Shelves built into the wall. What materials will need. Features of construction framework for carrying design shelves

The progress and innovations of the construction case are forced to use all the cheaper and safe materials in the apartment construction, sometimes applying an absolutely unexpected approach. Recall, for example, the construction of the 50s of the last century - in the arrangement of rooms at home or apartments preized alloyous shields, bar, board, ceramic and silicate brick. From the 70s, a chipboard, fiberboard, alabastral blocks appeared. Now it's time for plasterboard sheets, a metal profile and all sorts of designs. Why not try to make shelves from drywall do it yourself.

The most popular storage method of books is an extensive rack. In Polish interiors, there are also traditional shelves, which are usually associated with simple boards, but meanwhile they provide very wide accommodation opportunities, because they can be placed almost anywhere. With a small ingenuity, you can create an interesting composition or even build a whole wall, because there is big choice Unusual shelves, such as shelves, suspended under the mow, wavy figures or those that lie in different inscriptions.

Traditionalists choose classic libraries that not only focus, but also thanks to the glass fronts, they also protect their content from dust. In addition, if they are made of a noble tree, they give the interior certain prestige.

As a material for homemade, GLC is quite suitable for shelves from drywall, despite the seeming fragility. Among the nearest competitors - plywood, whole wood shields, chip and fibrous plates of the GLC leaf has less specific strength and requires increased accuracy in operation.

But its main advantages are:

Organization of bookshelves in niches or under the stairs

An interesting alternative to traditional shelves is decorative niches in the walls. It is ideal for rooms that perform several functions at the same time, for example, a living room connected to the bedroom. The wooden board is completed, niche is as large as traditional furniture; They can also be installed on the door, if for some reason we do not want to display the contents of our library. The bookshelf is particularly interesting, which surrounds the door frame - not only what the vehicle reports on the literary attachment of the owners, it also creates a stylish entrance.

  • Sheet of drywall over a long service life retains the perfect surface plane and size stability;
  • The price of GLC is noticeably less equal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet of plywood, OSB, not to mention a whole tree;
  • The material is perfectly cutting, dried, putty, paints, polished, and at the same time absolutely harmless to human health.

At the same time, work with the material, even in the case of simple manufacture With their own hands, shelves made of plasterboard, requires an employee to think over the design in advance so that the shelf collected the planned load in the collected form.

Massive shelves for powerful works

It is necessary to remake and embed into special boxes, but a little in the West is worth it because it will turn our staircase into a spacious rack without losing their main functionality. More common accommodation solutions - especially in double-decker apartments or houses, are shelves located in the area under the stairs, which are an interesting visual element and at the same time save space. The same benefits are used for beds with built-in shelves.

The aesthetics of books on the shelf is important, but not the most important. In the interior design, it is important not to post bookshelves next to radiators, fireplaces or other heat sources, otherwise the glue in the book can dry and thus lead to decay. Also, our collection in the basement will also be preserved. In addition, it is important to ensure proper circulation of air, as this will avoid an unpleasant smell that old paper can emit. The position of books on the shelf is important - those that are placed in a standing position will not distort and distort and distort over time.

Important ! Treatments of processing sheets of drywall are radically differ from wood processing or OSB. If the experience of working with GLC is not enough - any problem operation is cut on trimming or waste.

What design shelves made of plasterboard prefer

In the presence of certain skills from drywall, you can make not only the shelf or stand. It can easily collect the most intricate designs, which is easily convinced by the photo of the shelves from drywall, assembled with their own hands.

The shelves in the kitchen are the basis of a good organization and the place for exposure. decorative elementswhich may also have sentimental value. The motif of an open shelf is the charm and atmosphere of the cozy interior. For this type of location, stylish porcelain is perfect. The grace of this combination can be increased by using wooden wall panelsSupported in a similar style.

Baby cabinets to order

A small shelf with several levels will bring warmth and unique atmosphere. These types of furniture are usually fairly flat and have anterior steps. Wooden finish It will be rustic, and the elegance of stylization is impressive in combination with exquisite decorative plates. Simple form, which leads to an interesting effect and the original composition.

The main principle of building drywall shelves

In wooden or plastic products shelves, the product material usually provides a decorative design of the design and works like a solid base, perceiving all loads from things or items located on the shelf.

In the second style, the shelves are additionally equipped with protective steps, and a small recess, separated by a wooden shelf, was created above the counter. Shelves are always an additional space for storage and help in organizing space. Use of space between top The cabinet and the countertop for extra shelves can be very useful in small or non-stationary kitchens. The most used products will always be at hand.

Lifechaker shelves with a drip of creative

Shelves can sometimes replace the upper cabinets. This solution with interesting aesthetic values \u200b\u200band original designs. Nevertheless, always remember the impeccable order and thoughtful selection of accessories installed on this type of shelves, as they are always visible and are our business card.

With a plasterboard sheet, you can do the same, but the strength of a single sheet of plasterboard, even a thickness of 18mm, may not be enough. In this case, the shelf is made of two sheets, and if the length of the product exceeds the meter, it is possible to even use a plywood or wooden insert. For a small decorative shelf in 40-50cm under a vase or a dozen books, a single 12-15mm thick bucket can be used. The fastening of the shelf must be ensured throughout the line of contact with the sheet and walls using selflessness, but the appearance of such a shelf does not cause much enthusiasm due to difficulties in the processing of end edges.

Corners are often associated with a difficult place to use. However, the modern range of products for this area provides efficient and ergonomic design even for the most demanding places. In the second device, the shelves were fixed on a parallel wall relative to the working line, which made it possible to build an angle. Niches in the walls are the perfect place for the outer shelves. They can be identical to the furniture made on the order depending on the size of this niche or from the drywall, which we paint paint as the usual wall.

In the second case, it is worth remembering that fighting dust and kitchen stains is more difficult. Furniture is easy to maintain clean. Kitchen cabinets can be equipped with special racks or sun loungers for easy storage of wine. However, if you do not want to spend the precious space in the closets, we can choose individual structures that create the atmosphere of the winery and proudly represent our collection. In the immediate vicinity of this type of shelf, it is best to put glasses and other wine accessories that will always be within reach.

Tip! Even for small, console fixed shelves, use the framework of the product. This will ensure its strength in any forms of load.

Always in drywall structures use the principle of separation:

  1. The drywall sheet provides only decorative functions, the own strength of the GLC is enough for resistance to loads directed parallel to the sheet plane. All other efforts must be transferred to the reinforcing system from a wooden rail or metal profile.
  2. GLC is always mounted on a solid framework of the frame with self-tapping screws or glue. It is a frame design that will provide the ease and strength of the product - shelves, a cabinet or wall.

This greatly simplifies work with plasterboard. Self metallic profile For the frame of the shelf, the shelf is made of a thin-leaf galvanized metal, it is easily cut by scissors for metal, bends and strung in the most intricate versions.

Wall panel, where you can place the shelves at your own discretion, is a good initiative for creative people who like to have everything they want. The various sizes and materials of the shelves will make each of these furniture items a unique composition of the housekeeping.

Furniture in the kitchen can also take more informal measurement, although very charming. Thanks to the shelf with the shelves with open shelves, this is a very practical solution due to the large storage area. However, it should be said that it is necessary to maintain order in stores and more frequent cleaning of horizontal surfaces, where the dust quickly accumulates.

Options Shelves from drywall

Thanks to the wide range of reinforcing profile, it is enough to simply pick up and collect the frame of the shelves with your own forces:

  • corner shelf from plasterboard, perhaps several options combined into one small project;
  • very practical shelf of drywall under the TV.

Among the sets of options should be selected with a minimum amount of joints and connections.

Important ! In working with plasterboard, a layer of fine alabast dust is formed, even with certain safety guarantees, try more often to remove waste and chip sulfate with a vacuum cleaner or a wet sponge.

The sequence of manufacture shelves do it yourself

Most often, the corner areas of the premises remain in the house, therefore, it is always possible to make several shelves on the wall of drywall with their own hands to give a more refined type or from utilitarian considerations.

To work, we use a sheet carcarter sheet, a metal profile 25x50, putty for sealing seams and fastening screws "Gypsum Metal".

Unlike a tree or metal, when the product is made separately, and then hangs on the wall, in the case of the use of drywall, the shelf design is formed, as a single whole, with supports, carrying frame and fastening on the wall.

Determination of the size and dots of pairing

On the wall, perform a pencil of the place of fastening, the length of the carrier surface of the shelves and the connection point of the frame elements. After that, from the profile, fragments of fastening on the wall and fasten the markup by self-drawers.

Installation of vertical racks

Next, "sewing" vertical profile racks at the edges of the shelves. With the help of a construction level and a plumb, thoroughly align the position of the external framework of each of the shelves with the horizon and vertical. The vertical support pillar is sewn on both sides by sheet carcarter sheets cut in size of the opening with a small allowance for processing in 1-2mm.

Installation of plasterboard sheets

According to the leveled horizons, we cut the remaining cuts of the frame and fix in the design. Shelves planes are sewn sheets of drywall, first the lower horizontal surface, then the upper one.

Tip! Plasterboard sheets for the upper plane of the shelf can be cut more for a couple of centimeters, this will allow using ceiling plinth Perform additional decoration of the end surface of the shelf.

After decorating the decor, we carefully shit all the slots and joints in the design, after drying, we grind the surface under the painting of the water-emulsion paint.

A similar method is universal and makes it easy to make the simplest shelves made of drywall in the bathroom.

After some practice, quite forces and complex, but the pretty version of the shelves from drywall in the bedroom.

Features of construction framework for carrying design shelves

As it was possible to make sure, work with plasterboard does not represent any particular difficulties for neat and thoughtful people. The design of even the most complex shelves or cabinets is more reminiscent of the "Lego principle", and forces even a novice master. But for professional work with shelves or partitions it is necessary to take into account a few moments.

Sheets of drywall, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin stripes, are prone to a loss even with a small load. Therefore, a sharpening of some dizzying project, avoid using thin and long strips of material cladding. For example, a piece of GLC with the aspect ratio of 1: 5 and is more practically guaranteed to burst or when it is fixed on the frame, or under load, after completing all the work.

The thickness of the frame elements commensume with the general dimensions of the design. In an example, a very competent construction of the size of the windows and the thickness of the racks of the shelves from drywall is under the TV is possible. Due to the optimal thickness of vertical and horizontal partitions, such a design has high stability and will withstand a significant load.

The most difficult option, from the point of view of the attachment, can be considered the installation of a single shelf on the wall without the use of additional reference racks. Often, additional side canopies are installed to ensure the longitudinal and vertical stability of the shelf. If you show fantasy, they not only do not spoil the appearance of the shelf, but also give her a more attractive look.

As a rule, the design of plasterboard is heavier than wood plate or plastic, so it should use the maximum number of fastening points onto the wall. If you need to fix the shelf on the wall, lined with plasterboard, use a special fastening.

  • Built-in decorative shelves
  • Shelf under TV
  • Shelves on the wall made of plasterboard
  • Necessary materials and tools
  • Montage frame for shelves
  • Cracking frame plasterboard
  • How to handle joints between sheets?

To create modern interior In his house, there is no need to clutter the living space of unnecessary furniture. But it is usually almost impossible to abandon various lockers or servants in the room.

Shelves made of drywall allow visually to divide rooms into several zones.

The mounted shelves made of drywall will help solve several problems at once: get rid of the old furniture, improve the design of the room, will serve as original stands for souvenirs, various collections or decorative dishes.

Even the TV can be placed on drywall shelves, which are divided into types of functional purposes.

Built-in decorative shelves

Built-in drywall shelves will look even more attractive if they are supplemented with built-in lighting.

Shelves performing decorative function can be a practical and compact place for storing various home utensils. Usually, during the finish, such niches are decorated with backlight around the perimeter or point luminaires. You can create a real masterpiece if thoroughly approach the creation of the harmony of light and color. Shelves made of drywall are often decorated with color backlit, mirrors or glasses. Using these materials you can make original supports, and the room will acquire another source of light, which will create a soft and romantic atmosphere.

The edges can be made wavy. To do this, you need to draw the desired bending on the workpiece on the workpiece and cutting it necessary using the jig or a special knife.

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Shelf under TV

Using shelves from plasterboard, you can create an unusual place to accommodate the TV and its components.

You can make not only openwork shelves for lungs and small items. Proper design will help create a sufficiently soluable support for the TV. Hypzarton shelves have such an appointment, may be nasty or detached. From the point of view of design, it is more original and more convenient to make them in the form of an independent interior object. The shelf suspended on the wall is quite difficult to improve, but the detached version does not have such restrictions. Standing under the TV may have a niche or be multi-tiered so that on it besides the TV itself, it was possible to accommodate another household electronics.

Before making such a design, you need to think about how to make it more durable. This is very important momentSince the shelves made of drywall do with their own hands should not be fragile so that in case of their break, the TV and other technique did not damage. Installation of such structures provides for the carrier elements to use metal corners, and make the shelves' surfaces either double or reinforced with metal profiles.

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Shelves on the wall made of plasterboard

Plasterboard structures can take any geometric shapes.

The shelves from drywall can be originally decorate the wall, make their arbitrary shape and desired size. Usually make a kind of wall rack, that is, a closed design. Despite the fact that the installation of such shelves with drywall requires more time, diligence and materials than, for example, open shelves, their manufacturing technology is quite simple. This process can be compared with the manufacture of cabinet furniture, when all the elements of the future shelves are first cut off, and then collected together. They can also be equipped with decorative illumination.

It is somewhat harder to make open shelves from drywall do it yourself. Cut the rectangular blank from the sheet is not difficult, but the framework will be harder for it. It should be strong enough and solid, lay parallel to the floor.

Nutty angle of indoors can also be decorated with corner shelves made of plasterboard with backlight. Their installation requires strict adherence to the direct angle. Right triangle It will be the optimal form for such interior shelves with drywall.

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Necessary materials and tools

The design data is very practical, so you can always make them with your own hands. Installation of shelves from plasterboard requires the following materials:

  • galvanized profile 50x25 mm;
  • for curvilinear structures - arched profile;
  • rail guides;
  • dowel with spacers and self-tapping screw;
  • mounting grid;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • primer.

Installation of built-in niches, wall-mounted, angular shelves or under TV is not possible without appropriate tools. You will need:

  • roulette:
  • rake-level;
  • pencil;
  • plumb;
  • screwdriver;
  • bulgarian;
  • electrolake;
  • pliers;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • brush;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper.

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Montage frame for shelves

Plasterboard mounted on a pre-prepared framework.

Making the installation of shelves with drywall is still at the stage of wall structures from the same material or separately. In the first version, the frame is set in such a way that a niche is formed, which is after drying with plasterboard. In the second - first the base under the shelf is created. It is necessary to make it from the profile, and if it is a TV regiment, then from durable metal corners. Next, you need to post the wall using the level and in places where fasteners will be installed, you need to drill holes. To do this, you can use a screwdriver drill that will help high quality and quickly fasten the frame on the wall.

If the shelf is designed for a certain load, for example, it will serve as a television stand, you will need to additionally use:

  • thick plasterboard;
  • butterfly screws;
  • frames and traverses.

The guides are fastened to the fixed profile in the form of longitudinal or transverse Rei, which make the frame volumetric. It is better to do so that they are attached to the floor or ceiling, and jumpers were mounted between them and the wall profile. This will help significantly strengthen the entire frame.

After the skeleton design is ready, it must be pasted with sheets. To do this, they use plasterboard sheets, and sometimes complement them with mirrors and glass. The material is attached with the help of self-tapping screws, which are screwed into it and in the opening in the profile. If an increased load is planned, for example, a TV or other technique will stand on the shepherders from drywall, you need to try to secure it as often as possible.

When the frame is ready, you must take care of the wiring. This is necessary if the shelf is planned with backlight. For fire safety, wires and cables are laid in a protective corrugation.