Romanian thrust what muscles work. How to make a craving for women? There are a few questions

Romanian traction - This is a representative of the most effective basic techniques oriented on, due to which this exercise is popular both among men and women.

Romanian traction additionally works with calf, butt-made, lumbar and other muscle species. Its main difference from the classical version of the traction is to significantly reduce the load on the lower vertebrate department, due to which the risk of muscle injuries and pain after physical activity is minimized.

What is Romanian traction and what muscles work?

Romanian (Bulgarian) thrust is a technique that is performed on fully straightened legs (option is possible when the legs are bent in the knees), where the sports projectile is lowered only until the middle of the leg, which protects the muscles of the spine and lumbar surgery and allows you to perform a larger number repetitions. In addition, when performing this exercise, the risk of injury is reduced.

With its name, this technique is obliged to highlights from Romania, which in the past times occupied the main prizes in the largest tournaments of the world. Romanian is also called a burden on straight legs or Romanian lifting.

If the classic option works with all the foot and spine muscles, then the "Bulgarian" is more aimed at working out the berries and biceps of the hips (in particular the rear surface), so this exercise is thoroughly used to develop these muscle groups.

Proper technique for the implementation of Romanian traction

This technique can be performed with a barbell, and with dumbbells. The first option is more priority, because it is more convenient to control the movements of the rod and keep the upper limbs at the proper distance from each other.

  • Exercises are not just just in sneakers, but in shoes, reliably locking leg and excluding the possibility of moving the fingers of the lower extremities.
  • When performing this technique, it is impossible to hold the bargain with a variety. This technique adversely affects the back. By performing Romanian traction, it is important to apply a wide straight grip. At the same time, it is advisable to use special bandages for hand brushes.
  • Bulgarian traction and rounded loin - two incompatible concepts. The back should be smooth, with a deflection in the lumbar department.
  • Do not work with an overly heavy weight, because there is a risk of getting a back injury.
  • For the "iron" position (equilibrium), see strictly in front of yourself. Those who do this exercise for the first time more desirable to do it in front of the mirror, so the athlete will be able to exclude its mistakes and control the correctness of the execution of thrust.
  • Do not check completely in the upper limit. So the back will not be overloaded and the buttocks will be tense throughout the entire execution.
  • Before proceeding with the technique, you need to prepare a place to work. Place your genderlet so that when carrying out the technique you do not hurt anything.

Classical rod with straight legs

This technique is well suited for girls. When execution, predominantly the rear region of the hips and butorous muscles are loaded. With competent execution, these places (which representatives of beautiful sex are difficult to corrected) acquire an attractive form. These muscle groups in girls are poorly developed, the main reason is a sedentary lifestyle.

  1. Stand up in IP: Put your legs on the width of the shoulders, slightly bend the knees. Take a breath, deflection in the lumbar department and lean. Legs must be straightened.
  2. Direct capture take the rod rod. Hands should be removed from each other at a distance of a slightly exceeding width of the shoulders. At the exhalation, lift the sports projectile. At the same time, the hands must be straightened, the deflection is preserved in the lumbar department, and the rod is located as close as possible to the legs.
  3. Take a breath and straighten the body, on the exhalation, make the slope and lower the projectile until the middle of the leg. The projectile needs to move smoothly and smoothly.
  4. Repeat the exercise required number of times.
  • Omitting the neck, you need to keep it as close as possible to the legs, so that it is touched with the thigh and the shin.
  • This technique allows you to increase the load on the foot muscles and reduce the load on the lower back.
  • The head must be kept in one vertical straight axis with the spine.
  • Throughout the entire training, the back should remain straight, if this condition is not able to comply with, stop the execution of the thrust.
  • If even with a small repeat, it is difficult for you to keep your back smoothly, then turn on in your training complex exercises aimed at the development of spinal muscles.
  • Do not lift the projectile, calculating only for the strength of the upper limbs or the lumbar department. This is a comprehensive technique, and therefore requires the competent work of the entire skeleton.

How to do with dumbbells

Romanian with such a sports projectile, as dumbbells are not as popular, the difference is that the load on muscle groups is less symmetrical here, and the equipment is more complicated. Throughout the execution, it is necessary to strictly monitor and control the position of dumbbells both in vertical and horizontally, excluding even minimal deviations. Only so you can ensure a uniform load on both sides of the body.

Dead thrust on one leg: video

Exercise on one leg is a more complex option. When performing, the engineering muscles of the working leg are well studied, as well as a press that performs a stabilizing role. The technique of execution is similar, but together with the lowering of the case down, the simultaneous response of one legs occurs. To understand how to correct this exercise and what options for its execution exist, we suggest see the following training video.

Exercise in Small: Video

Smith car allows you to monitor the movement of the projectile and is perfect for girls and men who first get acquainted with Romanian technique. The execution algorithm is similar to those described earlier, the main thing is not to forget constantly ensure that the back is deployed and tense. For visual acquaintance with the technique, we suggest see a training video from a professional athlete.

What is the difference between the lad traction from Romanian?

The main differences between the dead traction from the edge is:

  1. Direction of movement. When performing ordinary thrust, the pelvis is very close to the floor surface, while the shell touches the floor with each execution. In this case, the projectile needs to be lifted on the floor with a fully straightened back. Trajectory of movement: bottom-up. Romanian is performed with a straight back, on the legs completely straightened either in the knees, in the process the projectile is lowered only until the middle of the leg. Trajectory: from above down.
  2. Weight. The projectile must be selected so that it allows you to carry out 12-15 repetitions in a good smooth rhythm. It is impossible to make a dead craving in the style of Powerlifting with unbearable scales.
  3. Reached effect: Summing up, it can be said that the classic option is suitable mainly to men and women seeking to ensure their muscle relief and increase the endurance of the feet. "Bulgarian" traction is an excellent option to create an attractive priest and relief of the thighs. This is the perfect exercise for all women without exception.

Is there a concept of "Romanian Ranal Tract"?

There is no such thing as the "Romanian Range Tractor" does not exist. "Ranged traction" is a collective term that combines the exercises, under which the entry of the projectile is raised with the floor with straight hands until the hull is straightened. Romanian traction is a kind of becoming becoming more than several more options.

Romanian raznaya traction is considered one of best exercises For the study of the width and berium muscles. This kind of traditional is well suited to men and women. Training using this power element gives an additional load on the muscles of the lumbar zone, a trapezium, caviar.

The first variety of traction began to use in the 1990s Romanian athlete Niku Vlad. The athlete used the power element as an auxiliary to study the bottom of the back.

Anatomical atlas

The milling traction in its classical manifestation refers to the class requiring the athlete of the maximum voltage, organizedness and concentration. The power element is so difficult to perform that the many muscles connect to work. A lot of weight with great weight requires tremendous energy costs. When performing the exercise in the blood is ejected, and other natural anabolics for the body.

Invented by the Nika Vladimi Rosa was widely popular not only among men-athletes, but also among women. This exercise perfectly affects the wipband and buttock biceps. The regular execution of the Romanian traction makes the "fifth point" tightened and beautiful: no girl who would not dream about such an effect.

This power element is ideal for. As a kind of bonus, the athlete receives additional elaboration of the trapezium, ICR and lumbar muscles.

Differences of Romanian thrust from classical traction

Trajectory of Movement

When performing the traditional exercise, the athlete moves down-up, fixes the bar on the elongated hands and again lowers it on the floor. The back remains strictly straight. The classic power element gives a load on his feet and back, but after its execution, it often occurs.

Romanian steel traction is a lightweight exercise option. Holding the back straight, the athlete lowers the rod not completely to the floor, but only to the middle of the tibia. And the trajectory of movement, in contrast to the classic thrust, "top-down". Excessive load on the lumbar section is removed, the risk of injury is reduced.


The classic rod traction increases the power of the legs, makes the muscles and hips with relief and convex. Romanian traction is aimed at working out the wipband and butorous muscles. This power element is not as complicated for execution, so it is perfect for girls.


The varieties of traction are not less than eight, and many athletes do not know the features of each of them. Differences - in the displacement of loads, the method of execution of the element depends on the same.

Romanian break Execution according to the following scheme:

  • Fix in the projectile the necessary weight, come to the rod. A little bent legs are keen on the shoulders width. It is important that the stops are in parallel to each other position, and the back was straight.
  • We make a tilt (back straight!), We grab the rod rod in such a way as to see your fingers nails. Hands keep a little wider shoulders.
  • Learn leisurely. The spine must fully straighten, the blades are to come together.
  • By breathing with the air with all the breasts, we smoothly lean, leaving the blades in the situation. The pelvis when performing the exercise should deviate back.
  • With the slope of the neck, the projecture is at the front of the hips. At the maximum lower point, the athlete must feel the maximum stretching of the wipband muscles.
  • When the neck reaches the knees or (with a complicated version) of the middle part of the leg, begin to return to the straight position. We get lifting energy, pushing off the floor footsteps.

Note! In the execution of the Romanian variety of thrust, fatigue should be felt in the hipd biceps, and not at the bottom of the back: this is the key indicator of a correctly performed power element.

Technically, the Romanian rod rod is optimally suitable for women, its regular execution will attract the attractiveness to the buttocks and thighs.

The most common mistakes

The exercise cannot be called complex, but many athletes, especially newcomers, still make mistakes. Here are the most typical of them:

  1. When performing the Romanian brazing, the back should always be straight, and its muscles should be in a tense state. The flexion of the spine is a dangerous error that can cause injury. In addition, with a rounded spine, the load is transferred from the hips and buttocks to the lower back of the back, and the training does not make any sense.
  2. At the first approach, it is necessary to approach the rod to the rod, its march must touch the legs. Many do not do this and get injuries.
  3. The Athlet's projectile holds at the expense of the muscles of the forearms and brushes. If the exercise is too hard, you should not help yourself with your elbows, you just need to reduce the weight of the rod.

The best effect from the Romanian style of traction will help ensure compliance with the following instructions:

  • Footwear. To perform the exercise, you need to choose shoes, tightly "enveloping" feet. The foot should not be chosen in the sneakers: it can lead to injury.
  • Proper grip. You should not use the so-called "variety" - this approach increases the risk of damage to the back. The optimal option is a straight grip slightly wider shoulders.
  • Breath.Performing a power element, you need to carefully monitor your breathing. In the most difficult sites, we take a deep exhalation, on the simpler - deep breath.

We must not forget that the milling thrust gives a greater load on the spine, and injury at its execution is very high. To minimize risks, the following useful tips will be used:

  • we try to keep your head straight, do not bend the neck down;
  • we look forward, not in the floor;
  • it is not necessary to work with low weights at this stage;
  • reaching the upper point, we leave a small ground, we will not extend "until the stop";
  • before performing the Romanian variety of thrust follows the exercises aimed at working back muscles;
  • with the rod of the rod, not only lumbar muscles or muscles of the hands should work, but also the entire spine.

Varieties of Romanian brave

Romanian thrust with dumbbells

A rather complicated exercise with an asymmetric load distribution. Dumbbells must be held in a certain position until the approach is completed. Even a minor failure in the position of the dumbbells will lead to a load unbalance. Thus, the focus of the athlete pays for dumbbells.

Thrust on one leg

Exercise for more experienced athletes. When performing the exercise, an athlete, lowering the body, takes back and lifts the leg. For retention of the balance, the muscles of the press receive a significant burden are used.

Romanian thrust on the Smith simulator

Excellent option for beginners. Special device - Smith simulator - holds a projectile under control, properly distributing the load.


Romanian Roman traction - an excellent exercise for the preparation of beautiful buttocks and hips for quite a short time. You can train using this power element in gym, and.

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There are many types of weights of weight from the floor - Ranan, Romanian thrust, rod rod on straight legs and several others. In the becoming traction, we make a difficultly connected chain straightening of the case and squats. In the dead traction, everything else.

When you can do the exercise

Unlike the classic edge, the dead thrust (on straight legs) is ideal for girls and beginners athletes. It can be included in the workout program immediately, as the muscles of the lower back can stretch the muscles and the back of the legs to the desired degree.

While there is no stretching, you can not do the exercise. Otherwise, you will round the lower back, which is not necessary to allow. Yes, and empty the weight until the desired height you can not. Stretching in most exercises is the basis of the right technique.

If you have a back hurt, then a dead traction on straight legs can hurt you. When this happens, separate the back, the press and flexors of the legs in the simulators. When strengthening them sufficiently, you can go on free weights. Then already on the classics.

The fulfillment of dead traction or becomes direct legs includes several muscle groups at once. The largest load is obtained by the muscles of the back and the back of the thighs. Quadriceps here, in contrast to the classic version, becomes not involved, since the legs remain straight all the time.

Main working muscles:

  • Spin extensors.
  • Biceps hips.
  • Large jagged muscles.

Basic working muscles.

Additional load receives the inner surface of the hips, press, forearm, top part back.

Confusion in concepts

We draw your attention to the fact that there is a lot of exercise on the lower leg and the back of the legs. See for yourself:

  • Ranged traction (and all its options).
  • Romanian rod traction (on slightly bent feet).
  • Dead thrust or rowing traction on straight legs.

It is more correct to say exactly the rod of straight legs, as well as the Romanian raznaya traction.

Because the thrusts are different, maybe, for example, a rod or dumbbell traction in the slope. And more compecable to clarify, this, for example, a rowed thrust on straight legs with dumbbells. Just say the thrust on straight legs with a barbell is not enough.

So, you realized that these are a bit different exercises. Next, we list the main differences between them.

And now let's consider what should be the right technique for the dead traction.

Technique implementation

To begin with, we need to warm up and warm the ligaments, muscles. Before performing the exercise, we recommend a little stretch the back of the thigh, caviar and lower back.


  • Stand up in a starting position with weight: put your legs already, socks can be pulled out to the socks, or leave them parallel to each other.
  • It is necessary to bring together the blades, the look straight. In the lower back of the deflection (the pelvis will move back). Now we will remind you about breathing: When you go down, you breathe. Exhaust goes on the rise, everything as usual - the effort is in exhalation, relaxing on the breath. Just remember this simple battery principle.
  • Legs straightened in the knees! Therefore, the type of exercise is called - a raznaya traction on straight legs. The rod is kept on the width of the shoulders straight grip.
  • We start moving the neck or rod strictly down to the middle of each foot. For this foot should stand at one level with each other!
  • The back remains straight, we lean away by flexing the bottom of the lower back and remove the pelvis back. The pelvis is assigned back to preserve the equilibrium, so as not to fall forward. Do not forget that you carry out the branch of the buttocks ago not by flexing the knees, but by deviations of all legs back. That is, your legs will leave the line perpendicular to the floor. On the one hand, it turns out that the pelvis does not move at all, and on the other - it deviates together with the legs. But all the movement is carried out at the expense of the rapist's efforts.
  • As long as you have no good flexibility, you will lower the bar not lower than the knee. Over time, you can and until the floor. We are talking about the rod, and not an empty grief. To lower to the floor, empty ridges need to stretch very well. And the greater the diameter of the pancakes, the easier it is to perform an exercise. For girls at first, a vulture is suitable for fitness or bodybar.
  • Weight by pulling the muscles of the lower back. During the exercise, you should feel how it works exactly and the back of the hip. When you return to the starting point - twist the blades.

Naturally, in this exercise you will not take those scales that can be lifted in classical becomes. Weight lift is carried out by rear of the back of the thighs, and not strong leg extensors.

The scheme is clearly seen that the pelvis is given back, and the legs remain almost straight.

Differences between types of cray

Below we will look at what they differ from each other in the rodnika, Romanian and classical rodnan.

Dead traction on straight legs from Romanian

The Romanian rod rise to the lower back has a number of differences from the type of thrust we discussed:

  • Knees bent. And the lower you lean, the one is more. You compensate for the care of the pelvis back the knees. This does not mean that you should begged the legs in the knees, no. The angle is small - up to 10-15 degrees. This is enough to perform an exercise.
  • We start moving with pelvis back. In the dead traction, we crate the body, and here - it is from the pelvis. He went back, initiating the bending of the lower back.
  • We lower the barbell slightly below the knee, because it will be difficult to keep the back of the back. In general, we go down so low as the back allows. Romanian steel traction does not matter how much of your stretching, because you bend your legs in the knees.
  • Romanian climb loads greatly loads the buttocks by returning to the starting point, you must compress them and push the pelvis forward. This is a good visual difference between two exercises.

Romanian thrust with a barbell, like a dead thrust on straight legs, is more suitable for girls.

Romanian variant - knees are slightly bent to keep the back of the back.

Romanian from classic

Romanian lifting is not designed to work the legs. The knees are bend so that the features of your flexibility do not interfere with the sloping correctly. In the creation, you are ashamed to give the load with your back and legs. Thanks to this, legs and spin work on the rise and lower weight. This allows you to raise much larger weight than the Romanian rise. Therefore, this is the base. And for girls is suitable only if they want to seriously increase power.

Classic execution: In the starting position, the legs bent. The weight rises including due to the extension of the legs.

Dead from classic

It seems to be here everything is obvious - legs. Straight or bent - in this and differences. Recall that the classic launched on the bent legs imply squatting into an incomplete amplitude, and not just their bent state. The latter is observed in the Romanian thrust. But the rain thrust on straight legs does not allow leg bending. Although, knees can not be kept in the latched condition. It should relax them a little. The angle of 1-2 degrees will still be. From the side it looks like straight legs.

Main mistakes

  • We do not Romanian ascent, so legs are straight. Throw to do the exercise correctly and deep. You can pre-train on the simulator for hyperextenia. Try to make the most deep movement with a straight back. We believe it is a very effective preparation for a straight foot along with a stretching.
  • No need to lower my head down. We look forward. It is advisable to get up in front of the mirror.
  • When you take a lot of weight, you start rounding your back. Because weight stretches not the lower back, which is not enough forces, but the whole back. Here are all injuries. It is enough to round the lower back, as the entire back will round up.
  • Shragi should not be made with a burden. Initially, fix your shoulders so that they are in a normal straightened position, and not raised up. We swing not to the trapezium, but the lower back.

First of all, the milling thrust on the bent feet is intended for the growth of mass and strength, and this is the base. Romanian lifting (he is the Romanian rod rod) and straight legs are designed for isolated work With the buttocks and the rear surface of the hip, which is extremely important for girls. They do not load the spine so much, but they can lead to injury if you forget how to do exercises correctly.

Before making a classic becoming, you need to work with more simple exercise To strengthen the back. And before them - the month of hyperextension and stretching.

So, when your stretching for some reason does not want to progress, you can stay on Romanian thrust. And if you can stretch enough - then do cravings on straight legs.

What to replace?

If you painfully do cravings, then for the back surface of the hips and lower back, try to choose from:

  • Footheads back with burden.
  • Reverse hyperextension.
  • Help legs on the back of the hip.
  • Normal hyperextenia.

Strengthen the muscles of the lower back and legs in these exercises, then try the craving. You can use an orthopedic belt if you have. Or will his doctor drive you. The hard athletic belt is not effective in this case.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious!

20 mar. 2017

In forceport to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and the hips, there is an exercise of a dead thrust, which is called Romanian. She is named after Athlete Vlad Niku from Romania. He often used this exercise in his workouts. It has several differences from the classic option. More about the execution technique you will learn below.

What is Romanian thrust

This physical exercise Popular both in men and women. Romanian rod rod is sloping down with a projectile in hands - a barbell or dumbbells -the nature on straight legs or with bent knees. In the lower back, there should be natural deflection, otherwise the risk of injury is significantly increasing. The muscles of the back are protected and due to the fact that their hands are descended only until the middle of the legs. Unlike the classic technique, where the back also is being worked out, the dead helps to pump each thigh (his biceps) and buttocks, the spine does not load it once again.

Effective technique Romanian traction

The concept of "dead" to this exercise is not just like that. The thing is translated from English. "Dead" sounds like "Dead". The exercise itself is called "Dead-Lift". This is a dead option. Most sophisticated view - On one leg. In addition to her, the press, which acts as a stabilizer begins. The technique is different here. The only difference is that when lowering the non-working foot is given back.

The optimal way is the rod rod on straight legs. It is more convenient to control the movement and hold the limbs in one distance. Another option is a dead thrust on straight legs with dumbbells:

  1. It is less popular, because the tension of the muscles is not symmetrical here.
  2. It is important to exclude even minimal deviations of shells. Only so the technique of performing the Romanian variety of thrust will be correct and will ensure a uniform load on each part of the body.

Romanian traction with a barbell

The traditional option is the Romanian rod rod with a barbell. This technique is optimal for girls. During execution, the rear surface of the hips and buttocks are loaded, which in excellent sex is seriously corrected. As a result, this area acquires elastic and attractive appearance. Exercise is necessary:

  1. Take the starting position - the legs put on the width of the shoulders, the knees of a little bit down, lower the lower back, bend down.
  2. Direct grip take the rod rod. Hands to put so that they are slightly higher than the width of the shoulders, maintain their straight or slightly bent in the elbows.
  3. On the exhalation, make a rise along with the projectile, leaving the lower back loaf, and the bargaine is as close as possible to the feet so that it even concerns the hips and lower legs.
  4. Inhales, straighten the body, and in exhale again beaten, smoothly and evenly lowering the projectile about the middle of the leg.

Romanian radan thrust with dumbbells

A little more complicated by execution is Romanian thrust with dumbbells. It is not necessary to do basic. It is better if this exercise will sometimes replace the version with a barbell to diversify the load. Dumbbells are convenient because they slide along the body, without creating discomfort when passing around the legs. Execution technique as follows:

  1. Take the starting position - the legs put on the width of the shoulders, the feet should be parallel, in the hands to take on the dumbbells, the back is slightly rumped into the lower back.
  2. Shoulders straighten, shovel. Holding back smooth, lean forward, almost sliding dumbbells, but only a little on the side, and not from the front.
  3. Continue lowering the middle of the legs and the moment of parallelism of the floor of the floor, only a little flexible knees.
  4. At the bottom to feel the tension of the muscles, then with the power of the legs to push the heels and, straightening his knees, file a pelvis forward before making the initial position.

Romanian rodan thrust on one leg

The most difficult version is Romanian thrust on one leg. It should be done not so often, just to improve the indicators and development of the "lagging" muscles. The first time, especially beginners, it is recommended not to use burden to feel the equipment:

  1. Dumbbells - they can be taken in both hands or only one, and in the one that is the opposite of the working leg.
  2. Take the starting position - the right knee to adjust, and left the left foot back.
  3. Tilt forward until the body is parallel to the floor. Left to straighten into one line with the case. In another embodiment, the non-working foot is just set back, but it turns out that it also loads a little less.
  4. Laid for a couple of seconds, after which take the starting position.

I am glad to greet you expensive readers of sports blog sportivs. Alexander White. I suggest today to discuss women's forms. It's no secret that all girls want to have good figure And tightening the ass and therefore we will talk about how you can achieve cool results. We will find out why the Romanian rod rod for girls has become the main secret to achieving the tumaled buttocks and a beautiful figure.

Basic concepts

Romanian thrust is a classic prototype. Her difference lies in the fact that it is performed on straight legs.

This type of thrust is widely used both among men and among girls. The back of the leg is being worked out - the biceps of the thigh. For girls, this exercise will serve as an excellent helper. In addition to the load on the jagged muscles there is a voltage in the back area. Thanks to this factor, this exercise can be performed, both in the training day of the legs and backs.

In order to achieve good results, it is necessary to adhere to the correct execution technique. Otherwise, this is fraught with the emergence of the mass of trouble - injury, stretching.
To avoid damage, let's consider the main mistakes that are often applied by newcomers and athletes that run Romanian traction.

Error execution

1. One of the most frequent errors is the exercise with a rounded back. Basically, this error is present when there is an overly high weight on the projectile. The body is not able to raise the rod by proper technique, and is included in the help of the back, which makes it a C-shaped bend. Always watch your back, it must be smooth.

2. Too far there is a bar. Through the CHUR, the location is fraught with the wrong technique, as the projectile is too far from the legs.

3. Fold your hands in the elbow. This happens when the weight of the projectile is too big. When the athlete is trying by all the forces by the rise of the rod, it happens that grip weakens, and I want to fix the neck by flexing the hands.

  • Footwear. It is recommended to wear sneakers that will firmly fit to the leg so that you feel the floor when doing exercise.
  • Massage. Used with too much shell weighing.

You may have a certain problem, in the form of a weakened grip while you make a craving with too much weight. To prevent this error, I recommend using straps.

Dear friends, I advise not to do similar exercises to people who have problems with their backs. It can only aggravate the situation. Before starting training, I recommend contacting the doctor and agree with it all the exercises that can be performed without hurting the body.

After we reviewed the basic concepts and the most common mistakes that prevent quality fulfillment, let's talk about the technique.

Proper technique

At the moment there are about 8 varieties of traction. Most simply are confused and do not understand which muscle groups are activated when performing this exercise.

Before that, and in front of other exercises, I highly recommend you, dear friends to spend a thorough warm-up, which will warm up your body, will lead muscles into tone, thereby you can protect yourself from unpleasant injuries and stretching.

1. Hang the right weight on the projectile, go to it. Feet are on the width of the shoulders, the feet are parallel.

2. Grasp the rod, grip is a little wider than the width of the shoulders.

3. Hands are a bit bent in the elbows, the back is constantly straight, the blades must be reduced. Bending the legs in the knees, at the maximum point you need to apply the pelvis ahead to the spine setting up vertically.

4. The back is in the locked state, you need to file a pelvis back. While you lower the bar, you should feel a strong stretching of the back of the leg -. If this happens then you do the exercise correctly. It is important to follow the level of the back so that it is in an even position, you need to do the exercise with the muscles of the legs, and not back.

5. The rod rises strictly vertically. During the exercise, you need to feel how the muscles of the back of the hip are strained, if you do not feel - it means you do something wrong.

What can be replaced

Also there is alternative option Romanian traction - with dumbbells. An excellent advantage is that the exercise can be performed both in the hall and at home. This kind is perfect for those who have problems with wrist or forearms.

There is another alternative, it is an isolated exercise - Romanian traction with one hand. You need to take a hand for the support, to take a dumbbell in one hand, during the exercise it should slide on my leg. I recommend performing the exercise slowly, so you will feel the best pumping. Also do not forget to monitor the level of the back, remember, it is always smooth!

To most load the biceps of the hip, additionally strain it during each approach.