Cleaners about animals for children. Cheerful Cheerful Pads for Kids

As a rule, the children have 6 years already big vocabularyBut some children can still have difficulty talking about certain sounds. Typically, the problem is such sounds like p, deaf and hissing. So that the speech skills are gradually, but correctly formed, and it was possible to trace a clear development, it is worth using patters. For children, 6 years old they sound more like a joke, but for the development of speech, the pronouncement of one or another cleaning is simply necessary.

Cleaners for different sounds continued. Taking it and learn sounds together

As everyone knows us, any type of patter can and need to read quickly. But if a child has a problem, he hurry and swallows some sounds, the same patter will teach him to pronounce one or another sound clearly and clear. This will be the main step in the formation of the speech of the baby. He will learn to pronounce the words completely, will not swallow the ending and the surrounding will understand it.

Borovik grows in Bor, Borovik take in Bor.

Bombra brothers, be kind
Cut down and hollow out
From oak - Booth, from Beech - Dudka!

Malanya-Toltunya Milk chatted, chatted, chose, chose, but did not bother.

Sound B.

Some pators for children look like poems. This is very important for a child for 6 years, as such exercises make sense, it is easier for children to trace the connection of words and feel the relationship between phrases. Children appears the opportunity to understand the meaning and meaning of words, and therefore it is more comprehended to the fact that they are pronounced. This section presents options for the sound "B".

Rematy cat volume. Cleaners with sounds in and f

Sound G.

The teaching of children to pronounce the cleaners, you can not only contribute to the development of the child's speech, but also teach the baby to listen carefully. This desired and useful skill is later useful to the child at school.

The child has a skill of the concentration of attention at the right moment and on the desired word. The baby will learn to understand the meaning of the words he says, will be thought of in them, conduct associations and parallels. This section presents poems and versions of patter on the sound "g".

Sound D.

Teaching children 6 years to pronounce the patter, including the one that is represented as poetry, remember that it is just entertainment and the game. The development of speech is the necessary and important skill, but do not insist if a child has a bad mood or there is no desire to repeat the words. It is better to postpone the training for another day.

Sound J.

Learning with children poems for a clear and understandable speech, try to ensure that children are interested. Pick interesting poetry, imagine the situation in pictures. In the garden, kids can draw drawings themselves in the patter, can cut the heroes from plasticine or cut out of paper.

Cleaner Sound, rhymes on sound, children's poems

Sound z

Usually, poems for a clear speech for children are 6 years old based on fairy tales or fairy-tale heroes. It is not difficult to use ready-made spells, but even more interesting to come up with their own, albeit very short. You can also present the situation in the pictures, learning one or another sound.

Sound K.

All versions of the patter, including poems, sound like innocuous, but funny and interesting jokes. It is quite normal if the kids will invent their own options on this or that sound. Try to encourage children to such creativity.

Sound L.

For kids, 6 years old, training one or another sound, it is very important to know what they do everything right. Therefore, do not forget to praise the kids for being trained and make our first successes.

Cleaner for automation of sound l

Sound H.

Let the Cleaning Cleaning Sounds turn into a competition. Who is more beautiful and clearer will tell the sound, he will receive a prize. The competitive moment is very important for children of 6 years.

Sound S.

Try to attract the baby to training in the form of a game, not a mandatory classes. It will be better for everyone if the workouts will be light and relaxed, then the baby wants to train again and again.

Sound sh

Archings of patter can be a good entertainment while waiting at the station or traffic. Babies will be able to do something and waiting time will be very fast.

Cap Yes, the fur coat is all the hosts.

Sixteen walked mice
And six carried a pennie;
And the mice is that
Curly shakes.

Our Masha was given little porridge.

Cleaners with sound sh

Sound Shch

Try to engage in your kids regularly. Then a good result and clear speech without flaws will not wait a long time.

Schgolad Banchik flashed in a raincoat.

Not that comrades, comrade comrade,
Who on comrade comrade comrade
And the one, comrades, Comrade Comrade,
Who without comrade comrade comrade.

For the ear, you need slather, and sorrel - on soup.

By the 3rd year, the child accumulates a large vocabulary and a phrase speech is being formed, but most children say not clearly and inadvertently. As a rule, children still do not argue the sound of P and hissing sounds. For the formation of children with a clear and correct speech, we offer you a number of exercises.

Exercises are aimed at developing a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases, to develop auditory attention, speech hearing, voice apparatus. To prepare a child to these classes, it is necessary to hold several classes with a child on the development of long and smooth exhalation.

To do this, you can use soap bubbles. Play with a child in the game "Inflated the biggest bubble" or gain air through the tube into a glass with water.

The consolidation of the correct pronunciation contributes to the repetition of cleaningors, memorizing mysteries, sweetes, readers and poems saturated with certain sounds.

Exercise: Describe picture

We show the child pictures with the heroes of fairy tales or animals and ask the child to tell whom he sees, describe what this character. For example: Bunny - gray, soft and fluffy. If the child has difficulty describing, help him. For older children (4-5 years), it is possible to complicate the task: let them make a story not separate words, but by entire proposals. For example: Here is a bunny. He lives in the woods. It is gray and fluffy. This exercise expands the vocabulary of the child and contributes to the development of thinking.


Sounds m, p, b

1. Om-Om-Ohm-we will build a new home.
2. UP-UP-UP-UP - I am preparing dad soup.
3. Would be the mushrooms grow in the forest.
4. Mom Mil in Soap Bath.
5. Petya sawed saw stump.
6. Love bananas all monkeys.

Sounds T, D, N

1. The Ta-Ta Ta-Ta-Ta-Tail Fluffy At Cat.
2. Du Du-Du, Du Du-do - children run in the garden.
3. No-no, but no longer - in our room dark.
4. The dog turns the house.
5. Daria gives Dene Melon.
6. Nanny Nyantich Nadia with Nina.

Sounds to, g, x, y

1. Ko-Ko-Cat loves milk.
2. Ga-ga-hectare at the goat horns.
3. Ha hay - do not catch the rooster to us.
4. Oh-oh-oh bunny cold in winter.
5. Geese is gouging on the mountain.
6. Hamster at the ear of the village of Fly.

Sounds f, in

1. AF-AF-AF-Solution in the corner cabinet.
2. Wu-Wu-Wu - saw owls in the forest.
3. In Fani Fufyk, and Fedi's shoes.
4. Our filat is not to blame.

Sound with (s).

1. Sony Soney from a slide ride themselves.
2. Senya met the Fox in the forest.
3. We have gas went out.
4. Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su is quiet in the forest.
5. Wear Senya Hay in Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay.

Sound z

1. My zuz-zaboy we are in the pelvis.
2. Zina goats in the basket.
3. Lisa bought Winter basket in the store.
4. The shop drink juice Zoya and Zina.
5. Zina has a call ringing.
6. Little Zina hare sleeps in a basket.


1. TSI-TSI-TSY - there are chicks.
2. From the well water flows.
3. It is not a big bird tit, yes clever.
4. Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - gave us a cucumber.
5. Chicken drinks water from saucer.
6. Glory put flowers on the windowsill.
7. TSI-TSI-TSy - we werehed the cucumbers.
8. There is no end at my ring.

Sound sh

1. Our Masha was given little porridge.

Sound J.

1. The forces of the Zhamzhai fled two hedgehogs.
2. Zhu-zhu-jean Bed knitting.
3. Good patties, inside cottage cheerle.


1. Cha-Cha-Cha - a bunny of a doctor sits.
2. Chu-Chu-Chu - the doctor goes to the city.
3. The lamb fur coat warms the best stove.
4. In four turtles of four turtle.

Sound Shch

1. SHAFT-SHA) goes without a raincoat.
2. Sing-schopling we sorrel on soup.
3. For the ear, you need slash, and sorrel - on soup.

Sound l (l)

1. Lu-Lo-Luzochili towl saw
2. Li-Lee Salted soup, not salt!
3. Grandfather Danil divided the melon.
4. Paul Lara Soap, Lily Lara helped.

Sound P (PL)

1. Speaking forty forty: I, like a fish, silently in the lesson.
2. Under the Nut Nut Bun. Mink lives in mink.
3. I have a poppy and chamomile on my pocket.

Mixed Sound Exercises

The dog sits on the chain.
The sun looks at and to us in the window.
Shura's cracker lived a crane.
Cat asleep, and sees the mouse.
The hedgehog lies under the Christmas tree.
Loky bread will not add.
The student taught lessons, in his ink cheeks.
The boy cleans the horse with a brush.
Puppy plays with a ball.
Sa-Sha-Shane Sonya washes the baby.
AS-AS-ASH - under the pine worth the slash.
Six mice in the slash rustle.
Sasha loves drying, and Sonya Vatrushka.
Washed mouse bowls for bear.
Cha-Caucas is a boy at the porch.
Tsa-Cha Chaca grows the chick in the ridge.
Wolf is wolf, in chicken and herbal chickens.
Girl drinking tea from a cup.
SA-SA-SA- under the bush sits fox.
Goose mustache is looking for not looking for.
Yes, yes porch-porch ours. Every thing is your place.
Fish catches fisherman.
The hollow went into the river.
Delicious Halva, Master Praise.
Rimma and Tim went past a dira.
You can and yourself come up with joking phrases, like:
"Yes, yes - yes - in the garden of the Swan",
"Du do-Du - apples grow in the garden",
"Sha-Sha-Sha-Shah - Brought home Yersh"
"Tu-Tu-Tu - we will go to Vorkuta"
"Zhamnya - there are needles at the hedgehog"
"Chi Chi Chi - flew to us Graci"
"Zhu-Zhu-Zhu - I'm lying in the sun" ... and so on.

As a rule, in children 3-4 years old is well developed. However, many kids with difficulty are hissing sounds and letters R. Therefore, it is important to choose correctly pick up the patters and cleanrs for children 3-4 years. With the guys should be engaged not only by parents or speech therapists, but also teachers in kindergarten. Then the baby will begin to say all the necessary sounds faster, and later the letters.

What do you need cleanlates and patter

Such a form of learning is needed so that the child has a properly developed diction. With the help of cleanbooks and spear, ear developing, vocabulary, thinking, memory and much more.

The teacher should not only clearly pronounce sounds, but also to change intonation. After all, it is very important for children to understand the essence of the poem or cleaningory. Intonation can be with good notes, loud sounds or quiet. In the article, consider patterings and cleanrs for children 3-4 years old on the most difficult sounds.

If a child does not hear individual sounds, then it is necessary to pay attention to from which the pronunciation of individual sounds, words and subsequently proposals depends. In order for the baby with each day the development of speech has improved, it is necessary to deal with early age.

Cleaners for children: Simple Sounds

Some kids cannot pronounce such letters as l, n, t from them and need to start. While the child will not learn how to talk simple sounds, it will not be able to pronounce more complex. Cleaners for children in kindergarten study both collectively and individually.

It all depends on the child, from how it assumes the material. The first cleanlist teaches not only to pronounce sounds, but also share with friends.

1. Al-al-al-Al - Hare on the field Ranking,

Ol-Ol-Ol - there he found carrots

Il-Il-Il - his friend asked him

Al-Al-Al - And he gave a carrot to a friend.

2. AN-AN-AN - We knock on the drum,

Yang-Yang-Yang - brought us Bayan,

On-on-on - music is written,

Ta-Ta - she plays the tra-ta.

3. Something - Summer will come soon,

Ti-Ti - children walk having fun

Tu-Tu-Tu - we will take a coin,

Tu-Tu-Tu - buy a large candy.

Complete cleaningors

When you passed the light stage, you can go to difficult. To do this, you need to learn more complex cleanrs with children. For children, 3-4 years old is very important to learn them to pronounce them.

After all, the development of speech in the future depends on them. Complicated sounds are considered as: R, W, H, C.

1. Ash-Ash-Ash - the children built a new slag,

Osh Osh Osh - turned out to be good

Sho sho sho - like in our house well,

Sha-Sha-Sha - came to us our Masha

Ash-Ash-Ash - helped build slashes.

2. Chu-Chu-Chu - I want to go outside

Cha-cha cha - I have a task

Che-Che - it is necessary to eat, not otherwise

Chi Chi Chi - you sing and jump out on the street.

3. Tso-Tso-Tso - found Kohl Egg,

Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - then saw a chicken,

Tso-Tso-Tso - I understood whose egg,

Tse-tse-tse - again gave the chicken.

4. RO-RO - Winter will come soon,

Ra-ra ray - snow will be from silver,

Ri-Ri-Ri - children walk to dawn,

Re-re-re - playing in full swing.

Cleaners for children 3-4 years old in verses help to remember them better and dispel. At this age, the kids are still unsushable, so you need to do it for a short time, a maximum of 10 minutes. Then it is advisable to take a break and again in the game form.

Species for children of the younger group

Classes with kids must be fun and unfastened. If you do not force. After all, then he disappears the desire to do. Species are a great game that even more helps to develop a speech of a child. It is important that the kid has a phonderatic hearing.

1. SA-SA-SA - one flies to us, on his back there is a lot of black stripes on the spin.

2. Tanya, Sani and Ani have a cell with large spiders.

3. Sasha and Masha walk with Dasha. Natasha came to them. They walk in our yard.

4. Bunny jumped on the lawn, he walked and jumping, and the grasshopper caught.

5 Oh, what beautiful rams play on a large and bright drum.

6. Cute red foxes took a matcle at mom. They went chanterelles on the edge, almost fallen on the tree the top.

7. On the big Lanenka Katya sang a song.

8. Our Masha ate porridge, treated Misha, Sasha. Ate children a lot of porridge.

9. A dinner is needed.

The above spearrs will help to cope with hard-wide sounds. To do this, try to pay attention to the development of speech as often as possible. If you do regularly with children, then there are every chance to teach them quickly and correctly talk.

Speech Development Games

For children, it is useful to play not only in the cleanlator or patter. It is still necessary to carry out games with children, which are very important for speech development. Thanks to them, it is possible to conduct classes a little longer than the designated time.

Game "continue chain"

The educator calls the word, and the child picks up adjective to him. For example, a cat is what? Children pick up: white, gray, fluffy, soft, kind, gentle, affectionate, etc. Such questions can be asked for any subject.

Game "Animal Description"

The tutor shows the kids card with a cow and asks her to describe it. One child will say what the color of the animal, another kid remembers how it is talking.

You can ask children to ask who amuse the cow and that she gives people than it is powered by etc. such cards can be a lot. These are marine animals, forest or home.

The game "Edible-inedible"

The educator of all children plant in a circle, and it becomes in the center. Then the teacher throws the ball to the guys in turn, while calling the item. For example, a chair. If he is unbearable, the baby does not catch the ball. And if the educator called, for example, an apple, the child should catch the ball. Such a game for children is not only cognitive, but also very interesting. If a child at 3 years old does not quite understand the meaning, then at 4 years old will gladly play.

Interesting cleanrs for children 3-4 years old. Junior group Only know the main sounds and letters, so the teacher should not hurry in training. It is necessary to children slowly and clearly try each word and stop on a separate, more complex sound.

If the kids do not want to do now, do not force them. After all, otherwise, many children will disappear to learn and develop. So engage with kids only when they have a good mood and there is a desire.

When you play with children, do not forget to spend small breaks to relax, gain strength and prettiness.

If children do not get a certain sound, do not scold them and do not punish them. Remember that every child is individual and need to approach it, respectively. All children need support, understanding, affection. Show patience when you are engaged in small children.


We reviewed cleanlaisors for children 3-4 years. In the kindergarten of the card file of such games is large, and there is a possibility to pay enough attention to every child so that he has improved the development of speech.

Many educators and parents themselves invent patters and cleanrs. You can bring to such a lesson and children. After all, then they are better developing fantasy and intelligence.

Cleaners for children are both sophisticated and simple. It all depends on the sounds and kids' knowledge. Many children do not like to repeat and teach for a long time, so if you saw that there is no attention from the side of the kids, stop the game of this kind with them. It is better to continue the next time when you will understand their readiness.

Teach your carappow, but remember that interest is very important for them. Therefore, do not forget to spend all classes only in the game form.

Social Sounds

1. Sony and Sani in Som networks with a mustache.

2. Sanki has new sledges.

3. Little Sani Sani ride themselves.

4. Little Sanya turned over Sani.

5. Haye would be sleeping on Seine.

6. On the sharp braid a lot of abosant.

7. Would be the back, and frost came.

8. Take care of the nose in strong frost.

9. Son of the Song was aged hay.

10. We walked in the forest and saw the fox.

11. KOSI, KOS, while dew; Dew Down, and we are home.

12. On the bench Mama sat down, on the right - Seva, Glory to the left.

13. Sony grows braids.

Grow, braid, to the belt, do not fall any hair.

14. Slept the calmly used som, saw a sweet-sweet dream.

15. We are sitting on the ladder and we sing songs.

16. Senya, Sonya, Siema with a sled ride on sleds.

Sanki - Skok, Seine - from the legs,

Sonya - in the side,

Some with a sled - boo in a snowdrift!

17. SA-SA-SA, Osa sits on the table.

Sy Sy, Usa, mustache.

So-co-co, you need to cope with the wasp.

Su-Su-Su, ride all the wasp!

18. Singing the sparrow on the pine, fell asleep and fell in a dream.

If it would not fall in a dream, I would still sit on my pine.

19. Wear Senya Hay in Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay.

We have seven sleds. By seven in Sani, we sat on themselves.

20. Goodbye, Garden, Garden!

All osinkles are sleeping, sleep.

And we will sleep to sleep,

only Song Song.

21. It was fun on the hill San, Sona and Egorch,

And Marusya did not ride - she feared in the snow.

22. Elephant Surverated Elephant - Elephant became the scooter,

A little ride, and the scooter broke.

23. The sun of the village behind the village again, sleeps sleep, the caps sleep,

Sleeping in the river Masty Som, sleep and the forest, and the garden, and the house.

The flock is sleeping, shepherd and dog ...

Sleeping them all to himself.

24. Dowied in the bushes of the wasp, he stopped, he watched:

Who is it? Bird? Owl? A fox? - Osa stung donkey.

25. Elephant - Moskvich, in the capital he was a misconception

From the neighboring country, where the elephants are found.

26. I bought granny beads Marus.

27. The aircraft will be built by themselves, we will take over the forests.

I'll go over the forests, and then back to my mother.

28. Seni and Sani

In Som networks with a mustache.

Sleeping calmly sleepy, Sanya,

Dog and cat in sleep snot

Falls asleep som with a mustache

On the bitch counted.

How much this som

With long mustache?

Curved to the wheel,

Fights with weights.

31. Tasty soup

We will buy beans with you,

Buy a cabbage leaf

We will not forget salt,

Soup to sleep tasty.

32. Forest buffet

In the meadow in a hot day

A guests sat down all for the stump.

It was a forest buffet

Under the green pine.

Drinks fox there delicious juice,

Cupcake eating ducklings

Pours lion alum

Salted kittens soup.

33. How many words to this sound?

Many words I know myself

And I can tell you:

Soma dog, light, machine,

Tale, Sonya, Soup, Son,

Herd, bag, sledge, knock.

How many words to this sound?

34. Newsweight

What everywhere fun!

Today, birds have a housewarming.

Spring songs

Not only singing salts.

Look, high ate

During the branches, they took and sing.

And oak, and a century pine

Osinka calls to dance.

35. Sonya and Sima

Here sits, laughing, in a gazebo

Simon, Sonina neighbor.

Together fun to sit

And quiet song sing

About Polyana, about the gazebo

And about the sorm neighbor.

Sounds 3 s

1. Bunny Buba got into teeth.

2. A little buzzin in a basket.

3. Zamek Zameya launches, Zoya with a rumble plays.

4. Zoya - Zaikina Mistress, sleeps in the pelvis at Zoya Zai.

5. Here is a funny undeavor - to launch a snake on a thread.

6. Zone bunny is called Zassay.

7. Everyone goes from the bazaar, and Nazar - to the bazaar.

8. Beriezes are ringing on the dawn in the winter morning.

9. Zina has a tooth hurts, Zina ceased to eat soup.

10. In the past, cabbage eats a goat.

Zo-zo-zo, let me bite the time.

Zy-zy-zy, evil eyes have a goat.

Zuz-Zu, rhine you goat.

11. Goat Kozlenokov said, goat goat Kozlenok.

But you are not angry, the goat, do not be angry!

And you, goat, apologize.

12. I went back to Nazar to the bazaar,

I bought a goat and a basket of Nazar.

13. Green birch green in the forest.

Zoya under Birosis caught dragonfly.

14. Sign all with a half-word understands

And Dunno on everything only robes.

15. There is a goat with an oblique goat, goat goat with a bare goat.

Going a goat with an oblique goat, goes a goat with a bare goat.

16. Rose was lucky to take a goat, goat and goat.

Rose in the forest lost goat, goat and goat.

17. I have a goat, I myself will have his pass.

I'm a garde into the garden Garden tomorrow morning I will take it in the morning.

18. The hare of oblique, do not go barely, and walk the hoop, the paws are clutch, if you wish, you will not find a hare's fox.

19. The time to punish the term lasted

Klim in the corner stood and angry.

20. Rides a bunny on the tram, a bunny rides, argues:

If I bought a ticket, who am I - hare or not?

21. Why did a green umbrella take a bunny in a small mistress? Then, to hide from the wolf under this umbrella from Silka.

22. Busy Snake Camers Call Music.

And to the music, friends, it rises and snake.

23. Rubber Zina bought in the store,

Rubber zin in the basket brought.

She was a ruin, rubber zina,

Fell out of the basket, flashed in the mud.

Do not be such a difference, rubber zina,

And then send Zin back to the store.

24. The girl was lucky to take

Goat, goat and goat.

25. Winter not without frost.

26. Winter in the morning from frost

At the dawn, birch shine.

All lakes - mirrors

Green glass.

27. Here is a cheerful undepair -

Run a snake on the thread.

Snake flies above birch!

Wind snake not spare

Straight to the sun carried.

Heat his nose, goes winter,

In the winter fairy tale, the forest, at home.

All got a gym -

Earth, field and village.

Bunny is angry under the pine

Remembers how spring

Zluk not chalk blizzard,

Dripped droplets.

30. In the store

There were children in the store

Zoya, Zina and Kuzma,

Bought zine umbrella,

Zoe - Vaza and Soma,

And for Kuzu, for baby.

We bought forget-me-not.

Sound c (c-s-3)

1. Heron Casting Chickle: Herons Gray to face.

2. Chickens clingly cling to the chain.

3. Two chicken on a green street run.

4. There is an heron from a swamp, smiles, laughs.

5. Tight to the bridge Water drunk.

6. Chicken demolished the egg under the porch.

7. Song in the window brightly shines the sun.

8. From the neighboring well, the whole day of the water is pouring.

9. Let the Metelitsa Make, White Snow is stele.

10. Having eaten the Kuznets finally varets.

11. Tell you a fairy tale of an unprecedented bunny and fox?


13. Bunny gray is washed.

It can be seen, a guest is going to visit.

Woven the nose, washed the tail, washed her ear, wiped dry.

14. TSI-TSY-TSI, the chicks run to me.

Central Ascean, I will give me a swarm.

Tsu-Tsu-Tsu, Nalu I will be a cloth.

Tso-Tso-Tso, demolish me an egg.

15. Close to us in kindergarten

Twelve little chickens.

He led them from the street is a Poystonny chicken.

Penastic chicken, you forgot the street,

This is a kindergarten, but not for chickens.

16. In the flower bed, two sheep graze the whole day.

At the porch without the end of the pussy eats from a saucer.

Flowers finally drive all sheep!

17. He admired chicken chickens: that neither chicken, then clever. Well done, delets, very valuable chick.

18. Heron, standing on the porch, explains the letter C:

Come, pin, tick, repeat:

"Tzakz-Tzak Zakch".

If you learn a lesson, I will give you a flower.

19. - Tzak chick chick, chickens, eating a driver in a tub.

Who is afraid of me, the not the ladies of the water.

Chickens are running, do not fear nobles.

Near the bunch of saucer, they all will go.

20. Heron walks on the swamp, waiting for her chicks in the nest.

Young blacksmiths came to work in the shop.

21. Two sits flew to pine.

Two sages witness about spring.

22. Singing a firefly on a cabbage sheet

And the droplet of the sun mercal in the dark.

23. Skvorts returned,

Our old tenants.

Sparrows at the Pudzhitsa

Noisy stink circling.

24. TsYN-Ticklock

Chick chicken well done

He is not afraid sheep

And nor a drop

It's not afraid of heron.

He walks down the street

Street admires.

The sun shines there and here,

In flower beds flowers bloom.

Chick chicken well done

Although a small chick.

25. Sitin

"Do not catch me, blue!

I, Sinice, is not sitting:

I fly all day,

I'm flying and singing is not too lazy. "

Nalu in the saucer I wipe

I will be drunk.

Sound sh

1. Our Masha is a babe, on it a coat short.

2. Hush, mouse, cat on the roof, and kittens even higher.

3. Cap Yes, the fur coat is our Mishutka.

4. I went on pebbles, found a fur coat Silkovo.

5. Hat Misha conessed sneakers.

6. Our track is covered with peas.

7. Take a spoon yes attempter peas.

8. Teddy Mishke Dasha Stinks pants.

9. On the window, the crumb-moshka deftly catches the cat's paw.

10. Yasha in a cap rides on the turtle.

11. The cat is sleeping, and the mouse sees.

12. Lesha and Klash eat semolina porridge.

13. Our Masha was given manna porridge.

14. I will not find the ears from our frog.

15. Baby pours: "Where is the Yozh?!"

Do not comfort, do not learn.

16. The guard came out with a blue:

The flesh flew over.

17. Cat on the pantice window sews,

And the mouse in the boots hut ties.

18. Sha-Sha-Sha-Sha, our Masha is good.

Shu-Shu-Shu-Shu, Masha I write a letter.

Sho sho sho, I will write well.

Shi-Shi-Shi-Shi, you also write to me.

19. Masha Moshka in Cashe.

What to do our Masha?

I put the porridge into the flame and put everything cat.

20. Mouse whispers mouse:

"You all fry, you fuse all."

Mouse whispers mouse: "Funish I will be quieter."

21. Here are the kids: Masha, Misha.

Masha less, Misha above.

Misha Masha writes something.

Guess what Misha writes?

22. Here is a frog on the track, she drove the legs.

So, she needs warm boots.

Cuckoo cuckoo said:

"The hood is good!"

24. Masha porridge tired,

Masha porridge did not reel.

Masha, porridge darying, mom is not bored.

25. Flipped the midge lamp, warm thin legs.

26. Seet the mouse in the corner, ate a bagel piece.

27. Clean mouse, mouse quieter,

The cat sits and barely breathes.

28. Masha (Dasha, Natasha) under the shower

She washes neck and ears.

29. Hush, mouse, do not make sure

Our Masha will not be.

30. Cap Yes Shub -

That's all the Mishutka.

31. Mouse came out somehow

View, which is an hour.

One two three four!

Mouses twisted for weights,

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing

The mouses ran out!

(Eng. Song)

32. The mouse of drying kept,

Mouses in the guests invited.

Drying mouse to eat steel

The teeth were immediately broken.

33. I sewed a shirt with Mishke,

I am a tannushki back.

Need to sew pocket to them,

And put the candy.

(3. Alexandrov)

34. Digured a bear on the floor,

Sloped upside down the paw.

All the same, he will not bother

Because he is good.

(A. Barto)

35. Burenushka

Just like I love my cow!

Oh, I will click on her straight!

Eat the anniversary, my cow.

Eat you, my storm!

Just like I love my cow!

Folded I sick with Nalu's cow;

So that I was my cow

So that cream is a stormushka give.

(Russian folk song)

36. Cockerels canopy

But did not dare to fight.

If you are very loose,

You can lose your pepper.

If the fuck lose

There will be no keen!

(V. Berestov)

37. Mishka is cute, Bear is nice,

Clumsy and funny.

All of the plush Bear sews,

Vata magnificent naked.

38. Cat in the window pillow sews,

Mouse in boots hut sweat.

39. Cuckoo cuckoo sews a new hood.

Put on, cuckoo, hood,

How in the hood those rides!

40. Sound into the okroshka

potatoes and peas!

41. On the window, the crumb midge

deftly catches his paw cat.

What are you so, the guns come?

Not big you and baby.

Do you hear rustle?

Even mouse

I realized that you are a storm.

43. On the edge

Noise and gamon on the edge,

Beach bumblebee and midges,

Playful frogs

Do not regret legs.

Teddy bear from the soul,

Even cats dance,

And mice kids

Clap in palm.

44. Two mouse

Two mouse at the window

Somehow a cat was waiting.

In the paws pebbles and cones,

Their mice rushed into the cat:

You will, evil cat, know,

Kids how to offend!

Sh-s sounds

1. Sasha loves drying, and Sonya - cheesecakes.

2. In the silence of the forest wilderness of the whisper to the rustle rushes.

3. Sasha was on the highway and sucked drying.

4. Corses on the pine, checkers on the table.

5. Six Shaluns in a hood.

6. Mamasha gave Romash serum from under Prostokvashi.

7. Our gray cat was sitting on the roof,

And your gray cat sat above.

8. The sail our conscience is sewn, we will not eat the storm.

9. Listened to the old women, how to cowed cuckoo on the edge.

10. She went Frol on the highway to Sasha play checkers.

11. Woven bowls bowls for a bear.

12. Forty mice went, they carried forty pennies.

13. The crumbs of Matryushki gave a serving.

Cutting a seelling found on the track.

14. We bought a cat for the holiday of boots,

We combed her mustache, sewed new panties.

15. Sasha asks:

"Hedgehog, Yozh, are you a dresser to me?"

Turning slowly slowly, Yuzh left the baby.

16. Cat will give me milk, Mishke - Sweet Medsk,

And I will give you a book, if you read myself.

17. The cuckoo was walking through the garden - the grapes broke,

Cuckoo passed past the market - stepped on a basket.

18. Teddy bear on the forest goes,

The bumps collects, sings songs.

The bump bounced straight by Teddy's forehead,

Bear was angry and nagu - top.

I won't collect bumps anymore,

Sad to the car and go to sleep.

19. We know that the sound of Sh - he is in the slashes, in the ears ...

Sound from - it is where the forest, pine, village, canopy.

Do not rush to hurry the sound with sound with:

Mochnatny mishkdo not turn into bowl

And if the cat ate ratdo not say that roof.

20. Language above - Sha-Sha-Sha,

our Masha is good.

The language is lower - sa-sa-sa, bitten the nose of the OSA.

Tongue up - sho sho sho, I draw well.

Language down - CO-SO-SO-CO, painting the loafs here.

Tongue up - Shi-Shi-Shi, bunny ears are good.

Language of the book - Sy Sy, Cat has a long mustache.

21. Cockerels were soldered, but they did not dare to fight:

If it is very loose, you can lose your throat;

If the fuck lose, there will be nothing to go.

22. The lash under the shower washes her neck and ears.

23. Sasha shun dry drying,

Sasha dried up six pieces.

And the old woman rushes funny

Susha dryers eat.

Postponed Masha books,

Postponed all things:

Need to sew pants for a teddy bear

Here is a thimble, here is a needle.

All kids help,

But everything comes out,

Although pants and a bear -

Sew pants - not a trifle.

25. Mouse and book

There was one day mom-mouse,

On the way lay a book.

"Do not understand me a poor mouse

People that in that book write!

Sorry my eyes do not see

GOB from reading will not come out

26. Delicious porridge

Like grandmother Natasha

We ate delicious porridge.

Swashing porridge with a smoke,

With bread, with butter, with milk,

Gave us big spoons

Ate everything to the crumbs!

Sound J.

1. Zhai Myslands, lived two hedgehogs.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, pouring a beetle to the hero.

Jo-Jo-Jo-Jo, we will give them a cake.

Li-Zhi-Zhi, they ran away all the hedgehogs.

2. The beetle fell and can not stand, he is waiting for, who will help him?

3. In a lively corner, lived, watered and slept and slept.

4. I met in more often Yuzh hedgehog:

"How is the weather, Yozh?" - "Fresh".

And went home, trembling, gorgeous, shy, two hedgehogs.

5. Liegehogok, Red Cat, sewed his belly.

6. Poor Hedgehog is shy, everything can not

Mom Everything worries:

"For concerns, it will be multiplied by a poor Hedgehog."

7. My paper crane, in blue sky not shawl

So that you, my cheering, did not drive the cranes.

8. Grandpa Hughs, do not go to Bearness:

there melted snowball

Poured a meadow; You go hide legs, red boots.

9. In the morning, buzzing, wreck, beju and honey.

10. Under the flower, the hedgehog-mother began to bathe,

Hedgehog-mother will not understand how to wash back backs.

11. Rain, rain, no rain!

Rain, rain, wait!

Let go to the house grandfather Sedoy.

12. Gray Hedgehog very quiet and hedgehogs, too, and the epic was a very quiet hedgehog.

13. The hedgehog-father is stuck along the tracks at night,

Hedgehog-mother and child Hedgehog.

14. Hedgehog in the day of the sea sang about Hedgehog Forest:

Oh you, Yozh, brother Yuzh, how do you live without the sea?

15. Hedgehog ran at night, no one offended him.

He wandered already in the morning, he wandered yesterday.

16. Letter G Cover and looks like a beetle and at the same time, exactly the beetle, publishes the buzzing sound: LJ.

17. The bear was frightened with a hedgehog and a highway,

Chizhichi and Chizhonom,

Step with stribling and strife.

18. Myslah Myslands, there are needles with hedgehog.

Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, milk we give a hedgehog.

Jo-Jo-Jo-Jo, we put the curd.

Li-Zhi-Zhi, here we live alone.

19. Beetle buzzes over the lampshade;

Buzzing the grip, buzzes, spinning.

20. Loom to pushed the rhinoceros to a thick

What is the poor thing about the passage?

How well that such nune

There are more and less.

21. And the Aibolit is running to the Hipmedy, and claps them on the tummy.

22. Where do you live dick? Where is the hedgehogs?

23. I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here, lay, looking, all my life is a bitterness: LJ.

24. There in the rye of Nezzha Ryzh, I sat down once on the hedgehog.

25. Hedgehog with a July and hedgehog gather blackberry,

The redhead fox also wants to be engaged.

26. I'm on the pool, I'm on the puddle, I'm looking for where the puddle is already.

I found where the puddle is already, and now I am cut.

27. Helling crane took, threw his thrill in the crane.

28. If you lived near the year room,

The blackboy jam you are very familiar.

29. Jonglear regretted the Groom:

"It's a pity, dinner soon."

30. There are wonders in life: the horrid wasp

She was stung in the stomach, a terribly hurt.

And Dr. Yuzh said to arrive:

"I'm not finding anything,

But still, it seems to me, you're better crawling on my back,

While the stomach will not heal. Here.

31. Without paths, no paths,

Delivito, slowly

Walks, wanders gray hedgehogs,

Quiet needles rustle.

32. Beetle buzzes:


I live, not crowned.

I sit on a branch

And the buzz, the buzz, the buzz.

33. Buzz on the honeysuckle Beetle,

Heavy casing on the beetle.

34. Rain, rain, no rain.

Do not rain you wait.

Come out, go out, sunshine,

Golden bottom.

35. Legebell, red cat,

She sewed his belly.

36. Meting hedgehogs in more often:

How is the weather, hedgehog?

And went home, trembling,

Hurting, hiding two hedgehogs.

37. Above Jorough Beetle, Juge, Knit,

From the fear of Zhora all trembles.

Why zhrah so trembles?

At all, it's not terrible a beetle buzz.

38. So that the giraffe was cut,

In Stuzh, a scarf giraf is needed.

And the wife of Giraf knits

Six scarves from red yarn.

39. Early, we get up early

Loudly invigoine call:

Watchhead, guard, quick

Go out to feed beasts.

Watchman came out of the wagon

He sweeps tracks,

Smokes the tube at the gate,

We do not give dinner.

(S. Marshak)

40. did not know the bear,

What are sick of hedgehog.

And come on with hedens

Play like with cubs.

Suddenly the bear in tears: -


Frightened hedgehogs

Carry nippers and knives

And come on the thing

Having spines.

41. What are the sparrows sing

On the last day of winter?

We survived!

We lived!

We are alive! We are alive!

(V. Berestov)

42. This letter is wide

And looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, exactly the beetle,

Fitting the buzzing sound: Zhd-zhd!

(S. Marshak)

43. Good patty, inside cottage cheerle.

44. Bear runs and trembled from cold.

45. Cranes fly south

Cranes fly south

Fall asleep May Beetle.

Everyone, day go rains

You no longer expect warmth.

Is it really for a whole year

Summer leaves me?

I can not wait so long

You need to catch up with!

46. \u200b\u200bI do not hurt me

I will not hurt me

Toad, chirik, horny

If the beetle got into trouble -

Know - I will not go past.

Bear not offend,

I will put on the heat closer,

Even if the nose and ears

Non-fat, and from plush.

47. Tea and Uzhonic

Wait like, by a high?

Nothing live, Uzhonica!

With mom-hedgehog

I hurry for blackberry.

Sounds w-3

1. They did not know the cubs that hedge

Played cubs with hedate once,

Suddenly the bear in tears: "Hedgehogs - bypass!"

2. Old Yozh in the Forests of the Caucasus once met the dickery.

3. Bunny-panty in the garden ran,

Cabbage found, sits and nibbles; Suddenly hears:

The owner goes, - and ran into the forest from him.

4. And cheerful animals - bear and hedge

Shot and salary, the hare does not want to listen.

5. Bunny shoved, seeing the wolf on the lawn.

6. Why did you really call the older puddow?

No one was not stung by the harmless black thing.

7. Pebbles are offended:

"Oh, the matter is notable.

Tanning round yearAnd the tan does not stick. "

8. Flag of Zhenya from the forest, carried the body;

In that bath lay mushrooms.

9. Zhenya gnawed in Corzhik, Gryzhik nuts,

On the harmonica loudly played the Yerek.

10. If you did not live near the year room,

And you once lived near the alarmed,

Jam strawberry you are more familiar

And at all the usual jam is nonsense.

11. This little animal is completely harmless

True, it is not impaired

And people poorly called Echidna.

12. He took the singer bag of nails, brought

Female bag of gruss.

Seryozha's wife borrowed nails,

Zhenya Seryozha gave a lot.

13. What you need to miss to zaikain bunnyturn

14. Rain has gained the road, the old poplar burned.

15. Here I talked with the rude hare with long ears.

16. Wolf is terribly enraged - hedgehog cannot eat:

Nice, Hedgehog put up the needles - chicken around the evil wolf.

17. Bunks on the lawn

On green on the lawn

Zak beaches lived

We lived snakes, bear

And horror, and hedgehog.

In the star sky of the fireless

Ignited lights,

So that neither beast and nor bird

In that forest, do not get lost.

Sounds Jd

1. The beetle buzzes: "I walked and walked, I found yellow pebbles."

This is thrill! You're wrong! - says Zhuku Giraffe.

Well, hanging it on bitches, "says Girafa Beetle.

2. Under the legs of the leaf fall, the leaves of the yellow are lying -

Dad, mom and leavenock.

And under the leaves rustle a shurch,

Rudshikha and risshonok.

3. Mom will pass - it will be quiet under the foot to rustle a blush,

and the child will break - a little rustling inside.

4. With mice in Rya, hedgehogs became friends, and everyone went to the root,

And in rye - nor soul.

5. Lies hedgehog in the tree, hedgehog needles.

Similar to small hedgehogs,

The bumps last year on the grass lie.

6. Lopochy Lopushka went out to the rain on the meadow

And wet ants under the sheet assembled in a circle.

7. On the roof of Shura lived Zhura Zhura.

8. Hedgehog - hedgehog, a bear is bearish, a horror, and the mouse has a mouse.

9. Zhöldi at the mouse, bumps at the monkey.

10. Cat has a spoon in Lukshka.

11. Beetle flies over the meadow, he is tired of walking on foot.

12. Hedgehog in the bath washed her ears, neck, leather on the trouser.

And said the Racuation of the Yozh: "Do you not sweep my back back?"

13. Over the paper above the sheet waves a tassel tail.

And not just waving, and paper smears.

14. Small legs ran along the path,

He came running on the meadow, lost her boots.

15. Once a chamber, two chairs, left, right boots.

I teach Alyoshka stupid little.

16. Jurry the eyes from the cat Murki:

"Get out of the mice, play in Zhmurki."

17. On the lawn near the chamomile beetle flew in a colored shirt.

18. He played a needle balloon, and he lies a little breathe. Toy is even clear: playing with a needle is dangerous.

19. Two ravens Burned, ten - hay twisted.

And the forties did not exist, the river has a fire.

Bumblebee in the colors of fragrant sharing,

And Zhuravlik fry fry.

20. The fur coat - she sewed the skirt, sewed the cap - she sewed her sneaker.

21. At Ivashka shirt, a shirt of pockets.

22. Knit Mom Long Scarf, because the son is giraffe.

23. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

Cuckoo in the hood went.

24. I took the Timoshka Iron:

"Well, fuck, my friend.

Like a brother shirt and pants. "

25. I brought the shirt to Mishke, I am a tannushki.

It is necessary to put my pocket to them and put the handkerchiefs.

26. Lived - were on the pine

two big bumps.

Lived - were under the pine

Two funny mice.

And sleigh mice:

Hey, you are there on the tower,

Down Go down, bumps!

Surprised cones:

Wait, mice!

You on the press

And, as in a fairy tale, heal.

Shuffled the midge lamp

Heat thin legs.

Caution, midge!

Bid legs!

Sounds, sh-sm

1. Tongs yes ticks are our things.

2. Taja, I will not do it, I'm afraid I will let go.

3. Brush I clean my puppy, tick him the sides.

4. Two cheek puppies to the cheek pulls the brush in the corner.

And the brush has a penal stick over the head.

The stick fell on the puppies, two puppies how to drive!

We will treat: "Eat soup - you will not squeak."

5. SHAFT, we carry the bream home.

Ash-Ash, we put on the raincoat.

6. The cheeks are red in Sasha, he ate a lot and porridge.

7. The puppy was so truded, I fed everything, I fed everything,

From the frowning chairs, he defended his puppy from joy.

Still would! He grew up happy.

Now the puppy is not puppy, but the dog.

8. Masha, you are no longer looking for us,

Nipple we sorrel on soup.

9. Early birch trunks are walking ...

Who is some of the two shcheglov?

10. Skinny Timka all skinny, skinny skinny.

11. Puppy for both cheeks flies from sorrel.

12. Puppy is plaintious, he drags a heavy shield.

13. Pike in the river lived, brush water chalk,

Sch was cooked for guests, sacred Pescare.

14. Pike swallowed the brush, the brush she tickles her throat.

15. I clean this brush my teeth, this brush - shoes,

16. Pike was kind, friendship with fish drove.

Of sea cabbage Shchuk welded,

Okunkov, bulls, bodies treated.

17. Twitteal Scholakol and Schkala, fled like a ball, cheeks,

From the pond looked Pike, wondered: what kind of thing?

18. Skibrush respected, scorpiece dust counts,

If the thing is not cleaned, nothing will be squeezed.

19. Wolves growl, food is looking for.

20. Cat Mouse invited to drink pair milk.

The mouse in the mink regained:

"I do not want it yet.

I still got a sala, I will manage without milk. "

21. Our beautiful steam locomotive, new, brilliant,

He dragged the cars, definitely real.

22. This brush is cleaning his teeth, this brush - shoes,

I clean his pants, all three bricks I need.

23. Pike I'm Taja, Thai,

I will not miss the pike.

24. Brush I clean my puppy, tick him the sides.

25. Borsch and porridge - our food.

26. And now brushes, brushes

Crash like ratchets.

Fixed on her palm

Propy little puppy

He was even less cat, -

Black nose, spotted side,

Delicious things

Used puppy I: schi,

And cookies, and a computer,

And condensed milk.

Food came to the puppy went, -

It grown more desk!

Steel, friends, disappear our things











































































































































































































































































































































Sound L.



















































































































































37. {!LANG-98f90ef7796f430e1c5b7ff7c40a9051!}






























































































































































{!LANG-31df1771ecfb63282e6067f42dba7333!} {!LANG-d95e109ca7b0531f5d8af4198ac4cab2!}{!LANG-9d9ec333ccb21c7ce481a1edc6d8a975!}









































































































































































{!LANG-20d0a186f4eb9c2871e911b0649ef843!} {!LANG-6b89d1b7b16392e00af24168c582266e!}{!LANG-2a88c2f4652b5e7489ec42146f4e3a25!}






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Exercises are aimed at developing a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases, to develop auditory attention, speech hearing, voice apparatus. To prepare a child to these classes, it is necessary to hold several classes with a child on the development of long and smooth exhalation.

To do this, you can use soap bubbles. Play with a child in the game "Inflated the biggest bubble" or gain air through the tube into a glass with water.

The consolidation of the correct pronunciation contributes to the repetition of cleaningors, memorizing mysteries, sweetes, readers and poems saturated with certain sounds.





1. Om-Om-Ohm-we will build a new home.

Sounds T, D, N

1. The Ta-Ta Ta-Ta-Ta-Tail Fluffy At Cat.

Sounds to, g, x, y

1. Ko-Ko-Cat loves milk.

Sounds f, in

1. AF-AF-AF-Solution in the corner cabinet.

Sound with (s).

1. Sony Soney from a slide ride themselves.

Sound z

1. My zuz-zaboy we are in the pelvis.


1. TSI-TSI-TSY - there are chicks.

Sound sh

1. Our Masha was given little porridge.

Sound J.

1. The forces of the Zhamzhai fled two hedgehogs.


1. Cha-Cha-Cha - a bunny of a doctor sits.

Sound Shch

1. SHAFT-SHA) goes without a raincoat.

Sound l (l)

1. Lu-Lo-Luzochili towl saw


1. Speaking forty forty: I, like a fish, silently in the lesson.


  • The dog sits on the chain.
  • The sun looks at and to us in the window.
  • {!LANG-3acc114ab06da081b2756125b9071dc9!}
  • {!LANG-33f7b87736fb9af885dd6e19229691bc!}
  • {!LANG-0e1fb09047ba900ff2d13ae934e6e07e!}
  • {!LANG-e9c063879493b3122259680457b80f57!}
  • The student taught lessons, in his ink cheeks.
  • The boy cleans the horse with a brush.
  • Puppy plays with a ball.
  • Sa-Sha-Shane Sonya washes the baby.
  • {!LANG-bde801eac09ea6259414205e2fdfd230!}
  • Six mice in the slash rustle.
  • {!LANG-fa43cab242b1bba359cbbd7894999fe0!}
  • {!LANG-88ac767e1169f2315ba975ab9c7436dd!}
  • Cha-Caucas is a boy at the porch.
  • {!LANG-860e0338d9bc54803d0a59e3bfd972fc!}
  • {!LANG-7bce42ca86258d7102f978d2b3f9671a!}
  • {!LANG-1d2fe7e984b0631c5ffe86633b91cad2!}
  • SA-SA-SA- under the bush sits fox.
  • {!LANG-889cd110afdc69ee86ea5dfabc738d61!}
  • {!LANG-deea5077dd48ce80c0dcd034c81aca38!}
  • Fish catches fisherman.
  • The hollow went into the river.
  • {!LANG-42f86152ca0d7b05b07b84b590a121d5!}
  • Rimma and Tim went past a dira.
  • {!LANG-79a722570e0a73e5f87941c20b584c08!}
  • "Du do-Du - apples grow in the garden",
  • {!LANG-8b0776ab5abe2fb1283c74792588794b!}
  • "Tu-Tu-Tu - we will go to Vorkuta"
  • "Zhamnya - there are needles at the hedgehog"
  • "Chi Chi Chi - flew to us Graci"
  • {!LANG-e4c89efd88a0699c4a99375ada651b25!}





