Connection of metal-plastic pipes with polypropylene tubes. Instructions for the implementation of the press compound. Connection of polypropylene pipes with each other

First, let's figure it out in the confusion of the most different materials. After all, the connection of plastic pipes with metal requires elementary knowledge about what other materials are made pipes.

Now the most popular pipes are pipes from:

  • polyethylene (PE)
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • polypropylene (PP)
  • from stitched polyethylene
  • metalplastic (composite).

Consider the methods of their compound.

How polypropylene pipes are connected

Methods of connection all exist 2:

  • you can use compression fittings;
  • .

Your attention!
What are fittings? These are different coupling, taps (knees, turns, carvings corners), plugs, transitions, tees ... In general, it is a detail for connecting pipes.

The main advantage of their advantage - for connecting pipes, any complex tools will not need (the only thing that will need is a crimp key, and it is supplied complete with fittings). Manual assembly simplifies the installation process, but reduces its speed (if compared with welding).

Welding methods are also two: jack and in fallen. When welding, the end of the ends of the pipes are uniformly warmed, melted and connected by the ends. Then - cooling. When welding the field, the ends of the pipes are connected using a polymer fitting.

How to connect pipes from metalplastic:

It is not sad, the connection of pipes from metalplastic cannot be made using welding.

The only way out in this situation is fittings, and not simple, and:

  • crimple
  • press fittings
  • push fittings.

The crimp praise the simplicity of installation.

Press fittings - reliability.

Push fittings represent a range of all benefits to choose from:

  • using the minimum of tools (calibrator and cutter)
  • easy mounting
  • the speed of installation (cut off, calibrated, inserted the pipe, and ready)
  • complete Error Exclusion when installing
  • high anti-corrosion rate
  • it is possible to disassemble and replace individual parts.
  • reliability of seals
  • and (well, how without it!) Ecology.

It is also made with the help of fittings, but, there is one "chip" - welding or so-called PVD soldering and PND pipes. Its essence - in gluing elements under the influence of high temperatures. With full compliance technology, a compound is obtained that almost eight times the surface of the pipes themselves.

But for it, it is necessary to provide several conditions: sufficient free space in the zone, the same wall thickness and brand of both pipes, and, in addition, it has limitations in application: the mobility of one of the weaves.

If it is impossible to carry out such welding, it is possible to use an electromobal. Especially it helps with a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which you need to spend. In addition, the clutches make it possible to connect both thin-walled pipes and those whose thickness of the walls is different.

Polyvinyl chloride pipes

They are equipped with a special socket, very helping in the installation.

The connection of PVC pipes is usually made using gluing.

In short, the installation of PVC pipes looks like this:

  1. The outer end of one pipe and the inner surface of the termination of the other is calculated with a grinding skin - to give them roughness, and, as a result, better clutch.
  2. The treated edges are degreased by methylene chloride.
  3. Apply glue for the entire length of the calibrated end of the pipe and 2/3 of the length of the squabble. Hypc-127 glue is most often used, it is applied, very quickly smearing the uniform layer on the surface with soft brushes three or four centimeters width.
  4. On both connected elements, the pipe is quickly introduced into the clutch (socket) until the stop is then rotated by a quarter of turnover. On degreasing, glue flaking and the pipe connection should leave for no more than three minutes.
  5. The connected elements are pressed and kept in this state at least a minute. If everything is done correctly, a thin squeezed glue roller appears when gluing.

For full and uniform gluing will be required for several hours.

In case of error made during the installation process, disassemble the connection only in the first 5-10 seconds. After that, all surfaces immediately need to be cleaned by a degreaser.

Plastic stitched polyethylene pipes

They are mounted somewhat similar to the previous way.

Briefly instruction, how to connect plastic pipes looks like this:

  1. For the installation of the joint, we need an equivalent coupling, two mounting sleeves and a serviceable tool for mounting plastic pipes that must be connected.
  2. Cut five centimeters of the working pipe with special pipe scissors. Cutting should be carried out strictly perpendicular to the pipe and without distortion. Be sure to believe the chamfer.
  3. We wear a sleeve on the pipe with an internal locking groove. Direction - to the joined coupling.
  4. Decorating the pipe with a manual or hydraulic tool. Turn the instrument expansion nozzle (relative to the pipe), and after the first flavoring - by 30 degrees one more time.
  5. Insert the coupling into the collapsed pipe. Through a relatively short time (for the maximum diameter - 11 cm, keep three or four minutes) pipe tightly will fit the fitting.
  6. We impose a connection tool very smoothly. There should be no distortion!
  7. We are promoting the sleeve on the coupling until it stops.
  8. We repeat all these procedures for the other end of the pipe.

Everything! This connection is completely reliable and tight. Plastic pipes for water supply-montage are manufactured according to all instructions.

It would seem that with gluing there is no similarity. But! And in that, and in another way it will be necessary to immediately do everything right and not mistaken, in addition, the installation time is almost the same.

The main type of compounds that is used to dock the composite pipes - a connection with the help of couplings.

Coupling connections of the detachable type are provided by couplings that are cut and segments of already manufactured pipes. On the inner surface, the grooves and grooves are pulled out in which the seals will be pressed - they are synthetic elastomers of a special profile.

The surfaces of the ends of the pipes that are in contact with the elastomers are specially processed for the coupling compound.

Synthetic elastomer is two types:

  • for sewage;
  • for drinking water.

Coupling compounds When laying pipes may admit a slight displacement of pipes along the axis, and the deviation angle depends on the pressure and diameter of the pipe.

But if you doubt that what a tool is needed for mounting plastic tubes- video times in the network. With their help, you can get for yourself the necessary knowledge.

Connect metal-plastic pipes by means of welding. For these purposes, fittings are used:

crimp, press fittings, Push-fittings. The first will provide ease of installation, the second - reliability and resistance to various influences. Push fittings give a number of benefits:

  • Installation of the pipeline with a minimum of tools;
  • Easy and fast installation;
  • Not subject to corrosion;
  • Elements that have come into disrepair may be replaced;
  • Seals are very reliable;
  • Product is environmentally friendly.

The advantages of this method: the closed installation of the pipeline is allowed. That is, it can be hidden in the wall, chopped construction mixture (concrete). Such fittings are very reliable. However, for installation, they will need a special press tool. At the same time, the quality of the connections is very high, for installation requires a minimum of parts. Therefore, such installation work, ultimately, are very economical.

To connect metal-plastic products and press fittings, it is required: crimp couplings, a press tool, a knife for cutting metal or hacksaw.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Determined and measured the required pipe size. Then the product is cut. The resulting concave edges are processed by a calibrator so that there are no roughness, sowing, deformations. The product dresses the crimp coupling;
  2. The fitting is inserted, equipped with a rubber seal. The coupling is crimped through a special press tool. Ultimately, a pronounced ring should arise on the clutch. Keep in mind that it is possible to crimp the fitting only once.

In stores you can find a wide variety of press fittings, including couplings already fixed on the fitting. In this case, act in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Metal plastic pipe is cut to the desired size, calibrated, edges are processed.
  2. Then put it on the fitting fitting, controlling the density of planting through special holes in the coupling.

This connection method is applied when installing heating systems, water pipe arrangement, warm floor systems. The technology is quite simple. For better assimilation, we recommend you to see the appropriate learning video.

The advantages of this method: Operational assembly, no need to apply special equipment in the work.

For the implementation of this technology, you are required: thread fittings, metal cutting scissors or hacksaw, calibrator, roulette, a set of wrench keys, a knife required for stripping.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. A diagram of the location of metal-plastic pipes with an indication of all sizes is compiled. As in the above technologies, the necessary length of the product is measured and cut off, then its edges are processed by the calibrator;
  2. A clamping ring and nut is removed from the fitting, then they dress up onto the pipe, which, after dressing the fitting fitting. The latter is aligned relative to the Fitting Cut;
  3. The clamping ring is returned to the previous position, the nut is spinning with a manual way at the very beginning, then - through a wrench. It is possible to understand that the nut is cleaned, it is possible by a specific cod. The main thing is not to overdo it in screwing the nut, since there is a danger of breaking the thread.

These two elements of the pipeline, made of different materials, can be connected to each other by means of a threaded connection. That is, nipple will be issued from the metalplastic product, from the polypropylene product - a combined coupling having the necessary thread. To solder these elements of the pipeline can not be among themselves. More detailed instructions You will find out, viewing a special training video.

Connection with metal products

To implement this method, adapter fittings will be required. A thread is cut on the metal element of the pipeline, the standard actions already outlined in the upper subsections are performed. Transitions from some diameters to other, branching, turns are also performed by special fittings.

This technology for metal products is appropriate to arrange an open water supply system. However, it is not recommended to apply it if necessary to arrange the system of heating and hidden systems. metal pipesplates.

How to connect pipeline elements with a crane?

On the shelves of specialized stores, you can find the widest range of fittings: tee fittings, fittings with a thread size sufficient to connect with a crane, a slight or other fittings. Appropriate fittings and allow you to connect the elements of the pipeline and the crane. Such an extensive manifold of fittings makes it possible to assemble the pipeline of any degree of complexity.

We described the basic methods that tell me how to connect a pipe with various elements. The result of assembly works depends exclusively on the level of your effort and on the quality of materials and tools.

A classical solution of the problem associated with the compound of polypropylene and metal pipes is the introduction of fittings with carvings. These connecting parts have an outer and internal threads of the required diameter, and on the other hand, a coupling clutch.

In addition, flange is often used as a detachable connection. To install it, use or welded to the sleeve system for flanges, or the precipitated flanges of metal. This installation technology is used if it is necessary to connect a pipe from polypropylene with valves and steel pumps, as well as large-diameter products with the possibility of operational disassembly in order to repair or clean.

Features of mounting threaded fittings

Fittings are transitional elements, with one side of which is a thread. It can be both internal and external. This item is used to attach metal elements. On the other hand, the design is a smooth clutch for filling plastic. Experience shows that with the help of fittings it is convenient to perform bends and turns in the system installed.

Connect polypropylene pipes with metal pretty easy:

  1. The clutch of the metal pipe is unscrewed in the location of the intended junction. If there is no coupling on the required section, the pipe is cut, its edge is lubricated with solidol or oil and carving is performed using threads.
  2. The thread is cleaned and rubbed. It takes a sealing of the future junction, which is wound with palable or fum-tape and is wetted with silicone. There should be no more than one or two turns of the sealant on the thread, while the edge of the tape is directed along the thread axis.
  3. The fitting must be screwed by hand without applying special tools. This is done in order for the element to be damaged due to excessive effort. If leakage appeared after connecting the system, you need to carefully do the fitting.
  4. The last step is the welding of plastic pipe to a smooth coupling located on the fitting.

Installation of the pipeline using flanges

The combination of metal pipes with metal-plastic using a flange system involves the arrangement of the jack of the detachable type, which, if necessary, ensures access to the required section of the pipeline.

The node is installed using common parts - flanges who have several types:

  • A wedge connection with a steel protrusion and curly flange is used for any type of pipes.
  • Free flanges, relying on a straight bourge. The use of this type is optimally for light systems with a diameter of up to 300 millimeters, as well as medium and heavy pipes with a width of no more than 150 millimeters.
  • Free, relying on the conical bourge. Used to connect the design with a diameter of less than 200 millimeters.
  • A straight bourge with a conical transition is used to increase the strength of the joint.

For pipes from plastic and their connections with metal structures Most often use straight type flanges with a straight line bourge. Before starting work, you need to select parts of the required size and a view corresponding to the metal pipeline.

Before installing, you should carefully examine the flange for sharp burrs that can deform the pipe. The connection is made in several stages:

  1. At the place of the future junction, a smooth cut is made.
  2. The flange is put on the pipe.
  3. A rubber gasket is installed, which should not go for a cut more than 10 millimeters.
  4. The flange is gradually coming to the gasket and with the help of bolts connected to the response flange. Bolts are delay evenly, without the use of extra effort capable of damaging the design.

Flange and threaded methods for connecting plastic pipes with metal is quite simple. For their successful implementation, it is necessary to carefully adhere to the instruction, then the resulting design will be durable and reliable.

Connecting the heating or water supply system where there is a connection steel pipes Polypropylene regularly leads to subteps, so it is properly chosen by the scheme for which two material will be connected - the most important task of the quality of the installation process. Experience shows that in heating and plumbing systems There are not so many kinds of such a connection, so it is easy to understand them quite easily.

For water supply is usually used. They are reliable and durable. Such pipes withstand water pressure, which flows through the pipes. In this case, the polypropylene material is enough of the elastic, which is undoubtedly a plus.

We choose what is better for water supply - polypropylene or metalplastic

For water supply, you can use both material. Pipes from these materials came to replace cast-iron pipes and metal pipes. Their main advantages are a long life, good reliability and ease during installation.

Disputes, which is better to apply, go on the Internet, in life, in forums and among professionals. As a result, builders won. It is they who can persuade the developer to buy those pipes that it is convenient to install. In order to determine which pipes are better, you need to make a comparison.

Every year buyers of metal pipes is becoming less and less. More on their place come more modern technologies And, accordingly, new pipes. But some of the characteristics of metal plastic and polypropylene pipes Still, are advantages over other types of pipelines. It is necessary to decide on the basis of the situation. It all depends on the possibilities and wallet of the owner of the house, where the installation of pipes occurs.

The material from which polypropylene pipes is manufactured called the "Rando-Specimer of the Third Type". He is the base of the pipe. Thanks to such raw materials, pipes are obtained and durable.

When choosing a polypropylene, the owner will save money. At the same time, it must do everything possible so that the installation of the pipes was produced by strict rules. Otherwise, this will lead to poor consequences for water supply. Metalplastic - material, when choosing which you spend a large amount of money. This is the main minus.

Material Metapol in the section is an outer and inner layer. They consist of. Between them is the middle layer. It consists of aluminum foil. Foil is tightly glued together, which improves the strength of the pipe.

Many are used for water pipes polypropylene pipes. They are elastic, durable and cost inexpensive. Pipes of what material to acquire, solve only you. Before buying, look at everything "for" and "against" so that you do not once again overpay.

What advantages have metal-polymer pipes for water supply

For water supply is quite durable and reliable. It was achieved due to their design. Plastic pipes consist right from several layers:

  1. the inner walls of the pipe include food polyethylene, which makes it possible for pure passage of water;
  2. after food polyethylene, there is an adhesive film for reliability;
  3. aluminum foil fixes the product and does not allow the pipe to expand due to temperature changes;
  4. the second layer of thick polyethylene is covered on the outer side of the pipe.

Due to the double layer of polyethylene, the pipe becomes very durable and at the same time plastic. If you are correctly suitable for the choice of metal-polymer pipes, then their reliable work is guaranteed to long years. The main thing to choose firms that make quality products. The service life of such pipes is designed for more than 50 years.

The main advantages of metal-polymer pipes are as follows:

  1. pipes elastic;
  2. installation occurs without transitions and at any end;
  3. two types of docking pipes: crimp and compression fitting with thread
  4. no special skills for installation;
  5. neat sophisticated look.

At the same time, such pipes have their own minuses:

  1. the diameter is less than that of polypropylene. Therefore, it is impossible to make large networks of pipes;
  2. such pipes will not withstand the temperature of more than 75 degrees;
  3. small pressure: 10 atm. If there is more, there will be depressurization and the wiring will deteriorate;
  4. the flow of threaded connections. This is the main disadvantage. Even if you got a professional master of pipe laying, then all the same pipes will flow;
  5. the need for a seal;
  6. metal-polymer pipes are not entirely environmentally friendly.

By themselves, the pipes are reliable, but we may have deficiencies in time: to flow and the need for a seal. Therefore, if you choose such pipes, do not forget about their disadvantage.

Why polypropylene pipes are often chosen: pros and cons

Also, the pluses of polypropylene pipes are:

  1. the constant temperature of the pipes is about 95 degrees with the possibility of up to 110 degrees Celsius;
  2. the diameter allows you to lay a pipeline from 16 to 125 millimeters;
  3. ability to withstand pressure up to 20 atm;
  4. reliable before leaks and mechanical blows;
  5. durability with a sharp change in temperature;
  6. low cost.

But in polypropylene tubes there are also their drawbacks. Some of them are bad flexibility and the ability to purchase a poor-quality product. The poor raw material from which the pipe is made can over time to affect the quality of water supply - the pipe can simply fail.

Choose those pipes that you seem to suit for a particular room.

Choosing in favor - what is better than polypropylene or metal plastic for heating

Choosing pipes for heating, first of all, it must be borne in mind that polypropylene pipes relate to the group of thermoplastics. This means that at 140 degrees Celsius, the material is already starting to become soft. At 170 degrees, the pipe begins to melt gradually. That is why there are no pure polypropylene pipes, as they would simply melt during heating. Therefore, in such pipes there are impurities that increase the maximum temperature. But still, such pipes are called polypropylene. They are actively used for heating in private homes.

Polypropylene is environmentally friendly and harmless material. It does not highlight harmful substances In the air, which is well affected by the environment.

For heating on cottage plot Also use metal-plastic pipes. Their installation can be performed in different ways: by a circular manner, conditionally interconnected and indefinitive. The discerning method involves the connection of pipes using fitting. The conditionally connector connection means crimping the joint with a crimp ring. In the indefinite connection, a press fitting is used, which joins both ends of the pipes forever.

Metal-plastic pipes withstand increased temperatures during the heating season. But in contrast to polypropylene pipes, they are more expensive and high-quality. Therefore, when choosing a pipe, focus on your capabilities, needs and tasks that should perform pipes, and not on the popularity of certain pipes on the market.

ATTENTION, only today!

In the process of repairing water supply today, metal-plastic pipes are very often choosing. After all, it is no secret that pipes made of metalplastic are much longer and more convenient to operate than their metal counterparts. In this Become, we will tell you how to produce plastic and metal installation.

But, how to connect metal-plastic pipes with metal, not everyone knows. In this case, this operation is completely simple and forces to any home master.

Installation of pipes from metalplastic

Before starting laying plastic pipes, they must be broken from the bay. In the case when the bays were in the cold, they need to withstand about a day in the room at a temperature of at least 15 C. When unwinding, it is necessary to ensure that the pipes are not twisted.

During installation, it is impossible to create stretching. When laying to dirt and garbage did not get inside the pipe, on its ends you need to put the plugs. As a rule, plastic products are placed in special mines, furrows or channels, from where you need to access all detachable connections and elements of the valve, for this you need to install removable doors and shields.

Due to the elasticity of metal plastic, the installation of heating systems and water supply systems can occur either by collector, or both according to a classic tee diagram. Laying plastic pipes is as simple as possible, as during the installation, the number of compounds is minimal.

How to connect a plastic pipe with metal

The most popular options compounds of metal-plastic pipes with metal These are:

  • with the help of press fittings;
  • with the help of compression fittings.

The first of these compound options is divided into another two:

  • with the help of a press fitting, which refers to the supervision type;
  • using crimp couplings.

Tool for mounting

Installation of pipes from metalplastic is a very simple procedure that does not require the availability of a special tool. When connecting compression fittings for installation may be needed:

  • truboreza, it can be replaced with a footboard for metal;
  • spanner, and regular tools that are always in a set of any master.

When connecting press fittings to these tools you still need add press clamp and espanderIt is used to increase the hole in the pipe from metalplastic.


The connection of pipes from metal plastic with metal occurs with the help of special devices that are called fittings. They can have different configuration and securingAs in a linear plane and at an angle of 90 degrees. The most popular masters have compression fittings (under the clamp). Also, press fittings are also used (under the press).

Pressing and a compound of plastic with a fitting under the clamp occurs with screwing the cape nut. In press fittings pressing occurs with the help of compression of the outer sleeveand done with the help of a special tool.

The fitting design is very simple. The fitting consists only of ring, nut and fitting. To work with these compounds, there is no special tool and some experience. All works are made by a simple wrench.

The advantage of these fittings is that, with the simplest installation, they are also very simply disassembled. But, of them disassembly undesirableSince in this case it is necessary to make a replacement of the gasket, but at the same time this advantage of fittings, which consists in the possibility of their dismantling, can be used, as you can choose any gasket today without much difficulty.

Fittings are used not only when laying water supply systems, but when repaired. If detected defect on any part of the water supply, I just clean it, changing the new plot, which is attached with the help of these same fittings. This approach avoids dismantling the entire water supply system.

Damaged threads should not be more than 10% of the total length. Fittings ends should certainly be even and perpendicular to the axis directly. Borrowers are unacceptable on the thread.

Taking into account the connection option, the fittings are divided into pressing and screw.

Tightness, when using screw connections, is provided by pressure, appearing on the expansion ring when screwing nuts. To create a solid fitting compound with a tip, a special gasket is installed.

Fastening of metal-plastic pipes with metallic with compression fittings

Before connecting the pipe with the fitting, its end needs to be cut off so that the slice is perpendicular to the pipe axis. It is desirable to enjoy special pipe cutter for this.

But this procedure can be quite successful and with the help of a metal hacksaw, but make sure that on the edge there was not jar and lochmotyev. The cut will be cleaner if you install a new web on the hacksaw. The electrolovka for cutting is not suitable, it will not provide such accuracy.

Preparing to perform work, one nuance should be taken into account. European products in the field of pipe products do not have uniform standards, because the size of parts of different manufacturers may be incompatible. therefore need to strive for pipes and fittings to be one manufacturer. If it is impossible, then go to buy fittings, you need to take a piece of pipe with you to compare the wall thickness and sizes. In addition, you need to know that there are in-block fittings on the market.

Before fastening the pipe to fitting, its cut end needs to be processed and aligned, as well as perform a small chamfer to combine the pipe and socket smoothly. Inside the pipe, burrs are certainly removed. After the pipe dresses a ring and a nut. Only then you can put the pipe on the fitting. The nut is worn only with hand, without the help of the key. A certain time nut will wind easily if there is no skew. At the end it needs to be chewed, while remembering that the pipe is made of plastic, as a result of this, they need to be done quite mild.

Fastening of metal-plastic pipes with press fittings

The connection of the press fittings is done very often. This makes it possible to install a warm floor, water supply and heating systems. The advantages of this type of compound are that this water pipe can be installed under concrete or plasterboard, and in the fact that the amount of reinforcement used is reduced, which reduces the cost of the water supply.

Fastening press fittings includes such work:

  • cut part of the pipe of the desired size;
  • with the help of the calibrator, the chamfer is removed inside and the roundness is restored, deformed during cutting;
  • at the end of the pipe, a clamping coupling is installed;
  • fitting fitting with sealing rubber rings is attached;
  • with the help of press clamps, the clutch clamp is made, as a result, convex rings appear on the coupling, and the metal bends.

We must not forget that the clutch clamp with press tick is made only once.

Mounting with a supervision

In this version will be prescribed press clamps and an expanderIt serves to expand the hole inside the pipe.

During the process, such a priority of work is observed:

  • part of the pipe is cut off where the coupling dresses;
  • the end of the pipe is treated with an expander;
  • the pipe is placed on the fitting;
  • the coupling press tick is pressed on the fitting.

How to choose press clamp

Since the press clamp is an important tool, then them right choice ensure the proper quality of all installation work. Most of the manufacturers of the pipe tool for pipes make both professional and standard types of this equipment:

  • Electrical;
  • Hydraulic and so on.

With a single laying of the water supply, it is enough to choose a manual press clamp, because professional tool will be much more expensiveAnd when working with this tool, you need to have certain skills and special skills.

According to experts, according to the quality of fasteners of the manual press clamps, no worse than the professional instrument. They are very simple in terms of operation and work with them does not represent a special complexity.

Before you buy press clamps, you need to find out the maximum cross-section of pipes that will be installed in the plumbing, and taking into account this parameter to choose a suitable tool. Need to know that for fastening pipes of a smaller cross section Additional tabs are necessarily attached to the press clamp.

Basic errors when fastening plastic pipes

As we have already spoken above, the compound and laying of metal-plastic pipes are a rather simple procedure, which is under power to any home master, not even having special experience in this area. Wherein knowledge of major errorswhich are allowed when performing data for work, will provide an opportunity to ensure the reliability of the operation of the water supply.

The main errors are:

  • bad treatment of the cropped part is fraught with weak tightness of the installed system;
  • an attempt to turn the cold tube bay, it can disrupt the integrity of the walls;
  • repeated installation and disassembly of threaded fasteners without replacing seal gaskets;
  • pass the thread compounds, which leads to its deformation;
  • attempt to a multiple fastener clamp, which leads to integrity disorders.


So, as can be seen, the laying of water pipes from metal-plastic pipes, which are reliable and inexpensive material, meets all hygienic standards, may well be made by any homemade master, even not having much experience. The quality of the assembled water supply will depend only on the accuracy of the person engaged in this process and from the execution of the rules and the order of installation.