GRACE translation from English into other languages. Grace Translation, pronunciation, transcription, examples of using Grace in english


[noun] grace
divine grace - God's grace
mercy, lordship, benevolence, mercy, eminence, favor
(mercy, lordship, favor)
God "s grace - God's grace
princess grace - princess grace
grace, grace
(elegance, gracefulness)
grace of God - grace of God
grace period - grace period
[adjective] preferential
period of grace - grace period
[verb] decorate

Transcription: | ɡreɪs |

to administer the coup de grace (with a knife) - deal the last blow (with a dagger)
habitual grace - innate grace
irresistible grace - irresistible grace
a lapse from grace - deprivation of mercy
a sample of grace - a sample of grace
with a bad grace - reluctantly
grace cup - cup chalice, last, farewell glass, sip
day of grace - grace period
to fall from grace - lose location
natural grace - natural grace

Examples of

She graced me with a smile.
She gave me [gave] a smile.

The monks prayed daily for grace.
The monks prayed day and night for (sending them) grace.

Max definitely lacked social graces.
Max definitely lacked social mercy.

Several marble statues grace the courtyard.
Several marble statues of the courtyard grace.

His portrait graces the wall of the drawing room.
His portrait adorns the living room wall.

I hope that you will grace our gathering with your presence ....
... I hope you will grace our congregation with your presence ....

He died in a state of grace (\u003d when God has forgiven you for the wrong things you have done).
He died in a state of grace (\u003d when God forgave you for the wrong things you did).

  1. noun
    1. grace; grace; attractiveness

      Examples of using

        As for myself, I was ravishing, was exquisite, grace itself, and I was a virgin! I did not remain so long; this flower, which had been reserved for the handsome Prince of Massa Carara, was plucked by the corsair captain.

        As for me, I was delightful — the very beauty, the very charm, and besides, I was a virgin; I didn't stay her for long; the flower that was being saved for the handsome prince Massa Carar was stolen by the captain of the corsairs.

        Candide, or Optimism. Voltaire, p. 24
      1. He was balancing himself on the dashboard of his car with that resourcefulness of movement that is so peculiarly American-that comes, I suppose, with the absence of lifting work or rigid sitting in youth and, even more, with the formless grace of our nervous, sporadic games.

        He balanced on the running board with that amazing freedom of movement that is so characteristic of Americans; they must have owed it to the absence of hard physical labor in their youth, and even more to the indefinite grace of our nervous, convulsive sports games.

        The Great Gatsby. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, p. 48
      2. and without grace.

      3. benevolence, benevolence;
        to be in smb. "s good graces to be in smb. favor

        Examples of using

          "Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God" s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out. ""

          "Be courageous, Ridley. By God's grace we will light a candle in England today that I believe they will never extinguish."

          451 degrees Fahrenheit. Ray Bradbury, p. 27
        1. It was only by the grace of God that we weren "t slaughtered like chickens!"

        2. decency; tact; courtesy;
          with (a) good grace kindly, willingly;
          with (a) bad grace unfriendly, reluctantly;
          you had the ill grace to deny it you had the tactlessness to deny it

          Examples of using

            Mum did not hurry, took Wyoh down line of husbands - Grandpaw, Greg, Hans - then up line of wives - Ludmilla, Lenore, Sidris, Anna - with stately grace, then started on our kids.

            Ma slowly brought Vayo to her husbands - Grandfather, Greg, Hans, then with regal courtesy went to the line of wives - Lyudmila, Lenore, Sidris, Anna - and began to introduce the guest to the children.

            The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, p. 95
          1. Clearly the senator's classic good looks had not skipped generations, although Rachel Sexton seemed to carry her blessings with a grace and humility her father could learn from.

            The senator's attractiveness also passed on to his daughter, although Rachel Sexton was much more tactful than her father.

            Point of deception. Dan Brown, p. 1
          2. I do not know whether he was seized with compunction at that moment for the part he was playing, but I know that I never felt more heartily ashamed of myself in my life than when I saw the beautiful creature against whom I was conspiring, or the grace and kindliness with which she waited upon the injured man.

            I don’t know if his conscience reproached him for playing such a role, but I have never in my life experienced a deeper shame than in those moments when this lovely woman, in a conspiracy against whom I was involved, courted with such kindness and caress for the wounded.

            The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Scandal in Bohemia. Arthur Conan-Doyle, p. 17
        3. attractive properties, qualities;
          airs and graces airs

          Examples of using

          1. Efforts, it is true, were made by the Pyncheons, not only then, but at various periods for nearly a hundred years afterwards, to obtain what they stubbornly persisted in deeming their right. But, in course of time, the territory was partly re-granted to more favored individuals, and partly cleared and occupied by actual settlers. These last, if they ever heard of the Pyncheon title, would have laughed at the idea of \u200b\u200bany man "s asserting a right-on the strength of moldy parchments, signed with the faded autographs of governors and legislators long dead and forgotten-to the lands which they or their fathers had wrested from the wild hand of nature, by their own sturdy toil. This impalpable claim, therefore, resulted in nothing more solid than to cherish, from generation to generation, an absurd delusion of family importance, which all along characterized the Pyncheons. It caused the poorest member of the race to feel as if he inherited a kind of nobility, and might yet come into the possession of princely wealth to support it.In the better specimens of the breed, this peculiarity threw an ideal grace over the hard material of human life, without stealing away any truly valuable quality. In the baser sort, its effect was to increase the liability to sluggishness and dependence, and induce the victim of a shadowy hope to remit all self-effort, while awaiting the realization of his dreams.

            The Pynchon, however, not only at first, but also in different eras of the next century, defended their property.

            House of Seven Spiers. Nathaniel Hawthorne, p. 14
          2. Grace was his, and the white purity of boyhood, and beauty such as old Greek marbles kept for us.

            He has everything - charm, snow-white purity of youth and beauty, the beauty that the ancient Greeks captured in marble.

            The Picture of Dorian Grey. Oscar Wilde, p. 36
          3. grace

        4. mercy, mercy; forgiveness;
          Act of grace (general) amnesty

          Examples of using

          1. Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, and trusted that she might soon have two daughters married; and the man whom she could not bear to speak of the day before was now high in her good graces.

            Mrs. Bennett appreciated the intentions hinted at by Mr. Collins, believing that she would soon have two married daughters. And the man, whose name she had not yet been able to hear the day before, now acquired her complete affection.

            Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen, p. 58
          2. For Mr. Blood had spent a third of his life in the Netherlands, where this same James Scott - who now proclaimed himself James the Second, by the grace of God, King, et cetera - first saw the light some six-and-thirty years ago, and he was acquainted with the story current there of the fellow "s real paternity.

            He spent a third of his life in Holland, where thirty-six years ago this same James Monmouth was born, who now declared himself by the grace of the Almighty King of England, Scotland, etc., etc. Blood knew Monmouth's real parents well.

            Captain Blood's Odyssey. Raphael Sabatini, p. 2
          3. SQUIRE TRELAWNEY, Dr. Livesey, and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the island, and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted, I take up my pen in the year of grace 17__ and go back to the time when my father kept the Admiral Benbow inn and the brown old seaman with the saber cut first took up his lodging under our roof.

            Squire [ title of nobility in England] Trelawney, Dr. Livesey, and other gentlemen have asked me to write everything I know about Treasure Island. They want me to tell the whole story, from the very beginning to the end, without hiding any details other than the geographical location of the island. It is still impossible to indicate where this island lies, since even now there are treasures that we did not take out. And now, in the current 17 ... year, I take up my pen and mentally return to the time when my father had an inn "Admiral Benbow" [Benbow is an English admiral who lived at the end of the 17th century] and an old tanned man settled in this tavern. sailor with a saber scar on his cheek.

            Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, p. 1
        5. respite, respite;
          days of grace trade, commerce grace days (for payment of a bill)
        6. prayer (before and after meals)

          Examples of using

          1. But because she had never converted, the little touches were missing, like grace before meals and prayers before bed, an everyday holiness.

            But she herself did not convert to the Catholic faith, and therefore some shades were not enough: prayers were not read before meals and before bedtime, everyday life was not imbued with piety.

Le mot "grâce" et la réalité qu'il désigne ont une importance centrale dans la vie de l'humanité, et particulièrement dans l'histoire et la théologie chrétiennes. S'il est vrai que tout homme souffre d'un sentiment diffus et non expliqué de ... ... Encyclopédie Universelle

grace - Grace, bien et plaisir qu on fait à celuy qui ne l a deservi, Gratia. Bonnegrace, Elegantia. Bonnegrace et contenance, Palaestra, B. ex Cic. Cela n a point de grace, Non habet genium, Bud. ex Martiale. Qui a mauvaise grace, Inconcinnus homo, ... ... Thresor de la langue françoyse

grace - GRACE. s. f. Faveur, bon office qu on fait à quelqu un sans y estre obligé. S il vous accorde telle chose, ce sera une pure grace. je vous demande cette grace. je vous demande cela en grace. faites moy la grace de .... je tiens cela de vostre ... ... Dictionnaire de l "Académie française

Grace - (gr [\u003d a] s), n. ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. (Grateful), (Gratis).] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Grace - may refer to: Religion * Grace (prayer), said before or after a meal * Divine grace, unearned favors received from God. * Prevenient grace, an Augustine Christian theological concept * Irresistible grace, a Calvinistic Christian theological concept ... Wikipedia

Grace - bezeichnet: Grace (Vorname), ein weiblicher Vorname Grace (Fernsehserie), eine US amerikanische Fernsehserie Grace (Band), ein Dancemusic Projekt von Paul Oakenfold und Steve Osborne (1994-1997) Grace (Album), ein Buffum vley das…… Deutsch Wikipedia

Grace - (en español: Gracia) puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Personajes 2 Música 3 Miscelánea 4 Véase también… Wikipedia Español

GRACE - Typ: Forschungssatellit Land (Organization): USA / Deutschland (NASA / DLR) NSSDC ID: 2002 012A / B Missionsdaten Trägerrakete… Deutsch Wikipedia

grace - noun 1. additional time that is allowed before a payment must be made: Paraguay was granted a new period of 20 years, with eight years grace, for the payment of its $ 436 million debt to Brazil. They have a grace period ... ... Financial and business terms

Grace - Leads to four articles on the subject Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Grace Grace †… Catholic encyclopedia

grace - n. 1. beauty or charm of form, composition,…… English World dictionary


  • Grace: Thirty Years of Fashion at Vogue, Coddington Grace. Grace: Thirty Years of Fashion at Vogue showcases some of the most memorable photographs published in British and American Vogue from 1972 to 2002, stories created by the iconic fashion ... Buy for 5448 rubles
  • This Star Won "t Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl, Esther Grace Earl, Wayne Earl. Diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of twelve, Esther (Persian for" Star ") Earl was an exceptionally bright, and talented - but very normal - teenager. She lived a hope-filled and ...

    grace, grace

    natural grace - natural [charming, indescribable, touching] grace

    full of grace - graceful, graceful, full of grace / grace /

    to do smth. with grace - to do smth. graceful / graceful /

    she is nothing but grace - she is all grace and grace

    often pl attractive quality; virtue

    he saw a thousand graces in her - he saw in her a lot / many / attractive qualities

    she has all the social graces - she is virtue herself, she is a storehouse of virtue

    decency; tact

    he had the grace to say he was sorry - he was tactful enough to admit his guilt

    he had the grace to apologize - we must give him his due, / to his credit, I must say that / he apologized

    she had the grace to make her visit brief - she had enough tact / intelligence / not to linger

    to have the good grace to do smth. - do what is supposed to / what befits / (this case)

    to have the ill grace to do smth. be tactless to do smth.

    you can "t refuse with any grace - to refuse will be the height of indecency


    with a good grace - willingly, kindly

    with a bad / an ill / grace - reluctantly, unfriendly

    to do smth. with a good grace - to meet smb.; respond quickly to smth.; show goodwill

    act of grace - a favor, service

    it would be an act of grace on your part - it will be very kind of you

    benevolence, benevolence; location

    to be in smb. "s good graces - to be in smb. favor, to be in smb.

    to get into smb. "s graces - to gain smb. favor, to gain smb. favor

    to insinuate oneself into the good graces of smb. rub in on smb. in confidence

    to be in the bad graces of smb. - not use smb. sympathy / favor, smb. disposition /, be out of favor with smb.

    to fall out of graces with smb. fall out of favor with smb., lose smb. location

    fall from grace - opal, disfavor

    postponement; privilege

    to grant a week "s grace - give a weekly grace period

    days of grace - grace days (for payment of a bill)

    last day of grace - deadline

    he never gives me a moment "s grace - figurative he gives me neither rest nor time

    mercy; forgiveness

    legal entitypardon, amnesty

    Act of grace - a favor, a service

    church.grace, mercy (lord)

    by the grace of God - by the grace of God

    the / this / year of grace 1934 - in the summer of the Lord 1934

    prayer (before and after meals)

    to say grace - read a prayer (before a meal)

    (Grace) mercy, lordship (form of address to the duke, duchess, archbishop, etc.)

    Your Grace - Your [His] Grace permit

    muses.ornamentation (melismas, grace, etc.)

    (the Graces) pl greekmyth.Graces

    (the graces) pl game of cerso

    to do grace to ... mouth. - a) embellish, present in a favorable light ...; b) do honor ...

  • verb


      her character is graced by every virtue - she is the embodiment of all virtues

      reward, honor

      she graced me with a smile - she rewarded / gave / me a smile

      he graced the meeting with his presence - he honored the meeting with his presence

      dignify smb."Your Grace" or "Your Grace"
