Christmas, how to meet christmas, christmas table, decorate the house, plot. Christmas: Traditions, rituals, History How to prepare for Christmas - Orthodox traditions and customs

Christmas of Christ is one of the most important Christian holidays. He is the second most important after Easter Christ. This day - January 7, it is customary to conduct a special way, according to Christian traditions and customs. Consider them further.

On Christmas Eve - Day on the eve of Christmas, is customary prepared for the holiday. Hospipes prepare a treat. The most traditional dishes are kuccia, cabbage, kelid.

In addition, it is the most rigorous last day of the Christmas post, when it is forbidden to eat any food to the first star.

It is important to have time to complete all the home affairs before the start of the evening service in the temple. In the evening, believers go to church for a special festive worship dedicated to Christmas.

In the temple and celebrate the holiday. After the service, the sacraments of Christ and go home.

You can only eat in short food after the first star appears in the sky. It is she who marks the birth of the Savior on Earth.

Christmas date is considered to be on January 7th. It is from this day that the special period begins - the shiny. They will last until January 19.

What can be done in christmas, and what can you not do

Day January 7 must be carried out in joy with relatives. Believers can go to church. In the temples at this time, the wipes are beautifully decorated. Everyone can worship a baby, which is depicted in all Christmas installations in churches.

Houses arrange a festive meal dedicated to the Great Holiday.

Children, and adults begin to rank. Merry campaigns are going to go home with songs, verses, dancing, jokes. For this, the owners, to whom the wheelhouse went, thank all the candy, any treat or money.

According to the tradition of the current centuries, it is customary to help those who need, to apply, to participate in charity.

On the streets of cities, in the parks, on central squares are arranged festive festivities, performances.

Taken on this day to visit relatives or invite guests to his festive meal.

On the Day of the Nativity, Christ is not to do household, affairs. The holiday should be carried out in prayers or in good and bright thoughts of the Savior, avoiding fuss.

According to folk signs, it is not worth lending on this day, it is impossible to offend anyone, squander and gossip.

It is allowed to guess in the sofa days. It is believed that in the period from 7 to 19 January, you can open the veil in front of the future and learn about what awaits ahead.

Signs and customs

Especially good at Christmas is considered an unexpected guest. It was coming without an invitation, not the expected guest can determine the entire subsequent year. So, for example, if a man entered the house, then a year promises to be successful, easy, kind. If the house went to the house - the year will be unsuccessful, heavy. If January 7 give loans - then there will be a difficult unfortunate year.

If we assist in need, to file alms, participate in charity, then the year is awaiting success and luck.

In addition, there are natural signs that can help understand which year will be. Watching the weather features, it is possible to determine what spring will be, how will the harvest be and the whole next year.

Here are the most famous signs:

  1. Starry night for Christmas and frost on branches in the morning promises a generous harvest in the year.
  2. Warm weather on January 7 means a cold late spring.
  3. Early spring promotion blizzard at Christmas.
  4. You can count on a rich harvest, if in the Christmas night it is clear.

The entire atmosphere on Earth on this night is permeated with a special strong and good energy. Any good deeds strengthen it. On this night, you can make a desire and expect to fulfill the best of them.

Gullen and fortune telling

Collabli for Christmas for youth and children is a tradition that is very funny and brings good luck and happiness to those who are departed with the presentation at home and for those who thank the cheerful company.

Those who walk home could bring good luck to the house if you thank them and give sweets or money. If the owners were not generous, then the quaruses can wish all the house of the birth and failures in the year.

Divination is allowed during the diligence period from 7 to 19 January. At this time, you can find out the future. These days, young girls could learn about the upcoming wedding, see the narrowed. It can be determined that it will bring a year: good luck, wealth, failure or illness.

Saty walks end on January 19 on the day of baptism. In this holiday, heavenly grace goes to the ground and all sins can be washed off with water, plunging into the hole. You can also sprinkle the apartment, the dwelling.

Evening the day before it was supposed to spend a quiet powerful meal in a narrow family circle. But the next day it went to the street and old and young to congratulate each other with the advent of the Savior. Carols, walking in the courtyards and, of course, fortune telling on the narrowed - all this makes Christmas with unique, mysterious and joyful action.

On a rich evening under the tablecloth putting charms - hay and garlic

There have been many Christmas customs and traditions in Russia, which attracted prosperity, peace, health and joy. So, preparing for the holiday started early in the morning a day before Christmas. Before sunrise, the hostess raised fire in the oven (for this in the house there were still twelve mongrels of cherries or apple trees since the summer) and proceeded to cook dinner on the sakeryover (he also called a rich evening). On the Christmas Eve on the table, there must be twelve lean dishes, among them: borsch, dumplings, cabbage rolls, buckwheat porridge with cannabis milk, sauerkraut, uroin apples and salt mushrooms, poppy corsis and dried fruit compote. The main thing is to treat a rich evening - Casca (sweet wheat porridge with honey, poppies, nuts and fruit). Prepare Bute was supposed with prayer and clean thoughts. Meat, and in some houses and fish, there was no on the table, because before the appearance of the first star in the sky, the Christmas (Philippovsky) post lasted. Our ancestors believed that twelve dishes on the holy evening - the key to future welfare, so even the poorest families did everything possible to collect a decent meal.

As long as the hostess rose near the furnace, the head of the family with a special care was put into order in the barn and in the livestock. After all, "All the living and the dead should meet Christmas in its place," and in no case remain in foreign hands - borrowed or somewhere forgotten. At home, all family members were going.

In the Holy Evening, when the sun was sake, the whole family was making a home altar. The owner solemnly losted in the hut Sheaf of wheat, rye or oats (Diduh), put it in the corner under the icons and greet his mistress so, as if she saw it for the first time. Then the head of the family wanted happiness, health and wealth to all households so that those fun holidays spend and others waited.

Festive table

The festive table was served in a special way. It was covered with Sen, and the corners folded garlic cloves (as a charm) and only after that covered the tablecloth. The table was supposed to put an ax, which all family members put her legs to be the same strong. According to custom, one excess device was put on the table: what if the guest is pleased to the house. By the way, if a dark-haired man looks at the light, it was regarded as a very good sign, which is the next year of luck and prosperity. The woman will appear - hunger and disease are provided. Wealthy families even specially hired a person to come at the appointed time and congratulated the whole family.

Dinner in the holy evening is made in the circle of the closest relatives. The meal began with prayer and invitations to the table of the souls of the dead ancestors and rings missing. Then the head of the family took a plate with the Buckets and went out with her to the street - to invite frost, winds and black storms for dinner. He called them three times, saying that if they would now hurt the side of the house, then although they don't come at all, the pashnyi do not spoil, the hunger do not bring ... "Having treated" the elements, the owner returned to the house, passed a plate with Buchears wife Family proceeded to food.

After dinner, adults were guessing, what will be the crop of grain full of barns in the next year (a clear sky of grain barns, icicles under the roof - a large harvest of corn, and frost on trees - an abundance of apples, pears and plums). The kids shot the hotels from the Christmas tree, and also kids climbed under the table and chose out of straw, which in the hut was lined with earthen floors, nuts and minor money. Custom told the children to kakchuch: In order for the chickens next year, the chickens were well.

The guys wore verteps, playing not only the biblical scenes, but also comic performances from the life of the villagers.

The next day - that is, the Christmas itself - the present fun, which lasted before baptism (January 19) began. In the morning, children went to the godfather parents. The elegant guys sang songs, wished their second mothers and dads in the new year a lot of joy and wealth, carried them a treat - Buck and Sausage. For funny songs and wishes, godparents awarded children with sweets, toys and small money. Devora and Kumoviev invited for the Christmas table. What only on it was not: the keeper, the pig, starring buckwheat porridge, pork head with a horseradish, homemade sausage, roast with pork and, of course, fried goose. By the time of the forty-day post, people from the soul were found. And, of course, pretty drinking.


Favoring, the youth left the rich table and went to collect. Guys and girls discharged WHO WHAT MOST, WITH SONGS WILL WIDE FROM YARS. Favorite characters of Christmas masquerades were devils, goats, bears, pigs, soldiers and death. Costumes and masks did in advance. From a sieve, plated colored colored paper, Mastered the star. It was considered a matter of honor and was ordained by a black guy.

The crowd molded could look into any house, and often the owner remained in the ignorance (because of the masks on the faces of the guests), who he visited him. But is it important? For merry congratulations and performances in bags of rich, sausages, pies, gingerbread, bottles with moonshine and minor money.

While the guys ranked in the courtyards, the girls wondered on the narrowed. Very popular in the villages were fortune telling on the river bank. The girls fastened the fire, and then in turn threw the burning heads into the hole. If the corner goes out with a crucian and hissing - the husband will be rich and beautiful, well, if the head is only "PCHIKNET" - to become a girl's girlfriend.


Christmas felling ended with the feast of the Epiphany, famous for the people as baptism (Jordan). Evening on the eve of this day was called the second horsepower, or hungry bun. On the eve of baptism, the house was decorated with dry flowers of cornflowers, immortelle and blue ribbons. Mandatory were the observance of strict post and the preparation of the second kout.

In the evening, in front of the Epiphany, people went to church to pray and gain water, called Jordanian. It was believed that she had even more power than Epiphany. This water was kept all year as an effective remedy against any trouble and the evil eye. She had every host sprinkled all family members, hut, hlev, well. Even on hungry kits prepared cogghis with honey - rods. Before dinner, his father, son or her father's brother walked with a tan in Khlev, Kropyi was all with water there, chalk wrote crosses on the doors and gates, and then he eaten around the cake to protect their relatives from evil spirits.

At the very baptism, the whole family stepwise went to church, and from there to the nearest reservoir. To the Epiphany on the lakes, ponds and rivers, the men cut down a cruciform wormwood, which was poured out beet kvass: so that the water was red, festive. On the shore from slices of ice and spruce paws built "royal gates." For complete cleansing from sins through them, it was necessary to go after swimming in the hole.

How to meet christmas christova 2018 right

Orthodox celebrate Christmas from 6 to 7 January. This is a traditional family holiday. Candles are lit on the Christmas trees, in houses or in apartments are grown multicolored lights, which serve as a symbol of a homely hearth. Young people went outside with a dye and star, and began to walk. The collage squad dressed in a variety of suits and masks so that they did not know and sang carols (ancient).

On this beautiful evening, the whole family is going together at the festive table, but before that time the first star in the sky appears. It means the sign of the appearance of Jesus Christ.

What to cook for christmas: menu

The hosts for Christmas must remove the house, a clean tablecloth is sprinkled on the table. Dinner begins with entering wheat in the house, which symbolizes the beauty, or sopa rye. All dishes must be launched, without adding oil, milk, sour cream, eggs and, of course, no meat. At Christmas, it is relying traditionally to put on the table - 12 dishes. The mandatory element of the Christmas table is Casca. This boiled wheat, with the addition of poppy, nuts and honey. You can add different dried fruits, frozen berries, marmalade, also spices or spices to taste. It is considered to be richer, the more welfare and happiness will be in the family next year. The Uzbar (compote from dried fruits) was traditionally served to the curb. It was considered the most common drink. Also put lean cabbage rolls and dumplings, beial pancakes, borsch, cooked from laundry products and more. At the festive table, the cake was bought, in which a surprise was present: Raisins, Walnut or Coin. To whom will get a piece of cake with a surprise, he will be happy, healthy, and successful whole next year.

Traditions for christmas christov 2018

After dinner, the dwarf and young people are going for a bond. The owners of quarrels wish happiness and health, and in return get generous treats, sweets or money.

The room can be decorated with garlands. In the middle to put the Christmas tree to hang out all sorts of sweets, nuts in a golden wrapper, apples. And under it put brightly decorated gifts for children. The ancestors believed if the tree is rich in the decoration, it means that the life of the family will be in prosperity.

At midnight, in the old days, people congratulated each other and exchanged gifts, they also guess desires. The girls during this period began to guess on the narrowed, or for the future. To do this, they used wax, snow, milk and more. All wishes, mounted on the holiday of Christmas should be kind.

What can not be done at christmas

It is impossible to sew this day, wash your head, washing and leaving. It is not recommended from home to hang out salt or bread, so good everything went past the hands.

In the period of Soviet power, Christmas was not accepted. It was considered exclusively a church holiday, and with the religion the Communists fought with all their might. Therefore, still not everyone knows how to celebrate Christmas and the New Year and what is their principled difference. Well, indeed - after all, both the Christmas tree put the Christmas tree, having fun and arrange a feast. Of course, everyone knows that the new year is celebrated on January 1. But with Christmas, everything is somewhat more complicated.

How to celebrate Christmas - Important Rules

Orthodox in Russia is made to celebrate Christmas on January 7. This is due to the fact that Russia had previously lived in the Julian calendar, according to which this number corresponds to December 25, the number when it is customary to celebrate Christmas in all other countries. Christmas, this is the day, when Christ was born by legend, so it is a great holiday and it is customary to celebrate fun and with joy.

Usually the holiday begins on the eve, in the so-called Christmas tree. In the evening, the whole family should gather at the festive table. Since, according to the Gospel, the birth of Christ occurred in the nursery, then the table was made to drain the straw and only then close her tablecloth. After the festive dinner is over, nothing can be removed from the table.

Before you meet Christmas, it is customary to set 13 dishes on the festive table. After all, this number was Christ together with his twelve students. True, in many countries this number is considered unhappy, and therefore only twelve exhibit. While the first star did not appear in the sky, even for a lean table was not accepted. But the next day you can put a fried goose, which is considered the most traditional treat. Meat dishes can be served.

Useful advice

Those who are not too religious, but wants to know how to celebrate Christmas, it is worth collecting at the table of relatives and close people, and give them gifts. By the way, the chief honors from Christmas from the New Year is that it is necessary to celebrate it in a family circle. But for the new year there is no such strict condition, and you can easily go to visit friends or to the club.

There is another difference. At Christmas, it is necessary to put on the table and light a candle, which is a symbol of the Christmas Bethlehem Star. For the new year you can do without it, although the candles on the table are very beautiful. Well, of course, since Christmas, it's still a religious holiday, even if you are not a religious person, it should not eat strong spirits in this evening - it is better to do with red wine.

How to celebrate the new year correctly

How to celebrate Christmas and New Year? Of course - fun. But fun it should be different. If on the new year it is stormy and loud, then christmas is a quiet family holiday. And let it bring a little miracle to your life.

The tradition of celebrating Christmas to Christ appeared in Russia, as it is completely clear, after the adoption of Christianity. For many years, our ancestors met this kind and bright holiday in a family circle, and before them did not even stand the question - how to meet Christmas.

Traditionally, the Christmas tree dressed up, then they went to the church service and then arranged the holiday festive feast. By the way, the holiday marked and the end of the Christmas post, and therefore, the dishes were especially diverse.

history of the holiday

From this point on, a big festive period began, called the Holie, who lasted up to baptism - January 19 for a new style.

In recent years, tradition to celebrate Christmas began to revive and, although not everyone goes to church, many are interested in how to meet Christmas correctly. In this article we want to remember some of the folk rites and the rules that were adopted in Russia.

So, according to customs, the Christmas Eve on a festive table should be set up twelve different dishes, which must be deferred. It is usually dumplings, buckwheat cereal cereal, candied by cannabis oil, apples were died, borsch, sauerkraut, compote, cabbage rolls, stuffed with pitchfish, salt mushrooms, cakes with poppy.

The main and main dish is Casca. This is a porridge, which was usually cooked from wheat and filled with honey, fruits and nuts. No meat, no fish on the table should not be, until the first evening star appears in the sky.

The twelve festive dishes were the key to the fact that the next year will be issued by the crop and rich, so even in the poorest families they tried to set them on the table.

Interesting traditions

There are interesting traditions to celebrate Christmas. Of course, this bright holiday was unthinkable to meet in an unlocked house, so the guise of cleanliness and order before the holiday should be considered with special care. It should also be returned to the house all those who are borrowed to someone or money.

Before serving the table in the corners, you need to put several pieces of garlic that will protect it and only then retain a festive tablecloth. At the table must be put in one excess device, in case an unexpected guest comes.

This is a very good admission. But only if a man is pleased, preferably unmarried and dark hair. But the appearance of Guest on the contrary is considered a bad sign and foreshadows poverty and illness.

Day January 7 is a great religious and family holiday, it is accepted in a special way. Even our contemporaries, who have long been from many traditions, prefer to celebrate Christmas adhering to special rules. The history of the Christmas holidays is actually much longer than the history of Christianity, initially in the pre-Christian times from December 25 to January 6, the winter shirts were marked, called them a collage. These days are confined to the winter sun, they symbolized the completion of the annual cycle. In the modern Christmas holiday, the motifs of the birthday of the New Sun and Christian - the birth of the Son of God, the holiday itself, in any of his interpretation, symbolizes the joyful start of life, is filled with positive energy and faith in the victory of light forces.

How to celebrate the strid in the old days

It is necessary to consider this question, because most of the actions that are committed and today at the celebration of Christmas were committed during the harvesting times.

Modern Christmas accommodates in itself:

  • the concerts of the dead ancestors,
  • collablization and singing of special songs called carols,
  • religious prayers
  • dressing up in horse costumes, goats, cows,
  • divination
  • baking pies
  • making crafts for christmas with their own hands,
  • mandatory observance of post to the first star.

On this holiday, in the old days, the Diduha was brought in the villages - a wheat sheen, woven with a special way, decorated with ribbons and flaps, installed it on land. And today, in memory of the fact that Jesus appeared on the light in Khlev, it is customary to sprinkle with a straw or a hay table before it festive tablecloths.

Preparing for the holiday begins in advance, with careful cleaning and decoration of the house.

On Christmas Eve, day before Christmas, it is customary to prepare twelve laundry festive dishes, for example:

  1. Lean borsch.
  2. Fried fish.
  3. Stewed cabbage with mushrooms.
  4. Salad of sauer cabbage with salty cucumbers and onions, seasoned with sunflower oil.
  5. Patties with mushrooms.
  6. Salad of herring and boiled beet.
  7. Boiled potato, seasoned with fried mushrooms on a lean oil.
  8. Dumplings with cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms.
  9. Vegetarian cabbage rolls with rice and fried carrots.
  10. Acute seasoning with garlic and pepper based on tomato paste.
  11. Susta.
  12. Umbar.

The main dishes are sochily (klya) and the Uzvar. For the preparation of the junctions, one-piece wheat grains should be used, cooking rice for this festive dish is impossible - the canon is prepared from it - a treat that is served on the commemoration. On the festive table on the Christmas Eve (holy evening) it is absolutely inappropriate.

Modern recipes of Kuti involve adding to it:

  • poppy, honey, nuts,
  • raisa, Tsukatov, Kuragi,
  • a wheat remains unchanged ingredient.

The second mandatory dish on the festive table is a Uzvar, a drink for the preparation of which dried apples and pears are used.

On the eve of Christmas, the post was strictly observed, he ended up with the advent of the first star, symbolizing the Vfliem, who revealed to the appearance of Jesus. At the table it is advisable to get together with the whole family, in festive clothes. The beginning of the meal should be prayer, after it you can start food, first of all - to the curb, then to the rest of the dishes.

The festive table for Christmas was covered with the fact that the post was already over, it was usually present on him a baked goose with apples, grilled chicken, salt cucumbers and tomatoes, salads, smoked meat, cabbage rolls, kelid, homemade sausages, porridge with lamb meat. Be sure to put a large dish with cakes. Also prepared tori with oil cream decorated with icing.

Under the table set any existing ferry iron object. All who sat at the table put legs on him. It was believed that the power and strength of iron on this day was transferred to a person who touches his legs, and throughout the next year such a person will be protected by any diseases.

There was a conversation at the table, everyone congratulated each other with the holiday, then gave gifts, this moment, of course, the children were most expected.

Christmas symbols and their meaning

As every holiday, Christmas has its own characters. The main of them is the Vaflia Star, it was with her appearance of Magi who learned about the birth of a baby.

It is believed that the prototype of the Bethlyer star could be moving in the night sky of a car of Gallei. Made of cardboard and richly decorated star also wore a group of carwdniki, who were part of the holiday from the house to the house and reported the owners of the joyful news of the birth of Jesus.

The second equally important symbol of the holiday is the Christmas tree. It is installed in the house and decorate toys. However, this beautiful custom appeared relatively recently, several centuries ago and was borrowed from the inhabitants of Germany.

A very important point of Christmas holidays are light and fire.

The candles light in houses symbolize the victory of light energies above the forces of evil and darkness. In the pre-Christian times, people also worshiped fire, burned candles and bonfires in the hope of expelling the power of the cold and darkness from their villages.

On Christmas Eve and in Christmas, the oven or fireplace should be lit, in the urban apartment - be sure to light the candles. One of them put on the windowsill - it is believed that her good spirits will notice and will protect this house from all sorts of misfortunes.

All we are happy to be brapping on the door of the house of a Christmas wreath, a symbol of wealth.

This symbol is borrowed from the parishioners of the Lutheran Church. Such a decoration for Christmas can be made with your own hands. To decorate a wreath you should use candles and christmas toys. Interestingly, the traditional wreath was decorated with four candles, lit them alternately, for four weeks, on Sundays.

Moreover, in the last before the Sunday holiday, it was necessary to light all the candles together, so that the location of the wreath was well lit.

When celebrating the strides, the pagans behaved very noisy, it was believed that in this way it was possible to be expelled from the villages of evil spirits, which they gained special strength in the winter, when the sun was shown quite short and could not warm the land.

In Christian Christmas sincere time, a tradition was spent loudly singing on the holiday, shouting, ringing bells. It is also customary to call to church bells.

Raspberry ringing of bells people welcome the appearance of Jesus.

Over the past two-year-old years, a christmas card is an integral holiday symbol.

This kind tradition allows millions of people to congratulate their relatives and friends living in different points of the planet. The first christmas card was drawn by the Englishman Horsley.

Very interesting point of the holiday were fortune telling.

It was believed that during the density of the skies, the skies were open and this is the best time when you can learn your further fate in detail.

How to decorate your home for christmas

You can decorate the house for a holiday in different ways. Although the house has already been decorated with a Christmas Eve to the interior, it will be necessary to add elements that are characteristic of Christmas holidays: wreath and candles. Wreath can be bought in finished form, you can make it yourself - a creative approach to the case will allow to get a unique decoration that corresponds to your taste.

Candles at Christmas preferably choose the thoroughly, such so that they burned for a long time. Previously, this holiday candles were made from natural wax, such which would have been burning for days. The burning of candles symbolizes the light brought to this world by Jesus. Of course, candles should be installed in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of fire.

Since Christmas holidays symbolize the light, you can make garlands to the interior, you can decorate flashing lights you can not only urban apartment. If Christmas is celebrated in a country house, you can decorate garlands home outside or trees in the yard - your home will immediately turn into a sparkling palace.

Thematic Christmas decoration is also the vertel.

You can create a variety of materials that will be in the house, dolls can be purchased at a finished form.

On the Internet there is a lot of classes master classes to create such christmas pictures.

Crafts for Christmas can be the most diverse, for example, in a fairly spacious room you can build a fireplace from ordinary cardboard boxes. Of course, it will not be possible to breed in it in it, but flashing multicolored garlands will give him a rather attractive appearance. How to make a fireplace can be found from the following video:

If you meet Christmas in the city and plant some cumbersome options for decoration does not allow the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, you can decorate it with a waving on the walls and windows of a wire with a decorated Christmas rain, in the middle of such circles you can suspend beautiful toys on shiny threads.

Quitely originally found created from wire, wrapped by Mishur and other geometric figures, asterisks or outlines of animals.

Several ideas that will help to beautify the country area to the new year and Christmas

If you meet the winter holidays is scheduled for the country or in a country house, then you should prepare for such an important event in advance. Create an atmosphere of the holiday will help crafts for Christmas, quite spectacular in appearance and very simple performed. Even those who trones their strength in different types of needlework will be able to master the manufacturing technology of some of them. Children can also be attracted to the manufacture of uncomplicated ornaments for the garden.

Original and attractive will look in the snowy garden multicolored ice lanterns. To create them, it will take freeze ice with fillers in the containers of different shapes and size. The fillers can serve as bright winter berries, for example, rowan or viburnum, bumps, autumn leaves, fir branches, etc. LED elements can be used as a luminous element.

To emphasize the light of the outlines of the house, gates and wickets, the bizarre shapes of the trees can be placed on them glowing cords. One look at the house decorated in this way is enough to understand - the welcoming owners are looking forward to the expensive to their heart of the guests.

If there is warm weather on the street and manufacture ice lamps is impossible, then the topic of gifts can be used to create original glowing jewelry. Collecting wooden or cardboard frames can be strengthened on their walls electric garlands, the walls of the frames then tighten the paper for packing gifts, tie the bright ribbon with a bow.

The mandatory attribute of the holiday is a fir, even if it does not grow in the garden, you can use the seeded seedling purchased in the nursery in the nursery. Even such a small Christmas tree can be beautiful and originally decorated. By the spring, such a Christmas tree can be planted in the garden or in the yard.

Add brightness to winter monochromicity, bright Christmas decorations, toys and garlands, and garlands, should also be decorated with a wreath with a symbol of wealth and well-being in the house. The wreath composition can also be thought out and independently. The windows and the porch of the house can be decorated with green garlands woven from spruce twigs. As decorations, bright bows, cones, lamps can be used.

As a decor for the yard, you can use blind and decorated together with the children of snowmen. The creation of a family of funny snowmen - the experience of fascinating and children will be involved with special pleasure.

You should stock materials for decorating snowmen:

  • carrot - for nose,
  • hats or colored bucket - for head decoration,
  • cusks, mittens and scarves.

If there is no snow, you can create a snowman from a synthet board, for the frame you will need to bend oval forms of rigid wire. Inside the snowman can insert the garland, its light will give a fabulous and mysterious view in the evening.

Great to decorate a snow-white garden landscape located along the paths of multicolored ice balls.

To put water in front of the frost in it, fluorescent gouache of different shades are added. Freeze colored water in the balls - when the water completely freezes the ball removed, there remains a translucent color ice ball. If there is a hole inside the ball - for this you should pour some boiling water from the kettle, a very beautiful garden lamp.

Customs and signs relating to christmas dinner

Of course, no one calls on accuracy to comply with all the signs and customs that reached us through many centuries, however, from the fact that we will listen to folk wisdom of harm to our house and people in it will not be accurate.

So, christmas signs say that:

  • get up because of the table or go out to the street until the dinner will not end - any evil can get into the house,
  • traveling people should return to the house until midnight - otherwise, the whole of the next year will be waiting for a very restless life,
  • sit at the corners of the festive table is not recommended, in particular - unmarried girls - next year they will not find a couple of themselves,
  • at the end of the dinner, it should be left on the table and a few more dishes - in the old days believed that the spirits of the deceased relatives also come to try festive dishes,
  • also, we should not forget about pets - for them, it should also be prepared delicious treats - otherwise the owner of the house neighbors could read for the Zhadan,
  • all who comes to collecting in the house should generously give food and sweets.

Will you adhere to the old rules or not - to solve you, but to keep a good attitude towards all others necessarily - on how you behave in Christmas relations depending on the whole year.

Use a lot of alcohol and swearing this holiday is not recommended, the forces of evil and good in the salty days dominate the planet on equal terms, which one of them will be closer to the soul - those will be managed by the whole year. At Christmas in the house there should be a world, and on the Christmas table - abundance, then the new year that comes rich and happy.