The benefits of rice, its composition, properties and contraindications. Unusual and useful use of rice in everyday life (13 photos) rice and products from it

Rice is one of the most ancient products known for about 5000 BC. It is believed that he comes from India and Thailand. Rice became popular in the West thanks to travelers, a soldier and merchants who brought him there.

The composition of rice

Rice - good source Fiber, which is of great importance for good intestinal functioning. Rice is also rich in carbohydrates and in general has a small amount of fat. It also contains vitamin B, potassium and phosphorus.

Both white and brown rice are equally useful. A cup of white rice contains about the same amount of calories as brown, but much less fat (0.8 g in white rice and 2, 4 grams in brown). On the other hand, in crude rice, the fiber content is significantly higher (2.8 g of dietary fibers in brown, and in white - 0.6 g). By nutritional value, both types are similar.

Rice selection and storage

Store rice at home you need in boxes and packages placed in a cool, ventilated and dry place. He has the ability to absorb odors, so in proximity to it should not be stored products that can convey their smell. The shelf life of rice in the above conditions is one year. Already cooked rice can be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator to one week.

Culinary use of rice

Rice is prepared by cooking or pair, and in the process of cooking a large amount of absorbed water. Sometimes before starting cooking, rice roasted for a while, after that it becomes less sticky. Rice is an integral ingredient of many soups, dishes with vegetables and meat, sushi and others.

Rice is very popular for the preparation of various desserts. Tasty porridge and puddings are prepared with adding honey, sugar and milk to rice. Fig is a component different types Puddings, cakes and creams. Rice desserts can be added raisins and other dried fruits and spices, such as aromatic cinnamon. Incredibly delicious rice pudding with pumpkin.

Rice use in healthy diet:

  1. Regular rice consumption prevents the development of a number of chronic diseases, and also improves the appearance of the skin.
  2. Fig contains amino acids that contribute to the formation of new cells.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines: the rice infusion stops diarrhea, and cooked in milk contributes to the cleansing of the intestine.
  4. Rice has a beneficial effect on nervous system.
  5. It is useful for diseases bladder And the kidneys, and during the recovery period contributes to the healing of appetite.
  6. High content in rice vitamina in important for skin health, hair and nails.
  7. Regular use of dishes with rice has a beneficial effect on health as a whole, of course, if you do not overdo the quantities.
  8. Rice decoction is recommended for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. If rice is welded with the addition of mint, you will get a great remedy for colds, influenza and pneumonia.
  9. After a disease, when our body is weakened, rice consumption is an excellent option for its strengthening.

Cleansing diet

There is a lot of diets for weight loss with rice. One of them is the purification of the body with rice. The course lasts about two weeks and it is necessary for him as many tablespoons of rice, how old you are. Rice fall asleep in the jar, poured with water and stored in the refrigerator. Every morning you need to have 1 tablespoon of rice, pre-boiled in water.

It is no secret that rice is the basis of nutrition of a significant part of the population globe. He was an obulted 13,000 years ago in South China, from where the grain spread across Asia. It is known that in Europe (in particular, in Greece) brought him Alexander Great in 300 BC. e.

History of Zlak.

Rice is considered the second valuable cereal culture after wheat. The benefits of rice is known for the Chinese people. That is why the greatest harvest of varieties of this cereal is obtained in China.

This useful grain product is associated with chinese culture And the kitchen, but also in the European menu it has fixed well enough as the ingredient of many dishes: salty, sharp or sweet. When Rice became known in Europe, it was immediately recognized as useful and very valuable grain. He until today is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. That is why the rice sprinkle young couples at weddings, wanting them, thus, all the best.

Fig and Health

Rice is recommended in the diet of small children, the elderly, allergies, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is the main component of a mongless diet. Ideal for people who, for various reasons, must adhere to the diet, since rice in the content of trace elements can serve as a replacement of bread.

The benefits of rice is manifested by the positive effect on the human body: relieves the intestine irritation, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, contains a large amount of protein, fiber and vitamins of group B.

Valuable grains also have the ability to neutralize free radicals. The latter are hazardous reactive oxygen molecules. If there are too many of them in our body, they can hurt him a lot of harm. First of all, it accelerates the process of aging. Because of the impact of free radicals, the skin earlier loses elasticity, as a result of which wrinkles appear. In addition, the risk of developing cancer in the body increases, since the reactive oxygen molecules damage the genetic material in cells.

The best protection is eating vegetables and fruits containing many antioxidants. Such connections include Vitamin C. It turns out that some rice varieties (black) can quietly compete with fruits, moreover, they often find themselves more valuable for our health. So, according to the study, which conducted scientists from the United States, in rice bran contained antioxidants, soluble in water and in fats, including a large amount of vitamin E.

White rice

Types of rice, which most often we can purchase in the store - brown and white. The difference between them is the degree of processing.

Rice white is obtained from brown rice by removing the top layer of grains. As a result of the so-called polishing, it loses many valuable and nutrients. Rice benefits increase by preserving surface scales. Despite this, this species is often used in the cooking of dishes, because it is an easily dismissed dietary product.

The benefits of brown and red rice

Brown (brown) rice is processed with a more sparing way, thanks to which its valuable properties are preserved. This variety requires long preparation, although the result is spent time spent on it. The benefits of brown rice is explained by the large content of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. It also includes a phytinic acid that stimulates the purification of the body from toxins.
Rice red yeast is obtained as a result of the fermentation process of filamentous fungi on purified grains. The benefits of red rice consists in its numerous wellness properties, in particular protection against cancer and heart disease.

Perennial study of the traditional ration of the Chinese with the inclusion of dishes containing red yeast figs revealed its beneficial effect on the human body. These people have lower cholesterol values \u200b\u200bin the blood.

What can be dangerous rice

A large number of studies of this product were conducted, so that the benefits and harm of rice became clear. Ready for consumption can contain Bacillus Cereus bacteria, which at a temperature of 4-60 degrees, as well as during long-term storage, produces toxins that can cause food poisoning. Therefore, it should not be stored boiled rice more than a day. It is advisable to use when cooking the amount of rice consumed in one meal.

The benefits of rice manifests itself in the fact that this pure natural product is an energy supplier, vitamins and fiber to the human body. It is not surprising that in Asian countries, people practically do not suffer obesity and concomitant diseases.

We should not forget that the benefits and harm of rice depend on the method of its processing. White rice (polished) is a refined product. His use in large quantities can lead to diabetes and heart disease. Nutritionists and physicians recommend that there is a brown crude rice, as it contains more vitamins and minerals, and, therefore, it is more useful for the body.

For many nations, he is almost second bread. By the cultivation time and valuable qualities, he is rightfully considered the most popular cerebral worldwide. There are many varieties of this culture and methods of its cultivation. This article presents information about what countries the rice is most grown, and its useful properties.


Since man began to grow rice, several millennia passed. Confirmation of this is the archaeological excavations proving the fact that people used to eat this Zlak at the dawn of human history. Clay utensils with fingerprints of rice traces, and the ancient manuscripts of the Chinese and Indians, in which he was deified. It was used as ritual offenses ancestors and pagan gods.

There are many interesting and adventure stories related to rice cultivation. The origin of the culture is obliged to ancient Asia. Now this territory is occupied by countries such as Vietnam and Thailand. Over time, Zlak spread to the rest of the continents: it was easily adopted to local climatic conditions of other countries and became very popular in many cultures of the world. In particular, he found its use in the preparation of national dishes. Given these facts, you can safely declare that rice is an integral part of the traditional culture of many nations. Such a relation to the cereal is observed in Japan, India, China and Indonesia.


The tropical plant is characterized by special biological characteristics associated with an unusual environment of its growth. No cereal forms such vegetative bodies, which it has fig. The description of the culture transmits the uniqueness of its structure that allows growing directly on the water.

The roots are basic, superficial, most of which are immersed to a depth of 30 cm. The root system is endowed with an air-capable fabric called Arenhima. It is in the leaves and stems. Such a system is needed by a plant to preserve the necessary concentration of oxygen. Being in the water, the plant cannot "breathe", and thanks to the aerenhim, absorbing oxygen from stems and leaves, the root system is enriched with them. In addition, the soil on rice plantation becomes well permeable and changes the direction of metabolic processes. The root consists of a variety of processes (up to 300), with a small amount of thin hairs. The lower stroke nodes sometimes form additional roots involved in the feeding of cereals.

The stem is a complete thin solomine. Depending on the variety, its length varies from 0.5 to 2 m. As it narrows from the base to the edge, the length of the interstitial increases. Their thickness is about 7 mm. In the process of growing culture, the number of intersals increases to 15-20 intervals.

Leaves are narrow linear lane-type plates with the presence of a vagina. There are green, purple and reddish color. The housing is ribbed, length - 30 cm, width - 2.

One-metering spikelets are collected in inflorescences, like a blizzard. Two broad, ribbed scales make up a flower (sometimes with sudden) brown, yellow or red.

Fruits - a film grain, white on a break. According to the structure, it differs on the vitreous, mild and secinosity.

Sowing rice has over 100 varieties in shape, coloring, the presence of an apartment. There are two main subspecies: small and ordinary. The latter is divided into two varieties: Indian and Japanese.

Indian is distinguished by a long, narrow grain and lack of food in flower films. Japanese grains are rounded, wide and thick.

Main Culture Asia

Why did Rice become the main culture of Asia? In the tropical zone, with the predominant monsoon climate, excessive mealing of the soil is considered a normal phenomenon. Due to the fact that most of the territories are covered with water for a long time, it does not seem to grow other crops. The main accumulation of rice plantations falls on the Asian mainland. When there were no mechanized methods of cultivation of cereal culture, rice was grown only in areas with natural moisture. Thanks to technical progress, rice plantations are now in many states, and they are irrigated by an artificial way.

Economic value of rice

In which country is the Frame Food Culture? As mentioned above, this is the states of the Asian mainland. Several countries are included here, which are engaged in the production of grain, whose annual collecting is 445.6 million tons - more than 90% of gross world harvest. After processing rice green, about 80% of the product arrives. Especially a lot of grain on the global market are supplied by China and India.

It cannot be said that only in Asian countries, rice is distributed as a food product. For a third of the world's population, it is one of the main products. This corresponds to the meaning of his name, which translated from the Old Indian has a very meaningful definition - "the basis of human power". The product comes from many countries to the global market. The main food culture rice is in Thailand, Bangladesh, in the Philippines, in Myanmar, Japan, Korea, DPRK, Indonesia, Vietnam.

Create grain culture and in America. Under the plantations in this territory, 9.2 million hectares were assigned, of which 7.4 million ha falls on Southern part. The main manufacturers here are the countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, USA, Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The lowest yield of rice in Africa, a little more than 9 million tons per year. It is largely produced in Nigeria, Côte d, Ivoire, Sierra Layon, Guinea, Tanzania, Zaire and Madagascar.

The nutritional value

Rice is a nutrient product that provides the human body with the necessary substances. Statistics show that in the regions where it grows, one person accounts for more than 100 kg per year. Residents of these countries receive a substantial part of calories at the expense of cereal culture. Unlike other grains, it is very rich in starch (88%). As part there are carbohydrates, fats, fiber, aslats, vitamins and protein. The latter contains a large number of amino acids: meteonine, lysine, valine. Due to this, the product is easily absorbed by the body.

Rice grains neutralize free radicals in the human body. In the presence of a large number of these harmful elements, a person falls into the risk of cancer's risk, as they affect cell genes. Most often, the particles of reactive oxygen contribute to premature aging.

Regular use of rice cereals has a positive effect on the nervous system and protects the intestines from irritation. Its includes a gluten-free diet, where it is one of the main components. Rice is dietary product, rich in microelements and speaking a worthy replacement of bread. Therefore, it is consumed in cases where a person needs to adhere to a diet for any reason.

Rational use

After processing grain, waste always remains. Scrap and SCH are used on the production of beer, alcohol and starch. In rice bran there are many useful substances, fats and protein. Among them are phosphorus-containing elements - lecithin and fitin, thanks to which waste serves as a nutritious feed for livestock. The above-ground part of the plants is also used for animals, and produce paper from straw.

The world market is supplied to the market. Purified and in the cereal is expensive, respectively, is more expensive and in demand in the population. In European and American markets, glazed rice is found. This is purified and nutrient-enriched grain. Since with technological treatment, a layer of useful substances, the manufacturers considered it is believed to carry out the process of enrichment, with the restoration of missing elements.

Rice is a varietal feature. The shape of grain is round or oblong, wide or narrow. The structure of the endosperma can be vitreous, powdery and secinosity. Glassy is more rational in technological recycling. In the process of separating the grain from the shells, the yield of one-piece cereal is more, since it is less crushing.

Basically, the CRU is used to prepare a variety of dishes and desserts. From it receive flour, which is used to produce baby food and confectionery.

Types of grain

As food culture rice passes various technological processing, on which it depends the nutritional value, taste and color. The grain of one variety treated in different ways is divided into three main species.

  • Brown. Fig, which is subjected to minimal processing processes aimed at preserving useful qualities, are called brown. In Asia, it serves the main food for the elderly and children. Meanwhile, in America and Europe, it is a valuable product for supporters healthy nutrition. After processing, it also remains a storehouse of elements and vitamins for the body, because it retains the cutting shell. It is at her a large dose of nutrients. The only minus is a short shelf life.
  • Polished. Standard processing type is grinding. It is white rice, long known and entering the market in large quantities. It passes several stages of grinding, after which its grains become smooth, smooth, snow-white and have a translucent endosperm. Due to the content of a large number of the smallest air bubbles, occasionally grabbinki can remain matte. By the presence of nutrients, white grain is inferior to be parhed and brown. Its advantages include a shared taste and aesthetic appearance.
  • Parished. A consistent grain, often occasionable on the counters of supermarkets, uses considerable popularity. The technology with the use of steam allows preserved minerals and vitamins inside the grain. Rice, not subjected to the process of collapse, is immersed in water and treated under high pressure using steam. He then passes a number of technological steps without losing useful properties. This is determined by the fact that under the influence of the steam, the valuables contained in the surface layer penetrate deeply in the grain. On the preparation of stealed cereals leaves more time, as it is stronger and firm.

In some African countries, they eat and several species of wild rice, in particular, short-speaking and point.


Rice is a grain culture that requires special conditions for cultivation. The main factors for its development are the heat and the presence of a water layer. An important condition for it is the optimal amount of sunlight. It has a direct impact on the productivity of a tropical plant. There is one nuance - with too high air temperatures, intensive vegetative growth occurs, which negatively affects general development and reduces grain yield.

Rice is better to cultivate on clay, dusty soils, since water is well delayed. In the natural medium on the sandy ground, the rice yield is very low. However, if such a soil enrich fertilizers, the grain yield will significantly increase.

Mountain areas create special terraces with fences for water delay. On flat surfaces, the soil is aligned with the aim of uniform irrigation and good drainage. As in the mountainous areas, the plots are separated by shafts. The channel system is pre-prepared, with the help of the spiring of plantations. Throughout the entire period of development of the culture, the field is kept flooded, periodically changing the water level, depending on the growth of plants.

In Asia, before landing in a pouring field, the grains are germinated in the ridges, and then the nesting method is transplanted into water in 4-5 sprouts. In Western countries, rice is seen by the grains by manually, and in developed states of sowing grains produced by the mechanized method.

Types of rice farm

Ricestock is divided into 3 types: Lymanny, Sukhodolny and pouring. Insofar as tropical plant comes in the number of farm crops, rice, in more than, cultivate in pouring fields. The remaining methods are considered outdated and used to grow a shag in small scales:

  • Pouring method. This is the type of cultivation, which was described above. Poultry checks are kept constantly flooded, and after harvesting the water is drained. To the global market, up to 90% of the grain grown in such a method.
  • Lift plantations. This is an oldest way that I use in southeastern Asian countries. Rice is cultivated during the flood period and evicted in river bays. Such rice production is ineffective.
  • Support type. Practiced in areas with natural enhanced soil humidity. On sudochertic plantations, rice is planted only by seeding seeds. The advantage of such rice production is that plants are not subjected to diseases and grain has the highest taste. Another type of rice production is characterized by ease of cultivation. In Japan, after the development of irrigation, the conversion fields were transformed into pouring. Difficulties in growing may occur due to the sensitivity of plants to drought, the need to remove the weed herb and the depletion of the soil.


Obviously, the main food crop rice is in many countries. Despite the restrictions in the method of its cultivation, it is consumed everywhere in food. It is unlikely to eat corner on Earth, where rice dishes would be unknown. All over the world are delivered by this valuable product, and now it is available for each person.

Rice - the birth of annual and perennial plants of the family of cereals. This is the main grain culture for most of the population of the globe.

Rice rightfully occupies an important place in the kitchen of many nations of the world. They make soups and cereals from it, they prepare soups, pies, desserts and many other dishes, famous all over the world. Rice grain is processed on alcohol, starch, beer. From rice straw make valuable grade paper, ropes, hats, mats, etc.

The main advantages of rice are high nutrition and a combination with other products - meat, bird, fish, seafood and vegetables. Rice is very useful for the human body and forms the basis of healthy eating.

Rice varieties

There are many different varieties of rice in the world, therefore, there are many ways to classify rice. The main ways are two: according to the type of processing and length of grain. According to the processing method, brown, white and stolen rice are isolated.

Brown Figure In the process of processing, it retains the nutrient cutting shell, which explains its unusual light brown color. It is much more useful than white rice, as the lion's proportion of nutrients is contained in the grain shell. The shelf life of such rice is reduced due to the fact that the oil-containing shell remains on the grains. The grain-cutting sheath contains vitamins of group B, minerals, fiber and folic acid, as well as a small amount of phosphorus, zinc, copper and iodine. She gives the rice to a light nut.

Brown rice is boiled much longer than white - approximately 25 minutes, and the cooked brown rice is not as soft, like white rice. This rice is suitable for the preparation of all those dishes, where white rice is used.

Brown rice can be:

  • long-grained
  • mediterranean

White rice - This is rice that has passed all stages of grinding. Its grains have a smooth and smooth surface, a characteristic snow-white color. The content of vitamins and minerals in the white rice is less than in brown or steady, however, it is white rice most consumed all over the world. The time of preparation of such rice is minimal - 10-15 minutes, and ready-made meals from white rice have excellent taste and appearance.

White rice can be:

  • long-grained
  • mediterranean
  • kruglovna.

Parished Fig - rice treated with a ferry on special technology (it is soaked in water, then treated with hot steam under pressure). The grain under this procedure is dried and grinding as ordinary fig. After the processing of rice grain, amber-yellow shade acquire and become translucent. As a result of such treatment up to 80% of the vitamins and minerals contained in the fuel shell, goes into rice grain, and the grains themselves become less fragile. The yellowish shade of steady rice disappears when cooking, and it becomes the same snow-white as the white grinding rice. The preparation time of stealed rice is approximately 20-25 minutes. After cooking grain of stealed rice, they never stick together, in addition, it remains as tasty and crumbly even after repeated dishes.

The length of the grain is distinguished by:

  • long-grain rice (about 6-8 mm long, the width is 0.3-0.25 grain length; during cooking does not stick out and absorbs a moderate amount of fluid),
  • mediterranean rice (about 5-6 mm, width - 0.3-0.5 grain length; during cooking absorbs a large amount of fluid and becomes soft, and in the finished dish, its grains stick together and possess a feature to choose the flavors of other food products. ),
  • round-current rice (about 4 to 5 mm long, width - about 0.75 grain length; during cooking absorbs a large amount of fluid, it becomes soft and puffy).


Perhaps the most famous Italian average size rice. Used to prepare risotto and pudding. Having absorbed a lot of water, Arborio does not turn into porridge-smear, and gives the dish creamy consistency.


Mediterrain Italian rice risotto. Compared to Arborio and Vialon, carnaroli contains more starch, and risotto is "creamy". Never wash rice for risotto - we can do the most important thing - starch.

Vialon Nano

This variety of mediterranean rice for the first dishes absorbs more fluid than arbrio, and risotto from it is less creamy, slightly dry - for rice lovers with a solid core.


Under this title, we sell a classic mediterranean. The ratio of rice length to its width is less than 3: 1. From it they make soups of different kinds, soups and hot dishes with meat, fish and seafood.


This is a long-grain rice of the category "Indica", the ratio of length to width - 3 (4): 1. Best Basmati is grown in the foothills of Himalayas in the north of India and Pakistan. When cooking grains, they are much lengthened and not broken.


The main manufacturers of this long-grain rice - Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Translucent grains during cooking become soft and easily break. Aromatic jasmine is boiled for a couple and serve all Thai dishes.

Brown (brown)

This is unlightened rice, which has an external shell with all vitamins (especially group B) remained untouched. It is very useful, but requires more time to prepare and stored for a short time.


Unlightened rice, useful. The red shell can be different shades - from light to purple. Cooking longer than polished, has a strong, persistent, pleasant fragrance. Can be used in soups, salads and pills.


This semi-wall red rice with an incredible aroma and nutty taste is brought from the south of France. It can be cooked as a paste in a large number of salted water and serve with olive oil to vegetables or meat.


Central Asian middle-grade rose-brick shade rice. It is from him that the most delicious swims in Central Asia are boiled. It requires careful washing, after which he loses part of his color, but does not become white.


Under this name, which characterizes the whole category, the short-seated fig. When cooking, it is made soft and sticky. Used to prepare soups and desserts, but the main "goal" is sushi and rolls.


This short-circuit rice in cooking becomes fragrant and soft, and the grains are well glued together - which makes the castle perfect rice for sushi. This rice has a ratio of length to width - less than 2: 1. When cooking, it can absorb a lot of liquid, becoming soft and creamy. Used in porridge, soups, filling for pies and in desserts.

Asian sticky

He is sweet rice, wax, pearl. It is a round rice, which is done after cooking. It is boiled for a couple, prepare desserts from it.

Thai black

This is a sticky unwanted rice, inside it is white. Due to the dense outer shell during cooking, the black Thai rice is not welded. This gives him a special sophistication.

Wild rice

This is not at all rice, but the seeds of the aqueous grass, in form are very similar to fig. Thin black grains reach a length of 3 cm. When boiling, they almost do not increase. Wild rice is going to manually and therefore it is expensive.

Purchase and storage

Rice must be chosen based on what dishes from it will be prepared. The most popular: "long rice", the grain of it during cooking does not glue. "Mid-sized grains" and "short grains" sticky, of which are good with the rubbed soups, liquid porridge.

Freshness of rice can be determined by the absence of mold smell and dampness.

Store rice follows in glass, tightly closed dishes in a dry place.

Chemical composition

Fig contains a lot of starch (up to 74%), Vitamins B1, B3, B6, RR, E, N, about 8 amino acids, proteins (7%), mono- and disaccharides, microelements (phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, Selenium and iodine). Potassium and sodium are contained in rice in a ratio of 5: 1, which is required to maintain an alkaline acid equilibrium in the human body. But all this is only if it is used to use non-empty and unpolished rice, because all the vitamins of the group B, iron compounds, some stimulating substances are leaving, are leaving with the shell, some stimulating agents that are directly under the grain shell. It is also worth considering the dependence of the composition and quality of rice from the conditions and features of its cultivation, processing, storage and many other factors.

In a boiled state, rice is nutritious and at the same time small-caloriene due to the content of complex carbohydrates in it. Energy value different species and varieties of raw rice 290-370 kcal per 100 g of product.

Useful properties and application

Rice is one of the most effective cleaning agents for the intestines, the stomach, the urinary sphere, the joints - rice absorbs from the tissues and organs of the body of the poisons, cholesterol, fatty acids, salt deposits, biopathogenic microflora, as a result of which is the most wonderful means for cleaning the body. Improves the complexion, it acts soothingly, improves sleep, eliminates the unpleasant smell of mouth, it restores the appetite after severe illness or long starvation. Quickly restores the strength after severe illness. Quencing thirst, it is useful for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Even in very launched cases, rice diet helps. It lasts 42 days, but not at all burdensome and very useful. It is done so.

Number six half-liter cans and put in each 2 tbsp. Spoons of well purified and run rice. Rice pour with water, cover the gauze (from dust).

After a day, drain the water in the bank No. 1. Rice shifting into the pan and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. Rice eat. After such breakfast, it is not and not to drink 4 hours - just before lunch. In the bank number 1 again put 2 tbsp. Spoons of washed rice, pour water and put for bank number 6. In the rest of the banks, the water change the water and do it daily.

On the second day, to do the same procedure with a bank No. 2, which will take place behind the Bank No. 1. And so - exactly 6 weeks.

The diet is effective, besides, it will not only help drive out "extra" salts, but also reset overweight. Rice diet can cause complications in the kidneys, so it must be combined with the reception of the beam or the infusion of the lifting sheet.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, one cup of rice pour the seven cups of water, boil. Take a decoction of 0.3 cups every 2 hours. The decoction has a beneficial effect on a fat intestine (stops diarrhea, if you use a well-favorable rice; the intestines cooked with milk is well cleansed; the abdomen of red rice is helped with the intestinal ulcers) - it is recommended for the treatment of patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

In the treatment of esophageal diseases, rice cream is prepared:

Rice rice rinse, dry, roasting on a frying pan on medium heat until it becomes golden brown and will not begin to make a thin fragrance resembling smell of nuts. Place the rice in the pan, add 10 glasses of water, pinch the salt and bring to a boil. Close the lid, reduce the fire and put on the flame divider. Cook around 1.5 hours until half of the water evaporates. Give to cool, then folded into the napkin and squeeze the cream from the casher. Cream feed heated. It is especially recommended to people who are difficult to swallow, as well as to exit starvation.

Rice welded with butter is very useful for the stomach.


Rice is harmful when colic, it should not be used in obesity and a tendency to constipate.

Cleansing the body

The simplest therapeutic agent is raw rice.

To purify the body from various inorganic and pathological deposits in vessels, joints, tissues and cavities of the body, it is necessary to take 3 kg of rice, pour out at 8-10 liter enamelled saucepan and rinse it daily with its flowing cold water for 20-25 minutes. Making this procedure for a week or more, while water when washing will cease to be muddy. Rice dry and remove into a jar or paper bag. The washed rinse with portions (1 tbsp. Spoon - 30 g) Cook in boiling water for 20-25 minutes, interfere with the grains not adhere to the bottom. In this case, water is preferably 1-2 times change. When rice is ready, it should be rinsed with boiled water. There is such a rice need to be warm, on an empty stomach. During the reception, do not drink water, since the rice will start choosing salt from it. Before taking rice, clean the intestine. After such breakfast there are and drinks, it is possible not earlier than after 4 hours. To increase the efficiency of such cleansing, before breakfast, it is necessary to eat 1-2 apples for an hour (they, as well as rice, remove salt well). If after such breakfast there was a feeling of hunger - it's good, rice began its cleaning work. For the period of treatment, the meat, smoked meat, fat, salt, sharp dishes, alcohol should be abandoned. Treatment can be carried out no more than 3 months, repeat the course, if necessary, follows no earlier than in 2 years, since the long-term use of such rice leads to the desilmission of the body (salts needed, the necessary organism begin to be derived).

Application in cosmetics

Use rice flour in masks for aging, tired and sluggish skin of the face. The women of the Imperial families of Asia were applied to the face of rice powder, it distinguished them from commoners.

With freckles

Rice flour is removed by freckles and clean the face and body: rice flour cleaned flour, cooked on the juice of melon, with a local application displays freckles and pigment spots on the face.

Cleaning the skin of the face

Cleaning is made as follows: Mocked the skin of the whole face, then put 1 tsp on the palm of the left hand. A spoonful of ground rice that needs to be mixed with water before the formation of Cashitz. With the right hand, Kashitsa gradually apply on the skin of the face, while slightly wipe the chin, nose, forehead and cheeks. As soon as the feeling is that the whole mass is moving freely on the skin, it is immediately necessary to wash off with water. After this procedure, a pleasant feeling of purity and softness of the skin appears. Washing oily skin with the ground rice gives an extremely good effect, especially if you wash it off hot water (36 ° C) and then rinse the face with salted cold water. This procedure can be held for the night for a month. For oily skin, it can be repeated after 1-2 weeks, and in the interval to use spoiled milk, yolk.

Curd Peeling Mask

Take 1 tsp of ground rice, mix it thoroughly from 2 tbsp. Spoons of cottage cheese and 1/2 h. Spoons of olive oil. Before use, the mixture is desirable to warm up. Ready mix Distribute on the skin, keep 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply nutritious cream. The mask is ideal for rough skin of the skin. It nourishes, refreshes, brightens it and has a regenerating effect.

Mask against wrinkles

Rice flour dilute in milk, cucumber or lemon juice. You can beat the flour together with egg protein or honey to the tough mass. Keep on the face of 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Figures is represented in the kitchens of different peoples in a large variety.

From rice prepare various swarms, porridges, puddings, from flour - cookies, cupcakes, casseroles. Food prepared from rice is distinguished by high taste quality, easily absorbed. Possesses dietary I. healing properties. When rice rice, a decoction mucous membrane is formed, which in itself is therapeutic, and prescribed with gentle diets in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidney, as well as walled diseases and chronic stomach disorders. However, it should be remembered that the dishes from rice cannot be used during constipation.

Natural Figure


  • 250 g of long-grain rice,
  • 3 glasses of water,
  • 1-2 art. Spoons of melted butter,
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of green parsley,
  • 0.5 h. Salt spoons,
  • dried basil,
  • lovers or thyme to taste.

Cooking method

Boil water, spill it and pour prepared fig. Cook around 30 minutes, then mix the rice and add dried greenery to it. Cook another 30 minutes, reducing the fire to a minimum. Ready rice lean on a colander, to dry, shifting on the dish. Then pour hot butter and sprinkled with chopped greenery parsley.

Acute rice


  • 225 g of long-grain rice,
  • 1.3 glasses of water,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 pods of red or green chili pepper,
  • 4 tbsp. Spoons of finely chopped greenery of dill,
  • a few whole branches of dill for decoration,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse rice in cold running water, then shifting it into a bowl, pour cold water and leave for 15 minutes. Then leak rice on the colander and dry it well.

Cut the chili peppers along, remove seeds from them and chop pepper into small cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan well, lay out chilled chili pepper and fry it for 1 min. Salt to taste and pour crushed dill. All mix and pass on slow heat 2-3 minutes.

Pour into a saucepan with pepper and dill dry rice and fry the mixture for 2-3 minutes. Then pour all the water, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook 10-12 minutes. Finished rice lay out on the dish and decorate dill sprigs.

Garlic rice


  • 230 g of long-grain rice,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 75 g of green onions.

Cooking method

Rice rinse, boil in salted water almost until ready, then lean on a colander, pour cold water and give a track.

To chop garlic very finely and slightly fry it in a pan, heated with vegetable oil. Without removing from the stove, add dry boiled rice and mix. Enlarge fire, add eggs and mix the mixture until the eggs are ready. Then add a finely chopped green bow and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

Rice with corn and vegetables


  • 350 g risa bass,
  • 120 g of corn (frozen or canned),
  • 1 medium bulb,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 150 g of carrots,
  • 0.5 green or red sweet pepper,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • greens of parsley for decoration.

Cooking method

Rinse the rice under cold running water, lean on the colander and give dry for 15-20 minutes.

Thinly chopping bulb and sweet pepper. Grasp carrots on a large grater. Clear and grind garlic.

Heat the oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom and spasserize onions in it on medium heat until soft (3-4 min). Then add rice and fry in a pan and fry for 10 minutes, constantly stirring rice so that it does not stick to the walls and the bottom of the dishes. Then add garlic.

Pour rice with water (0.7 liters), bring to a boil, then reduce the fire, cover the pan with a lid and cook rice on slow heat for 8-10 minutes. Without removing a saucepan from fire, lay out over rice to a smooth corn layer (if canned corn is used, it must be pre-squeeze from the liquid). On corn, the same smooth layer decompose the sweet pepper and grated carrots. Cover the pan and cook on slow heat until the rice becomes soft (4-7 minutes). Then mix it up, lay out on the dish and decorate the chopped greenery parsley.

Rice crumbly porridge


  • 100 g rice,
  • 200 ml of water,
  • sugar,
  • butter,
  • sugar sand to taste.

Cooking method

Rice to go through, rinse, pour into salted boiling water and cook with weak boiling, occasionally stirring. During cooking, you can add oil. As soon as the groats will swell, stirring to stop and do the porridge on a small fire, closing it with a lid, as when cooking buckwheat porridge.

This porridge can be boiled in another way. For this, the prepared rice is put into a large amount of boiling salted water and cook with weak boiling. When the croup fell and becomes soft, ride the rice to the colander or sieve and rinse with hot boiled water. Give a track of water. After that, mix rice with oil and warm it in a frying pan. You can serve with milk.

Rice porridge with carrots


  • 0.5 kg of carrots,
  • taste oil
  • 1 glass of rice,
  • cream,
  • greens.

Cooking method

Carrot grate on a large grater, put in it honey and some oil (if the carrot is not juicy, then add some hot water) and put out in a frying plate until soft. Cooking ordinary rice porridge, add carrots to it, some more water and boil. Put the way. Serve with cream and greens.

Milan rice


  • 3 bulbs,
  • melted butter,
  • 6 tbsp. Spoons of washed and dry rice (based on a portion of 1 tbsp. spoon),
  • bay leaf,
  • salt, pepper to taste,
  • butter,
  • grated cheese.

Cooking method

Onions finely cut and slightly fry on the foiled oil. Add rice Give roasting, add some water, put a bay leaf, fill with cream oil and grated cheese, mix, cover and put in the oven for a short time.

Rice with Indian Vegetables


  • 1 glass of rice,
  • 1 glass of split pea,
  • salt, spices, aromatic herbs,
  • cauliflower,
  • zucchini or potatoes,
  • butter.

Cooking method

Rinse rice and peas and soak in five glasses of water overnight. Then put cooking in a saucepan with a dense cover, add a little salt, any spice, herbs, and when it boils - cauliflower, zucchini large slices or potatoes. Stew about half an hour before the preparedness of vegetables. The dish is stirred no more than two times, otherwise the vegetables will become too soft. Cook over medium fire. Serve with butter.

Fruit rice porridge


  • 1.5 cup of round rice,
  • 0.5 l of milk,
  • 1-1.5 Art. sugar spoons
  • vanillin,
  • fruits and berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apricots, pears, raisins, kuraga),
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse ringed with cold water, lean on a colander. Then put in a small thick-walled saucepan, pour milk, add sugar, salt, vanillin to taste and put on fire. Porridge should be periodically stirring so that it is not burned. When the milk boils, the fire is reduced to a weak and showpage porridge until readiness, also stirring from time to time.

For 3-5 minutes to readiness to put in porridge pieces of strawberries, apricots, apples and pears (without peel), crushed dried fruits, etc.

Rice porridge with cinnamon


  • 1 kg of round rice,
  • 2 l of milk,
  • 2 glasses of water,
  • 75 g of butter,
  • 2-3 tbsp. sugar spoons
  • 1 h. Spoon cinnamon,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Side and rinse rice. Pour water in the pan, salt, let go pump, pour rice. When the water boils again, pour milk into three techniques, bringing to a boil every time. Rice stirred all the time. When porridge thickens, remove from the fire, give to stand 5 minutes under the lid. Then lay out porridge on the plates, pour the melted butter, sprinkle with sugar or powder and crushed cinnamon.

Rice porridge with beet

Cooking method

The closed rice fall asleep into boiling water, add finely chopped beets (do not mix!), Honey to taste. Bring to a boil, boil under the lid for 5 minutes, put to flick for 20 minutes. Serve with cream, greens.

You can cook the same porridge with zucchi or patissons (only, of course, in this case - without honey).

Dietary crumbly rice


  • 12 tbsp. rice spoons
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of oil
  • 2 pinching salts,
  • water.

Cooking method

In a shallow dishes (or clay pot) put oil. When it boils, pour the washed rice and fry it in oil on a strong fire for 1-2 minutes. Then pour hot water over a spoon so as not to be burned, salt, mix. Pour more hot water, cover and put on the stove. When it strongly boils 10-15 minutes and the water will no longer need to add, put it covered in the oven, so that it has become obvious and become crumbly, for which it is enough 45 minutes.

Rice Kusta


  • 500 g rice
  • 200 g of raisin
  • 1 h. Spoon cinnamon,
  • nuts (sweet almonds, walnuts, etc.)
  • honey, sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method

Figure (500 g) is to go through, rinse, pour with boiled water, bring to a boil, throw back onto a sieve or colander and rinse with cold boiled water. Then again pour rice with plenty of water and cook until readiness, without stirring. Water merge, rice cool. Sparkled with boiling water Sweet almonds, walnuts or other nuts to be confused, add honey or sugar, stirring, dilute with a small amount of water and combine with rice. Mixing the mixture, add washed and covered with boiling water raisins (200 g), cinnamon and mix everything thoroughly. Share on a large plate and sprinkle with sugar powder.

Pilaf with raisins


  • 100 g rice,
  • 200 g of water
  • 50 g of raisin
  • butter,
  • vanillin.

Cooking method

Rice to go through, rinse, soak for 30-40 minutes, then leak onto a sieve, dry and lightly warm on the creamy oil. Prepared rice to put in boiling salted water, add vanillin, raisins (converged and dyeing) and cook until readiness. Serve hot.

Pilaf with lamb


  • 1 kg of lamb (blades, breasts, neck),
  • 300 g of medium rice,
  • 0.7 l of water or meat broth,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 40 g of grained or butter,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of tomato-puree,
  • dill greens
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Mathematically wash, dry, cut to the same small pieces, sprinkle with salt, black ground pepper and fry in a deeply skeleton. Roasted lamb pieces to collect on one side of the scenery. On the released place to fry, stirring, chopped onions and then tomato puree; Stir everything from lamb, pour water or broth and, closing a saucepan with a lid, stew 30-40 minutes. Then, in the lamb, put a broken and washed rice and mix well. When the rice is slightly absorbed moisture, the casserole tightly close the lid. On the weak plate plate or in the oven bring the pilaf until readiness.

Before serving to the table, pilaf, carefully stirring, salt and pepper, then put on hot plates and sprinkle with dill.

Zucchini soup with rice

Cooking method

Skuschka cut into cubes, boil into slightly salted water, add fig. Before the end of the cooking, put greens associated with bundles. Copy with butter. Serve with crushed fresh leaves of strawberries, raspberries, edible wild herbs.

Lamb soup with rice and vegetables


  • 1 kg of lamb on the bone,
  • 2 medium stems of the onion row,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 3 carrots,
  • 5 mines of black pepper,
  • 5-6 sprigs parsley,
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon finely sliced \u200b\u200bgreen parsley,
  • 400 g of celery root (with stems),
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Mocked lamb put into a large saucepan and pour cold water so that it covers meat. Bring broth to boil. Clear 1 bulbs, 1 carrot, 1 stem-row and 1.5 celery stem. Cut vegetables with small cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry vegetables for 3-5 minutes.

Then shifting roasted vegetables into the broth, salt, add black pepper and parsley sprigs. To bring broth to boiling again, reduce the fire and cook about 1-1.5 hours, from time to time removing the foam broth formed on the surface. After that, remove meat from the pan and strain broth, deleting vegetables.

Measure 1.3 liters of finished broth, pour it into a clean pan and put on fire again. Pour into the pan washed and dried rice, bring to a boil, reduce fire and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Clean the remaining vegetables for soup. Carrots and leek cut into thin circles, celery - thin slices, onion - small cubes. Put vegetables in a saucepan with broth 7-10 minutes after adding rice soup. Salt to taste.

Separate the boiled lamb from the bones, cut it into her cubes and add to the soup. Cook for another 10 minutes. Finished soup serve hot, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Rice soup with mushrooms and chicken


  • 0.5 liters of chicken broth,
  • 80 g of long-grain rice,
  • 180 g of fresh white mushrooms or champignons,
  • 180 g of boiled chicken meat,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 30 g of butter,
  • 50 g of green parsley,
  • 6-7 black pepper peas
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Washed and dried rice omit in a saucepan with boiling chicken broth, add black pepper peas. Bullion to boil, reduce fire. Salt and cook soup on slow heat until rice becomes soft (40-45 minutes). Clear, wash and finely chop mushrooms. Heat the frying pan well and fry mushrooms together with a crushed bow until soft. Cut the boiled chicken meat with small cubes. Add a mixture of mushrooms with onions, chicken meat and chopped parsley greenery. Cook another 3-4 min.

Rice soup with potatoes


  • 75 g rice,
  • 3-4 potatoes,
  • 1 carrot,
  • bulb,
  • 30 g of butter,
  • parsley root
  • 20 g tomato puree,
  • 4 glasses of water.

Cooking method

Rice to go through, rinse and soak in cold water for 30-60 minutes. Potatoes clean, rinse and cut into cubes. Machine straw onions, carrots, parsley root and pass on the creamy oil, before the end of the passage add paste-tomato.

In the sunflower hot water Put potatoes and cook it until half-ready, then add clumsy rice, passerized vegetables, pepper and cook until readiness.

Rice Soup with Pepper Sweet


  • 100 g rice,
  • 2 sweet peppers,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 4 glasses of water,
  • 40 ml of cream,
  • 40 g margarine
  • 50 g of green onions.

Cooking method

Rice to go through, rinse and pour with 1-1.5 hours with cold water. Then water to merge, and rice to boil in boiling salted water until soft. Pepper and onion cut into straws, put out on Margarine (10-15 minutes) and add to the soup for 10-15 minutes before readiness. Before serving, add cream and finely chopped green onions.

Pineapple stuffed with salad with rice and chicken


  • 1 pineapple weighing about 800 g,
  • 230 g of long-grain rice,
  • 2 Chicken breasts (fillet),
  • 50 g of ham,
  • 600 ml of chicken broth,
  • 1 big bulb,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 chili pepper pod,
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice spoon
  • 1 garlic clove,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Wash rice in cold running water until it becomes transparent. After that, fold rice on the colander and dry.

Pineapple wash, dry out the napkin, then cut in half and cut the flesh out of it, leaving the wall with a thickness of about 1 cm. Cut into cubes weighing 130-150 g pineapple pulp.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and pass the finely chopped onion and grinding garlic for 3-5 minutes. Then add chicken breasts chopped with thick straw and fry, constantly stirring, on medium heat for 15 minutes.

After that, add rice in a saucep. Continue frying rice and chicken, constantly stirring, another 4-5 minutes.

Then pour broth in the pan, lemon juice And salt to taste. To bring the dish to almost boil, then reduce the fire, cover the saucepan with a lid and cook rice about 10-12 minutes, while chicken meat and rice grains are soft. Remove the lid and add pineapple pulp and ham cubes into the pan, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin stripes. Stir, remove from the fire and give cool.

Share the finished salad in the pineapple prepared for stuffing. Decorate them with chopped chili pepper.

Athenian salad with rice and cheese


  • 200 g of long-grain rice,
  • 230-250 bryns,
  • 2 large tomatoes,
  • 1 Sweet green pepper,
  • 1-2 small ground cucumbers for decoration,
  • 10 olives without bones,
  • 1 tsp of capers
  • 1 t. Spoon of dining mustard,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 30 g crushed greenery parsley,
  • 30 ml of lemon juice,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Wash rice in cold running water until it becomes transparent. Then leak rice on the colander and dry. In the saucepan boil the water, satteniate and fall asleep into it prepared fig. To cook it, then fold on the colander, rinse under hot water and drop back.

Mix olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, black ground pepper and salt in a deep bowl.

Add sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes (previously removed skin and seeds), sweet pepper, sliced \u200b\u200bwith stripes, dried in half of olives, chopped with cubes of cheese (5-6 cubes leave for decoration), capers and parsley (leave a little for decoration). Mix everything thoroughly and add a boiled dry rice there.

Salad mix thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste. Decorate the remaining pieces of cheese, parsley greens and cucumber cubes.

Salad with rice and crab chopsticks


  • 400 g of long-grain rice,
  • 2 packs of crab sticks,
  • 450 g of corn (frozen),
  • 1 medium bulb,
  • 1-2 eggs,
  • 300 g mayonnaise,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse in cold water several times, dry on the colander. Then put it in a saucepan with boiling salted water and cook (finished rice should be dry and crumbly).

Corn cook separately, lean on a colander and give a track. Clear onions, finely cut and scream with boiling water. Crab chopsticks cut into small pieces. Swim boot eggs, cool, clean, then chop finely.

Mix rice, corn, prepared onions, crab sticks. Fill all mayonnaise, salt to taste. Before filing withstanding in a cold place.

Milan risotto


  • 400 g of medium rice,
  • 1.3 liters of hot chicken broth,
  • 50 g of green onions,
  • 90 g of butter,
  • 175 g of grated cheese (preferably solid varieties),
  • 0.3 h. Spoons of saffron,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Put saffron into a small deep dishes, pour 0.5 cup of broth.

Heat 30 g of oil in a deep frying pan on medium heat. Passerize in it a finely chopped green onion about 2-3 minutes. Purchase to the pan with a bow prepared rice and, constantly stirring, fry until the rice becomes translucent and the oil will evenly distribute on rice grains (2-3 minutes).

Then pour 1 cup of chicken broth. Cooking, constantly stirring rice, as long as rice does not completely absorb all the broth. Continue adding broth with portions of 0.5 cups after each previous portion will be picked out with rice. After 15 min, add broth with a divorced saffron in it. Continue to prepare risotto, gradually adding broth. A ready-made consistency dish should resemble rice porridge.

Add the remaining butter and half of all the grated cheese in the finished dish, mix thoroughly and remove the frying pan from the fire. To cover it with a lid and give to stand for 1-2 minutes.

Dispatch the finished risotto in the plates and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese.

Risotto with bacon and olives


  • 400 g of medium rice,
  • 200 g smoked bacon,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cream of 20% fatness,
  • 150 g of low-fat ham,
  • 1.5 liters of hot chicken broth,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 30 g of butter,
  • 40 g of green parsley,
  • 60 g of grated cheese (solid varieties),
  • 1 garlic clove,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Rice rinse in cold water, lean on the colander and give dry.

Preheat vegetable and butter in a saucepan on a strong fire. Add chopped bacon chopped with small cubes and fry it 3-4 minutes until it is twisted. Add a finely chopped bulb and crushed garlic clove and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

Then add rice and, constantly stirring the dish, prepare until the rice grains become transparent. Then add ham, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin stripes, prepare another 1-2 minutes, after which it is reduced to the fire to medium.

Add there 1 cup of hot chicken broth. Continue to prepare until all the broth is absorbed. Add broth with portions of 0.5 glasses after the previous portion is completely absorbed. The finished risotto should thicken, and rice grains - to become soft but not painted.

Pour in rice cream, add grated cheese, finely chopped parsley greens (leave a few small twigs for decoration). Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove the saucepan from the fire, cover with a lid and give to stand for 1-2 minutes.

Rice with mussels and shrimps


  • 200-250 g of long-grain rice,
  • 400 g of purified frozen mussels,
  • 300 g of peeled boiled shrimp,
  • 100 g of canned tuna,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 1 garlic clove,
  • 1-2 carrots,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 0.5 l fish or meat broth,
  • 100 ml of white wine,
  • 1 bay leaf,
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • greenery parsley to taste.

Cooking method

Mussels fall asleep into boiling salted water, weld them until readiness (15-20 minutes), then leak on the colander. Shrimps fall asleep into another saucepan with salted water. As soon as she boils, lean shrimps to the colander.

Finely chopped peeled onions and garlic, chopping straw cleaned and washed carrots. Put prepared vegetables on a frying pan suspended with oil and stew for 5 minutes. Add rice and salute to them.

Mix a preheated broth with white wine and pour oats with rice. Add a bay leaf. Close the dishes with a lid and put in the oven. Heat it up to 200 ° C and prepare a dish for 50 minutes. Then put in the rice prepared mussels and shrimps, fish and greens. Bake for another 15 minutes. Stir once again before serving.

Vegetarian rice with tomatoes


  • 200 g of medium rice,
  • 4-5 tomatoes,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 small stem-row,
  • 0.5 liters of vegetable beam,
  • 2 h. Spoons of tomato paste,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped green parsley,
  • hammer paprika and salt to taste.

Cooking method

Wash rice in cold running water until it becomes transparent. Then leak rice on the colander and dry. Fall asleep it in salted water and cook for 40 minutes. Ready rice lean on a colander and cool.

Purified onions and garlic cut into small pieces. Leek cut into thin slices. Tomatoes cut in half, remove the core. Warm up in deep pan oil, fry onion and garlic, add leek and tomato paste. Pour all the hot vegetable decoction, then put tomatoes, then rice. Add salt and ground paprika. Prepare on the lowest fire under the lid.

Finished rice with tomatoes lay out in a deep dish and sprinkle with crushed parsley greenery.

Peasant Paella (Italy)


  • 230 g of medium rice,
  • 450 g chicken fillet,
  • 0.5 liters of chicken broth,
  • 180 g salami in cutting,
  • 300 g of shrimp,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 1-2 medium tomatoes,
  • 230 g of frozen green peas,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon crushed green parsley,
  • 1 h. Spoon of turmeric (if possible),
  • 1 tsp by ground paprika,
  • 1 crushed sharp red chili pepper,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Rice rinse in cold water, lean on the colander and give dry.

Slice chicken fillet Small pieces. Clean tomatoes, remove seeds and cut into small cubes. Finely chopping bulb. Grind parsley, garlic. Cut into thin strips salami.

Preheat the frying pan with olive oil, fry in it chicken meat before the formation of a ruddy crust (15-20 minutes), then shifting meat on a plate.

Pour sliced \u200b\u200bonions, garlic, tomatoes and patent to the softness of the products (about 5 minutes) in the pan. Then add turmeric and paprika; Mix and cook for another 1-2 minutes thoroughly.

Add fig and mix contents, frying pan so that the rice grains are covered with a thin layer of oil. Pour broth in the pan, salt and pepper.

Add roasted pieces of chicken, green peas, chopped salami, shrimp, mix well, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. From above to decompose chili slices. Prepare everything on a small heat for 15-20 minutes, without covering the frying pan with a lid, until the rice does not absorb all the liquid. Palel does not mix.

Paella with chicken and green peas


  • 250 g of medium rice,
  • 600 g chicken fillet,
  • 250 g of fresh or frozen green peas,
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste,
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • curry (powder),
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Rice rinse in cold water, lean on the colander and give dry.

Cut chicken fillet with small cubes. Very finely chopping bulb. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put onions and chicken in it, salt to taste. Fry the mixture on slow heat until the meat starts shut down (10-15 minutes).

Boil 0.7 liters of water in a saucepan and dissolve broth cubes in it. Without removing the frying pan from the fire, pour into it prepared rice and mix thoroughly with onions and chicken. Pour broth in the pan, mix and add tomato paste again. Add curry and salt to taste.

Contact Palela to boil and hold on fire for another 5 minutes. Then fire to reduce and cook Palela on slow fire for another 12-15 minutes. Then remove the frying pan from the fire, close it with aluminum foil and wrap in a kitchen towel. Let stand 5 minutes, then shift into a deep dish and serve to the table, decorating greens.

Cabbages with rice and meat


  • 1 large kochan cabbage,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree,
  • 0.5 cup of flour,
  • 0.5 cups are sour cream,
  • meat broth
  • salt to taste.

For minced meat:

  • 500-600 g beef (pulp),
  • 0.5 Glasses of Mediterranean Rice,
  • 1 big bulb,
  • 1-1.5 Art. spoons of vegetable oil

Cooking method

Rice rinse in cold water, lean on the colander and give dry. Then fall asleep in boiling salted water and cook until readiness (40-45 minutes).

From the Kochana cabbage to cut the knife, put it in a deep saucepan with boiling salted water, so that it covers the kochan entirely and cook before the softness of the leaves (but not before readiness!).

Then remove the kernel from the pan, give a track of water and disassemble it on the leaves, thickened parts cut.

Prepare minced as follows. Meat Skip through a meat grinder, dilute it with broth, so that the mince is soft, add boiled rice, roasted on the oil chopped onion, black ground pepper, salt and mix well before receiving a homogeneous mass.

Put the stuffing hill on each sheet and roll the cabbage rolls.

  • 200 ml of water,
  • 60 g of cottage cheese,
  • 1 egg,
  • breadcrumbs,
  • sour cream.
  • Cooking method

    Rice to weld in salted water, cool, add cottage cheese, egg, mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass to form the cutlets, bind them in breadcrumbs and fry on fat. Serve with sour cream or sour cream sauce.

    Rice cake with carrots, raisins and nuts


    • 230 g of flour,
    • 60 g of boiled long-grain rice,
    • 300 g grated carrots,
    • 80-90 g rice flour,
    • 320 g sugar,
    • 120 g of melted butter,
    • 3 eggs,
    • 70 g of raisins without bones,
    • 60 g of purified walnuts,
    • 5 g dough baking powder,
    • 10 g of sugar powder
    • 0.3 h. Spoons of salt and soda,
    • hammer root of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg to taste.

    Cooking method

    Seek wheat and rice flour, dough breakdler, soda, salt, ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg in a large bowl. Add boiled rice, finely disturbed walnuts. There, pour the washed and sound raisins and mix everything thoroughly. Make a deepening in the center and retain a bowl aside.

    Eggs to beat the mixer (2-3 minutes). Add sugar and continue to beat eating 2 minutes. Pour melted and slightly cooled oil, beat the mixture and enter a grated carrot. Mix everything, pour the carrot-egg mixture into flour and knead the dough. No need to mix the dough very carefully - small lumps should remain.

    Grease the inner walls and bottom of the form. Put the inner surface of the shape of the washed paper for baking and sprinkle with flour slightly. Pour the dough into the prepared shape and neatly dissolve the top. Put the cake in the oven preheated to 200-220 ° C and bake the cake of 60-70 minutes (the cake must rise, its top is to be covered with a golden crust).

    When the cake is ready, leave it for 10 minutes in the oven turned off. Then carefully remove the pie from the mold and give it to completely cool. Before serving, sprinkle with sugar powder.



    For dough:

    • 400 g of flour,
    • 25-30 g yeast,
    • 1.5 glasses of water or milk,
    • 100 g of butter,
    • 1-2 eggs,
    • 1 egg yolk for lubrication,
    • sugar and salt to taste.

    For minced fish:

    • 400 g Pike fillets (or other fish),
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
    • 2 eggs,
    • 2 tbsp. Spoons of crowded superstars,
    • 1 tbsp. spoon sour cream
    • 0.3 Glasses of milk,
    • 1 bulb,
    • salt, ground pepper to taste.

    For rice filling:

    • 200 g rice,
    • 2.5 glasses of water,
    • 1 tbsp. spoon butter
    • 1 h. Salt spoon.

    For filling from fish:

    • 300 g of fillet of any fat fish.

    Cooking method

    Prepare yeast dough in a delight way. To do this, in warm milk or water pour the yeast divorced in a small amount of water, pour about half the amount of flour and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Give prepared disarm "approach" within 2-3 hours to an increase of 1.5-2 times. When the opara starts to settle, add salt into it, lighted with sugar eggs, pour the remaining flour and mix well.

    Gradually adding melted butter, wash the dough until it becomes smooth, brilliant and will not be easily separated from the hands. Put the dough into a warm place for fermentation. During this time, the test volume should increase at least 2 times. During the proofing, the rising dough should be 2-3 times.

    While the dough is suitable, cook rice porridge. After the porridge cools, lay it out in a lubricated frying pan and bake in the oven so that the porridge is slightly twisted.

    Pike fillet twice skip with onions Through a meat grinder, add crushed boiled eggs and other products for minced meat, mix well.

    When the dough is suitable, roll it in the form of oval cakes with a thickness of about 1-1.5 cm. According to her center, the fish minced meters and rice, then filling from fish (fish fillets chopped by small pieces) and stuffing and rice again. The edges of the cakes wrap and tightly flow over the minced meat. The surface of the cake decorate elements from the dough.

    Thus prepared in this way to put for proofing in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. Then lubricate it with egg yolk and make a few punctures for a fork. Put prepared cougar in the oven, heated to 210-220 ° C. The bake time of the cake depends on the thickness of the test and the form of the minced. Cull readiness can be determined, punctures with a wooden thin stick or match: if the dough does not stick to the stick, it means that the cake is ready.

    Patties with rice and eggs


    For dough:

    • 300 g of flour,
    • 0.8 Glasses of milk,
    • 20 g of fresh pressed yeast,
    • 100 g of butter,
    • 2 eggs,
    • 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon,
    • 0.5 Art. spoons of vegetable oil
    • salt to taste.

    For filling:

    • 500 g boiled rice,
    • 7 eggs,
    • 300 g of the onion bows,
    • 300 g of butter or fused oil
    • 1 Egg for lubrication,
    • black ground pepper and salt to taste.

    Cooking method

    Prepare yeast dough without a uncooked way. To do this, pour milk to deep dishes, heated to room temperature, dissolve yeast in it. Add sugar, salt and eggs. Pick up sainted flour and knead the smooth homogeneous dough (it should not be very cool). At the end of the kneading add melted, but not hot oil and put the prepared dough for 2-2.5 hours in a warm place for lifting. During this time, it is 2-3 times to make a firmware of the rising dough.

    Prepare filling as follows. Cut the eggs screwed, cool, clean from the shell and grind. Leek clean, rinse with cold water and also crushed. Mix prepared eggs and onions with boiled and chilled rice, add salt, black ground pepper. Then pour melted butter and wash everything carefully.

    The stagnant dough is separated into small pieces of 80-90 g, rolling their balls, roll out small mugs from the balls. On half of each mug, put the filling and, the cover of the second half, protect the edges. Pies shut down the seam down on a lubricated or fused oil bastard, give 10-15 minutes away, then lubricate a whipped egg and put a pre-warmed oven. Ready pies lubricate with butter.

    Air dessert from rice with cottage cheese


    • 100 g of medium rice,
    • 150 g sugar,
    • 200 g of bold cottage cheese
    • 2 eggs, salt to taste.

    Cooking method

    Rinse thoroughly in cold running water thoroughly. Then leak it on the colander and dry. In a saucepan boil the water, slightly spilling it and pour a snapped rice. Cook until ready (approximately 30-35 minutes).

    Eggs can carefully separate yolks from proteins. Egg yolks to beat with sugar to its full dissolution, mix with cottage cheese, add a pre-boiled rice. In a thick foam, beat the proteins and add to the prepared mass.

    Rice with honey and walnuts


    • 230 g of medium rice,
    • 0.5 l of water,
    • 50 g of raisins without bones,
    • 0.25 tbsp. Spoons of ground cinnamon,
    • 70 g of butter,
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey,
    • 175 g of purified walnuts,
    • sugar powder, salt to taste.

    Cooking method

    Washed and pre-closed for 30 minutes rice fall asleep in a saucepan with boiling water. Add some sugar powder, salt, cover with a tightly adjacent lid and cook rice on a slow heat for 10-12 minutes. Raisin is well rinsed and dry. Mix with crushed nuts and ground cinnamon. The resulting mixture is added to a saucepan with rice.

    Prepare rice on slow fire, constantly stirring, another 10-12 minutes. After that, add butter and mix rice well, trying not to crush rice grains. Lubricate the inner surface of the oil salad bowl and tightly fill it with a finished rice mixture. Then gently turn the rice on the dish, with a liquid (or melted) honey on top.

    Rice pudding with orange zest


    • 50 g of round rice,
    • 0.6 l of milk,
    • 0.7 cup cream of 20% fat,
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey,
    • 1 tbsp. Spoon of peeled hazelnut,
    • terching zest 0.5 orange.

    Cooking method

    Mix well washed and dried rice with milk and grated zest in a saucepan. Add honey and mix the mixture thoroughly.

    Put a saucepan on fire and bring to a boil. Then reduce the fire to a minimum, cover the saucepan with a lid and, often stirring, prepare 1 h 15 min. After that, remove the lid and, constantly stirring the mixture, to keep on fire until the rice becomes pouring (15-20 minutes).

    Add to the cream pan and, continuing to stir, prepare another 5-8 min.

    Descript ready pudding in plates, decorate with crushed nuts and grated orange zest.

    Rice pudding with almonds


    • 50 g rice flour,
    • 0.7 l of milk,
    • 90 g grated almonds
    • 60 g sugar,
    • almond slices for decoration,
    • salt to taste.

    Cooking method

    Purchase rice flour (rice can be grinding in a coffee grinder or kitchen combine) in a bowl, add a slight deepening in the center of the flour slide. Pour 3 tbsp. Spoons of slightly warm milk in flour and confused, so that the paste is formed without lumps.

    Bring the remaining milk to a boil in a thick-walled saucepan. Small portions lay out rice dough and sugar in boiling milk, constantly stirring, so that no lumps formed. Prepare on medium heat without a lid, constantly stirring pudding until the mixture thickens and boils. Reduce fire to a minimum and cook pudding for another 5 minutes.

    Mix with pudding grated almonds, so that the paste is soft and without lumps, then remove it from the fire and completely cool, it is stirring from time to time.

    Divide the prepared pudding into four equal shares and pour them into the outlet. Cool pudding for at least 2 hours. When applying on the table, decorate each portion by pieces of almonds.

    Rice cookies


    • 250 g rice flour,
    • 225 g of butter,
    • 2 eggs,
    • 120 g of powdered sugar,
    • 0.5 h Vanillina spoons,
    • 60 g of purified and finely chopped almonds or walnuts.

    Cooking method

    Eggs to separate yolks from proteins, slightly beat with 1 protein mixer. Yolks to set aside.

    Chilled oil cut into pieces or chips and beat with a mixer for 1-2 minutes. Gradually add to oil sugar powder And beat 2 minutes for another 2 minutes until the mixture becomes light and air. One add egg yolks, all the time whipping the mixture, then vanillin. Put the whipped mixture into a deep bowl, pour rice flour into it and knead the dough. Lay out the dough on a flat surface, slightly grapped flour, and knead it well. Then cover the dough with a bowl or lid and leave for 1 hour.

    Cooked dough split into small pieces. From each piece to cut off cookies in the shape of a crescent. Dispatch cookies on a lubricated oil baking tray at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Lubricate every biscuit with egg squirrel and sprinkled with chopped nuts. Put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 175 ° C and bake until the lower half of the cookie becomes golden (15 min). If the upper half will get dark, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the oven (the top of the cookie should remain white). Finished cookies from the oven and give it to cool completely. After that sprinkle cookies with sugar powder.

    Indian Pancakes


    • 1 cup of washed rice,
    • 0.5 glasses of split pea,
    • salt pepper,
    • 0.5 glasses of sour milk,
    • butter,
    • sour cream.

    Cooking method

    Soak on the night rice and peas, skip everything through a meat grinder, add salt, some pepper and any sour milk. Mix well. Dough pouring on a lubricated preheated frying pan and twisted pancakes on both sides. Serve with butter, and best - with fried potatoes.

    Sourse of information

    1. "Full cleansing and treatment with grain clubs" Kalinovsky Sergey,
    2. "Therapeutic properties of grains and cereals" Semenova Anastasia, Shuvalova Olga,
    3. "Rice dishes" Silava K.V.
    4. "About rice and cereals" Book of deli Text: Mosiolova Irina
    5. "Cosmetology from A to Z" Bulgakawa I.V.
    6. Great Soviet Encyclopedia