Car loan at a savings bank. Is there a car loan in Sberbank

Sberbank car loan- this is a real opportunity to buy a car right now. The best conditions, individual approach, attractive programs and choice. All this guarantees a car loan from Sberbank.

For many people in Russia, a car remains a distant dream. Not everyone can afford their own vehicle, in today's financial problems.

Today, getting a car loan at Sberbank has become easy and affordable. It is enough to call, write an e-mail, leave a request, collect the minimum, select a car brand and wait for a decision.

Car loan at Sberbank in 2017

The bank is an ideal starting point for making a long-awaited purchase. Car loans at the most favorable conditions. Becoming a client of the bank, you will be able to purchase a new or used car of domestic or foreign production.

Loyal conditions, favorable interest rates, complete absence of loan commissions, fast transactions. If you receive wages on a card opened in a bank, then the decision-making time will be about two hours. In other situations, a response should be expected within two days, occasionally four.

A car loan from Sberbank provides ample opportunities. After the client receives consent to provide a loan, he can choose a car for 180 days. A spouse can also act as a co-borrower. In this case, the income of both spouses is taken into account.

Sberbank allows you to buy a car from a seller who has entered into an agreement with Sberbank of Russia and has the right to independently issue a loan to buy a car on his own behalf. To date, there are several programs that provide a loan for a car. After studying them, you can choose the most optimal solution.



The loan term in the Sberbank car loan program does not exceed five years. The loan is issued in rubles or in foreign currency at the request of the client. The only addition is the fact that the loan must be repaid before the age of seventy.

You can calculate a car loan on the official website of Sberbank of Russia. To do this, use the loan repayment schedule. Enter the required parameters and click "Calculate". Thus, you will find out approximate figures, calculations and be able to plan your budget. You can pay the loan through.

Sberbank offers the opportunity to receive a choice with a limit of up to 200,000 rubles. A credit card can be obtained immediately after the approval of a car loan and can be used to purchase additional goods or services.

Materials on car loans are taken from the official website of the bank. More detailed information You can get on the official website.

If you want to buy a car in the MAS Motors showroom, you can attract borrowed funds from one of more than thirty partner banks, including Sberbank.

Sberbank is one of the largest and oldest banks in Russia. It was founded in 1841 (more than a century and a half ago) and currently has a client base of over 110 million people (only in Russia).

Loan products

A distinctive feature of Sberbank loans is their versatility. You do not have to prescribe the purchased car as a security (pledge) in the contract. You will simply be transferred the required amount, which you can dispose of at your discretion.

Funds can be obtained through one of the lending programs indicated below:

  • Unsecured loan
  • Under the guarantee of individuals
  • secured by real estate
  • Refinancing

Depending on the age, income of the client and other nuances, the parameters of loans can have the following values:

The advantages of Sberbank loan products can be summarized as follows:

  1. You can receive money directly at the place of residence or in any other branch of the bank (that is, in almost any locality, regardless of the place of registration);
  2. No initial deposit required;
  3. If you do not have enough to buy a certain amount, the amount of borrowed funds can be precisely adjusted to the missing (provided that your earnings allow it);
  4. No car deposit required;
  5. Vehicle insurance is not required (if desired, the amount of CASCO or similar insurance can be included in the loan amount, and the insurance contract can be concluded with a third-party company later without any recommendations or obligations to Sberbank).

With the help of refinancing, for example, you can remove the encumbrance from a car purchased from another bank (that is, completely redeem it), reduce the payment, and even receive an additional amount for your own needs.

Not only apartments or private houses in possession, but also car garages, summer cottages, land plots can be considered as real estate.

Third party guarantee increases the potential loan amount (because the bank risks less).

The interest rate depends on the term of the loan, the amount of the loan, as well as the category of customers (holders salary cards and corporate clients are offered more favorable terms).

The term for consideration of the application depends on the amount of the loan and its type. So, for a loan without collateral, it may take only a few hours to make a decision, and for a loan with real estate collateral, the process can take up to 8 days. However, clients connected to the SberbankOnline service can apply through their personal account or use a personal offer (the bank periodically sends out pre-approved offers calculated on the basis of monthly income to the salary account).


Loans are issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21, residing in any locality. For employees with temporary registration, the loan period may be limited by the period of registration. IN individual cases a loan can be issued to persons aged 18 to 20, subject to the obligatory guarantee of another solvent client (for example, one of the parents).

The maximum age of the recipient is 65 years (calculated at the time of loan repayment). For working pensioners and those who can document their income, the bar can be raised to 75 years.

At the last place of work, the borrower must work for at least 6 months, and for the last 5 years, the work experience cannot be less than 1 year.

Reduced requirements are imposed on users of payroll projects (for example, confirmation of work experience is not required, at least 3 salary receipts are sufficient).

The documents

As with any other bank, to get a loan you need:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  2. Income proof documents
  3. Copy of work book.

Customers who are holders of payroll cards can only take their passport with them to apply.

Guarantors provide the same set of documents as the recipient.

To find enough money to buy a car, many Russians have to borrow money. With the help of targeted bank loans, it is possible to take a large amount necessary for settlements with the car seller. With special programs for motorists in its loan portfolio, Sberbank offers favorable and affordable loan terms. The interest rate on a car loan at Sberbank depends on various components. The bank will be interested in the liquidity of the car and the solvency of the client, however, even in the absence of sufficient earnings, the lender's clients will be able to take advantage of preferential offers with state support and affiliate programs with a minimum overpayment for some brands of cars.

Cooperation with a bank can be organized as part of a regular consumer loan, when the bank does not participate in agreeing on the purpose of the purchase and does not put forward additional conditions for insurance or collateral. The main disadvantage of a non-targeted program is the limited credit line, insufficient to complete a transaction for a car in Sberbank. Especially for cases of increased financial need, the bank offers to take a car loan:

  • classic, with registration of a pledge and CASCO, agreement on the subject of purchase;
  • preferential, with state support (for certain categories of citizens);
    partnership (in close cooperation with well-known car manufacturers).

To apply for an auto loan, they suggest going to the pages describing the programs of Setelem, a subsidiary of Sberbank, and choosing the most suitable product.

The parameters of each of the Sberbank programs differ, but you can imagine the main characteristics of the product for buying a car:

  1. The cost of the car is 5 million rubles.
  2. Repayment - within 5 years.
  3. The first installment is from 15%.

Seteleme has launched specific assistance programs for motorists through state support with a 10-25% discount on the purchase price:

  • for family citizens with 2 children under 18;
  • for novice motorists who have rights, but without their own transport.

In addition to the state program, there are special projects for the purchase of cars of the most popular brands (Lada, Hyundai, Kia, Ford, etc.). Using targeted products, Sberbank customers manage to reduce the overpayment on interest to 6.9%.

To take a car loan with state support in 2019, you must confirm your compliance with certain parameters of the state and the bank at the same time:

  • working age;
  • solvency to fulfill obligations;
  • the presence of a 20% contribution;
  • compliance with state criteria.

There are also quite strict restrictions on the choice of a car:

  • the condition of the car is new, without mileage, not older than 1 year;
  • place of production - Russia (domestic auto industry and assembly sites of foreign manufacturers);
  • cost - up to 1.5 million rubles;
  • weight up to 3.5 tons.

A car dealership that works with Sberbank and government programs should be chosen as the place for the transaction.

The essence of the programs is to allocate funds from the budget in the amount of 10% of the cost of the purchased car (for residents Far East– the discount will be 25% of the price).

Preferential credit is available not only to large families. To qualify for a subsidy, you must meet the simple requirements of the state program - to raise 2 minor children and have a valid driver's license.

No additional steps are required to receive a subsidy from the borrower. It is enough to declare your intention to exercise the right to a benefit by submitting an application to the bank for the appropriate car loan with a package of necessary documentation.

There are no restrictions on the number of cars registered for the borrower. However, you will need to confirm the absence of outstanding obligations on car loans issued the day before.

Similar conditions for subsidizing the program with state support are provided for citizens who are just about to buy a personal car. To receive a subsidy, when drawing up a loan agreement, it is necessary to confirm with a certificate from the traffic police that the program participant has never owned a car before.

The state does not regulate interest rates on preferential loans, but fixes the amount of the discount. Since the maximum cost of a car should not exceed 1 million rubles, the subsidy from the state will be within 100 thousand rubles.

Programs for the purchase of a specific brand of car at a reduced rate have been singled out as a separate area. Individuals have access to purchase options on offers directly from manufacturers.

For example, the list of cars under a joint program with Ford Credit includes new and used cars with a rate of 5% (for new cars) to 20% (for used cars). Available for purchase are the Fiesta, Kuga, Transit, Mondeo models with a maturity of 5 years and a 30% down payment.

A special offer applies to Ford Focus cars - having personal savings of 20% of the price, the borrower will be able to use a loan purchase at 13.3% -16.4% under the "Standard Special Offer_SJ" program.

Similar projects have been launched for cars Lifan, Geely, Subaru Kia, Porsche, etc. (the full list is in the description of the program on the website of Cetelem Bank).

To get a profitable loan for a car at the Savings Bank of Russia, you need to choose one of the existing products offered through Cetelem Bank.

Loan conditions vary, depending on the selected product. The future borrower will be offered the choice of buying a car through an affiliate program with automakers:

  • Ford;
  • Hyundai;
  • Porsche;
  • Lebanon;
  • Subaru;
  • Audi;
  • Volkswagen etc.

In total, 24 programs are provided for different brands of cars of foreign and domestic production, however, it will not be possible to get a loan car without a down payment.

The amount of the credit limit is often limited by the cost of a new car of the selected brand, but not more than 5-8 million rubles.

  1. The initial payment is set individually - from 20% and above.
  2. The repayment period for all credit machines is no more than 60 months.

The rate is set taking into account several factors (buying insurance, the amount of the first installment, the selected manufacturer). The proposal will take into account the age of the vehicle and the willingness to provide a full package of documents, including confirmation of wages. The range of rates varies from 5 to 25%.

To be approved, an individual must meet the bank's requirements:

  1. Age - 21-75 years.
  2. Registration and citizenship in the Russian Federation.
  3. Willingness to submit a list of supporting documentation.

The lender will pay special attention to checking a person's credit history. If in the past there were serious problems with the repayment of loans, or there are outstanding overdue obligations, the candidate will be denied the allocation of the amount.

A credit institution does not require a current residence permit in the city where Cetelem Bank is present. It is enough to be registered in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.

The Bank reserves the right to revise the requirements for borrowers and the terms of registration, changing the list of required documentation.

Today, the list depends on the choice of design option - "Classic" or "Espress".

The most complete list involves providing the best rates and parameters of a car loan. As part of the classic design option, you will need to prepare:

  1. Passport (with Russian citizenship) plus a second identity card (passport, driving license, SNILS, TIN).
  2. A document confirming solvency (salary certificate, 2-personal income tax, a copy of the work book with an open record of the current employer).

If an individual entrepreneur applies to the bank, his package of documentation to confirm income will consist of 3-personal income tax or other forms of tax returns, depending on the chosen taxation regime.

You can reduce the time it takes to prepare documents for applying for a car loan at Sberbank by choosing the express registration option. In this case, the client will only need a passport and a driver's license, or another second identification document.

On the official Internet pages, Sberbank does not single out the direction of car loans separately. For those wishing to use the services of a lender, it is proposed to submit a request online, from the personal account of Sberbank, or contact one of the Setelem branches.

On the website of the credit institution, they will offer to use the Sberbank loan calculator to calculate the available monthly payment and meet the income level with solvency requirements.

By fixing the data of a future request, the client will be able to calculate a car loan, its amount, the available limit on the cost of the car, and the required amount of the first installment. To simplify the application process, existing customers will be offered to log into Sberbank Online and complete the request from their own personal account.

Calculations of the limit available to the request should be carried out in such a way that the amount of payment does not exceed 40% of the earnings confirmed by certificates. Only under such conditions will the creditor be sure of the successful repayment of the debt without delay and with interest. In order not to overpay banks and sellers, it is worth starting to track the conditions of offers for credit cars at Sberbank in advance. From time to time, a financial institution organizes promotions to stimulate demand for credit products.

By carefully preparing and submitting a full package of papers using promotional discounts or government benefits, the borrower manages to reduce the actual overpayment by almost half. Although Sberbank has rather expensive car loans, certain categories of citizens will be able to use the services of a lender, paying minimal rates for this.

Can't imagine life modern man without own car. But not everyone has the opportunity to realize their dream for a banal reason - there is not enough personal savings. Sberbank car loan allows you to achieve what you want in short time.

Customers aged 21 to 75 can realize the dream of their own transport

Sberbank's loan offers for the purchase of a car in 2018, as well as in the future 2019, are limited. Previously available special car loan programs were transferred to Cetelem Bank. This is a subsidiary of the leading bank in Russia. At the moment, Setelem occupies a high place in the rating of Russian car loans: 37 offers are presented on its website. The financial institution has another advantage - it cooperates with a wide network of car dealers and salons. The client does not even need to visit the bank: you can submit an application and sign an agreement right in the car dealership.

Sberbank and Setelem are partners in car loans. If the applicant is denied by Sberbank, he will be offered to apply to Setelem.


Before taking a car loan at Sberbank, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of car loans in this credit institution.

The benefits of the program include:

  • If the borrower does not have enough funds to buy a car, the bank can provide him with borrowed funds.
  • There is an option to apply for a loan without confirming the client's income - up to 5 million rubles.
  • Despite the fact that the car is pledged to the lender, the buyer will be able to use it as property.
  • For payroll clients, an express procedure for considering an application (within 2 hours) is provided. For the rest, the answer will be provided in 1-2 days.
  • It is possible to pick up a car within 90 days after the approval of the loan.
  • It is allowed to involve one of the spouses as a co-borrower and the total income of the married couple is taken into account when calculating income.
  • After the loan is issued, the client has the opportunity to receive credit card instant issuance with a limit of 150 thousand rubles. or a personalized credit card with a limit of up to 200 thousand rubles.
  • With a down payment of 30%, the borrower gets the opportunity to connect life insurance.
  • No additional fees.

Sberbank transferred almost all operations with the issuance of loans for the purchase of cars to its division - Cetelem Bank


Despite certain advantages of the program, there are significant drawbacks:

  1. there is no lending program for the purchase of used vehicles (in this case, it is possible to obtain a consumer loan for individuals);
  2. the program does not provide an option without voluntary registration of CASCO;
  3. high interest rate, only participants in the salary project can count on a decrease in interest;
  4. 85% of borrowed funds go directly to the purchase of a car, the rest goes to insurance.

Car loan for used cars

At the moment, Sberbank of Russia does not issue car loans for used cars. Therefore, 2 solutions are possible:

  • Take a regular consumer loan. Non-purpose loans at Sberbank have their advantages - the registration procedure is much simplified compared to car loans. There are no strict restrictions on vehicles that can be bought on credit. In this case, the car will not act as collateral and no down payment will be required. The only drawback of this option is that the interest rate is slightly higher than with a car loan.
  • Apply for funds for a used car at a subsidiary bank - Cetelem Bank. There is a lending program for such cars, but their "age" should not exceed 5 years (for domestic brands) and 10 years (for foreign cars). The age of the vehicle is calculated from the last scheduled redemption date.

You can buy both new and used cars on credit.

Buying a new car on credit

To date, Sberbank is implementing only one lending program - the purchase of a new car of Russian or foreign production. The maximum amount that you can count on is 5 million rubles, and the maximum term is 5 years. The main condition for granting a loan is a mandatory down payment of 15%.

The amount of interest rates depends on the status of the client and the term for which the loan funds are issued.

A calculator is provided for the preliminary calculation of a Sberbank car loan.

Types of car loans

Consider whether there are differences in obtaining a loan for different categories of borrowers.

For individuals

Individuals can use any program and apply for a loan under the express program or with a full package of documents. If Sberbank refuses to lend for some reason, the applicant can apply to Cetelem Bank.


Individual entrepreneurs receive a car loan at Sberbank on a general basis. The same applies to Cetelem Bank. The only difference is in the list of submitted documents. To verify their income, entrepreneurs must provide:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • tax return for the previous reporting period(3-NDFL, declaration under the simplified taxation system, for a single tax, for a single agricultural tax).

For legal entities

If a legal entity acts as a borrower, then Sberbank has a special offer for this category of borrowers - a Business Auto loan. As part of the program, you can purchase new and used vehicles necessary for business. In addition to special equipment and trucks, you can buy light commercial vehicles. The minimum loan amount is from 150 thousand rubles. at a rate of 11%. The loan is issued for a period of up to 7 years.

Automakers with whom Cetelem Bank cooperates on lending

Loan procedure

The procedure for obtaining a car loan at Sberbank is as follows:

  1. Fill out a loan application. It can be submitted through Sberbank or directly at a bank branch.
  2. Collect the necessary documentation (the list of documents can be found on the website of the banking organization).
  3. The collected documents are transferred to the branch or to the car dealership, if it participates in the affiliate program.
  4. If an approval decision is made on the submitted application, the borrower proceeds to the choice of a car, and then you can sign a loan agreement, arrange insurance for a car and a pledge agreement for it.
  5. Borrowed funds are transferred to the client's account, from where they are transferred to the car dealer (salon) and the insurer.
  6. After that, the borrower takes his car and becomes its owner.

4 simple steps separating customers from their own car

Lending terms

We list the conditions of a car loan on new car in Sberbank:

  1. credit funds are issued only in national currency;
  2. the minimum amount is 45 thousand rubles, the maximum is 5 million rubles;
  3. issued funds pay only 85% of the cost of the car;
  4. it is impossible to attract co-borrowers (except for a spouse) on a loan;
  5. loan term - 3 - 60 months;
  6. the purchased vehicle is issued as a pledge;
  7. the client can purchase a car in a salon that has concluded an agreement with a banking institution, from a regional dealer or from a production representative;
  8. there are no commissions for issuing a loan;
  9. mandatory vehicle insurance.

The bank sets certain conditions for the purchase of an insurance policy:

  • The borrower can use the services of any insurer if they meet the requirements of the lender, but preference is given to partner insurers of the bank (their list can be found on the website).

A package of necessary documents

When submitting an application form, the applicant is required to provide a package of documents, but their list depends on the lending option and the status of the applicant.

If the applicant is unable to provide income certificates, in addition to the application form, he must submit:

  • passport with a registration mark;
  • any second document proving the identity of the applicant (military ID, passport, driver's license, insurance certificate of state pension insurance).

If the applicant is ready to provide the creditor with information about his income, then along with the application form he submits:

  • passport with registration;
  • certificate 2-NDFL or a certificate in the form of a bank;
  • an extract from the work book.

After the approval of the application at the stage of signing the contract, the borrower submits the following documents to the bank:

  1. contract for the sale of a car;
  2. a copy of the technical passport;
  3. a document from a car dealership to pay for a car;
  4. CASCO insurance policy;
  5. confirmation of the payment of the insurance premium;
  6. payment document confirming the payment of the down payment;
  7. when insurance is included in the cost of the loan - an invoice for payment.

Requirements for a future borrower

To receive money in a loan, the client must meet several requirements of the bank

They are the following:

  1. age - not younger than 21 years old at the time of application and not older than 75 years old - at the date of final repayment of the loan (if the application is submitted without proof of employment and available income, then the age of the borrower is limited to 65 years);
  2. continuous work experience at the last place of work for at least six months (for payroll clients - 3 months) and at least 1 year for the last 5 years (the latter requirement does not apply to "salariers");
  3. for women on maternity leave with a child under 6 months, the loan is not available.

Features of lending

Citizens sometimes wonder if there are features in car loans. Let's consider possible situations.

  • Features of student lending. Despite the fact that the established minimum age threshold is 21 years old, it is almost impossible for students who do not have additional income to receive loan funds to buy a car. This is due to the fact that the lender pays attention to the creditworthiness of the borrower.
  • pensioners. There is also an age limit for the elderly. But in this case, the determining factor is income. If a pensioner continues to work, then he is more likely to get a loan compared to his non-working peer.
  • Loan without advance payment. Signing an agreement without paying the first installment at Sberbank is impossible. The lender obliges the client to pay a minimum of 15%. The entry fee is a prerequisite, since the seller needs it and is a guarantee of a future transaction.
  • Without guarantors. This type of lending does not require the connection of guarantors. One of the spouses can act as a co-borrower. And the collateral for the loan is the purchased car.
  • Borrowers with bad credit history. Sberbank is a banking institution where strict restrictions are set for borrowers with a damaged credit history. You can try to apply for a loan from other financial institutions, but you should not hope for a low interest rate.

Auto loan payment schedule

An online calculator is used to estimate the amount of monthly payments on a Sberbank car loan. Since there is no special tool, a consumer loan calculator can be used for calculations.

Debt repayment is carried out monthly annuity payments. The loan agreement specifies the monthly amount and provides a repayment schedule. For late payment, the bank will require to pay a penalty equal to 20% of the amount of delay.

The borrower is allowed to partially or fully repay the loan ahead of schedule: the bank does not charge a commission for such an operation. For early repayment, you must first write an appropriate application, where you specify:

  1. date of early payment;
  2. payment amount (there are no restrictions on the minimum amount);
  3. account number from which the funds will be debited.

State subsidy program

Launched in 2017 Government program subsidies for the purchase of a vehicle (“Family Car” and “First Car”) reached the planned targets by October 2018. But there is information that concessional lending will be extended to 2019.

A car loan in Sberbank with state support was carried out through Setelem. The conditions are:

  1. Families with two minor children (or more) are eligible to apply for benefits;
  2. the vehicle must not exceed 3.5 tons;
  3. its cost does not exceed 1.5 million rubles;
  4. the purchase is made only for cars of domestic brands or some foreign brands, but assembled in Russia;
  5. more than a year has passed since the release of the car;
  6. loan term does not exceed 3 years;
  7. applicants must not have another car loan;
  8. subsidizing is 10% discount.

Loan for refinancing 2019

Refinancing allows borrowers with financial problems to repay their debts without delays and possible penalties from the lender. In Sberbank, it is possible to refinance a car loan from the bank itself, as well as issued in another institution.

Ways Customers Can Pay Off Auto Loan Debt

In the first case, in addition to a loan for a car, there must be at least one consumer loan from another bank. If car loans took place in another bank, then up to 5 loans (cards, consumer loans, mortgages) can be combined in an application for refinancing. For the client, this is a significant bonus: instead of several problem loans, he gets one with a reduced rate. It varies from 11.9 - 13.9%. The amount depends on the term and amount: the shorter the term and the larger the amount, the more profitable the percentage will be. Only borrowers with an unspoiled credit history, and who do not have delays in payments at the time of application, can count on refinancing.

Tips on how to get a loan with a favorable interest rate

When issuing a car loan and calculating the interest rate, Sberbank approaches each applicant individually and focuses on his income.

The borrower has a chance to receive a lower interest if he considers the following:

  1. the option of registration without confirmation of income entails an increase in interest;
  2. to demonstrate to the lender a greater income, you can involve a spouse as a co-borrower to account for the total family income;
  3. increase the down payment to 30%;
  4. a car loan applicant who does not have a driver's license may be at risk;
  5. the presence of a positive credit history and financial stability are the main factors that affect the rate cut.

Applying for a loan through Sberbank Online

Clients who decide to apply for a car loan in Setelem can simplify the procedure by using Sberbank's Internet banking. Submitting a loan application is available in the mobile and web versions of Sberbank Online. Providing such an opportunity gives future car owners a number of advantages in simplifying the procedure for obtaining a loan:

  • Making an application takes a minimum of time, since the client's data is automatically taken from his profile.
  • The minimum amount of time to receive a response on an application from Cetelem Bank is an average of 30 seconds.
  • Simplified selection of a dealership for the desired brand of car using an interactive map.
  • After applying for a loan, the borrower will be able to receive information on payments and manage repayment directly in his personal account.

Having chosen a car model, the client signs documents in the showroom and becomes the happy owner of the purchased vehicle
  1. register in the system;
  2. log in to Sberbank Online using your ID;
  3. the interface will prompt you to select a car model (purchase of new and used vehicles of foreign and Russian production is available);
  4. according to the proposed lending programs, the borrower chooses the best one for himself (taking into account discounts and special conditions from car dealers-partners of Cetelem Bank);
  5. give consent to the processing of personal data, fill out and send an application;
  6. after a short period of time, a response will come from Setelem about a preliminary decision (you can receive it in the form of SMS to your phone, in Personal account Internet banking, e-mail);
  7. in case of approval for the application, Setelem sends a list of dealerships connected to credit programs;
  8. the borrower, using an interactive map, selects the nearest car dealership;

Having chosen a car model, the client signs documents in the showroom and becomes the happy owner of the purchased vehicle.


Despite the fact that Sberbank currently has only one car loan program open, the borrower can use the services of Setelem, where big choice offers. The application is submitted through Sberank Online, and the decision is made in a short time.