Soft coating for the roof of the house. How to cover the roof of the house: criteria and variety of choice

Agree, everyone wishes to have a reliable and durable roof over his head. An important and very capital stage of building a house is the construction of its design and coating with the appropriate material. In addition to excellent performance, the roof must have an excellent appearance. Let's learn what is better to cover the roof of the house, what are the advantages of a particular coating.

Choose roof: selection criteria

The determination of the roof building material is a very important decision to which we should approach weigly and deliberately, because the roof is not wallpaper, just do not replace it. Technical parameters play a special role here.

So, what better to cover the roof? First of all, op general characteristicswhich must match any roofing material:

  1. The coating should not be affected by ultraviolet rays.
  2. Standing to carry critical temperatures: High - on hot days, extremely low - in winter frosts. Also not respond to sudden differences.
  3. Absolute tightness. The roof should not flow.
  4. High strength.
  5. Long service coverage.
  6. Before the influence of external factors: mechanical impacts, pollution, humidity, weather phenomena.
  7. Fire resistance. Of course, we all exclude the emergence of force majeure situations, but it is better to be calm and confident as the roof.

The better to cover the roof of the house, so that the result is pleased with your appearance, what properties need to be considered during the installation process? From this point of view, the selection criteria may be characteristics:

  • Material color and its form.
  • The weight of the roof. This factor is unusually important, since slinge system It is obliged to withstand the severity of the coating.
  • When choosing, take into account the angle of inclination of the roof.
  • Consider the complexity of installation work, as well as possible coating in the future.
  • Price of material. The budget needs to lay the cost of installing the roof, if the work will be performed by experts.
  • The appearance of the roof - must fit your taste preferences, and the technical side of the requirements.

Basic classification

In the decision-making process, the better to cover the roof of the house, you will use a detailed classification of coatings on various criteria.

By the installation method, the following types of roof are isolated:

  • Rolled. Such material refer to economy class coating.

Important! Optimally use for roofs with an inclination angle in the range of 0-30 degrees. An example of a roll coating is the rubberoid.

  • Sheet. Such material is convenient and quickly coating the roof of a large area. This type includes: slate, metal tile, professional flooring.
  • Mastic. This is a separate type of coating from the polymer material.
  • Piece. The design of the coating consists of a large number of individual elements. The roofing material of this type is characterized by a presentable appearance and excellent quality. A vivid example serves all sorts of tile.

In addition, the roofing material is classified in this way:

  1. According to the form of the foundation. The variety of them is great, it can be metal, glass chop, cardboard, asbetic.
  2. By type of protective layer. Polymer coating, metallized, mineral and others are isolated.
  3. By texture of the material - large or fine-grained roofing, scaly, dusty.
  4. Depending on the type of binding substance, there are polymer and bitumen roofing coatings, as well as a variant that combines both substances.

Ondulin or Evrosfer

Let's start with a fairly well-known material called Ondulin. Its basis is the pressed cardboard impregnated with bitumen, which indicates the environmental friendliness of the product.

Important! It will last such a type of coating up to 50 years.


  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet.
  3. Democratic price.
  4. Small weight.
  5. Easy and fast installation due to flexibility of material and magnificent plasticity.
  6. Ontulin is not impressed by corrosion, as well as the appearance and spread of fungus, mold, is not afraid of pests.
  7. Various colors and shades of material.
  8. Beautiful sound and thermal insulation properties of this roof.


  1. Fire hazard. At temperatures above 230 degrees, the coating flammifies.
  2. It does not withstand sharp and strong temperature differences. In addition, in the conditions of direct hot rays, Ondulin becomes fusible, and in a serious frost - fragile.
  3. Low strength. Over time, the surface is cracking, like any coverage of bitumen.
  4. Noise. During the rain, and even with a hail, the rumble will be heard in the house.

Important! Not used for roofs with a large inclination.

Traditional slate

This material is familiar to everyone. Gray wavy slate sheets, probably saw everyone. And if there is a question, the better to cover the roof, then you can not pass by this option.

Important! The service life of slate is no more than 40 years.

Large lists this material Have a wavy surface. They produce slate from asbestos-cement mortar.


  1. Fire safety. The material itself is not lit, but during the fire cracks.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Not susceptible to mechanical influence.
  4. Durable and solid. Slate is able to withstand the weight of an adult, as well as accumulated snow layers for the winter.
  5. It is not terrified by the roof of temperature differences.
  6. Moisture-resistant.
  7. The house does not hear the noise from the rain.
  8. Non-flat installation. The main thing is that the process takes place carefully. In addition to simple mountThe slate coating is subjected to local repairs if necessary. It is easier to replace one sheet than the entire surface of the roof.
  9. Modern slate can be painted in any color. Due to this, its external appearance is improved, the durability of the material increases.
  10. Low price.


  1. Increased fragility. Sheets can split during transportation or when processing.
  2. After some period of time, the edges begin to crumble.
  3. Sheets that are located in the shaded part of the roof can be covered with moss or lichen.

Important! Before buying, carefully inspect and evaluate the status of the sheets. On their surface should not be dents, cracks. The slate edge should not have bundles, but must be perfectly smooth.


Also quite popular building material for roof finishing. It is important to know that the tile is several species. What material is better to cover the roof of the house, based on the type of material?

Flexible roofing or bituminous tile

Such a roof answers all technical requirementshas ample opportunities in terms of choosing shades and coating forms. It is a soft tile that allows you to create incredible and sometimes fabulous roofs of houses.

It is made of such a coating in the form of plates of various shapes from the glass cholester with a bitumen applied to it, on top of which a decorative layer of mineral crumbs, stone sputters or granulate from basalt.

  • Simple and convenient installation. Such a roof can be laid on your own, which will allow you to save tangible tools.
  • Excellent sound insulation that will save you from the rain's knock on the roof.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Tile is not afraid of sunny ultraviolet.
  • Withstands a fairly tangible load.
  • High degree of wear resistance.
  • Ecology and hygiene material. On the tile does not form mold, moss.
  • Heat insulation.

Important! Bituminous tile is very effectively laid on the roof, under which the living room is immediately located.

  • The small weight of the elements, the permissible mass of the coating as a whole.
  • Durability soft roof. She will serve you at least 20 years.
  • The blastiness is not a hail, no stones, no heavy branches will be able to damage the coating.
  • This tile is not used on the roofs whose slope is less than 12 degrees.
  • Tangible price.
  • Permanent care. The rough roof requires regular leaf cleaning, branches and other garbage from the roof.

Natural tile

The better to cover the roof, as not a natural and time-tested material. Such a type of roof was used long ago, and modern technologies Only improved its operational qualities.

Important! The basis of the ceramic coating is clay, so the material is environmentally friendly and safe.


  • The main and indicative property of such a roof is its non-competitive durability - 50-100 years.
  • Ceramic roof is not afraid by many external environmental impacts: humidity, low and high temperatures, ultraviolet.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Local repair.
  • Presentable appearance, such a roof looks incredibly stylish.

Important! Currently, the roof of natural tiles is very prestigious roof.

  • Sound and thermal insulation.
  • Lack of electrical conductivity.
  • Fireproof material.


  1. High price. Therefore, such material is used to snap roofs of expensive cottages and houses.
  2. Labor-intensive installation. Tile is a piece roof, and unlike rolled or least speciesrequires more time to lay.
  3. Large mass. Tangible tile weight imposes relevant requirements for carrier structures Roofs.
  4. Fragility under the influence of significant mechanical loads.

Important! Another kind of natural tile is a cement-sand-based material. The properties of this coating are very similar to ceramics, but due to fragility in the delivery process, as well as burnout in the sun, the price of such a roof is much lower.

Metal tile.

Specifying the difficult choice than to cover the roof of the house, pay attention to this option.

Important! Metal tile from galvanized steel, which is necessarily covered by an anti-corrosion agent.

Manufacturers draw up sheets under the appearance of the tiles.

Pluses of coating:

  1. Installation of sheet material is characterized by simplicity and convenience.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. A decent life of about 50 years.
  4. Not afraid of sunlight, does not burn out.
  5. Minor weight that does not require additional strengthening of supporting structures.
  6. Exterior aesthetics. From afar of the roof of your home will look like a natural tile.
  7. Available cost.
  8. Wide range of colors.
  9. Increased strength to mechanical and atmospheric influences.


The disadvantages of such a roof are due, first of all, the material itself, that is. Metal. Therefore, they are as follows:

  1. Tangible noise level. Rain knocking on such a roof you will hear clearly.
  2. Metals are easily conducted heat, so thermal insulation will be required.
  3. If the coating is damaged, corrosion is possible.
  4. Tangible material consumption during installation.
  5. Not suitable for houses with a flat roof or a small slope.


In the process of choice, what material is better to cover the roof of the house, many stop in this method. To some extent, profiles are comparable to metal tile. They are united:

  • The basis is galvanized steel.
  • Equal Mounting Technology.
  • Operating conditions

Important! The difference between the professional flooring lies in wider sheets, as well as in the diversity of the profile: P-shaped, trapezoid, rounded.


  1. Simple installation.
  2. Small mass.
  3. Strength and wear resistance.
  4. Low cost.
  5. Assortment of color gamut.
  6. Pleasant appearance.

The minuses include:

  1. Sailing. What does it mean? Strong wind or hurricane can break from the roof of the corrugation.
  2. Additional steam and thermal insulation will be required.
  3. As with the case with metal tile, excellent sound operating and tangible noise during the rain.
  4. Control over damage to the surface of the sheets, as even minor scratches will lead to corrosion of the material.

Mastic or bulk roof

The modern way of finishing the roof coating is the bulk roof. The essence of the technology is as follows:

  • On concrete or wooden base Apply a film from the polymer.
  • After the frozen, a durable coating with a monolithic structure is formed.


The positive aspects of such roofing material are:

  1. Monolithic coating. In this case, there are no joints and seams on the roof surface, which directly increases its tightness.
  2. The ability to withstand temperature differences ranging from -40 to +100 degrees Celsius.
  3. Before ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Little weight coverage.
  5. Durability. Service life will be at least 15 years, and high-quality coverage with due operation
  6. Does not rot and corrosion.


  1. High price.
  2. It does not apply for roofs with an inclination angle of more than 25 degrees.
  3. Installation is best implemented by resorting to the services of specialists.

Owning information about the types of roofing material, their pluses and disadvantages, it will be easier for you to decide what is better to cover the roof of the house. A rich selection allows you to realize any designer places for the design of the roof, the main thing is that it differs in high quality and long service.

Planning the construction or replacement of the roof of the house, often we take into account as a decisive factor when choosing a coverage of its cost. Nevertheless, it should also be considered a question right choice material. In some cases, a cheap material, ultimately, can at the expense of expensive installation or care to become so cheap. However, thanks to a wide offer on sale of modern options, we can choose the optimal solution. The better to cover the roof of the house and cheaper, and we will look at this article.

The most popular are roofs of tile, roofing sheet or rubberoid. They differ in the method of installation, quality of materials and prices. However, some of the advantages of these materials can be the key to choosing.

The cheaper to cover the roof of the house, the choice of optimal solution

So, in a limited budget, we often have a question about us, the cheaply cover the roof of the private house? Among the most popular roof coating materials, which stand relatively inexpensive are distinguished:

  • metal tile or sheet metal (galvanized steel, copper);
  • ruberoid (applied in case flat roofs and surfaces with a slight bias);
  • cement tile;
  • roofing bitumen of various forms.

If we want to significantly reduce the cost of construction, you should refuse ceramic tile In favor of steel. It is definitely not so durable, and does not have very good acoustic insulation and breathability, unlike ceramic. However, this is the perfect choice for those who do not want to spend all savings on the roof device. Despite many disadvantages, it also has many advantages, and it is for them to start, we will pay attention.

Benefits of steel tile:

  • the main advantage of roofing sheet is its price, this applies to both the cost of materials and execution, including the rafter design;
  • the roof coating of steel tiles is easy, it means that it does not require so durable roof design, as for ceramics;
  • the bias of the roof that is required to install the roofing sheet must be above 9 ° -12 °, and there is also an ability to install metal tiles at a smaller angle, but it requires the rigid roof cover;
  • when installing simple and large surfaces of the roof, a small amount of waste remains, however, in the case of complexes in the form of the roof, this advantage is lost.

It is important to choose the company correctly, which will be engaged in the installation of the roofing sheet. Incorrect cutting sheet metal can damage the protective layers located on the tile.

The substrate that is required under the roof should be the same as in the case of ceramic tiles. Similarly, you will need planks, lats. They are fixed with the separation, which is adapted to the length of one module. The spread is defined individually, as a rule, by the manufacturer. Some of them offer self-supporting tile, which has built-in carrier lats. Such a coating does not require the installation of the roof crate. When repairing the roof, a light metal tile can be set to the existing coating of the roof.

Another advantage of the metal tile is that it does not change its shape and weight under the action of moisture. One square meter of tiles weighs from 2 to 6 kg. It is almost ten times less than the weight of the ceramic tile.

Nevertheless, due to the change in its size under the influence of temperature, it should be borne in mind that the most important thing in this form of the roof is correct installation. The service life of this coating depends primarily on the quality of the cutting of sheet metal, the method of laying, etc. The warranty that is provided for this type of material is about 10-12 years.

One of the advantages of the tile sheet is his aesthetic appearance. The market is available on the market, which is processed by the corresponding fungicides and resins. They prevent the formation of algae and moss over the entire surface. It provides the best and more aesthetic appearance of the roof.

In the case of metal tile, corrosion resistance, the durability of the coating and color is very important. For this, it is often manufactured from galvanized sheet steel and is protected by a special coating of polymer material. In some cases, the second side is painted. Please note that this material requires proper cleaning and care. From time to time you need to repair or paint the primer.

Another problematic aspect of the operation of this type of cover is snow. Unfortunately, excess snow may result in surface deformation.

EuroBeroid is one of the most popular materials that can be cheaply covering the roof of the house.

His advantages:

  • a light weight;
  • relatively low price;
  • it manifests itself well under all weather conditions;
  • easy to lay;
  • well-laid EuroRuberoid retains water resistant quality over 30 years.

Different types of runneroid are laid differently, while some can be attached to glue, other types can be liquid or require thermal laying. It is important that the coating is completely tightly.

Before laying a runnerdoor, the base should be primed, even if it is an old rubberoid. This can be done using a special asphalt mass for primer. The old runneroid is a good base for the new, have this in mind, because the deliverance from the old layer is an expensive and very trouble-free event.

Ruberoid should be laid at a temperature of above + 50 ° C, while it is necessary to choose a day without precipitation. It should be noted that a wet surface, ice and a strong wind can have a negative effect on its laying. Although this coating slowly comes out of fashion, it has many supporters as an optimal option for those who are looking for how to cover the roof of the house is cheap and fast. The roof from the frontieroid is relatively inexpensive and durable.

Bituminous tile is another inexpensive option for those who are looking for how to cover the roof of the houses. The cost of this option depends on the shape of the bituminous tile, the layers, of which it consists, as well as the quality of the primer.

This solution is a popular alternative to ceramic roof and roof covering sheet metal. Bituminous tile consists of several layers of fiberglass, bitumen, mineral or ceramic granules, sometimes with copper.

The roof of bituminous tiles has a number of advantages, among whom most often pay attention to the following:

  • relatively low price;
  • easy installation;
  • versatility;
  • it is light and thin - no more than 5 mm thick;
  • easy to transport;
  • resistant damage;
  • easy design makes it suitable for roofs with almost any angle (with the exception of flat roofs);
  • the bituminous tile is flexible, so it can be used on the roofs of a complex form, suitable for finishing complex architectural roofs, such as parapet.

It is important to note that the roof covered with bitumen tiles can be easily restored, easy to install mansard windows In the already covered roofs. The fact that the bituminous tile is quiet and does not reflect the rain drops even during strong rainfall, which is especially important in the case of coverage of houses with an attic.

Color sprinkle on the bituminous coating gives it a decorative look. The material happens in many colors, although the most popular are red, brown or gray. There are also "shaded" tiles that create impression much thicker than they are in reality, imitating ceramic coating or concrete.

In the case of monochrome options, you should not take items from different batches when laying, since individual tiles may differ with a tint.

Bituminous tile can be different forms, which is important both for the aesthetics of the roof and in terms of cost. The cheapest hexagonal tiles due to the fact that they are cut without waste. Cutting tiles in the form of a popular "fish scales" already produces more waste, so they are more expensive.

Classic forms of tiles emphasize the traditional nature of the building.

Installation. A characteristic feature of bitumens is that under the influence of the Sun, elements are glued on their own, so every consecutive rows of tiles are glued and the snow, rain and wind are impossible. Because of such a self-leveling of the bituminous roof cover, installation work should be carried out at favorable weather conditions, it is best for the warm season from May to September. This process can be accelerated by reheating, for example, a burner.

The house is our fortress. From how correctly its roof will be covered, comfort and microclimate depends on all rooms. In view of this, it is very important to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of building material. It - important basisdetermining the service life of the roof and its quality characteristics.

The range of coatings for performing roofing works widest. How to cover the roof of the house best? What technical features of the material to pay attention? How to perform everything necessary work? This is more detailed in the article.

Cover the roof frame house Can be tiled, ondulin, profile iron or ordinary slate. The listed roofing materials are practical in use, durable, easily and quickly mounted, have a long service life.

Tile is a coating with a special structure that ensures the perfect tightness of the roof. It does not require painting, it is distinguished by resistance to mechanical, chemical and atmospheric influences, is characterized by the excellent corrosive resistance, reliability and technologicality.

The main advantages of the tile:

  • Canceled decorative properties. The material has a presentable species, does not require additional processing, allows you to visually highlight the house and give it a special highlight.
  • Heat resistance. The coating does not change its properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, does not fade, does not highlight toxic substances dangerous to human health and ambient.
  • Long service life. On average correctly laid roofing Perfectly performs its functions for 25 to 30 years.
  • No need for regular repair work. Tile does not require much care, steadily tolerates mechanical loads, not deformed and does not change its form.
  • Easy installation. Cover the roof of the frame house, if you wish, you can independently.
  • High quality. Innovative technologies based on tile production guarantee its aesthetics and impeccable coincidence of the profile.
  • Wide color gamut. Choose the material of the desired color and type will not be much difficulty.
  • Small sailboat. Even a strong impulse of the wind will not be able to disrupt or wrap up separate elements of the roof.
  • Ability to dismantle. If necessary, the tile can be easily disassembled and raised back, while the coating will not lose its basic qualitative indicators.
  • Small weight. The material does not create an additional burden on the roof.

Tile deficiencies:

  • Up to 40% of the waste in non-compliance with the adopted editing rules.
  • The formation of condensate on the inner surface as a result of a sharp change of ambient temperature.
  • With incorrect laying a short life.

There are several types of material under consideration. To cover the roof of the frame house, bitumen, polymerpess, metallic, cement-sand and ceramic tiles are perfect.

When choosing a residual coating option, it is recommended to take into account the roof slope.

Watch the video about the installation of metal tile:

Ondulin is another sought-after roofing material, often used by the builders. It is a wavy textile sheets covered with several layers of bituminous mixture.

Advantages of Ondulina:

  • Stiffness and low weight. The material does not create an additional burden on the design and allows you to make a lattice with a big step.
  • Excellent noise and thermal insulation. Ontulin does not miss extraneous sounds and reduces heating costs up to 30%.
  • Resistance to corrosion, rotting and rust. The coating perfectly withstands chemical and atmospheric effects, while maintaining their qualitative characteristics.
  • Ecology. In the production of Ontulin, materials and compositions that do not contain dangerous toxic concentrations of toxic substances are used.

Disadvantages of the coating:

  • Low fire safety. Ondulin Gulching, therefore the risk of fire is increasing.
  • Minor color gamut.
  • Unstable decorative properties. Roofing material quickly fades under the influence of sunlight.
  • Numerous number of joints.

Onewall to cover the roof is cheaper than tile, but it should be noted that the material is not resistant to mechanical effects. Even a minor error made during the installation work can lead to roofing.

Profile iron - roofing material obtained as a result of deformation of sheet metal rolling in cold condition at profiling special equipment.

His advantages:

  • high performance characteristics. Professional flooring is resistant to mechanical, chemical and atmospheric influences. It does not change its properties under the influence of ultraviolet, does not fade in the sun due to a special polymer coating.
  • Speed \u200b\u200band simplicity of installation. The material is easily selected by the size of the roof of the roof, eliminating the need for vertical adhesions.
  • Excellent waterproofing properties. If the roofing works are performed correctly, the roof of the house will not flow.
  • Small weight. This feature of the profile iron can be significantly saved on the crate.
  • Available cost. In a limited budget, the roofing device is best done using this material.

Disadvantages of profile iron:

  • Low indicators of heat and sound insulation.
  • Not the most presentable appearance.
  • Straightforward forms, few associated with residential buildings.

Profile hardware will not be able to properly give respect to the structure, make it warm, cozy and most comfortable for living, despite the fact that its service life reaches 15-20 years, and the laying is made without special technical sings.

Slate is another option of roofing material that can cover the roof frame structure. It is made from asbestos cement, characterized by practicality, durability and laying easy.

The main advantages of slate can be attributed to its following features:

  • Non-hatching and low thermal conductivity.
  • Corrosion resistance under the influence of water and condensate.
  • Cancelled sound insulation and high frost resistance.
  • Durability and durability.

Disadvantages of roofing material:

  • The content of asbestos dangerous to human health and the environment.
  • Large weight. The average mass of one sheet reaches 20 - 26 kg.
  • Fragility and instability to mechanical effects.
  • The tendency to form on the surface of MCH, worsening high-quality and functional characteristics.

The roof covered with a slate, it is easy to repair: if necessary, one or more sheets of construction material can be replaced, without resorting to complex disassembly work.

But special aesthetic properties slate is not endowed, so if the decorative component is important for you, the coating as a possible alternative option It is better not to consider.

Tiled technology

To properly cover the roof of the house, you need to adhere to technology including the following steps:

  1. First stage: Laying waterproofing. This process is standard: the selected waterproofing material is mounted on the pre-prepared surface.
  2. Second Stage: Cutting Device. The lamp is considered the basis of the roof tiles. It is mounted on top of waterproofing. Bruks of the crates - perforated profile or antiseptic tree-processed wood - fixed to the roof frame.
  3. Third stage: mounting tiles. Construction material It is stacked from the upper point of the roof in the direction down. Each slot must be covered separately.

    First of all, the top row of sheets is stacked. They are fixed using galvanized screws. Mandatory requirement: Tiling is stacked by Vangest. The following series of sheets is mounted in the same way.

  4. Fourth stage: installation of skates. Construction elements are attached with self-draws.

Undoubtedly, the tile can be laid independently, but it is advisable to entrust the work of professionals, since any error made during the styling may cause roofing.

Stepped Plan for Work with Profile Iron

All works on the roof of the profile hardware are performed in several stages:

    First stage: device roofing cake - Installation of vapor and waterproofing. Steam and waterproofing materials are stacked in one direction, the effectiveness of their use largely depends on this.

    The joints of the cloth are connected by a special adhesive tape and securely fixed to the base of the roof of the house. The ventilated gap between waterproofing and the profile gland should be 20 mm.

  1. Second Stage: Installation of the crate. The step of its installation depends on the height of the profile. For a sheet with a height of 35mm, it is 1.5 meters. Profile hardware less than 20 mm is recommended to lay on a solid crate.
  2. Third Stage: Styling of profile iron. The material is fastened down by each wave screws in such a way that the capillary groove overlap the next sheet. The transverse base is determined depending on the angle of the slope of the skate and is 150 - 200 mm.
  3. Fourth stage: cutting of skates, adjoins to walls and eaves with special elements that are attached with the help of self-tapping screws.

Roofing with the use of profile iron is not recommended to be carried out in rainy and windy weather for safety.

Review of the value of materials on roofing work

Tile is considered one of the most popular roofing materials. Its price largely depends on the qualitative characteristics and on average range from 300 to 500 rubles. per square. m.

Among the numerous brands of coverage, the leading positions on the market are occupied by Roben, Finnera, Monterrey, Decorrey, Dune, Prestige, IKO, Ruflex. Products of these brands are distinguished by excellent quality and complies with European standards. Tile laying services will cost 250 to 700 rubles. per square. m.

The cost of Ondulina fluctuates from 300 to 650 rubles. per sheet. Among the popular stamps of the material should be selected to mark Onduline. The entire range of products of this brand has excellent qualitative characteristics and in all parameters complies with applicable standards.

Montage of Ondulina Professionals are ready to perform in the next price range: from 150 to 500 rubles. per square. m.

A sheet of roofing profile iron is sold at a price of 330 - 370 rubles. The final price of the material depends in many respects from technical features, stamps and parameters.

Popular manufacturers of high-quality profile iron: Gerard, Profit, Lion Steel. The average cost of roofing works on the laying of a professional flooring: a simple roof - 460 rubles. per square. m, the average roof - 550 rubles. per sq.m., complex roof - 610 rubles. per square. m.

The cost of the slate sheet from asbestos is 210 - 290 rubles. Roofing Works Professional Masters are ready to perform in the price range from 45 to 230 rubles. per square. m.

Summing up, we can conclude that it is cheaper than the whole finish of the roof to perform with slate. The tile laying will cost several times more expensive, but if the budget allows, it is better how the optimal option to choose exactly this roofing, it copes perfectly with its main functions and allows you to create an optimally comfortable living conditions.

See the video selection of roofing materials:

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December 5, 2016

The better and cheaper to cover the roof of the house?

Building country house - This is a major investment. Many people who want to build themselves country houseThe roof has a minimum of money. In such a situation, it is necessary to look for a suitable budget option, which will ensure the reliability of the design as a whole for long years. Now decide and what in the country is inexpensive.

Modern manufacturers offer customers both expensive, elite roofing materials and budget. Each of them has its advantages, but they also have flaws. What budget roofing materials can be used to build roofing? And how reliable will they be?

There are some requirements for the roof:

  • Resistance to temperature drops, the effects of UV rays;
  • Tightness;
  • Strength;
  • Resistance to atmospheric precipitation, dirt, dust;
  • Durability;
  • Fire safety.

If the roof from the selected material will meet these requirements, then this is the perfect option for you. Remember that the roof is one of the main elements of any facilities.

How to cover the roof of the house, spending the minimum of funds? What to choose from? And choose from what. Today in the construction market you can find several budget roofing materials, namely:

  • Ruberoid;
  • Professional flooring;
  • Ondulin;
  • Slate;
  • Folding roof;
  • Tile.

Each material has certain characteristics of strength, duration of operation, reliability. Some of them are characterized by excellent waterproofing qualities, some are not burning. Choosing than you can, the question of beauty is last foreseen. After all, we need to find high-quality material, while spending the minimum of funds.


Ruberoid is better to use to cover non-residential structures or temporary buildings. Its main purpose is waterproofing. Often, it is enjoyed in several layers. It is not cheaper than this material, but it explains its low quality.

It is worth noting that Ruberoid quickly flammifies. All the shortcomings of the rubber roof can be corrected by bitumen mastic.


Cheap material that is better to cover non-residential and temporary facilities. It is not used in the construction of country houses.

The color of the material quickly burns into the sun. After the rain, the frost is categorically forbidden to step on its surface.

What shed? The answer is obvious, you can use Ruberoid and Ondulin.


Slate - famous, reliable material that is characterized affordable price. You can save on the roof from slate on the installation. After all, the main costs go on material and wages. The slate installation is simple enough, so you can independently install slate sheets on the crate.

When choosing slate, it is better to give preference to painted oil paint or enamel sheets. The additional layer will protect this material from the ability to absorb moisture. It should also be remembered that it can be deformed after hail.

Important! Slate contains asbestos, which is considered harmful substance For human health.

Folding roofing

This material is characterized as the most reliable, economical. It provides hermetic junctions of folding locks. Installation of this material is simple and easy. Such a roof will serve you for long years. The folding roof is the answer to the question "And the better to cover the roof of the house?"


Tile - a material that is quite difficult to attribute to the budget. But the tile is several species that differ from among themselves not only characteristics, but also at the price. You wish to buy cheaper tile - choose soft tile. If you want to choose an attractive, beautiful roofing material - then you need to be pretty folded.

The advantages of the tile:

  • Waterproof;
  • not affected by sunlight;
  • does not rot;
  • absent corrosion;
  • you can eliminate the disadvantage, replacing a separate element.

There are several types of tiles:

  • ceramic;
  • cement-sand;
  • metal tile;
  • bituminous.

To the inexpensive can be attributed bituminous tile and metal tile. The latter has a small weight, it is hard, resistant to mechanical loads. Watering the roof is simple enough. The term of its operation is quite large. The disadvantage of such a roof is bad noise insulation.

A good option is the use of tiles and a folding roof for the construction of reliable housing.

The material for the roof chooses the owner of the house. But remember that your life in a new house depends on its quality.