After the treatment of Alveolitis, something is growing. Complications after the removal of the tooth: Alveolit, inflammation and pus on the gum

After removing the tooth, the blood clunox is formed in the well.

Alveolit \u200b\u200brefers to post-traumatic complications, when in the hole, after removal of the tooth, infection falls and its walls are inflamed, and without treatment, and begin to rot. In this place there is a strong pain, the total body temperature increases, headaches appear, weakness, submandibular lymph nodes increase, the rotor smell is felt.

Without treatment during 2-3 days Alveolit \u200b\u200bcan cause the purulent melting of the jaw bone (osteomyelitis), which is very dangerous. But if the rehanging will be held on time - the complications will not arise.

Causes of Alveolitis

Blood clots, which should be formed after removing the tooth and close the hole, was shifted or not formed at all (with low blood clotting against the background of aspirin, warfarin, anticoagulants). In dentistry is a dry hole.

  • Disorders in the oral cavity hygiene.
  • Food clogging with residues.
  • Carious damage to neighboring teeth, which was not cured.
  • Inflammatory process in the mouth.
  • The destruction of the bone and the hit of the fragments in the hole.
  • Inappropriate antiseptic teeth and gums.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • The aggravation of chronic diseases.
  • ORVI.
  • HIV infection.
  • The presence of hepatitis C history

Up to three percent of all tooth deletions have complications in the form of alveolitis.

It appears more often when extraction of lower teeth. When removing the teeth of wisdom in the lower row, which dispersed with difficulty, the percentage reaches twenty.

When removing the tooth of wisdom in the bottom row, there is a possibility of infection of an unprotected well.

Symptoms of alveolitis

  • The best pain that did not pass in 1-2 days and further enhances, taking a shooting character when a person eats.
  • The painfulness of the whole jaw, which gives his ear and temple.
  • Increase temperatures up to 37.5-38 s, with acute flow - up to 39 C.
  • Signs of intoxication: weakness, headaches, loss in body, fast fatigue, irritability or apathy.
  • Sweet and redness of gums. If at this stage of treatment was started, the sinusiness will appear and further - the leaning of the fabrics, which without adequate therapy will entail a blood infection.
  • On the X-ray of the jaw in the jaw bone tissue.
  • Plightened smell of mouth.
  • Lack of blood clots in the well.
  • Improving the sensitivity of the teeth to the food temperature is hot / cold.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Increase regional lymph nodes.
  • Increase salivation.
  • Faceproofness in a remote tooth zone.
  • The emergence of inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane.

Diagnosis of alveolitis

The main signs of the presence of Alveolitis is an acute pain on the third or fifth day after the tooth has been removed and the absence of a blood clots in the well (partial or complete).

From instrumental methods use X-ray (to see what the gums looks like and how the process is bone), the radioviography of the removal location. Also, during the Alveolit, the blood test is taken, which will show if there is an infection in the body.

If the pain does not subscribe after removal, you should diagnose!

Forms of Alveolitis

Serous form of alveolitis

The disease has a sluggish character, temperature within the norm, toothache, moderate, the general condition of the person is satisfactory. In the well: no blood clot or it was formed only partially, there are eating remnants.

If within 7 days the serous form of the alveolitis does not start treated, it will go into purulent, and complications will appear.

Tumor, severe pain, unpleasant smell of mouth - signs of purulent alveolitis.

Strong pain, rotten smell of mouth, an increase in lymph nodes, an increase in temperature to 38-38.5 s, there are symptoms of intoxication. The face becomes asymmetrically, soft fabrics - sweeping. In case of inspection: grayish plaque and gumper hyperemia near the place of removal, soreness when pressing.

Chronic purulent form of alveolitis


  1. Inflammation decreases, and the patient's condition stabilizes, but when inspected, the back of soft tissue is visible near the wells.
  2. Little gaps are observed between cloth and bone.
  3. In the well there is a weak fitting, the mucously elapsed and blue, due to the lack of granulation tissue in the well, the bone is visible.

Treatment of Alveolitis

In dentistry there are two directions, how to treat inflammation of the wells (Alveolit): conservative and surgical intervention.


A conservative method of treatment is the removal of all the faded fabrics and washing the residues of pus.

Conservative treatment of alveolitis involves the removal of all tissues that were cooled by mechanical pathways and washing the residues of pus antiseptic solutions (nitrofural). Antibiotics, antiseptics for washing at home, nvpv or NVPS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or means) and local appliques with analgesizing drugs are prescribed.

The bullshit put at home, but not longer than 30 minutes so that Alveola (Munk) did not get used again. If the pains do not subside, such compresses can be put 3-5 times a day.

Reception of analgesics in tablet form in the Alveolitis is ineffective, as high doses will be required, and this will cause problems with the digestive tract and other bodies.

Antibiotics In the alveolitis, they are selected taking into account their penetration into a soft cloth: Lincomicin, Sumamed, Sparfloxacin, Amikacin, Levofloxacin, Josamamicin.

From antiseptic drugs For lines and rinsing in the Alveolite, furaticiline, hexoral, miramistine, chlorhexidine, stomatydine, corsodil, weak solutions of manganese or iodine can be used.

Anti-inflammatory means With Alveolitis: ibuprofen, diclofenac, otanov, nimesil (s). For elimination side Effects These drugs need to be taken omeprazole. It oppresses the secretion of gastric juice and prevents the development of ulcerative disease.

Since the inflammation of Alveol is annoying a triple nerve and causes pain, Finlepsin is appointed, which eliminates neurological pain.

For topical use as an anesthetics Lidocaine, ultrakin or novocaine are suitable for the alveolite.

Furaticyline alcohol for rinsing.

Lidocaine for painkillers injection

Finlepsin to eliminate neurological pain.

Lincomycin - antibiotic.

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory agent.


Operational treatment of Alveolitis involves complete excision of necrotic tissues and cleaning the wells from pus. If necessary, partial resection of the affected gums.

Folk Treatments of Alveolitis

In order for the pathogenic microflora again in the gum, the course of therapy can be supplemented with rims and rinsing of medicinal herbs. Fees will ensure a good analgesic effect and normal healing of an infected alveoli.

Rinse after removal

In the literal sense, the rinse is not carried out, as it is possible to damage blood clots again. It is replaced by baths: a solution is recruited into the mouth, 2-4 minutes holds and sleeps. After the bath, the food is not accepted for an hour, and the liquids are drunk through the tube.

Rinsing the oral cavity should be carried out every 2 hours after surgery.

Decorations make from chamomile, sage, eucalyptus and calendula. Take on the tablespoon of each herb, poured hot water (0.5 l), bring to boiling on low heat and give it to be broken for 1 hour. After the liquid, the baths are 4-5 times a day.

Prevention of alveolitis

What to do to not bring the tooth to the occurrence of Alveolitis:

  • before a visit to the Dentist, thoroughly clean your teeth and rinse the mouth;
  • inform the doctor about chronic diseases and drugs that were accepted the other day;
  • follow the recommendations of the dentist;
  • after removal of the day, do not drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • try to facing food to the opposite removal;
  • do not use 2-3 days of solid and hard food (nuts, crackers);
  • if the gums are fed - without delay to contact the doctor, even with non-core pains and without pronounced symptoms;
  • try to make sneezing movements and blowing carefully so that blood clot is correctly and steadily formed;
  • in time to remove cotton tampon with an anesthetic drug - after 30 minutes, with a violation of blood coagulation - in an hour;
  • avoid severe physothes and hot bath procedures;
  • if other teeth are amazed by caries or having stones, make antiseptic baths every 2-3 hours;
  • try not to touch the place of deletion of the tooth;
  • do not smoke until full wound healing - air absorption can cause a thrombus offset;
  • clean your teeth as usual only after 48 hours and try not to touch the hole.

Correct care For teeth after removal - the key to the speedy healing.

What should not do to avoid the emergence of alveolitis:

  • take in the first 48 hours after the removal of the tooth, too hot, cold, sharp and hard food;
  • chew chewing gum;
  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • touch the well of the language, fingers or toothpick.

Important! Even with the right and timely treatment of Alveolitis, residual pain in the well may deliver inconvenience for another 2-3 weeks.

In the absence of positive dynamics (reducing pain and swelling) for several days from the beginning of therapy, you can mean limited osteomyelitis. Need an immediate consultation of the dentist.

- Post-traumatic infection and inflammation of the dental well after the removal of the tooth. It is characterized by a strong pain in the well, a disruption of a general condition (weakness, increased body temperature, headache), an increase in submandibular lymph nodes, an unpleasant, rotten smell of mouth. For several days, Alveolit \u200b\u200bcan develop in a limited osteomyelitis (purulent melting of the jaw bone). The treatment of the alveolitis is to purify the wells, followed by regular washing with its antiseptic solution. With timely rehabilitation, the forecast is favorable.


- This is an acute inflammation of the walls of the wells on the site of a remote tooth. Together with the alveolitis there is damage to the wellness itself and the discernment of its gums.

Causes of Alveolitis

Alveolitis occurs after the extraction of the teeth. In the norm of the hole, it must be sored in a few days, and intense pains after a day after removal of the tooth should not be. As a result of the fact that the blood clutch, covered in the wreck, was shifted or was not formed at all, it is infected. Alveolit \u200b\u200barises and wound surface healing is delayed.

Disorders of the postoperative mode when the active rinsing of the oral cavity leads to a flushing of the blood cloth and the exposure of the wound surface followed by its infection, are the main causes of the alveolitis. Alveolitis can cause disorders of oral hygiene, food in the well. The untreated caries of neighboring teeth and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity lead to alveolitis. Therefore, if there is no emergency testimony for the extraction of the tooth, then first carry out the treatment of caries.

The post-extraction alveolitis is complicated by about 3% of all dental removal operations. When removing the lower indigenous teeth, the alveolite is diagnosed more often. The removal of the lower teeth of wisdom with a difficult teething in 20% of cases is complicated by the alveolitis.

Clinical manifestations of Alveolitis

After the extraction of the tooth, painful sensations are a normal phenomenon. As the wells heals the wells, the pain subsides and in a few days passes. With an alveolite, discomfort and pain will first poke, but by 3-5 days after the extraction of the tooth, a strong, sometimes pulsating pain in the well appears. As the infectious process develops, the pain is enhanced. The severity of the alveolitis characterizes pain syndrome: pain can be moderate or pulsating unbearable. Painness is observed only in the area of \u200b\u200bremote tooth, but sometimes the pain is irradiating with the entire half of the face.

With alveolitis, the temperature may rise to subfebrile digits, the sensitivity of the teeth to cold / hot food increases. Sometimes regional lymph nodes increase, a bitter taste appears in the mouth and silent breathing. Due to painful sensations, the appetite decreases, the salivation increases. If the bowl of the tooth was quite large, then the alveolo is accompanied by the swelling of the face. Sometimes the general condition is suffering, weakness appears, increased fatigue, sometimes secondary infectious foci occurs on the oral mucous membrane.

Diagnosis of alveolitis

The appearance of acute pain for $ 3-5 after the extraction of the tooth and the protracted healing process of the wells - are the main signs of the Alveolitis. Chronic alveolit \u200b\u200bcan be found during preventive inspections, when there is completely empty for a long remote tooth on the spot without granulation tissues of the well, the bone is often visible at its bottom.

To identify the presence of tissue changes and confirm the diagnosis of alveolitis helps radiography or radio physiography of a remote tooth area.

The purpose of treating Alveolitis is to eliminate the focus of infection, preventing complications and the preservation of the rest of the tooth row.

Locally resorted to the mechanical cleansing of the well and to the subsequent flushing of purulent residues using a solution of nitrofuras or hydrogen peroxide. To relieve pain syndrome use local applications with analgesics and anesthetics. The mark is applied for half an hour, then remove it to prevent the microbial reproduction in it. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. The use of tableted analgesics is inappropriate, as it requires large dosages, which is fraught with sharp gastritis.

In the presence of concomitant diseases and reducing immunity, antibiotics are used. If the symptoms of the alveolitis are not poisoned for several days, this indicates the development of limited osteomyelitis. With timely appeal to the dentist and treatment, Alveolit \u200b\u200bpasses within a few days, residual well pains can be delayed for 2-3 weeks.

Dental pathologies require timely and effective treatmentSince the neglence of diseases, as a rule, leads to the development of various complications. The factors capable of provoking the manifestation of one illegality, often include dental errors made during the removal or treatment of the tooth. Thus, the alveolite after removal of the tooth may occur as a result of the enhancing pathogens into the patient's mouth cavity by using a doctor of poor-quality disinfected tools. At the same time, symptoms of pathology can not manifest itself immediately, but after some time.

The article presents detailed information on which during the alveolitis after removing the tooth the symptoms appear most often, which forms of the disease exist. In addition, you will be able to learn how to prevent the occurrence of the occurrence and which medical projects are among the most effective in the treatment of alveolitis. The material contains topical recommendations of dentists for the prevention and treatment of pathology.

Causes of the appearance of the alveolitis of the well

Alveolit \u200b\u200bafter removal of the tooth can manifest itself both due to objective and subjective reasons.

To factors contributing to the manifestation of pathology include:

  1. penetration into the well removed tooth of foreign particles, in particular the toothache, plaque, as well as bone tissue of the Alveola itself during the removal of the tooth. As a rule, with these elements, bacteria fall into the well;
  2. the negligence of the doctor during the removal of the tooth, the use of not enough disinfected tools, which resulted in infection of the wound, failure to comply with the mandatory cleaning of the wells immediately after the operation;
  3. failure to comply with the rules of the mouth of the mouth after surgery by the patient himself, receiving hot food, damage to the wells or blood clots during the procedures of the software;
  4. injury to gums or jaws during surgery;
  5. alveolit \u200b\u200bcan manifest itself if, after removal of the tooth, a full blood cluster was not formed, clinging the wound. For his formation, the dentist should after carrying out the operation to hold the edges of the well, providing the possibility of blood to frozen in the generated recess;
  6. the presence of a soft plaque on the surface of the teeth. Before surgical intervention, it is necessary to clean and remove deposits on the teeth;
  7. the ingress of pathogens into the fabric fabric as a result of a violation of the integral structure of the blood clots formed in the wound after the removal of the tooth. Blood education performs a protective function, clogging the passage to the well, so its destruction contributes to the penetration of infection in the rink.

Note! Patients with reduced immunity, exhausted organism fall into the risk group. Alveolitis are more susceptible to people who have moved shortly before its manifestation of severe diseases involving medicinal preparationsNegatively affecting blood clotting, so this fact should be informed about the doctor before the operation began.

Symptoms of development of pathology

The manifestations of the ailment make themselves known for 2-3 days after surgery. They have clearly pronounced signs, which makes it easy to differentiate alveolitis from similar dental diseases.

With the alveolis, the symptoms appear as follows:

  1. acute pain in the place of defeat;
  2. purulent discharge in the field of rings;
  3. gradual increase in the intensity of pain;
  4. redness and formation of swelling on the affected area;
  5. high temperature without falling for 2-3 days;
  6. an increase in submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  7. bad state of health;
  8. violation of the integrity of the blood bunch, its destruction;
  9. plightened smell from the oral cavity;
  10. the formation of a gray laid in the problem area.

Important! High temperature, the appearance of purulent secretions are signs of a launched form of the disease, so if they are detected, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Forms of the disease

Dental practices are known for those forms of illness:

The development of serous alveolitis is characterized by initial stages of the disease. The pathology is manifested after 3 days from the moment of the operation. The temperature remains normal, the lymph nodes do not increase. The development of the disease signals the pain arising from pressing the affected area and when chewing food.


In the absence of proper treatment, serous alveolitis goes into purulent. The purulent form of pathology is characterized by an increase in temperature, the appearance of an unpleasant peeling odor from the oral cavity, an increase in regional lymph nodes, the edema of the gums. Pains become more intense.


When switching to chronic shape, pain feels stop, the tumor of lymphatic nodes will fall. From the affected well, the pus, nearby fabrics are distinguished by a blue tint.

Methods of treating Alveolitis

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of data from the patient's medical card, its complaints and the clinical picture of pathology. The exact diagnosis can only be delivered by a doctor after a thorough study of the affected well and identify signs of inflammation.

Treatment after removal of the tooth is carried out using the following methods:

  1. anesthesia of the problem zone by applying anesthesia;
  2. cleaning the affected well, leaching stuck pieces of food, bone fragments, blood clots;
  3. use of a surgical spoon to remove hard-to-reach elements;
  4. wound treatment with antiseptics;
  5. drying of purified and treated well;
  6. wound treatment with anesthesine powder;
  7. the imposition of bandages in advance in impregnated with medicines.

In advanced cases, the use of more serious measures implies the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. The following physiotherapy procedures have a positive impact:

  • microwave therapy;
  • fluctuorization (impact on the inflamed area with sinusoidal alternating current);
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

Additional Information! In the case of timely provision of medical care, after 8-9 days, the wound is delayed and covered with a connective granulation tissue, after 14 days from signs of inflammation there is no trace.

Alveolitis treatment with antibiotics and antiseptics

Treatment of pathology implies the use of various medical preparations, including antiseptics and antibiotics, on the healing properties of which we will focus on.

Properties of antiseptics:

  • disinfection of the affected area;
  • the destruction of pathogens bacteria, as a result of which further infection of the well becomes impossible.

Antiseptics are used as a rinse cavity.

Antibiotics, as a rule, are applied at launched pathology development stages. Among the most effective include:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Josamicine;
  • Sumamed and others.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Remote anti-inflammatory and painkillers. It is recommended to apply together with drugs that can stabilize the work of the intestine and withstand the violation of the composition of its microflora.

Most effective consider:

  • Nooofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Voltaren;
  • Ketonal;
  • Meloxican and others.

During the development of the inflammatory process, it is damaged, as a result of which the patient is tormented by an acute pain of neurological nature. Anti-inflammatory drug Finlepsin, using popular among patients, is capable of not only to reduce pain, but also to improve the mood.

Local anesthetics

When moving from therapeutic treatment methods to surgical, the need to use local anesthetics, in particular lidocaine, novocaine, trimecain appears.

Treatment of Alveolitis at home

In the Alveolitis, treatment is carried out, as a rule, with the help of traditional methods and drugs, however, at the initial stages of the development of pathology, it is possible to get rid of its symptoms at home through the use of funds of traditional medicine.

  1. rinse the oral cavity with a solution of mangarteeau;
  2. reception of vitamins for teeth. Vitamin complexes Contracting the strengthening of dental units and the immune system as a whole.

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Teeth treatment is no exception.

To prevent the alveolitis after removal of the tooth, dentists recommend to follow these rules of prevention:

  1. do not abuse the rinsing solutions, too frequent procedure can contribute to the destruction of the blood clots;
  2. refuse some time from hot drinks and dishes. High temperatures are favorable soil for the development of pathogens;
  3. try not to injure the affected place, do not feel the well and do not climb into it outsiders (toothpicks, toothbrush).

Following the above rules helps prevent the development of pathology. In case of identifying its first signs, dentists recommend not to delay the process, but immediately contact the experienced doctor.

Video: causes of the development of alveolitis after the removal of the tooth

Under the alveolitis, after removal of the tooth, the inflammatory process arising in the event of an improper wound healing, which is formed in the injured well. Signs of the disease can declare themselves a few days after the tooth was removed, - the tooth hole begins to become intensely, the unpleasant sensations do not pass after taking an anesthetics.

In the photo, Alveolit \u200b\u200blooks like an empty black hole, in the cavity of which particles of food and dead soft tissues accumulated. With the "healthy development of events" in the well there is a brown blood clot for further healing.

Why the problem arises

Alveolit \u200b\u200btooth - a consequence of infection of the resulting wound. The factors that determine the development of the disease are:

  • the destruction of blood clot, formed after removing the dental unit. He covers the wound, protects it from bacteria. If the clot is destroyed, infections can freely fall into soft periodontal fabrics and provoke inflammation;
  • injuries of the wound directly in the process of removing the tooth (the causes - the falling of plates, fragments of the alveolar process or a dental stone). It is at this moment that soft tissues are infected, inflammation develops;
  • failure to comply with the dentist of hygiene rules in the processing of tools, poor-quality cleansing of the tooth hole after the procedure. Pump after the removal of the tooth - the storehouse of various bacteria, sources of the inflammatory process;
  • dome of the jaw bone, the separation of the part of the gum can also provoke the symptoms of the alveolitis;
  • violation by the patient itself rules for the rest of the remote tooth. So, after the procedure (at least 2-3 days), it is strictly forbidden to use "traumatic" overly solid or hot food, intensely rinse the mouth with a variety of solutions. All this is subsequently fraught with not only alveolitis, but also other unpleasant postoperative complications.

Important! Reduced immunity or the exhaustion of the body after the suffering disease is another reason for the appearance of the symptoms of the alveolite of the well after removing the tooth of wisdom or any other unit.

How inflammation is manifested

Alveolit \u200b\u200bafter removal of the tooth wisdom "declares itself" intense pain syndrome in the corresponding well. At the same time, the pain gradually increases, it applies to neighboring units and soft tissues. There is a pronounced hyperthermia (the temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees), the overall well-being will deteriorate sharply, a characteristic gray-colored flare appears on the dry well after removal of the tooth.

Inflammation develops after entering bacteria in the well of remote tooth

Other Symptoms of Alveolitis:

  • unpleasant (rotten) smell of mouth;
  • there is no blood clots in the hole;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • the person can enemy;
  • desna in the area of \u200b\u200bthe remote unit is hyperemic;
  • the presence of purulent separated from the well.

Features of the current

Alveolitis is several varieties:

  • serous;
  • purulent;
  • chronic.

The first form of the disease is manifested by an intense novel pain that is activated during meals. The patient's well-being does not change, the body temperature is within the normal range. Dry well after removing the tooth of wisdom during inspection or contains partially destroyed blood clot, or it is not available at all. Food particles that accumulated salivary fluid may be present in the wound. Regional nodes in size do not increase.

Important! Serous alveolitis develops within 72 hours after removing the dentition, its symptoms can be saved at least 7 days.

When the wound is fought in the area of \u200b\u200bremote tooth, they are talking about the transition of serous alveolitis to purulent. It, in turn, is characterized by permanently present intense pain, which is localized along the trigeminal nerve. The course of illness is accompanied by a characteristic rotary smell of mouth, patients begin to experience general weakness, malaise, there is a subfebilitation, skin covers are pale.

The wound must be "sealed" with a reddish brown bunch of blood - this is a protective barrier that prevents the ingress of infections in the well

The pain syndrome accompanies the process of food intake, soft fabrics in the affected focus swell, the face swells, becomes asymmetrical, there is lymphadenitis. Due to the painful syndrome, the patient with the alveolitis cannot fully open the mouth.

With visual inspection of the oral cavity, local hyperemia is found, the swelling, there is a dirt-gray flare with a rotten smell, the remains of the blood cloudy in the well. When pressed to the affected focus, the patient experiences acute pain. The alveolar process thickens on both sides of the well.

When chronizing inflammation, pain gradually subsides, the lymph nodes "return" to "healthy" volumes, hyperthermia passes, the patient's well-being is normalized. With an objective examination, large granulations in the injured well are visible. At the same time between these formations and the bone wall remains space in the form of a slot of small size. An empty hole is hyperemic, edema, surrounding the mucous has a characteristic shiny shade.

Important! The most difficult to carry alveolit \u200b\u200bpatients with diabetes (due to problems with healing RAS).


Only a dentist knows how the hole should look like after removing the tooth and can determine the presence (absence) of the pathological process in it. It is not recommended to treat inflammation of the house independently - you can provoke even more serious complications.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of:

  • analysis of patient complaints;
  • the totality of the characteristic symptoms of the Alveolitis;
  • the results of the survey.

How to deal with the disease

The treatment of alveolitis after the removal of the tooth is quite problematic. It includes several consecutive stages:

  • anesthesia of the "victim" of the hearth with the help of local or stem anesthetics;
  • washing out of the empty well residue residues, blood clot, saliva with antiseptic solutions (furacillin, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, manganese) with a syringe and needles with a blunt end;
  • elimination of the contents of the well, remaining after washing, is carried out using a sharp dental spoon;
  • repeated treatment of the wound with antiseptic compositions;
  • drying hole with a sterile cotton swab, blowing anesthesine powder;
  • the last stage of treatment of a dry hole is the imposition of an anesthetic and antiseptic gauze bandage with iodomorphic impregnation.

As a dressing, dentists can also use antiseptic tampons, a variety of pastes with antibiotics, hemostatic sponges with gentamicin. Such a measure allows you to protect the wound from the stimuli in the hole, as well as pathogenic microorganisms, which only enhance the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Important! With such treatment, painful sensations in the injured hole in the serous alveolite disappear forever, the inflammation comes on no 2-3 days later.

Integrated treatment of Alveolitis of any form should only carry out a dentist

What to do if the disease passed into the purulent phase: in the hole should be administered to gauze impregnated with antiseptic and antibacterial solutions (alcohol tinctuction of propolis, etc.). How else to treat purulent alveolitis: a good clinical effect demonstrate blockages anesthetics with lincomycin (impregnation of soft tissues in inflamed foci).

Possible injections of "traumel". An empty hole is cleaned from the tissue of tissue with proteolytic enzymes. Modern dentistry has many physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at accelerating the process of recovery of patients with alveolitis. UV ultraviolet radiation, infrared laser, fluctuorization, microwave therapy can be used. Clean the inflammation at home helps the bath with a mortar of manganese.

Important! The complex treatment of Alveolitis involves the reception of vitamins, analgesics and sulfonamide drugs.

To minimize the risk of complications and recurrence of the disease, the wells are treated daily by antiseptic compositions, blockades carry out, regularly change protective bandages. Continue therapy until pain syndrome and signs of the active inflammatory process will not completely disappear.

In most cases, already a week later, from the beginning of treatment, the hole is covered with a young mucous membrane, heals. The swelling falls after 12-14 days, soft tissues acquire a healthy pinkish shade.

Emergency help

If after removing the tooth in the patient appeared characteristic symptomsindicating the possible development of Alveolitis, and the ability to get to the doctor is not yet, the first therapeutic actions can be taken at home. It is best to rinse your mouth with natural antiseptics (for example, a chamomile decoction).

Warm fluid must be typed in the mouth, hold there for several minutes. Manipulations should be carried out as often as possible - at least 1 time / hour. In no case, attempted attempts to independently extract blood clot from the wells (even if it is painted in the "unhealthy" black color).

Expressed pain syndrome in the field of empty well, hyperemia and swelling of surrounding soft tissues - the right signs of developing inflammation

Even if after the proceedings have done the pain stale, and the inflammatory process allegedly went to no, it is not necessary to neglect a visit to the dentist in no case - the chronization of inflammation is fraught with a number of serious complications (the main abscesses, phlegmon).


To avoid alveolitis after removing the tooth in a child or an adult patient, it is necessary to follow the recommendations that the dentist gives a dentist at the end of the procedure. So, use rinsing for pain relief and acceleration of healing is prohibited - the compositions can dissolve the blood clots that sealed the wound, which will entail the development of the inflammatory process.

It is impossible to take hot food (drink drinks) - thermal burn subsequently can also lead to alveolitis. Do not touch the well with hands or any tools - the risk of infection of the postoperative wound increases.

The main task of prevention is to preserve the integrity of the blood clots. The dentist, in turn, should conduct an operation in compliance with all rules, take all measures to eliminate complications (in particular, to squeeze the edges of the well to form a blood clot).