Tomatoes in their own juice are delicious without sterilization. The best recipes tomato in their own juice for the winter

Tomatoes in their own juice will not leave indifferent! It is very tasty and just cook enough! We offer a selection of the most successful recipes for making a tomato in our own juice for the winter.

  1. Simple recipe tomato in its own juice for the winter
  2. Fast tomato recipe in Own juice

+ Video recipes!

Tomatoes in their own juice: 14 best recipes for the winter


Required ratio of products:

10 kg Tomato (6 kg of them - for tomato).

HA has a lite-litp COPA:

  • 1 s. l. Cales
  • 2 s l. Caxapa.


B. Battail Warring Ceases and Cussee

Tota Cot is boiling 15 minutes. Gopsyae making bacus with all.

You have for kinchiki and the factory. 2-x litpecakes Cepless - 30 minutes, litput - 15 minutes.

We are tightly tearing, we turn over, we wrap up to complete cooling!

POEOPS IN CONTANT CONCLUSION without sterilization - with 1 shed

Product ratio

For every liter of tomato:

  • 1.5 Salt Spoon Table
  • 2 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 laurel leaf
  • 2 peas of fragrant peppers


Mainly strong tomatoes expand into prepared banks. We are angry with boiling water, cover with a towel.

Tomatoes on the turn on the mecopube, put on it. Boiling 12-15 minutes.


Separate, we have wrapped in the information.



  • tweepes -, 6 kg;
  • na ck - kg;

SPEE NA 1 litboo:

  • uKPOP ZOntka - 1 pc.;
  • pEPE BOALGAPKY - 2-3 DOPs;
  • checno - 2-3 teeth;
  • cherry leafs - 1 pc.;
  • lying LCT - 1 pc.;
  • cempot Cement - 3-4 pcs.;

Ha 1 LitP Thamno COA:

  • cOIL - 1 T.L.;
  • caxap - 2 T.L.


Na Cough to have a cool, try, simply check the mecope.

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Bainki and sneakers are very necessary and ppocent.


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KAK Tulko Balki is taken out, doctorate, kogda ix Majo Capoine to drink Puka, to blame and choose WopOi Pause boilingwood.

The topics of the CAXAPA and COILE.

Therefore, it is forbidden to make an overwhelming one and make a boiling one - the CPA will be asked by the Goppy Ksykhai Tugo.

Bainki have a na naetetse and jeep.



  • midty small small - 1 kg;
  • cups, ripe, tomato - 1 kg;
  • leaving LCT - PO TCCU;
  • summer seeds - Po TsCU;
  • gvzdika - Po TCCU;
  • cAXAP - PO TCCU;
  • cOAL - NO TCCU.



PakklikaEEM Melkie POFIOPY (BEZ of Naughty) in Balka, A Cups of the definition of the blunder in Pepe

Do you need a pype

Coin, Coin and Caxap

Pottail one PUPE NA Malankom OGE 3-5 minutes

Haping forces with pupes with paofs, sterilize 20 minutes liter jars.

Make it.

POEMOPS IN CONTANT CONCHER NA Winter - Pecping Bez Cepless

Product ratio

  • 3 kg tweex pounds POMIDOPOV for zakatka;
  • 3 kg SoftX Counted POMIOVOPOV for the same COPA;
  • 8 pcs. Chepnogo pepza gopshkam;
  • 2 films of ukpos and ped pipes;
  • cOIL - 1 BT. Lodge on a liter of tomato
  • cAXAP - 1 hour. Lodge NA 1 litp for the COPA.


Strong Tomatoes with Wilkiy or toothless, Plotno uxx in the first prepared brags,


The topics of the CAXAP, CAXAP, COX and PEEME.

Leech out of the booths, the use of the same, however, it is kidd.

Beat the devices with papalopa in the one, ukutyte.

Fast tomato recipe in Own juice

Required products

  • Tomatoes
  • Black peas pepper

For every liter of tomato:

  • 1 hp Sololi.
  • 1 tsp of sugar


Strong tomatoes put in sterilized banks.

From the remaining tomatoes, prepare a tomato mass, grinding them with a blender, and boil the mixture.

Add 1 l tomato mass to 1 h. Salts and sugar and several black pepper peas.

Fill tomatoes with hot tomato juice.

Sterilize 20 minutes.

Spicy tomatoes in their own juice with horseradish and garlic

On 2 liters of tomato juice:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 50 g of chopped Bulgarian pepper;
  • 50 g of rubbed garlic;
  • 50 g of the rubbish root of Khrena.

Bring the tomato mass to boil and fill it with tomatoes with tomatoes. Sterilize (1-liter banks - 15 minutes, 3-liter banks - 20 minutes). Immediately block.

Recipe for tomatoes in its own juice - simple recipe

Per 1 liter of tomato juice:

  • 1 tbsp Sololi.
  • 1.5 st. Supply of sugar


First, tomatoes lay out in jars.

Twist the frosted tomatoes for tomato on a meat grinder or grind a blender.

Boil tomato juice 15 minutes, pour into them with tomatoes cans.

Double-liter cans sterilize half an hour, liter - 15 minutes, three-liter - 45 minutes. Now you can alternately roll banks, turn over and put up under the blanket where they will be before cooling.

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization


  • 3 kg of dense small tomatoes;
  • 3 kg of soft tomatoes for juice;
  • 8 black peppers peppers;
  • 2 twigs of dill and parsley;
  • sugar and salt - 1 l. spoon on 1 l juice.

Preparation: Tomatoes for juice cut into pieces, put in a saucepan and bring to a boil. We add finely chopped greens and cook on a quiet fire when stirring 20 minutes. Cool and wipe over a sieve. We need only tomato juice. Tomatoes are grooming toothpick - so when pouring they do not burst. We lay out tomatoes on sterilized banks, put on 2 pea peppers, pour boiling water and leave under the covers for 20 minutes. Tomato juice is re-boiling by adding sugar and salt. From cans with tomatoes merge water and pour tomatoes tomato juice. We ride. Banks turn over and wrap up to complete cooling.

Tomatoes in tomato juice with garlic, horseradish and bell pepper


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 250 g;
  • overripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • garlic, crushed with the root of Khrena - ¼ Art.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.


In the 3-liter bank, put tomatoes, and overripe - rinse, grind and put in a saucepan, then bring to a boil. Boil them until they become soft. After that, cool and wipe through the siete.

Add sugar and salt to the resulting tomato puree. Mix it and bring to a boil. After the juice starts to throw, add pepper, horseradish and garlic.

The resulting hot mass will bulk the banks with tomatoes and begin to sterilize. Banks with a volume of 3 l - 20 min, 1 l - 15 min. Close them and turn the bottom up to be cooled.

Tomatoes in tomato juice with dill and garlic

Recipe composition:

  • tomato juice - 1 l;
  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - beam;
  • bay sheet - 10 leaves;
  • seasoning curry;
  • pepper peas - 10 peas;
  • garlic - 3 teeth.


Dill finely cut, trim and wash tomatoes and thoroughly.

Banks Sterilize and put all the spices there.

After that, put tomatoes there.

Tomato juice is brought to a boil and throw a pinch of curry.

Fill banks with boiling tomato juice. Then pour salt into banks.

Steriline banks for 7 minutes. Then roll out.

Spicy tomatoes in their own juice in garlic-shy fill


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 6 teeth;
  • currant leaves - 6 pcs;
  • cherry leaves - 4 pcs;
  • khrena leaves - 1 pc;
  • dill - 3 umbrellas;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs;
  • black pepper - 15 peas;

Fill composition:

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • crushed horseradish and garlic in the morning - 80 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 3 h. l.


For the pouring, the tomatoes skip through the meat grinder, add garlic, horseradish, sugar and salt, mix thoroughly.

Place garlic and greens and greens on the bottom of the cans, then tomatoes.

Boil the cooked refueling and pour it with tomatoes.

Banks sterilize 20 minutes, then roll out. Turn over, cover the blanket and wait when you get cool.

Stuffed tomatoes in your own for the winter

Products for cans with a volume of 3 l:

  • tomatoes of small size - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • pepper fragrant and black - 5 peas;
  • bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • bitter pepper - 1 pc.;
  • root and chrine leaves;
  • onions - 0.5 heads;
  • bay leaf;
  • parsley and dill;
  • salt and sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - 5 umbrellas;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 liters.


Tomatoes Wash, cut in half, not a little unfortunate.

Garlic, cut into thin slices.

Wash the greenery, grind hell. Each tomato is naughty garlic and greens. Wash pepper and cut in half.

At the bottom of the prepared banks to put on the bottom of the spices, onions, clove of garlic, hot peppershalf of the dill and horseradish.

Then put tightly puzzled tomatoes.

On the sides of the cans to launch the Bulgarian pepper, from above - dill, leaves and root of Khrena.

Boost tomato juice and pour them the contents of the bank. Sterilize 20 minutes a liter jar, hermetically silent, cool in the inverted state.

Tomatoes in their own juice, cutted by pieces


  • Poims - 1 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - ½ tbsp.;
  • soul - ¾ Article.


Remove with the same shorter. Treat palls on a big dock. Remove the vehicles of the plug-in. Can't get to the jar

To make pieces of POMDOW PO Usually taste.

To allow the bank to pieces for the edge of the edge of the guy.

Studying meters in determining the unit for 30 minutes (minimum).

In order, there are three years old, there are etchs of NE Slychkam. It is necessary to properly go through the MOMET, Congrators will be empty by a moment and the bank will be given to him.

The planted EMKOF is neat enough to descend from the pan. Remove the lid. Pour the porridge in relation to the ukcius.

Germatichno bite the bank of the caps. PERE EMQUEST, CARE ONEEL. Master to feel.

Tomatoes in their own juice - video

We offer a selection - 5 video recipes, how to cook delicious tomatoes In its own juice!

We take tomatoes. Solids are set off in one direction. Softer - to another. Solid tomatoes will remain with us. And soft will go on puree. It is necessary that the solid is more. Although it is optional. Thoroughly rinse all tomatoes. Layout solid in sterilized banks.

Pour jars with tomatoes boiling water to top. Let them stand in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. In the meantime, we are preparing mashed potatoes from softer tomatoes. Cut them into pieces and put in a saucepan. Put on the stove. We warm them up to the selection of juice until they softened. See that tomatoes do not burn.

When you see that all the juice came out of tomatoes, we begin to polish. Transfix juice into a colander. There we also discard the flesh. Davim her good things to strain juice.

Juice from tomatoes put in a saucepan on fire. Put salt and sugar. You can put garlic and various spices as well spices. When the juice boils, cook it for half an hour. After that, we pour water from cans with tomatoes. Fill juice, resulting from ruled tomatoes, in banks to the edges. Calculate the juice enough. We ride banks and turn over. Top cover with a towel.

Try fast I. delicious recipe Canned tomatoes in their own juice. Plus this recipe is that tomatoes are preserved without long and tedious sterilization, which greatly accelerates and simplifies the whole process. Tomatoes are not digested, which significantly improves their taste. So, I tell in detail how to prepare tomatoes in our own juice without sterilization.


(at the Lithuanian Bank)

  • 600-700 gr. Tight tomatoes for laying in a jar
  • 700-800 gr. ripe tomatoes for juice
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara without a slide
  • 1/3 of Article. Salt (conventional stone salt)
  • 1 tbsp. 9% of table vinegar
  • All tomatoes are carefully mine, we change the water several times. Tomatoes shift into a clean bowl, give water to water. Tomatoes should come across.
  • Carefully my jars and covers, sterilize dishes for conservation.
  • In a sterile liter jar, they are tightly labeled dry tomatoes, while immediately we sort them: ripe bars will go to tomato juice, but tight and small laid in a jar.
  • How many tomatoes will go to the bookmark, and how much to juice depends on the size of tomatoes. The smaller the tomatoes, the more dense they can be laid, the more tomatoes fit in the jar. The larger the tomatoes, the more free space will remain in the jar, the more tomato juice is required.
  • The jar with tomatoes fill with cool boiling water to the very edges of the cans. In order for the bank to do not burst, firstly, it should still be warm after sterilization and, secondly, they pour boiling water into the center of the neck, that is, the tomatoes themselves, and not on the glass.
  • A can with tomatoes cover with a sterile metal lid, the can of the can be burned into a blanket or a thick terry towel. Discustomed bank / banks leave for 30 minutes. In essence, this is sterilization, only not traditional in boiling water or in the oven, but a long-term thermal.
  • While the jars with tomatoes are exposed under the blanket, prepare tomato juice. Juice can be prepared in different ways: in a snowar, in the juicer, and you can simply cut tomatoes, pecking, and then wipe through a sieve or colander to remove tomato skins and seeds. How to cook tomato juice, look.
  • On each liter canned canned tomatoes in its own juice, approximately 0.4-0.5 liters of tomato juice will be required.
  • To boiling tomato juice, add salt and sugar. If necessary, adjust the salt and sugar to your liking. Cook tomato juice for 15 minutes.
  • Engage jars with tomatoes. Without removing the covers, carefully drain the water from each can.
  • In each jar with tomatoes, we pour over 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and then pour tomatoes with boiling tomato juice. The order is as follows: Pour juice into the first jar, we roll, then pour boiling juice to the second jar, rush, etc.
  • The jars turn the covers down, look well and leave in this form for 24 hours. That's all, delicious tomatoes in our own juice are ready, keep them in a dark cool place (storage room, cellar) away from heating devices.
  • Here is a recipe for those who prefer

Tomatoes are an indispensable decoration of the dining table. And it is not so important what way they are cooked: pickling, soling, schu, etc. Each hostess knows that there are a lot of options. Recipe "Tomatoes in its own juice" - one of the most simple and popular. It is not necessary to implement special skills, and the list of necessary ingredients is minimal.

Canning tomatoes in its own juice

When you choose the appropriate recipe, proceed to cooking. To begin with, consider the foundations, regardless of the list of ingredients. So, well, my tomatoes. We dry them. Next, we prepare tomato juice (we consider ways to see below). Based on the reviews, it is recommended to do it with a margin, because it will be very disappointing if this product is not enough. And the surplus can be used somewhere or just a drink. Also important stages are the bookmark, sterilization and spin of vegetables. Read more about this below.

Tomato juice

Tomato for canning can be prepared in an in one way. Let's get acquainted with some of them:

  • The first method is the easiest. We take tomatoes. Remove the fruit. Tomatoes cut in half and grind in a blender.
  • Second option. We cut tomatoes for 4-8 parts. We take a large saucepan, pour some water into it and lay out the sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes. The container is kept on medium heat, which is reduced when tomatoes boil. All this is boiled over two hours and periodically mixed. Next, we give to cool the resulting tomato mass. Then, to separate the skins, wipe the puree through the colander.
  • The third way. In the tomato, we remove the fruit, grind, heat, but in order not to boil, we carry through the sieve. Required spices add to the mass and put on fire again. If you need to use fragrant pepper, cinnamon, then they should be tied in a gauze nodule and omit in the pan. Tomato mixture is boiled 20 minutes with stirring. Seasonings in the nodule take out. You can add the chopped garlic as desired and boil the whole lot again.

Our tomato is ready, proceed to the Tomato Bookmark.

Bookmark vegetables in banks

The recipe "tomatoes in its own juice" implies that vegetables should be laid out in sterile banks. Therefore, first, my capacitance is fine. Then they are screaming with boiling water or sterilize for five minutes (this option is more reliable). Lay out tomatoes. In advance prepared tomato juice, add salt (per liter per liter) and it is boiling a bit. Pour the tomatoes with hot juice, cover with metal covers, which are recommended to pre-boil.


Tomatoes in their own juice must be sterilized before sunset. It is done very easily. We take a saucepan of quite large size. We bring the required amount of water to boil. On the bottom of the pan put a rag, folded several times, or a wooden grid. At the same time, banks must stand firmly and not touch the pan.

Sterilize the container. Bank (liter) should be in a boiling water of 20 minutes, and two-liters - half an hour.

Get banks and twist them.

Marinated tomatoes

Consider how to cook marinated tomatoes in our own juice. For a three-liter bank, we need the following products:

  • small tomatoes (dense) - 2 kg;
  • surpired tomatoes (soft) - 2 kg;
  • purified garlic and horseradish root - by ¼ Art.;
  • pepper sweet - 250 g;
  • sugar and salt - 5 and 2 tbsp. respectively.

Cooking process

To begin with, overripe tomatoes wash and cut into large pieces. We lay out in the container, bring to a boil. When they are completely soft, carry through sieve. In juice puree, which we got, add salt with sugar. All are well stirred and put on fire. Garlic finely cut or press through the garlic, rub hell on the grater, we skip sweet peppers twice through the meat grinder. All this is added to the boiled tomato juice.

Overcoming tomatoes piercing wooden toothpick several times. We put them in banks, pre-sterilized. Pour the tomatoes with a boiling tomato, cover the lids. Sterilize 25 minutes. We ride pickled tomatoes in our own juice (see the photo below), turn the bottom up, we wrap.

Option without sterilization

The recipe "tomatoes in its own juice" may be not so difficult. So, we will use:

  • small solid tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • soft juicy tomatoes - 3 kg (for juice);
  • pepper peas (black) - 8 pcs.;
  • dill and parsley - 2 twigs;
  • sugar and salt - 1 tsp. and 1 tbsp. l. Accordingly, the liter of juice.

My tomatoes. Then my and finely cut the greens. Fruits for cooking juice cut into large pieces, put them in a saucepan. Drinking to a boil, add greens. Cook somewhere 20 minutes on a weak fire, stirring periodically. Tomatoes as a result should be soft. With the help of a sieve in a wailed mass of tomatoes, separate from the juice of cake.

As noted in the reviews of experienced culinary culinary, tomatoes for twist (small) need to be powered by a toothpick or fork to prevent their cracking during conservation. Then they put them tightly into sterilized banks, add to each tank 2 of the black pepper peppers, pour boiling water. Cover covers and leave for 20 minutes.

Tomato juice once again need to be touched to a boil. We add salt with sugar and mix. Alternately pour water from each can, pour tomato juice, cover with a lid and ride.

Tomatoes in their own juice turn the bottom up, eat and leave until it does not cool.

Recipe with horseradish and garlic

The billets "tomatoes in their own juice" can be used for this recipe as an excellent sauce suitable for meat and a variety of garnings.

Calculate on a three-liter jar. We take (ingredients are calculated by 2.5 liters of fillings):

  • tomatoes - about 1.5 kg + for fill;
  • garlic - ¼-½ tbsp.;
  • carrots - 250 g;
  • sweet pepper - 250 g;
  • parsley;
  • horseradish - ¼-1st.;
  • sugar and salt - 5 and 2 tbsp. respectively;
  • easy pepper (peas) - 5-6 pcs.

As usual sterilize banks and covers. We take whole fruits, without damage, and piercing them with a toothpick. We have already spoken, it is necessary that they do not crack when pouring boiling water. At the bottom of all cans put a parsley, and from above - tomatoes.

For the preparation of tomato juice with tomato, we remove the skin, grind them on the meat grinder, in the kitchen process or blender. In the same way, it is necessary to grind horseradish, garlic, sweet pepper and carrots. Garlic and peppers take taste.

Tomatoes pour to the top of boiling water, cover with covers, then a blanket or a warm towel. In this form, keep them 5 minutes. Water drain. For the second time we pour boiling water. We leave for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, you need to prepare tomato juice for fill. We take a tomato mass, add pepper, sugar, salt. Let's boil. We put crushed vegetables. Boil on low heat, while the foam will not cease to form at all.

Melt water from cans. Pour immediately boiling juice. We roll around with covers, put the bottom up, burst into a warm blanket.

"Lazy" tomatoes

Soldering tomato in its own juice on this recipe is made easy and simple. That is why they are called "lazy". Laying seasonings and sterilization of vegetables are not assumed. In addition, such blanks are perfectly stored.

Put tomatoes in the clean bank, pour them with boiling water twice, each time we withstand for 10 minutes. We fill in the third time already brine, which is preparing like this: Mix water (5 l), salt (half of the glass), sugar (0.5 kg), bring to a boil, then pour 6% vinegar (a half cup). We ride banks.

A few more recipes

Everyone knows the utility of tomatoes as in fresh formand in the blanks. There is an opinion that if you eat one tomato per day, it will be a kind of cancer prevention bladder, lungs, prostate glands and other organs. We offer to familiarize yourself with several useful options for salting tomatoes in our own juice.

Dietary recipe - "tomatoes in our own juice." It does not use salt, sugar and vinegar. As you know, there are people who are prohibited by these products for health, or they need to be used in limited quantities.

So, tomatoes are cut by slices, which are placed in half-liter sterilized banks. I spend their rings of sweet pepper and crushed greenery (dill and parsley). You can shake periodically banks for greater capacity. You do not need to fill tomatoes. Sterilize the container of 15 minutes and ride. This is how natural tomatoes are preparing in their own juice.

Tomato recipe Dolkov

These tomatoes have an amazing taste, and most importantly, according to reviews, they are well stored without vinegar. On the bottom of the banks put garlic teeth, bay leaf, a small bulb, black pepper - 2-3 peales. Tomatoes cut down slices, lay out in a jar and fill with hot marinade (2 liters of water, 3 tbsp. Salt, 6 tbsp. Sugar). Sterilize 5 min. We add vegetable oil (one art. L.). We ride and wrap for 2 hours. The peculiarity of these tomato is that they are useful for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for purified tomato in its own juice

We take red tomatoes, scraping them with boiling water, remove the peel, tightly fit into the banks (sterilized). Top putting dill, currant leaves (black), garlic. Pour marinade (boiling): liter of water, salt - one Article., Sugar - one C.L., citric acid - Quarter Ch.L. The billet turns out even tastier if you take water, but tomato juice. Such tomatoes are quickly eaten, and juice drank.

Storage of blanks

Store, just like cooking tomatoes in our own juice, very easy. For this, banks must be put in a cool and dark place. If your house is not hot, then this conservation is well stored in the storage room at a medium room temperature.

Subtleties of preparation

Such blanks - tomatoes in their own juice - require compliance with some simple rules. Judging by the reviews of experienced hosts, the most important of them are as follows:

  • First, if it is assumed that tomatoes will be used as an ingredient in the preparation of different dishes, it is necessary before laying in the banks to pour them for a few seconds with boiling water and remove the skin.
  • Secondly, when we can serve tomatoes in our own juice, choose small fruits for this and necessarily the same maturity. It is important that they are not too soft. The exceptions are the tomatoes that will be used to prepare the fills. In this case, they must be juicy, fleshy, rather ripe and soft.
  • Third, so that tomatoes do well, you need to check their taste in fresh form. Obviously, too acidic vegetables will be as such in the form of blanks.
  • Fourthly, you can remove any spices from the recipe (cinnamon, pepper, sugar) with the exception of salt, as it is a preservative, necessary in the process of a billet of tomato in its own juice. But it is also important with this component not to overdo it. Therefore, observe the proportions specified in the recipe.

However, even more tomatoes love for the unique taste and versatility. One of the easiest and most beloved dishes are tomatoes in juice. Despite the seeming primitiveness, the recipes of tomatoes in their own juice are very diverse. Each cook owns technology making familiar vegetables a very unique and original dish.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes:

You can cook them as you like: finely chopped or large slices, with the addition of fragrant pepper, carnations or laurel leaves. Someone is not averse to add greens, garlic and sharp fuck. Ready Flooded with boiling water and insist in a glass jar a few months before full readiness. The process is not complicated at all, but requires attention. Open the bank and with pleasure to enjoy soft and fragrant fruits - the pleasure of which it was worth spending a few hours for neat work. Preserving vegetables, you can not only be stocking for the winter with vitamins, but also take care that at any time of the year the table was decorated with an interesting, spicy dish.