Lindsay Williams biography. Revelations of the dying massion of the Bilderberg Club

Revelations of another crawler of the coming crisis. There are interesting thoughts.

Lindsay Williams
REFERENCE. The Baptist priest, ordained to the missionary ministry at Alaska in 1971 from the beginning of the 70s, served as Chapellane in Alaska during the construction period of the extended pipeline. Allegedly came together with some representatives of the world elite. Since then, he (on a mortal window, by phone and during personal meetings) regularly "merge" information about the plans of the global elite with key events and some macro-focusers (scatter% rise in prices, the amount of raw materials prices, etc.). According to the "Referey", leading the correctness of the correctness of their forecasts, 75-80% of them come true.

Williams predictions are usually limited to the short-term perspective (year or two). Retrospectively is very curious his message (in the book The Energy Non-Crisis - the "energy crisis that was not", 1980; video version -) about the opening in 1976 underground Petroleum Sea in Northern USA(PC. Dakota and Montana), which can easily provide the states of oil for many decades in a row (reserves of 503 billion barrels). [That is, the States in abundance has lightly low-grade oil at a cost of $ 16 per barrel (the so-called "sweet", not viscous or highly patronous, the processing of which is much more complicated!). But the owners of this wealth sell it will be $ 200!].

As for American natural gas, its stocks in America so much that is enough for 200 years. The development of this field was immediately banned, its existence is classified, and the topic of "spreading" is silent - as long as the oil price does not reach $ 150-200. By the way, one of the ideologues of the policy of purchasing oil abroad for green paper (dollars) was G. Kissinger (his Williams mentions repeatedly).

And, in addition to the "sea of \u200b\u200boil", in 2005, it became aware of another deposit in the US Rocky Mountains with a volume of 2,000 trillion. barrels. Bush-ml. In one of his speeches mentioned him. it the largest field in the world (oil it is 8 times more than in Saudi Arabia). [Thus, from the mid-1970s, the Oil Question for the United States is purely geopolitical: this is a means of managing the surrounding world, which, if desired, can be easily turned into a means of destroying entire states and peoples.]

Some predictions of Lindsay Williams (some items voiced them again 35 years ago) :

- The dollar will become a "corpse" by 2012. This process is fully managed and implemented gradually. The dollar will exist, but will cease to be global reserve currency. ["Frog in a slowly heated saucepan." Due to the fact that the backstage was able to turn the scaffold with trillion inflows to the banking and mortgage system, the beginning of the acute phase of the crisis / collapse was randomly for her about a year - as previously said insider George Green. (By the way, many of his messages are well joking with the forecasts of Williams). However, for the price of oil, it will be clearly judged, in which phase is the process.]

- China ranks US ("China will become the main one"). China has concluded an agreement with Russia for the supply of energy (oil and gas). At the same time, the Russian Federation came out on the 1st place in reserves and mining to overtake Saudi Arabia. At the same time, the Russian Federation and China are preparing for the creation of regional currencies. Since the dollar ceases to be a reserve currency, the markets are quickly formed, which will replace the average class of the United States (BRICS countries). [China has already announced plans to improve the welfare of the Chinese people, i.e. In China, its middle class will be formed.] Against the background of unrest and civil war in the Middle East Lindsay Williams warns: "See not there [not on the main news of the day: this is a smoke curtain!]; watch China and Russia. There will be the main events [on the establishment of NMPs - through a new version of socialism?]. " General Motors now produces more in China than in the United States.

In 2011. there will be no problems with the number of food, but people will be starved [Price increase plug (fall in the USA) - 30-50%; About events on Fukushima Williams says nothing. A year ago I gave advice: take a break with my family, keep friends with people close to you, because then the situation will be such that you can no longer afford it].

- There is a preparation for the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange; Insiders massively emerge from securities (January 10-14, 2011 was sold out of $ 163 million, and not bought for the first time in history). The released money was invested in precious metals. But the situation is such that buy silver coins in the US can no longer: everything is bought. Such a speaker comes from September 2010. [China and India buy all available on sale.]] The official US government debt is already 17 trillion $. (March 2011). China leaned out to other money countries more than the World Bank. China becomes more influential than weakening SS. [Those. As Soros foreshadowed, China will rise, the states are collapsed. The horror grows in the states to the rising Chinese, it is clearly visible in the media and the Internet].

Curious fact. Recently, in just one day, the Fed released (printed) 1 trillion $. If you fold 100 $'s stacks of paper in almost human growth, then the left in the corner of the person is 1.80m in growth, and the rest of the football field is bucks. After the announcement of the emission of this scale, the price of gold for 18 h jumped $ 75 per ounce. Investors massively overlook the dollar. The dollar is in clinical death in resuscitation. It remains to wait for ads in the news summary ... (see from the mark 1:02:00)

The elite recognizes only real assets (subsoil with their contents: oil, water, metals, real estate, etc.). Against the background of the controlled collapse of the dollar and the euro, the price of gold will reach in 2011 to $ 2,000, and then up to 3000 $ For Troyan Oz. Silver will come down to 300$ . Oil - up to $ 200 per barrel.

Tasks destabilization of the Middle East [And other oil suppliers in the region]: Due to the termination or instability of energy supply to the EU and the USA, the price of fuel is Cashkalit, and the global economy will enter an even deeper crisis; euro collapses; Social and national unrest will begin in Europe. [There will be redistributed property and power.] If 2-3 weeks after the start of the fall of the euro, the owners of the shares will not get rid of European securities, they will lose everything. Shares will cost no more paper from which they are made. The air transportation industry will work with large interruptions (the price of fuel is high, and the purchasing power is low).

[Obvious goal also: to divide the banking economy and solidarity / unity of the Arab world, and use it to favor Israel. What is characteristic: Williams changes Israel more than once, but intentionally does not affect the situation with the Zionist state surrounded by the Muslim Brothers, although it gives a hint for the arrival of radicals with the laws of Sharia to change the pro-Western governments; Then the situation will simplify to the limit, and Israel will "manifest themselves in all its glory."]

Will not come yet cheroid Saudi Arabia And its royal family, the situation is more or less clear, but as soon as the events will begin in this kingdom, "you will not seem to know." Saudi Arabia is the main oil provider in the United States. Once it is "hardening", events will begin the events of cardinal, world importance.

- Wars with Iran Nearby 1.5-2 years will not: It has not yet come time. But the crisis in the Middle East will spread rapidly from the country to the country. It is necessary to "fill up" the Arab Mediterranean region, block the Suez Canal (for this and began with Egypt) and drive prices for the level of 200 $ / barrel. The price per gallon of gasoline will reach $ 7. However, creating a crisis, the elite already has ready-to-solve problems. The development of American oil will begin, [and the production of biofuels will urgently unfold], and all the former "oil kings" will remain not affairs.

[Actually, illiterate Bedouins only temporarily made rich: In order to control the geopolitics of this region through the flows of paper dollars, and as a result, to achieve the collapse of the Soviet Union, as unacceptable for the "Project" snapshots (too social, non-annual and politically dangerous). Now Arabs will be returned to their initial state (the investment rating of the same Libya has already been impoverished). And here it is quite appropriate to recall the plans of the Zionists to expand Israel to the borders of the promised land - from Nile (Central Egypt) to Evfrat (current Iraq). They just wait their o'clock, armed and preparing.

Most likely, China with Russia will remain "with their own," while the Arabs will resist the implementation of the anticasting strategy through the elimination of Israel (the Quran is not in vain burned). The theme of biofuel from algae in the speeches of L. Williams remains behind brackets; It was not ordered to talk about her the priest.]

- Within 2 years, the United States will change unrecognizable. Recalling insider information from Janet Nololitano (US National Security Minister) urged her friends to make a minimum of the semi-annual stock of products (long storage) and water, as well as "cash" (remove everything from bank accounts). Gold and silver coins will perform in the role of reserves of payments [it is recommended to translate "cash" and "non-cash" into real liquids], because No banks, no stores work; The whole system collapses. "Be sure to have a roof over your head, for which everything is paid." Otherwise, stay out on the street. [The corporate state will become the main employer of Americans.] It is also important have a firearm [And 90% of Americans have long armed with trunks of different calibers]. It is also important that the elite has already left the territories in which it will be unsafe. "You will become so poor that you can't do anything about it!" (It is said by Williams in 2009, with amendment in 1 year; Those. By 2012, everything will be over with the active population of states).

But the ultimate goal of the elite is not money from the sale of oil, but total control and power, Go to NMP. [The rules of this game Williams, apparently, does not know.]

And finally, the culmination of the performance of Williams. At the end of the third disc, the real "Suffoon" is read: another priest (Tony Pierce; from the mark 2:20:45) reads the sermon with quotes from the Bible and calls for a flock to mount the heart before difficult times. "God loves you, in his own way and likeness is created by a person, but the person chose disobedience, and did not go there ... - he moved away from God." Prayer for all "sentenced" Americans is offered: bow your head and pray for forgiveness; "I sinned and deserve eternal punishment for moving away from you, but I came to a place in which I recognize your primacy, Jesus, and rebel from the dead on the 3rd day. Forgive me my sins. Amen". - This is such a type of clock in America. Church at height!

[By the way, apocalyptic video stocking With a completely fallen voice tone and content on the network, there are, and they cannot not have psychological pressure - primarily on the believing Americans. And the main means of pressure and argument again performs the arch of the Old Testament Bible texts. No appeals for courage and resistance, to protect your relatives and loved ones. Pray and accept your destiny; After all, the Lord loves you ...]

At the end of this triple DVD, Lindsay Williams gives eloquence on the extinction of indigenous Europeans and North American, against the background of growing Islamic immigration. Muslims in Europe already 52 million in 20 years this quantity will double. The average fertility rate in the EU (31 countries) is 1.38. Consequently, the process of degeneration of Europeans is already irreversible. The fertility coefficient is one married couple - from 1.1 to 1.8. By 2027 each 5th Frenchman will be a Muslim. Approximately the same situation in Germany. After 39-40 years, France and Germany will automatically become Islamic republics. In the Netherlands and Belgium 50% of newborns - Muslims. In some European countries, mosques are already more than churches.

The same thing happens in Canada (in 2001-2006 1.6 million babies were born - from them 1.2 million - immigrants), and in the US (where the birth rate is 1.6, although the coefficient must be held for the restraint not lower than 2,11). The observed demographic increase is, primarily due to Latin Americans. Soon the number of Muslims will reach 50 million, and Islam will become the dominant religion of America. [But nothing smarter than " it's time to act"Reader failed to read for the scene." It turns out, Capellan is a hint of the murder of American Muslims?].

[The speedy economic collapse of the European Union and the currency of the euro (with the subsequent arrival of nationalism and hatred policies) in an interview with Williams is indicated quite clearly, but the direct speech of the priest is diplomatic. He was presented in the form of a forecast voiced in the European Bellement on November 24, 2010, Nigel Faraj, co-president "EFD Group"; See from the mark 52:25 - This can not be missed! And about the fact that liberalism paves the path of Nazism, it was said more than once.]

Basic video footage -\u003drfbi1bzwzj4 ; Numerous videos with performances L. Williams are available through search engines on

Instead of imprisonment

For readers, following the statements of another "horn of the backstage", George Soros, as well as "alternatives" like George Selente, Max Kaiser and other "System's Mochillers", and those who know about the picturesque panel at Denver Airport, having a swastika form, and forecasts of the coming Events of a global scale, everything described above is logical to the unified psychological panel. For those who believe in economists, Soros broadcasts; For those who believe in God, the priest is broadcast. And for the "unstable layers of the population", "demolitions" from the fifth column have long been broadcast (just as it happened in the USSR on the eve of decay).

And the financial speculator, and the priest say: I will accept our fate, America will fall ... And the "fifth column" screams: the criminal regime should be destroyed! But few remember that the information provocateurs pushed the USSR into the abyss under similar slogans, but they performed completely different tasks of other people's plans. In fact, the same thing happens in the United States and some other regions.

Considering that neither the banking and mortgage crisis provoked by the dolls of transnational corporations, nor the megakatestro in the Gulf of Mexico, nor the "probing" offensive on the trade unions in Wisconsin nor radioactive uranium-iodine sediments from Japan could nominate from the bottom of the Wise National Leader and massively bring people to Streets of American cities, you can probably fake in a low voice: "Goodbye, America ...". The process of controlled collapse, which so many want, irrelevant.

However, it is especially enough to rejoice. After all, the question is inevitably the question: Do we have a national leader who can use the emerging situation for the benefit of our long-term and long-occupied country, for the benefit of the Russian people, who are methodically subjected to genocide and successfully reduced to the role of an energy appendage of the economies of other states and empires? After all, if not, the global plans of the global elite will be embodied rapidly and inevitably ...

Translation from English, Comments and inserts -SisterMercy.
From here

A member of the Bilderberg Club, incurably sick Lindsay Williams made several striking revelations about what awaits us in the near future, and about the plans of the Illuminati in relation to humanity.

Gold and silver - the only thing you can count on. All assets and money that you have, as soon as possible, it is necessary to convert to gold and silver - urgently, writes

Hurry up, because the illuminates are preparing jars to collapse, and it will happen very soon. We are depressed, soon everything will be completely poor, and this will happen over the next two years, we fall to the level of peasants and peasant life. You should not depend on real estate, assets (wealth, inheritance, investment, etc.).

Banks are conducted by a mortgage lending crisis, which will be regulated in accordance with the law approved by the US Congress two weeks ago and allowing banks to select real estate, without having any authority. Therefore, if you have a mortgage loan, pay it now or sell your home to be able to purchase another real estate, paying it in full, even if money from sale is enough only to buy a shack. Take care that your modest home is fully paid - millions of people will lose their homes!

Obama adopted a healthcare program developed under the control of banks and carried out through insurance companies. This government adopted a hidden bill, where he places firearms, euthanasia, etc.

The US government has given China Panama Canal many years ago. This is the Strategy of Council on International Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission!

China owns all Greek ports

China owns 90% of all rare-earth minerals - components for technologies, weapons, etc. China produces 80% of the arms components for the US Army. The United States is dependent on China!

China is the largest natural mineral resources in the world. She owns more than half of the prey in Australia. China owns mines in Africa, USA, in the Middle East, in Canada! China holds a monopoly on 90% of all rare-earth minerals!

China leads trade operations in all currencies, rich in cash, so that can buy / sell any currency.

Russia is the largest oil and gas manufacturer. It is necessary to follow China and Russia. Americans will never win the war against them, because the United States moved all its processing industry in China!

Globalists want to provoke a crisis in the Middle East for several months. Goldman Sachs Bank, City Bank and IMF are already in Iran. They entered, so to speak, through the back door to paralyze Iranians financially before attack. You should also know that the United States and Europe sold Iran computers with viruses. This is a leading blow. So, we see how Iran is currently destroyed, as it was with Iraq. They are preparing to strike in Iran for several months!

DEVIL project "S Mesia (Devil Messiah)

An incurable sick magnate also said: "The project" Devil "is enforced - we must get rid of God to open the road to a new world order."

He added that the project "The Devil" means complete perversion, because they (illuminates) cannot force the Orthodox God-fearing people to believe in it! So now we know why humanity is abused by homosexuality, abortions, euthanasia, pornography, damnitz dresses, witchcraft - all this for preparing for the arrival of the antichrist !!!

Illuminati insist on establishing "One World Religion" (Unified World Religion)

The National Council of Churches (World Council of Churches) is funded at the expense of Masonic organizations - Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford. It is interesting to note, this Council and Funds promote false ecumenism (Movement for the World Christian Association) into religious communities.

Most churches in the United States took this initiative. The soul hurts when you think about how religious initiatives in the name of the word of the Lord were perverted in some parts of the United States, Ireland and even in Westminster Archbishopia! Such religious initiatives lead only to the inclusive church! Enough, good people!

In the United States and some countries were adopted by the decrees in which the local sherif is given the right to hang the castle on the church, if there is at least one complaint against the pastor of this church for a performance against homosexuality, etc. They proclaim such laws and regulations to close any church outside of legal procedures, as is happening in China.

"We must have our own media national funds to establish a new world order!" They already have these funds: media corporation belonging to the Masonic organization. They deliberately destroy civilization.

The elites control China and Russia, the President of the United States and Congress.

Congress is going to impose a Cybersecurity Act and carbon emissions tax. The American taxpayer will be invited to save the country from the claws of the mortgage crisis, which will bring about 3 trillion on the dish. dollars. Large banks buy small banks who are trying to save our economy, but the illuminates do not give them the opportunity to do it. With the help of the Bilderberg Club, full-scale control over your money, your home, your car, over your entire life!

The authorities of Ecuador were deprived of Julian Assange asylum in the London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained by the British police, and this was already named the largest betrayal in the history of Ecuador. What do Assange be merged and what awaits him?

The programmer and journalist from Australia Julian Assange gained broad fame after in 2010 the WikiLeaks website founded the secret documents of the US Department of State, as well as materials concerning hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But to know who the police officers, supporting under his arms, was taken out of the building, it was quite difficult. Assange released the beard and was not at all looked like an energetic man, as still appeared in the photos.

According to Ecuadorian President Lenin, Moreno, the Asiange refuge, due to the repeated violation of the international conventions.

It is expected that in the police station in the center of London, it will stay until it appears in the Westminster Magistrate Court.

Why president of Ecuador accused of betrayal

Former President of Ecuador Rafael Correa called the decision of the current government to be the largest betrayal in the history of the country. "The fact that he is (Moreno - approx. Ed.) Made, is a crime that mankind will never forget," said Correa.

London, on the contrary, thanked Moreno. In the British Foreign Ministry believe that justice triumphed. Representative of the Russian diplomatic department of Maria Zakharova Other opinion. "The hand of" democracy "squeezes the throat of freedom," she noted. The Kremlin expressed the hope that the rights of the arrested will be observed.

Ecuador was covered by Assange, because the former president adhered to left-center views, criticized the US policy and welcomed the publication of WikiLeaks secret documents on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even before the Internet activist needed asylum, he managed to personally meet Correa: he took his interview for the Russian TV channel.

However, in 2017, power in Ecuador changed, the country took a course for rapprochement from the United States. The new president called the Assange "Stone in the boot" and immediately made it clear that his stay on the territory of the embassy would not delay.

According to Correa, the moment of truth has arrived at the end of June last year, when Vice-President of the United States, Michael Pens, arrived in Ecuador. Then everyone decided. "You can not doubt: Lenin is just a hypocrite. He has already agreed with the Americans about the fate of Assange. And now it tries to make us swallow the pill, saying that Ecuador is allegedly continuing the dialogue," said Koryaa in an interview with Russia Today.

How Assange has profited new enemies

The day before the arrest, the editor-in-chief of Wikileaks Christine Kurthunsson said that the total surveillance was carried out for Assange. "Wikileaks revealed a large-scale spy operation against Julian Assange at the Ecuador Embassy," he said. According to him, around Assange, the cameras and voice recorders were monitored, and the administrations of Donald Trump were transferred received.

Saverasson clarified that Assange was going to expel the week before. This did not happen only because Wikileaks announced this information. The plans of the Ecuador authorities of the portal reported a high-ranking source, but the head of Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry José Valencia denied rumors.

The expulsion of Assange was preceded by a corruption scandal around Moreno. In February, WikiLeaks published the Package Pacham Ina Papers, where the operations of the Ina Investment offshore company, founded by a brother Ecuadorian leader, was traced. Quito stated that this is a conspiracy of Assange with the Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and the former head of Ecuador Raphael Korraaa in order to overthrow Moreno.

In early April, Moreno complained about the behavior of Assange in the London Mission of Ecuador. "We have to protect the life of Mr. Assange, but he has already moved all the boundaries in the sense of violation of the agreement to which we came with him," the president said. "This does not mean that he cannot speak freely, but he cannot lie and do hacking. ". At the same time, in February last year, it became known that Assange in the embassy was deprived of the opportunity to interact with the outside world, in particular, he was disabled access to the Internet.

Why Sweden stopped persecution of Assange

At the end of last year, Western media, referring to sources, reported that Assange was charged with the United States. Officially, this was not confirmed, however, because of the position of Washington, Assange had to hide in the Ecuador embassy six years ago.

Sweden in May 2017 ceased to investigate two rape cases in which the founder of the portal was accused. Assange demanded compensation of court costs in the amount of 900 thousand euros.

Earlier, in 2015, the Swedish prosecutor's office also took three charges with him over the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Where led to the investigation of the case of rape

Assange arrived in Sweden in the summer of 2010, hoping to protect against the American authorities. But he fell under the investigation of rape case. In November 2010, a warrant was issued in Stockholm for his arrest, Assange was announced to international wanted list. He was detained in London, but they soon released secured in 240 thousand pounds.

In February 2011, the British court decided to extradite Assange to Sweden, after which a number of appeals were successful for the founder of WikiLeaks.

The British authorities placed his home arrest before deciding on extradition to Sweden. Violation of this authority promise, Assange asked asylum at the Ecuador Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich was granted to him. Since then, the United Kingdom has its own claims to the founder of WikiLeaks.

What awaits Assange now

According to the police, the man was re-arrested at the request of the United States on extradition for the publication of classified documents. At the same time, the deputy head of the British Foreign Ministry Alan Duncan stated that Assange would not shift to the United States, if he was to threaten the death penalty.

In the UK, Assange, most likely, will appear before the court in the afternoon of April 11. This is stated on the WikiLeaks page in Twitter. Probably, the British authorities will seek the maximum term of concluding in 12 months, the mother said with a reference to his lawyer.

At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office of Sweden is considering the possibility of renewing an investigation on rape charges. Lawyer Elizabeth Massey Fritz, which represented the interests of the victim, will achieve it.

Of the rather large number of interviews and statements made in the last year by insiders and public analyst researchers, you can make interesting conclusions. In this material, allocate only the two names: independent scientist Jordan Maxwell and the priest Lindsin Williams. Both during the interviews and telecoms actively advertise their books and DVDs with performances and willingly hold the ramp lights. Both "work in the public", love bright images and facts, constantly repeat "You didn't know about it? Get ready: now learn ... ". And both, apparently, are the horn of various clans of world backstage, and carry out different information policies, but having loved in fact.

Jordan Maxwell

The main theses of his accusations against the Vatican are about these. The Vatican is the former Roman Empire, but in the form of the current Europe represented by the EU format. This empire is already the 32nd century. It is mirror like Italian mafia (many features are the same or similar). The concept of the papacy is such that in the absence of Jesus Christ on Earth, the Catholic Church, headed by a vicar - dad, acts in the lack of Jesus Christ. That is, Dad is the Vladyka of All Earth before the return of Christ. However, in the form of a tangible vertical power, the role of the Vatican is not visible. Based on historical data, Maxwell builds anti-Vatikan centions (from the fascist symbolism of antiquity, through the Crusades and fires of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages - to the fascism of the XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries). Vatican - the main evil And the danger, threatening with the planet, considers Maxwell.

The Roman Empire was combined at the initial stage with a polytestic (pagan) culture, but then forced to adopted the Christian doctrine from Jews [and became the conductor of the so-called biblical concept]. Actively fought with Muslims, but they were stopped. To introduce into adjustable territories, the Order of the Temples Templar has formed. The knights copied enormous wealth, and as the true sons of Italian mafia, did not want to share with the hosts. As a result, the temples separated and went to Scotland, and then over the ocean (in the States). But the Vatican never forgets anything and does not forgive ...

Vatican is always covered, rarely advertised. After the forced replacement of the explicit colonial system on the coloniality of the implicit (economic), the Vatican is looking for ways to return the dominant position in the world. The last efforts in this direction were to cultivate fascism in Europe and cooperation with the Nazi regimes of Germany and Italy. [At the same time, the Vatican did one general case with the Banker's Jewish clans of the United States. After World War II, the Vatican served as a "transshipment base" for sending war criminals and scientists in the United States and South America.]

The list of crimes of Jesuitis from Maxwell is erected "in the rank of rods." It seems that this researcher was engaged from somewhere from the structures of the Rothschilds and use the Vatican in the process of the informational war in the past year of the information war. Without some clear motivation, the scientist prophesate and some terrible events in mid-April 2011 ( starting from 11/4/11) - on the scale of equal events on September 11, 2001). He does not offer anything as an alternative, he comes down to the topic "Vatican bad" and "America will collapse, and very quickly."

[While Maxwell over the years accused the US and West population in stupidity and ABOUTeternity, not offering any ways to form a humane building of the psyche. Not a word about Israel, Rothschild and Rockefeller clans. The management of society is visible only in historical antiquity through the aliens-Anunakov, which "reached" to our time through the pedigrees of the ancient rulers. In this part of Maxwell's statement, Maxwell is fully joined with the opres of the notorious publicists of Zecharia Sitchin and David Ayka.

It is logical to assume that this is one of the elements of the interglane information war with the protrusion of the negative sides of one of the participants in the conflict and the full silence of the presence of "skeletons" in its own closet. After decades of silence, the Vatican began a propaganda anti-ismist campaign, and wants to be positioned as a moral judge of the Rostovists, the hope of the oppressed, and the builder of a new future. In general, against the background of hostile replicas about Russia and the Soviet Union and the lack of objective information and critics in Jordan Maxwell, the inform-agent of the Zionists (Rothschilds) is guessed.]

Videos D. Maxwell of the last months:\u003d0rMayvree-O;\u003d5P_RRTS_WFQ;\u003dFIIIK90673O;\u003dp8a7v6kryta.

Two iconic events confirming the fact of the leading interclane war almost imperceptibly flashed in our media in the fall of 2010 and in the spring of 2011. Namely: in October last year, "in the final statement, on the basis of a 2-week conference, the Episcopian Synod states that the biblical concept of the promised land cannot serve as an excuse for the construction of settlements [in Palestinian Earth]." Following this, political activities in recognition of the Palestinian state among countries with strong Catholic influence increased dramatically. As a result, in less than 2 months, Palestine was recognized immediately 7 states. Israel regretted. In the diplomatic language, such steps are equivalent to the declaration of war ...

And in early March of this year, it was reported that "the Catholic Church officially refused the idea of \u200b\u200bthe collective responsibility of the Jewish people for the death of Christ ... a detailed analysis of the time why all the Jews cannot be considered responsible for the execution of Jesus, he was done by Pope for the first time." Accordingly, Israel expressed satisfaction. But, probably, no one has yet forgotten that the current Pope Nazi roots, and such a tactical move may well mean concealing true intentions?

Lindsay Williams

REFERENCE. The Baptist priest, ordained to the missionary ministry at Alaska in 1971 from the beginning of the 70s, served as Chapellane in Alaska during the construction period of the extended pipeline. Allegedly came together with some representatives of the world elite. Since then, he (on a mortal window, by phone and during personal meetings) regularly "merge" information about the plans of the global elite with key events and some macro-focusers (scatter% rise in prices, the amount of raw materials prices, etc.). According to the "Referey", leading the correctness of the correctness of their forecasts, 75-80% of them come true.

Lindsay Williams, in particular, predicted the fall in oil prices to $ 10 (it was his first prediction - back in the 1980s). Of the recent oil forecasts - predicted a fall in $ 147 to $ 50, and the fact that about 2.5 years old will hold on to 50-80 $. Indeed, in the second half of 2008 - the fall stopped at $ 44; The temporary price framework of the forecast was also sustained.

He predicted events in the Middle East in 2011 (during the radio transmission 5/11/2010 predicted "Middle Eastern crisis in 4-5 months" - which came true after 3 months; although he was not called a specific country (s)). In the past, every time the media and the public did not believe him, but he always turned out to be right. Therefore, now his interviews are a "hot topic". It is characteristic that Williams calls the viewers to freely distribute his information, and deliberately does not protect it by copyright, so it is in free access on the Internet.

Apparently, the priest is used as the root structures of close to the Vatican. On the Internet there are videos in which he is directly accused of promoting the plans of the Vatican. Meanwhile, for the global elites clans, it is supposedly important to declare their plans before moving them into life ("event architects"). This "they" demonstrates the level of their power and declare themselves ("Make the territory" and like themselves to God: "Said - done"). It is worth noting that in the historical past of such customs from the Vatican not observed.

[However, Williams for the disclosure of the plans of the elite does not eliminate and does not interfere with its propaganda, i.e. He seems to be the herald of politicians of one of the backstage groups. He does not speak more allowed and / or what he said and does not deepen into his own conclusion ("parrot"), and he himself remembers that it became with J. Kennedy, who "thought to argue with them." As a priest, he does not criticize the social system and the moral aspects of the actions of its patrone-informants; does not call for something (for example, counteracting them); His behavior is akin to inquiring, driving his mouth, on a giant, who will cry out now as a beetle. Some part of the information broadcast can be "desoi", something in its forecasts can be an informational pumping of future events (when everyone is waiting for some events, it happens). However, the situation is serious: there is a public announcement of the program to establish a new world order (NMP) in the world.]

Manipulating politicians, NGOs and public opinion is another "horse" of the informants of Williams, which he also says a lot. He mentions the same "Greenpeace" as the organization-funded "by them". The names of their informants Williams does not call, although the names are already deceased, perhaps and reveals (he repeats more than once: I call his name on such a disk).

Williams predictions are usually limited to the short-term perspective (year or two). Retrospectively is very curious his message (in the book The Energy Non-Crisis - the "energy crisis that was not", 1980; video version -) about the opening in 1976 underground Petroleum Sea in Northern USA(PC. Dakota and Montana), which can easily provide the states of oil for many decades in a row (reserves of 503 billion barrels). [That is, the States in abundance has lightly low-grade oil at a cost of $ 16 per barrel (the so-called "sweet", not viscous or highly patronous, the processing of which is much more complicated!). But the owners of this wealth will sell it $ 200. !].

As for American natural gas, its stocks in America so much that is enough for 200 years. The development of this field was immediately banned, its existence is classified, and the topic of "spreading" is silent - as long as the price of oil does not come out in the range of $ 150-200. By the way, one of the ideologues of the policy of purchasing oil abroad for green paper (dollars) was G. Kissinger (his Williams mentions repeatedly).

And, in addition to the "sea of \u200b\u200boil", in 2005, it became known about another deposit in the Rocky Mountains of the United States with the volume of 2,000 trillion stocks. barrels. Bush-ml. In one of his speeches mentioned him. it the largest field in the world (oil it is 8 times more than in Saudi Arabia). [Thus, from the mid-1970s, the Oil Question for the United States is purely geopolitical: this is a means of managing the surrounding world, which, if desired, can be easily turned into a means of destroying entire states and peoples.]

Some forecasts of Lindsay Williams(Some items were voiced for them again 35 years ago) :

- The dollar will become a "corpse" by 2012. This process is fully managed and implemented gradually. The dollar will exist, but will cease to be global reserve currency. ["Frog in a slowly heated saucepan." Due to the fact that the backbone was able to turn the scaffold with trillion injections to the banking and mortgage system, the beginning of the acute phase of the crisis / collapse was moved to her about a year - as previously said insider George Green (by the way, many of his messages are well joking with the forecasts of Williams ). However, for the price of oil, it will be clearly judged, in which phase is the process.]

- China ranks US ("China will become the main one"). China has concluded an agreement with Russia for the supply of energy (oil and gas). At the same time, the Russian Federation came out on the 1st place in reserves and mining, bypassing Saudi Arabia. And the Russian Federation and China are preparing for the creation of regional currencies. Since the dollar ceases to be a reserve currency, the markets are quickly formed, which will replace the average class of the United States (BRICS countries). [China has already announced plans to improve the welfare of the Chinese people, i.e. In China, its middle class will be formed.] Against the background of unrest and civil war in the Middle East Lindsay Williams warns: "See not there [not on the main news of the day: this is a smoke curtain!]; see to China and Russia . There will be the main events [on the establishment of NMPs - through a new version of socialism?]. " "General Motors" is now producing more in China than in the United States.

In 2011. there will be no problems with the number of food, but people will be starved [Price increase plug (fall in the USA) - 30-50%; About events on Fukushima Williams says nothing. A year ago I gave advice: take a break with my family, keep friends with people close to you, because then the situation will be such that you can no longer afford it].

- There is a preparation for the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange; Insiders massively emerge from securities (January 10-14, 2011 was sold out of $ 163 million, and not bought for the first time in history). The released money was invested in precious metals. But the situation is such that buy silver coins in the US can no longer: everything is bought. Such a speaker comes from September 2010. [China and India buy all available on sale.]] The official US government debt is already 17 trillion $. (March 2011). China leaned out to other money countries more than the World Bank. China becomes more influential than weakening SS. [Those. As Soros foreshadowed, China will rise, the states are collapsed. The horror grows in the states to the rising Chinese, it is clearly visible in the media and the Internet].

Curious fact. Recently, in just one day, the Fed released (printed) 1 trillion $. If you fold 100 $'s stacks of paper in almost human growth, then the left in the corner of the person is 1.80m in growth, and the rest of the football field is bucks. After the announcement of the emission of this scale, the price of gold for 18 h jumped $ 75 per ounce. Investors massively overlook the dollar. The dollar is in clinical death in resuscitation. It remains to wait for ads in the news summary ... (see from the mark 1:02:00)

The elite recognizes only real assets (subsoil with their contents: oil, water, metals, real estate, etc.). Against the background of the controlled collapse of the dollar and the euro, the price of gold will reach in 2011 to $ 2,000, and then up to 3000 $ For Troyan Oz. Silver will come down to 300$ . Oil - up to $ 200 per barrel.

Tasks destabilization of the Middle East [And other oil suppliers in the region]: Due to the termination or instability of energy supply to the EU and the USA, the price of fuel is Cashkalit, and the global economy will enter an even deeper crisis; euro collapses; Social and national unrest will begin in Europe. [There will be redistributed property and power.] If 2-3 weeks after the start of the fall of the euro, the owners of the shares will not get rid of European securities, they will lose everything. Shares will cost no more paper from which they are made. The air transportation industry will work with large interruptions (the price of fuel is high, and the purchasing power is low).

[Obvious goal also: to divide the banking economy and solidarity / unity of the Arab world, and use it to favor Israel. What is characteristic: Williams changes Israel more than once, but intentionally does not affect the situation with the Zionist state surrounded by the Muslim Brothers, although it gives a hint for the arrival of radicals with the laws of Sharia to change the pro-Western governments; Then the situation will simplify to the limit, and Israel will "manifest themselves in all its glory."]

Will not come yet cheroid Saudi Arabia And its royal family, the situation is more or less clear, but as soon as the events will begin in this kingdom, "you will not seem to know." Saudi Arabia is the main oil provider in the United States. Once it is "hardening", events will begin the events of cardinal, world importance.

- Wars with Iran Nearby 1.5-2 years will not: It has not yet come time. But the crisis in the Middle East will spread rapidly from the country to the country. It is necessary to "fill up" the Arab Mediterranean region, block the Suez Canal (for this and began with Egypt) and drive prices for the level of 200 $ / barrel. The price per gallon of gasoline will reach $ 7. However, creating a crisis, the elite already has ready-to-solve problems. The development of American oil will begin, [and the production of biofuels will urgently unfold], and all the former "oil kings" will remain not affairs.

[Actually, illiterate Bedouins only temporarily made rich: In order to control the geopolitics of this region through the flows of paper dollars, and as a result, to achieve the collapse of the Soviet Union, as unacceptable for the "Project" snapshots (too social, non-annual and politically dangerous). Now Arabs will be returned to their initial state (the investment rating of the same Libya has already been impoverished). And here it is quite appropriate to recall the plans of the Zionists to expand Israel to the borders of the promised land - from Nile (Central Egypt) to Evfrat (current Iraq). They just wait their o'clock, armed and preparing.

Most likely, China with Russia will remain "with their own," while the Arabs will resist the implementation of the anticasting strategy through the elimination of Israel (the Quran is not in vain burned). The theme of biofuel from algae in the speeches of L. Williams remains behind brackets; It was not ordered to talk about her the priest.]

- Within 2 years, the United States will change unrecognizable. Referring to insider information from Janet Napolitano (US National Security Minister) Williams reports that she called on her friends to make at least a semi-annual stock of products (long storage) and water, as well as "cash" (remove everything from bank accounts). Gold and silver coins will perform in the role of reserves of payments [it is recommended to translate "cash" and "non-cash" into real liquids], because No banks, no stores work; The whole system collapses. "Be sure to have a roof over your head, for which everything is paid." Otherwise, stay out on the street. [The corporate state will become the main employer of Americans.] It is also important have a firearm [And 90% of Americans have long armed with trunks of different calibers]. It is also important that the elite has already left the territories in which it will be unsafe. "You will become so poor that you can't do anything about it!" (It is said by Williams in 2009, with amendment in 1 year; Those. By 2012, everything will be over with the active population of states).

But the ultimate goal of the elite is not money from the sale of oil, but total control and power, Go to NMP. [The rules of this game Williams, apparently, does not know.]

And finally, the culmination of the performance of Williams. At the end of the third disc, the real "Suffoon" is read: another priest (Tony Pierce; from the mark 2:20:45) reads the sermon with quotes from the Bible and calls for a flock to mount the heart before difficult times. "God loves you, in his own way and likeness is created by a person, but the person chose disobedience, and did not go there ... - he moved away from God." Prayer for all "sentenced" Americans is offered: bow your head and pray for forgiveness; "I sinned and deserve eternal punishment for moving away from you, but I came to a place in which I recognize your primacy, Jesus, and rebel from the dead on the 3rd day. Forgive me my sins. Amen". - This is such a type of clock in America. Church at height!

[By the way, the apocalyptic video methods with a completely fallen voice tone and the content in the network are available, and they cannot not have psychological pressure - primarily on the believers of Americans. And the main means of pressure and argument again performs the arch of the Old Testament Bible texts. No appeals for courage and resistance, to protect your relatives and loved ones. Pray and accept your destiny; After all, the Lord loves you ...]

At the end of this triple DVD, Lindsay Williams gives eloquence on the extinction of indigenous Europeans and North American, against the background of growing Islamic immigration. Muslims in Europe already 52 million in 20 years this quantity will double. The average fertility rate in the EU (31 countries) is 1.38. Consequently, the process of degeneration of Europeans is already irreversible. The fertility coefficient is one married couple - from 1.1 to 1.8. By 2027 each 5th Frenchman will be a Muslim. Approximately the same situation in Germany. After 39-40 years, France and Germany will automatically become Islamic republics. In the Netherlands and Belgium 50% of newborns - Muslims. In some European countries, mosques are already more than churches.

The same thing happens in Canada (in 2001-2006 1.6 million babies were born - from them 1.2 million - immigrants), and in the US (where the birth rate is 1.6, although the coefficient must be held for the restraint not lower than 2,11). The observed demographic increase is, primarily due to Latin Americans. Soon the number of Muslims will reach 50 million, and Islam will become the dominant religion of America. [But nothing smarter than " it's time to act"Reader failed to read for the scene." It turns out, Capellan is a hint of the murder of American Muslims?].

[The speedy economic collapse of the European Union and the currency of the euro (with the subsequent arrival of nationalism and hatred policies) in an interview with Williams is indicated quite clearly, but the direct speech of the priest is diplomatic. He was presented in the form of a forecast voiced in the European Bellement on November 24, 2010, Nigel Faraj, co-president "EFD Group"; See from the mark 52:25 - This can not be missed! And about the fact that liberalism paves the path of Nazism, it was said more than once.]

Basic video footage -\u003drfbi1bzwzj4; Numerous videos with performances L. Williams are available through the search at global scale, everything described above logically develops into a single psychological panel. For those who believe in economists, Soros broadcasts; For those who believe in God, the priest is broadcast. And for the "unstable layers of the population", "demolitions" from the fifth column have long been broadcast (just as it happened in the USSR on the eve of decay).

And the financial speculator, and the priest say: I will accept our fate, America will fall ... And the "fifth column" screams: the criminal regime should be destroyed! But few remember that the information provocateurs pushed the USSR into the abyss under similar slogans, but they performed completely different tasks of other people's plans. In fact, the same thing happens in the United States and some other regions.

Considering that neither the banking and mortgage crisis provoked by the dolls of transnational corporations, nor the megakatestro in the Gulf of Mexico, nor the "probing" offensive on the trade unions in Wisconsin nor radioactive uranium-iodine sediments from Japan could nominate from the bottom of the Wise National Leader and massively bring people to Streets of American cities, you can probably fake in a low voice: "Goodbye, America ...". The process of controlled collapse, which so many want, irrelevant.

However, it is especially enough to rejoice. After all, the question is inevitably the question: Do we have a national leader who can use the emerging situation for the benefit of our long-term and long-occupied country, for the benefit of the Russian people, who are methodically subjected to genocide and successfully reduced to the role of an energy appendage of the economies of other states and empires? After all, if not, the global plans of the global elite will be embodied rapidly and inevitably ...

Translation from English, Comments and inserts -SisterMercy.

The term "Sheeple" is a combination of "Sheep" (Sheep) and "People, People" (People); Further, in terms of determining the buildings of the human psyche Maxwell does not go.

the article read: 50792 people

tags: United States, forecasts, state

Baptist priest and magnate Lindsay Williams, which is a member of the famous Bilderberg Club, which includes representatives of the world elite, gave the press a sensational interview. In it, Williams told about the plans of the strengths of this, in particular, the American government, and the prospects that humanity expects in the very near future.

The Bilderberg Club is believed to be Williams, in 1954, when the most influential people from around the world came to negotiations at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch city of Osterbeek ... Since then, these meetings have become annual and held in different places.

According to Williams, the head of the political and business elite of the world is the secret society of illuminates, known since the days of Middle Ages. The Order of Bavarian Illuminati was founded in 1776 in Ingolstadt by philosopher, theologian and professor of jurisprudence Adam Weisgauptom. There is a version that the Illuminati still secretly manage the world and it is necessary to blame them in various cataclysms, political and economic crises.

Illuminati prepare a bank crisis

Now the illuminations seemed to be preparing a full-scale banking crisis. This will happen for two years. And no investment will save people from collapse. The only way to maintain its savings is to invest them in gold and silver.

If you have a mortgage loan, try to repay it as quickly as possible, advises Lindsay. It is better to sell spacious real estate and buy more modest, otherwise you risk staying at all without housing!

Almost all major banks of the world are controlled by the Illuminati, says Williams. They bump small banks to keep financial control in their hands. The President of the United States and Congress is also controlled by the Bilderberg Club. Now through Congress is trying to hold a law on cybersecurity and the tax on carbon emissions tax.

Here are still the facts reported by Williams. The US authorities adopted a hidden bill that controls the use of firearms, euthanasia and some other things.

The United States also hides its dependence on China. Many years ago, at the initiative of the Council on International Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, the United States were forced to give China Panama Canal. Now in possession of China all Greek ports. This country is the world's largest natural mineral resources. She owns half the production of these resources in Australia, many mines in Africa, in the Middle East, in the USA and Canada.

In essence, China has a monopoly by 90 percent of all rare-earth minerals. It produces 80 percent of all components of weapons for the American army. In addition, China can conduct trading operations in any kind of international currency.

Russia is also dangerous for the United States as the largest producer of oil and gas resources. But the United States is unlikely to begin the war against China or Russia, since the entire processing industry of America is again in China!

While in the plans of globalists provoking the crisis in the Middle East. To this end, Goldman Sachs Bank, City Bank and the International Monetary Fund are prepared by Iran's financial paralysis. Iranians specifically sell computers with viruses to destroy their financial system.

Illuminati and project "Devil"

But the most shocking information relate to the DEVIL'S Mesia project (Devil Messiah). "The project" Devil "is introduced - we must get rid of God to open a new world order," said Williams.

It is with the "Devilish" project that the propaganda of homosexuality, pornography, debauchery, black magic, which is being conducted recently, adds Williams. The illuminates are thus trying to prepare humanity to the arrival of the antichrist and the establishment of "One World Religion" (Unified World Religion).

While controlled control over the church. (Meaning in the USA). The National Council of Churches is funded today at the expense of Rockefeller Funds, Carnegie and Ford. They taller for the worldwide association of Christians in religious communities. Priests in the United States and some other countries are prohibited to perform, for example, against homosexuality, and in the case of complaints about the absence of tolerance of the clergy for gays, local authorities have the right to close the church.

"They deliberately destroy civilization," says Williams. - With the help of the Bilderberg Club, full-scale control over your money, your home, your car, over your entire life! "

What is this set of regular conspiracy horror stories, or in the words of a seriously ill billionaire there is a share of truth? If you analyze the political events of the last time, then the idea of \u200b\u200bsecret control does not seem to be so crazy, so strange and absurdly many acts of the power of it ... or the power really completely from other people?


Lindsay Williams -The Baptist priest, ordained to the missionary ministry at Alaska in 1971 from the beginning of the 70s, served as Chapellane in Alaska during the construction period of the extended pipeline. Allegedly came together with some representatives of the world elite.

Since then, he (on a mortal window, by phone and during personal meetings) regularly "merge" information about the plans of the global elite with key events and some macro-focusers (scatter% rise in prices, the amount of raw materials prices, etc.). According to the "Referey", leading the correctness of the correctness of their forecasts, 75-80% of them come true.

Lindsay Williams, in particular, predicted the fall in oil prices to $ 10 (it was his first prediction - back in the 1980s). Of the recent oil forecasts - predicted a fall in $ 147 to $ 50, and the fact that about 2.5 years old will hold on to 50-80 $. Indeed, in the second half of 2008 - the fall stopped at $ 44; The temporary price framework of the forecast was also sustained.

He predicted events in the Middle East in 2011 (during the radio transmission 5/11/2010 predicted "Middle Eastern crisis in 4-5 months" - which came true after 3 months; although he was not called a specific country (s)). In the past, every time the media and the public did not believe him, but he always turned out to be right. Therefore, now his interviews are a "hot topic". It is characteristic that Williams calls the viewers to freely distribute his information, and deliberately does not protect it by copyright, so it is in free access on the Internet.

Apparently, the priest is used as the root structures of close to the Vatican. On the Internet there are videos in which he is directly accused of promoting the plans of the Vatican. Meanwhile, for the global elites clans, it is supposedly important to declare their plans before moving them into life ("event architects"). This "they" demonstrates the level of their power and declare themselves ("Make the territory" and like themselves to God: "Said - done"). It is worth noting that in the historical past of such customs, the Vatican was not observed.

At the same time, the elite does not eliminate Williams for the disclosure of the plans of the elite and does not interfere with its propaganda, that is, it seems to be really herald of politicians of one of the backstage groups. He does not speak more allowed and / or what he said and does not deepen into his own conclusion ("parrot"), and he himself remembers that it became with J. Kennedy, who "thought to argue with them."

As a priest, he does not criticize the social system and the moral aspects of the actions of its patrone-informants; does not call for something (for example, counteracting them); His behavior is akin to inquiring, driving his mouth, on a giant, who will cry out now as a beetle. Some part of the information broadcast can be "desoi", something in its forecasts can be an informational pumping of future events (when everyone is waiting for some events, it happens). However, the situation is serious: there is a public announcement of the program to establish a new world order (NMP) in the world.