Romanian straight-legged deadlift technique. Romanian barbell deadlift

Hello everyone, and now we will talk about Romanian cravings, or as they call it in another way - deadlift on straight legs... This exercise is somewhat similar to the deadlift, except that in the deadlift our knees bend, and in the Romanian deadlift, the legs should be straight or bent, but very slightly. This exercise is considered basic and focuses on the load on the gluteal muscles and on the hamstrings (back of the thigh).

Before discussing the technique, I would like to insist that you use a back belt to prevent injury.

Deadlift technique

1. The back should be charmingly straight, creating a slight arch in the lower back. Never round your back while doing this exercise. this can lead to injury, because the work will have to be done with decent weights.

2. It is necessary to slightly bend the knees. Although this exercise is called deadlift on straight legs, this does not mean that the knees should be fully extended. Bending at the knee joint, firstly, allows you to keep your back arched, because if you stand on straight legs while bending down, your back will be round. Secondly, we take the load off the knees and do not create breaking stress in them.

3. The bar should move along your legs, you should feel how it slides along your legs. If you don't press the bar tightly to you, but lead it slightly away from you, then the center of gravity will shift the load from the hamstring to the lower back.

4. In order to concentrate on the work of the back of the thigh and buttocks and to minimize the work of the back, it is necessary not to bend forward, but to take the pelvis back. We work only with the pelvis, take it back and bring it forward.

5.Working inside the amplitude. We go down as low as possible, as far as your stretch allows, and at the top we do not fully straighten and we unbend our back. We work in ¾ amplitude. This must be done so that the load on the buttocks and hips is constant, without relaxation. As soon as you fully straighten up, all the load will go to your back.

6. Experiment with positioning your feet. Someone better feels the work of the necessary muscles when the legs are very narrow, while others like to put their feet shoulder-width apart, your task is to try several options and find the most suitable one for yourself. You also need to find the optimal position of your feet. Try turning them inward or outward, this will also load the muscles in different ways and will allow you to find the best position specifically for your muscle structure.

Exercise variations

How to do romanian barbell deadlift I wrote above, and now I'll tell you a little about romanian dumbbell deadlift.

Dumbbell Deadlift provides a number of advantages and disadvantages regarding barbell work.


1. Because dumbbells with a diameter smaller than the discs from the barbell, then we have the opportunity to lower the weight lower, thereby the amplitude of movement becomes larger, which has a positive effect on muscle growth.

2.With dumbbells, it is easier to feel the work of the hips and buttocks, because the center of gravity can be easily shifted to where we need it. Unlike a barbell, which can only be held in front of you, dumbbells can be held to the side along the legs, which minimizes back work.


1.It will not work with very decent weights, because the dumbbell row usually ends with 50 kg dumbbells, and with a barbell you can load at least 200 kg.

2.The rod is easier to hold because it is easier to slip with straps to it. Of course, this can be done with dumbbells, but this is longer and not so convenient.

When and how much to do this exercise?

1.In contrast to the quadriceps, where muscle fibers mixed, half white and half red (hardy), the hamstrings are predominantly white (strong) fibers, and therefore it is necessary to work in a forceful manner for 8-12 reps.

2.If you fully train your legs in one day, then deadlift should be done after the quadriceps exercises. For example, they did the squat first, then the leg press, extension and move on to the deadlift. .

I am glad to welcome you dear readers of the sports blog sportivs. Alexander Bely is with you. I propose today to discuss female forms. It's no secret that all girls want to have good figure and a toned ass, and so we'll talk about how you can achieve great results. We will find out why the Romanian deadlift for girls has become the main secret to achieving a toned buttocks and a beautiful figure.

Basic concepts

Romanian cravings is the prototype of the classic. Its difference lies in the fact that it is performed on straight legs.

This type of traction is widely used among both men and girls. The back of the leg is being worked out - the hamstrings. For girls, this exercise will serve as an excellent helper. In addition to the load on the gluteal muscles, there is tension in the back area. Thanks to this factor, this exercise can be performed both on the training day of the legs and back.

In order to achieve good results, you must adhere to the correct execution technique. Otherwise, it is fraught with the appearance of a lot of troubles - injuries, sprains.
To avoid injury, let's take a look at some of the common pitfalls that beginners and Romanian deadlifters do.

Runtime errors

1. One of the most common mistakes is doing the exercise with a round back. Basically, this error is present when the projectile is overweight. The body is unable to perform the barbell lift in the correct technique and is assisted by the back, which does it in a C-bend. Always watch your back to keep it straight.

2. The boom is too far away. A too far location is fraught with incorrect technique, since the projectile goes too far from the legs.

3. Bend the arm at the elbow. This happens when the weight of the projectile is too heavy. When an athlete tries with all his might to perform a barbell lift, it happens that the grip weakens, and you want to correct the bar by bending your arms.

  • Footwear. It is recommended that you wear sneakers that fit snugly around your foot so that you can feel the floor during the exercise.
  • Rough grab. Used when the projectile is too heavy.

You may have some problem, in the form of a weakened grip when you do the deadlift with too much weight. To avoid this mistake, I recommend using shoulder straps.

Dear friends, I advise people who have back problems not to do these exercises. This can only make the situation worse. Before starting training, I recommend that you consult your doctor and coordinate with him all the exercises that can be performed without harming the body.

Now that we've covered the basic concepts and the most common mistakes that get in the way of quality execution, let's talk about technique.

Correct technique

At the moment, there are about 8 types of deadlift. Most are simply confused and do not understand which muscle groups are involved in this exercise.

Before this, and before other exercises, I strongly recommend that you, dear friends, carry out a thorough warm-up, which will warm up your body, tone your muscles, thereby you can protect yourself from unpleasant injuries and sprains.

1. Hang the desired weight on the projectile, go to it. Legs are shoulder-width apart, feet are parallel.

2. Grab a barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

3. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the back is always straight, the shoulder blades must be brought together. Bending your knees, at the maximum point you need to move the pelvis forward so that the spine is vertical.

4. The back is in a bent state, you need to move the pelvis back. As you lower the bar you should feel a strong stretch in the back of your leg. If this happens, then you are doing the exercise correctly. It is important to monitor the level of the back so that it is in an even position, you need to do the exercise with the muscles of the legs, and not the back.

5. The barbell rises strictly vertically. During the exercise, you need to feel how the muscles of the back of the thigh are tense, if you do not feel, then you are doing something wrong.

What can be replaced

There is also alternative option Romanian deadlift - with dumbbells. A great plus is that the exercise can be performed both in the gym and at home. This variety is perfect for those with wrist or forearm problems.

There is another alternative, which is an isolated exercise - the Romanian deadlift with one hand. You need to grab the support with your hand, take a dumbbell in one hand, during the exercise it should slide along the leg. I recommend doing the exercise slowly, so you will feel the best pumping. Also, do not forget to monitor the level of your back, remember, it is always straight!

To maximize the load on the hamstrings, strain it additionally with each set.

The Romanian deadlift is one of the most popular basic bodybuilding exercises and is a special kind of set, performed with both a barbell and dumbbells. Develops and strengthens the hamstrings and buttocks. It owes its name to one famous athlete named Vlad Nicolae, you know from which country. However, we will not delve into history, since the article is not about that. How to perform this exercise correctly and effectively, and how it differs from deadlift, which is very similar - that's what you will read about below.

Differences between the Romanian stanovaya and the stanovaya on straight legs (dead)

Many athletes and sports sites describe the Romanian deadlift and the deadlift as the same exercise, but this is not entirely true. Yes, they are very similar to each other, but they still have some differences.

  • By the level of difficulty of execution: the dead on straight legs has a level of 3, and the "Romanian" -5. Consequently, the Romanian deadlift is an easier exercise.
  • The dead one is performed on straight legs, with only a slightly permissible bend. In the "Romanian", the legs can be bent within a fairly large allowable range.
  • In the dead - a shorter amplitude of lowering the body of the body, it all depends on the stretch of your hips. In our situation, the barbell or dumbbells can drop significantly below the knees, since they can bend more than in the "dead" version.
  • In a Romanian, from the muscles, for the most part, only the biceps of the thigh and buttocks are involved, and in the dead, the back muscles are also involved, which is not typical for a Romanian.
  • Using a different grip. In our case, it is inappropriate, because of the torque in the spine, in contrast to the dead one, where such a grip is acceptable with a large weight of the projectile.
  • In the "Romanian", the pelvis moves back at the very beginning of the exercise and the bar moves along the legs almost tightly, in the dead "back" does not move, and the bar immediately descends parallel to the hips at a considerable distance from them.

The deadlift on straight legs, or deadlift, is described in more detail in this type of training.

Techniques for performing "Romanian"

The correct technique for performing any exercise is the key to a good result for athletes, so let's consider this issue below, taking into account various nuances. It should be remembered that any inaccuracies and negligence in execution are fraught with various unpleasant consequences. At best, the exercise simply will not give the expected result, and at worst, you can be seriously injured.

Before doing this activity, however, like any other, be sure to do at least a small, five-minute warm-up. You should first choose the right sports shoes in which you will practice. It should be loose, lightweight, comfortable and without heels. The sole should be wide and flat.

Usually Romanian barbell or dumbbell deadlifts are performed. The Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is not a separate exercise and has practically no fundamental differences. Except for its complicated version, on one leg, then this is just one of the varieties of execution technique.

If you are doing this training for the first time, then start with a low weight. Select the most suitable weight for you individually, after consulting your trainer or more experienced jocks in the gym.

Barbell technique

  1. Coming almost close to the bar, straighten, then straighten your shoulders and take them back a little, bringing the shoulder blades together. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. Straighten your back and push your pelvis back, then lean towards the bar with a straight back, squatting slightly. In no case should your back bend and bend throughout the entire approach, otherwise a spinal injury is almost certainly guaranteed to you!
  3. Grip the bar with a straight medium grip or slightly wider. Straighten very smoothly and carefully with the barbell in your hands.
  4. With a deep breath, take a gentle and slow forward bend. In no case do we bend or bend the back (another reminder for those who did not get it the first time), and when bending down we lower the bar almost tightly with our legs.
  5. We lower the barbell to the knees, or slightly lower, to the middle of the shins. Then, without lingering for a long time in the lower part of the amplitude, we slowly straighten up.
  6. Do 3-5 reps (assuming you are a beginner) and rest. You can then repeat it again several times, but if you no longer have the strength to keep your back straight, then this training must be stopped for today in order to avoid injury.

3-5 reps should not be at maximum weight, there should not be any fail reps. Therefore, if you are not an experienced athlete, then do not hang a lot of weight. Get used to the correct technique and go slowly. When you fully master this type of training, then increase the weight and the number of repetitions to 10-12.

Dumbbell technique

Such an exercise with dumbbells is a light version of the "Romanian", which is perfect for women and girls, but it is also not contraindicated for men. As already mentioned above, there are practically no fundamental differences from training with a barbell, except for the sports equipment you use. So, in this case, you may well follow all of the above instructions.

It is only worth adding that with the dumbbell technique, it will be more difficult to keep the arms at the desired width than with the girth of the bar, so there will still be a small additional load on the arm muscles, and in particular, on the biceps and triceps, but nothing wrong with this, of course, is not.

On one leg

Romanian deadlift on one leg, affectionately nicknamed by athletes "crane" (because of the similarity in action with a well crane), has much more fundamental differences from similar exercises with a barbell or dumbbells on two legs, which is evident even from the name of the training.

Let's say right away - this is a rather complex and traumatic type of "Romanian", so you need to be as careful as possible, and if you have back problems, it is better to completely abandon such an extreme stunt.

This exercise is most common among the female sports audience, since it is designed to develop the muscles of the thigh and gluteal muscles, and a beautiful ass is still more relevant for girls, although there are all kinds of men too ...

Also, the "crane" helps to train the vestibular apparatus, since during its execution it is extremely difficult to maintain balance, because it requires certain skills and dexterity.

Dumbbells or kettlebells, less often a bar, are used here as sports equipment.

  1. Set up weights or dumbbells on a low stand, such as a step platform, or just a small bench or bench.
  2. Bring one leg back (this will be the working leg) and lift it up, while lowering and pushing forward the body straightened in the back. It is advisable to do all this synchronously. Ideally, your working leg and body should form a horizontal line.
  3. Now that your body is located so that you can take a sports equipment, take the dumbbells with your hands, slightly bending the supporting leg at the knee. There is still such a nuance here: the shells can be taken, both in both hands, and only in one. In the second case, the non-working hand should be resting on the waist. The working arm with the projectile should be extended perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Now, with the equipment in your hands, gently, without sudden movements, straighten the body, simultaneously straining the gluteal and thigh muscles.
  5. Pull your hips back slightly for more comfortable body balance and balance.
  6. Return the shells to their original position on the platform. Only now can you repeat it.

Errors and safety precautions during exercise

In order to properly learn how to do the Romanian deadlift correctly and safely, you should familiarize yourself with some of the common mistakes when performing it and useful tipshow to avoid them.

Basically, many of these rules / mistakes / tips have already been mentioned here, at least in passing. However, as the author of the article, I consider it necessary to write about them. separate item, with some additions.

  • During the performance of the "Romanian", in no case should you make sudden movements and jerks. This training involves only smooth and slow movements.
  • You should not immediately use a large weight of a sports equipment. In the end, this will not lead to anything good. Try to increase your weight gradually. When you get used to the initial weight and it already seems to you like two fingers on the asphalt, then you can slightly increase the load.
  • Be sure to choose comfortable, lightweight clothing and shoes.
  • Try not to violate the starting starting position - it is described for a reason and not taken from the ceiling.
  • Never break the correct posture and do not be afraid to lose balance, taking your leg back. This applies, in particular, to the "crane".
  • Observe breathing rules. When tilting the body, take a deep breath, and when straightening, exhale.
  • Do not break the order of execution.
  • Do not tip over backwards in an upright position.
  • Do not lower your head down, but look straight.
  • Never arch or round your back.
  • Take your shoulders back, until the shoulder blades come together, and do not lift them up.
  • Do not place your sports equipment far from your feet. The barbell or dumbbells should be located as close to them as possible, almost tightly.
  • If you cannot hold the weight, then you should not intercept the bar with an elbow bend. It is better to stop exercising and try to take less weight.

Subject to all safety rules and techniques for performing this training positive results, in the form of elastic, inflated buttocks and hips, will not keep you waiting long. We hope this article was useful, informative and interesting for you. We wish you good luck with your workouts and a beautiful body!

Video: Romanian Deadlift for Powerlifters and Bodybuilders

Hello friends! My name is Vitaly Okhrimenko, and today I will conduct a dialogue about my very (almost without exaggeration) favorite bodybuilding exercise. It's about the Romanian deadlift.

And although this exercise is not as effective as, and its orientation is more preferable for the weaker sex, but it is safer and I (put my hand on my heart) really like it more!

Where does such a strange name come from

I don’t know about you, but from the very first time when I heard about the Romanian draft, I wondered where this strange name came from. I remember when the coach asked what I would do today, I replied that I would hammer the Romanian cravings. To which he asked the most stupid by nature question: "Are you Romanian?" I am almost sure that the coach did not know why the Romanian cravings were called that way (however, like me then) ... oh, if I got him now.

So, the Romanian craving was first mentioned in the literature at the beginning of the dashing 90s. But it was invented much earlier, somewhere in the early 80s. These years were truly the peak of Romanian weightlifting.

The most prominent Romanian weightlifter was a certain Vlad Nicolae. The sports career (performances) of this outstanding athlete lasted from 1984 to 1996. And at the beginning of the 90s, fellow machinemen noticed a somewhat strange exercise in Vlad's arsenal, which looked like a deadlift, but at the same time was noticeably different from it. Vlad used the Romanian deadlift solely for the purpose of developing the lagging muscles in the deadlift, but our fellow bodybuilders soon adopted this exercise from him and brought it to the next level.

Romanian Barbell Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is certainly included, if not in the top three, then in the 5 most useful bodybuilding exercises for sure! Of course, Romanian cravings should be attributed to the legs. In fact, the Romanian deadlift is aimed at the back of the thighs, although the other muscles in the back of the body are also involved in this exercise.

The problem of any deadlift is the presence of many similar exercises and many athletes do not know the difference between one type and another, in the end they do not understand what, and they do not understand which muscle they pump. Today we will try to separate the Romanian deadlift from some others. But first, according to tradition, we will consider all the features and benefits of the exercise, and at the end we will analyze the varieties.

Now it's especially lucky for beginners who are just planning to master this exercise. If I had such an instruction in front of me at the time, I am sure mastering the traction would be more painless. I just started to pull, don’t understand what and don’t understand where (something in between Sumo, Stanovoy and Romanian). As a result, in the first stages of mastering traction, I managed to rip my back. Having studied this postulate and applying the recommendations I have described, you will be able to insure yourself against this kind of injury and pump up the target muscles. I guarantee!

What rocks the Romanian craving

The Romanian deadlift is aimed more at working out the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles. And although in the Romanian deadlift, as in other versions of the deadlift, the back muscles are involved throughout the exercise, nevertheless, the targeted muscles that we will work on and, as a result, grow, will remain the hind thighs and buttocks.

The Romanian deadlift is different from all of its lighter counterparts - I'm talking about exercises that are done with low weights and are aimed at the same hamstrings or glutes. Never before doing lunges, scissor squats, or machine leg curls will allow you to put such powerful force on those target muscles. The Romanian deadlift can be performed with very large weights, and therefore the muscles as a result of the exercise will be large and elastic.

Before moving on to the correct Romanian deadlift technique, I advise you to pay attention to the 3 most common mistakes in the Romanian technique. I think the comments are unnecessary:

Correct technique for performing the Romanian deadlift

  1. Load the barbell with the required weight (for mastering the correct technique, it is better to use small weights, when the technique is conquered, the weights will surely grow). Stand close to the barbell, the position of the legs is equal to the width of the shoulders, the feet are parallel to each other.
  2. Take the barbell with a regular grip (arms turned to the body), at a distance slightly wider than the shoulders, for a tenacious grip, you can use magnesium (powerlifters' chalk), but it is better to use wrist straps.
  3. The arms are straightened at the elbow joint, the back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together (they are brought together throughout the entire approach). The legs are slightly bent at the knee joint. In the lower position, the pelvis is retracted so that the spine has an approximately even vertical line.
  4. The lowest point is the starting position.
  5. The shoulder blades are drawn together, the gaze is directed above the horizon. With a controlled movement, you must pull the bar up. In this case, the hands are always completely straight, and the movement is carried out due to the strength of the legs. The movement occurs not so much by traction as by the force of pressing the heels into the floor. It turns out something like a leg press on the floor with a barbell in your hands.
  6. At the top, the shoulder blades are still drawn together. Begin a leisurely backward movement of your buttocks while bending your knees. When performing Romanian, you need to ensure that the lower back is bent throughout the entire movement.
  7. Great attention should be paid to the lower point of the amplitude. The bar hangs on straightened arms and reaches somewhere in the middle of the lower leg. At the lowest point, you can feel the stretch of the biceps of the thigh, the main thing is to maintain an even back. The upward movement occurs by the force of the hamstrings, but not by the force of the back. At the top, the bar rises slightly above the center of the thigh. The chin is slightly raised throughout the approach.
  8. The bar moves strictly vertically, while the bar during the exercise is as close to the legs as possible. The foot seems to grow into the floor, and smoothly, without jerking, by the force of the legs, the body straightens. With the correct execution of the Romanian stanova, the biceps of the hips are the first to get tired, and only then the muscles of the lower back.
  9. After completing the required number of approaches, you need to return the bar to the floor or to the racks, if the bar was taken not from the floor, but from the racks. Do not relax and do not round your back until the bar is released with your hands.

When performing the Romanian deadlift, balance is maintained through the conscious transfer of body weight (up to 70%) to the heels. Pulling back the pelvis in the negative phase (during lowering) helps maintain balance.

What is the difference between Romanian craving and stanova

The difference between the Romanian and the deadlift is, first of all, that the classical deadlift loads decently more muscles (about 80% of all muscles), while the Romanian deadlift is more aimed at pumping the back of the thigh (leg biceps) and gluteal muscles.

  • The amplitude of movement in the Romanian traction is shorter (the bar is lowered to the middle of the lower leg), due to this, the load on the lumbar region becomes several times less than in the classical version.
  • Another difference between the Romanian traction and the deadlift is in its priorities: the classical deadlift is more popular with men, and the Romanian one with young ladies.

Highly important point: Romanian policemen do not tolerate a lack of grip... The different grip is suitable for powerlifters for record-breaking performance in the classic deadlift, as it helps to hold large weights. But it creates a torque completely unnecessary for you and me in the spine, which leads to an uneven distribution of the load between the left and right parts of the body. It is best to use wrist straps, this will allow you to take the right weights without being distracted by the grip.

What is the difference between the Romanian craving and the dead

The main difference between the Romanian deadlift and the deadlift is in the execution technique and target muscles. In principle, Romanian thrust and dead thrust are similar, but as I just wrote there are differences. They are as follows:

  • In the Romanian deadlift, the bar goes down to the mid-calf, while in the deadlift, the bar reaches the floor.
  • In the Romanian deadlift, the bar slides along the legs; in the deadlift, the barbell movement is more vertical.
  • In the Romanian deadlift, the hamstrings are mainly worked out, while the lower back is slightly loaded. In deadlift, most of the load is shifted to the lower back.
  • With the Romanian deadlift, bending of the knees is allowed, while in the deadlift, the knees (ideally, in practice, far from always) should remain flat.
  • The movement of the Romanian thrust at the top point begins with the retraction of the pelvis back, while in the dead thrust the pelvis is fixed and the projectile is lowered along a vertical line.
  • When straightening in Romanian traction, the pelvis moves forward (at the top point), this does not happen in deadlift.

In principle, Romanian cravings and deadlifts are similar, which is why they are often confused. I hope after the differences I described you will not do this. And you will never again type in a query like "Romanian deadlift on straight legs" in your search engine.

Varieties of Romanian cravings

Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift

In fact, the Romanian dumbbell deadlift is a lightweight version of the free weight exercise of the Romanian barbell deadlift. Working with dumbbells slightly shifts the load, helps to use those stabilizing muscles that, for some reason, may not work so actively when performing an exercise with a barbell.

My advice: include Romanian dumbbell deadlift in your program as a complement to Romanian barbell, and the result will not be long in coming. A feature of the Romanian woman with dumbbells is convenience: the dumbbells slide along the body and do not create inconvenience when passing the knees.

But here I will make a reservation: the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells or weights should be performed less often than with a barbell, this exercise should not be the main one, but rather auxiliary.

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Technique:

Starting position is standing, arms extended, dumbbells in each hand. The back is slightly arched at the lower back. Shoulders are straightened, shoulder blades are together, feet are shoulder width apart, feet are parallel. In general, everything is like with a barbell, only with dumbbells. Keeping the back straight, bend the knees and at the same time pull the pelvis back until the dumbbells reach the middle of the lower leg, and the body gets an almost parallel position with the floor.

During the movement, the arms with dumbbells do not lower in front of the body, as in the version with a barbell, but from the side, from the outside of the thighs along the line of the legs.

At the bottom point, we feel the tension of the back of the thigh (biceps), and with the strength of the legs and buttocks we press with the heels to the floor, simultaneously straightening the knees and giving the pelvis forward until it is completely extended.

We carry out the required number of times.

To increase the load on the gluteal muscles, you need to additionally strain the buttocks in a standing position (squeeze). Well, if there is a desire to better pump up the buttocks, you need to do the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells on straight legs (lowering occurs only by pulling the pelvis back). Only for this option you need to take dumbbells lighter.

Romanian cravings in Smith

Smith's Romanian Deadlift is a great exercise for beginners who have not yet fully developed their muscle corset, but want to have strong hips and toned buttocks. True, in the Romanian traction in Smith, there are still more minuses than pluses: the trajectory of movement will be set by the guides, which in turn will turn off the stabilizers from the muscles. Of the advantages, it is worth noting the safety of this type of Romanian.

The execution is quite simple and differs from the Romanian deadlift with a barbell only in that the trajectory is even and the barbell is fixed. True, I would not put my head on cutting off for the name "Romanian deadlift in Smith", because of the trajectory of the bar, this exercise is more likely a deadlift (on straight legs) in Smith than Romanian.

Romanian traction technique in Smith:

We get into the Smith machine, grab the bar from the lowest point (usually in Smith it is above the feet), and perform straightening. When the muscle corset is slightly strengthened, it will be possible to place pancakes or a stand under the legs in order to increase the range of motion and, as a result, muscle response.

If someone here is interested in my opinion, then I would recommend doing Romanian cravings in Smith only to very green beginners or those who have serious problems with the spine. In my opinion, a Romanian woman with free weights is better with less weight, but with the participation of stabilizing muscles.

Romanian traction in a crossover

The Romanian crossover deadlift is definitely an exclusively female exercise. Personally, I would not recommend doing it at all, it's better to do the Romanian craving in Smith *. Although, for the sake of alternation, in principle, you can do it. At least the workout will not be so boring if you do different exercises.

Romanian traction technique in a crossover:

We approach the crossover (or lower block) with our back, the cable of the lower block is passed between the legs. We grab the handle in a squat position and straighten up. We do the same Romanian deadlift, only instead of a barbell we have a simulator handle.

Romanian deadlift on one leg

The Romanian one-legged deadlift can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells. It is clear that the weight of the projectile should be at least two times lighter than when performing an exercise on two legs. This option will allow you to load the stabilizing muscles that do not work during all other options for performing the Romanian deadlift.

Of course, occasionally (say, once every 2 months), you need to perform Romanian deadlift on one leg to improve performance on both legs. Such traction is obtained as a kind of struggle with lagging muscles.

It is recommended to do the first times performing the Romanian deadlift on one leg without any weight at all in order to learn how to properly maintain balance.

It is clear that one leg will be working, and the other will rest at this time. Some authors recommend that the resting leg be lifted up, but even with minimal weight, this approach is difficult to maintain balance. Therefore, in my opinion more the best option will lead one leg back and set it on the toe to stabilize balance.

Romanian Single Leg Deadlift Technique:

Frankly, this option is more difficult to describe than to show, so watch the video and understand the technique:

Romanian deadlift for girls

Dear girls, I hasten to please you: your ass will certainly become rounder and gain additional elasticity. In addition, the Romanian deadlift separates the muscles of the buttocks from the hamstrings, making the butt more traced. So the Romanian deadlift for women and girls is the very thing, because what young lady does not want to twist her elastic ass in front of the enthusiastic eyes of the gentlemen?

I can definitely say: Romanian deadlift is great for girls, the main thing is not to confuse this exercise with the classical deadlift. Otherwise, the load from the muscles of the buttocks will go to the broadest muscle and lower back, and work with the problem area will be unjustified. Observe the correct technique of execution and the ass will be appetizing in appearance and pleasant to the touch.

Romanian Cravings Videos For Girls

Romanian deadlift videos

Good luck in sports!

Respectfully, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

There are many types of floor deadlifts - deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, straight-legged barbell rows, and several others. In the deadlift, we do an intricate chain of straightening and squats. In deadlift, everything is different.

When to do the exercise

Unlike the classic deadlift, the deadlift (on straight legs) is ideal for girls and beginners. It can be included in the training program as soon as the trainee can stretch the muscles of the lower back and the back of the legs to the desired extent.

While there is no stretch, you cannot do the exercise. Otherwise, you will round the lower back, which should not be allowed. And you will not be able to lower the weight to the desired height. Stretching in most exercises is the foundation of correct technique.

If your back hurts, then deadlift on straight legs can hurt you. When this happens, separately pump your back, abs, and leg flexors in machines. When you have strengthened them sufficiently, you can switch to free weights. Then to the classics.

Doing deadlift or deadlift on straight legs involves several muscle groups at once. The muscles of the back and hamstrings receive the greatest stress. The quadriceps here, unlike the classic version, are not used by the dead body, since the legs remain straight all the time.

The main working muscles:

  • Back extensors.
  • Hip biceps.
  • The gluteus maximus muscles.

Basic working muscles.

The inner thighs, abs, forearms, top part back.

Confusion in concepts

We draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of exercises on the lower back and back of the legs. See for yourself:

  • Deadlift (and all of its variants).
  • Romanian deadlift (on slightly bent legs).
  • Deadlift or deadlift with straight legs.

It is more correct to say exactly the deadlift on straight legs, as well as the Romanian deadlift.

Because pulls are different, maybe, for example, barbell row or dumbbell row in the slope. And even more competent to clarify, this, for example, deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells. Simply saying barbell deadlift is not enough.

So, you understand that these are slightly different exercises. Next, we will list the main differences between them.

Now let's look at what the correct deadlift technique should be.

Execution technique

First, we need to warm up and warm up the ligaments and muscles. We recommend stretching the back of the thigh, calves and lower back a little before doing the exercise.

Execution order:

  • Stand in the starting position with the weight: we put our legs narrower than the shoulders, the socks can be slightly turned to the sides, or you can leave them parallel to each other.
  • It is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together, look directly. In the lower back, deflection (the pelvis is pushed back). Now let us remind you of breathing: when you descend, you breathe in. Exhalation goes on the rise Everything is as usual - the effort goes on exhalation, relaxation on inhalation. Just remember this simple principle of breathing.
  • Legs are straightened at the knees! Therefore, the type of exercise is called the deadlift on straight legs. We hold the bar shoulder-width apart with a straight grip.
  • We begin to move the bar or bar straight down to the middle of each foot. To do this, the feet must be on the same level with each other!
  • The back remains straight, bend over by bending the lower back and pulling the pelvis back. Pull the pelvis back to maintain balance, so as not to fall forward. Remember that you are not pushing your buttocks back by bending your knees, but by bending all your legs back. That is, your legs will go beyond the line perpendicular to the floor. On the one hand, it turns out that the pelvis does not move at all, and on the other, it deviates with the legs. But all movement is carried out by the efforts of the lower back.
  • Until you have good flexibility, you will lower the bar at least below the knee. Over time, you will be able to reach the floor. We're talking about a barbell, not an empty bar. To lower an empty bar to the floor, you need to stretch very well. And the larger the diameter of the pancakes, the easier it is to perform the exercise. For girls, at first, a fitness bar or bodybar is better suited.
  • We pull the weight with the muscles of the lower back. During the exercise, you should feel how exactly she and the back of the thigh are working. When you return to the starting point, bring your shoulder blades together.

Naturally, in this exercise you will not take those weights that can be lifted in the classical deadlift. Weights are lifted through the lower back and upper back of the thighs, not the strong leg extensors.

The diagram clearly shows that the pelvis is pulled back, and the legs remain almost straight.

Differences between types of rods

Below we will consider how the deadlift on straight legs, Romanian and classical deadlift differ from each other.

Deadlift on straight legs from Romanian

The Romanian lower back lift has a number of differences from the type of traction we are discussing:

  • The knees are bent. And the lower you lean, the greater this angle. You compensate for the backward movement of the pelvis by bending the knees. This does not mean that you have to bend your knees very much, no. The angle is small - up to 10-15 degrees. This is enough to complete the exercise.
  • We begin to move by pushing the pelvis back. In deadlift, we tilt the body, but here - from the pelvis. He went back, initiating lower back flexion.
  • We lower the barbell just below the knee, because it will be difficult to keep your back straight further. In general, we go down as low as the back allows. The Romanian deadlift is less dependent on your stretch because you bend your knees.
  • The Romanian lift puts a lot of stress on the buttocks so that when you return to the starting point, you must squeeze them and push the pelvis forward. This is a nice visual difference between the two exercises.

The Romanian barbell deadlift, like the straight-legged deadlift, is more suitable for girls.

Romanian version - knees are slightly bent to maintain a straight back position.

Romanian from classical

The Romanian climb is not designed for footwork. The knees are bent so that your flexibility does not interfere with correct inclinations. In the deadlift, you sit down to give the load to your back and legs. Thanks to this, both legs and back work on lifting and lowering weights. This allows you to lift much heavier weights than the Romanian lift. Therefore, this is the base. And for girls it is only suitable if they want to seriously build up their strength.

Classic execution: in the starting position, the legs are bent. The weight rises also due to the extension of the legs.

Dead from the classic

It seems that everything is obvious here - the legs. Straight or bent - that's the difference. Recall that the classic bent-legged deadlift means half-range squats, not just their bent state. The latter is observed in the Romanian cravings. But the deadlift on straight legs does not allow bending the legs. Although, the knees cannot be kept latched. Relax them a little. There will still be an angle of 1–2 degrees. From the side, it looks like straight legs.

Major mistakes

  • We're not doing a Romanian lift, so the legs are straight. Stretch to do the exercise correctly and deeply. You can pre-train on a hyperextension machine. Try to make the deepest possible movements in it with a straight back. We find this to be a very effective preparation for the straight-legged deadlift along with the stretch.
  • Don't put your head down. We look forward. It is advisable to stand in front of a mirror.
  • When you take a lot of weight, you start to round your back. Because the weight is drawn not by the lower back, which lacks strength, but by the whole back. This is where all injuries begin. It is enough to round the lower back, as the whole back will be rounded after it.
  • Shrugs should not be done along with the deadlift. Initially, lock your shoulders so that they are in their normal extended position, and not raised up. We do not swing the traps, but the lower back.

First of all, the bent-legged deadlift is designed to build mass and strength, and that's the base. Romanian lift (aka Romanian deadlift) and straight-legged deadlift are designed to isolated work with the buttocks and back of the thigh, which is extremely important for girls. They do not put as much stress on the spine, but can lead to injury if you forget how to do the exercises correctly.

Before doing the classic deadlift, you need to work with more simple exercises to strengthen the back. And before them - a month of hyperextension and stretching.

So, when your stretch doesn't want to progress for some reason, you can stop at the Romanian deadlift. And if you can stretch enough, then do the deadlift on straight legs.

What to replace?

If it hurts you to do the traction, then for the back of the thighs and lower back, try a choice of:

  • Legs backward with weights.
  • Reverse hyperextension.
  • Press the legs on the back of the thigh.
  • Normal hyperextension.

Strengthen your lower back and leg muscles with these exercises, then try the deadlift. You can use an orthopedic belt if you have one. Or the doctor will prescribe it for you. A rigid athletic belt is not effective in this case.