How to make a boiler into a bath from a pipe. Video: Boiler option from a pipe. Sheet metal boiler

The stove has been the heart and main element of the bathhouse for centuries. But many also see the modern steam room as comfortable, with a fully automated lighting and heating system. So why not choose a good boiler for your bath, which would regulate the temperature of both the steam rooms and the washing room, warm the water and the floor - and at this time you can enjoy bath procedures with pleasure without any worries. But how to choose a boiler for a bath and which fuel to stop on, this article will tell.

How to decide which boiler is right for you?

In order to choose the right boiler for your bath, you need to accurately answer for yourself the following questions:

  1. How much monthly expenses are you planning to spend on?
  2. How much comfort do you want?
  3. How reliable are you willing to see your boiler?
  4. How much are you now willing to spend on boiler room equipment in the bath?

Modern boilers for a bath differ in type, and in fuel, and in price and in size. And also, depending on the type of heat exchanger, they are all also subdivided into the following three groups:

  • Single-circuit, which are used only for heating the steam room itself.
  • Double-circuit, which serve both for heating and for heating water in the washing room.
  • Three-circuitheating the floors in the sauna and mini-pools.

What kind of boiler is needed in your bath depends on the material of its walls, and on the total area, and the regularity of its use. But installing a boiler in a bath is not an easy task, and it is better to do it together with specialists.

Which fuel is better to give preference to?

Specifically for baths today, as many as six types of boilers are produced:

  • solid fuel;
  • on gas;
  • on diesel fuel;
  • electrical;
  • steam boiler for a bath;
  • combined.

And each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. A photo will help to consider such boilers for a bath in more detail, and here is this video:

Solid fuel: cheap but cheerful

If you buy a coal boiler for a bath, then you will need to look for coal with a strictly defined moisture content and fraction. And it will be difficult to get rid of slag, dust and buckets in the bath.

But, at the same time, solid fuel boilers for a bath are capable of storing heat in it for a long time, but they are not at all designed for automatic operation. They also need periodic cleaning - not a pleasant job.

By the way, according to the reviews of experienced bath attendants, KS-TGZH-25A is recognized as the best solid fuel boiler from the existing industrial ones, which has the deepest furnace that only domestic boilers have. Its main advantages are that such a unit can be heated with both coal and wood. In addition, a special flange for the burner is welded from the bottom of such a boiler. This means that it will be possible to put a gas or diesel burner instead of a pellet burner, or diesel fuel, if the steam room and washing bath are well insulated from unpleasant odors.

Gas: clean but problematic

A modern gas boiler for a bath has a rather significant advantage over other types - that there is no ash and a burnt smell near it, everything around it is always clean and tidy. In addition, such a boiler room can be fully automated, and the burners themselves and the boiler are inexpensive.

In addition, gas boilers for a bath are considered the most compact - their weight does not exceed 50 kg, but their power reaches up to 40 kW. Thanks to all this, such a boiler can effectively heat not only a miniature bath, but a huge bath complex with a swimming pool up to 300 m2.

Electricity: only with three-phase network

An electric boiler for a bath, drawings of electricity provide only those where it is possible to use the night tariff, and heat can be stored in the storage tank. The total capital costs are, of course, low - you can even weld yourself metal barrel with heating element inside. But all this requires three-phase networkwith three times more power. Otherwise, such a boiler will simply be gold at cost.

But electric boilers for a bath are the most environmentally friendly. They do not need a ventilation system, or a lot of space, or fuel. They are easy to operate and can work in automatic mode as much as they want. True, they consume a lot of electricity, and therefore are considered quite expensive pleasure.

The most successful combinations

Experienced bath attendants have long been not limited to one type of bath boiler - it is much more profitable to combine their types.

Option number 1. Combination of a pellet boiler with an electric boiler, which will be used as a backup. The disadvantage of this combination is that at first you will have to spend well on the purchase of both, and the boiler room itself in the bath will need to be made quite spacious. But the advantages of this combination are quite pleasant: the cost of binding is much less than diesel, which is still very expensive, and the entire boiler room can be set up for fully automatic operation - from a week to a whole month. But the electric boiler itself can be put on night work on a two-tariff meter.

Option number 2. Such is the combination: a gas boiler in the bathhouse and a backup electric boiler. Gas is much cheaper than the same diesel, but with the help of it (especially if the area with the bath is gasified), you can also fully automate the boiler room of the bath. The only disadvantage of such a system is an expensive gas tank and the fact that it will have to be buried at a distance of 15 meters from the house, if the gas itself is not nearby the steam room. Although some craftsmen install a multi-cylinder installation, which ultimately comes out cheaper, they also need to be transported to gas filling stations from time to time. In general, such systems of boilers for a bath are one of the most convenient and safe. And profitable.

Option number 3. You can also combine a coal boiler with an electric one in the boiler room. But for this purpose an additional reservoir will be needed. After all, an electric boiler for a bath is most often just a pair of heating elements that heat the water, and therefore it is better to make a second circuit in a coal one, weld pipes into it for supplying the circulation of the system to the tank, and already in the tank itself - to build heating elements. So it will be possible to use two types of heaters simultaneously without any problems. Such a system will allow economical use of both that and that type of heating. And in winter, when it is especially good to take a steam bath, you do not have to heat up an immense amount of coal - it's time to connect the electric heating.

This is how a properly executed boiler room device should look like

These are the modern methods to equip your bathhouse and spend a minimum of time on kindling it. After all, a boiler is both profitable and convenient!

What is a bath boiler? How do boilers differ from sauna stoves, are they different devices or the same? Can I make a sauna boiler myself? Many Internet users are puzzled by similar questions, who decided to equip their own bathhouse. To help bath lovers, we have prepared detailed answers to these questions. You will learn what boilers are, how to make boilers for a bath with your own hands and much more.

With regard to the bath, we can say that there are boilers exclusively for steam rooms, and there are boilers for the entire heating system of a bath house. If we are talking about large multi-room baths, where there are washing rooms, dressing rooms, rest rooms, treatment rooms, then you cannot do without additional heating boilers. They are placed in separate rooms, and heaters are installed in steam rooms, which can also look like boilers. Thus, in large baths, two units are usually installed - boilers for the steam room and boilers for heating the room and hot water.

Types of heating devices

If we are talking about small, family baths, then there is usually only one heating device - a stove or a boiler for a bath. With its help, the room is heated, steam is obtained, and water is heated.

There are a lot of types of heating boilers. They can differ, for example, by the types of fuel used and be:

  • solid fuel (they work on wood, brown or coal, shale, peat and other solid organic materials);
  • liquid fuel (run on kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, distilled stove fuel);
  • working on gaseous fuels (on liquefied or natural gas);
  • electric.

Boiler diagram for a bath

As for the materials, it is worth noting the features. For example, a cast-iron boiler for a bath is rarely used. It is not used in a steam room. If set, then in a separate room, and used to heat bath rooms, water heating.

Directly in the steam room can be installed:

  • brick ovens;
  • metal boilers;
  • metal boilers lined with bricks.

Since olden times, the Russian bath was distinguished by its massive brick ovenhandcrafted. But new technologies have emerged, and now factories mainly produce compact metal heaters. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to purchase this unit. Perhaps someone, having the appropriate construction skills, will want to design a boiler for a bath with their own hands. How to do this correctly will be discussed further.

Video: which stove to choose for a sauna

Do-it-yourself boilers for a bath

The first thing to consider is the type of fuel that is supposed to be used for a homemade boiler in the steam room, and with the type of boiler, respectively. Gas boilers for a bath like electric ones - not the best way for self-installation. If you have already opted for them, then you should buy a ready-made unit of good quality, because in case of improper assembly and installation, there is a great risk of emergency situations.

Required skills

In addition, a gas boiler for a bath, the correctness of its installation, must be checked by the relevant regulatory authorities. But solid fuel boilers running on wood will be much easier to make and install. For their correct installation it is necessary:

  1. To imagine how boilers for a bath look on the diagram, drawings of boilers - this is what each homemade product needs to get initially. In these drawings, it is desirable that you can see how the boiler looks in section, from above and from the side, the parameters of all its parts are indicated separately, and the most significant structural connections are drawn. It is important to know the "language" of the schemes, to master special terminology, to understand the principles of the boiler operation.
  2. Purchase consumables for the boiler. Some parts can be found in building supermarkets, but for the components of the firebox you will have to go to a specialized store.
  3. Cut the metal. A thick-walled box has to be cut out of standard steel sheets, which is the body of a metal boiler. To do this, you need to get good quality metal scissors (this will determine how even the pattern will turn out).
  4. Weld the steel boiler drum. You will need the skills of a welder, as the cut steel sheets will have to be welded. The joint must be perfect.
  5. Cover the boiler with bricks. The brick box is created in order to soften the effect of the intense heat emanating from metal oven... Therefore, they build a brick fence-box with ventilation holes, passing along the perimeter of the boiler body. To do this, you need to know all the basic rules for laying bricks. The box must stand on a solid foundation, this also needs to be taken care of.

Sectional drawings of boilers for a bath

We suggest you make a simple open-type metal stove, in other words, a brick lined boiler.

Work order

You will need:

  • Sheet steel 5 mm thick, from which the boiler walls will be made.
  • Sheet steel 10 mm thick for the bottom. The steel will be thicker as the lower part of the boiler is exposed to the highest temperatures.
  • Reinforcement rods 3 mm in diameter. It will be necessary to make a metal mesh from them, on which the stones will be located. These rods will be supported by channels welded against the walls.
  • Tinplate 1.5 mm thick and 15 cm in diameter and asbestos for creating a chimney. A combined structure is provided for the pipe; the lower part of the branch pipe will be made of tin. The upper one is made of asbestos. Both parts of the chimney should be connected together with a special flange connection with a mandatory damper. We propose to use just this variant of the smoke channel, since it is the most fireproof: the asbestos part of the chimney is very well protected, it is not afraid of the effects of ultra-high temperatures.
  • Ready-made factory parts for boilers (water tank, faucet, doors, faucet, etc.).

Connect all parts of the boiler as shown in the diagram. If you have the appropriate construction skills, then it will not be at all difficult to build simple boilers for a bath - the photo in our article and the diagrams accompanying the text will help you with this. If you are not confident in your abilities, and you have never made anything like this before, then it is better to turn to specialists. The boiler is a fire hazardous device, so as not to risk the health and life of people, it should be designed and installed ideally.

A metal boiler for a bath is a great alternative to a brick stove. It can be made by hand, with minimal welding skills. In terms of quality, a boiler for a bath with your own hands will not be inferior to an industrially manufactured one. The boiler can be made from a metal pipe, thick-walled barrel or sheet iron.

Features of the design of the boiler for a bath

In terms of its design, the boiler for a bathhouse drawing has a completely different than conventional water heating tanks. It is no coincidence that they are also called stoves, they are equipped with a special pocket for heating stones, because of this, such boilers are heated quite quickly, and their heat capacity is high.

Boiler device:

The bath tank can be made without a heater, then the bath will only heat up from the walls of the tank and the boiler, however, the steam will be quite heavy, since the heat from the firebox will only be used to warm up the water. And the water will quickly boil and fill the bath with dense steam.

The firebox is made of metal with thick walls, as it carries maximum load heat, and the thin metal will burn out very soon. At the bottom of the combustion chamber, a grate must be installed through which ash from wood fuel is poured into the ash pan. The grate must be at least five millimeters thick.

An ash pan is a place located under the firebox, designed to collect ash and conveniently remove it. Through the ash-pan door, air enters the firebox, due to which the fuel burns.

The chimney is a duct for smoke exit from the stove. It must be equipped gate or gate valve, opening level, which can be adjusted to extract the smoke. The chimney passes through a stove or a tank, heats them up and ends with a smoke pipe.

Kamenka - built-in or hinged tank in a cauldron with special bath stones. The size of the heater depends on the size of the boiler and the steam room itself. As a rule, the size of the water tank, heater and firebox should not differ greatly.

Required tools and materials

To make a boiler for a bath with your own hands, you need a tool:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with a detachable circle.

In addition to metal sheets or barrels, you will also need:

It is also necessary examine the drawings of the boilers for a bath, there is nothing complicated in them.

Fire-resistant bricks are used to form a screen that allows better heat distribution throughout the steam room. It is laid out close to the outer side of the walls or at a short distance, or they are lined with the inner walls of the combustion chamber.

Cauldron for a bath from a barrel

The most simple construction, which allows you to make a boiler with your own hands from scrap materials. Such a boiler for a bath made from a barrel with a metal wall thickness of at least three millimeters - the thinner walls quickly burn out.

Boiler in a bath made of metal sheets

It is made by analogy with a cauldron from a barrel, but the shape will be not round, but square or rectangular. Used material - sheet metal not less than three millimeters thick. Boiler doors can be made from leftover metal or bought ready-made in the store and welded. It is best to start the production of a boiler for a bath with your own hands from a drawing, since accurate cutting will save material.

The boiler consists of a water tank with a chimney passing through it; heaters with facing and bosoms; furnaces with brickwork and ashpit and firebox doors. Stoppers are welded on each section.

Location structural elements the same as in a boiler from a barrel: from below there is an ash pan-blower, above it is a firebox, above it is a heater. The boiler can be made collapsible if the sections are not welded together. Smoke joints are insulated with asbestos.

The boiler into a bath made of metal sheets makes it possible to slightly improve the design and move the firebox to the dressing room or the sink compartment, thereby lengthening it. The hot water tank can be positioned above the heater or on one of the walls.

If there is a task to install or make a boiler in a bath with your own hands, it is worth understanding the requirements for it, the features of use and other nuances. This will allow you to get a high-quality device that will provide the required output.

It should be noted that the boiler for the bathhouse and the stove do not have fundamental differences, since both devices provide fuel combustion, space heating and, in some cases, water heating. However, this is only functionality, as for the features of the bath designs, there are differences. The boiler is a metal tank, and the stove is a brick structure built according to stove norms.

In the latter case, more material costs will be required, more space for placement. And the implementation of the project requires large investments, since the furnace business is quite specific, therefore it needs the actions of specialists.

Brick boiler

Therefore, it is much easier and cheaper to make a boiler for a bath with your own hands.

Types and features

Note: To choose the best design for a sauna boiler, you should understand its varieties. So, for example, there are devices used to heat the entire bath, and there are products that provide heating exclusively for the steam room.

If the bath is a set of rooms (steam room, treatment room, dressing room, rest room, shower room, etc.), it is necessary to ensure the installation of additional heating devices, which are located in separate rooms. In such conditions, as a rule, two devices are used - for a steam room, heating, and obtaining hot water.

If the bath is small, then one unit is enough, which will take over all the functions. This approach is more convenient and expedient.

Sauna boilers can be:

  • electrical - they are used, but very carefully, given the high level of danger of using electrical equipment in rooms with high temperature and humidity, in addition, there must be electricity in the room;

  • on gaseous fuel - liquefied natural gas, which means that gas supply must be supplied to the site;

  • liquid fuel - on fuel oil, diesel, kerosene, etc.; such fuel is not always available, so the advisability of using such a design remains at the discretion of the owner;

  • solid fuel - on wood, peat, coal, waste, etc.; such designs require constant temperature maintenance by adding solid fuel to the boiler.

Among solid fuel structures, pyrolysis boilers for a bath can be distinguished, which are products long burning... They provide ease of maintenance and long-term maintenance of the required temperature. For heating, wood or pellets are used, which have a certain moisture content - up to 12%. The fuel is loaded with your own hands one-time, and the effect of the boiler is provided for a day.

Construction material

Separately, it should be noted the classification of the materials used for the manufacture of aggregates.

Cast iron boilers for a bath are rarely used. Do not apply in the steam room. Installed only in selected rooms. Such bath boilers are suitable for heating water and heating.

For couples, the following products are used:

  • metal;

  • metal with brick cladding;

  • brick.

Brick boiler for a bath

The first option can be purchased at finished formwhile the other two require professional assistance for on-site fabrication. As a result, each type will cost a lot. Therefore, many people tend to try to make a boiler for a bath with their own hands. Of course, this activity is fraught with certain difficulties, requires time and financial costs, but using the made unit will be much more pleasant, because it is made by hand.

With removable hatch


Consider several successful combinations of boilers that can be used for a bath and made by hand:

  • Pellet and electric. The disadvantage of this solution is the cost of the equipment. Therefore, rather large initial costs are needed. In this case, you will need to allocate quite a lot of space for placing devices. However, there are advantages of such a solution: the affordable cost of pellet fuel, the possibility of automating the process, reducing costs by turning on the electric boiler only at night if a two-tariff meter is installed.

  • Gas and. This is a technological solution that will allow you to fully automate the process, not to mess with solid or liquid fuels, while always being provided with heat. Indeed, if the electricity is cut off, the gas supply is unlikely to be interrupted and vice versa.

  • Coal and electric boiler. Under certain conditions, such a combination can be both beneficial and convenient. Of course, you need to be able to buy coal profitably.

Coal or electricity boiler used in saunas

Knowledge and skills

First you need to decide on the fuel on which the boiler will operate, because many other parameters depend on this.

Note: Considering the safety conditions, availability and tradition of the procedure, it is better to choose. Do-it-yourself solid fuel units are quite simple, easy and affordable to maintain.

If you choose, for example, for a bath, this increases the danger of bathing procedures. In addition, the installation of such a unit will require approval from the regulatory authorities.

Therefore, solid fuel units are the best choice. And you should start organizing them with the preparation of diagrams and drawings. Some items can be purchased today in hardware stores, the rest can be done by hand. And the result can be obtained no worse than in the photo.

It is especially important to have the skills to use the welding machine. This is necessary in order to obtain a high-quality weld seam that ensures the reliability and durability of the structure.


So, let's try to make a boiler for a bath with our own hands. For small rooms it is quite possible to do homemade construction of several metal pipes... You can take products with a diameter of up to 50 cm with a wall thickness of up to 1 cm. To ensure maximum compactness of placement, the boiler for the bath can be made vertical.

Features of self-production of an effective boiler for a bath

And you should also use:

  • lattice;
  • a tap for a water tank;
  • fittings for creating a heater;
  • three steel circles: for the bottom, top covers;
  • hinges and latches for doors.

The main tools are a grinder and a welding machine.

To organize the firebox, a 90 cm long pipe is used. A cutout 20 cm long and 5 cm deep is made in it. At the bottom of the boiler, it will be needed as a blower. To ensure the possibility of changing the thrust, a sash with a latch is installed.

A grate is installed above the blower (the height should be convenient for loading firewood). It needs to be welded. A hole is made even higher for the door, which is hung on the hinges.

Installation of a metal boiler in a bath

Reinforcing bars are welded inside the pipe, which will be the foundation for the heater. Another hole is made in the upper part of the structure, which will allow the addition of liquid to the stones to generate steam.

At the end, it is necessary to weld steel sheets at the top and bottom of the structure, ensuring its tightness. The top cover must have a hole for chimneywhich is welded.

A 60 cm long pipe is installed on the structure, which will be used as a water tank. A crane is installed at the bottom of the product, on top is a circle cut into two parts. One plays the role of a lid on the hinges for pouring water (for this you need to provide a handle with a wooden plate), the other part is fixed by welding.

Of course, such a boiler for a bath is not the only design that you can do yourself. Products may differ in type, size, shape and other features. Moreover, the devices can be used not only for heating, but also for hot water use. Finished structures are installed on concrete foundation... If a appearance is unpresentable, you can ennoble it with your own hands, revealing it with brick. This will also add operational safety.

The result is an attractive and functional solution.

Making a stove for a bath from a pipe

What is a house without a bath? Wood-fired bath boilers will perfectly solve the problem not only with a bath, but also with heating your home where it is not possible to use other heating devices. They are accompanied by savings, they are autonomous, which is important, and do not depend on gas pipelines and electricity.

A solid fuel boiler has a number of advantages: it can work with different kinds fuels: coal, peat, firewood. Low cost of wood heating system, as well as the fuel itself.

Types of boilers

  • Direct combustion solid fuel boilers;
  • Solid fuel pyrolysis;
  • Solid fuel pellets.

A long-burning wood-burning boiler is the most common and traditional type of device used for a Russian bath, where the fuel is an environmentally friendly product: firewood, coal, box, briquettes, anthracite. The main advantage is autonomy! A wood-fired sauna boiler - copes with any kind of load, and can be used as a backup, for heating the whole house. Sophisticated, caring and hospitable owners will certainly take our advice and flood the bathhouse from the road.

The developed newest combustion method allows to increase the continuous operation of about thirty hours, when laying firewood, and coal works for more than five days. The most important advantage, not inferior to economy, is the ease of installation, which can be located even on a small-sized area, and for a Russian bath it is a universal heating equipment, if it is possible to heat the room with an environmentally friendly product - firewood, which for a summer residence, country house or a Russian bath is irreplaceable.

There are several types of wood-burning boilers, but all of them are filling, are often used in buildings for a bath, require a separate room and must good chimney! At the moment, the opportunity has been created not only to heat the living space, but also to additionally heat water for domestic needs.

Boilers for a wood-fired bathhouse are quite reliable, it is quite possible not to be afraid, to use without fear that it will become cold or the device may go out. Another plus, they are capable of operating on other fuels, for example, coal or coke.

Figure: one

Nowadays, demand is only growing, because the most average wood-burning representative can warm up a room of about 200 square meters, and the power is only 20 kW, for a Russian bath, heat and steam are simply irreplaceable.

There are quite a few varieties, in particular:

  • By heat exchanger material: steel, copper, cast iron.
  • Exhaust gas emission: natural draft and forced.
  • Burner type: atmospheric or ventilation.
  • Installation: floor or wall.

The latest models of solid fuel boilers provide for automated fuel supply to the device. The device is quite simple - a burner, a boiler, a fan, for burning out, automatic feed fuels using shredded wood fuel, compressed into a spherosome 5–70 mm x 6–8 mm in size, without additives.

This type of fuel for devices is an environmentally friendly product. The 150 l tank is designed for 48 hours of operation of the wood-burning boiler. The preference of the developers remains for the main type of fuel for the wood-burning boiler, the basis of the Russian bath.

  • The main type is firewood,
  • reserve - coal, coke, and so on.

The modernized wood-fired bath boilers are equipped with specific burners for greater and better utilization of wood fuel. In wood-fired units, the fuel is burned by burning, i.e. firewood smolders in the firebox section, and combustion products burn out in an additional tank, and we ensure a longer and more even burning of firewood. A traditional wood-fired boiler makes it possible to transfer heat with minimal losses, which gives the uniqueness of a Russian wood-fired sauna.

Figure: 2

In Russian-style baths, a wood-burning unit has become not only a means of heating the room, but, of course, heating the water! It brings additional coziness and rustic flavor. Such models are quite popular among summer residents who are on the site for a short time.

Figure: 3

A simple stove with a damper, in which there is no complicated automation, is quite simple and convenient to use. Wood boilers Russian baths - this is an unsurpassed quality and unique lightness of steam thanks to deciduous and coniferous wood.

The Russian sauna is an object of national pride, a whole art and philosophy of the Russian soul! The temperature in a Russian bath can reach 100 degrees, with a relative humidity of 90%. Originally, a Russian sauna with wood burning personified a log cabin with a stove - a stove, water was heated on a stove in clay pots, over time, steam began to form with the help of a steam boiler, and hot water - hot water appliance.

Figure: four

From the depths of centuries, pleasure has been laid in us, to contemplate the flame of a fire, so it is not surprising that heating with wood has remained as relevant for centuries as before. A wood burning fireplace is the dream of any person who has vacation home or a summer residence. Modern units, with the help of designers, fit perfectly into the interior of modern country houses, creating coziness and bewitching with the sparkling flame of a fire.

Figure: five

Steam room on wood, has truly healing properties, for which it is appreciated by the Russian people. Warmth, crackling wood in the stove and a Russian bathhouse - what can bring peace better than the aroma of birch logs and fragrant wood steam!