At the Moscow refinery, the construction of an innovative complex of biological treatment facilities "Biosphere was completed. Principle of operation of the autonomous sewering "biosphere"

The Moscow Oil Refining Plant, MNPs, continues the construction of innovative biological structures "Biosphere", which will allow the enterprise to achieve the world's best characteristics of water purification and reuse up to 75 percent of industrial and storm drain, said the correspondent of the channel "360".

To evaluate the technology of the future installation, the construction of which an important part of the federal program of the year of ecology in Russia, the plant visited the public environmental organization "Green Patrol". Her staff selected control samples of purified wastewater so that after starting the "biosphere" to check the effectiveness of its operation.

"Biosphere" is modern complex Claimed facilities that guarantee almost complete removal of all pollutants from industrial wastewater. Ecologists arrived to check how effective the future complex is.

Ecologists say that another ten years ago, the plant could only dream about the construction of such sewage treatment plants. Wastewater accumulated in sumps and their stench poisoned the life of the entire district. Everything has changed in 2011 with the arrival of a new shareholder - the company Gazprom Neft. A large-scale modernization began on MNPs, as a result of which, at first, a modern installation of a closed type was built on the site of obsolete wastewater. The enterprise completely lacks any straight estimates into the river, and all the water from production complexes and storm sewage is cleaned at the factory, and only then by pipes goes to urban treatment plants. But the plant plans to increase the efficiency of water purification and will soon be added to the modern closed mechanical cleaner and "biosphere". In it, water will be cleaned by the bacterium specially derived for this purpose.

We use at the same time the membrane bioreactor technology, which allows you to simultaneously make these facilities with modern and compact, and reverse osmosis technology, which allows you to return to 75 percent of water, which means that the water consumption will be reduced by two thirds

- Yuri Yerokhin, Head of the Management Safety and Ecology of MNPs.

River water consumption will be able to reduce two and a half times, and the effectiveness of water purification after launching the "biosphere" will increase to 99 percent.

Those scales that are declared the refinery are simply impressive. When the complex enters the stage of operation, we will check again and we will show the population, what kind of water was, and what it became. Still, the effect will be quite serious

- Andrei Nagibin, Chairman of the Board of the Public Organization "Green Patrol".

The complex "Biosphere" will begin its work in the fall. After that, the environmentalists of the Green Patrol will come to the plant again in order to once again take water samples for analysis.

  • Vertical versions from 0.6 - 2 m 3 / day. (energy saving, not constantly works)
  • Horizontal version from 0.6 - 300 m 3 / day. (works constantly)

The system is energy-dependent, it works constantly, when the electricity is disconnected, it works offline until the week, the degree of cleaning falls. Minimum life of 50 years. Made from high-strength polypropylene, Czech production. High degree of cleaning HBSV to 98% of technical wastewater.

The biological cleaning station "Biosphere" needs service maintenance no more than 1 time per year - the rest of the time it is completely autonomous in operation. Los is equipped with a protection system from a large garbage.

Laboratory studies on wastewater treatment Los "Biosphere" The results of the study were carried out:

NAME before cleaning after cleaning
Weighted Substances (mg / l) 168.9 ± 1.1 2.5 ± 0.1
Petroleum products (mg / l) 2,9 0,03
Ammonium nitrogen (mg / l) 6,1 0,3
BPK5 (mg / l) 22,3 1,6
SPEV (mg / l) 22,8 0,16
Nitritics (mg / l) 0,4 less than 0.005.
Nitrates (mg / l) 18.1 1,2
Phosphates (mg / l) 2,8 0,1
  • The effectiveness of the cleaning of suspended substances was -98.5%
  • Cleaning efficiency in petroleum products amounted to -98.96%
  • Ammonium nitrogen cleaning efficiency amounted to-95%
  • BOD Cleaning Efficiency5 amounted to-92.8%
  • Spa cleaning efficiency amounted to -94.28%
  • Nitrite cleaning efficiency amounted to at least 98.75%
  • Phosphate cleaning efficiency amounted to -96.4%

These wastewater treatment tests are confirmed by certificates.

in horizontal execution:

Los "Biosphere" Horizontal version 0.6 - 60 m 3 / day, from 3 - 300 permanent residence.

Watering methods: self / forced

The stations are equipped with a diaphragm compressors "HIBOW" of the Japanese manufacturer of Techno Takatsuki or "secoh" of the Japanese manufacturer Secoh Sangyo Co Ltd. Inside the system in a separate hermetic compartment, the control unit is located in which the compressor is installed.

The installation of the installation includes a sequential passage of wastewater through the sections of mechanical and biological cleaning. Stocks first come to mechanical cleaning in the receiving chamber, where sand is precipitated and other insoluble inclusions. Further, waste water enters the biological cleaning due to the ability of microorganisms to use some pollutants as a power source. Biological purification is conducted in two stages: in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic) and the presence of dissolved oxygen (aerobic).

Autonomous sewage, septic, Los "biosphere" horizontal performance

Especially important in anaerobic purification is the removal of nitrogen from water, which extremely negatively affects the fauna of the reservoirs. Upon passing by drains of anaerobic bioreactor with a hash bio-load for enzymes produced by microorganisms, an ammonium ion formation from organic compounds. Nitrogen is used to increase microorganisms, and thus part of the inorganic nitrogen passes into newly formed bacterial cells. It is then wastewater containing ammonium nitrogen in the aerotenk, where the ammonium ion nitrification of the microorganisms of the active ya in the nitrific and nitrate form:

NH4 ++ 2O-2 \u003d NO2- + 2H2O

2 NO2- + O-2 \u003d 2 NO3-

In the secondary sump, the dedication of the nitrifying active sludge occurs, its recycling into the septic tank is the mineralization chamber of the sediment, and the oxidation of the remaining organic compounds with nitrates. This distinguishes free nitrogen, which is given through the air duct.

Further cleaning is carried out in a biothen with a bay loading, the bottom part of which is equipped with aurator. Thanks to access of oxygen on the load, aerobic microorganisms are developed, which are necessary for absorption and oxidation of contaminants. The next step is the soothing of the silo mixture and the deposition of it on the bottom of the tertiary sump. Purified wastewater is separated from the active ral, which is removed from the sump as accumulation.

Purified water is discharged into the nearest watercourses. If necessary, wastewater can be discharged into the drive (well made of metal or reinforced concrete rings). When resetting purified effluent in a fisheries purpose, an additional UVO lamp is installed.

Consider the work of Los "Biosphere" in more detail.


In the vertical execution system, the Karcher submersible pump is installed (Germany's country manufacturer). Watering Methods: Self / Forced

Autonomous sewage, septic, Los "biosphere" vertical version

Principle of operation:

Wastewater treatment in the sewer system "biosphere" occurs in two stages:

1. The first stage consists in the deposition of suspended particles in the three chamber sump. The settling tank consists of 3 separate sections with overflows, through which the sets of domestic sewage are flowing. Overflows are located in such a way that wastewater is sweeping at the lowest speed, due to which there is a mixture of coarse suspended particles to the bottom. The first container of the single-chamber and maximum volume, the second and the third are the same. For example, the amount of chambers of the "biosphere 5" installation chambers is 800 liters, 400 l and 400 liters, and, accordingly, the total volume of the settling is 1.6 m3.

2. The second stage of the cooking in the bioreactor - from the third chamber the clarified wastewater with the help of a timer-operating pump (15 min. / Incl. - 45 minutes / off) pumped into top Installations and through the sprayer are evenly sprinkled throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe hero of loading. Also at the time of splashing, wastewater is saturated with oxygen. Bioreactor is a structure in which the wastewater is filtered through the loading material coated with a biological film (biofilm) formed by the colonies of microorganisms. Further, part of the water saturated with bioorganisms is returned to the first chamber, which allows you to speed up the process of decomposition and precipitation of suspended particles. The main volume of purified water returns to the third chamber. The selection for the exit of purified water from the installation comes from the middle part of the third chamber. This process prevents the output from the installation of a sludge sediment at the bottom and dead colonies of bacteria floating on the surface.

The processes of sorption and destruction of wastewater pollution in biological filters are largely similar to the processes in the structures of soil purification on the irrigation fields and filtering fields. However, the processes of biological oxidation of organic contaminants in biofilters proceed significantly intensively due to the increased porosity of the loading material, compared with the soil porosity. For example, the porosity of the tens of tens of times exceeds the level of the porosity of the sand, one of the best natural materials for irrigation fields.

Filtered through the loading of the biofilter, contaminated water leaves insoluble impurities in it, not mastered in the primary and secondary septic tanks, as well as colloid and dissolved organic substances sorbed by the biological film. Under the term "filtering" should not be easily understood only the processes of mechanical polling through the thickness of the loading material. Biofilter is a structure of biological purification with a fixed biomass fixed on the surface of the medium-carrier (loading material), which performs the processes of extraction and complex biological processing of pollution from wastewater. Biofile microorganisms in the process of enzymatic reactions are oxidized by organic substances, while obtaining power and energy required for its livelihoods. Part of the organic substances of microorganisms are used as a material to increase their mass. Thus, in the process of metabolic reactions, contamination is converted into simple compounds (water, mineral compounds and gases), as a result, organic contaminants are removed from wastewater, denitrification processes and the mass of the active biological film in the body of the biofilter increases. The spent and deadly film washed off and carries out of the body of the bio filter flowing sewing water. The oxygen required for the biochemical process enters the load thickness by natural filter ventilation.

Attention!!! Plant Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to various parameters of structures, without degrading operational performance.

The environmentalists of the public organization "Green Patrol" visited the Moscow refineries and took the wastewater samples that were sent to an independent state chemical laboratory. Already in the fall on the refinery, new sewage treatment plants "Biosphere" will earn: the modern biological complex will expand the composition of the plant water treatment plant and will destroy almost all polluting impurities. After the launch of the "biosphere", the environmentology will come again at refinery, make a new fence and wastewater analysis - to compare them with the first breakdown. This will make sure the effectiveness of the new cleaning complex and applied at the plant environmental technologies.

Construction of a complex of sewage treatment plants "Biosphere" is one of the stages of modernization of the enterprise and an important part of the program for the protection of nature, which the owner of the plant - the company Gazprom Neft has been implementing since 2011. The territory of the plant, where the "biosphere" is now being built, it was previously considered environmentally unfavorable. But for last years The situation radically changed: according to the chairman of the board of the All-Russian Public Organization "Green Patrol", Andrei Nagin, Moscow refinery may well claim to receive a "green certificate".

This decision will be made after studying information and control the installation. But the openness of the enterprise and the demonstrated technologies today were appreciated by us, "said Andrei Nagibin. - Moscow refinery is not the first year under our closer attention. In the 1990s, he was a real ecological threat to the city. Special fear caused air pollution and groundwater pollution accumulated in the enterprise in the territory of the enterprise, in the so-called "Black Sea", petroleum. Today, we see constructed modern biological treatment facilities on the spot of this bad smelling sludge. Already now there are no sharp unpleasant odors in the territory of the enterprise. There are no estimates into the river, all the open surfaces of evaporation are eliminated, the water is cleared with an efficiency of 95%, and after starting the "biosphere" there will be a practically closed water consumption cycle.

In the "biosphere" will be used unique for domestic oil refining technology of multistage wastewater treatment. First, the drains will be driven through the currently valuable mechanical treatment facilities. Then - through the "biosphere": water will be held through blocks of flotation, biological purification, membrane and coal filters, installation of reverse osmosis.

In the sewage treatment plants "Biosphere", special bacteria are used, capable of absorbing and recycling the remains of petroleum products - says Yuri Yerokhin, head of the department industrial safety and Ecology MNPs. - In the finals, purified water will pass through several hundred tons activated coalAs well as membranes, the pores of which are the size of the water molecule.

Experts of the plant counted: after the introduction of the "biosphere" into operation, the company will reduce water consumption in two and a half times. Almost 75% of purified water will be re-used in production - in this way a practically closed cycle of its consumption will be created.

Cardinal changes for MNPs in the field of ecology began in 2011 with the arrival of the new owner of Gazprom Neft, "says Roman Pukalov, director of environmental protection programs" Green Patrol ". - over the years, pollutant emissions were significantly reduced. atmospheric air, a system of integrated control over their concentrations has been introduced, a huge buffer pond is completely eliminated, the so-called "Black Sea", a complex of closed mechanical treatment facilities was built. The company does not drop off its estates, but brushes independently and after directly transfers to urban treatment plants. After launching the "biosphere", the load on urban treatment plants should be significantly reduced.

By the way, the launch of the wastewater treatment plant "biosphere" is enabled federal program events of the year of ecology in Russia.

The real, tangible benefit for the ecology of the country is already bringing practical activities, such as the launch of the "biosphere" at the Moscow Refinery, the Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Public Organization "Green Patrol", says Andrei Nagibin. - It is gratifying that the process of environmental modernization has been going on for MNPs for several years, regardless of the year of ecology, and will continue in the future.

Help "KP"

In the modernization of the Moscow refinery of the Gazprom Neft companies, 250 billion rubles were invested. Since 2011, due to the reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants, the enterprise has reduced the impact of production on environmentand 36% reduced emissions into the atmosphere. It is planned that after the implementation of the next stage of environmental protection measures by 2020, the impact of the plant on the environment will be reduced to almost zero.

Moscow, October 9th. / TASS /. The Moscow Oil Refining Plant (MNPZ) completed the construction of biological treatment facilities "biosphere", which will ensure the effectiveness of wastewater treatment to 99.9%. This was reported on Monday to journalists Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

"Today, the next stage of the modernization of MNPs has been completed. The wastewater treatment plants" biosphere "have been constructed, which will ensure maximum wastewater purification. In addition, the company will reduce the water fence from Moscow-River by 2.5 times due to the reuse of purified waters as part of a closed cycle", He said during the visit of MNPs.

According to him, the completion of the construction of biological treatment facilities "biosphere" is an important stage of the MNPs environmental modernization program implemented since 2011, and the final stage of modernization in the water purification segment.

"That water we accept and use for production processes - after cleaning it will be better in quality than river water. This will significantly reduce the burden on urban clear Systems"," Alexander Dyukov, explained the TASS head of Gazprom Neft.

Now MNPs has already begun to conduct commissioning of a complex of biological treatment facilities "Biosphere".

Dyukov also reported that Gazprom Neft Investments in the modernization of the Moscow refineries reached 140 billion rubles. "If we talk about the whole program - it is large-scale, provides for investments in the amount of 250 billion rubles. Today there are about 140 billion rubles," said Dukes.

Investments in the Biosphere project amounted to 9 billion rubles.

Dyukov noted that next year the plant will be 80 years old, and as a result of the modernization program it will be almost completely updated compared with the state for 2011.

Modern technologies of "biosphere" guarantee complete removal of all pollutants and water purification to 99.9%. It is planned that the company will reduce the consumption of river water 2.5 times, will be returned to the production cycle to 75%. Additionally, the impact of the plant on the environment will decrease, the load on the sewage treatment plants of Moscow will decrease.

More than 50% of the equipment used on the sewage facilities "biosphere" - Russian production.

Since 2011, Gazprom Neft has implements a program of comprehensive reconstruction and modernization of MNPs. As clarified in the press service of Gazprom Neft, the total investment in the period up to 2020 amounted to more than 250 billion rubles. Thanks to the measures performed, the plant already reduced the impact of production on the environment, including 36% reduced the flow of pollutants into the atmosphere. By 2020, as part of the second stage of modernization, the impact on the environment will be reduced by another 50%.

At the Moscow oil refining plant, Gazprom Neft began, commissioning tests of the innovative complex of biological treatment facilities "Biosphere" began. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Chairman of the Board Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov visited a new production facility of the Moscow refinery.

Construction of the Installation of the Biosphere is an ecological project of a comprehensive program for the modernization of oil refining assets Gazprom Neft, one of the key priorities of which is a consistent decrease in the production load on the environment. The construction of the "biosphere" by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation is incorporated into the federal action plan for the year of ecology in Russia. Investments by Gazprom Neft in the project amounted to 9 billion rubles.

Completion of the construction of the Biosphere is an important stage of the Environmental Modernization Program of the plant and its final stage in terms of minimizing the impact on the aquatic environment. The unique technological system developed by domestic engineers will complete the formation of a water treatment complex of the plant and will increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment to 99.9%. Through the use of modern technologies, the Biosphere will provide a closed cycle of water consumption and significantly reduce the burden on the city sewage treatment infrastructure. The Moscow refinery will reduce the fence of river water 2.5 times, 75% of purified effluent will be returned back into production.

"The Moscow refinery implements a large-scale environmental program, as a result of which the level of exposure to the enterprise on the environment should decrease by about 4 times. Today completed the next stage of modernization. The wastewater treatment facilities "biosphere" have been built, which will ensure the most complete wastewater purification. In addition, the company will reduce the water fence from the Moscow River 2.5 times due to the reuse of purified waters as part of a closed cycle. This is good news for all residents of the capital and Moscow region. In particular, for those who live near the plant and walks to walk in the parks located in the lower course of the Moscow River, "said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
The Chairman of the Board Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov said: "The Moscow refinery is far from the only petrochemical enterprise working within the borders of Moscow, but today it is an unconditional leader on the scale of changes and the dynamics of production modernization. The projects that Gazprom Neft implements at the Moscow refinery, solve the priority for the company to minimize the impact of production on the environment, increase the technological level and the operating efficiency of the refinery. Investing in innovative environmental solutions, introducing modern digital production management technologies, we establish new standards for industrial and environmental safety, which will determine the further development of all Russian oil refining. "


Biosphere is a multi-stage wastewater treatment system, where industrial effluents come after preliminary preparation on the current mechanical treatment facilities of MNPs. In the first stage, water passes through a block of pressure flotation, where all the remaining mechanical impurities and petroleum products are knocked out with a powerful air flow. After flotators, water passes into the central part of the installation - the membrane bioreactor.

Here, wastewater is mixed with sludge, which contains microorganisms that can absorb and recycle residues of petroleum products. They are adapted to this environment and specifically for the "biosphere" were grown on Lyuberetsky sewage treatment plants "MosVokanal". After Il will perform its function, it is filtered through thousands of membranes, the diameter of which is less than a human hair. This is the most modern of the existing water purification solutions. In addition, the reservoir is fully waterproof, all waste gases undergo special cleaning at photoionization stations, which guarantee complete removal of odors and pollutants. The air is first cleaned on the filters, and after the ultraviolet light is disinfected.

In the final, purified water under pressure is consistently passed through 200 tons of activated carbon, and then through 1440 membranes of reverse osmosis, the size of the cells of which is not more than water molecule. Only after this purified water comes back into production, and filtered petroleum products - to process. Some of the purified water pipes are transmitted directly to urban treatment facilities. The company has a completely lack of open runoff in the Moscow River. Even rainwater is going to the storm sewage system and is cleaned.