Dots dzota and other firepoints. Field fortification


Long-term disguised firepoint (Dzot) - term to designate defensive field fortification armed structures, both solitary and one of many in the system of the fortified area. Usually, the method of manufacturing jets is simple - the straw-reinforced logberon is covered by a vault from the logo and disguises under the terrain. The term was widespread during the Soviet-Finnish war - and the Great Patriotic War - for the name of light (often disguised) protective fire facilities.


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Watch what is "Dzot" in other dictionaries:

    Dzot - Torable firepoint Dzot dictionaries: Dictionary of contractions and abbreviations of the army and special services. Cost. A. A. Locks. M.: LLC "Publishing AST", CJSC Publishing House Geleos, 2003. 318 p., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of contractions of the modern Russian language ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

    BUT; m. Torable firepoint; Deonted construction from the Earth, Tree, Stone, etc. To protect against bullets and fragments of shells. Machine gun d. Shoot from Zotka. * * * Dzot tremendous firepoint; See tremendous firing facility. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dzot. Siege Khezany, (Vietnamese War) Long-term disguised firepoint (Dzot) Term to designate defensive field fortification armed structures, both solitary and one of many in a strengthened system ... ... Wikipedia

    Dzot, a, husband. The fortified defensive firepoint [abbreviations by initial letters: a tremeble firepoint]. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Tremble firepoint; See a tremeble firing ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    M. Fortonal construction of wood, land, stone, etc. to accommodate various fire facilities and maintenance of fire used in World War II; Long-term earthen firepoint. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 point (100) dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    dzot - Dzot, A (Sokr.: Torable firepoint) ... Russian spelling dictionary

The command of the Red Army made a bet on the Rzhev-Vyazemsky line, which despite the name extended from the north to south throughout the European part of the USSR. From Ostashkov and Selizharovo, through Rzhev, Vyazma, Kirov, Bryansk and Trubchevsk (on the gum river with her tributaries). In fact, the line can be found more north and south of the specified cities.
By October 1941, she was in varying degrees of readiness. The structures on it were sufficiently diverse: from simple sucks, to reinforced concrete monolithic dollars and semi-chapositioners equipped with the latest casemates NPS-3 and DOT-4.
There are well-founded opinions that the line was built "into one thread". Indeed, the places it happened, but I incorrect that there were simply no time to complete, the rear and shut-off positions were not filled with troops, or they were bred from the standpoint .
As you know, the line was broken in the beginning of October 1941. One of the reasons for the breakthrough is called incorrect concentration of troops. Roughly speaking, German troops hit the thinnest places. The lack of communication and coordination between troops (the causes of this are unclear), as well as the overwhelming advantage in the air of German aviation, did not allow proper reaction to breakthroughs.
In many places, the Red Army began to randomly retreat, as a result of which the defense line was left for approximately October 9. It significantly facilitated the German troops opportunities for maneuver.
For a long time about the existence of this huge line of fortification facilities did not prefer not to remember. Most memories are reduced to the tragedy of retreat, the environment and death of the soldier of the Red Army.
Many buildings of the Rzhev-Vyazemsky line have been preserved until now. A number of defensive areas were left without a fight and were not affected by the battles and when the Red Army is counted. Thus, they remained practically inviolable. Of course, much of the left - clothing, blankets, products, fuel, equipment - was cleaned by local residents, both during the war and in our time. In the 90s, a significant part of the equipment was handed over to scrap metal. Currently, concrete boxes are preserved, traces of trenches, anti-tank pivops, duties and shelters.
The most famous structures located in the Tver region in the Ostashkov area and Selizharov. However, they do not give a complete picture of what was built.
For a start, look at the common map, on which objects belonging to the Rzhev-Vyazemsky line are applied, which managed to more or less localize. It is noticeable that in the area of \u200b\u200bBryansk (in the south) it goes in three layers.

Let us turn to some partners.

One, from the well-known defensive districts was the intersection of the current highway M-1 and Dnieper. The defense was arranged on the eastern shore of the Dnieper, the automotive and railway bridges and other crossings were held under the fire of marine artillery, for which special positions were equipped.
The German troops did not attack in this direction and parts of those who were in this area had to be left (after having spent the entire waters for marine guns). Based on the schemes from the site feat of the people, it was possible to localize a part of the positions of marine guns and the location of the bits and jets.
In the scheme - "baluns" marked positions of guns (1 \u003d 100 mm, 3 \u003d 13- mm, 5 \u003d 152 mm). These are constructed and designed (at the time of the restoration of the scheme) dys, triangles are dumplings. As you can see - the positions were enough Powerful.

During one of the trips managed to find well-preserved dots. Here, as the south, a significant part of the bobs was built using a log church, which after poured concrete. To date, these designs have rotted or burned out - only concrete "shells" are preserved. However, there are also typical dot for 45 mm guns, exactly the same can be seen, for example, in Borodino.

Typical dot based wooden sruba. In this case, for 45 mm gun


Perhaps the greatest impression Defensive areas are produced in the vicinity of Olenino. Fortunately, this area is little interested in "diggers", there were no hostilities, and the bludges were purified by local residents back in 1941.
These places (south of venison) are described in the well-known work "Vanka Roat". The area was left without a fight at the beginning of October 1941. According to some reports, German troops entered it only in a month.
Most facilities are typical and monolithic, equipped with incapable NPS-3 and DOT-4. Each "reference defense point" is surrounded by the anti-tank moat, which is still well preserved.
As a rule, "Wolf Pits" are as a rule, "Wolf Pits" are located, which did not allow the tanks to approach the ambrusura from the flank and close it. Nearby there are shelters and bludges connected by overlapping testers.
A significant part of the positions around the bobs is strongly overgrown with forest and make a more difficult picture quite difficult. Approximately the case, this area looks like "official data" - many dots have the status of monuments. True, their coordinates are given so approximately that finding them on the ground, in dense forest, is very difficult.

An asterisk is a dota or group of dollars, red lines - anti-tank Rips (some presumably).

But here you can see the dots under 76 mm gun, under 45 mm gun, dot with the installation of Dot-4, however, only embrasures remained from them, as well as from bits with machine-gun installations NPS-3. It includes very interesting dzots, made on the basis of a church, but with high, monolithic front walls and concrete embrasures.

Consider one "reference defense point", which is located near the village of Tournaevo.

Dots stretched into one line and cover the road, which in 1941 was the main "track" - the current Riga highway did not exist then. Although the dots are planted below the topographic crest, but they would hardly remain unnoticed for German intelligence.

Dot for 45 guns is located on the right flank. Most likely, the trenches stretched further (it was possible that the machine-gun position was, but now everything is smeared there.

Dot for 45 guns. Owned. It is a hormick overgrown with grass.

View from the inside, through the ambrusura. Left visible stop for the bed. It can be seen that the ceiling is made of metal beams (heated) between which the segments of the boards are placed.

View from the inside through the entrance. A typical Dota design for 45 mm guns is visible.

Interestingly, in the upper part of the entrance, a groove was made in which the design of the "gate" possibly was located. Most likely, such dots were closed by the gate, both from imaginary and for protection (so that extraneous was not climbed).

Lefte is the observation point (NP) with three ambrusurars. Unfortunately, the entrance to it is completely covered.

This is the observation slit on the front.

The entrance is littered, sailed the trench and the embankment. The door to NP disappeared probably during the war.

Observation slit.

Another left directly near the road is a dot with the installation of Dot-4.

He could fire both from 45 mm gun and machine gun. In this embrasure, when the metal ball was installed ...

Apparently, the studs could not or wanted to unscrew ...

The residues of the cut, the ambrusura and apparently the fastest "slab overlap". Draws attention to the inclined front wall of the dzota.


Machine-gun half-breeder with NPS-3.

The shelling sector intersects with dzot. It is not very clear why the wing is done. Alas, the entrance is completely tightened to the earth, and the sector in front of Ambrazur is turned into a landfill. (It would be necessary to clean it).

The embankment fell asleep input. Yes, the tree has grown.

On the left flank there is a dot from Dot-4. I do not exclude that something is still to the left.

Viden a characteristic "stupid" Angle of Dota. Ambrusura at the Earth itself.

Hooks, reinforcement of fittings - were usually used to fasten the masking.

A typical entrance to dot (dot-4) inside below the floor level of a guilzium chamber. Entering into it there are all chances to fall through the meter on a half into the water ...

The shelling sector, before the forest there should be anti-tank ditch.

These facilities covered the road, which went from west to east towards Rzhev. Now it almost does not go, and the village itself looks non-residential.

Dot is not a rival tank, but it can become an insurmountable obstacle for infantry, which does not have in the sufficiency of tanks and guns. For example, in the mountains or swampy terrain.

Dot abbreviation is decrypted simply enough - a long-term firepoint - a firing structure that can confront the enemy on the enemy's lap enough. Sometimes, instead of abbreviation, the dot is used by DOS - a long-term fire construction. However, this is the tactical name of structures. Military engineers are called long and boring - reinforced concrete (concrete, brick) construction facility for making a machine gun (gun).

It is worth distinguishing the concept of dot from the concept of Dzot. The second abbreviation is decrypted as a tree-earthen fire point - that is, a similar structure, but erected not from reinforced concrete, and from logs and land. Naturally, durability and durability to the feeders at Zotka is significantly lower. However, the Dzot is erected once in ten faster than dot, and the steady of steel and especially durable concrete during the war does not require.

Smart to do not go

Flower thanks came at the time of World War II, or rather, at the very beginning. They were drinking the French line Maginos, the German line Siegfried, the Norman Atlantic Shaft, the Soviet "Stalin Line" and the Finnish "Mannerheim Line". But the same world spawned effective means Combating these engineering facilities: they can simply be circumvented, and if it is impossible - then to harde the tanks. Tank dot is not an opponent, even if armed with the anti-tank gun. He is immobile, and it cannot come to the rescue of neighboring dots. So the moving tanks with groups can be separated with dotami, destroying them in turn.

However, they did not completely write off the dots - they are superbly opposed by the coming infantry that does not have in the sufficiency of tanks and guns of direct support. For example, in swampy terrain or in the mountains.

Where to find them

On the battlefield, the dzotes occur much more often than dots. The first tore the infantry themselves with the support of regimental sappers, when they occupy a defense on the reached frontier and the enemy does not yet toounder. The second is elevated specially trained and equipped engineering and fortification units of troops in advance preparation of the border of defense. Ahead of a few dozen kilometers still fight their troops, but it is already clear that they will not be able to resist there. They need to move and hide behind strong defensive structures, barriers that the enemy will not be able to quickly overcome. Dots of such a turn - these are usually key reference points of defense.

Dots are erected in so-called urahs - fortified areas, in advance prepared for long defensive battles. Most often, they are built in peacetime near the line of the state border. Dys in urahs, as a rule, is much larger than field and, if you can put it, more comfortable - usually two- and three-storey. In the lower floors there are large stocks of ammunition, ventilation and heating plants, electric generators, stocks of products and water, medical and recreational facilities.

Last example of the construction of a strengthened area soviet-Chinese border In the Primorsky Territory, which was actively built on in the second half of the 1960s - the first half of the 1970s. The Chinese army of that time was numerous, but had little heavy weapons. Border Soviet dots could play a very important role in the case of military conflict.

Deadly bucket

Consider one of the works of a typical project that was built on the Soviet-Chinese border. Like the famous Khrushchev five-story buildings, dots were raised from finished reinforced concrete structures and were equipped with places for recreation and meals, heating and ventilation systems.

Dot of this project was a universal design. He did not have Ambrazur and was completely hidden in the ground. Only a metal ring (pursuit) of a combat caasemap, which could be installed a machine-gun turret from BTR-70 with two machine guns (14.5 mm and 7.62 mm), a turret with a 30-mm rainfall cannon and machine gun from BMP-2 , hiding machine-gun installation or armored vehicle armchard. If you use a curvating machine gun, then this dot detect and destroy almost impossible. On the surface of the Earth, only the armor heads with a common bucket, in which only the end of the machine gun barrel and periscopic lens are visible - everything else is hidden under the ground. The tank can drive through this head and not to notice it. The hiding machine-gun unit rises above the ground directly at the opening of the fire. However, a conventional reinforced concrete dome with embrasures for machine guns can be delivered over the battle casemate.


When such a dot is built and disguised, nothing gives it to the terrain. Maximum what can be seen so it concrete Ring Vrowning with land similar to a unfinished well. Next to him from the Earth, two small green ventilation cylinders and heating tube with fungus are sticking out.

We will remove the land, and modern dot will open before us. Externally, this is a durable reinforced concrete box with dimensions of 5.05x3.25x2.35 m. It has a reinforced concrete ring with a diameter of 2.35 m and a height of 2 m. The height of the entire structure is 4.35 m.

For clarity in the figure, the so-called "mattress" is not shown, and simply speaking, fat reinforced concrete plate (about 1 m), buried in the ground horizontally approximately in the middle between the surface of the Earth and the loud roof, exceeding the length and width of approximately 2.5 m dot box. "Typhus" protects the construction from the destruction by heavy concreforming shells of caliber to 203 mm and airbabs up to 100 kg.

In the caasemate

Make a small excursion for dota. To get into it, you need to go down the steps from the trench. At the very end we are encountered armored hermetic door. Having discovered her, we get in the Tambour of Dota and see the two such armored doors - one in the left wall, the second right in front of us.

Turning to the left, we fall into a small room - "Ventilation and Power Casemate". On the wall there is a staplab, cables from which diverge through the rest of the room. Under it batteries emergency lighting, which is enough for autonomous work for 1-2 days.

In addition, the caasemate contains a filter installation. Interesting the wave-100 device, which is put on the outer end of the ventilation pipe. It provides a free passage of air into the pipe, but instantly closes, as soon as the air pressure jump (shock wave of ordinary, thermobaric or nuclear ammunition), completely overlapping air access to dot for a few seconds.

Let's go back to the vestibule and open the armored versus opposite the entrance. We fall into the auxiliary caasemate, in which there are wardrobes for ammunition, a table for preparing the cartridge tapes and cooling machine-gun removable trunks. Between the cabinets, the staircase leading to the combat caasemate. We fall into it through the hatch in the roof of the auxiliary caasemate. Today it is simply an empty reinforced concrete round room with a diameter of 2.35 meters and 2 meters high, open from above. Its arrangement and equipment of weapons can be very different - from one to two Kalashnikov machine guns up to 30 mm rainflake gun, the installation of the Ptthi and even anti-aircraft rocket portable complexes.

But for the installation of a tank tower with a gun such a dot is unsuitable. This requires large auxiliary premises and a more powerful electrical installation.


Let's go back into the auxiliary caasemate and through the armored versus we will move to the barracks of Dota. Directly in front of us the table of duty with the phone. On the left on the wall hangs a flat tank for drinking water, right - a wardrobe for personal belongings of the garrison of dot and food. Behind the closet three-tiered naras for recreation personnel. If we consider that at least two people from the personal composition of the garrison are constantly on duty in the battle caasemate (one in the ventilation and power caaset and one guarding the entrance), then there is more than enough places in dota. People relax like on a warship - alternately.

In contrast to all other premises of Dota barracks, in addition to forced ventilation, has its own passive ventilation: fresh air on the supply pipe falls inside the barracks, and the worked out go out through chimney. Such a ventilation and heating system provides a comfortable temperature in the barracks and makes it possible not to use forced ventilation if the dot does not fight.

According to the experience of habitat in underground facilities, it is known that it is necessary to use the stove only for cooking and heating in very very coldy. Such structures are very well kept warm, the stoves due to the characteristics of their location never smoke, and the fuel combines with high intensity. So even in severe frosts, it is quite enough to protrude the oven for 1-2 hours so that the heat is enough for more than a day. Excursion completed.


Suppose you decide to build a personal dot on your site. Here is a brief estimate of the construction. The "Chinese" dot is collected from the standard finished elements produced on the field concrete plants. The consumption of labor resources for the construction of Dota is 450 people-hours (of which 175 h / h on the installation of the structure itself), 5.2 hours of the bulldozer and 8 m / h of the truck crane. The volume of displaced soil (the exhausting of the pit and his backstage) will be 250 m3. It will take 26 m3 of fortification reinforced concrete to the structure and another 45 m3 on the mattress.

Such a structure has one very significant disadvantage. It can be erected only in places with light soil, where the groundwater level is quite low. Recall that the floor of the structure is at a depth of 4.35 m, and at a high level of groundwater, even the best waterproofing will not save dot from flooding. Of course, it is possible to establish a waterproof pump, but in the premises there will still be permanent dampness, which adversely affects not only the health of people, but also on condition and ammunition. Consequently, the Dot of the "Chinese" project is impossible to build in rock and swampy soils, as well as the regions of permafrost. Do not despair - for such localities there are other projects.


Suppose you made dot. Now we need to hide it from a curious eye. Masking "Chinese" Dot is very simple. You can easily sketch the masking network on the combat mousemate, imitate it under the gas or fuel tank, a dilapidated house or pile of stones. Everything here depends on the nature of the terrain and your imagination.

To disguise such a structure, even from modern technical means of observation and intelligence is not so difficult. It is much more difficult to hide the life of Dot, first of all the movement of people. In winter, the dot gives the smoke of the heating system, but even if the smoke can be hidden, the heat leaving through ventilation pipes and doors, carbon dioxide from the respiration of people are quite easily recorded by the thermal imaging equipment. Often, dot issues the need to clear the sector of the shelling from snow in winter and from grass in summer. Yes, and the tactically competent officer of the enemy without much difficulty determines on the map and through the inspection of the terrain the most likely places of the location of the boots and directs their observers to them.


Thus, it is impossible to hide the presence of a dot on the site. But it is possible to create five or six false from the real Dota. The enemy will understand that from all the days is real only one, but what? The simplest version of the false dota is a strip on a stone, applied by black matte paint, or a segment of a board, inserted into an inconspicuous earthy tubercle. Such a disguise can might imitate the Ambrase Dota.

Of course, in order to introduce an enemy in error, it is necessary to imitate livelihoods - the movement of people, smoke, flowing warm air. Moreover, all this should not be explicit, demonstration. Compliance with measures in the imitation of dota vital activity is vital. For example, during the Great Patriotic on the central front of the winter of 1943, the semen Nagovitsyn intelligence officer distinguished the false dot from the present, noting that the sector of the shelling of a false Doter Germans regularly purified from snow, while before the real they did not do this. And during the change of machine-gun calculation in the present dota, the movement of people was hidden not particularly carefully, while his false could be caught with great difficulty. In other words, the Germans replayed, too obviously trying to show that the real dot is false, and vice versa.

Confusing finally

When dots were built at the Chinese border at the 1960-1970s on the Chinese border, the sappers tried to hide the work in every possible way, and the Chinese - throw away every place of the construction of the bots. Despite the fact that it is impossible to hide such labor-intensive work, the Chinese have all equalized. Our sappers have closed the place of construction by vertical masks of camouflage networks, not allowing the opportunity to chine border guards to observe what is happening for the network. Such masks were put in many other places where dots raise and were not going. Excavators were driven to all sites, brought concrete details, digging the ground, and ... threw in a few days. The same was repeated in the second, third, fourth plots. After some time, the sappers returned, did something and disappeared again. In the end, the camouflage networks were filmed and the sappers disappeared. This meant that another dot was built. But where exactly?

Dot (long-term defensive (fire) point) is a fortification structure that is erected for shelter, defense and maintenance of fire from the premises in war.

As a rule, dots were erected from reinforced concrete, monolithic concretestones on cement mortar, iron beams, fittings and armor. Reinforced concrete fortifications were covered or flooded land (for disguise) rooms with narrow embralls for refrigerated fire and armored entrance. Dotes could be both small and complex with several incapable ammunitions and warehouses for ammunition.

Dys are also known, fully made of metal, - such dots were called armored balpac. Occasionally, the tower parts of old tanks without a chassis were used as a bot. Formally, they were not considered dota, but in fact, it was considered that these are such dots.

Dots were erected as single structures and as a system of fortifications (for example, Mannerheim Line or Molotov Line during World War II).

After the Second World War in the USSR, the following classification of women was adopted:

  • super-heavy type: protection against artillery shells Over 155-mm and airbabs are more powerful 100 kg;
  • heavy type: from 88-mm shells, Gaubits up to 150-mm and airbabs with a capacity of 50 kg;
  • reinforced type: from anti-tank 50 mm guns and light haubs up to 105-mm;
  • light type: from the anti-tank rifle, mortar and machine-gun queues;
  • anti-card: from fragments, single small gun bullets and machine gun.

Before World War I, the world has not yet known what kind of dots. The first of these fortifications began to use German troops in 1916-1917 at the Metings Fortress north of Antwerp and when preparing for battles in Flanders. Small concrete facilities were located dispersed on the battlefield. The Germans called them "sprayed fortification", and the French are "fortification dust." However, the first experience of using concrete fortifications was unsuccessful, since these strengthening were too easy and 210 mm, shells digged them out of the ground, which causing the injuries and contusions inside the soldiers.

Despite the fact that the construction of dolots was much more expensive and more difficult than the installation of sucks (tree-grained firepoints), and also occupied a lot of time, they got very widespread during World War II. Dotes have a solid set of advantages over jotes.

Among the advantages of these fortifications:

  • Reinforced concrete walls are not lit, withstand elevated temperatures and are covered from explosive waves.
  • Doti, unlike Dzotov, withstood not only shelling from automatic weapons, but also direct hit of artillery shells, tank salts and even air bombs up to 2000 kg.
  • Dots are very durable fortifications, some have been preserved until now.

at the retreat did not regret the explosives of soldiers - this wall was originally ... the ceiling

as a frame, not only pieces of high strength fittings were used, but also rails

it looks like a machine-gun nest from the inside of the Cast of Dot

and this handsome partially stands in the courtyard of one of the residents of the village. The owner of the house was not and had to lean his relative for a long time to go inside. Previously, the "owner" kept potatoes there, but has long refused this venture - an uncomfortable entrance

the entrance door-grille is not native, but also very old

inside the fautle for a machine gun - a big luck!

also available with springs for radio station

door to the main room with traces of undermining and bullet holes

commander Dot - hence the observation and adjustment of fire was conducted. But he also accepted the fight and all his fighters died in the battle with the enemy army

entrance to the observation tower

valves still work

Alexander was lucky - next to her dot found a tail of broken mines

what remains of the Memorial - the brass board was stolen by a flame hunter ...

large dot, built by the metro method right in the hill. One of the few who survived under the onslaught of enemy Natiska - the Germans were simply not able to fit the hard technique to him - did not allow the location

inside flooded with groundwater tunnels - it is impossible to go there without special rubber shoes

another entrance to the next dot, which has experienced not one "visit" youth: (

by the way, on every fortification there is a symbolism of the USSR

the guys are a little shocked when I first descended for the first, underground floor. And then I was then in my head, better not ask :)

this iron remembers the weapon and the equipment that hung on it ...

this bunk dot was blown up when retreat

group "Search" wants to remember a piece of fittings from the slate of Dota. The attempt failed :)

Entrance to dot, on top of which in soviet times Built the lodge of the wrappers. The house is already dilapidated. Dot still stands. Building approximately 1905

descent to the first floor, which is flooded with groundwater. According to the legend there is a cannon of royal times

And here is the yoke from the gender of the 1905 sample. Very rarity

this is a hole on the right - for the shooting sleeves. When you try to find from the basement of enthusiasts, it was waiting for disappointment ... It seems that they were taken back for a long time, perhaps immediately after the war

the hat in the area is unfinished railway - The opposites are visible to the right, they were supposed to be an overhead train movement, which would deliver the necessary resources of the army. The project was not completed due to the entry of the Army of Fascist Germany to Kiev region.
On the average plan on the left - Alexander Zubko, the photographer magazine "Expert", communicates with the group "Search". By the way, this Alexander invited me to this fascinating round of chickens. thanks to him

monument near one of the survivors made of metal. Only his soldiers did not survive ...

The entrance was preserved at an initiated form, although the wooden part seems to have changed in the middle of the eighties

Traces of explosives, which made dot silence. You can imagine the power of the charge, if a metal plate is broken in a thickness of 3-4 centimeters ...
One grenade such damage can not apply, perhaps it was a bunch of a grenade or a large explosive

The catch in the boomer is still driven by one hand movement

And this is the famous dot on the water, which led the "KINGAL", i.e. Side fire on moving technique and enemy infantry. Soldiers who took the battle inflicted a tangible damage of the enemy army

And now it is a picturesque part of the rural landscape, which local fishermen have been used to

Entrance to our last dot, already in the evening. Having gathered with the forces and biting around him, we descended into his silent corridors and rooms.
Our historians say that during the excavations at the entrance to Dot, the remains of the soldier were found. Presumably, it was one and a soldier who was seriously injured during defense. At night, he was dragged out of Dota, and buried at the entrance to the "medical" depth, 40-50 cm. War ...

Inside the fruit gun is preserved. And traces of the stay of modern Homo Sapiens ... Only here in the feasibility of the second word let me doubt: (

Here it looks like a way out of Dot

Employees of the Society "Search" take pictures of the abyss of the antenna Dota German grenade. It was a spent method on disabling the waters of our warriors, unfortunately, no other constructive solution at that time did not exist. On the other hand, the German soldier had to be climbed onto the roof of Dot. Without severe auxiliary equipment it was almost impossible

The place where the German grenade broke out. The inner antenna fully failed

On the left you can see the trail from the armored stove, from the frontal part of the fortification, now the fixing fittings remain there. "Searching" told about one of their friends who removed the armor and now she serves him for peaceful purposes in his garden

And for this photo is declared thanks to Alexey Zubuk, the magazine "Expert"

Historical reference: Kiev Strong (abbreviated KMU) was created during 1929-1935. The first commandant Kiur was P.E. Knyagitsky. Kiur covered Kiev by a semir, leaning on flanks on r. Dnieper. His first strip passed in the north and west of the villages of Tags and Demidov along the Right Bank. Irpen (natural anti-tank turn) to p. Selfgelodky, turned further to southeast to s. Tarasovka, Juroka, Kremonis, Mergie. In the south, part of the hundred was inscribed in the remains of the ancient "zmium shaft".
More detailed information Can be found here.