Determining the position of sound in a word. Games for determining the place of sound in a word

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7. Pronunciation of sounds in words. Determining the position of sound in a word

Bim and Bom brought us gifts, the names of which contain the sounds B, Bb. Only I got confused, which of them brought which bag with gifts. Let's try to figure it out together.

What's in the first bag? (Banana, balalaika, beads, bracelet, paper, jar, pin).

What sound is found in all these words? (Sound B).

Where did you pronounce sound B? (At the beginning of a word).

And what do we have in the second bag? (Bandage, binoculars, squirrel, hippo, ticket).

What sound is found in all these words? (Sound B).

So who gave us the first bag of gifts? (Bohm gave the first bag.)

Who donated the second bag? (Bim presented the second bag with gifts).

8. Development of phonemic representations

Guys, let's play the game “Catch the Word” with you.

You will have to catch words with sounds B and B with claps. (Bow, bank, lips, loaf, panama, letter, wild boar, sable, bus, spider, ticket, alphabet, tulip, trunk, album).

Well done, you did a good job.

9. Division of words into syllables. Development of attention and memory

Bim and Bom offer to play the game “What's gone?”

On the table lies: a drum, beads, paper, binoculars, a pin, a squirrel.

The child closes his eyes and one object is hidden. Then he looks attentively and has to say which object is gone. (The pin is gone).

How many syllables are in the word pin? (There are three syllables in the word pin).

10. Physical minutes

Bim and Bom invite us to dance.

(Children dance to fun, rhythmic music).

0 general relaxation

One, two - the head is higher.

Three, four - the shoulders are wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

11. Acquaintance with the letter B. Reading syllables

Guys, what sound did the clowns Bim and Bom introduce us to? (With sounds B, Bb). Would you like to see what letter these sounds are represented by? But first, let's remember with you what rule Zvukoznaykin taught us? (We see the letters and write). What does this letter remind you of?

This letter with a large belly,

In a cap with a long visor.

Find this letter in your Sound-Letter Castle.

Before you are the elements of the letter, try to fold it correctly.

12. Organization of the end of the lesson

Well Bim and Bom it's time to say goodbye to us. We say thank you to them, because thanks to them we have learned so many words with the sounds B and Bb.

Let's remember the words with the sounds B and B. (Ticket, paper, bank, squirrel, bow, binoculars, notepad).

Topic: Sounds [Z - Z "], letter Z.

To acquaint with sounds oppositional in terms of hardness-softness [z-z "], to teach to distinguish them, to consolidate the ability to characterize sounds, to continue teaching to perform sound-syllabic analysis of a word, to acquaint with the letter Z, to consolidate the reading and writing skills.

Develop phonemic perception, auditory attention, memory, logical thinking.

To cultivate the ability to act harmoniously in a subgroup, to respect, listen to comrades, a teacher.

Preliminary work: repetition of the fairy tale "Cinderella".

Equipment: Cinderella doll, boxes with pictures, symbols of sounds, letter Z, d / and “Decorate the dress”, pencils, painting “Winter”, diagrams sound analysis words, letters, ball, d / and "Cipher word".

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time

The speech therapist makes the children a riddle: “Guess which fairy tale is our guest from? She had to return home at exactly 12 o'clock, and also, she lost her crystal shoe? " (The teacher shows the children a toy - Cinderella in a dress with patches).


The speech therapist invites children to remember a fairy tale and show how upset Cinderella was when she was not taken to the ball, to portray an evil stepmother and her daughters, to show what a kind face the Sorceress had. Then, asks the children to help Cinderella complete the tasks that the evil stepmother has prepared for her, so that she can attend the ball.

Defining the topic of the lesson

The speech therapist shows the children two boxes and informs them that there are pictures that need to be named and try to determine the same sound in words. First, the children name the pictures from the first box: an umbrella, a bison, a castle, a hare. Determine that the same in all words - the sound [z]. Then they call the pictures from the second box: winter, zebra, basket, newspaper. Children determine that the same sound in words is [z "]. The speech therapist asks the children what sounds they will get to know in class and what sounds will help the evil stepmother perform the tasks? (Sounds [z, z"]).

Characteristics of sounds

The speech therapist tells the next task of the evil stepmother and asks to pronounce the sound [z] and look at his articulation (work with mirrors). On the teacher's leading questions, the children give a complete description of the sounds [z, z "]. The children talk about what the lips do, what position the teeth and tongue take. They tell how the sound sounds [z]. (Firmly). What color will be the sound [z] is indicated. (Blue) What is the soft pair of the sound [z]? What color is the sound [z "]? (In green). Why?

After 5 years, most children begin to form conscious orientation in the sound composition of the word. The first attempts to deliberately isolate a sound from a word, and then to establish the exact place of one or another sound, are necessary prerequisites for teaching literacy. If the extraction of sound from a word appears in children preschool age spontaneously, complex forms of sound analysis must be specially taught. At the age of 5 to 6 years, a child can, with appropriate training, master not only the determination of the position of sound in a word - the beginning, middle, end of a word - but also positional sound analysis. Establishing the exact place of a sound in a word, naming sounds in the order in which they appear in the word.

Parents can help their child take the first steps in understanding the sound structure of words.For this we do not remind tricky rules

We hear and pronounce sounds. Sounds are:

Vowels - these sounds are pronounced easily and freely. The air leaving the mouth does not meet any obstacle. The vowel sound is denoted by a red square.

Vowel characteristics :

Oh, oh U, Y, E - denote the hardness of consonants;

I, Yo, Yu, I, E - denote the softness of consonants, or two sounds when they stand after a vowel, or at the beginning of a word.

Consonants - these sounds are pronounced with noise, when pronouncing consonants, the air leaving the mouth meets obstacles in the form of teeth and lips. A consonant sound can be:

W, W, Ts - always solid ... Solid sound is marked in blue.

- soft, if the vowel I softens it,yo, yo, u, e or b (soft sign).

Y, H, Sch - always soft ... A soft consonant is denoted in green.

b) - deaf consonant - denoted by a crossed out bell.

voiced consonant - denoted by a bell

To determine a voiced consonant or a voiceless one, invite the child to put his hand to the neck (if the neck trembles - voiced, no - deaf)

We see and write letters (sound photograph)

Syllable - this is when two sounds come together - a consonant and a vowel. A syllable is part of a word.If the child finds it difficult to divide the word into syllables, you can invite the child to pat the word in parts, or put your palm under your chin and pronounce the word clearly. When pronouncing vowels lower jaw will move down, and with it the palm. By the number of movements, the child will be able to determine how many vowels are in the word.

How many words are spoken, so many syllables.

Word - consists of sounds and syllables, denotes objects, their signs and actions.

To determine which vowel sound the stress falls on, you can invite the child to stomp on the stressed syllable with his foot or hit the table with his fist while pronouncing a word in syllables, while pulling the vowel.

Stages of work to develop the skills of sound analysis

When teaching sound analysis, a strict sequence should be observed in the presentation of forms of sound analysis: extraction of sound from a word, determination of the first sound, establishment of the place of sound (beginning, middle, end of a word), complete sound analysis.

In no case should you violate the order of formation of mental actions: relying on material means (chips of three colors: red, blue, green), in speech terms, according to presentation.

It is also necessary to adhere to the sequence of presentation of the words intended for analysis, while it is necessary to ensure that in the words proposed for analysis there are no sounds that the child does not know how to pronounce or pronounces incorrectly.

Words that should not be given for analysis:

Words with iotated letters I, E, E, U, with b and b,

Words with voiced consonants B, C, D, D, F, Z at the end of a word and in the middle before consonants,

In these cases, the spelling of the word is at odds with its pronunciation, which means the word is difficult to analyze.

Below is a list of words in the sequence of teaching elementary forms of sound analysis.

Words with stressed vowels at the beginning of a word (to recognize vowels in a word)

A: Anya, alphabet, stork, angel, army, aster, harp, arch

A: Olya, hoop, cloud, vegetables, sheep, lake, perch, order, wasps, shoes.

D: Beehive, corner, coal, fishing rod, supper, knot, beehive, urn.

And: Igor, willow, iris, frost, spark, huts, oriole, needles.

E: Elya, echo, this, this, this.

Words with stressed vowels in the middle of a word (to recognize vowels in a word)

A: hall, poppy, cancer, park, March, hour, crane, tank,

A: pole, night, umbrella, house, crowbar, catfish, elephant.

D: friend, bison, goose, ray, shower, bow, knock.

And: mushroom, tiger, leaf, shield, whale, rice.

S: smoke, son.

Words with sonorant consonants at the beginning of a word (to highlight the first sound in a word)

L, L: lamp, lily of the valley, swallow, lemon, moon.

The article provides examples of didactic exercises and games for the development of phonemic analysis, which increase the effectiveness of correctional work. Attached to the article is a presentation that provides exercise guides.

"Didactic games and exercises for the formation of phonemic analysis in primary schoolchildren with speech disorders."

Taking into account the different complexity of the forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis and the sequence of mastering them in ontogenesis, the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Isolation (recognition) of a sound against the background of a word, i.e. determination of the presence of sound in a word.
  2. Isolation of the sound at the beginning, at the end of the word. Determination of the first and last sound in a word, as well as its place (beginning, middle, end of a word).
  3. Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determination of the sequence, number and place of sounds in relation to other sounds in a word).

So that the work on the development of phonemic analysis has a systemic character and continues throughout school year (and was not limited to a few lessons at the stage of teaching literacy), and also did not take much time in the lesson, it is effective to conduct such exercises in the form of didactic games.

The use of didactic games as one of the most productive teaching tools allows, firstly, to teach children cheerfully, joyfully, without compulsion.

Secondly, play helps, along with the formation and development of phonemic perception, to organize the child's activity, enrich him with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly, stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in Russian language lessons and develop a love for their native language.

Thirdly, the game can be used in various ways (sometimes only fragments of the game are used), while updating the speech material and including in it didactic material in the Russian language of a multilevel nature. Fourth, by example didactic game the teacher can implement tasks not only by

development of phonemic perception proper, but also to solve specific tasks of the lesson itself, correlated with the key issues of the Russian language program in elementary school.

The set of game exercises for the formation of phonemic analysis in primary schoolchildren with speech disorders consists of three main sections:

1. Highlighting the sound on the background of the word.

Here you can offer the following tasks, games and exercises:

  • Raise your hand, clap your hands, or stamp your foot, or pick up the P card if the word contains the P sound (or another sound, depending on the purpose of the lesson). Words are called by a speech therapist. Example words: frame, nose, fisherman, hat.
  • Determine whether there is a sound P in the word or not. If there is a sound p in the word, raise your hand, if there is no sound p, stamp your foot: flour, steam, rocket, winter, lemon, castle.
  • Select object pictures with the sound r in the name.
  • Determine in which of the two words the sound R is heard. It is a pity - hot, good - bad, cancer - varnish, feast - drank, frame - lama.
  • Name vegetables, fruits, or toys that have the sound r in their names.

Game "Who's Bigger?"

Purpose . Finding sound in the names of objects in the picture.

Equipment. Subject picture, which depicts objects with a specific sound.

Description of the game:

The teacher shows the children a picture, for example, "Garden". After examining the picture, the teacher offers to tell what the children collect in the garden. Then the children are given the task of saying which objects have the sound p (sound s) in the name. A chip is given for each word. The one with the most chips wins. Let's play this game with you.

Exercise "Climb"

Purpose: highlighting sound against the background of a word, consolidating sound - letter connections.

Starting from the bottom step, the child goes up, walking with his finger from one step to another.

  • by ear: "There is a sound Ш in the spoken word - rise, no - stop"
  • based on your own pronunciation: "Name words with the sound Ш"
  • based on dry pronunciation ideas: Look at the pictures, think if their names contain the sound Sh. if there is - rise, no - stop. "

Climbing up, the child looks at what is behind the "curtains", determines the presence or absence of sound in the word. In subsequent stages, this visual material can be used by defining 1, 2,3,4, 5, the last sound in a word, to associate with the corresponding letter.

Exercise "Gingerbread man in the forest"

Instructions: "To the clearing, where the sound C in the name of the object, the Kolobok will roll along a straight path, the sound C, along a winding path." Children, having determined the presence of sound in a word, lay out the appropriate track.

(Slide number 4)

Exercise "Match a Pair"

Purpose: highlighting the sound against the background of the word.

In subsequent stages, this visual material can be used by defining 1, 2,3,4, 5, the last sound in a word, to associate with the corresponding letter.

2. Isolation of the first and last sound from the word, determination of its place (beginning, middle, end of the word).

Exercise "Fir-tree" (option 1)

Purpose: determination of the first (last) sound in a word, consolidation of sound-letter connections.

Instructions: "Determine the first (last) sound in the word, designate it with a letter and put it on the yellow ball" (by analogy on the orange one).

Exercise "Light up herringbone" (option 2)

Instructions: "Listen to the word, name the first sound in the word, put the corresponding circle."

At subsequent stages, this visual material can be used by defining 2, 3, 4, 5, the last sound in the word, specified by the flashlight number (lighting the first flashlight - select the first sound, lighting the second - select the second sound in the word, etc.)

Exercise: Speech Lotto

Purpose: determining the first and last sound in a word.

Exercise "Tell Petrushka a Sound."

Purpose: determination of the last sound in a word.

Exercise: Hedgehog

Instruction: “Help the hedgehog to get to the forest clearing. To do this, name the words in which the studied sound is at the beginning, middle and end of the word. " Children name words, following the appearance of the O of the corresponding color in a certain place in the word scheme (the table is given without O).

(Slide number 8)

Purpose: isolation of the first (last) sound in a word, consolidation of sound-letter connections.

Content: in front of each child a set of squares of blue, green, red (18 pieces). Children, having heard the first sound in a word, put a square of the corresponding color, laying out a rug pattern of nine squares, denoting the sound with a letter that they put on the square. The speech therapist suggests making words from letters located on blue and red squares, then on green and red ones.

Exercise "Magic rug".

In this version, the square is not graphics sound in the word.

Purpose: determining the place of sound in a word.

Instructions: "Put a blue square if the sound under study is at the beginning of a word, a red square at the end of a word, a green square in the middle of a word." Children put a square of the corresponding color, laying out the pattern of the rug.

At the subsequent stages of work, children are offered a pattern of squares in blue, green, red. Children choose words with a given sound, focusing on the color of the square.

Exercise "Snake"

Purpose: determining the place of sound in a word.

(Slide number 9)

Exercise "Traffic lights".

Purpose: determination of the first (last) sound in a word.

Content: there are three traffic lights on the typesetting canvas. Children have to "light up" a certain light at the traffic light, respectively placing a picture near the traffic light. If the first sound in the word is a vowel, the child puts a picture near the traffic light in which the red light should light up (by analogy, blue and green). Children are taught that these traffic lights are for the word, not for the people, so the light comes on blue, not yellow.

In subsequent stages, this visual material can be used by identifying 2,3,4,5, the last sound in the word.

(Slide number 10)

3. Determination of the sequence, the amount of sound in a word. Establishing the place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds.

Exercise "Secret Word"

Instruction: "Determine the first sound of the word, combine them and you will recognize the secret word that is hidden in these cells."

Children define the secret word. To fix sound-letter connections, sounds are designated by letters.

By analogy, 2, 3, 4 are determined, the last sound in a word, a sound specified by a digit in order, a sound specified by a digit in a breakdown.

(Slide number 12)

Exercise "Labyrinth".

Purpose: determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word.

Instruction: “Help Seryozha get on new Year's celebrationby correctly naming the words suitable for these schemes. " Children name words with and without pictures.

(Slide number 13)

Exercise "Store".

Purpose: determining the number of sounds in a word.

By analogy, you can buy for "money" - cards with red circles painted objects, in the name of which one, two, three, four vowel sounds. For "money" with one circle, you can buy an item in the name of which one vowel sound.

The use of the described games and exercises allows children to form the skills of auditory self-control, the ability to determine the sequence, number and location of sounds in relation to other sounds of a word, to perform the action of sound analysis in internal speech.


List of references:

  • Volkova, L.S. Logopedia / L.S. Volkova, R. I. Lalaeva, E. M. Mastyukova. - M: Vlados, 2006.
  • Lalaeva, R.I. Reading and writing disorders in younger students. Diagnostics and correction / R.I. Lalaeva, L.V. Venediktov. - Rostov-on-Don; SPb., 2004.

Angela Gaponenko

The development of complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis is based on the skills formed in preschool age:

Isolation (recognition) of sound against the background of a word,

Isolation of the first and last sound,

Determination of the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

The separation of the first sound from a word and a syllable is a great difficulty for children. For example, if a child is asked to name the first sound in the word bag, he calls su instead of s.

The work on isolating the first consonant sound from a word (syllable) is much faster if children have learned to isolate a consonant sound from the end of a word, where it is clearly audible, as well as to compare words with each other with the studied sound at the beginning and end of the word.

Tasks for determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) are very useful.

The main task: to explain to the child that the beginning of a word is the first sound, the end of a word is the last sound, all other sounds are in the middle of the word.

I bring to your attention games developed in practical work of many years, suitable for frontal and individual lessons to develop the skills of sound analysis.

A game "Hedgehogs with baskets"purpose: development of phonemic hearing, differentiation of sounds by ear and in pronunciation.

Equipment: two baskets, two cards with letters (S and W, Z and Z, etc., several objects and toys, in the name of which there are the studied sounds (rl, ssh, zz, etc.) .).

Game progress: there are objects and baskets on the table with attached letters. The child chooses any object, pronounces its name 2 times (usually with an exaggerated sound) and puts it in the appropriate basket. If the child does not know how to pronounce the sound under study, then the teacher pronounces the word, and the child distinguishes the sound by ear. Another variant: two "hedgehog" children come to the table at the blackboard, the task is to disassemble objects, one child - into basket C, another child - into basket S.

A game "Snake"purpose: development of phonemic hearing, skills of sound analysis of the word.

Option 1

Equipment: a snake is drawn on the board, the space under the snake is divided by chalk into three parts (we will put object pictures under the head, body and tail). Pictures have in their name the sound under study, located at the beginning and end of a word, or option 2 - at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

Game progress: the child takes the picture, pronounces its name, exaggerating the sound under study, and puts the boards on the board in the right place. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher pronounces the word, at the same time leading his hand along the snake.

Option 2

Equipment: on the table in front of the child there is a card with a drawn snake, on the card there is a button that can be moved along a thread, several object pictures with the sound being studied at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

Game progress: The child says or listens to a word by sliding his finger along the snake, then moves the button to the desired location.

Option 3

Equipment: on the table in front of the child, two snakes drawn on cards, on paper clips - a symbol of a vowel (another version of a consonant) sound at the beginning and end of a word, several object pictures with the sound under study at the beginning and end of the word.

Game progress: the child needs to put the pictures into two piles under the snakes, depending on the place of the sound in the word.

Related publications:

Tasks: 1. To form the ability of children to perform sound analysis of a word. 2. Develop the ability to identify vowels, hard and soft consonants.

"In the Kingdom of Sounds." A lesson on teaching the skills of forming sound analysis and synthesis Tasks: 1. Learn to determine the place of the sound [K] in the word. 2. Continue to acquaint with the concepts of "consonant sound", "hard consonant", "soft.

The initial process in teaching children to write and read is sound analysis and word synthesis. Many children have difficulty dismemberment.

Games and exercises to develop phonemic perception and sound analysis skills 1 slide. Good afternoon, dear colleagues. My name is Anastasia Alexandrovna Nosova. The topic of my speech is Games and exercises for development.

Summary of a lesson on improving phonemic representations, developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis in a preschool educational institution Summary of the lesson "Journey to the land of sounds and words" For older preschool children. Purpose: Improving phonemic.

Abstract of the GCD for improving the skills of sound analysis and literacy "Sound [T] and the letter" T " Full name: Ovchinnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna Position: Teacher - speech therapist Educational institution: MDOU d / s "Berezka" Group: preparatory.

What did your mother affectionately call Zoya? (Zoya, Zoya, Zoya-shenka.)Guess what Zoe did this morning. She pushed ... (curtain), bed ... (tucked in), did ... (charging),pigtails ... (braided)bandage... (tied up)cleaned ... (teeth).What is the name of the toothpaste? (Tooth.)And the powder? (Dental.)Then Zoya went to the kitchen ... (breakfast).In the morning we ... (we have breakfast).

Two friends came to visit Zoya. Give them names with the sound z. (Lisa, Aza.)Guess what they brought with them.

Items and toys are displayed.

The first sound in the word m,last - and.What is it? (Mosaic.)First sound in,last - and,name the word. (Vase.)The girls brought ... (mosaic, vase, clockwork bunny, toy TV, umbrella)and more flowers ... (roses, forget-me-nots, mimosas).

Development auditory attention and memory

The girls decided to play "Telephone". You need to send the words over the phone: bunny, mosaic, umbrella, vase, and now: forget-me-nots, roses, mimosas.

Children repeat words in a given sequence.

Sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis

Aza suggests playing words in a different way. Lower your heads to your hands and close your eyes. Aza will pronounce the word, and you will raise as many fingers as there are syllables in the word. Words are called.

Now complete the missing syllables in words: moro ... (PS), that ... (PS), aquatic ...(shl), gro ... (for).Now Aza will name the first syllable, and you will name the whole word: gla ... (eyes), stra ...(dragonfly), behind ... (castle), be ... (birch), behind ... (curtain), behind ... (fly in), that ... (basins).

Zoya and Aza decided to find out how many syllables and sounds are in a word
basins.How many syllables do you think there are in this word? What
first syllable? And the second syllable? Indicate the sounds of this word cru
scabbards. What are the vowel sounds? How many consonants?
Where is the consonant sound z? "


Zoya and Aza invite us to do exercises with them and with the clockwork bunny.

The reading of the poem is accompanied by imitation of movements.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, On your toes, pull yourself up!

Bunny jumped on a tree stump. We put our paws on the side,

He beats the drum loudly, On his toes, hop-hop-hop.

Calls for leapfrog to play. And then squat down

Legs up, legs down, So that the legs do not freeze.

V. Volina

8. Pronunciation of the sound z in sentences. Drafting
suggestions for key words. Practical assimilation
verb forms to call

Tell us how the children played with toys.

Children talk. Make sentences with words mosaic, bunny, vase.

The speech therapist offers sentence schemes.

Liza suddenly remembered what she needed on the phone ... (call).And now you, Dima (Mitya),call.

The phone is brought to the child.

What are you doing? I... (calling)i... (I'll call).What did you do? (He called.)You already ... (called).We will... (call).We... (we will call).What have we done? (They called.)

Pronunciation of the sound z in coherent speech

Lisa is very fond of phrases. Let's compose for her a clean-work with the word goat.

For-for-for, there is a goat in the meadow. Zoo-zoo-zoo, together we grazed the goat. Zy-zy-zy, a goat's bell. For-for-for, go home, goat.

And here is Zoya's phrases. Let's repeat them together with her.

Zayka Buba has a toothache. Zoya is Zaykina's mistress. The bunny sleeps in Zoya's basin. Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu, My Lisa is in the basin.

10. Acquaintance with the letter s

Do you know what this book is called? (ABC.)Zoya took the alphabet, the letter sshe named it. See what the letter z looks like? (Number three.)

3 - not just a curl,

3 - spring, pretzel, shavings.

B. Stepanov

Look at this letter: It is just like number three.

C. Marshak

11. Reading syllables for, zo, zu, zy.Composing words from times
different syllables

Let's read syllables with the girls for, zo, zu, zy. Now from the syllables that, no, to, would, zu, zy make up words. (Horses, basins, teeth.)Let's help Zoya put her name out of the cut alphabet.

Lesson summary

What sound did we study today? Who helped us? What sound is that? (A consonant, solid, sonorous sound.)What letter did you meet? (FROM letter z.)And what number does this letter look like? (Number three.)

The theme "Sounds s, h "and the letter z "

Flying on a star

Material.Pictures of a starship, "star men", a castle, animals (zebra, bison, dragonfly, monkey, grasshopper, hare, jellyfish), birds (finch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin), plants (strawberries, boletus), products (raisins, marshmallows ); items (lock, nails, basket, curtain); color symbols of sounds, letters.

Course of the lesson

Organizational moment.

What planet do we live on? (On the ground.)Who are we? (Earthlings, children of the Earth.)Who lives in the stars? (Children of the stars.)They send us their favorite sounds h, h "

Lesson topic message

The children of the stars sent us stellar signals: hhhhhh, s "-z" -z "-z".

3. Characteristics of sounds z, h "on articulatory and aku
static signs. Designating them with color symbols