Plastic with a drawing in the bathroom. PVC finishing panels in the interior of residential rooms

Plastic finishing panels are made of pure polyvinyl chloride, although sometimes they are made from recycling, this is not hidden by anyone, and why, because the recycling of waste is the right thing. Of course, the quality of the sheet plastic depends on what it is made, and from the manufacturer, and its reputation.

In general, there are finishing panels of PVC qualitative, without impurities of other polymers, and poor-quality, they can be easily recognized by inhomogeneous texture, with small spraces of colors different from the main one. The quality rate of the sheets of plastic wall coating is:

  • Jumpers inside the panel, which is an empty space, divided into separate longitudinal channels of stiffeners; What they are more, the better.
  • Resistance to compression, which is very easy to check, with a force by pressing the sheet with your fingers; If the deformation is insignificant, light deflection, then the material is high-quality.
  • The resistance to bending is checked by repeated bending of the extreme part of the panel lock on the corner; If the plastic did not break, and the trace of your check is almost impaired, feel free to take this material.

And now about poor-quality facing materials. As a filler in the composition of polyvinyl chloride products there is a chalk, and if it is added too much, wanting to save on other components, PVC sheets are obtained very brittle, and when trying to bend them or squeeze easily.

Sign low quality is and pronounced seam when docking panels, and clearly prominent bands over rigidity ribs, and in general the geometry of the panel must be correct. If there are at least one defect of the PVC panel in the interior, they serve for a short time, and the decoration with their beauty does not differ.

Where can PVC facing panels be used?

If for a while you forget about the tradition of covering the walls with plastic exclusively in the bathroom and toilet, you can go further and separate it albeit not very noble, but very beautiful material living room, bedroom, library, office. No matter how many rooms are in your home, you can come up with a special design for each of them, which are based on PVC facing panels.

Do you think the plastic is inappropriate in the nursery or in the child's teenager's room? We could recommend the mirror panels from acrylic, they look really impressive, especially the so-called "holographic", with the effect of flicker, but the cost of them is stunning - about $ 100 per leaf size 124x246 centimeters.

If you bought high-quality PVC facing panels, and each of them is easily inserted into the castle another, a smooth surface with almost invisible connections will be provided to you. And, if you pick up nice bedtops, such a finish may well take place in the living room, especially if you practice zoning the room by coating the walls with different materials.

The angle in which you can have a working corner may well be lined with PVC, it is not even necessary to make a crate, it is enough to take liquid nails and paste the panels directly on the wall. In the bedroom, combined with tapestries and paintings, polyvinyl chloride will also look very good. On the balcony, it is best to mount the molding of the polyvinyl chloride, it is designed for street conditions, the PVC panel for the hallway is better made from the vertical strips of dark tones.

How are PVC finishing panels attach?

We have already mentioned the adhesive installation of PVC panels before, but we will repeat with great details. So, as the experience of many masters shows, liquid nails can perfectly fix the polyvinyl chloride even on top of the tile or plaster. If you have the walls whiskers, it is enough to wash the walls with wet rag (with hot water) And you can proceed to their salary. The positive aspects of the salary - does not decrease the size of the room, especially if each centimeter on the account, and the wall cover does not bend if it is leaning to it. But it is better not to glue the polyvinyl chloride to the ceiling.

To increase the reliability of the facing when the walls are saved, the guides from above and below can be additionally fixed with screws.

Another way, with which you can fix the PVC finishing panels on the walls and the ceiling is a fastening on a wooden crate or special aluminum profiles. The latter are attached to the walls on the screws, and already to them, depending on the material, the crates are mounted by our plastic wall coating.

For the tree perfectly fit or screws, or staples, for the profile - only screws. For ceiling as pVC fastenings Sheets are recommended exclusively doom. Guides, located near the floor and under the ceiling, can play the role of plinths, panels in this case will be installed vertically for horizontal location Panels guides are attached in the corners of the room.

The main question faced by everyone who has conceived to make repairs in her apartment is the choice of materials that should be not only high-quality, but also attractive, corresponding to the overall idea of \u200b\u200binterior design. Modern technologies They offer us many options regarding the finishing of the premises, one of which is the lifting of walls and ceilings with plastic or PVC panels. Building materials stores are able to offer you PVC panels from the catalog. different species. A variety of options, on the one hand, gives you complete freedom in choosing the interior, but on the other, it makes breaking his head over this very choice.

In this article, we will introduce you to the main varieties of PVC panels suitable for different rooms and interiors. This will allow you not to get lost in the infinite variety of store offers.

PVC wall panels in the interior

The panels that you can easily and quickly bore the surface of the walls in the room are made of plates such as LDF or MDF. With one of two sides, they are covered with a special film that performs both a protective and decorative function.

The extensive experience of our contemporaries in the use of such panels for finishing confirmed their advantage compared to the former, already outgoing ways, so such ceramic tile. Using this economical and easy-to-service material, both at home and in the office, you will provide the room with heat and sound insulation, as well as an attractive appearance due to the large selection of the design of the panels in the store catalog. In order to finish the walls of PVC panels, it is not necessary to align the base, it is enough to build a grid from the guides so that the panels are smooth. Every person can carry out this work without special skills in the field of construction: only attentive care and pair of hands in helpers are needed.

Among the properties of the PVC panels, which are talking about the advantages of this material, can be allocated as follows:

  • Safety of material from a hygienic point of view;
  • Aesthetic appeal;
  • High level of strength (subject to relevant quality);
  • Simplicity and ease of work with the material;
  • Easy in terms of care and cleaning;
  • No need to level the wall under the panel to the perfect state;

Despite the fact that PVC wall panels are most often used for lining the bathrooms and bathrooms, the allowable level of complexity in the room selected for decoration should not exceed 70%. Otherwise, it will affect the durability of the walls.

Panel varieties

The modern building materials market is ready to offer its buyers only three types of plastic panels:

  • Rack. They appearance Remind everyone known "lining". Bashed such panels should be metal brackets directly to the surface of the wall. The length of such a panel can be from one to two and a half meters, and the width is from fifteen to thirty centimeters. In the thickness, the panel is near a centimeter. If you stop your choice on this type of cladding, then be prepared for the fact that the room will visually appear above (with horizontal panel location) or below (with vertical placement).
  • PVC panels under the tile. This option may have dimensions from thirty centimeters to a meter. The process of facing by these panels is similar to the first, but the visual result will be completely different. PVC panels can be put in mosaic as the original decorative element In the bathroom or in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.
  • Leaf panels. They are recognized as the most beautiful option from all. To work with this material you will need glue or nails. The thickness of the panels is from 3 to 6 millimeters.

PVC panels for the bathroom

Most often, the PVC panel from the catalog is used to design walls in the bathroom and bathrooms, so that coloring usually meet appropriate. The panels have a number of advantages compared to the same distributed ceramic tile: it is simplicity of installation, and low cost, and durability, and simplicity in cleaning.

The color of the bathroom panels may be the most diverse. It is mostly possible to meet such colors as pink, red, purple and so on. A variety of assortment concerns not only colors, but also textures that differ panels.

In addition to the above panels under the tile in store catalogs, you can also choose the PVC panels under the brick, under marble, under a tree or stone, as well as ordinary white panels, a neutral version for those who do not want to stick to a single style in the interior.

Most buyers choose PVC panels for the bathroom. They, as if mosaic, are compiled in a single composition. The main complexity here is to correctly calculate the number of necessary panels so that the drawing is fully and correct. If you have the opportunity, after buying (or immediately before), open the package with the panels and compare the color and shade on each. It should be the same and in terms of saturation, and in terms of contrast.

With the help of panels, you can be unrecognizable to transform any room and destroy the stereotype that the bathroom is a bright room decorated with tiles. Your bathroom can turn into a real ocean or in a village hut. It all depends on your imagination. Options for the most common colors of PVC panels can be seen in the photo.

Types of panels according to characteristics

Everything decorative panels PVC can be divided by different characteristics. For example, by the nature of glossiness. Someone prefers exclusively matte walls, explaining this selection by different reasons - ranging from taste preferences and ending in the fact that traces of hand are not so noticeable on the matte coating. But for the ceiling, for example, it is better to choose a panel with high glossiness. Due to this, it will be possible to visually increase the space.

PVC wall panels from the catalog are also distinguished by the selection. The first option is seamless. They are most common, as it looks more profitable, especially if the surface of the panel matte.

The second option is embossed panels. They are analog wooden panels For cladding, but cost more cheaper. In addition, such panels are conveniently used provided that it is not at all the perfect surface of the walls.

Even in this category, panels with RUST are distinguished, which are among the average between the first and second species. This option is rarely found in the store, but the reviews of it can play in favor of the rustic panels.

If the priority characteristic for you in selecting panels for finishing is the design, you can be guided by the following division:

  • Monophonic panels. Suitable for those interiors in which the main thing is not so much design as practicality, neutrality. Advantage of monophonic wall coloring

in that you can add them to any element of decor - vinyl stickers, shelves of any color, pots with flowers and so on.

  • Pattern panels. Usually the drawing on the panels is an imitation of any decorative material, such as stone, wood or tissue. But there are also panels whose combination gives a whole drawing (flowers or clouds). This option will noticeably decorate the room, but will add difficulties in the process of cladding: it will be necessary to calculate the location of the panels as closely as possible so that the drawing is complete, without sliced \u200b\u200bpieces.
  • Above we mentioned the glossiness of the panels. The most optimal will be the average option - when the wall is not quite matte, but also does not shine defiantly.

PVC panels that offer not only Moscow, but also other proud of our country can also be divided into such a parameter as operational qualities. They allocate three:

  • Texture. In addition to simple smooth models, you can meet the textured, where the imitation of the tree or other materials occurs not only due to the color, but also due to relief. With such panels, the room will look more lively, warm. Use such bathroom panels Specialists are not recommended due to high humidity in the room.
  • Strength. It would seem that all materials used in construction should have high strength. However, it is not. Obviously, the cheaper the material, the lower this indicator will be, so if you have a material opportunity, we recommend to give preference to better models.
  • Resistance to chemical compounds. When choosing PVC panels, take care that they have such a characteristic, since during the operation you will need to clean the walls and the ceiling if necessary. There are materials that do not end the impact of household chemicals, they will have to be washed simply with water and a conventional cleaning agent.

Selection of PVC panels

PVC wall panels that are performed both decorative and protective function consist of ethylene (the product obtained as a result of oil purification) and chlorine compounds derived from salts approximately equal to percentage ratio. As a stabilizer, the associated lead is used in the manufacture of panels. Despite the frightening names of the components of the components, these chemical compounds are absolutely harmless if you are chosen by a reliable, proven manufacturer, offering a reasonable material quality ratio to the product price.

At the market of building goods today, a huge number of different options for PVC panels are represented, in which the ordinary one is not difficult to get confused. Therefore, it would be nice to know what parameters should be navigated to not be mistaken with the choice of material. We offer you several such parameters:

  1. Stiffening rib. They are inside the panels and determine the quality of the product. The more stiffness will be, the panel itself will be more stable.
  2. The basis of the panel. Note that the surface of the product surface is uniform, without any stains, divorces, and the like. Naturally, do not forget to see the panels for the presence of scratches, cracks and dents, as well as other physical defects. Well, if the panels are sold with a protective film.
  3. Picture. Be careful when choosing a panel design, since if there is a specific drawing, each you need to customize according to it. If, when measurements, it turns out that you lack a number of panels, they may not be in the store, and even a similar party may differ with a tint or pattern.

Be sure to check at least two top panels, how tightly they are joining each other. The feeling of a solid and smooth wall gives a complete absence of a seam or a minimum gap between them.

Today, many prefer standard materials for finishing panel PVC for the bathroom. After all, this method of wall decoration allows you to make a bathroom aesthetically pleasant room, creating the desired design using the differences of the installation directions. This is an excellent option for those who need to save money on the repair process, but at the same time maintain a modern appearance. Any directory of PVC panels for the bathroom provides many possible options, however right choice Some features need to know, as well as pay attention to important characteristics.

Main advantages

In addition, the PVC panels for the bathroom are largely inferior to more technological and complicated materials, they also have some significant advantages:

  • correction of all sorts of irregularities of the walls of the walls;
  • a huge difference in the installation time - there is no need to hire highly skilled workers, carry out long preparatory processes (painting, getting rid of the old coating, plastering or primer), own any professional equipment, which is why the flexible PVC panels for the bathroom are extremely simple in the installation;
  • excellent resistance to mechanical damage;
  • sufficiently long service life;
  • the ability to hide any communications systems (wiring);
  • freedom of creative gusts - it is possible to create design required or imitation of any material of the finish, a large number of surface variations that contain the entire range of bathroom panels;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • the lack of the need for complex and long care, since the material does not delay dust;
  • price panels for the bathroom with all external qualities;

  • the minimum amount of garbage after carrying out installation work;
  • the elimination of misunderstandings like the loss of the previous color.

The reason why plastic wall panels for the bathroom possess such excellent insulating properties (even in the joints of the joints), lies in their special structure - the material form a large amount of isolated sections.

Varieties of material

Even considering all the abundance of the varieties of panels, it's easy enough to understand them. Plastic PVC The bathroom panels can be ungrounted by the following five features:

  1. Type of docking. Combining panels can be suture and seamless, the difference is that when using a seamless connection, the joints are practically not visible;
  2. Thickness parameters. Thickness this material After the manufacturing process can be 5 mm, 8 mm or 10 mm. The minimum thickness does not carry less strength than the thickness of 10 mm. The explanation of this is that the degree of material strength depends rather from the number of partitions that are available along the entire length of the panels;
  3. Width parameters. So the width of the plastic panels for the bathroom can be 250 mm, 375 mm or 500 mm;
  4. Length parameters. The length value may be 2.6 m, 2.7 m, 3 m;
  5. The method of applying paint on the material. There are two ways of painting - offset printing (the process of applying paint occurs with a corrugated roller, it is also necessary to apply a varnish for protection) and thermal printing (film use). Usually every catalog wall panels The bathroom provides the possibility of choosing a suitable way of painting work.

Highlights when choosing

Naturally, the characteristics of the finishing material are largely dependent on which it is going to use it for which particular room. It is necessary not only to take into account the above indicators, given the size of the plastic panels for the bathroom, the way of painting and the type of docking, but also not to forget about the following important properties:

  1. The level of quality of ribs. Ribs should be even and the same thickness, their location should be strictly perpendicular to the front part;
  2. Number of ribs. Than them are more, the higher the degree of strength. The most optimal variant of the numerical value of the ribs - 29;
  3. Weight. Strength and weight are two inseparable indicators, since the number of edges and the thickness take the weight of the finishing material;
  4. Number of chalk. Low chalk content is an important measure of quality level, but the directory of the PVC panels for the bathroom provides big choice All sorts of products, in the characteristics of which there may be not exactly the right content of the chalk. Check the lining is simple enough - bend it by about 40%, and if there is no presence of any dentin, it means that the material is high quality and its composition includes the optimal amount of chalk. It should be refracted from buying large batches in online stores, as the sale of plastic panels for the bathroom there is often not quite honest, but the characteristics of the goods indicated in general description, do not correspond to reality. Customer reviews are also important, if any, the choice of the most proven and reliable suppliers. The directory of plastic panels for the bathroom will reveal to you with a common picture;
  5. Panel connection. The input of the compounds should be carried out in the docking groove tightly and to the end;
  6. Surface thickness. The desired indicator of the facial surface thickness should be 2.5 mm, otherwise there are risks of moisture penetration during operation, as well as the subsequent process - the appearance of mold and fungus;
  7. Appearance. There should be no fingerprints, dents, uneven coloring on the surface and the like;
  8. Cost. Although the price of PVC panels for the bathroom and is an extremely important component for saving their money When buying, it is better to immediately eliminate suspiciously tempting options. It must be remembered that, one way or another, the cost is also an important indicator of the quality of the purchased goods. It is almost impossible to find products to find the products of a truly qualitative level. After all, unnecessarily cheap plastic panels For the bathroom in the future will require additional costs.

Also an important role in choosing the optimal version plays the color scheme and the design of the material surface. In this case, it all depends on the taste of each particular person or the general preferences of the whole family, however, it is also possible to rely on professional designers capable of helping the selection of colors in which the panels on the walls in the bathroom should be performed.

The most popular and proven execution solutions are:

  • the abundance of yellow, which is combined with most other bright and bright shades;
  • the combination of orange and green colors to help create comfort;
  • the main color is white, it is also possible to combine white with pale shades, for example, light purple, blue or salad;
  • monochrome bathroom;
  • green wall color in the presence of white elements;
  • black PVC panels for the bathroom in combination with gold or silver shades of other components;
  • cherry color of the main parts of the room and the presence of a small amount of white;

But, as you know, it is perfection that is unattainable, which is why you can always choose something new, most suitable personally for yourself.