Visa gold TP 1L conditions. Credit card "visa gold" Sberbank - reviews of the owners, features and conditions

In the rating of credit cards that meet the maximum requirements of customers, the leading place is occupied by the Visa Gold Sberbank credit card. It provides a convenient and understandable service, is easy to use, its coverage area is not limited to the territory of the Russian Federation. It is convenient to make both urgent day trips and long trips abroad for several weeks with it.

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The Visa Gold card of Sberbank makes a person solvent in almost any situation, emphasizes the status and position, opens the doors to any shops, salons, cities and countries. In receiving and issuing a Visa Gold credit card from Sberbank, as well as a debit card, it is very simple, and the requirements for customers are minimal. The pros and cons of the Visa Gold Sberbank gold card are not so easy to see, even if you delve into the study of tariffs. Some of the nuances become clear already in the process of using the product.

Conditions for obtaining a gold card Visa Gold

Sberbank's Visa Gold gold card is of two types: debit and credit. The rules for obtaining are not very different, but there are still some differences. The basic requirements are the same, but the bank can meet halfway and approve individual terms of registration. In order to get an individual consultation, you should contact the nearest branch of Sberbank. Basic conditions for obtaining a Sberbank Visagold debit card:

  • a citizen of the Russian Federation is an adult;
  • it has a permanent registration.

These conditions must be met, otherwise such a product cannot be obtained. You need to submit documents for issuance at the place of registration, that is, in your regional Sberbank. This can be done in two ways:

  • during a personal visit to a Sberbank branch;
  • through the Internet.

A debit card of Sberbank Visa Gold is issued as soon as possible. If a Gold Visa is obtained at the department, you must have a passport with a registration mark. The bank employee will issue an application that must be completed on the spot. The maximum period for consideration of the application is two days, after which the client is invited to sign the contract.

If the application is submitted via the Internet, then the process of considering the application goes through until the client is called to the Sberbank branch. After the verification is completed, they are invited to sign additional papers and clarify the data. This check also takes no more than two days.

Sberbank clients have a unique chance - to receive a Visa Gold card in an individual design, with an original design. To obtain such a card, you must submit an application via the Internet, such applications are not accepted in the branches.

Cons and pluses of the Sberbank gold card Visa Gold

The bank's policy implies that each client has the right to decide what his ideal card will be. Sberbank offers a huge range of opportunities to Visa Gold holders, its advantages are obvious:

  • the possibility of using it as a salary card;
  • convenient conversion and the ability to choose currencies: rubles, dollars or euros;
  • the conditions for withdrawing cash in the Russian Federation and abroad are completely identical;
  • modern protection with a chip;
  • the ability to issue a daughter card for a child;
  • the operation of bonus programs in Russia and abroad.

Important! To issue a subsidiary (additional) Sberbank card for a child, the latter must be 7 years old at the time of registration.

The disadvantages may seem insignificant to some, but for many clients they are significant:

  • expensive service (3,000 rubles per year);
  • short term of validity (after three years, the card must be reissued).

Terms of credit cards Visa Gold from Sberbank

In a difficult time of the economic crisis, credit cards have become a real salvation: you can not be afraid that there is nothing to pay with in a store or restaurant, especially when you have the most popular product of Sberbank in your hands. Lending has reached the level when the Visa can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also participates in various promotions and bonus programs. Like the Visa Gold debit card, the credit card has certain conditions for obtaining:

  • an individual is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation has reached the age of 21;
  • he has a permanent registration;
  • the minimum work experience for the last five years is 12 months;
  • work experience at the time of receiving the card must be at least six months.

The registration procedure also takes no more than two days. You can apply for a card either in person when visiting a Sberbank branch or via the Internet. Sberbank can sometimes check the data for more than two days, since this operation requires a thorough clarification of the client's creditworthiness.

Important! Unlike a debit card, an additional, daughter card cannot be issued for a Gold credit Visa.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Visa Gold Credit Card

Sberbank, having studied the lending market for many years, has created a product that meets the maximum requirements of its customers. Visa Gold from Sberbank is an ideal assistant in everyday life and work. In order for the use of the card to be convenient and not disappointing, it is necessary to carefully study all the nuances that are clearly spelled out by the bank in the tariff plan. A huge number of negative reviews about this product makes you think about the advisability of purchasing a product. But if you read the reviews more attentively, it becomes clear that the problem is only insufficient familiarization with the information about the card. Advantages of Visa Gold Sberbank:

  • high monthly limit (three million rubles per month);
  • high daily limit (three hundred thousand rubles per day);
  • interest-free period;
  • no interest for non-cash payments;
  • the action of the "Thank you" program;
  • participation in the Miles program from Aeroflot.

The Gold visa is protected by an electronic chip, which makes it impossible to hack, and if it is lost or stolen, an attacker will definitely not be able to use it.

In case of loss, you must urgently contact the contact center of Sberbank for blocking. After that, the bank employee will issue. The service is free of charge.

Disadvantages to look out for:

  • interest for cash withdrawals;
  • high interest rates for cash withdrawals from ATMs of other banks;
  • expensive maintenance (3,000 rubles per year);
  • problems with using the card abroad.

  • clients with deposits and deposits with Sberbank;
  • borrowers who previously had a loan from Sberbank and a good credit history.
  • Details of obtaining benefits can be obtained directly from a bank employee when contacting the nearest branch.

    You can replenish the Gold Visa in any convenient way:

    • through payment terminals;
    • through ATMs of any bank;
    • using the Mobile Bank service;
    • using the Visa Direct service;
    • using the Sberbank Online program;
    • with the help of an employee at the bank's cash desk.

    Holders of credit Visa Gold are provided with a unique opportunity to link their account to electronic wallets, and then replenish the card remotely with their help.

    Bonus programs and promotions

    For each client, preferential conditions are individual: each has its own minus and plus, however, the dignity of this bank product should not be belittled.

    Visa Gold opens up new opportunities for its holders. Various preferential offers are available with it, so it will become irreplaceable. With it, you can accumulate miles and pay with them when buying a ticket (joint program of Aeroflot and Sky Team), use bonus points “Thank you” from Sberbank. When applying for Visa Gold "Give Life", it becomes possible to help a children's fund: 0.3% of the amount of each purchase is credited to a charity fund that helps children with serious illnesses.

    Updated: March 2020

    Modern society cannot imagine its life without plastic cards. Sberbank of Russia offers its customers a variety of products.

    Let's figure out what a Sberbank gold credit card is, how it differs from others, and consider the basic conditions for its use.

    Navigation through the article:

    What it is?

    First of all, such a card is a premium product, emphasizing the high status of the owner, his solvency and solvency.

    Banks issue gold cards only to verified and conscientious customers.

    Credit gold cards have all the functions of standard plastic cards of Sberbank, but at the same time give some advantages to their owners:

    • Service in the contact center of Sberbank around the clock.
    • The ability to withdraw money from a credit account if you lose your credit card abroad.
    • Possibility to carry out operations using card details (e-mail or phone).

    How do I get a gold card?

    Any citizen can independently order registration.

    To receive a debit card, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and registered in the Russian Federation.

    The conditions for obtaining a credit card are slightly different:

    • Russian citizenship.
    • Age from 21 to 65 years old.
    • Permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    It will not work to issue an online card, you can only submit an application on the Sberbank website, indicating your passport details and phone number, after which a bank employee will contact you for a detailed questionnaire.

    The decision on issuing a credit card is preliminary.

    The card itself is issued only after contacting the bank branch, where it is necessary to fill out and sign an application form.

    Together with the questionnaire, you will need to provide a passport, a certificate of financial condition and a document confirming work activity.

    Within 2 working days you will be notified if the card has been approved for you.

    Often banks themselves offer gold cards on special terms to customers who satisfy them. Such conditions are more favorable.

    You can get free service, a decrease in the loan interest or an increase in the limits.

    You may be offered a pre-approved card on special terms if:

    • You are the owner of a "salary card", that is, you receive a salary or pension on a Sberbank card.
    • You have a debit card or deposit with Sberbank.
    • You took and successfully repaid a loan from Sberbank, in general, you have a positive credit history.

    Conditions and rates

    A gold card can be debit and credit, in addition, it differs in payment systems.

    The Gold visa is more common than the Mastercard. But it is more profitable to use Master Cards abroad, as it has fewer additional commissions.

    VISA Mastercard

    You can find discount programs and privileges for premium cards on the websites of payment systems. The rest of the information relevant for 2017 is collected in the tables below.



    Visa and Mastercard Gold
    Validity3 years
    Account currencyrubles
    Service costfrom 0 to 3000 rubles per year
    Loan interestfrom 23.9% to 27.9% per year
    Credit limitup to 600,000 rubles
    Grace period for creditingfrom 20 to 50 days
    Daily limit for cash withdrawals300,000 rubles
    Cash withdrawal commission3-4%

    After you have studied all the conditions for using a gold card, I would like to draw your attention to the main points.

    Receiving and activating

    The production time of the card depends on the region of the applicant and many other factors. It is usually done in 7-21 days.

    You will have to come to the office to receive... Upon delivery, you must check that your name and surname on the card are correct, and put your personal signature on the back of the plastic.

    The new card is blocked, the bank employee must activate it in the bank database.

    A day after that, you can start using it.

    How to use?

    Pay for goods and services with a credit card. At the end of the month, the bank will draw up a report on the funds used, after which you can pay off the debt within 20 days, or pay interest, and leave the debt for the next month.

    The minimum payment depends on how much you spent and what your card's interest rate is.

    If you find it difficult to navigate, there are special sites on the network where you can enter the rate of your credit card in the calculator, and payments will be calculated for you.

    The bank provides the following repayment methods niya:

    • Wire transfer from a debit card and from other accounts.
    • Cash deposit at a payment terminal or ATM.
    • Through the services "MasterCard MoneySend" and "Visa Direct".
    • Replenishment of the card at a Sberbank branch with the help of an employee.

    You can find out how much money is on a gold card by requesting the balance through a mobile bank, in a terminal or ATM, as well as through Sberbank Online.

    If you decide to stop using your credit card, you need to pay off all the debt and contact the Sberbank branch to close the account.

    Grace period

    The so-called grace period, during which you can use the funds for free, ranges from 20 to 50 days. Each card has a report date - the day on which the funds spent per month are calculated and interest is calculated. After the reporting date, a new reporting period begins.

    Within 20 days from the end of the reporting period, the client can fully pay off the debt for the past month and he will not have to pay interest. If you make transactions at the beginning of the reporting period, the period of the interest-free period will be longer, if at the end - shorter.

    These conditions apply only to non-cash payments.... If you want to withdraw cash, as well as when transferring funds to other accounts, interest will be charged from the moment of transfer.

    Loyalty programs

    A gold credit card can participate in the “Thank you from Sberbank” loyalty program. To do this, you need to connect the program at an ATM, Sberbank Online or through a mobile bank.

    The program is a cashback.

    • When making any purchases and payments using the card, you will receive bonuses in the amount of 0.5 to 50% of the purchase amount.
    • The received points can be partially or fully paid for the price of the goods from the partner of Sberbank at the rate of 1 point = 1 ruble.

    You can use bonuses within 36 months from the date of their receipt.

    Finally, I would like to list all the pros and cons of owning a Sberbank gold card ↓

    If the "classic" and "standard" category cards no longer satisfy your needs, if you have a need for a status card with a large limit, which you can pay both in Russia and in other countries, and if its shortcomings do not scare you, then MC and Visa Gold will suit you.

    Among this list is the Visa Gold Sberbank card, the main characteristics of which are discussed below.

    Advantages of the Visa Gold Sberbank card

    Like other plastic products of Sberbank, the Visa Gold card has its own advantages and disadvantages. Since the "Golden Card of Sberbank" does not belong to entry-level plastic cards, the cost of servicing it is much higher and amounts to 3 thousand rubles. in year. The main advantage of the card is considered to be increased according to the program, which can be obtained with non-cash payment at. Also, for holders of this card, discounts are provided on the program, as well as discounts on various events under the program.

    The main advantages and privileges of the Visa Gold debit card from Sberbank:

    • used currency: euros, rubles or dollars;
    • issue of additional cards, including cards for children from 7 years old;
    • access to promotions and discounts even in other countries;
    • equal service and cashing out of funds in the Russian Federation and abroad;
    • reliable protection using an electronic chip;
    • use as a salary card.

    Since Visa Gold Sberbank belongs to premium cards, then, regardless of the chosen one, the subscription fee is not charged. The service will be useful to those customers who, as well as closely monitor money transfers made using the card.

    Limitations of the Visa Gold card Sberbank

    Visa Gold card Sberbank, like other plastic cards, has some restrictions, for example, a limit on spending money. For Visa Gold, Sberbank has the following: for a month - 3 million rubles, and for a day - 300 thousand rubles. If the daily limit is exceeded at the time of transactions, the bank charges a commission. Its size is: in devices and cash desks of Sberbank - 0.5% of the amount; 1% - at ATMs and terminals of other banks.

    The card is valid for 3 years. Upon completion of this period, you can close the account, order or renew the existing contract. You can replace a valid card even before the expiration date, without paying a commission.

    Visa Gold card top-up options:

    Traveling to foreign countries for business or leisure will become more comfortable if a Gold Sberbank Visa card is issued. The bank issues two types of "gold" Visa carriers: debit and credit. Consider the purpose of bank cards, the features of their design and the opportunities provided.

    Gold-class carriers in the Visa family

    Sberbank under the Visa brand issues cards of the payment system of the same name, officially registered in Russia, and based on dollar payments. To distinguish between the rules of registration, the cost of annual service, the level of privileges, the division of Visa-cards is accepted: classic (Classic), "gold" (Gold), "platinum" (Platinum). What are the advantages of plastic at each level?

    Visa Gold, like Classic, uses three currencies and is used for cash transactions, non-cash payments, transfers, consumer loans, participation in bonus programs and charity. It is successfully used as a payroll.

    But the gold card differs from the "little brother" in some functions: on business trips abroad, it will provide the holder with round-the-clock support through the contact center, emergency cash receipt in case of loss of the card, consultations on legal and medical issues.

    Platinum is aimed at wealthy and privileged clients of Sberbank. Thanks to the card, the holder will have access to a high credit limit. When traveling abroad, life and health insurance, VIP-service in banks, hotels, airport lounges, restaurants, and salon shops are guaranteed. Purchase protection programs are in place, including with an extension of up to two years, according to which the replacement and return of goods of inadequate quality is carried out.

    Before choosing a card, the holder needs to determine for what purposes the bank carrier is being issued.

    If the main goal, the use of Visa Classic in settlements in Russia, as well as its variants issued by Sberbank (including Momentum), do the job well.

    On business trips abroad, premium class carriers will add more confidence.

    Main characteristics

    Sberbank's Visa Gold supports settlement transactions in rubles, dollars, and euros.

    The processes for registering a plastic carrier follow in the following order: the client opens an account, and for money management he receives a plastic card, a kind of "key".

    Issuing a Visa Gold card from Sberbank is accompanied by the usual conditions: the client must be a resident of the Russian Federation, from 18 years old and not older than 65, with a permanent residence permit. Depending on the type of account, there may be differences in the rules for processing.

    Visa Gold makes it easier for the holder to access the account and perform banking operations:

    • withdrawing and crediting cash through the bank cash desk, ATMs and terminals;
    • cashless money transfer, including via the Internet;
    • direct payments for goods in the trade network, services of companies and housing and communal services;
    • settlements with counterparties through mobile banking;
    • obtaining a consumer loan within the limit of 300-600 thousand rubles.

    The card allows you to participate in charity, incentive programs.

    Visa Gold: big advantages and small disadvantages

    It is not easy to find drawbacks, pitfalls in using the "golden" medium. Small plastic allows you to simplify calculations, is convenient when crossing state borders, reliably keeps banking secrets, and provides favorable exchange rates.

    To improve the level of service for Visa Gold holders, Sberbank offered its clients an additional package of services, Sberbank-Premier. Holders of deposits and accounts for a total amount of 2.5 million rubles or more can become participants.

    Customers are interested in Priority Pass, which provides for free service in the VIP lounges of airports, including up to 9 satellites.

    As for the shortcomings, debit card holders sometimes complain about the lack of interest charges on the balance, when the bank's services are paid for. For credit cards, an insufficient lending limit is most often noted.

    Debit card features

    Debit Visa Gold is intended for storing the holder's own funds, as well as making payments.

    The bank's requirements for the client are loyal:

    • by age - from 18 years old for the main carrier; an additional card can be issued for children from seven years old with the consent of the representative of the interests of the child;
    • availability of permanent or temporary registration.

    The card is opened for a period of 3 years and is issued free of charge. Early issue, media re-release after a three-year period, restoration of lost plastic, PIN-code are also carried out free of charge.

    Sberbank introduced three types of Gold cards

    Standard Visa Gold is a universal card, opened in three currencies, with great opportunities and bonuses. It is used for settlements in retail outlets, in the service sector, when purchasing tickets, for transferring wages.

    Instant payment transactions, the receipt of money in the account within an hour, the privileges provided by Visa and the issuing bank - this is not the whole list of advantages.

    By registering in the Thank you from Sberbank service, the holder receives up to 20% bonus cashback from the bank's partner structures.

    Visa Gold Aeroflot has advantages similar to universal plastic. For each purchase, "bonus miles" are credited, which are transformed into discounts when purchasing air tickets, improving the service category for air travel.

    Having opened Visa Gold "Give Life", the holder will show himself in charity and help seriously ill children. The service of the card in the first year is higher than that of other types. But 50% of the funds received, as well as part of the bonuses accrued on purchases, go to the fund to help sick children. The card is issued only in Russian rubles.

    How much does it cost to service a debit card?

    The following table summarizes information on the cost of banking services for the main and additional Gold-class plastic.

    The terms and conditions for using gold debit cards are the same:

    • the daily limit for cash withdrawals at the bank's cash desk is 300 thousand rubles or the equivalent in foreign currency, through an ATM - 300 thousand rubles. / $ 12000/9000 euro;
    • monthly limit for cash transactions: 3 million rubles / $ 100,000 / 75,000 euro;
    • cash crediting to the account per month - up to 10 million rubles. or equivalent;
    • payment for goods and services by card is carried out without commission payments;
    • commission for exceeding the daily limit at cash desks and ATMs of Sberbank and subsidiaries - 0.5% of the amount, in another bank - 1% of the amount or at least 100 rubles. / $ 3/3 euro;
    • interest payment for accepting money on a card in other banking structures - 1.25%, or 30 rubles. - minimum, maximum - 1000 rubles.

    The client is provided with related services: account statements, checking the balance of funds - for 15 rubles. / 1 request. Connection of "Mobile Bank" services, SMS-informing is free of charge.

    Undoubtedly, the cost of servicing "gold" cards is higher than that of classic ones. But the holder receives a significant limit on cash transactions, free re-issue of the carrier in various situations of loss, support of the issuing bank in difficult circumstances.

    Salary Visa-Gold

    Many will ask "Why, if there is a Visa Classic?"

    The classic card is convenient for receiving wages. But when concluding an agreement as part of a salary project, Sberbank recommends employers to apply for Visa Gold for top management salaries.

    Possessing premium plastic, executives on business trips will be relieved of unnecessary formalities when crossing the border, feel the support of the bank, and support their own status when solving financial issues.

    Visa Gold Credit Card: How To Get And Use

    The Sberbank Visa Gold credit card makes it easier to obtain and use inappropriate consumer loans. It is convenient for her to pay in stores, for services, buy tickets or withdraw cash.

    When registering, the requirements for the client are stricter (compared to standard offers): age from 21 to 65 years inclusive, permanent or temporary registration at the location of a structural unit of the bank, an official place of work.

    When contacting Sberbank, a potential borrower provides documents:

    • personal passport;
    • a certificate of income for the last six months according to the model established by the bank or form 2-NDFL;
    • a certified copy of the work book confirming at least 1 year of work experience at the last place of work.

    The study and verification of the submitted documents will take several days, then the banking service agreement is approved. The credit limit is set individually and depends on the borrower's income level. Sberbank approves credit cards, first of all, to holders of salary, pension cards, as well as those who have a positive credit history.

    The Sberbank Gold credit card is opened only in rubles. Gold cards are issued in three types: traditional, Aeroflot, and Give Life.

    The use of traditional gold credit cards, and under the Aeroflot program on standard terms, are as follows:

    • The maximum credit limit is 300 thousand rubles.
    • Service - 3000 rubles / year.
    • Issued for 3 years, re-issue for any reason is free of charge.
    • Additional media for the account is not issued.
    • Payment for using the loan - 27.9% per annum, in case of violation of the terms of payment - at the rate of 36% per year.
    • The grace period is 50 days.
    • Cash crediting is carried out without commission.

    The cost of services for the "Give Life" card, issued for the mass offer, is 3,500 rubles per year. Half of the amount is donated by the bank to a charitable foundation.

    Pre-approved Visa Gold: features

    Sberbank practices the issuance of "gold" media on pre-approved (pre-approved) or special conditions.

    Card plastic is distributed among holders of deposits, participants in salary projects, conscientious borrowers, users of debit cards.

    A pre-approved Visa Gold card has:

    • credit limit up to 600 thousand rubles;
    • interest on the loan - 23.9% per annum;
    • for some carriers - 1 year free service.

    To obtain a pre-approved credit card, you do not need to provide any documents other than a passport. The bank issues plastic card in advance and approves the credit limit based on the turnover on bank accounts opened in the name of the client. Visa Gold, obtained on a pre-approved basis, performs the same functions as any Visa Gold card.

    Grace period and minimum payment

    Visa Gold credit cards of Sberbank provide for a grace period for using the loan, when interest will not be charged.

    The duration of the grace period is 50 days, which consists of an estimated duration of 30 days. At this time, the holder makes purchases. In the next 20 days - the loan is returned. If the borrower meets the specified deadlines, no interest is charged on the loan.

    Sometimes the client cannot pay off the debt on time, and the question arises about the minimum payment amount. Under the terms of lending, at least on the card - 5%.

    Let's show the calculation of the return on an example:

    • approved limit - 150 thousand rubles;
    • spent during the billing period - 30 thousand rubles;
    • lending conditions are standard.

    The minimum repayment amount is:

    • 30 thousand rubles. x 5% = RUB 1,500;
    • The interest for use will be: 30.0 x 27.9% / 365 x 30 = 688 rubles.
    • The minimum deposit is 2,188 rubles.
    • Otherwise, a fine will be paid at the rate of 36% per annum.
    • Next month, for the same purchase, you will need: (30.0 tons-1.5 tons) x 5% + 688 = 2113 rubles.

    Cash withdrawal by credit cards

    The situation when it is necessary to control the benefits is the withdrawal of cash from credit plastic. Sberbank conditions for cashing out funds:

    • the limit for issuing through an ATM is 100 thousand rubles. / day, through the cashier - 300 thousand rubles.
    • commission for cashing in the bank's network - 3%, other structures - 4%, minimum - 390 rubles.

    Suppose 50 thousand rubles are withdrawn through a Sberbank ATM. The commission will be 1500 rubles, which is also debited from the account. The grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals, so the interest payment will be charged from the first day.

    Pros and cons of Sberbank credit cards

    Holders of "gold" plastic positively assess Sberbank credit cards: the bank's requirements are clear and feasible, and quick processing. Terms of use, interest accrual are available in the service agreement.

    The availability of a fifty-day grace period turns the loan into an interest-free revolving credit line.

    But a credit card is not a source of cash. This is evidenced by the high commissions when withdrawing money from the account, as well as the lack of benefits when calculating interest.

    Media activation

    To use, Visa-Gold must be activated. The procedure is carried out no earlier than a day after the emission of plastic. To perform the operation, an envelope is sent with a PIN-code known only to the holder.

    To make the card active, it is enough to perform the simplest action: credit a small amount or make a request. When asked by the system, a PIN is entered and the carrier becomes active. It can be used for transactions. Bank plastic is not activated through the call center or hotline.

    Shopping incentive program

    The bank offered holders of Visa-Gold traditional and "Give life" to become participants of the bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank". To participate, you must register: through the terminal or using remote access programs.

    The option provides for stimulating non-cash payments for purchases in the retail network. For this, they receive incentive points from the paid amount to a special account:

    • 5% when visiting cafes and restaurants;
    • 1% when paying in supermarkets;
    • for other purchases - 0.5% from Sberbank, up to 20% - from partner structures.

    Incentives are transformed into discounts when purchasing goods from Sberbank partners. Bonuses are not credited to the amount of cash withdrawn, when transferring to another account, paid utilities services. You can check the number of reward points using a special SMS request.

    Gold Visa Gold is a preferred loan product. Its holder receives special conditions of service and bonuses from the Visa payment system. If we consider its main functionality, then it differs little from the standard one.

    The specialist analyzed the Visa Gold credit card of Sberbank, identifying its advantages and disadvantages. Consider how a premium credit card differs from a standard one, what it gives to its holder. Full description of tariffs and conditions of issue.

    How does a Sberbank gold credit card differ from an ordinary one?

    In fact, there are not so many differences, but in practice for some they will turn out to be very important. The advantages of the gold credit card of Sberbank of Russia over the standard one are in the following points:

    • Higher limits for cashing out: if the standard can withdraw a maximum of 150,000 rubles per day, then with the privileged one - 300,000 rubles.
    • Reissuance in case of loss or change of the customer's personal data is free, while for replacing a standard card you need to pay 150 rubles.
    • Privileges from the Visa payment system.

    It is worth dwelling on the last point in more detail, since this is the main advantage of the product. The holder receives personal privileges from the Visa payment system, namely:

    1. Emergency GCAS services. Customer support while traveling in Russia and abroad. Emergency blocking of the card, delivery of a new one to the client within 3 days, wherever he is. Emergency cash withdrawal in case of loss of the card in any country.
    2. Medical and legal support in Russia and abroad. Telephone consultations, provision of medical services in the host country, hospitalization, house calls.
    3. Special offers, discounts from Visa partners around the world: entertainment, hotels, restaurants, recreation, etc. This will especially appeal to those who travel with a Sberbank gold credit card.

    Important! In terms of the credit limit, various commissions and interest rates, the gold card is identical to the standard one. But at the same time, the cost of its maintenance is 0-3000 rubles, and the usual one is 0-750 rubles per year.

    Terms of use of the Sberbank gold credit card

    The exact terms of use directly depend on who is the holder. The first category of clients is those who received it as part of a personal offer. The second is those who applied to the bank using the standard method and received approval for issuance.

    Personal offers are relevant for those who use or have previously used the services of Sberbank. First of all, this applies to salary clients, they are more often than others pre-approved by the issuance of a gold card. The bank also offers its receipt to its borrowers and depositors.

    Privileges when issuing a card as part of a personal offer:

    • always free service;
    • reduced interest - 23.9% per annum;
    • increased credit limit up to 600,000 rubles.

    If you issue a card at your own request, the conditions will be different:

    • free service is relevant only in the first year, after that Sberbank will withdraw 3,000 rubles annually;
    • fixed rate - 27.9% per annum;
    • the maximum limit is 300,000 rubles.

    Important! Sberbank sets the limit at its discretion, based on the borrower's solvency. If he indicates that the line can go up to 300,000, you can only get approval for 100,000, or even less. Everything is individual.

    This is a simple credit card with classic functionality. The bank sets a limit, the client uses it as he pleases within its framework: he can withdraw money, pay for goods and services with it, the Visa Gold credit card of Sberbank is convenient to take with him on travel and business trips.

    Other important functionality for the holder:

    • contactless and phone payments are available;
    • the account is kept only in rubles, when used abroad, operations are performed with currency conversion at the bank's rate;
    • the card is valid for 3 years, after which you need to order its reissue;
    • there is a grace period for payment of interest of 50 days;
    • if the client is late, the bank raises the rate to 36% per annum;
    • participation in the "Thank you" bonus program, receiving a bonus of 0.5-20% of money spent non-cash from Sberbank partners;
    • SMS informing and internet banking are provided free of charge.

    The use of a Sberbank gold credit card mostly involves non-cash transactions, but cashing is also possible. Per day, the holder of a privileged credit card can withdraw 100,000 rubles at Sberbank ATMs, and 300,000 rubles at other ATMs (in total). Cash out price - 3-4% of the transaction amount, but at least 390 rubles.

    Important! The Sberbank gold credit card can also be serviced by the Mastercard system. In this case, the borrower receives separate privileges from her and not from Visa. All other rates and terms of use will be exactly the same.

    Who can access the Sberbank credit card

    The product is issued to citizens aged 21-65 who have a permanent residence permit, place of work and work experience (at least six months). That is, the requirements are standard, as for other bank products.

    To consider the application, the client must provide a package of documents, which includes a 2NFDL certificate and a copy of the work book certified by the employer (replacement with other, similar documents is allowed).

    How to get a card

    If Sberbank offered to issue it itself as part of a personal offer, you just need to come to the bank with a passport, while certificates are usually not needed at all. Information about the pre-approved offer can be seen in the Sberbank Online system.

    When there is no personal offer, you can order a Gold Sberbank Visa card using the standard method:

    1. Prepare a package of necessary documents.
    2. Visit the Sberbank office. The application is accepted only in offices where there are branches of lending to individuals.
    3. Pass an interview and wait for a decision within 1-2 business days.
    4. If approved, sign the documents and wait for release, usually no more than 5 days.
    5. Get the card and activate it.

    Important! Upon receipt, be sure to check with the manager how to use the grace period correctly, which allows you not to pay interest for up to 50 days. If you follow all the rules and terms, the card will be generally free.

    Pros and cons of Sberbank gold credit card

    On the downside, there is an increased service fee that is charged to ordinary borrowers after the second year of using the product. On a gold credit card, it is 3000 rubles.

    Product advantages:

    • grace period up to 50 days;
    • participation in the "Thank you" bonus program;
    • privileges from payment systems;
    • free SMS informing (usually banks charge 50-90 rubles a month for it).

    The debt on the Gold credit card is repaid in a standard way - by making regular monthly payments. The minimum payment amount is 5% of the principal amount plus interest accrued for the previous month. Information about the amount of minimum payments is reflected in the online bank and is sent to the client's phone by SMS.