Romanian muscle thrust. Romanian rodged rod with barbell, dumbbells and one leg

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious!

20 mar. 2017

In forceport to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and the hips, there is an exercise of a dead thrust, which is called Romanian. She is named after Athlete Vlad Niku from Romania. He often used this exercise in their workouts. It has several differences from the classic option. More about the execution technique you will learn below.

What is Romanian thrust

This physical exercise Popular both in men and women. Romanian deadlift - These are slopes down with a projectile in the hands - a barbell or dumbbells - at straight legs or bent knees. In the lower back, there should be natural deflection, otherwise the risk of injury is significantly increasing. The muscles of the back are protected and due to the fact that their hands are descended only until the middle of the legs. Unlike the classic technique, where the back also is being worked out, the dead helps to pump each thigh (his biceps) and buttocks, the spine does not load it once again.

Effective technique Romanian traction

The concept of "dead" to this exercise is not just like that. The thing is translated from English. "Dead" sounds like "Dead". The exercise itself is called "Dead-Lift". This is a dead option. Most sophisticated view - On one leg. In addition to her, the press, which acts as a stabilizer begins. The technique is different here. The only difference is that when lowering the non-working foot is given back.

The optimal way is the rod rod on straight legs. It is more convenient to control the movement and hold the limbs in one distance. Another option is a dead thrust on straight legs with dumbbells:

  1. It is less popular, because the tension of the muscles is not symmetrical here.
  2. It is important to exclude even minimal deviations of shells. Only so the technique of performing the Romanian variety of thrust will be correct and will ensure a uniform load on each part of the body.

Romanian traction with a barbell

The traditional option is the Romanian rod rod with a barbell. This technique is optimal for girls. During execution, the rear surface of the hips and buttocks are loaded, which in excellent sex is seriously corrected. As a result, this area acquires elastic and attractive appearance. Exercise is necessary:

  1. Take the starting position - the legs put on the width of the shoulders, the knees of a little bit down, lower the lower back, bend down.
  2. Direct grip take the rod rod. Hands to put so that they are slightly higher than the width of the shoulders, maintain their straight or slightly bent in the elbows.
  3. On the exhalation, make a rise along with the projectile, leaving the lower back loaf, and the bargaine is as close as possible to the feet so that it even concerns the hips and lower legs.
  4. Inhales, straighten the body, and in exhale again beaten, smoothly and evenly lowering the projectile about the middle of the leg.

Romanian radan thrust with dumbbells

A little more complicated by execution is Romanian thrust with dumbbells. It is not necessary to do basic. It is better if this exercise will sometimes replace the version with a barbell to diversify the load. Dumbbells are convenient because they slide along the body, without creating discomfort when passing around the legs. Execution technique as follows:

  1. Take the starting position - the legs put on the width of the shoulders, the feet should be parallel, in the hands to take on the dumbbells, the back is slightly rumped into the lower back.
  2. Shoulders straighten, shovel. Holding back smooth, lean forward, almost sliding dumbbells, but only a little on the side, and not from the front.
  3. Continue lowering the middle of the legs and the moment of parallelism of the floor of the floor, only a little flexible knees.
  4. At the bottom to feel the tension of the muscles, then with the power of the legs to push the heels and, straightening his knees, file a pelvis forward before making the initial position.

Romanian rodan thrust on one leg

The most difficult version is Romanian thrust on one leg. It should be done not so often, just to improve the indicators and development of the "lagging" muscles. The first time, especially beginners, it is recommended not to use burden to feel the equipment:

  1. Dumbbells - they can be taken in both hands or only one, and in the one that is the opposite of the working leg.
  2. Take the starting position - the right knee to adjust, and left the left foot back.
  3. Tilt forward until the body is parallel to the floor. Left to straighten into one line with the case. In another embodiment, the non-working foot is just set back, but it turns out that it also loads a little less.
  4. Laid for a couple of seconds, after which take the starting position.

A multi-suraling basic exercise that includes a large number of muscles and joints, is performed in several options. Develops strength contributes to the development muscular mass Under the condition of proper technique.

The exercise is used by the prepared athletes by Powerlifesters, bodybuilders, as well as just lovers who want to develop back and leg muscles. When performing Romanian traction, a large number of joints, outdoor muscles, as well as deep muscle stabilizers are included. Before performing the exercise, it is recommended to prepare muscles to work, as you can easily be injured with weak back and legs.

What is Romanian Range Tract

This type of traction implies the technique of performing free weight (dumbbells or barbell) on slightly bent or straight legs. Exercises with free weights require fulfillment with clear observance of technology, first need to learn the exercise with low weights, and only then increase the working weight. Romanian thrust is slopes that are accompanied by weight burden from the bottom. It serves to strengthen several muscle groups at the same time. Contraindications to this exercise are the problems with the spine (injuries, hernia, offset, protrusion). Only a healthy athlete can proceed to this technique, but after strengthening the corset.

Body benefit

Romanian thrust, as it is also called - the dead traction, is used in training to study the biceps of the thigh and buttocks. The essence of the thrust is that the maximum pulling of the biceps of the thigh and the berium is achieved, which leads to an increase and formation of the desired volume of these muscles. When stretching the muscles, the muscles progress faster in growth, it is no less important than the reduction. With a full stretch, the muscles are strengthened and get the load no worse than at the peak of the reduction. This technique does not fix the muscles, but on the contrary, makes them elastic and elastic, but not overtrained. In addition to the main muscles, additional - synergists are connected:

  • biceps hips;
  • buttock muscles;
  • extension of the lower back;
  • trapezoid muscles;
  • rear bundles of deltoid muscles.

Differences of the Romanian and Classical Brain

The classic rodged traction, which is used in Powerlifting, is performed with squats when the knee is at a right angle, the thigh is parallel to the floor. With this technique, the maximum load is obtained by the extensors of the lower back, and the thigh quadriceps when pushing. This technique is performed exclusively with a barbell.

The main differences of the exercises:

  • with a dead thrust, the biceps of the thigh operates more, and with the classical classic - the loin and four-headed;
  • classic traction is performed with a narrower leg forming than Romanian;
  • classical traction has only one embodiment and only with a barbell;
  • in the Romanian tarative, the Taz remains in place, and in the classic squatting.

Machinery with a barbell

For those who have a hip bicep well stretch, you can complicate the technique standing on the platform, that is, hill. Such an option helps to stretch the biceps of the thigh even more and load the berium. To safely, it is better to place a neck on the power frame at the hinder level, this is allowed not to overcess to the back and not to tear the spine.

Step-by-step technique:

  1. Standing in the power frame, placing the palm on the jiff in the width of the shoulder joints.
  2. We remove the bar from the racks, make a couple of steps back, placing the footsteps in the width of the shoulders.
  3. Tighten and stabilize the abdominal muscles and lower back, slightly bend your knees.
  4. Inhale: bend down the housing down, the straight hands are lowered along the legs, the knees are bent, the pelvis is taken back, carrying the body weight on the heels.
  5. Back straight, look in front of me, feel the thigh biceps stretch.
  6. Exhale: repulscing the heels, straining the buttocks, carry out the craving with a smooth back and completely extending the body.
  7. After execution, approach the frame and leave the rings on the racks.

Varieties of technology dead traction

There are several varieties of Romanian thrust, each of them affects its muscles and the result. The differences are both in the equipment with which the traction is performed and in the technique.

Stand on one leg

This type of thrust not only develops certain muscle groups, but also balance, stabilization and retention of the body. The exercise can be performed both with a barbell and dumbbells. The traction is performed in the stop on one leg, the second canopy, when the slope is free, the foot is given back and rises as much as possible as possible as if the "Swallow" position. Lowering and raising the case is performed in the same way as on two legs. It is important not to take a lot of weight, since there is probability not to resist and fulfill the technique. Performed on both sides the same number of repetitions.

Training with dumbbells

Unlike the rod, dumbbells provide less stabilization, which complicates a little complicating technique. But the working muscles remain unchanged, although they require greater concentration of attention to the holding of muscle stabilizers.

Training on straight legs

The technique of this option provides for the execution of thrust without bending the knees. The technique remains the same as when the knees bent, but there are differences in the load on certain muscle groups. In such a form of equipment in more than The biceps of the thigh is loaded, as it gives up a greater extract than with a variant with bent knees. For those who want to develop the biceps of the thigh, especially if the muscle is lagging behind the buttocks and quadriceps, it is necessary to carry out straight legs.

When performing the Romanian traction, a lumbar spine is under heavy load. With the weak muscles of the press and the loin, the back injuries are possible, so coaches advise the exercise only prepared athletes. Main preparatory exercises These are hyperextension, extension and beeter beeter flexion on block simulators, closures of the case, blocks of blocks behind the head.

There are small nuances in the technique - when the hull is tilted down, it is important to transfer the support on the heels, while you need not just go down to the floor, but pull the tailbone back.

It is the stretching from the tailbone that will ensure the stretching of the main muscles and their elaboration.

Thus, the case does not fall forward, and leans due to the elongation of the cockbar back.

Large load not only the lower back, but also the chest spine. It is important to perform the stabilization of the chest department due to the information of the blades. The blades should be collected to the center of the back, and the shoulders take place back, opening the chest. Shoulder joints should not be understood by climbing the cervical department.

The number of repetitions depends directly on targets. Powerlifting the main task is the rise of the maximum weight at once. This method develops blast power. For power development, you need to repeat the exercise for no more than 4 times, for the strength of 4-6 repetitions. If the main task is a set of muscle mass, then the exercise is 8-12 times. To maintain muscles in a tone and reduce volumes, work on endurance is performed, that is, the number of repetitions exceeds 15 times in one approach. Beginners it is necessary to perform three approaches, more prepared - 4 approaches of one exercise.

To prevent injury and negative consequences, such as lumbar hernia, especially when working with a lot of weight, it is recommended to use a special belt. Its width and density will allow you to stabilize the spine, and will not give the opportunity to fake with a large load. Such a belt can be purchased in sports stores, it is in every room. It is better to be restrained and eliminate all risks of injury.

In professional sports, the technique of gifts is used, it means that one brush is located on top of the grip, and the second reverse grip is below. But for the muscle training for a large number of repetitions, this method is not worth using, as it affects the load offset.

Which muscles will get more load depends on the type of becoming a classic, Sumo, Romanian. If there are no problems with the spine. This exercise must be part of the program for and.

Ranal - very effective, but at the same time one of the most traumatic exercises performed in the gym.

The correct rod rod will make you stronger and more if you master the correct technique of doing this exercise.

Basic working muscles:

  • trapeze
  • shoggy
  • rectifiers of the back (more work in the Romanian styling (becoming stranded))
  • jagged muscles
  • biceps hip (more involved in the Romanian brazing (becoming stranded)))
  • muscles Berder (work during the "SUMO" traction)

Options Broat traction

Ranged traction - classic style

video - Ranged Truck Technique

  • legs on the width of the shoulders or a little already, the front of the legs concerns the rod;
  • the grip straight is a little wider than the shoulders (there is another grip "gifts" - when one of the palms under the barbell, and the other from above; so you can hold a greater weight in my hands - but this grip makes basically Powerlifters)
  • the blades are reduced - the trapezoids and the widest;
  • spin on one straight with a natural bend (do not circle lower back!) - At the same time, if in the original position of the back at an angle to the floor (and the hips parallel), then the tailings and the buttocks are obtained, and if the back is parallel to the floor - more load on it;
  • rising up, the bar slides on the feet and is close as possible to the body all the time;
  • flex your legs in the knees and assigned the pelvis back.

Range traction with dumbbells

video Range Tractor With Dumbbells Execution Technique

You can do with dumbbells - this option for those who injured wrists or forearm.

Rangery Sumo

video - Stanning Truck Sumo Technique

During the execution of the IMUMO style, it is possible to raise more weight than in the classic style. Muscles of the legs are more involved in work, in particular, the thrust muscles of the thigh.

Proper execution technique:

  • foot put much wider shoulders, at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the grip straight is a little wider than shoulders (there is still grip "gifts" - when one of the palms under the barbell, and the other from above; so you can hold a greater weight in my hands - but this grove is made in mostly Powerlifters);
  • at the bottom point of the hips, parallel to the floor, the shin at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor, the back is straight and a little is served forward;
  • the blades are reduced, the chest is forward;
  • start a break from the floor from the floor using the leg muscles;
  • in no case can you cut the back, it remains on one straight line.

Romanian Stannaya Tract (Range Language on Rides)

video - Romanian Ranan Traction (Range Language on Rides) Technique

Romanian launched traction (rainfall on straight legs) loads back straighteners, beer biceps and biceps. It can be put on the day of workout both and. Also, as well as the classic, Romanian becomes you can do with dumbbells in your hands.

Proper execution technique:

  • grip slightly wider shoulders;
  • back all the time remains straight;
  • tighten your back forward and assign the buttocks back;
  • legs bend a bit in the knees;
  • the rod is not lowered to the floor, the neck reaches approximately the middle of the leg (you must feel the thigh biceps stretching);
  • the neck will slide along the beads and the front surface of the tibia;
  • it is impossible to sharply lower and raise the bar, the movements must be controlled, and the muscles are tense; On average, raise the bar faster, lower the slower.

If your back straighteners are still weak, you can do with burden.

Greetings, my dear readers! Today on the agenda, the most common exercise is Romanian rod. However, despite all his conjience, a lot of beginners (and not only) athletes confuse this exercise with the classics and do not understand what. In this short note, we will analyze which muscles are directly involved in the work, thoroughly learn about the right technique and all the intricacies of execution, get acquainted with the main mistakes.

So, occupy your places, went.

Romanian raznan traction. What, why and why?

In one of our previous articles, we figured out the classic version of this exercise in detail, but there are quite a large number of them, about one of these - the Romanian rod rod, we will talk further.

Where does such an unusual name come from?

The thing is that the exercise is overseas and came to Iron Sports from Romania itself and their weightlifter named Nicu Vlad. It was his first to be observed (which then 1990 r, not yet called). The athlete simply used it as an auxiliary, to strengthen the nose of the back, subsequently, the adjective "Romanian" became associated with this athlete and movement.

Anatomical atlas

In general, the rod truck is a heavy basic exercise that requires limiting collections and concentrations from the athlete. Its seriousness is caused by the inclusion in the work of the largest muscle groups of the body, so in the course of its execution, a colossal amount of energy is spent. To feel all the power of becoming a traction, the weight of the projectile should be impressive (for the load "spreads" throughout the muscles) And to stimulate each working muscle, the necessary "tonnage" must be used. Ranan and all its kinds are relatively powerful (in comparison with insulated movements) Sweep the endocrine system to the emission of anabolic hormones, in particular - and.

Romanian launched a very popular exercise as in male, so in women's circles, because It is very much worked with the rear surface of the hip - biceps. And I have little known for such a young lady who do not dream of a beautiful form of a buttock and an elastic "fifth point", after all, it is the center of the Universe!

Therefore, if you decide to "roll up buns", then this exercise is not suitable for this purpose.


The execution of classical traction will have a minimal impact on your "sedator" :).

In addition to the main target muscular group, this type of thrust is perfectly loading berium, calf, lumbar and muscles of the trapezoid:

Before switching to the main mistakes and shortcomings that admit the athletes when performing the Romanian traction, let's look at one general time, which concerns all species of the Stanin - is the position of the start.

As we said earlier, the exercise is a comprehensive, and with a sufficient weight, the athlete just begins to be angry with the "intelligence". However, it lies the most important underwater stone - weight. If a person does not adhere to the correct execution technique (and most importantly, will "merge" the moment of start), instead of large muscles, he risks get a different bouquet of injury. Therefore, let's clearly and detail what muscles when they turn on / take the load, and what is generally kinesiology becoming a traction.

So, consider the variant of the classical execution of the bed.

During the lifting of the projectile (rods with pancakes) From the floor, there is a concentric reduction of berries, biceps and thigh quadriceps. The calbal and shaped muscles provide a rigid and durable rack.

Muscles rectifiers (pass along the entire length of the spinal column), Hold your back straight, shrinking isometric. The widest muscles, also performing isometric work, "support" shoulder joints. The shoulders hold hands and do not allow them to "leave" from the case. Strong grip of the grip provide muscle of forearms and brushes:

Mosaic should be collected correctly, i.e. The position of the housing, hands and feet occupies the only possible position. If the athlete "hangs" above the projectile (See image, 1), It is changing his natural bend of the spine, and this threatens a guaranteed injury. With proper gray (See image, 2) The load is uniformly (without distortion) is distributed throughout the vertebral post:

Also, the correct starting position allows you to "mobilize" a much larger muscle. I think now, performing any kind of drawing of traction, you will remember how the right start is important.


Now let's run through the most common mistakes when performing Romanian traction.

Error number 1. Round spin

The most common error that reduces the entire exercise efficiency and leads to frequent spinal injuries.

Conclusion: both at the time of removal of the bar from the floor (the start phase) and at the top point, the back should be tense with perfectly direct (as Arshin) spine.

Error number 2. Rod is far from the legs

Very often, the athlete does not reach the rod, as a result of which it moves away from the legs.

Conclusion: the rod must be located as close as possible to the legs. (slightly touching them when performing).

When the weight of the projectile becomes significant, the athlete can not always keep the bar at the expense of the power of the brushes and the forearm, the grip is weakening, and by flexing the hands I want to "correct" the vulture.

Conclusion: If you have a weak grip, then take a smaller weight or use special straps.

The following image will serve as a visual example demonstrating errors described above:

Subtlety and secrets

So now consider small preparatory secrets to help 100% Technically, it is true to fulfill the Romanian stink. These include:

She must sit on the leg tightly, it is desirable to be leather, heel is not more 1 Cm, wide and flat sole over the entire length. Frames are the perfect option. If there is no proper "support lever" (Sole will be soft and fingers raised), it is possible to get a back injury.

  • Massat.

If the weight is too big, then it is used to hold, it uses a variety, but it creates an unnecessary "torque" moment that negatively affects the spine. Therefore, or reduce the number of repetitions with a gifting with 10 before 4-6 Or use brush straps.

  • Intrangy voltage

A characteristic phenomenon for this exercise to remove it make a forced exhalation (fast and deep exhalation, after the same inhalation) On the most serious portion of amplitude.

Well, enough to walk around and about :), it's time to "push" according to the right technique.

Technique implementation

Due to the fact that in Iron Sport exists (at a minimum) 8 The types of traction, many simply do not understand what the difference between one species from the other and perform everything in a single style. In fact, they are, and with quite significant, in particular, the whole salt consists in displacement of the load, i.e. For each species, it is precisely the sighting entry into its working muscle.

Very often confused classical becoming with Romanian, so let's consider the drawing that clearly demonstrates what their fundamental differences (see image):

The fundamental difference is:

  1. shortened amplitude (to knee level);
  2. smaller shell weighing;
  3. sun vertical during the entire movement.

The only correct step-by-step technique of performing this type of thrust is as follows.

Step number 1.

Install the necessary weight on the bar and go close to the vigilant (he must hang over his shin). Legs on the width of the shoulders, feet are parallel to each other.

Step number 2.

Grasp the neck grip a little wider shoulders, ordinary grip (deploying palms to the torso).

Step number 3.

Hands slightly bent in the elbows, back straight, blades are reduced (their position in the upper and lower point of the trajectory must be unchanged). Legs slightly bent in the knees. At the top point you need to file a pelvis forward (It is interesting, really? :)) And achieve the vertical spine.

This is the starting position and the starting point when performing a traction.

Step number 4.

Leaving the blades reduced, we feed the pelvis back, bending your back and leaning, we take the buttocks back. Throughout the trajectory of movement, the back is fastened. At the bottom of the trajectory it is necessary to experience the limit stretching of the biceps of the hips and not "hump" back. Weight rises with biceps hips, not back. The height of the rod rod is slightly above the middle of the thigh. The chin slightly raised.

Step number 5.

Rod movement - strictly vertical (as close as possible to the legs)The housing is shifted back. The rod rise occurs due to the shock of the floor with his legs back. You, as it were, speed the foot to the floor and smoothly (without jerks) pushing it back. First of all, the hips biceps should be tired, and not the bottom of the back - this is the indicator of the "correctness" exercise.

Step number 6.

The shell sinks to the floor: the hands are slightly sealed, the shin remains vertical throughout the entire movement, the neck slightly touches the legs.


In the Romanian march, the balance of the rod is achieved by means of conscious transfer of body weight (up to 70% ) On the heels and extending the pelvis back when it is lowering.

The visual range is as follows:

And in the male performance ...

If you are new (Starting before 1 of the year) and have poorly developed muscles of the bark, back and legs, but you want to easily feel your hips biceps, then (and slight elevation) It will be the best option for you.

Guide supports have a given trajectory of motion and unbalanced the housing will be minimal. You can start with a small weight ( 40-50 kg) and without a "boost" platform. As your muscular growth and technical skills, increase the weight of the design in the power frame and use the platform:

Actually, I have everything, as they say, neither add - not to subscribe, summarize.


Romanian rodged traction - perhaps best exerciseTo make truly poorest buns :), not the gift of the young lady like it and perform in any place and at any opportunity. Therefore, if any fifth point liked your eyes, catch up with her owner and find out if it is in her arsenal this exercise, and I bet, it will be in the first place!

It seems now exactly all, up to communication!

PS. Do not forget generously share useful information with your associates and comrades.

With respect and appreciation, Protasov Dmitry.

To work out the muscles of the buttocks and femoral biceps, Romanian traction can be used - an efficient basic technique, suitable for both male and female sex. Romanian variation of the exercise helps to work well the muscles of ICR, buttocks and the lower back. Unlike standard traction, the Romanian rod traction provides for a significant reduction in the load on the lower spoken departments, which reduces the risk of muscle injury during active movement.

Determining the exercise

Romanian thrust is a technique performed on straightened or slightly bent legs, involving the lowering of the projectile to the middle of the tibia, allowing you to protect the muscles of the back and lower back. It also allows you to increase the number of approaches.

The name of the Romanian thrust occurred from the Romanian weightlifters known in the past times, which won on all tournaments. The difference between the Bulgarian thrust from becoming the directional elaboration of the muscles of the buttocks and femoral biceps.

Principles of implementation

The thrust can be performed using dumbbells and rods. The exercise using the rod is considered more convenient, as using this projectile, you can control both the movement of the rod itself and the arrangement of the hands at the desired distance.

Useful tips on the implementation of Romanian traction:

  • there should be dense shoes on his feet, which will limit the movement of the fingers;
  • it can be kept exclusively with a wide grip, pre-stamped the brush;
  • the back must be smooth with a little deflection in the waist department;
  • it is impossible to carry out a lot of weight to prevent injury;
  • to avoid mistakes when performing, the exercise is better learning to do before the mirror surface;
  • implementation technique does not allow complete extension on the upper limit;
  • is different romanian technique also preliminary training space for exercise.

The classical thrust using the rod is well suited for girls, since the entire main load goes to the rear area of \u200b\u200bthe hips and buttocks. If execution technique will be carried out with accurate compliance with all rules and recommendations, it will help the girl to get an attractive form. Due to the low-propelled lifestyle, the muscles of this group remain developed in the smallest extent.

Execution technique:

  1. Starting position: legs placed on the width of shoulders, a little bent in the knees. It is necessary to breathe, cross in the loan department, lean and straighten your feet.
  2. Shell take straight grip, placing hands at a distance, wider shoulders. You need to exhale and raise the projectile, straightening your hands to the end.
  3. It is necessary to breathe, straighten the housing and leaning out, lowering the bar for the middle of the leg. All movements should be performed smoothly and smoothly.
  4. Exercise repeats the required number of times provided individual program Training.

Helpful information:

  • during lowering, the vulture should take touch with the thigh and the shin;
  • training allows you to reduce the load on the lumbar department and increase it on your feet;
  • the head is located on one vertical with the spine;
  • the thrust must be performed only with a straight back, if it is not possible to perform this requirement, then it is better to stop exercise;
  • if it is difficult to keep in the smooth position of the back, you need to turn on the workout on the development of the back muscles;
  • when lifting the projectile, it is necessary to count on the power of the entire skeleton.

Romanian radan traction with dumbbells enjoys less popular. The difference is that it is much more complicated to perform cravings, and the load is not so symmetrical. Performance is accompanied by constant control over the location of the dumbbells and the exact distribution of the load on the entire body.

The difference between the Romanian

Romanian rodnan traction, in contrast to the traction of the dead, has the following distinction:

  • the direction of movement - when performing the Romanian thrust, the spin must be located only directly;
  • trajectory of motion - bottom up;
  • the weight of the projectile should allow in a light smooth mode to perform up to 15 repetitions;
  • reached Result - Classical thrust is suitable for male and female sex, all wishing to get muscular tone and relief, increase the endurance of the legs.

When searching for a response to the question, the difference between Romanian from classical, it becomes clear that Romanian's thrust is an excellent method for obtaining embossed hips and beautiful priests. This option is suitable without exception to every woman at any age.

There is no such separate concept as a rameric Romanian thrust. Ranan traction is a common term, uniting various exercises, providing for the rise of the projectile from the floor with straight hands until the body has completely straightening the case.

Romanian is just one of the component of the traction, which includes other options:

  • lifter (in Sumo style);
  • bilder (classical);
  • trep-rods.

Almost every woman wishes to have a perfect body, including a beautiful relief and elastic buttocks. But few of them know that the exercises of the Romanian traction will allow to achieve the desired result for a relatively short period of time. It is also surprising that this traction can be used both by men and women. It is important to understand that if desired, you can always achieve an excellent result.

In the walls of the club "YourRevolution1905" we are ready to professionally help you pull your body and improve physical form. Whole systems of exercises developed by certified specialists, nutrition guidelines, smart weighing and much more, all this will help you to achieve the goal as efficiently as possible. For the most efficient and quick result, you can engage in a person (one on one with a coach) or in mini-groups to ten people. Come to our classes and we will help you become the best version of yourself!