Top banks in terms of deposits in Russia. Which bank has the most favorable conditions for deposits and a high percentage of the deposit? Deposits in Renaissance credit

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2020, there is an opportunity to invest money in such a way as to earn. One of the ways is to make a profitable deposit for individuals. But which of the most reliable banks in Russia has the highest interest on deposits today? The agency's website specialists have analyzed the offers of the country's largest banks, having compiled an overview of deposits in rubles with favorable interest rates.

Individual deposits - a traditional way of investing money

There are many ways to invest money to generate passive income. You can buy a currency and wait for it to rise in price, you can make money in Forex, invest in a PAMM account, try to get income by trading binary options, and much more.

All these ways of making money bring fairly high profits, but they are also associated with a certain risk. Individuals' bank deposits remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing in Russia today.

Choosing the most profitable investment: what to look for

When choosing a bank to entrust money to, depositors, as a rule, pay attention to at least two parameters:

  • - the size of the interest rate, which allows you to choose the deposit with the maximum income;
  • - the reliability of the bank, which allows you not to worry about the safety of savings even during a banking crisis.

It can be quite difficult to combine a high interest rate and sufficient bank reliability. Analysts at the agency's website tried to do this by examining the terms of deposits in Russian rubles for individuals in reliable banks.

What are the most profitable deposits in reliable banks in Russia today?

Each bank has its own line of profitable deposits for individuals with unique conditions.

In order to somehow bring the parameters of deposits in different banks "to a common denominator", we tried to find out what the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to those who intend to open a deposit today, in 2020.

For the purity of the experiment, we compared the rates in the largest banks in Russia on deposits for a period of 12 months, since this is the most popular investment period. They took 1 million rubles as the estimated amount. And they also tried to dismiss the so-called investment or complex offers with the obligatory investment of money - insurance, mutual funds or shares. As a result, we got the following list (check with banks for exact conditions and interest rates on deposits).

The most profitable deposits in reliable banks in Russia from the top 10

Credit Bank of Moscow

MEGA Online contribution

Deposit / Without partial withdrawal / Without capitalization / Interest at the end of the term

Bank FC Otkritie

Deposit "Reliable"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrual at the end of the term.


Deposit "My income"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / No capitalization / Interest at the end of the term.

Deposit "Savings account"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrual monthly.

Post Bank

Investment "Capital"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest monthly

Sberbank of Russia

"Save" deposit

Interest rate

Without replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / With capitalization / Interest accrual on a monthly basis in Moscow banks >>

The main types of deposits of individuals

Today banks in Moscow offer a large number of different types of profitable deposits for individuals. But all of them can be roughly divided into several groups:

✓ term deposits at the highest interest rates. By opening such a deposit, you give the bank your money for a certain period (3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and at this time you cannot take it back without losing interest or replenish the account.

✓ replenished deposits of individuals. By opening such a deposit, the depositor can save money by replenishing the account, and at the same time the interest grows. However, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the account and not lose profitability.

✓ deposits with partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest. Such deposits usually have the lowest interest rates. But they make it possible to take part of the funds up to a previously agreed upon minimum balance, on the amount of which interest will be charged.

Of course, in any unforeseen situation, if you need money before the expiration date of the deposit, you can always get it, but the lost profit will be a pity. So, when you are going to make a deposit in the bank, it is better to decide in advance when you will withdraw money, so as not to lose income.

What deposit should I open at the bank? What steps do you need to take to open online? The answer to this question can be found in the "Deposits" section of the portal. in rubles and in foreign currency, change in interest rates, insurance - this is the information that every client - an individual - needs. Indeed, in order to get the desired income, you need to choose the right deposit.

On our website, rates are updated daily. You can get and compare up-to-date information on the types of bank deposits: multicurrency, investment, etc.

No less important for many consumers is the procedure for paying income by the bank: someone is interested in deposits with monthly interest payments, and someone is interested in getting everything at once at the end of the term. The opening conditions for different banks may differ. Having carefully studied all the current offers for individuals, you can easily decide in which bank to open.

You will also learn about what the very concept of a bank deposit is, what points are especially important in the contract, how the insurance system works, how to get compensation in the event of a license revocation from a credit institution, and how to choose the best, most profitable term deposit with a high interest rate. Now the most popular among the population are deposits in, and not deposits in and. At the same time, a certain part of citizens prefers to choose a multicurrency deposit and insure against losses in the event of a sharp change in exchange rates. All offers displayed on this page are the best or profitable exclusively in the opinion of experts.

How to choose a profitable investment?

Pay attention to the parameters:

  • Interest capitalization - whether the amount of the deposit includes the amount of interest accrued for the previous month.
  • Replenishment - is it possible to add additional amounts to the account.
  • Interest payment - at the end of the term or every month.

What is the best deposit rate as of 03/29/2020?

The most favorable rate is 8.7% per annum.

How many offers are valid for today?

The site contains deposits from 322 largest banks in Russia.

The retail giant is traditionally the leader in the market -. However, offers "under" exist in many credit institutions, and you can bank that most fully meets your needs. The data on our website is a guarantee that you will always be aware of the latest changes, will be able to compare bank offers and place your money savings with the maximum benefit, choosing exactly the deposit that you really need.

Users of the portal from different regions of Russia can pick up profitable deposits and send them for opening on special terms. View the rating of proposals from experts

Every depositor dreams of finding the best interest on deposits in Moscow banks.

However, the variety of banking products has now reached such proportions that it takes a huge amount of time to really figure out which deposits in Moscow banks are the best.

Top banks for deposits in Moscow

Almost every bank offers its customers. This is logical, since for the bank it is a source of raising funds for issuing loans and other current operations.

The interest rate in this case plays the role of a kind of payment for the fact that you have provided the bank with your temporarily free funds for use.

However, the variety of offerings is doing the customer a disservice. Trying to find the best interest rates on bank deposits, a person is usually lost in a sea of ​​options.

As a result, he either despairs to figure out what are the best deposits in Moscow available at the moment, or takes the first one he finds.

Let's start by choosing a bank. When choosing among numerous banking institutions, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • if the bank is large, it is likely to offer a lower interest rate. Raising money is not so critical for him that he pays big money for it. Reputation will play a role, and clients will still invest in one way or another;
  • small, young banks tend to offer better interest rates on deposits in Moscow banks. This is due to the fact that they are desperately trying to attract clients, and they need to somehow persuade the client to take his money to them, and not to Sberbank or VTB.
  • you need to be careful with young banks. The Central Bank has recently taken a trend towards toughening requirements for commercial banks. Many licenses were revoked, and many more were assigned reorganization and trust management procedures.
  • if you choose a little-known bank, make sure that it participates in the deposit insurance system. Then, even if your bank goes bankrupt or closes, you will be reimbursed for the money that was on the deposit (within the statutory limit).

Risk is a noble business, but purely individual. Below we analyzed a number of offers from large banks and tried to find the best bank deposits in Moscow.

The best deposits in banks in Moscow

To analyze which deposits in Moscow are the best, deposits were selected according to the following criteria:

  • deposit in rubles;
  • the bank's offer is permanent, not a temporary seasonal promotion;
  • Anyone can open a deposit - you do not need to be a pensioner, a beneficiary, a salary client of a bank, a borrower, etc.

And here are the ones offered in Moscow banks for September 2018.

Bank Contribution name Min. sum Term Rate Partial withdrawal Replenishment Capitalization
Sberbank of Russia "Save" From 1,000 rubles. 1 month - 3 years Up to 4.75% Optional
VTB "Profitable" From 30,000 rubles. 91-1830 days. (5 years) Up to 6.3% Optional
Gazprombank "Savings and Protection" From 50,000 rubles. 91-367 days 6.4% to 8%
Rosselkhozbank "Profitable" From 3000 rub. 31-1460 days (4 y.) 5.95 to 7.8% Optional
Alfa Bank "Victory +" From 10,000 rubles. 92 days - 3 years Up to 7.4% Optional Optional
Credit Bank of Moscow "All inclusive Maximum income" From 1,000 rubles. 95-370 days 7% You can connect You can connect You can connect
Promsvyazbank "Interest in growth" From 10,000 rubles. Up to 450 days 5-6,5% Within the first 60 days Optional
Sovcombank "Maximum income" From 50,000 31-1095 days Up to 7.8% Yes, but in total not more than the initial deposit amount
Uralsib "Income" From 1,000 rubles. 91-1100 days 5,1-6,2% Optional
Tinkoff Bank From 50,000 rubles. 3-24 months 7% + + Optional

As can be seen from the data in the table, the offers of banks differ significantly in terms of terms, rates, and amounts.

Partial withdrawals and deposits are not available in most cases - they are offered only by a limited number of banking institutions. Capitalization, that is, adding interest to the amount, most often remains at the discretion of the client.

Deposit amount

Banks with the smallest minimum amount:

  • Sberbank - 1,000 rubles;
  • Credit Bank of Moscow - 1,000 rubles;
  • Uralsib - 1,000 rubles.

Banks with the largest minimum amount:

  • Gazprombank - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Sovcombank - 50 thousand rubles ;
  • Tinkoff Bank - 50 thousand rubles

It would seem that a low minimum amount is good. However, in practice, such small investments are useless without the possibility of additional replenishment.

A bank deposit with interest serves two purposes - to protect money from depreciation due to inflation and to bring income to its holder. But a contribution of 3-5 thousand will not bring significant income.

With regard to inflation protection, another problem arises. Suppose you have 5 thousand rubles free. You put them on a deposit for a period of 3 months. During these three months you have new free money - let it be 2,500 rubles. What to do with them?

You either have to open a new deposit, or wait for the old one to close, so that later you can make a new deposit for the entire amount.

Therefore, if you have a small amount of money, it is better to choose deposits with a low limit, but with the possibility of replenishment - for example, from the Moscow Credit Bank.

Deposit term

The shortest deposits are in Gazprombank (up to 367 days). The longest ones are at VTB (up to 5 years) and Rosselkhozbank (up to 4 years).

The term of the deposit is one of the most controversial parameters. On the one hand, long-term deposits of VTB and Rosselkhozbank will bring more income, coupled with capitalization, and this is beneficial for the depositor.

On the other hand, not every investor will agree to such a long term. First, for many, the factor of psychological uncertainty about the future is turned on. The person says to himself - “What if something happens and I urgently need money?”, And proceeding from this, decides to leave the money on a debit card or at least opens a short deposit for 1-3 months.

This is understandable, but it is worth remembering that early closing is available at every bank. And with it, you do not lose money yourself - you return the invested amount in full. You only lose the income that you could have received if you had left the money in the bank before the required date.

However, 4-5 years is a really long time. Not only will your life circumstances change, but also the offers of banks and investment options.

Therefore, if you are opening a deposit for the first time, choose a non-long-term option - 3-6 months. Such offers are available in any bank.

If you are sure that you want to invest for a long time, then the best option is VTB and Rosselkhozbank.

Withdrawal, replenishment, capitalization

These options are difficult for many. If the rate (the more the better) and the term is more or less clear, then here people are lost - how important this or that parameter is in a particular situation.

  1. Few banks offer the option of partial withdrawal. It is understood that you can withdraw some of the money, but leave at least the minimum amount provided by the tariffs on the deposit.

This is convenient when you need money urgently. Taking a consumer loan or a loan from an MFI seems silly against this background, because you have money in the bank. But I don't want to close the deposit completely.

If you have a large amount to contribute, but are not sure of your own future (for example, you have an illness that may suddenly require large amounts of money for medicines, or you have a car and you are inclined to please in an accident), choose a contribution with partial withdrawal option. For example, it can be connected to the deposit of the Credit Bank of Moscow, and it is also present in the deposits of Tinkoff Bank.

  1. Replenishment is needed when you deposit money for a long time with the purpose of accumulation. And especially if you deliberately set aside some part of your monthly income for savings, and do not invest the amount that you have just once (funds from the sale of something, inheritance, winning the lottery). The replenished deposits are offered by Alfa-Bank, Credit Bank of Moscow, Promsvyazbank, Sovcombank.
  2. Capitalization implies that interest on the amount of the deposit is accrued periodically and is added to the amount of the investment. For example, you have 10,000 rubles, the bank has charged 100 rubles. percent, and next month interest will be charged not on 10,000 rubles, but on 10,100 rubles.

There are other options though. Sometimes the bank charges interest once, before closing, for the entire period.

And sometimes, at the request of the client, interest can be transferred to a separate account. This option is optimal when it comes to a large amount, and interest really represents a significant income.

Let's say you sold an apartment for 2 million rubles and put the proceeds on a deposit at a rate of 7%. Then every month you will receive about 9-10 thousand rubles dripping, which will serve as a good addition to your monthly income.

But if we are talking about a deposit of 20 thousand rubles, then the interest will be about 100 rubles. per month. In this case, capitalization will bring more benefits.

Capitalization is available in all banks except Gazprombank and Sovcombank.


Money is not only a tool for making settlements. They should not only be preserved, but preferably also. One of the most effective ways to increase the amount of savings are deposits. Many banking organizations offer them to open, of course, on different terms. How to choose deposits that are profitable for yourself, we will discuss today.

Contribution: concept and essence

A deposit is a certain amount of funds that you transfer to a banking organization in order to receive income in the form of interest. It is easy to become a depositor: you should conclude an agreement for the placement of money in rubles or another currency in a bank account.

Any citizen has the right to place a deposit for individuals, regardless of his social status and financial situation.

TOP-20 banks where you can open a deposit

We will analyze the conditions for opening deposits according to several criteria.

We also immediately note important information: all data regarding interest rates and opening conditions were obtained from the official websites of banking organizations. It can be changed, supplemented, this is the prerogative of banks.

Tinkoff Bank

  1. Minimum contribution- 50,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period- 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period- 24 months;
  4. Minimum% rate – 5,5%
  5. Maximum% rate – 8,8%;
  6. Accrual%- to a deposit or, at the request of the client, to a card;
  7. Replenishment- regardless of time, via the Internet;
  8. Removal in parts- regardless of the time, as it is convenient for you.

Summary: ease of opening, the ability to withdraw and replenish the account at any time, quite a lifting amount of the contribution. The bank participates in the deposit insurance system, which we mentioned today. Of the pleasant bonuses, it can be noted that everyone who opens a deposit becomes the owner of a bank debit card. It is also possible to open a deposit in different currencies.

  1. Minimum contribution- 1 ruble (depending on the type of deposit being opened);
  2. Minimum placement period- 30 days ("Save" deposit);
  3. Maximum placement period- 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate – 3%;
  5. Maximum% rate – 7%;
  6. Accrual of% - occurs depending on the type of deposit;
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal in parts- allowed.

Summary: the bank is undoubtedly reliable, stable, supported by the state. Participates in the deposit insurance system, you can open a deposit without visiting the office in person. At the same time, we note that interest rates leave much to be desired.

VTB 24

  1. Minimum contribution- 200,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period- 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period- 60 months;
  4. Minimum% rate – 4,10%;
  5. Maximum% rate – 7,4%;
  6. Accrual% - every month;
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal in parts- possible (deposit "Comfortable").

Summary: the amount of the first installment is large, not everyone can make it. The number of available deposits is small, but this can hardly be counted among the negative aspects. At the same time, it is possible to withdraw funds ahead of schedule, as well as replenish the deposit.

  1. Minimum contribution- 10 rubles (deposit "On demand");
  2. Minimum placement period- depends on the type of deposit;
  3. Maximum placement period- depends on the type of deposit;
  4. Minimum% rate – 0,01%
  5. Maximum% rate- 8.75% ("Investment" deposit);
  6. Accrual% - every month;
  7. Replenishment - yes, for deposits "Managed", "Cumulative", "Pension income"
  8. Removal in parts- yes, for deposits "On Demand" and "Managed".

Summary: the amount of the initial payment is available to everyone, there are no restrictions on the terms of the deposit

  1. Minimum contribution- 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period- 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period- 2 years;
  4. Minimum% rate – 7,25%
  5. Maximum% rate – 9,0%
  6. Accrual% - at your choice (every month or capitalization);
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal in parts- not for all types of deposits.

Summary: not all deposits are available for replenishment, cash for withdrawal must be ordered several days in advance. Positive aspects: you can manage your deposit without visiting the office.

  1. Minimum contribution- 100 rubles (for the Pension deposit);
  2. Minimum placement period- 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period–1095 days;
  4. Minimum% rate - 0.01% (on demand deposit)
  5. Maximum% rate- 7.8% (on the "Vacation" deposit);
  6. Accrual% - at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts - only on the "Dynamic" deposit.

Summary: the bank is a member of the deposit insurance system, there is the possibility of personal consultation.

  1. Minimum contribution 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. 2 years;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 7,35%;
  6. Accrual% daily, monthly;
  7. Replenishment - yes, it is possible;
  8. Removal in parts yes, it is possible.

Summary: there is an increase in the rate when opening online, the bank is included in the deposit insurance system, a relatively small minimum contribution.

Bank opening

  1. Minimum contribution 50,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 2 years;
  4. Minimum% rate depends on the type of deposit;
  5. Maximum% rate 8%;
  6. Accrual% Once a month (capitalization is available);
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal in parts - possibly on the "Free Governance" deposit.

Summary: there is an opportunity to replenish the amount of the deposit, online opening is available.

Alfa Bank

  1. Minimum contribution 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period - more than 3 years;
  4. Minimum% rate 4,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 7.2% on the "Pobeda +" deposit;
  6. Accrual% every month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts - Yes.

Summary: there is the possibility of receiving serious income, but for this you need to make a large amount of the minimum contribution, up to 3 million rubles.

  1. Minimum contribution 30,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,5%;
  6. Accrual% every month;
  7. Replenishment - yes, on the "Always at hand" deposit;
  8. Removal in parts possibly.

Summary: it is possible to make the minimum contribution in several payments, there is the possibility of monthly replenishment.

  1. Minimum contribution- 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 24 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,0%;
  5. Maximum% rate 9%;
  6. Accrual% at the end of the contract;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: for opening a deposit via the Internet, 0.25% is added. There is an opportunity to withdraw money and not lose interest.


  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 4 years;
  4. Minimum% rate 5% (on deposits in gold and silver);
  5. Maximum% rate 9%;
  6. Accrual% every month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts available.

Summary: a small amount of the first installment, the choice of deposits is wide.

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 7,4%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,3%;
  6. Accrual% - 1 time per month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: the bank increases the rate on deposits for persons who opened it via the Internet and ATMs (+ 0.3%). Also, the percentage will be higher if you are a salary client or a pensioner.

  1. Minimum contribution 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 366 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 366 days;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,3%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,10%;
  6. Accrual% every month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: we see that the minimum contribution is small, it is possible to withdraw and replenish deposits, and you can also receive% every month.

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate - 7,0%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8.22% (if you deposit 3 million rubles);
  6. Accrual% Once a month or at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts not.

Summary: opening in rubles and in foreign currency is available, you cannot partially withdraw money, but at the same time you can replenish the entire line.

  1. Minimum contribution 5000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 1 year;
  4. Minimum% rate 7,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8.25% (Capital);
  6. Accrual% every month, every quarter;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: the bank's website contains information that deposits are accepted only in rubles, in addition, you can get an increased% if you open a deposit via the Internet. It is permissible to close the deposit ahead of schedule and not lose the accrued%.

  1. Minimum contribution 5000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 24 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,6%;
  6. Accrual% everyday (if the deposit "On demand" is open);
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: you can replenish open deposits and withdraw part of the funds.

Bank "Ugra

  1. Minimum contribution 100 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 61 days (for the "Special Client" deposit)
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6%;
  5. Maximum% rate 10%;
  6. Accrual% 1 time per month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: deposits can be replenished and withdrawn money in parts, initially you can make a small amount.

Uralsib Bank

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,1%;
  5. Maximum% rate 9,0%;
  6. Accrual% every month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: the banking institution offers a wide range of deposits, there is plenty to choose from.

  1. Minimum contribution 30,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 91 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 720 days;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,5;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,5%;
  6. Accrual% every quarter, at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment - acceptable;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: the bank offers a fairly wide choice, when you open it in the Internet bank, the percentage is slightly higher.

Comparison table for all banks

Banking institution Maximum on deposit Opening contribution Withdrawal / deposit options
10% 100 rubles Yes Yes
9% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
UBRD 9% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
9% 1000 rubles not for all deposits
Promsvyaz bank 9% 10,000 rubles Yes Yes
Tinkoff Bank 8,8% 50,000 rubles Yes Yes
8,7% 10 rubles Yes Yes
8,6% 5000 rubles Yes Yes
Russian Standard / Sovcombank 8,5% 30 000 / 30 000 Yes Yes
8,3% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
8,25% 5000 rubles Yes Yes
Home Credit Bank 8,22% 1000 rubles no Yes
8,1% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
Bank opening 8% 50,000 rubles Yes Yes
7,8% 100 rubles Yes Yes
VTB 24 7,4% 200,000 rubles Yes Yes
7,3% 10,000 rubles Yes Yes
Alfa Bank 7,2% 10,000 rubles Yes Yes
7,0% 1 ruble Yes Yes

In the next part of our conversation, we will consider how to properly compare the contributions.

How to compare different contributions

It is clear that the most important indicator for comparison, most people consider the interest rate. But no less important are the indicators that we have already examined in the table above: the ability to withdraw money and replenish the account.

The level of income that you receive on the deposit primarily depends on the rate. If you open a deposit in foreign currency, you will receive less income, if in rubles more. Interest rates on foreign currency deposits are always lower than on ruble deposits.

Separately, we note that at present, it is becoming increasingly popular to open deposits without visiting the bank's office, online or through an ATM. Some banks offer a slightly higher percentage than the standard for such an opening. We have already written about this in the article.

If you read the recommendations of various experts, they note that you should not give priority to such an indicator as the interest rate when choosing a deposit. It so happens that their high level hides a big risk or completely unfavorable conditions. The rate indicated in the advertisement in fact below.

There is one more criterion for comparison: the size of the minimum and maximum contributions. It cannot be said that it plays a large role, but it is worth paying attention to it, since the minimum contribution is associated with expenditure transactions. In simple terms, this means that if you withdraw funds in part, this amount must remain in the account.

You cannot withdraw more than this amount, you will lose everything that was credited. This is especially important for depositors who have small amounts of funds, invest them in order to withdraw the maximum at any time.

Purposes of placing deposits

It would seem that there is nothing complicated: you open a deposit in order not to lose money, save it, and also increase its amount. But there are a number of other goals as well. Let's talk about them.

1. Make money.

Do not be surprised, it is quite possible. Banking organizations often carry out actions of a different nature. If the circumstances go well, you can get additional income.

2. Get benefits.

Let's take one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation as an example. It has the following condition: for a person who opens a deposit for a certain amount, preferential terms for mortgage lending will apply. Imagine, there are not so few people willing.

3. Protect your money from inflation.

If you have set yourself such a goal, then you can choose almost any type of contribution - they will all help with this. Keeping money at home in a box is not the best option, sooner or later inflation will eat it, and no one is immune from thieves.

4. Save up for a large purchase.

We all know that there are people who don’t have money in their pockets. They say about such people: give him a million, he will spend it in 2 hours. As a result, it turns out that money is needed for something really serious, but it is not.

In this case, a bank deposit comes to the rescue. Moreover, it is better such that it was impossible to withdraw money ahead of schedule. Then it will work out.

Now let's talk in more detail about what deposits are generally available and how they are classified.

What are the deposits

To attract a large number of customers, banking organizations are constantly expanding the range of deposits, adding more and more. We will now consider the most popular types of deposits for us - ordinary people.

All deposits can be roughly divided into 2 categories: urgent and poste restante. Urgent deposits are opened for a specific time, demand deposits do not have a specific term.


It should be noted that the highest rates are for this group. In addition, it is not always allowed for such deposits to withdraw money, as well as deposit funds into the account.


Thanks to the presence of such a contribution, you can control your finances, manage your savings. Such a contribution is also called universal.


Provided for such customers who plan to replenish it during the entire term of the deposit. They are most often used by people who save up for expensive purchases.


These are deposits that are offered to certain groups of clients. This includes deposits for students, retirees, and so on.

By seasons.

Timed to coincide with a certain season. They often have quite high rates, but there is no possibility of prolongation.


Designed for those who want to independently save up for a down payment on a mortgage. They can be replenished, but they cannot be renewed automatically.

Part of the funds or the entire amount immediately after the end of the contract will be used to pay the mortgage payment. Now in the Russian Federation, such a deposit is not found in all banking institutions.


This contribution is classified as urgent and is tied to the change in the value of an asset. An asset can be the dollar rate, securities, precious metals, and so on.


The meaning of such a deposit is that funds are stored in different currencies: most often they are rubles, euros and dollars. There is, of course, the opportunity to store money in more exotic currencies, but this is not common.

The main advantage of this type of deposit is the ability not to lose profitability and transfer funds from one currency to another. This is called conversion. A commission, as a rule, is not taken for it, but the rates here are lower than for other types of deposits.


They are opened in the name of a child who is not yet 16 years old. The contribution is targeted.


A person deposits funds on it only in cash. When opening such a deposit, the client can count on the complete anonymity of his account.

How to choose a bank to place a deposit

The choice of a banking organization, which you can entrust money and not be afraid of losing it, will take a decent amount of time.

To make this task a little easier, here are some guidelines:

  1. Don't neglect other people's reviews. Check them out, it certainly won't be superfluous. Just pay special attention to those that are presented on the network as a whole, and not on the official websites of the banking organization.
  2. Study the information in the media for publications about the bank in a negative way.
  3. When visiting the bank, clarify how interest rates work on deposits: if they are too high, this is a reason to be wary;
  4. You can use the information posted on the portal. The positive side here is that all the data on the site is presented in simple language, you do not need to be an expert in the field of economics to understand the topic;
  5. Find out if the bank has branches and branches;
  6. An important criterion for choosing is the bank's participation in the state deposit insurance system. This information is freely available on the Internet, it will not be difficult to find it.
  7. On the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, you can view information related to the reporting of banking organizations. Here the only drawback is that it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand it; the help of a specialist is required.
  8. An important indicator is the amount.
  9. You can ask about the bank's ratings, they are published by special agencies. Of course, it is difficult to keep track of them, but it is quite possible to use it as additional information.
  10. An indirect sign that the bank is not doing well is frequent failures in various operations.

The mistakes we make when choosing a bank

Not always a potential depositor can adequately assess the reliability of the chosen banking organization.

Mistakes, by the way, are the most commonplace ones:

  1. Choosing the highest deposit rate... This is dictated by the desire to increase the amount of their funds. If this is all your goal, you are better off using another financial instrument. Very high rates should not attract, but repel the client. Their presence is an indicator that the bank needs funds, it has financial difficulties.
  2. Excessive trust in bank specialists... Even if the employee speaks convincingly and beautifully, his words should be supported by something. Stable and reliable institutions provide clients with all the information in the public domain.
  3. Opening a deposit in a servicing banking organization... Often, depositors entrust their funds to the bank in which they receive salaries or other types of permanent payments. It is convenient, but you do not need to carry all the money to one institution, it is better to distribute it among several.
  4. Following unverified guidelines... The experiences of your friends and family are important, but you don't need to blindly follow them. They are most often based on the opinion of a particular person, and not on the actual state of affairs.

Summing up a small summary, I would like to say that the choice of a banking organization should be approached with increased attention and thoroughness. It is better to spend time looking for the most suitable bank for you than to risk your money savings.

State deposit insurance

Thanks to the introduction of this system, a person can get his money back, even if the bank is recognized or his license has been revoked.

In 2017, deposits up to RUB 1,400,000 were insured. If you have open deposits in several banks and all these credit organizations have gone bankrupt, you will receive 1,400,000 from each.

This program also applies to deposits made in foreign currency. The amount in this case will be calculated at the rate that is valid on the date of revocation of the license from the bank. The recalculation is carried out in rubles.

Reasons for refusal to open a deposit

The banking organization, without stating the reason, may refuse the client to open a deposit.

This does not happen often, and the reasons may be of the following nature:

  • Client under 14 years old;
  • The client does not have the opportunity to present a passport or other document that will prove his identity;
  • A citizen of another state who cannot confirm his right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation wants to open a deposit.

In the next part of our article, we will take a closer look at 20 banking organizations that have already proven themselves to be reliable. People trust them with their money without fear for their safety. We propose to analyze the lines of deposits that these institutions offer, and then draw a conclusion in which bank it is better to open a deposit.

Personal income tax and deposits of individuals

Most of the deposit programs do not require payment. The tax will be charged only if the level of income exceeds that established by law. But this year, banking organizations have lowered rates on deposits due to the fact that insurance rates have increased. This means that there is no need to expect a high level of profitability.

You may ask: do you need to pay something or not? Let's answer this way: this direction of payments is practically not controlled. If you receive a payment notification, of course make the payment. But if you have not been notified about this for 3 years, you can not pay.

Deposit interest: how to calculate

To begin with, we immediately note that you should not completely trust the amount of interest on the deposit, which is indicated in the advertisement of the banking organization. Before entrusting your hard earned money to the bank, try calculating the interest yourself. You may find it difficult, but we will try to explain in the simplest possible way how to do it.

First of all, you should not completely trust the calculation of the deposit calculator.

They will not show a real result, because:

  1. Their functionality is scarce, the calculator does not take into account all the details. Therefore, you can refuse to use it and try to calculate everything manually.
  2. Calculate everything before you decide on the bank and type of deposit. This is necessary for evaluating and comparing different offers.
  3. If you have any questions, please contact the bank's consultants, they will clarify all the necessary points.

And now let's move on directly to terminology and calculations.

Interest on deposits is calculated in two ways: by the formulas of compound or simple interest. The key parameter in both cases is the interest rate on the deposit.

The concept of% on a deposit is understood as the amount that the bank pays to its client for the use of his money.

The amount of the rate is usually prescribed in the contract, indicate it as a percentage per annum. The rate can be floating or fixed.

If we are talking about a simple method of calculating%, then they are not added to the amount of the deposit, but transferred to the depositor's open account.

In the second option, the income that is accrued is added to the body of the deposit, it turns out that its main amount has increased, which means that the total profitability is also growing.


We calculate interest in the case of simple accrual:

S = (P x I x t / K) / 100 where:

  • S - accrued%;
  • P is the amount you deposit;
  • I - the rate on the deposit for the year;
  • t - number of days for which% will be counted;
  • K - number of days per year (don't forget about leap days).

Example. Citizen O. opened a deposit in the amount of 200,000 rubles, for a period of 12 months, at 9.5% per annum. The accrual of% is simple. After the end of the term of the deposit, the income of O. will be: (200,000 * 9.5 * 365/365) / 100 = 19,000 rubles.

If a complex interest calculation is implied, the calculation will look like this:

S = (P x I x j / K) / 100 where:

  • S - accrued%;
  • P is the amount you deposited;
  • I -% on the deposit for the year;
  • j is the number of days in the billing period;
  • K is the number of days in a year.

Example. Citizen O. opened a deposit in the amount of 200,000 rubles, for a period of 6 months, at 9.5% per annum with capitalization. After the end of the term of the deposit, the income of O. will be: (200,000 * 9.5 * 180/365) / 100 = 9369 rubles. (for 6 months).

Currency contribution: nuances

Under the current economic conditions, depositors prefer to keep part of their money in foreign currency. If you are ready to open such a deposit, then remember: if the bank loses its license, the amount of the deposit will be paid to you in rubles.

In addition, there is one more subtlety: the DIA starts insurance payments 14 days after the license is revoked from your bank. And during this time, the exchange rate may rise, so you may lose some amount.

What do depositors risk

This is an important question that cannot be left unanswered. After all, everyone knows very well that any coin has two sides: positive and negative. We have already talked about the advantages of opening deposits, now we will discuss the possible risks.

The most common are the following:

  • The banking organization was declared bankrupt;
  • Personal income tax payment;
  • Increase in rates for long-term deposits;
  • Liquidity risk;
  • Reinvestment risks.

And now a little more detail.

The bank was declared bankrupt.

To somewhat reduce the possibility of such a situation, place your savings in different banking organizations, in amounts not exceeding 1,400,000 rubles. If something happens to the bank, the state will return the money to you.

Personal income tax payment.

This will have to be done only if the rate on your deposit is 5% higher than the refinancing rate. Then you will have to pay, and in the amount of 35% of the excess amount.

Increase in rates for deposits opened for a long time.

If you open a deposit at 9% per annum, for a period of 36 months, and after a year the rate has become 12%, you will lose 3% of your income.


This risk arises if you terminate the term deposit agreement ahead of schedule. It is better to open a deposit where funds can be partially withdrawn.

Reinvestment risk.

Let's say you opened a deposit for 6 months, at a rate of 10%. You plan to reinvest these funds. But after 6 months the rates dropped and now you can get only 8% per annum.

To minimize risks, choose a bank carefully.

Fraudulent transactions related to deposits

Recently, the revocation of licenses from banking organizations is a regular matter. But the problem is also that 27 thousand people have applied to the Deposit Insurance Agency with statements that people cannot receive a refund of their funds. As it turned out, there were fraudulent actions with deposits by banks.

What is the essence of such a fraud? It turned out that banking organizations were stealing funds from the accounts of their depositors. Double-entry bookkeeping was carried out, and the person did not even know that he had been robbed. In accounting, the data that the deposits were opened were either not indicated at all, or in a greatly reduced amount: instead of 500,000, only 50 rubles were reflected.

After the licenses were revoked, depositors were faced with the fact that there was no money in their accounts, there was nothing to reimburse.

How to protect yourself from such manipulations? Unfortunately, this is 100% impossible to do. But we recommend that you be sure to keep all the documents in the original: orders confirming transactions, agreements on opening deposits, and so on. And act actively, do not expect the situation to normalize itself.

Follow this algorithm:

  • Contact the banking organization with an application for insurance compensation, attaching the documents that you have in your hands;
  • The application from the bank is forwarded to the Insurance Agency;
  • The agency registers it and reviews it;
  • If the decision is positive, amendments will be made to the register of payments;
  • As a result, you will receive your money in full.

Of course, this procedure will make you waste not only time, but also nerves. Although, most likely, the outcome will be positive.

You can also advise to place deposits in banks that are among the largest. This somewhat reduces the risk of license revocation and fraud. But this is a personal matter for everyone, we will not impose anything.


So, our dear readers, now you know how to choose a suitable bank and open a deposit in it. If you place your funds successfully, you will not only save money, but also get income. The main thing is to choose a bank wisely, and it is best to place funds in several stable banking institutions.

Why deposits with monthly interest withdrawals are profitable today

Many today talk about the need to create so-called "passive income". Deposits with monthly interest is one of the forms of obtaining such income.

They are also called "rental", because in their principle of action they are similar to making a profit from renting an apartment.

To get a decent income every month, you need to invest a large amount at once. Therefore, when choosing a bank for such a deposit, it is important to take into account not only the interest, but also the reliability of the investment.

What are the most profitable deposits with monthly interest payments today?

In this review, the site's correspondents have collected the most profitable deposits with monthly interest payments, which are offered by the most reliable banks in Russia. The rating includes deposits in the amount of 1 million rubles and more for a period of 1 year.

Deposits with monthly interest withdrawals in top-10 banks

"Simple and profitable" deposit

Deposit / Without partial withdrawal / Without capitalization /% monthly

Contribution "Permanent income"

Deposit "Profitable"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization /% monthly

Contribution " Save»

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization /% monthly

Contribution "For Life"

Post Bank

Deposit "Profitable"

Deposit / Without partial withdrawal / Capitalization /% monthly

Deposit calculator

Who benefits from deposits with monthly interest withdrawals?

The longer the term of the deposit, the greater the difference in profitability on deposits with capitalization and interest payments to the account. Banks' offers with interest payments to another account, that is, without capitalization, are interesting to those who want to use the income from the deposit to finance their current expenses, - explains Anastasia Gileva, manager of the Absolut-Bank operational office in Ufa.

Are deposits with monthly interest withdrawals insured?

Yes. The insurance covers the monetary funds of individuals in the bank in deposits and on accounts, including foreign currency. The maximum amount of compensation for deposits today is 1,400,000 rubles.

If the deposit is placed in US dollars or Euros, the amount of compensation is calculated and paid by the DIA in rubles at the rate set by the Bank of Russia on the day of the insured event.

You can check whether an institution is included in the deposit insurance system on the websites of the Bank of Russia ( and DIA (, as well as on the DIA free hotline 8-800-200-08-05 ...

Conclusion: deposits with monthly interest payments or capitalization?

Deposits with monthly interest can be of two types: with capitalization or payment of income to a separate account.

✓ Deposits with capitalization are beneficial because the real profitability on them is higher due to a constant increase in the amount of the deposit due to the accrual of interest.

✓ Monthly payment of interest is necessary for those who plan to spend income from the deposit. This is an alternative to earning passive income from renting out real estate. As a rule, money is transferred to a separate account or card so that it is convenient to withdraw it, says Viktor Davidenko, an expert on the site for deposit programs.

Note that the above conditions and interest rates of deposits for individuals are not a public offer, and cannot serve as an indication for choosing a specific deposit. This list is not a basis for unambiguous conclusions about the reliability and (or) financial stability of these banks. The editors of the site do not bear any responsibility for the consequences of any interpretations of this review and decisions taken on its basis.