneously a brief edition of the "Russian truth". In addition, the researchers point out the fact that the Kiev princes until the end of the XI century sought to preserve the unity of land of medium diamel (that is, Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslav lands), thereby finding in the grounds of the IX-XI centuries.

"Russian Earth" in the XII-XIII centuries

In the XII century, the tradition of use in the chronicles of the term "Russian Earth" changes with the collapse of the Kiev state to separate principalities-semi-states. "Russian Earth" in the XII-XIII centuries, chronicles, as a rule, denote or the ground of the middle subway (that is, the lands of Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslav princes), or the land of the Kiev principality. It should be noted that in the XII century, the chronicler once opposes the city of hand with surroundings (North-West Polesie Kiev principality) "Russian Earth", and the chronicles exclude all the lands of this principality north and northeast from the cities of Starodub from the "Russian Earth" , Trubchevsk and Kursk. However, in the XII-XIII centuries, the terms "Rus", "Russian Earth" in the chronicle sources are often referred to all the lands of South Rus. Preserved at this time and the old chronicle the magnitude of the "Russian Earth" as all Eastern European lands, controlled by the princes of the Rurikovsky dynasty.


  • Chronicles on Ipat., Lavr. lists; Novg. I chronicle of senior and younger
  • Nosonov A.N. "Russian Earth" and the formation of the territory of the Old Russian state "- Moscow, 1951
  • Rybakov B. A. "Kievan Rus and Russian principalities of the XII-XIII centuries." - Moscow, 1982


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Russian SS (film)
  • Russian game (film, 2007)

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I bow to you, I bowed

And through the cover of the well-turned yours

Native heart flame felt i

I heard the overwhelming life of the world.

V. Soloviev

The cult of land is earlier than the cult of the sky: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe souls-Caurizers was formed later, and before that, people were requested to the buried parents who were in the ground and, as it was believed, took care of the prosperity of living. In the ground, the main birth of the force and reliable shelter of the dead were connected.

The Earth appeared as a universal source of life, the mother of all living, including a person, mother - earth cheese. The expression "Mother - Cheese-Earth" emphasizes the connection of the Earth with the element of water: only the land is capable of bringing a good harvest. In the mythical ideas of Slavs, the land "closes", falls asleep for the winter, and in the spring, awakened, it enters the marriage alliance with heaven, and after the first spring thunder, the earth fertilized by the rain again acquires the ability to give birth.

In some places, starting to settle the field, the peasants uttered such a prayer: "The Batyushka Ilya, bless the seeds in the ground to quit. You drink a mother - cheese with a student's dew, so that she brought the grain, cashed him, returned it to me with a big ear."

According to the ancient beliefs, until the rye is punished, the earth happens "hard", and at that time it was supposed to treat her with due respect and attention, forbidden to beat her sticks.

In other parts, it was believed that in the spirits of the day (Monday after the Trinity) Earth - Birthday, and therefore she needs to give rest. On this day they did not plow, did not row, did not dig the land. In some places, the "name of the Earth" was celebrated on Simon Zilot - the next day after the onset Nikola, the patron of agriculture (May 10 / May 23). And also said: "At Simon Zilot Earth Birthday: sin plow"; Others, on the contrary, they argued: "This wheat on the silot, aki gold will be born." On this day, the grass was collected da roots on potions. And also on the day of the Apostle Simon Zilot is looking for treasures, thinking that there is some connection between the crust and gold. But it all has already gained in Christian time.

People's ideas tried to think the land, comparing the wide Sushi spaces with a giant body, imagining the grass, shrubs, trees with the Earth's hair; Solid rocks, stones - her bones; water - the blood of the earth; Wood roots - its veins. Conversely, legends about the origin of a person say that the human body is taken from the ground and it also draws to death. About the beliefs of these so say in the old verse:

OUR TELECA from raw land, dice are tapped by Kamen, blood-ore from the Black Sea.

It was believed that the Earth as an organized outer space relies on an iron oak, resting on golden whales that float on the fiery river. Probably earlier was the image of a whale fish (Kytra-fish), widespread in the ancient eastern. It has been preserved in the epic of pigeon book **:

And whale fish - all Fishes Mati, why is that whale fish with all the fish of Mati? Because the whale fish is Mati all fish - the Earth is based on seven whales.

According to another belief, only the originally land rested on seven whales, but after she relied out from human limits, four whales went to the Ethiopian desert, and during the World Flood all whales went there. And also speak of four initial whales, and

the flood happens because the land dropped into the water, as one of the whales died. After the death of the rest of the whales, the end of the world will come. Sometimes there is a story about one kite, on which the Earth is being held. It is still, but if he swims, an earthquake occurs on earth from his movements.

Kit fish underground trembles

(or: on the other side rolls).

(Proverb, V. Dal)

The Earth had an extremely clean. A special attitude towards the Earth was manifested in the fact that when eating in the field, the peasants wiped his hands about her, attributing the same clearative properties as the water. According to the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs, righteousing to the era of ancient Russia, the righteous LONO of the Earth does not accept anything unclean, therefore, the sorcerers, suicides and those who were cursed by their parents (they were called "stovered dead"). There are stories that the Earth throws out the dice or the coffin with the body of a sorcerer - a man who had something with an unclean force. In the episodes and spiritual verses, there is an episode when the Earth refuses to take the blood of the snake, spilled with a richie or holy ashist, and does it only at their request. Malicious, unclean power in myths and folklore usually fails "through the earth", and not remains in it. Therefore, a harsh oath was born: "Fall through the earth."

One of the most reliable and terrible on Russia was considered an oath at which the land was kissed or eating. With interstitial disputes, a man put a piece of land or turf on his head and walked with him on the bite. The boundary was laid in this way was considered inviolable; If someone decided on deception, then, according to Believement, the Earth began to put it with a terrible weight and forced him to confess in herbs. Oath, during the pronouncement of which the Dern was kept on the head, mentioned in the Slavic inset in the translation of the "Words" of Grigory Theologian (XI century) and goes back to pre-Christian antiquity. Respectful attitude towards Earth affected the fact that if a person fell, he turned in this place to the ground so that she would have forgiven her pain. There was a custom to ask for forgiveness from the Earth during the disease or the approach of death.

The funeral was represented by returning to the Mother Lohn of the Earth, and in order not to desend themselves the land, Russian people in the event of a deadly danger put on pure underwear. Especially revered the land in which ancestors were buried. It was called "Parental". After all, the Earth, in the world of Slavs, embodied not only the image of a mother of man, but also the whole family as the unity of the living and who has already moved into the world of others. The memorial rites with their visit to the graves and the care of them, remembered meals on the graves and houses, accompanied by an invitation of ancestors, were designed to support the unity of the genus and continuity of generations. The ancestors lying in the land seemed to be merged with her, became part of it. From their favor, the fertility of the earth and the abundance of precipitation depended on them, they were treated for help in difficult cases. Saving and cleaning properties were also attributed to the land collected from the seven graves of virtuous people.

The understanding of the Motherland is also deeply connected with the image of the earth. Leaning, Russian people took a handful of the land of the earth, wore her on his chest in the bag, and after their death she was put with them in the grave. Dying on a foreign land, often bequeathed to bury themselves by the native land. Returning from serious expulsion, lowered the earth lowered in the first place, kneeling and kissed it, fell to her, as to their native mother.

Eastern Slavs worshiped the Earth Saint; For example, in the curse it says: "The earth would not fit him" or in benevolence: "buoy healthy Yak fish, Yody Yak water, having fun Yak Spring, working jak pchola, and rich Yak Earth Saint".

There were many beliefs, I will accept rituals, all of them cannot be transferred, but one thing is unchanged in them: the Earth is the nearest and reliable assistant of man, he is connected with a strong uzami and should take care of his mother-land.

Goy, earth Ecu raw,

Earth Materaya

Mother us Ecu native!

All ECU gave rise to us,

Reach, Rushchumila

And put the fault;

For us, their children,

Ecu potions norodila

And everyone drank grass

Polgea and Dema distilling

And in diseases to help.

Povered urvati

Different Napaway, Labor,

For Poland on the stomach.

In 1112, Nestor's monk completed the first Russian historical story - the chronicle: "Xi Tale of the Week, from where there is a Russian land ..." In 1238, during the Tatar-Mongolian devastation and defeat, an unknown Russian author writes the "Word about the died of Russian Earth": "Oh bright light and red-decorated Russian land! Many beauties are divided: Lakes by many, you divine you rivers and sources of locally, the mountains of steep, hills are high, dumbers frequent, fields wondering ... " In the disastrous situation, it is written about the most important thing, without which a person cannot live. So the Russian man from the very beginning was given and set to realize Russian land as the highest value, through which residents of various tribes and separated states felt their Russian unity. Nikolay Berdyaev wrote that the Russian is unusual for the blood of blood, but we have strong mystic Earth - Russians Dali, Russian fields, rivers, sky Russian people had the gift of the development and design of space, they sought not only to state accession and economic development, but also to design, light-resistant land; Russian Earth is a lightweight space. "The world is God's creation, the world is beautiful; The one who contemplates the beauty of nature is approaching the knowledge of the Creator. The Russian landscape, no matter city or rural, always invites to such contemplation. This was the basis of our peacefulness, he was entrenched in consciousness, in culture. Hence this is the striking match for the "Landscape of the Russian Earth" and "Landscape of the Russian Soul" " (F.V. Razumovsky). Remarkably typically Russian religious land development. Monks-Works sought to solitude, went to unnecessary forests, islands. Monastic communities arose around the first deserters, then monasteries, economically equipped extensive spaces. New devotees went further in the deaf forest. So the Russian phivaid was placed - the land consecrated by Orthodox devotees.

Absence seric dimension, stable rooting in worldly ordness, characteristic of European peoples, does not exclude the deep mystical relations between the Russian man with earth and nature. Russian man calls his country russian land. "The soul of the people grows out of the spirit of the Earth. This spirit defines its constant national qualities. In infinitely wide, infinite plains, a person especially feels his little, his lodge. Great and calmly looks at him Eternity, fasciating him from the earth " (V. Shubart). Russian active and contemporary spirit has been typing on harsh land. "Nature is a cradle, workshop, mortal people; The space is the fate and his educator, the opposite of his creative spirit, his window to God " (I.A. Ilyin). Russian culture is permeated with a kind of poetic attitude towards Earth, nature, - maybe therefore, the Russian words "verses" and "element" are similar. The image of a mother of raw land in different forms reflected in Russian culture. "Not only land, but also fire, water, sky - other" elements "of medieval cosmology - played the role of important characters for Russian imagination, and even now the Russian language retains many overtones associated with the mythology of the Earth, which were lost more sophisticated European languages."(D.Kh. Billington).

Earth spaces initially largely determined the life structure of the Russian people. "Our Slavic ancestors (except for the Polyala) was territorial community. Slavic tribes and were called in habitats, and not by the name of the ancestor, as, for example, the Germans. In the Russian community, who settled, and even a former slave, was not considered a stranger, could be included in the community and marry here. There was no closed of a kind-tribe, only the unity of "native land". Little this, Slavic tribal unions IX century. There were states built from the bottom up " (A.I. Solzhenitsyn).

Deep and persistent spirit is capable of metaphysical attitude towards nature, from harmonious communication with which he is enriched. New European man "Looks at the world as in chaos, which he should - first, even by the will of God, and then to cheat and arrange and arrange ... So the world loses its unity, yielding the forces of separation ... Russian with his living sense of the universe, constantly inhalesing to infinite Breakless steppes will never be consonant with Promechevskaya culture, imbued with a "point feeling" and aimed at the autonomy of the human individual or that the same thing - for the crushing of the gods " (V. Shubart).

Not being fully attached to the worldly, Russian man treated Earth to the Earth pretty, did not knock out the next products for new needs. The nature of economic life was not predatory, consumer, did not stimulate the robbery of the conquered territories and did not grind the natural resources. The ascetic people did not adapt to the environment aggressively, and retained it and adapted to it. European is a conqueror, a conqueror that imposes his way of life to peoples seeking to dominate nature. Russian - mask, converter, organically embedding his home in natural landscapes and space rhythms. Hence the careful attitude towards nature, the openness of its mystery and beauty. In Russia, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that a person, like any living being, is a machine gun (Descartes), and nature is a car (LAMETER). To the universe, Russian people treated not as a soulless habitat, but as a living organism, in nature, appreciated her beautiful soul.

For the Russian people, nature is not alien to cold in nature, but by the fact that when childbirth, at a kind, one-at-soda, native and close; And therefore, the genus and the relative of it is associated existentially related. "The Russian soul from early childhood is fiercely, authority, saturation, significance and severity of their nature; Her beauty, her greatness, her worship; And, perceiving all this, the Russian soul never believed and never believes in chance, mechanicality, the meaninglessness of his Russian nature, and therefore nature in general. Russian people are associated with its nature for life and death - both in the flood, and in drought, and in the thunderstorm, and in the steppe, and in the forest, and in Solonchak, and in the mountain gorge, and in full-water, dying rivers of their own, and In the autumn strait, and in a snowy drift, and in Lyudo Claus. And related so, it contemplates nature as the sacrament of God, like the living force of God, like God's task, given to man, like God's kara and God's anger, like God's gift and God's mercy " (I.A. Ilyin). Feeling to be a wanderer and the aliel in this world, the Russian man is nevertheless connected by mystical roots with nature, land, and through it - with space and with the non-defined depths of being, eager for transfiguration. therefore "The immenseness for the Russian man is a living specificity, its object, its initial item, its task. But in the immenseness of this slim, breathing and "moving" a deaf dream chaos: chaos of nature, chaos of the desert and steppes, chaos passion and her visions. "Darkness" over the "vigorious", but "the Spirit of God rushed over the water" (Gen. 1: 2), and the Russian soul fights for this spirit and recovens the transformation. Who twists it, he owns the key to the treasury of Russian art " (I.A. Ilyin). The Russian soul felt in nature not only not only the cosmic harmony, but also chaotic abyss under her cover. Therefore, many devotees went to the "deserts" - in the deaf forests and in the harsh land, to the edge of the land promised, to openly meet the evil chaos and resist him, to overcome the evil itself in the form of natural chaos. Asceclaus of retributed physical boring, in turn, contributed to the formation of new forms of spirituality. On this "front", the creation of Valaam and Solovetsky civilizations.

The perception of the universe is lovingly in immenseness and concreteness, the soul of the Russian person is open and width of heaven, and each epic:

Bless you, forests,

Valley, Niva, Mountains, Water!

I bless freedom

And blue skies!

And my staff blesses,

And this poor Suma,

And steppe from the edge and to the edge,

And the sun light, and night darkness,

And a lonely path,

By whom, beggar, I am going

And in the field every epics,

And in the sky every star!

Oh, if I could mix my whole life,

All souls with you merge.

Oh if I could in my arms

I, enemies, friends and brothers,

And to conclude the whole nature!

(A.K. Tolstoy)

Nikolay Berdyaev described a kind geopolitical psychology Russian people: "The enormity of Russia has its metaphysical property, and not only the property of its empirical history. The Great Russian Spiritual Culture may be peculiar only to a huge country, a huge people. Great Russian literature could arise only in the numerous people living on a huge land ... The material geography of the people there is only a symbolic mapping of his spiritual geography, geography of the soul of the people. "It does not exclude that "Russian space and Russian land have great impact on the soul of the Russian people: non-differentiation and extensiveness, freedom and donysism ... In the soul of Western peoples, there is no width, immentation, redundant freedom, it is too differentiated, compressed, it stones throughout the borders and the limits ... The immension of its spaces is an internal dimension of the soul of the Russian people ... in it endless spaces, endless wide, no boundaries and separations, and she is revealed by endless horizons, an endless distance ... A Russian man is immensely free of spirit, freely in life, freely in religious life, it is less connected Form, organization, right and order ... This freedom of spirit for the Russian man is initiated - everyual discipline ... Russians have a different feeling of land, and the most earth is different than that of the West. Russian alien mystic race and blood, but very close to the Mystic Earth " (N.A. Berdyaev).

The famous latitude of the Russian soul corresponds to unwarked Russian spaces: "A peculiar spatial imperative acted, which opened" for far distance. " The wider of Russian land, considered Fedors, gave birth to enterprising, intended for the geographical and space attire " (A.V. Gulga). But the Russian man is widely soul not only because of Russian expanses. In many ways, on the contrary: the Russian nation acquired extensive spaces because of the initial latitude of the soul ( the large world is given a man for freedom.). The immense aspirations of the Russian man have benefited him to the development of vast earthly expanses. The discovery of new lands were a consequence of certain mental changes and spiritual needs in the Russian man. The mastered spaces brought up certain qualities of the people. "Russian is intended to live in a harsh environment. Necklessly demands from him to fit nature: shortening the summer, tightens the winter, sadness in the fall, seduces in the spring. She gives space, but fills it with wind, rain and snow. She gives the plain, but life on this plain heavier and the Surov. It gives beautiful rivers, but the struggle for their mouth turns into a serious historical task. It gives way out to the southern steppe, but leads from there robbers - nomadic peoples. It promises fertile lands in arid areas and bestows forest wealth on swamps and trees. Hardening for Russian is a vital necessity, it does not know. Nature requires endurance without a measure, prescribes him his everyday wisdom in many ways and for any existent step forces to pay a grave labor and deprivation " (I.A. Ilyin).

A Russian man, lovingly equipping his land, organically formed himself. "The tendency to K. contemplation - This need is specifically, plastic and vividly represent the subject, thereby giving it the form and individualizing it, - Russian received from its nature and from its space. For centuries, he was seen in front of him the extending styles gave, mounted plains, albeit endless, but still giving hope to them form. The eye rests in an immeasurable and cannot be satisfied with them. Clouds, like mountains, are prayer on the horizon and discharged with a majestic thunderstorm. Winter and frost, snow and ice creates beautiful vision. The Northern Lights plays his airsphonies for him. Sulla vague promises, they say distant mountains with him. Like magnificent paths flow his river for him. For him hide their deep secrets. He sing bunnies and whisper of forests about everyday happiness and wisdom. Freecontemplation Russian is given from nature " (I.A. Ilyin).

Native harsh nature responded in the soul of the Russian man of the widest gamut of feelings and qualities. « Justification It became for the Russian necessity and for nothing, fate and joy. Over the centuries, he lived in a heated rhythm: burning or peace, focus or relaxation, rapidness or drowsiness, jealous or twilight, passionate or indifferent, "joyful to heaven - to death sad" ... But the fact that in the same temperament remains dormant and hidden - alone and relaxation, indifference and labeled, - later awakens in it, noisily and passionately. This is like a flame, which went out to the pore, weakened collens and the radiation intensity, which can be found in the radiance of the eyes, in a smile, in a song and in dance ... The range of sentiment and oscillations are given to him from nature ... It is necessary to experience all these raging snow blizzards, these Impressive spring spills, these powerful ice trim, these burning droughts, these polar frosts, when the water splashed out of a glass, falls on the ground with slices of ice, these rolled lightning discharges to understand that Russian all this perceives passionately and rejoices the power of the world element. He does not know fear of nature, even if she is terribly fleece and mentally: he sympathizes her, he follows her, he is involved in her temperament and her rhythms. It enjoys space, lightweight, fast, assertive movement, ice-frequency, forest, deafening thunderstorms. But he revels not so much by "disorder" or "destruction" as such, some of which are insanely, some in Western Europe, how many intensity of being, the power and beauty of natural phenomena, the immediate proximity of its elements, enforcing the divine essence of the world, the contemplation of chaos, peering in The primancy and the abyss of being, the revelation of God in him. And even more so: in chaos he feels call from space; In disrete, it will prevent emerging harmony and future symphony; Gloomy abyss allows him to see the divine light; In immense and in infinite it is looking for law and shape. That's why Chaos of Nature is not a mess for him, not disassemble or death, but, on the contrary, the foresight, the first step to a higher understanding, approaching the revelation: whether it threatens to absorb him - he draws his gaze, as if it prays and spends the element reveal his true appearance " (I.A. Ilyin). From the experiences of nature and the views on her, Ivan Ilyin is convinced, and "This Russian thrust took to the full achievement of the goal, the dream of the last and finite, the desire to look into the unrefined distance, the ability is not afraid of death".

The population of Russia his life was tied to Earth - its expanses, rhythms, beauty, hard conditions. therefore "The nature of the Russian people is the nature of the peasant. The features of this character are trusting humility with fate, compassion, willingness to help others, sharing his pressing. This is the ability to delete and self-sacrifice; readiness for self-seater and public repentance; exaggeration of their weaknesses and mistakes; Ease of dying and epic tranquility in making death; Satisfied with moderate sufficient and frantic for wealth. ("Who is small unhappy, that big is not enough") " (A.I. Solzhenitsyn).

The acquisition of Kiev in the first half of the h c. International recognition immediately affected the Termin's content of Russian Earth. Now, along with the narrow value of the Tribal region of the Middle Spear Rus, it has gained the wider importance of the state territory. In the last meaning, the term Russian land covered the entire power of Russian princes, populated by the Slavic-Finno Balt tribes.

In the middle of the city This widespread interpretation was used mainly at the level of interstate relations, denoting the sovereign territory on which the power of the Great Kiev Prince spread. For the Byzantine diplomats, the Russian land in this sense was "Rosie", the "country of Russia", "Russian land" or the terminology of Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe, "External Russia", unlike the "internal Russia", Tavrichesky Rus. (Just like the Priazovskaya Black Bulgaria is called in Arabic sources of inner Bulgaria, unlike the external - Volga Bulgaria.) A similar value has Russia in the message of Ibrahim Ibn Yakub (about 966): "With Meshko [the country of Prince Meshko - Poland] is adjacent In the east of Russia, "in the Latin-speaking document Dagome iudex (about 991):" The region of Prussians, as they say, stretches up to the place, which is called Russia, and the region of Russov extends to Krakow, "in the news of the Kvedlinburg Annals about the death of Saint Bruno In 1009, from the hands of pagans "on the border of Russia and Lithuania" and in many other sources of that time.

But inside the country, under the Russian land, they still understood themselves actually, the average subwayer with the unintestant strip on the right bank of the Dnieper south from Kiev, stretching almost to the very Black Sea coast (the right bank of the Dnieper became "Russian", apparently due to the fact that he is higher Left and, therefore, it is his, for the sake of convenience and security, the Rusa was chosen for movement and parking lots). These the most ancient geographical boundaries of the Russian Earth in its narrow meaning are witnessed by several chronicle articles. In 1170, two Polovetsky hordes invaded the limits of Kiev and Pereyaslav Principles. The Horde, which went to Kiev along the right bank of the Dnieper, in Russian land, the chronicler calls Russian Polovtsy, while the other Horde, moving to Pereyaslavl, in the Dnieper Levoberey, is referred to him by Pereyaslav's pollov. In 1193, the son of Kiev Prince Rüric Rostislav went against the Polovtsy. He crossed the southern border of the Kiev Principality - the Rose River - and deepened far into the steppe on the right bank of the Dnieper. All the steppe space passed in the chronicles is called Russian Earth.
At the same time, to step up from the Kiev land a little further north, to the territory of the Pripyat basin, already meant to exit from the limits of Russia. In the same 1193, one prince, alarmed by the fact that the Kiev Prince Rurik Rostislavich is too long for a long time long in Ovruche (on the river already, the influx of Pripyat), looked at him: "Why did you leave your land? Go to Russia and the destruction of it. " "Idea in Russia," says Novgorod I chronicle about the Novgorod Archbishop, when it happened to go to Kiev.

In such a narrow sense, the Russian land corresponded to the tribal territory of Polyansky Rus, which from the second third of the IX century. Military campaigns and trading trips to the Black Sea performed on the Dnieper.

Old Russian people often invested in the concept of Russian land, along with geographical and political, also ethnographic meaning, implying Russia itself, armed creation of Russian warriors under the beginning of the Russian prince. It was exactly that the prince of Svyatoslav gave to the Russian land that, when before the battle with the Greeks, he turned to his warriors with the words: "Yes, I do not intelligence the land of the land, but the bone of the bone, the dead Bo Soroma do not imitate; whether we escape, I will convince us. " Here, Russian land turns out to be equivalent to us, that is, the whole Russian troop, and by no means the territory of the middle subway, which, by the way, was impossible to be srathed, fighting with the Greeks in the Balkans.

In the same way, according to the subtle observation of V. O. Klyuchevsky, the "singer" words about the regiment of Igor ", the monument of the late XII or the very beginning of the XIII century, notes:" About Russian Earth! already for the shelving of Esi "; This expression means that the Russian land has entered the ranks of the steppe tag, which extended the southern borders of the Principles of Chernihiv and Pereyaslavsky. Under the Russian land, the singer "Words" will understand the squad, who went hike in the Polovtsy with his hero, Prince Igor, therefore, the term geographical he understood in the sense of ethnographic "[Klyuchevsky V.O. Works at 9 tt. M., 1987. T. VI. P. 98].

The orientation system of the Middle Ages was built on the principle of "from the near - to the far", "from his own - to someone else's." On the movement of the squad of Igor to Don, the author of "Words" watched from Russia, and not the eyes of the Rusichi themselves who were deepened in the steppe. Therefore, his grief exclamation "About Russian Earth! You already for the hill "refers to the removing Russian army, and not to the actual Russian territory remaining behind Igor's troops.

I observe the replacement of "troops" of "Earth" in the chroniclee under 1152, but already in relation to Polovtsy: "And Podee Yury and the Son's son ... Torzozh and Polovtsi Orthplyuyev and Toksobichi and all the Polovetskaya Earth that they are neither Misie Volgo and Dnipro "

A source:
Flowers S. E. Russian Earth. Between paganism and Christianity. From Prince Igor to his son Svyatoslav. M.: Centerpolygraph, 2012. C.265-267.

Which ITAR-TASS asked to various experts on certain aspects of the history of Russia that should be reflected in textbooks and educational standard, decided to give answers as intelligent exercise and on those questions about which they did not ask me.

Question 1. Education of the ancient Russian state and the role of Varyagov in this process

The answer to this question can be divided into several different answers to different sides of the issue.

but. Would an ancient Russian state formed if no scandinavine never appeared on Russia? Answer: It would be formed and, most likely, at about the same time.

b. Would something shame or humiliating for Russians in the participation of Normans in the process of the State Education if it really took place? Answer: absolutely nothing. On the contrary, the Norman origin of the state would be a sign of quality. At about the same time, the Duchy of Norman in France and the Sicilian kingdom in the south of Italy were created by Normans. These were powerful, dangerous, highly developed states with the most developed for that era of the managerial and military system. Normans won England, Sicilian Normans became a decisive factor thanks to which the political power of the papacy was established in the fight against the emperors. The contribution of Normans and the Crusades was huge. That is, if an ancient Russian state, and in fact it would be created by the Norman conquest, then there would be nothing shameful.

in. Is there any reason to assume that the Norman conquest or peaceful vocation of the Scandinavian elite took place in fact? Answer: There are no reason to count. Archaeological traces and evidence of written documents do not give pictures of any Scandinavian domination in Russia. The names of all Russian cities - the centers of statehood, wearing Slavic origin. No source known to us speaks about the Russian state as a state where the "Varyags" or Scandinavians dominate the Slavs.

what was the actual role of Scandinavians in the formation of the Russian state? Answer: The role of Scandinavians was that their presence, raids and attempts to take tribute from the Slavic, Baltic and Finno-Ugric tribes caused their resistance and the desire to create a military-political structure that will resist this pressure. This path of the formation of the state is called "reactive" and is that statehood is not developing as a result of conquest, but in response to an external invasion. Chronicle 862 contains information about exilevarangians and refusal to pay them to Dani, but only then about the vocation of Rurik and the creation of the foundations of sovereign statehood with his participation. Rus began not with the vocation, but with the expulsion of Varyagov.

d. Who were Varyagi, designed with Rurik? Answer: Dogmat "Normanism" is that Rurik and his people were Swedes. No serious confirmations of this thesis were presented. Dogmat Antinormanism is that Varyagi and Rurik were Western Slavs. Certain confirmations of this thesis exist, but they do not have decisive importance. The most popular in modern historiography and, apparently, fair, the point of view on Rüric is to identify it with the Ruriki Friesland - Danish conong, actively actually act as in the Union and against the Caroling Empire. It is likely that Rurik had a mixed Danish-encryptite origin, the word "Rikik" on Danish meant "encouraging", among the celibes of the leaders who fought with Franks were recorded Gostomysl, considered in the legends of the Rüric ancestor. It is known that Rurik repeatedly participated in the wars of encouraged against francs. Modern anthropologists and linguists found that the tribe "Slovenia" which, along with the curvists and miracles, is considered the founders of Novgorod (however, Novgorod as the city arose significantly later than 862) and the initiators of Rüric's calling are Western Slavs who migrated from southern Baltic. Thus, the history of the calling of Rurik seems to be a vocation of an influential and strong military leader of mixed Danke-Slavic origin to ensure safety from scandinavin raids to the northern lands. Rurik, not stopping his activities in other regions of the Baltic States and the North Sea, accepted these functions and, apparently, successfully coped with them. One of the comrades of Rurik - Oleg, it was possible to capture the South Russian Federation Kiev, formally in the interests of the son of Rurik - Igor (in any case, the genealogy of Rurik Igor is the only basis of sources, everything else is speculation) and create a single political education along the entire Black Sea and Baltic Trade The path that took the name of Russia.

e. Were there events related to Rurich's only line of development of ancient Russian statehood? Answer: No, not. Obviously, the political center in Kiev existed long before Rurik and Oleg. It is the territory around this center that was called in the later ancient Russian and foreign sources "Rus." There are sufficient written and archaeological data in order to talk about a serious threat from this political center who felt Khazaria, forced to build fortresses not the northern border. It is not necessary to say that the ancient Russian state formed thanks to the "Variation Varyagov" in any case. The more powerful state center was formed in the south, in Kiev, and the fact that he was captured by the princes that came from the north was to a certain extent a historical accident. One way or another, after the unification of the South and the North, the Military-Political Center of the State of Russia was in the south.

Question 2. The existence of ancient Russian nation and the perception of the heritage of ancient Russia as a common foundation of the history of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The existence of ancient Russian nationality is a historical fact. The historical succession from this nationality of the Velikorsov, Ukrainians and Belarusians is also a fact. The approval of the Ukrainian shovens that allegedly Ukraine has the right to the historical succession of Kievan Rus, it obviously does not correspond to historical facts. Of the largest political centers of ancient Russia, some are in Russia - Novgorod, Smolensk, Great Rostov, others - in Ukraine - Kiev, Chernihiv, finally Polotsk - in Belarus. At the same time, only the Russian state was founded by the same dynasty that rules on the Kiev Rus. Russian princes and kings until the very end of the XVI century. - Direct descendants of Rurik, Igor, Svyatoslav, Vladimir and Yaroslav. The politicalgenesis of Ukraine and Belarus has no direct connection with Kievan Russia because of the Lithuanian conquest, which led the Western and South-Western Rus under the power of Poland.

Question 3. The historical choice of Alexander Nevsky in favor of the subordination of the Russian lands of the Golden Horde.

"The historical selection of Alexander Nevsky in favor of the RUSSIAN GOLDEN Gold Horde" is a historical fiction, fiction of the ideological school of Eurasians, willingly, however, acknowledged by the camp of Russophobes-Westerners. And the one and the other side actively exploit the myth of the "Montgolization" of Russian statehood, about the unusually large influence of the Mongols on the internal political development of Russia and about Alexander Nevsky as allegedly the impetus for this process. All this has nothing to do with historical facts.
but. No choice to obey or not to obey the Mongolas ("Golden Horde" during the lifetime of Alexander did not exist) before the Russian princes did not stood in mind the overwhelming military superiority of the Mongols and their immediate neighborhood with Rus.
b. Rus with Mongols relations were settled by the father of Alexander Nevsky - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. We are settled on the principles of preserving the independence of Russian lands when recognizing vassalite from Khan and Dani payments.
in. There was no "alternative course" on the confrontation between the Mongols among the Russian princes did not exist. The mythical "course of Daniel Galitsky" on the Union with the West and the confrontation of the Mongols ceased as soon as he was jeopardized by a powerful Mongolian invasion. To avoid this Daniel broke the fortified cities, and his sons took part in the campaign of Mongols to Lithuania.
g. The role of Alexander Nevsky in the imposition of the Novgorod participation in the payment of Dani is quite explained, given the fact that Novgorod was a rich merchant city and his contribution could greatly facilitate the applied burden of Russia as a whole.
d. Completely mythically, the statement that Alexander relied on the Mongols in order to "civilization confrontation with the West". There was simply no such confrontation in this era. Russian principalities and cities and the Livonian Order were in Permanent oscillation between conflicts and alliance. And before Alexander and with him, and after the Russians and Livonians, no less often together made hiking in Lithuania than they fought with each other. However, in the same way, the allies, then the opponents during the jurisdiction of Alexander were under his authority of the principality and Lithuania.
e. Westing Alexander Nevsky as an outstanding national hero and saint was not on the mythical "choice between East and West" and on his specific acts to protect the entire Russian land from all its enemies, carried out both military and diplomatic means.

Question 4. The reasons for the elevation of Moscow, the policy of the first Moscow princes in relation to the Ordane Khanam and the rulers of other Russian lands.

The reason for the elevation of Moscow is rooted in an extremely high quality of feudal management carried out by Moscow princes. They managed to attract the main military-political resource for the era - serving boyars, together with their military units, to create a unique military-political organization - sores of the courtyard, and with the help of military and diplomatic means to impose recognition of the championship of the Moscow Princely House as another Russian princes And the Golden Horde.

The statements that the rise in Moscow was carried out due to the "special relationship" of Moscow and the Orda of reality do not correspond. On the contrary, Moscow princes were systematic disturbances of calm.

Daniel Moskovsky was one of the leaders of the coalition of the princes focused on the damner of the nasty and opposed the gender of the Big Horde Andrei Gorodetsky. At some point, the Moscow Prince became the actual leader of this coalition and confronted the big Horde even fighting with Tatar detachments. The founder of the Moscow Grand Denate, Yuri Danilovich, did not comply with the direct orders from the Horde, captured the great reign by force, since he did not have the right to his father on the ancient Russian string system - his father was never a great prince) and actually imposed himself an Horde as the Grand Prince. In this capacity, he challenged the Hanam assignment assembled for the Horde tribute. Ivan Kalita and Simeon proud did not have conflicts with the Horde, not because they were challenged in front of Khan, but because the Chan's policy as a whole coincided with the interests of Moscow to strengthen control over the great renovation and expansion of the domain of Moscow princes. Ivan Kalita managed to continue the policy of Yuri Danilovich, not entering the Khana to the conflict acting diplomacy and bribery. Contrary to popular legends of Kalita was not the founder of Moscow Great-Califle - on his personality, many achievements of the Father and the Elder Brother were transferred, since Daniel was not a great prince, and Yuri was not a ancestor of subsequent sovereign. The main achievement of Kalita was the "silence", which he provided in Russia during his board, complete freedom to the Moscow princes of territories from the Ordane raids and interworking. Simeon was proud to go to the Horde during his board 5 times and each time he received some other awards from Khanov. Not so much in Moscow had to get to Khana, how many khanam buy loyalty to the wisest Russian vassals.

When the policies of the horde came into conflict with the interests of Moscow, Dmitry Donskoye and Khans were attempted to convey the Grand Due to Nizhny Novgorod Princes, Moscow took stringent military and church measures (another important factor in the elevation of Moscow was the active assistance of the Church, which plays the residence of Metropolitans ) Against Nizhny Novgorod, up to the hands carried out by their hands. Sergius of the Radonezh interdictic (closing churches). When the active policy of Moscow on subordination of the Upper and Middle Volga region, the Great Prince Dmitry went to the open military confrontation, which included the meaningful victory of the Russian troops over the Tatars on the river, in 1378 and ending with a large-scale defeat of Mamay on the Kulikov field. The Kulikov Victory unequivocally secured the Moscow Championship among the Russian principalities and the heredity of the great power in the Moscow House.

Dmitry Donskaya generally turns out to be extremely underestimated, and often exposed to unfair attacks by the hero of Russian history. He is an outstanding commander, who won the two large battles - on the s matter and on the sticker field. The energetic statesman who made the Moscow inherent hegemony in Russia and energetically put the limit to the expansion of the sphere of influence of the Grand District of Lithuanian at Olgere and Yagilele. In the internal policy, Dmitry sought focused on the completeness of the authorities in the hands of the Grand Duke, eliminating Moscow thousands and energetically insisting that the church policy of Constantinople, after the death of Metropolitan Alexy corresponded with Moscow government interests. Unfaped attacks on Dmitry for his imaginary "escape" from Moscow (actually care for collecting troops) in the invasion of Tokhtamysh. The capture of Moscow and Tatars, the massacre showed that the defense of the city without a troop could end only the death of the Prince and the Military-political catastrophe of Moscow. At the time of his death, Dmitry Donskoy left the Moscow Great Principality of an influential regional power, inspired by his octack and respect and the Horde and Lithuania and the user-friendly authority in Russia. After the Kulikovskaya Victory obsessed with them, even the capture of Moscow Khan Tuchtamiam in 1382 did not return the Horde of real control over the internal affairs of Russia. From now on, Khani could only calculate on tribute and the formal right of the approval of the Moscow princes in the rank of the Grand Duke. Gradually, these rudiments of the dependence were gynt.

Thus, contrary to the problem of the historical myth, Moscow achieved a political elevation by not a special submissions of his princes to the Ordane Khanam, and in contrast - the boldly aggressive politics, which was observing the powerful military-serving layer. With the help of these policies, Moscow princes managed to impose himself an Horde as the main partners in Russia (pushing, in particular, the influential Tver House), to control the relationship with the Horde of other princes and forcing from recognizing the Moscow hegemony. The fruit of this hegemony was the Kulikov battle and the further liberation of Russia from the Horde power, and at the same time its association in a centralized state.

Question 5. The role of Ivan IV of Grozny in Russian history.

When it comes to the role of Ivan the Terrible in the history of Russia, they can imply two completely different things. The first is the role of the era of his rule, which lasted almost half a century. The second is the role of the personality of the King Ivan Vasilyevich.

These two aspects are not identical to each other, since, contrary to the myth of the Russian absolutism, created, above all, the non-critical transfer to Ivan the Terrible Damage of the political power of Peter the Great, for most of the reign of King Ivan, his personal power was by no means the source of all political social, cultural, and religious changes. For the early period of his reign, the Boyarskaya Elite played a huge role, which from the XIV century, together with the princes, defined the political course of the Russian state. The role of the Orthodox Church was huge, in particular, which asked the whole style of the early period of the Board of Ivan Metropolitan Makaria. On the other hand, a large number of epochal events of this period was an initiative of the bottom, at best, the supported king is the campaign of Ermak to Siberia, the defense of Pskov, the creation of the Zaporizhia Snachment by Dmitry Vishnevetsky.

The course of events in the era of Ivan Grozny was not fully determined by the personal will of Ivan the Terrible, although most of his efforts as the king was spent precisely to increase the degree of personal control over the Russian state. King Ivan tried to turn his own power of traditional political institutions in the diversity of traditional political institutions in a personal dictatorship with elements of tyranny. It was for this purpose that such an odious political instrument was established as an oprichnin, designed to eliminate obstacles to the concentration of all power personally in the hands of the king. This is a grave to establishing absolutist with elements of the tyranny dictators within the monarchist system - a pan-European trend for the XVI century. Such dictators were the mode of Heinrich VIII in England, Philip II in Spain, Christian II in Denmark and many others.

Ivan's efforts to establish their personal dictatorship have to be assessed rather negatively - on the way to it, he had to physically eliminate many first-class military, diplomats, political advisers, whose contribution to the success of his reign was very significant. The influence of the policies of the external forces - German advisers and, in feature, England, to which the king fell by special favor, and even got the nickname of the English king, and even got the nickname. Ivan's personal diplomacy failed - he could not prevent the creation against Russia the widespread coalition of Eastern European powers during the Livonian War, which led, in particular, to the invasion of the Crimean-Tatars of 1571 and the unfortunate of Moscow, he failed to use and internal contradictions in Livonia, Without keeping in the obedience of King Magnus, the failure ended attempts to prevent the election of the Polish king Stephen Batory, and also in many ways due to diplomatic incontinence personally, the king. Livonian war in which King Ivan made the most personal contribution as politician, diplomat and military leader he lost.

At the same time, it is impossible to exaggerate the catastrophicity of these failures - much larger military and diplomatic failures have fallen into the share of other sovereigns of that era. Events at the establishment of Samovistia also had a very limited effect - already the son of Ivan Fedor, as well as the first state trucks from the genus Romanov, rules relying on all the same traditional institutions of the Moscow state. By and large, in the highest ruling layer, only one changed - after Ivan, a large role in the management is beginning to play not so much the championships, how many royal favorites and relatives and in this respect the quality of management is significantly reduced. Blow on the influence and authority of the Russian Church as a result of the massacre over the miter. Philip also did not have a critical impact, without preventing the church to play a mobilizing role in the years of the University and not preventing the emergence of such ambitious church-political figures as the Patriarch Nikon.

At the same time, the Ywan IV Epoch for the Russian state was brilliant
1547 - Wedding to the kingdom
1550 - publication of the new judiciary, Zemstvo reforms and the design of the order system.
1553 - Taking Kazan
1556 - Accession of Astrakhan
1558-59 - Victory Vishnevetsky and Adashev over the Crimean Tatars
1550-1560 - Development of the Russian Kaper Fleet on the Baltic.
1569 - reflection of the Turkish Tatar campaign to Astrakhan
1572 - The defeat of the Crimean Tatars in the battle of young people, forever providing the strategic security of Moscow from the southern direction (the battle of young people should be recognized as one of the greatest battles in the history of Russia and enrolled in the Russian military-patriotic canon).
1581 - Heroic Defense of Pskov
1582 - Beginning of conquest Siberia Ermac

It is difficult to deny that the contribution of the autocratic monarch to such a brilliant era was also to be significant, but at the same time, these were the successes not only the king, but also the entire state system, which was created was the ancestors of King Ivan. And it can be stated that the struggle of the king for the despotic power, for the redistribution in its benefit of the authority in the state system, rather prevented more than contributed to its functioning. In any case, with the Son and the successor to King Ivan, the Pious Tsar Fedorya John, when the work of the state mechanism of Russia was normalized, in a short time no less outstanding successes were achieved - the establishment of the patriarchate, the war-revenge with Sweden, the successful completion of Siberia's accession.

One way or another, when evaluating Ivan Grozny, it is necessary to take into account 1). The difference between the system and personal impact of the king on the events of his rule, 2). The need for a decisive refusal to replicate pseudo-historical myths and direct slander to the king of Ivan, a thorough check of the legend arises around his name, 3). The need for such a decisive refusal of false apologetics up to the attempts of canonization, in which the actions of the king are explained by the a priori theory of conspiracy, all victims of repressive politics are obviously guilty, and the obvious miscalculations and failures of the personal politics of Ivan the Terrible - enemies.

Maybe I will continue if the work does not climb ...