Why is infertility treatment begins? Causes and signs of infertility in men How to treat female infertility.

Pathology of reproductive bodies in women and men do not give the opportunity to enjoy parental happiness. Deviations that negatively affect childbearing functions are diagnosed in many married couples. Credit with problems of conception helps a correctly selected therapeutic scheme. If accurate causes of infertility are defined, treatment is effectively and necessarily helps restore reproductive functions. This article will tell about the peculiarities of treating infertility in men and women, people's mindlessness therapy and measures of prevention. The preventive advice will be prompted by married couples, how to overcome difficulties in the fight against infertility, which is necessary to pass the analysis for infertility in women and become happy parents. Since the planning of the treatment of infertility is half a way to success in the form of conception.

Treatment of female infertility

Each hospital for infertility treatment in women is carried out according to the standard scheme. Is infertility? Undoubtedly. Depending on the complexity of the situation, the patient offers conservative therapy with the use of effective medicines, surgical intervention, hormone therapy, treatment of inflammation and chronic infections in female genital organs. When contacting you with such complaints of the treatment clinic, infertility will provide a full range of surveys aimed at becoming true causes of state, and then accounts for a scheme of such an event as an infertility treatment program.

Treatment of female infertility with medicines

Treatment of female infertility drugs is used if pathology is endocrine (hormonal). The treatment of infertility hormones is suitable for women who do not have adhesions in the uterine pipes and scars on the most uteros. The main purpose of treatment with endocrine infertility is to remove hormonal disorders, lead the level of hormones.

Treatment of hormonal infertility: drugs

The therapeutic course for fruitless patients includes drugs based on the following active ingredients.

  1. Treatment of endocrine infertility: urinary gonadotropins. The complex of hormones of the front pituitary area (including luteinizing and FSH) obtained from the purified female urine (it is collected during the postmenopause). Medicines are used to stimulate ovaries (including when conducting the ECO procedure), as well as to increase the quality and number of egg cells. Urinary gonadotropins directly affect the ovaries. In case of lack of luteino, the treatment of infertility duphastone.
  2. Klomid (citrate clomiphene). Indirectly affects the production of special hormones, stimulating follicles. The drug is prescribed to women with ovarian pathologies (for example, polycystic). Klomid increases the number of simultaneously developing eggs and follicles, the phenomenon of supersuvulation is a state after the treatment of infertility.
  3. Recombinant gonadotropins. This type of medicine from infertility is a product of genetic engineering. Pharmacological properties of drugs are similar to urinary gonadotropins. The difference between them lies in the fact that luteinizing hormones and FSH are used in its pure form, and do not contain any impurities. The advantage of recombinant gonadotropins is in their high efficiency and biological activity. They have a direct impact on the ovaries, stimulate the growth of eggs and follicles and give the best effect compared to urinary gonadotropins.

Treatment of immunological infertility

If a woman has diagnosed immunological infertility, it is treated for 2-3 months, using:

  • antihistamines;
  • treatment of infertility with corticosteroid pills. This therapy can also be attributed in cases where hormones are used when infertility.

Treatment of immunological infertility in men

Treatment of female infertility antibacterial therapy.

The cause of female infertility may be an inflammatory process in reproductive organs. Treatment of pathology is carried out by antibiotics:

  • cephamandol;
  • metronidazole;
  • metrged;
  • offloxacin;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • ploksacin.

Treatment of psychological infertility is also important to carry out if there is such a factor for the occurrence of pathology.

Surgical intervention in the treatment of infertility in women

Surgical treatment of infertility is carried out by minimally invasive (minimum incision and low injury) method. Doctors use modern technologies that provide access to the organs of a small pelvic and abdominal cavity conduct the necessary diagnosis with therapeutic manipulations.

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility surgically.

The following methods of female infertility are applied in surgery.

  1. 1. Treatment of umbertical infertility: hysteroscopy. Special device, hysteroscope, helps to examine the inner walls of the uterus, and carry out the operation (if necessary). The introduction of a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity occurs through the vagina and the cervical canal. Hysteroscopy procedure identifies pathological endometrial tissues, which are then taken for histological analysis. With the help of a hysteroscope, surgeons remove pathological formations inside the uterus (endometrioid polyps, spikes (synechia)). Hysteroscopy is carried out in the hospital. The patients are quickly restored after it, and the next day they return to the usual life.
  2. Laparoscopy with infertility. The operation of a small traumaticity reveals and removes pathologies provoking infertility. With the help of laparoscopy, spikes are eliminated in the ovaries and uterine pipes, the liquid from the sealed pipes is removed, the cysts of ovaries and uterine mioma are removed, endometriosis is treated in a small pelvis and ovaries. The laparoscopy procedure involves the creation of a surgeon of microscopic cuts of the abdominal wall in the navel area. The paper uses laparoscope and other surgical instruments. Rehabilitation after operational intervention takes place for 3-5 days, and the achieved aesthetic effect is many times better than when driving operations. Used as the treatment of secondary infertility and primary. It is often used as treatment of pipe infertility.

Treatment of female infertility: auxiliary methods

Infertility in women is not always amenable to traditional, surgical and conservative impact methods. Often, the reproductive functions of the patient are violated under the influence of psychological factors. Strong depressions, permanent conflicts in the family and at work, life disappointments - all this leads to chronic stress and psychological infertility. Sessions of psychotherapy helps pathology. In medical practice there are many examples of the successful conception of the child after a fruitless woman passed a corrective course from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

To cure the childlessness of specialists Reproductologists offer with additional technologies. Doctors recommend the following auxiliary reproductive technologies characterized by a powerful positive effect in the fight against female infertility.

  1. Treatment of infertility by Eco method. The most effective way of infertility therapy, the essence of which consists in the merger of the sperm with an egg-board outside the uterine cavity (in a specialized laboratory). Fertilized egg is sitting in the uterus of a woman, and thus the pregnancy comes. The process of extracorporeal fertilization is time-consuming and complex, so it will be able to conduct only experienced doctors reproductologists.
  2. Oph acetic donation. If numerous family attempts to conceive a baby with artificial way are unsuccessful, they come to the rescue oocytes (egg). The donation of eggs is recommended that patients who have no own ovaries or disturbed the production of full genital cells.
  3. Intrauterine insemination. When infertility of the unexplained etiology or immune incompatibility of spouses, doctors recommend applying intrauterine insemination techniques. The procedure provides for the introduction of a husband's ejaculate liquid in the spouses uterus with a special catheter. Next, the process of conception occurs according to the classic scheme. Sperm passes in the uterine tubes to the egg and fertilize it. If a woman has pathologies of phallopy pipes, their patency is broken -tritious insemination will not give the necessary effect.
  4. Surrogacy. Enjoying the fetus takes on a woman who does not have any relationship to a married couple. To her in the uterine cavity, a prepared embryo, formed as a result of a merger of sperms with an egg. In fact, an extracorporeal fertilization is carried out, but the development of the child proceeds inside the womb of another woman. The method often use gay couples or loner fathers.

How much is the treatment of female infertility?

The price of carelessness in women depends on the designated drugs and the number of visits to the gynecologist (if a private clinic is selected). The cost of a single consultation in gynecology varies from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles. The final amount, of course, will be more, because the woman will have to go to the doctor repeatedly.

The cost of surgical manipulations associated with therapy for women in women is relatively low. For example, laparoscopy will cost 19-55 thousand rubles, and the hysteroscopy will have to lay out from 7 to 13 thousand rubles. The ultimate sum is calculated taking into account the type of operation and its volume.

The ECO procedure today has become much more affordable for the price, and is 69-149 thousand rubles. Some private clinics have advantageous offers and good discounts on this service, and the first consultation of the reproductologist is provided free of charge.

Consultations of the psychotherapist in cases where infertility has a psychological character, will cost 1.5-4.5 thousand rubles. The cost of a psychotherapeutic session reaches 3.5 thousand rubles, and for family pairs - about 5.7 thousand rubles.

The price calculation for oocytes donation is carried out individually in each case. The average cost in Moscow for such a service varies within 60-100 thousand rubles.

Intrauterine insemination costs about 30 thousand rubles. The low price of the procedure is related to the fact that it does not use expensive medicines.

Surrogate motherhood is the most outskirt of the problem of infertility. Its price reaches 1.5-2 million rubles. This amount includes medical services that are provided by Surma, legal support of surrogate pregnancy, organizational issues of pregnancy and childbirth.

Male infertility: causes and treatment of pathology

To eliminate men's infertility, doctors find out its causes and prescribe adequate treatment of pathology. The chosen complex of therapeutic techniques depends on the diagnosis.

Methods of treatment of male infertility

  1. If the inflammatory process developed in the patient's urinary system, a complex of drugs is selected for therapeutic purposes. Perhaps a male organism suffers from hormonal disorders, the quality of sperm has deteriorated, there are venereal diseases. In these cases, medication therapy is also recommended.
  2. Methods for treating infertility in men in the form of antibacterial therapy. Individually, men suffering from venereal diseases are prescribed by the course of antibiotics.
  3. Hormonal preparations for the treatment of male infertility. If the cause of male infertility is hidden in hormonal failures, cope with the problem helps therapy with replacement hormones.
  4. For infertility treatment with vitamins. Treating treatment is recommended for male representatives, in which cum has low quality. Doctors advise patients with such a problem to include multivitamin additives in the diet, enrich the menu with products with vitamin D3, take immunostimulants. Improve sperm quality helps fishery and sea fish.
  5. Sometimes the problem of male mindlessness is not amenable to correction. Then the reproductologists use auxiliary technologies (for example, conceived artificially in the laboratory conditions, removing sperm from the testicles with a special device, and then connecting them with the female egg).
  6. If there is a common nature, treatment of infertility in men is ineffective in men. Obstrumentless mindlessness in men is treated only by surgical way. The blockage of seed-handing ducts occurs due to cyst, hernia, tumors, scars, varicose veins on seed camines (varicocele). It is impossible to cope with the problem of conservative methods, so medical professionals prefer operational intervention. True, this method does not give proper effect to people of advanced years. Surgical manipulations give the best results in the treatment of pathologies of the sexual system in children's and adolescence (for example, after transferring infectious diseases).

Male infertility is often developing against the background of testosterone deficiency (main hormone in men). Determine the level of this hormone helps a conventional blood test. If the results of the study show that the testosterone level is low, it is possible to increase its quantity at home, without drugs and herbal compositions. Below are 10 recommendations that will help men stabilize hormonal background. Taking advantage of them, the patient with infertility quickly and easily get rid of the problem.

  1. Turn on the daily diet products enriched with zinc. Preferences give the poultry meat, seafood, nuts, liver, eggs, milk, sunflower seeds. Zinc is the main component of Testosterone hormone. Under his control there is a conversion of female sex hormones into men's. The process of reverse transformation is excluded.
  2. Testosterone production is not necessary without vitamins A, B and E. If they are missing in the male body, the amount of testosterone is significantly reduced. No less important role is played by Vitamin C. It reduces the amount of cortisol hormone blood, which suppresses the development of testosterone, and also does not allow the latter to transform into a female hormone estrogen.
  3. Eat extremely healthy fats that will ensure the full production of genital hormones. "Good" fats in large quantities are contained in greasy fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, olive and peanut butter.
  4. Let the body have moderate physical exertion. If sports will be too intense, testosterone will fall sharply, and Cortisol, on the contrary, will grow.
  5. Energly fight overweight. The resulting fat tissues contain in their composition aromatase, endowed with the function of converting testosterone in estrogen. If you decide to lose weight, do not make yourself hunger. Often this leads to a slowdown of testosterone production processes.
  6. Purge well. Let's give your body the ability to recover. The production of genital hormones will be normal if a man highlights a dream for 6-8 hours per day.
  7. Try to be less nervous, do not expose yourself stress. If the nervous system is in an unstable state, the body produces a large amount of cortisol hormone. He, in turn, provokes the accumulation of excess fat in the abdomen and the appearance of female sex hormones in the blood.
  8. Avoid the overheating of the testicles. So that they function better, remove narrow trousers and close underwear from their wardrobe, refuse to receive too hot bathtubs, less often attend the bath.
  9. Nicotine strongly reduces the amount of testosterone. Therefore, smoking men who want to restore their reproductive functions, it is better to abandon the bad habit, coming apart with cigarettes.
  10. Exclude alcohol from your menu. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, the production of genital hormones slows down or suspended at all. Alcohol leads to the destruction of the main component of testosterone - zinc. In addition, its regular use does not affect the functioning of the endocrine system.

Prevention of male infertility

To prevent the development of male infertility, follow this recommendation.

  1. Exclude or minimize the impact of harmful physical and chemicals on the body. Avoid frequent contacts with paint and varnish materials, petroleum products and poisons. Do not expose your body to prolonged exposure to vibrations, noise, microwave emissions, high-frequency currents, ionizing radiation, high and low temperatures.
  2. Fit balanced. In the daily menu there must be fresh vegetables and fruits, celery, animal meat, unrefined vegetable oils, beekeeping products (honey, royal milk, flower pollen). Refuse vegetarianism, smoked and sharp dishes.
  3. In a timely manner, engage in the surgical treatment of serious pathologies of reproductive organs (inguinal hernia, egg water, varicocele, phymsov).
  4. In time, treat inflammatory pathologies of reproductive organs (epididimitis, prostatitis).
  5. Treat diseases associated with infertility (tractology of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the endocrine system).
  6. Do not forget about the need for regular sexual life (no less often than 1 time in 3-5 days) with a permanent partner.
  7. Take prophylactic measures and perform the therapeutic complex against sexually transmitted diseases.
  8. Fully abandon the bad habits (alcoholism, drug use, tobacco).

People's methods of treating infertility

Folk treatments give a good effect if (in infertility in women) causes are defined. Before starting national treatment from infertility, a man should be examined in the hospital, to surrender blood and sperm for analysis. Based on the results of 2 procedures, the doctor recognizes the true causes of the patient's abothsity, determines the volume of seed fluid, the amount and mobility of sperm, the features of their movement, the shape of the tail and head, the degree of viscosity of the ejaculant.

Treatment of male infertility by folk remedies

When reasons for violations in the work of the reproductive system are revealed, infertility treatment is beginning to be treated with folk remedies. The choice of drugs is made taking into account all aspects of the problem. For example, if a man is lowered a testosterone level, he needs funds that increase this hormone. Separate drug groups are used to increase the activity of male genital cells. In general, the recipes of traditional medicine assume the use of properly selected medicinal herbal fees.

Treatment of male infertility herbs

People's treatment of male infertility is carried out using natural origin drugs from the following list.

  1. People's methods of treating infertility: Furk. The medicine prepared from the forces will help with infertility of unexplained etiology, stabilizes spermatogenesis, contributes to the rapid cure of the prostatitis. A good effect in the fight against infertility gives a powder cooked from the seeds of the coast. It is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. The finished remedy is drinking 20 minutes before receiving food, four times a day. The infusion from the plant activates the production of sperm, increases the sexual attraction, accelerates the movement of spermatozoa. Also, the seeds of the reel mixed with carrot seeds, coriander, onions, plague, plantain, parsley. All ingredients are taken in the same quantity, crushed into a mortar, and then brewed with boiling water and insist in the thermos by the scheme described above.
  2. Treatment of infertility Borovoy uterus. If men's infertility developed against the background of inflammatory processes, the brief uterus will help to eliminate the problem. For its preparation, 10 g of dried plants and a glass of boiling water are taken. The ingredients are mixed in deep tanks, the composition is closed with a lid and insist in a dark and dry place for 20 minutes. Prepared fluid is filtered before use. Boric uterus decoction is taken 3 times a day, according to the 1st century. An hour before meals. Course treatment - 1 month. You can prepare an effective tincture of a boroval uterus. Vodka (0.5 l) must be mixed with dried grass (50 g), then insisted means 2 weeks in the bottle. Store the tincture is better in a cool, darkened place. It is recommended daily to shake the container with a mixture. Ready infusion is filtered before use, stored away from the sun's rays. The course of treatment with alcohol tincture of borovoy reaches 3 weeks. The tool is definitely diluted with water (30 drops of composition per 100 ml of liquid). Infusion drink 3 times a day in 1 hour before meature.
  3. Treatment of infertility in men by folk remedies: persimmon. Infertility in some men is associated with a lack of sex hormone testosterone. Increase its number will help persimmon. It is crushed in a blender before use, then mixed with cream (200 ml), cinnamon (1/3 tsp) and dried, finely chopped Icelandic moss (1 tbsp.). The finished composition is left in the refrigerator for the night, and eat it every morning for breakfast.
  4. Treatment of infertility herbs: Carnation. Popular treatment of infertility in men with a carnation gives a powerful beneficial effect. The tincture of it increases the activity of genital cells. For the preparation of the means you need 500 ml of vodka and 30 g of whole field carnation. The ingredients are mixed, and then insist the composition of 14 days in a darkened place. The finished tincture is consumed three times a day, 15 minutes before meals.
  5. Recipes for infertility based on black cumin oil. The means favorably affects the immune system and, in particular, on the fork gland (it regulates immunity). The composition of black cumin oil has phytosterols - special substances responsible for the production of hormones. The tool restores the full operation of the reproductive system and in men, and in women. Eastern healers have long used black cumin oil to restore the erection and maintaining male libido. Its regular use increases the activity of spermatozoa, increases their number and improves the ability of the body to conceive. Women can take advantage of oil. The tool normalizes the cycle of menstruation, stabilizes the hormonal background, heals inflammation in reproductive organs, is suitable for preventing the appearance of oncological neoplasms. Daily oil dosage: 2 times on the 1st C.L. Ahead with honey. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, then a 2-month break and re-treatment of similar duration.

Popular treatment of infertility in women

The following folk drugs helps to cope with infertility in women.

  1. Herbs for treating infertility in women: geranium oil. Geranian essential oils have a favorably affect the female nervous system. With the help of this fund, a fair sex successfully cures inflammation, they will cope with painful menstruation, sexual disorders and inflammations in the bodies of the reproductive system. Geranium oil (3-4 drops), mixed with a glass of warm water and food soda (1 tsp) are used for douching in the treatment of bacterial vaginitis. Fancy women dilute gerane oil in heated water (100 ml), add honey (1 tsp) and drink three times a day before meals. Gerani essential oils is an excellent aromatic agent for living room and bedrooms. In combination with Olive Oil or Avocado, it becomes an excellent massage tool. Geranium oil has a relaxing effect on the body, raises the libido, increases the total tone.
  2. People's methods of treating infertility in women: Hearshanka. Chronic inflammation in the female genital organs treats the Pear Plant. Alcohol tinctures and pileranels from the pears are taken with counterparts, andxites, fault-piping obstruction, uterine atony. Men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland or urethritis can also take folk medicines based on the pears. To prepare infusion, take 2 tbsp. dried plants, and fill with boiling water (300-400 ml). Give the composition to be broken, and then drink 100 ml 3 times a day, adding a slightly honey to the liquid. A full course of treatment is 6 months, drinking infusion is needed 60 minutes before receiving food. To prepare the tincture of the pears on the alcohol, mix the vodka and the grass in the proportion of 5: 1. Insist the composition of 20 days in a dark place well protected from direct sunlight. You need to take before eating, 3 times a day of 40 droplets. Instead of a dried plant, you can take fresh grass (0.5 glasses), chop it and mix with vodka (200 ml). Take daily, after a 20-day insteading, 35 droplets.
  3. Treatment of infertility in women by folk remedies: soda. The soda solution of the vaginal pH changes towards the gripping. Optimal conditions are created for life and movement of sperm (ejaculate liquid particles), so the problem of female infertility is quickly eliminated. Prepare a soda solution for douching, mixing with water (0.5 l) half a teaspoon of bicarbonate. If you want to get pregnant, drew raging 30 minutes before sexual contact with the partner. Remember that frequent soda douching breaks the microbiological medium of the vagina. Do the procedure no more than 2-3 times in 30 days.
  4. Treatment of secondary infertility in women: Maryan Root. You can cope with the female infertility and pathologies of the genital organs (uterine erosions, cysts) using funds based on marina root. It is collected in May, washed well, dried and slightly scraping the top. Maryan root is taken in the amount of 50 g, crushed and poured with vodka (0.5 l). The remedy insists in the cold 2 weeks, then they use 3 times a day by 1st Article. The therapeutic course is 30 days, then you need to make a 10-day break. Then the treatment is resumed. The scheme applies to full infertility cure.

The following folk drugs will help to cure fruitlessness to representatives of both sexes.

  1. Pantsery wool (Izmagen). The plant has anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, toning, soothing, soothing effect. The phytopreparation contains the extract of a panacery of a woolly, which gives it sedative properties. Magnifier-based infancy and decoctions lead to the norm of menstrual cycle, clean the cysts in the ovaries and uterine mioma, carry out the prevention of bleeding from the uterus. Izmagen is included in the herbal infusion on alcohol, used to prepare decoctions. For example, 1 tsp. Grinding herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water, withstand 5 minutes in a water bath, get cold, filter and take three times a day, 2 tbsp., Before the meal. For the preparation of tincture, the dried grass is mixed with vodka in proportions 1:10. It is necessary to insist the composition of 10 days, and take it - daily, 3 times half a teaspoon. The duration of therapy is 1 month.
  2. Seeds of plantain. From the 1st Article. The seed of the plantain can be cooked a decoction, the bay of their 1st glass of boiling water and boiling 2-5 minutes. The decoction should draw a little, then it is filled and used warm, in the dosage of 2 tbsp. four times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 3 months. Beneficially affect the reproductive health of the bath from the rague of the plantain. The leaves and roots of the plants are poured with boiling water (1 l), insist 45 minutes and filter. The liter of a ready-made bursting is enough for one bathing. The duration of the healing course is 15 days, frequency - 1 time in 3 months. Fitopreparations based on the plantain are recommended for men with sedimary spermatozoa. They can also be used by women who have menstruation - abundant and painful, often arise depression and a bad mood.
  3. Mumiya. To cure infertility, Mumina must be taken twice a day in a dosage of 0.2 g, an empty stomach in the morning and in front of a night rest. You can drink the tool with juice from blueberries, carrots or sea buckthorn. Therapy duration - 28 days. To achieve a more powerful effect, mumens are mixed with egg yolks, quince juice or sage. The sexual attraction is enhanced in a week after the start of the Mumiyo reception.
  4. Hardherapy (leech treatment). Treatment of infertility with leeches in the clinic in most cases gives a positive therapeutic effect. Hardherapy is often used as auxiliary method. The leeches provoke irritation of biologically active points on the reflex level, the processes of blood supply to the organs of the small pelvis are activated and thereby improve their work. After sessions and such a direction, the blood circulation in the treatment of infertility is normalized, the thickness of the uterus walls comes to normal, which makes it possible to eliminate the problem of childlessness. Medical leeches are isolated in blood girudine - a special substance with a dilution effect that improves blood circulation prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the number of adhesions in the uterine cavity.
  5. Roses of white and pink color. Pink petals contain a lot of vitamin E. It prolongs youth, increases sexual attraction, stimulates spermatogenesis in men and the work of ovaries in women. Healing water, oil or syrup are prepared from roses petals. This tool helps to overcome infertility in women. If the problem of childlessness lies in shaking men's health, he needs to prepare oil or decoction of bright red rose petals.

People's Piggy Bank Recipes offers many other effective funds from infertility. Excellent effect gives the use of herbs and medicinal fees from the following list:

  • adam root;
  • adonis;
  • smudge
  • honey and beekeeping products;
  • treatment of infertility Shalfeight. Currently, recipes based on herbs such as sage and boring uterus for conception are widely applied. In medicine among recipes there is a large selection, how to take a sage for ovulation and conception.
  • collective and stepmother collection, donoka, calendula, gold male and pharmacy chamomile;
  • bird Highlander;
  • boligols;
  • dyagil;
  • maryan root;
  • nettle seeds;
  • aira tincture;
  • golden mustache;
  • oil tincture of AIR.

If the treatment of infertility is appointed correctly, a married couple after passing the full course significantly increases its chances to conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

The treatment of infertility acupuncture is widely used.

Which clinic to turn to cure infertility?

In Russia, there are many good clinics involved in the treatment of infertility and restoring the reproductive functions of the body in men and women. They offer high-quality service and services of highly qualified specialists. Make a decent choice in a broad manifold of medical institutions is quite difficult. We propose to pay attention to the following clinics.

  1. Private center Eco "Embryon" (Moscow).
  2. Scientific Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Academician V.I. Kulakova (Moscow).
  3. Private center "Mother and Child" (Moscow).
  4. City Center for Infertility Treatment, Mariinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg).
  5. Reproductive health center "SM Clinic" (Moscow).
  6. Center Eco (Volgograd).
  7. Center Eco (Smolensk).

Named institutions have been successfully operating over the years, and were able to establish themselves from the best party. Specialists clinics use effective techniques for the treatment of female infertility (Eco, insemination of sperm inside the uterus, Ixi), offer a good diagnostic complex (including the study of the small pelvic authorities by ultrasound).

In Russia, the frequency of marriages in which there are no children, which is due to any medical reasons, that is, fruitless marriages are 8 - 19%. The share of female factor in fruitless marriage accounts for 45%. The reasons for infertility in women are very numerous, but in most cases infertility it is possible to overcome, thanks to the huge step forward of modern medicine.

Classification of infertility

How to determine infertility? About infertility they say when the woman of childbearing age is not able to become pregnant during the year, subject to regular sexual life and without the use of contraceptive methods. Female infertility classified by the following factors:

Development mechanism

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence, infertility is distinguished in innocent and acquired.

Assisting history of history

If a woman who is having sex, in the past pregnancies was not at all, talking about primary infertility. In the case of the existed pregnancies in history, regardless of their outcome (abortion, miscarriage or childbirth) talk about secondary infertility. There are no degrees of infertility, as indicated on many sites on the Internet. The degree of illness means the severity of its manifestation (light, medium or moderate), and there is no infertility or there is no.

Possibility of pregnancy

In this case, infertility is divided into absolute and relative.
With absolute infertility A woman will never be able to become pregnant naturally due to the presence of irreversible pathological changes in the sexual system (no uterine and ovaries, there are no phallopy pipes, congenital malformations of the genital organs).

Relative infertility It implies the possibility of restoring fertility in a woman after a treatment and elimination of the cause that caused infertility. Currently, the allocation of relative and absolute infertility is somewhat conventionally due to the use of new treatment technologies (for example, in the absence of uterine pipes, a woman can become pregnant by extracorporeal fertilization).

Duration of infertility

Under the duration of infertility, it may be temporary, which is due to the action of some factors (long stress, weakening the body during the period or after illness), constant (when the cause is impossible, for example, the removal of ovaries or uterus) and physiological, due to transient physiological factors (prepubertate, post-lock Period and period of breastfeeding).

Etiopathogenesis (causes and mechanism of development)

There are infertility due to anointing (endocrine), pipe and peritoneal, uterine and cervical (various gynecological diseases under which there are anato-functional impaired state of endometrial or cervical mucus), infertility immunological and psychogenic, as well as infertility of unexplained genesis.

And as separate forms of infertility:

  • Voluntary - the use of contraceptives due to reluctance to have not only the second - the third, but also the first child.
  • Forced - the adoption of certain measures to prevent fertility (for example, the presence of severe disease in a woman in which the pregnancy significantly increases the chances of its weighting and the risk of death).


Signs of infertility in women are caused by the reasons that led to the inability of a woman to become pregnant. The loss of the fertile function is determined by the following factors:

Ovulation disorder

Infertility due to angulation develops in violation at any level of relationship between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries and develops with any endocrine pathologies.

Pipe-peritoneal infertility

The pipe infertility is spoken by the created anatomical obstruction of phallopy pipes or with a violation of their functional activity (organic and functional infertility of pipe genesis). The prevalence of sex infections, an indiscriminate change of sexual partners and early giving weight, deterioration of the environmental situation contributes to an increase in the number of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, including inflammation of pipes.

The formation of connective weights (adhesions) in a small pelvis after the suffered infection process or due to genital endometriosis leads to the combustion of the uterus, ovaries and pipes, the formation between them a breathtaking and causes peritoneal infertility. 25% of cases of infertility in women (irresistible uterine pipes) is associated with the tuberculosis of female genital organs.

Psychogenic infertility

As a rule, long-term psychogenic factors affect the activity of pipes, which leads to a violation of their peristalsis and infertility. Permanent conflicts in the family and at work, dissatisfaction with social status and the material situation, the feeling of loneliness and inferiority, the hysterical states during the venere5 days can be combined into the "pregnancy waiting syndrome". It is often noted in infertility in women who passionately dream of a child or vice versa, they are terribly afraid to become pregnant.

Infertility that developed due to various gynecological diseases

This group of factors includes various diseases, as a result of which ovulation or subsequent implantation of the fertilized egg becomes impossible. First of all, these are the uterine factors: mioma and polyp of uterus, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplastic processes, the presence of intrauterine synechium or ashherman syndrome (numerous scraping and abortion), complications after childbirth and surgical interventions, endometritis of various etiology and chemical burns of uterus.

To the cerotional reasons for infertility can be attributed:

  • inflammatory changes in cervical mucus (vaginal dysbiosis, urogenital candidiasis)
  • anatomically altered cervix (after childbirth or abortion or congenital): scar deformation, ecropion
  • as well as background and precancerous processes - erosion, dysplasia.

Also, infertility of this group of reasons may be due to the subseroic node of the uterus, which squeezes the pipes, cysts and tumors of the ovaries, the anomalies of the uterus (intrauterine septum, - "Children's" uterus "), the wrong position of the genital organs (excessive bending or bend, omit, omit uterus and / or vagina).

Infertility due to immunological factors

Immunological factors can also be attributed to the problems leading to the development of infertility, which is due to the synthesis of antibodies to sperms, as a rule, in the cervix, and less often in the mucous membranes and phallopy tubes.

Factors significantly improving the risk of infertility:

  • age (the older the woman becomes, the greater the various somatic and gynecological diseases accumulates, and the state of the eggs deteriorates significantly);
  • stress;
  • insufficient and defective nutrition;
  • overweight or its deficiency (obesity or diet for weight loss, anorexia);
  • physical and sports loads;
  • harmful habits (alcohol, drugs and smoking);
  • the presence of hidden genital infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma, human papilloma virus and other);
  • chronic somatic diseases (rheumatism, diabetes, tuberculosis and others);
  • accommodation in megalopolis (radiation, water and air pollution by waste productions);
  • character warehouse (emotionally labile, unbalanced women) and mental health.

Frequency of occurrence

According to statistics, the frequency of occurrence of some forms of infertility is determined:

  • hormonal infertility (annevoral) reaches 35 - 40%;
  • infertility caused by pipe factors is 20 - 30% (according to some data reaches 74%);
  • the share of various gynecological pathology accounts for 15 - 25%;
  • immunological infertility is 2%.

But it is not always possible to establish the cause of infertility even when using modern methods of examination, therefore the percentage of the so-called inexplicable infertility is 15-20.


The diagnosis of infertility for weak gender should begin only after establishing the fertility of sperm (spermogram) in the sexual partner. In addition, it is necessary to treat inflammatory vaginal diseases and cervix. Diagnostics should begin no earlier than 4 - 6 months after the treatment. Examination of women who are unable to get pregnant, begins at the polyclinic stage and includes:

Collect Anamneza

It turns out the number and outcomes of pregnancies in the past:

  • artificial abortions and miscarriages
  • refine the presence / absence of criminal abortions
  • also
  • the number of living children is established, as the post-charge and postpartum periods flowed (whether complications were complications).

Refine the duration of infertility and primary and secondary. What methods of pregnancy protection were used by a woman and the duration of their use after previous pregnancy or during primary infertility.

The doctor finds out:

  • systemic diseases (pathology of thyroid, diabetes, tuberculosis or other)
  • whether the woman is currently conducting any drug treatment with drugs that negatively affect the ovulatory processes (receiving cytostatics, the X-ray therapy of the abdomen organs, treatment with neuroleptics and antidepressants, hypotensive means, such as reserpine, metyindol provoking hyperprolactineia, steroid treatment).

The transferred surgical interventions that could contribute to the development of infertility and the formation of adhesions are also established.

  • wedge-shaped resection of ovarian
  • removing appendix
  • operations on the uterus: Momectomy, Cesarean section and on the ovaries with pipes
  • operations on the intestines and organs of the urinary system.

Refine transferred:

  • inflammatory processes of uterus, ovaries and pipes
  • also infections that are transmitted by sexually identified by the type of pathogen, how much did the treatment and what is its character
  • the nature of the vaginal white and cervical disease, which method was treated (conservative, cryodestruction or electrocoagulation) was found.
  • the presence / absence of the separated from the nipples (galactorery, lactation period) and the duration of the selection are established.

The effect of production factors and the state of the environment, harmful habits are taken into account. It also turns out the presence of hereditary diseases in relatives of the first and second degree of kinship.

It is necessarily clarified by menstrual history:

  • when Menarche happened (first menstruation)
  • regular whether cycles
  • are there any amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea
  • intermenstrual discharge
  • soreness and abundance of menstruation
  • dysmenorrhea.

In addition, sexual function is studied, whether sexual intercourse is painful, which type of pain (superficial or deep), there are blood discharge after koitus.

Objective examination

In physical examination, the type of physique (normostic, asthenic or hypersthenic) is determined, growth and weight changes and the body mass index is calculated (weight in kg / growth in square meters). The weight gain is also specified after marriage, transferred stress, changes of climatic conditions, etc. The skin condition (dry or wet, fat, combined, the presence of acne rape, Striy) is estimated, the nature of the exhaust, the presence of hyperitrichoz and girsutism is set, the time of excessive Solutions.

Milk glands and their development, the presence of galactorei, tumor formations are examined. A bimanual gynecological palpation is carried out and the inspection of the cervix and the walls of the vagina in the mirrors and colposcopy.

An inspection of an ophthalmologist is assigned to find out the state of the fundus and. The therapist provides a conclusion allowing / prohibiting pregnancy and childbirth. If necessary, counseling specialists are appointed (psychiatrist, endocrinologist, genetics and other).

Tests of functional diagnostics

In order to clarify the functional state of the reproductive sphere (hormonal research), tests of functional diagnostics are used, which help to identify the presence or absence of ovulation and evaluate the female organism:

  • counting a cariocnotic index of vaginal epithelium (KPI,%)
  • the identification of phenomenon "pupil" is the gaping of the outer 13 into the ovulatory phase;
  • measuring the length of the tension of the cervical mucus (reaches 8 0 10 cm in the ovulatory stage);
  • measurement of the management of the graphic temperature.

Laboratory study

Laboratory tests on infertility include infectious and hormonal screening. In order to identify infections:

  • smear on the vaginal microflora, urinary and cervical canal;
  • smear on cytology with cervical and from the cervical canal;
  • mazz from the cervical canal and conducting PCR for diagnosing chlamydia, cytomegalovirus and a simple herpes virus;
  • sowing on the nutrient media of the vaginal content and cervical canal - the detection of microflora, ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
  • blood tests on syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV infection and rubella.

Hormonal research is carried out outpatient with the aim of confirming / excluding annevoral infertility. The function of the adrenal cortex is calculated by the level of separation of DGEA -C and 17 ketosteroids (in the urine). If the cycle is regular, prescribed, testosterone, cortisol and the content of thyroid hormones in the blood in the first phase of the cycle (5 - 7 days). The second phase is estimated to identify the fullness of ovulation and the work of the yellow body (20 - 22 days).

To clarify the state of various components of the reproductive system, hormonal and functional samples are carried out:

  • the progesterone test allows to identify the level of estrogen saturation in the case of amenorrhea and the adequacy of the reaction of the mucous membrane on the progesterone effect, as well as the peculiarity of its desquamation with a decrease in progesterone level;
  • cyclic test with combined oral contraceptives (Marvelon, Silest, Logest);
  • sample with clomiphene is carried out in women with an irregular cycle or amenorrhea after artificially induced menstruation;
  • sample with methoclopramide (Cerukhal) allows to differentiate hyperprolactine states;
  • the sample with dexamethasone is necessary with the elevated content of androgens and the determination of the source of their formation (ovaries or adrenal glands).

If the patient has pronounced anatomical changes in pipes or suspected the presence of intrauterine synechnias, it is necessarily examined on tuberculosis (tuberculin samples, pulmonary x-rays are prescribed, hysterosalpingography and tank. Study of the endometrium obtained during scraping).

Instrumental research

All women with alleged infertility are appointed ultrasound of a small pelvis organs. First of all, to clarify the defects of development, tumors, cervical and uterine polyps and other anatomical pathology. Secondly, the ultrasound, conducted in the middle of the cycle makes it possible to identify the presence and size of the dominant follicle (with an endocrine infertility) and measure the endometrium thickness in the middle of the cycle and a couple of days before menstruation. Also shows the ultrasound of the thyroid (with suspected the pathology of the gland and hyperprolactinemia) and the mammary glands to exclude / confirm tumor formations. Ultrasound of adrenal glands is prescribed to patients with hyperandrogenation clinic and high levels of adrenal andproof.

In disruption of the rhythm of menstruation with the aim of the diagnosis of neuroendocrine diseases, X-rays of the skull and Turkish saddle make.

Hysterosalpingography helps to diagnose the anomalies for the development of the uterus, the submissible mioma and hyperplastic processes of the endometrium, the availability of adhesions in the uterus and obstruction of the pipes, spikes in a small pelvis and eastic-cervical insufficiency.

In suspected of immunological infertility, a post-util test (approximate ovulation day, 12-14 cycles day) is prescribed, with which specific antibodies are detected in cervical fluid to spermatozoa.

Endometrial biopsy, which is obtained in diagnostic scraping, is appointed in the premenstrual period and is carried out only on strict testimony, especially those patients who did not give birth. Indications are suspicion of endometrial hyperplasia and infertility of unclear genesis.

Endoscopic study

One of the methods of endoscopic research is. Indications for hysteroscopy:

  • violation of the rhythm of menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • contact blood blood;
  • suspicion of intrauterine pathology (ashherman syndrome, internal endometriosis, submembricted myomatous assembly, chronic inflammation of uterus, foreign bodies in the uterus, polyps and hypeometrium hyperplasia, intrauterine partition).

In the case of suspicion of the surgical gynecological pathology of women with infertility (after a preliminary outpatient examination), they are sent to laparoscopy. Diagnostic laparoscopy in almost 100% can be identified by the pathology of the small pelvis organs (genital endometriosis, volume formations of uterus and ovaries, small pelvis spikes, inflammatory process of uterus and appendages). With endocrine infertility, laparoscopy is shown after 1.5 - 2 years of hormonal treatment and lack of effect.

Laparoscopic intervention is carried out in 1 or 2 phase of the cycle, depending on the intended disease. During the operation, the volume and quality of peritoneal fluid, ovarian, their size and shape, color and patency of phallopy pipes, the estimation of the phimber and peritoneum of the small pelvis are estimated, the endometrioid heterotopias and peritoneal defects are detected.

The treatment of infertility in women depends on the form of the disease and the cause, which led to the loss of fertility:

Reception of infertility - pipe-peritoneal infertility

Therapy begins with the appointment of conservative methods, and the treatment must be comprehensive and phased. If there is a functional pipe infertility, psychotherapy, sedative and antispasmodic preparations and anti-inflammatory treatment are shown. In parallel, the correction of hormonal shifts is carried out. In the case of the detection of STIs, it is shown the purpose of antibiotics, taking into account sensitivity to them of identified pathogens, immunotherapy, as well as absorbent treatment: local in the form of tampons and hydrotubations and the appointment of biostimulants and enzymes (lidase, trypsin, vaminzyme), corticosteroids. Hydrotubation can be carried out with antibiotics, enzymes and corticosteroids (hydrocortisone).

After the course of anti-inflammatory treatment, physiotherapeutic methods are prescribed:

  • , enzymes and biostimulants;
  • ultrafonoforesis (used lidase, hyaluronidase, vitamin E in oil solution);
  • electrostimulation of uterus, appendages;
  • irrigation of the vagina and cervix with hydrogen sulfide, arsenic waters;
  • massage of uterus and appendages;
  • mud appliqués.

3 months after a course of treatment, a hysterosalpingography is repeated and the condition of the pipes is evaluated. In case of detection of obstruction of pipes or adhesions, the treatment laparoscopy is shown, which in the postoperative period is complemented by physiotherapeutic methods and drugs for stimulation of ovulation. With the help of laparoscopy, the following microsurgical operations:

  • salpigolismis - eliminate the beggars and curvature of pipes by separating adhesions around them;
  • fimbriolysis - Pipe Fambria is exempt from the battles;
  • salpingostatlasty - a new hole is created in a pipe with an in advance ampular end;
  • salpignosalpingoanastromas - removal of part of the impassable pipes followed by an "end to the end" crossing;
  • transplanting pipes in its obstruction in the interstitial department in the uterus.

If peritoneal infertility (adhesion process) is found, the adhesive coagulation is made. In the case of a detected concomitant pathology (endometrium foci, subseroic and interstitial myomatous nodes, ovarian cysts) eliminate it. The chances of the occurrence of pregnancy after the microsurgical treatment are made of 30 - 60%.

If for two years after completed conservative and surgical treatment, fertility has not recovered, recommended by ECO.

Endocrine infertility

How to treat infertility of endocrine genesis depends on the type and location of the pathological process. Women with annevulatory infertility and concomitant obesity normalize weight, assigning a low-calorie diet for 3 to 4 months, physical exertion and reception of Orlystat. Sibutramine can also be taken, and in violation of the glucose tolerance, Metmorphine is recommended. If during the agreed period of time, pregnancy has not come, ovulation stimulants are prescribed.

In the case of diagnosed scleropolikistosis of the ovaries (PCOS), the treatment algorithm includes:

  • medical correction of hormonal disorders (hyperandrogenation and hyperprolactinemium), as well as excess weight therapy and glucose tolerance;
  • if against the background of treatment, pregnancy did not come, inducers of ovulation are prescribed;
  • if conservative treatment has not had an effect for 12 months, laparoscopy (resection or catering of the ovaries, the exclusion of pipe and peritoneal infertility) is shown.

In the presence of regular menstruation in a patient, normally developed genital organs, and the content of prolactin and androgen meets the norm (endometriosis is excluded), the following therapy is carried out:

  • single-phase COFs are appointed according to a contraceptive scheme, a course for 3 months and breaks between courses in 3 months (total number of 3 courses, the duration of treatment is 15 months) - the method is based on the rebound effect - stimulation of the production of own hormones with ovaries after the cancellation of the KOC and the recovery of ovulation ( If there is no effect, ovulation inductors are prescribed);
  • the stimulation of ovulation is carried out by clostillegegit, chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone (glostilbegit is taken 50 mg once a day during the first 5 days of the cycle, and the chorionic gonadotropin intramuscularly is prescribed to 14 day of the cycle) - the duration of treatment is 6 cycles in a row;
  • ovulation stimulation with FSH preparations (metrodin, gall-f) from the first day of the cycle for 7 to 12 days before the maturation of the main follicle (necessarily control of the ultrasound), the course is 3 months;
  • stimulation of ovulation of FSH and LH preparations (Pergonal, Humagon) and the purpose of the chorionic gonadotropin (pregnor).

At the same time, immunomodulators are prescribed (levamizol, methyluracil), antioxidants (vitamin E, unitiol) and enzymes (vamibency, sert).

With regular monthly and underdevelopment of the genital organs, the following treatment regimen is assigned:

  • cyclic hormone therapy with estrogen (microfollins) and gestagenes (Prinoin, Norcut) course 6 - 8 months;
  • vitaminotherapy on the phases of the menstrual cycle for the same period (in the first phase of vitamins B1 and B6, folic acid, in the second phase of vitamins A and E, and throughout the course rutin and vitamin C);
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis with copper in the first phase and with zinc in the second);
  • gynecological massage (up to 40 procedures);
  • stimulation of ovulation by grinding and chorionic gonadotropin.

Women who cannot become pregnant against the background of hyperprolactinemia are prescribed drugs, overwhelming prolactin synthesis, restore the cycle (eliminating anointing and increasing the content of estrogen) and fertility, reduce the manifestations of symptoms of hypoestrogenation and hyperandrogenation. Such drugs include Parlodel, Abergin, QuinaMid and Cabergolin. It is also recommended to receive a homeopathic agent - Mastodinon.

The hyperandrode of the ovarian and adrenal origin is treated for six months with dexamethasone, and if ovulation is more regenerated, it is carried out to stimulate ovulation (grinding, chorionic gonadotropin, FSH and Hg or FSH, LH and XG).

Treatment of infertility in patients with hypergronadotropic amenorrhea (resistant ovarian syndrome and depleted ovarian syndrome) is a low-prospective. The forecast for other forms of endocrine infertility is quite favorable, about half of the cases of the patient will be pregnant in the six months of the stimulating ovulation of treatment (in the absence of other infertility factors).

Mastechnic and cervical infertility

Patients who cannot become pregnant against the background of endometrial hyperplastic processes (hyperplasia and polyps) and which lack other infertility factors, conduct treatment to eliminate pathologically modified mucosa and normalization of hormonal and metabolic processes in the body. In the case of iron-cystic hyperplasia, the scattering of the uterine cavity is carried out, followed by the appointment of estrogen-gestagenic drugs (3 to 4 months), and in the recurrence of the disease, hormonal treatment continues on 6 to 8 months. Polyps of the uterus are removed using hysteroscopy, and then scrape endometrium. Hormone therapy is prescribed when a combination of polyps with endometrial hyperplasia.

The choice of a method of treatment in patients with a natural uterus depends on the localization and sizes of the node. The submembraty myomatous assembly is removed by hysteroscopically (hysterorecheutoscopy), interstitial and subseroic nodes no more than 10 cm are removed laparoscopically. Laparotomy is shown at large sizes of the uterus (12 or more weeks) and atypical nodes (cervical, stronger). After conservative Miomectomy, agonists are prescribed gonadotropinrylizing hormone (Zoladex) course by 3 cycles. If for 2 years after Momectomy, a woman will not pregnant, she is sent to Eco. During the waiting period, ovulation stimulation is carried out.

Treatment of patients with intrauterine synechnias is their hysteroscopic dissection and appointment after the intervention of cyclic hormone therapy for a period of 3-6 months. To reduce the chances of re-formation of battlefields in the uterine cavity, Navy is not less than a month. The forecast for this disease is quite complex and directly proportional to the degree and depth of the lesion of the basal layer of the endometrium.

In the case of malfunction of the uterus, plastic surgery are carried out (dissection of intrauterine septum or metroplasty of the cough uterine or the available two modules).

The treatment of cereal infertility depends on the reason that caused it. In the case of anatomical defects, reconstructive-plastic cervical operations are performed, when the polyps of the cervical canal is deleted, they are removed with the subsequent scattering of the mucousa. When the background diseases and endometrium heterotopia are detected, anti-inflammatory therapy is assigned, and then laser or cryodestruction. At the same time normalizes the function of the ovaries using hormonal drugs.

Immunological infertility

Therapy of immunological infertility is a complex task. Treatment is aimed at normalizing immune status and suppressing the production of antispermal antibodies (ASAT). To overcome this form of infertility, methods are applied:


This method of treatment requires a complete exclusion of unprotected sexual intercourse (condoms are used) between partners. Efficiency depends on the duration of compliance with the condition, the longer there is no contact, the higher the probability of desensitization (sensitivity) of the body of the woman to the husband's sperm. Condom therapy is prescribed for a period of at least six months, after which they try to conceive the child with a natural way. The effectiveness of treatment reaches 60%.

Hyposensitizing therapy

Antihistamines (Tueva, Supratine) are used, which reduce the body's response to histamine: relax the smooth muscles, reduce capillari permeability and prevent the development of tissue edema. Also in small doses, glucocorticoids are prescribed, which brake the formation of antibodies. The course of treatment is designed for 2 - 3 months, medications are accepted by a woman 7 days before ovulation.

It is recommended additionally to receiving antihistamine and glucocorticoids the purpose of antibiotics (the presence of a hidden infection increases the secretion of antispermal antibodies). The effectiveness of such a method of therapy is 20%.

Intrauterine insemination

A fairly effective method of treatment (40%). The essence of the method is the fence of the seed fluid, its special cleaning from surface antigens, after which the sperm is introduced into the uterine cavity (spermatozoa minus cervical canal).


If all these methods of treatment of immunological infertility have been ineffective, it is recommended to perform extracorporeal fertilization.

Folk treatments

The effectiveness of folk treatment of infertility is not proven, but doctors allow the use of phytotherapy as an addition to the main method of treatment. With pipe and peritoneal infertility, the following fees are recommended:

  • Collection №1

Mix and grind 100 gr. dill seeds, 50 gr. Anise seeds, 50 gr. Celery and as many nettle nets. Add to half-liter honey, stir and take three times a day for 3 tbsp. spoons.

  • Collection number 2.

For 20 minutes in a liter of water boil on a small fire of 10 tablespoons of the plantin leaves, then add a glass of honey and boil another 10 minutes, the decoction to cool down and then strain, drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.

  • Collect number 3.

Three times a day drinking on a tablespoon of a syrup from the plantain (fee number 2), and after 10 minutes drink 75 ml of broth of herbs: geranium leaves, spiny peel, bonnetary hair-shaped, shepherd bag, bumps of hops, flowers and cuff leaves ordinary . For cooking brave 2 tbsp. Spoons pour a half-lift of water, boil 15 minutes on small heat and strain.

It is also allowed to receive herbs from infertility in the form of decoctions and teas, which are rich in phytogorms, but under the control of the doctor: the leaves of the sage and the seeds of the plantain, Speert and St. John's wort, Maryan root, the grass of the frame. A large amount of phytohormones is contained in the oil of black cumin and ginger, in herbs and.

Question answer

What is needed for the occurrence of pregnancy?

In order for pregnancy to come, several conditions are necessary. First, in the ovary there must be a corner of the dominant follicle, after the breaking of which the egg is released and falls into the abdominal cavity, and then penetrates the palopium pipe. Secondly, the promotion of the egg in the abdominal cavity and the pipe should not interfere with something (spikes, twist the pipes). Thirdly, spermatozoa should be freely penetrated into the uteros, and then in the pipes where the egg fertilization occurs. And the last one, endometrials should be prepared (secretory and proliferative transformation) to the implantation of the fertilized egg.

How do you need to start a survey for infertility?

It is certainly necessary to start the survey, it is necessary to give a sperm of her husband and conducting a sperm analyzing, since the husband or both spouse is "to blame" in a fruitless marriage.

Is the reason for infertility always establish?

As it is not sad, but not always, even despite the use of new survey methods. With an unexplained factor of infertility, it is possible to appoint a trial course of treatment, and depending on its results, the diagnosis is specified, and the treatment itself can change.

What kind of infertility do women have symptoms?

In addition to the lack of pregnancy, during the year, the woman can disturb irregular menstruation, intermented bleeding or masculine, pain at the bottom of the belly during the menstruation or the day before, dry skin, excessive overeximation and angry rash.

If the menstruation is painful, this leads to infertility?

Painful menstruation in no way indicate a fertility of a woman, but rather talking about ovulation. But if the pains are worried during and after sexual contact, do not decrease by the end of menstruation, then endometriosis, uterine, chronic endometritis and other gynecological pathology should be excluded.

After the hormonal treatment of infertility, a woman will definitely prevent double or triple?

It is not necessary at all, although the reception of hormones stimulates ovulation and possibly simultaneous maturation and fertilization of several eggs at once.

Do you always get pregnant after treatment about infertility?

Unfortunately, a 100% guarantee of pregnancy has no method of treating infertility. The restoration of fertility depends on many factors: the age of spouses, the presence of somatic diseases and bad habits, form of infertility and other things. And even auxiliary reproductive technologies cannot guarantee a pregnancy 100%.


Inability to adult organism to produce offspring.

The problem of infertility has long been familiar to mankind - with ancient times a woman who is not able to conceive and having tolerance was considered defective. In Roman law, a divorce with barren spouses was allowed, and the rulers in Russia referred to their wives in the monasteries.

Back in the past century it was believed that only a woman was to blame in a childless marriage. The development of science has given an understanding that men may suffer from infertility. The successes of medicine, the growth of well-being, an increase in life expectancy led to the desire of people to have their own children, despite the problems with health. At the same time, the deterioration of ecology, chronic stress, changing the life rhythm and the revision of family values \u200b\u200b(when career is put at the head of the corner, and the planning of the offspring is postponed to not the youngest age) affect the deterioration of the ability to conceive. Therefore, the problem of infertility today is rather sharp. Medicine offers many ways to treat from hormone therapy before surgery. And when all means are already tested, and there is no result, Eco comes to the rescue.

Infertility in women is a serious problem with many married couples. According to statistics, about 60% of all problems with conception is explained by women's diseases. Depending on whether pregnancy was in the past, distinguish:

  • Primary infertility, in which a woman living regular sexual life has never become pregnant.
  • Secondary infertility, when pregnancy was previously observed and, perhaps, there are already children.

The reasons due to which the difficulty with conception and having to-wear may be divided into several groups:

  • Problems with uterine pipes - a violation of passability due to adhesions, which appear due to injuries, inflammatory diseases, operations. The consequence of obstruction can be an ectopic pregnancy, which threatens the life of a woman and is treated with the removal of the pipe along with the embryo - and this significantly worsens the chances of the following successful pregnancy.
  • Infertility for diseases of the endocrine system, entailing a violation of the ripening of eggs.
  • Gynecological diseases - the pathology of the cervix, sex infections, endometriosis, etc.
  • The cause of infertility in women is also early aging of the reproductive system, exhaustion of ovarian and climax. As a rule, menstruation continues up to 50-55 years, but sometimes they can completely stop at 40 years and even earlier.
  • The problem of infertility can have a psychological reason when stress, experiences, permanent finding in oppressed state and fears prevent pregnancy.
  • Immunological incompatibility - in cervical mucus of a woman formed antispermal antibodies (asat) that kill spermatozoa. AsaT can both form in men, and then they violate the quality of sperm.
  • Development anomalies, in which pregnancy is absolutely impossible - for example, when the patient has no reproductive organs from birth or underdeveloped.

Sometimes it is impossible to establish the cause of female infertility, and then it is called idiopathic - it happens almost 25% of all cases. However, this does not mean that there are no problems - simply the available methods of diagnosis and therapy are not yet able to identify and eliminate diseases that prevent pregnancy.

Infertility in men

It has long been mistakenly believed that the inability to conceive and endure a child is the trouble of women. In fact, infertility in men occurs hardly is not the same as often - about 45% of cases of reproductive problems accounted for their share. The cause of the failure is the violation of the mobility and the viability of spermatozoa, the reduction of their quantity, obstacles to the path of ejaculation, and contribute to this many diseases and adverse factors. What is infertility in men?

  • Secretorial, when the quality and amount of sperm worsens.

It is possible to treat it with the help of medicines and hormones.

  • Obstructive.

It is related to the violation of the patency of the seedy ways due to injury, damage during surgery on other organs, tuberculosis, syphilis and inflammation of the appendage of eggs leading to the gluing of the ducts and the impossibility of spermatozoa to go into seed bubbles.

  • Immunological

The cause of immunological infertility in men is the production of antibodies to its own spermatozoa. In the normal state of sperm is not affected by the cells of the immune system, since they have a special biological barrier (hematotestical). When this barrier is broken due to injuries and infections, antisperm antibodies attack spermatozoa, gluing them and immobilizing.

  • Relative

Relative infertility in men attributes its kinds when the survey did not reveal significant problems, but his pregnancy does not come to his partner. The reason for this is, as a rule, stress and experiences. The treatment of male infertility is a psychotherapist.

The main symptom of infertility is not advancing pregnancy in a couple of fertile age, if the favorable conditions for conception are observed:

  • Full rejection of all contraceptive means.
  • Sexual contacts occur often (at least several times a week).
  • Men have no problems with sperm quality.

As a rule, infertility does not have any specific signs, and it is possible to suspect it in indirect symptoms and manifestations of diseases that lead to problems with conception and having to-wear:

  • The deviation in the menstrual cycle indicates problems with ovulation (for example, a cycle of less than 20 days is usually annevulatory). Timely appeal to the doctor allows you to cure a provoking disease failure at an early stage.
  • An indirect symptom of infertility can be an excessive growth of hair cover on the body and face, as well as the lack of hair in the pubic zone and armpits - all this indicates an excess of androgens ("male hormones). About the excessive secretion of Androgen also says oily skin with acne.
  • Hyperprolactinemia, or excessive production prolactin, hypophysome manifested by the absence of menstruation and release of milk from the mammary glands outside pregnancy and lactation.
  • Venusical diseases may cause inflammation in a small pelvis and violation of phallopy pipes.
  • Insufficient weight, sharp weight loss leads to a decrease in estrogen production, due to which follicles develop. The result of the unlimited anti-kilograms becomes the absence of menstruation and the inability to become pregnant. The bad and the second option, when the lady suffers obesity - in this case, the production of "female" hormones is disturbed, cardiovascular diseases develop.
  • Medical abortions that disturb the integrity and quality of the inner mucosa of the uterus are caused by infertility of the uterus - the embryo can not attach on a thin damaged endometrial.
  • The usual misunderstanding, when the miscarriages happen several times in a row, is a sign of female infertility and indicates hormonal deviations, hemostasis disruption, problems with endometrial.

Causes of infertility

In men's infertility are to blame:

  • Infectious sexually transmitted diseases.

No less problems delivers infectious vapotitis, causing inflammation of one or immediately two testicles. Therefore, boys must be put against him vaccine to avoid infection.

  • Varicocele.

Varicose veins of the vein eggs and seed rope, which is why the temperature rises inside the egg, the secretion of sperm and their quality suffer. Varicocele initially does not have symptoms, and only in the late stage, the scrotum can be hurting. Create the disease can be surgically. After the operation, the characteristics of sperm are improved, and it becomes possible to conceive.

  • Injuries and congenital pathologies.

Another possible reason for infertility - injuries and congenital pathologies of the structure of the genital organs (cryptorchism and twisted eggs). When cryptorchism, the testicles are outside the scrotum in the newborn: they can be located in the abdomen, subcutaneously on the pubis and in other places. In the standard case, cryptorchism is diagnosed in infancy, at the same time they make an operation to bring eggs to the scrotum.

  • Hormonal disorders.

For example, the lack of testosterone secretion leads to problems with the erection and secretion of sperm.

Prostatitis, urethritis breaks the process of sperm production, worsen its quality.

  • Immune violations

When the body generates antibodies to its own spermatozoa, which entails their immobility.

  • Violations in the sexual sphere.

Impotence, premature ejaculation can also cause infertility in men.

  • Bad habits.

Tobacocking, alcoholism, narcotic dependence, reception hormones in order to gain a good physical form, abuse of tight clothing, hot baths, bath and sauna.

  • Adverse living conditions

Signs of infertility can be observed in those who live in the region with a bad environment or working in harmful chemical production - all this worsens the quality of sperm.

  • Stresses and overwork.

Stresses, insomnia and overwork also negatively affect the male reproductive function - therefore it is useful to be able to fully rest and restore forces.

The problem of infertility in women requires to look for ways to treat him. To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand what and how it can affect the ability to conceive and dry the child:

  • The age of the future mother.

After 35 years, fertility is rapidly decreasing due to the fact that chromosomes in egg cell are destroyed.

  • Insufficient or overweight.

The cause of infertility may be obesity or dystrophy, since the amount of fatty tissue in the body affects the production of estrogen, and therefore on the menstrual cycle.

  • Infections.

Inflammation in a small pelvis - sexually transmitted infections lead to inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, and this disrupts the patency of the uterine pipes, affects the attachment and tooling the fetus.

  • Hormonal violations.

Infertility in women is caused by hormonal violations, due to which no ovulation occurs, hormones are not produced to preserve pregnancy, the endometrium of the desired quality does not grow. Hormonal imbalance often leads to the development of ovarian polycystosis, when the body is not able to work out mature eggs, and cysts with liquid inside are formed in their place. The pathology of the thyroid gland, the violation of the secretion of "male" hormones can also cause infertility.

  • Endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrium cells of the inner layer of the uterus are abandoned and expanded, due to which the patency of the uterine pipes is disturbed and ovulation is difficult. In addition, there are studies proving the negative impact of foci of endometriosis on spermatozoa.

  • Immune reasons.

In some women, cervical mucus contains antibodies that are degrading with spermatozoa viability. A sign of infertility in this case - a long time not coming pregnancy at the apparent well-being with health from both partners.

  • Harmful habits (smoking, alcohol, caffeine abuse in large doses), the effects of chemicals when working in harmful production affect the reproductive sphere and reduce fertility.

Factors increasing the likelihood of infertility

With signs of infertility today faces up to 30% of pairs, and therefore the problem of fertility has become an urgent problem for health and the public. The number of people who suffer from diseases affecting the ability to conceive and endure the child increases. This is especially true for those who live in large cities and large industrial areas.

One of the main factors of infertility - pipe-peritoneal - leads among the remaining causes of disruption of fertility and is a consequence of transferred genital infections. Doctors associate this with rawness of sexual contacts, early start of intimate life, low literacy of young people in matters of safe contraception.

In infertility statistics, the increased activity of the population in moving, long-term separation of spouses, a large number of divorces and a frequent change of sexual partners affects the increased public activity. Negatively affects the negative contraception, the self-treatment of gynecological diseases instead of appealing to the doctor - as a result, women develop inflammation of the ovaries and the inner cavity of the uterus, the erosion of the cervix, endometrite and endometriosis.

The life scenario, full stress and experiences, lack of sleep and overload, leads to a change in the hormonal background, endocrine disorders, ovulation disorder, exacerbates common diseases that may interfere with conception.

Another problem associated with infertility is that the couples turn to the doctor only in late fertilous age (from 35-40 years), when there are not so many times for treatment, the ovarian reserve is exhausted, the spermogram is bad, and the body is burdened by others diseases. Therefore, doctors remain anything else, how to offer Eco with a donor egg or sperm, which is far from moral and ethical considerations, many couples do not want to grow only half the "their" child.

The disease is infertility is mysterious in that it is often not clear why the pair cannot become pregnant - in this case it is called idiopathic (inexplicable). The diagnosis can be exhibited when a man and a woman passed a complete list of surveys, and no pathology was revealed, but pregnancy does not occur more than a year of regular intimate relations without contraception. A woman should have a healthy uterus and phallopy tubes, absent asat and endometriosis. A man must have a good sperm and a negative analysis for the presence of antispermal bodies in the blood.

What could be a factor of infertility unclear genesis?

  • Genetic disorders in the egg cell.
  • Annovulation by an unidentified reason.
  • The lack of the satellite tube of the egg.
  • The inability of the spermatozoa to certain biochemical reactions and penetration into an egg cell.
  • Termination of embryo division, the impossibility of attaching it to the uterus wall.

How to be when the doctor reports signs of infertility of unclear genes? There are several options:

  • Waiting - it is offered if the woman did not reach 30 years, and there is a reserve of time for attempts to natural conception.
  • Stimulation of ovulation by drugs.
  • Artificial insemination.
  • Extracorporeal fertilization.

Types of infertility

Primary infertility

Infertility in women is called primary when it was previously never pregnant in any form (even with an ectopic attachment of the embryo, fetaling, miscarriage or abortion), has regular sexual relationships without protection for at least one year, and it cannot become pregnant .

About the primary infertility in men speak when not in one intimate connection none of his partner was pregnant from him in the absence of protection facilities.

Secondary infertility

Secondary infertility (2 degree) means that the woman in the past had pregnancy and, perhaps she already has children, but she cannot conceive at the moment. It would seem if before you managed to get pregnant, why not get now? There is a lot of reasons:

  • Age - the ability to conceive is steadily declining after the achievement of 35 years, and the first signs of worsening fertility appear when a woman is marked with 30.
  • Secondary infertility may be a consequence of constant emotional stress, stress, chronic fatigue accumulating years.
  • Hormonal disorders (polycystic ovarian syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, etc.), disease of the endocrine and immune system.
  • Gynecological problems - inflammation or infectious diseases of the genital organs, misa, adhesion process and obstruction of uterine pipes.
  • The secondary infertility of the uterus lead gynecological interventions (abortions, scraping), because of which endometrium is damaged and thinned, and the fruit egg can not attach to the wall.

Secondary infertility in men means that for a long time, conception does not occur due to the male factor, while in previous connections the partner had children, or a pregnancy fell from him. The reason for the second degree of infertility can be:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Varicocele.
  • Injuries and surgical operations on the scrotum.
  • Immune and hormonal disorders.

1 degree of infertility

The infertility of the 1st degree is characterized by the impossibility of conceiving the child by any time throughout the previous life. Do not panic - this does not mean that the children will never be. Most diseases caused by infertility can be cured:

  • Infections and inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs.
  • Hormonal deviations.
  • Violation of blood flow in the uterine cavity.
  • Problems in the endocrine system and hemostasis.
  • Immune violations.
  • Gynecological diseases (endometriosis, mioma, ovarian cysts and cervical cervicals).
  • Disturbances of spermatogenesis and infectious diseases in men, the formation of asat.

If the couple lives in adverse conditions, and the factor of infertility are stress, lack of sleep, hard work and emotional burnout, help get pregnant can simple normalization of the regime and good rest.

2 degree of infertility

The second degree of infertility is a secondary form, in which people cannot conceive a child, despite pregnancy in the past. There are a lot of reasons:

  • Reducing fertility with age, early climax in women.
  • Violation of spermatogenesis.
  • Gynecological diseases (moma, endometriosis, inflammation of appendages, etc.).
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Immune deviations.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Complications after previous pregnancy and childbirth, as well as after abortion.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits.

Depending on what caused the second degree of infertility, a special treatment is appointed one or both spouses. The chance of conception after treatment is high, and if pregnant failed, auxiliary reproductive technologies will come to the aid - artificial insemination, eco, surrogate motherhood.

3 Degree of infertility

The term "third degree of infertility" is practically not used in medicine. He means that a person will never be able to conceive and give birth to a child. It happens in the case of the innate absence of ovaries and uterus, testicles. As a rule, it happens extremely rarely, and even then the options remain becoming parents - resort to donor egg or sperm, surrogate motherhood. In other cases, opportunities for treatment are even greater, and their effectiveness is higher. Therefore, doctors are not taken to argue that the third degree of infertility is forever. The development of science and medicine gives hope that already incurable diseases will be cured tomorrow, and problems with conception are solved.

Diagnosis of infertility

Collection of anamnesis and inspection with infertility signs

Diagnosis of the disease of infertility begins with the collection of anamnesis and medical examination. Based on this, the doctor may assume the cause of problems and draw up a list of further surveys.

Anamnesis may be:

General when the doctor finds out the state of health in general, learns about the presence of common diseases, general health, possible fluctuations in weight, blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Doctors may be interested in certain infertility factors: bad habits, exposure to stress, working conditions (severe physical work, contacts with harmful substances, etc.).

Gynecological - here the doctor finds out:

  • At what age the first menstruation has come, what duration has a cycle now, whether it is accompanied by pain, what is the nature of the selection.
  • When a woman starts sex life. With which regularity leads it now. Whether discomfort is experiencing during sex.
  • How long does the pregnancy, there were before abortions, miscarriages, are there children.
  • What kind of contraception was used earlier.
  • How much time it took for the onset of previous pregnancy, and how it took. Whether complications happened during childbirth.
  • Are there any pain and separation from the genitals, were diagnosed before and now infection and developmental anomalies were diagnosed.
  • Whether operations were carried out on reproductive organs, if injuries happened.
  • What a survey and treatment for gynecological diseases was prescribed to a woman earlier.
  • Whether the spouse has been treated for male infertility, and with what result.

During the inspection, the gynecologist estimates the general condition and determines the visual symptoms of infertility:

  • The condition of the mammary glands, their development and availability.
  • Character of hair cover (on male or female type).
  • Type of physique.
  • The development of the genital organs and their pathology.
  • The presence of rashes on the skin and mucosa of genitals, which may indicate infections.

In addition, the doctor examines the condition of the skin of the face, palpates the pancreas, belly and inguinal region, measures blood pressure and temperature.

The second step in the diagnosis of infertility - General analyzes:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood test for HIV and hepatitis.
  • Blood test for a group and a rhesus factor.
  • Blood tests and strokes for PCR diagnostics of bargaining infections.
  • Hemostasiogram to identify violations in the rolling system of blood (they may cause infertility).
  • Definition of a lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to phospholipids.
  • Analysis on antispermal antibodies in cervical mucus, sperm and blood.

To diagnose male infertility, the partner must hand over the spermogram - the study of sperm to determine its fertilizing ability and detecting diseases of the urogenital system. The result can be as a normal number of sperms of the right form (normozoocompermium) and the complete absence of sperm in seminal fluid (azoospermia), as well as an increase in the amount of morphologically incorrect cells.

Hormone Level Analyzes

To determine the causes of the disease, infertility, patients need to pass a number of analyzes at the level of hormones. A specific list of research is determined by the attending physician on the basis of the history of the disease:

Sex hormones

During the diagnosis of infertility, it is necessary to determine the quantity:

  • FSH is a follicularity hormone that affects the ripening of eggs, the secretion of estrogen and progesterone.
  • LG - luteinizing hormone produced by the pituitary gland and ensures the secretion of progesterone the ovaries.
  • Prolactin responsible for ripening follicles and ovulation.
  • Testosterone - "Male" sex hormone, which must be present in a small amount.
  • 17-op-progesterone indicating the presence of a hereditary disease - adrenogenital syndrome, in which an increased amount of androgens is synthesized with adrenal glands.
  • Progesterone - hormone responsible for the normal amount and growth of endometrial inside the uterus.
  • Estrogen (estradiol), ensuring the ripening of follicles and eggs, ripening endometrial and its preparation for the implantation of the fetal egg.
  • Antimulller hormone (AMG), showing the stock of follicles in the ovaries.

In order for the analyzes to be informative, and the diagnosis of infertility is competent, the blood for sex hormones should be passed on certain days of the cycle:

  • On 2-3rd - amg, prolactin, FSH, LH.
  • On the 8-10th - 17-OP, testosterone.
  • At the 19-21st - estradiol, progesterone.

Hormones bark of adrenal glands

Hormones of adrenal cortex are also important for the diagnosis of female infertility, because they affect the ovulation and the production of cervical mucus:

  • Dae-sulfate (regulates the functioning of the ovaries).
  • DGA-S - "Male" hormone responsible for secondary sex signs. It indirectly indicates an excessive body of body.
  • Cortisol
  • 17-COP (determined in the urine) - this is also a "male" hormone, and the excess of its level over the norm indicates gynecological problems.

The hormones of the thyroid gland affect the development of follicles and ovulation. It is necessary to take the analysis in a calm state, and on the eve I should avoid stress and cancel sports workouts. To identify the cause of the disease of infertility will help:

  • Tyroxin T4.
  • Triiodothyronine T3.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Hardware and instrumental diagnostics

Diagnosis of infertility through special devices and tools includes:

  • Ultrasound procedure

Allows you to estimate the size and position of the uterus, its necks and appendages, see the state of the endometrium. Polyps, spikes, tumors, endometriosis, mioma, endometrial hyperplasia, inflammation of appendages, cysts, breaks, and ovarian inflammation are pre-diagnosed on the ultrasound. Special ultrasound research - Follicleometry - makes it possible to evaluate the maturation and development of follicles throughout the menstrual cycle.

  • Colposcopy.

Inspection of the vagina with an optical device Colposcope, which allows you to identify erosion, cervicitis, tumor diseases.

  • Diagnostic scraping of the uterine

The diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity is necessary when it is necessary to histologically check the state of the endometrium and understand whether its growth in the day of the menstrual cycle corresponds.

  • Tuberculosis samples (manta, diaskin test, light radiography) and crossing menstrual blood for the presence of koche sticks.

It is often obscured by infertility in the disease with genital tuberculosis, therefore, for the diagnosis of pathology, it is necessary to carry out X-ray of the lungs in combination with the samples (manta, diaskin-test) and the backed menstrual blood, mucus, the contents of the uterine cavity.

  • Hysterosalpingography (GSSG)

X-ray examination of the uterus and pipes, which makes it possible to see the abnormalities of the structure of the uterus, tumors, spikes, evaluate the passability of phallopy pipes.

  • Radiography

If the symptoms of infertility indicate the defeat of the pituitary gland (a woman outside the lactation period is formed milk in lactic glands, there are no menstruation), it is necessary to make a Turkish saddle and skull radiography.

If other methods of diagnosing infertility disease did not help accurately determine the problem, a woman is prescribed an operational examination by hysteroscopy or laparoscopy.


Hysteroscopy is an inspection of the uterine cavity and a cervical canal under anesthesia by an optical device (hysteroscope). The hysteroscope is introduced through the cervix, without punctures and cuts. The procedure allows you to identify the causes of infertility of the uterus - cysts, polyps, check the quality of the endometrium, take it a fragment for histological examination. At the same time, on hysteroscopy you can remove small neoplasms - that is, the manipulation is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic nature. An indication for carrying out:

  • Primary and secondary infertility.
  • Unsuccessful eco in the past.
  • Myoma, germinating into the inner cavity of the uterus.
  • Suspections for diseases and anomalies leading to infertility of uterus - polyps, adenomyosis, the pathology of the structure and development of the body.
  • Disturbance of the cycle (abundant monthly, bleeding between menstruation).


Laparoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the small pelvis organs under general anesthesia. Today, this type of diagnosis is recognized as the Gold Standard, giving almost 100%. The surgeon through a special optical device-laparoscope sees everything with its own eyes, and not guided by the results of non-invasive surveys, which are often subjective. Laparoscopy allows not only to diagnose, but also to treat - for one reception you can cut the spikes, restore pipes, remove the foci of endometriosis. The study is carried out by introducing laparoscopic devices through small cuts of the abdominal wall, so healing after the operation passes quickly and painlessly, does not cause negative consequences in the form of an adhesive process.

An indication for research are:

  • The establishment of the cause of primary and secondary infertility.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Cysts, twisted and gap (apoplexy) ovaries.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pipe obstruction.
  • Myoma uterus.
  • Spikes in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

Treatment of infertility

Treatment of male infertility is based on the following principles:

  • His spouse should have problems with conception and having to wear. If they are, a woman must be treated, and its treatment program needs to be coordinated with the program of examination and the treatment of her husband.
  • An unfavorable factors that prevent the onset of pregnancy should be excluded: a rare sex life, stress, heavy working conditions, drug intake (if they are not vital).
  • If the reason is established, the treatment of male infertility is to eliminate it. When it is not established why sperm has poor quality, only means for improving blood microcirculation and metabolism, vitamins, and tall drugs are prescribed.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs require the appointment of sanitation drugs, depending on which pathogen is revealed. Treatment should be both spouses to exclude the possibility of re-infecting each other.
  • Varicocele needs to be treated by the operation, regardless of the severity of the disease. Surgical treatment requires and uncomplicated excretory azoospermia, when sperm is produced in the testicles, but do not fall into the seed fluid.
  • The treatment of immune infertility in men requires special methods (plasmapheresis, removal of antibodies from genitals, drugs to reduce the production of ASAT). If it does not help, the pair recommends Eco with pre-cleaning of sperm from the "nylip" antibodies.
  • Treatment of infertility in men due to sexual dysfunction involves conservative treatment and work with a psychotherapist.
  • Treatment of male infertility due to hormonal disorders should correspond to individual characteristics. The feasibility of treating hormones is determined by the type of disease and the specific situation. If the therapy is still appointed, it should continue at least 70-75 days, which corresponds to the spermatozoa development cycle.

Sometimes the problem of male infertility is impossible to solve conservatively or surgically, and then modern reproductive technologies come to the rescue:

  • PEA, Mesa, Teze

With complicated azoospermia, when it is impossible to restore the subtleties of the seed-handing channels, a procedure for producing sperm from the appendage or the eagle itself is assigned (the techniques have the name of the ore, mesa, thesis). Then spermatozoa is used in the ECO procedure.

  • Artificial insemination

The sperm is introduced into the vagina or the uterus in such a way that it falls on the neck of the neck (with a natural sexual intercourse, only its small amount falls there). The probability of conception after such manipulation increases several times. An indication for insemination is to reduce the number of mobile spermatozoa in the ejaculate.

Fertilization of the woman's egg sperm spermatozoids in laboratory conditions, followed by the transfer of the embryo to the uterus cavity. Eco is shown in the poor quality of sperm, when the number of live moving sperm is extremely small.

The intraplasmic injection of the spermatozoa - refers to the auxiliary methods used during ECO. The essence of the method is that a spermatozoa, selected by an embryologist visually, is introduced into the cytoplasm of the cell with a special pipette. In this case, almost fixed spermatozoa can be used.

  • Pixes

High-quality selection of spermatozoa for ICSI procedure. The embryologist finds the best (most mobile, mature and correctly formed) spermatozoa and checks its chemical biological characteristics using pixie cups. In these cups there are special media containing hyaluronic acid. The nature is intended so that the acid is involved in the selection of sperm during fertilization - the receptors of high-quality male cells are sensitive to Hyaluron. The interaction of a sperm with Haluron in the cups indicates that it has properly working receptors, and fertilization will be successfully. After that, sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of the cell, that is, they perform the ICSI procedure.

Treatment of female infertility

To cure female infertility, you need to establish its cause and try to eliminate it. Unfortunately, it is not always possible. Therefore, infertility treatments are:

  • An attempt to restore fertility with the help of conservative or surgical methods.
  • Auxiliary reproductive technologies if the previous treatment did not help or a pair cannot physically conceive a natural way.

What methods are used to treat female infertility?

  • If the reason for endocrine disorders, hormonal treatment and ovarian stimulation is carried out. In addition to drugs, a woman is recommended to normalize weight and engage in physical education. Shown and physiotherapy.
  • Infertility for uterine pipe diseases is treated, as a rule, surgically - the laparoscopic operation allows you to restore the permeability of 35-40% of cases. If it did not help, the patient is offered by the ECO program.
  • Endometriosis involves carrying out laparoscopy and causing foci, and then a short course prescribed medications to secure the result (drugs causing artificial climax (IR) and impeding endometrial growth). It is necessary to try to get pregnant after exiting IR until the endometriosis recurrenced.
  • Infertility of the uterus (severe malformations of development) requires operations on the reconstruction of the authority. If it is impossible, a woman can use the service of surrogate motherhood.
  • Treatment of immunological infertility, when Asaat was found in cervical mucus, begins with barrier contraception for up to six months. Then use preparations to reduce the production of antibodies. If this did not give the desired effect, the pair recommends an artificial insemination, in which the sperm passes the cervical canal and does not feel a negative impact from Asat.

When the reason for infertility is not installed, the methods of HRD (auxiliary reproductive technologies) are going to move:

  • Intrauterine insemination.
  • Eco (with Ixi, Pixie and other ways to improve the efficiency of the procedure).
  • Surrogacy.

When eco is applied

At first, the method of extracorporeal fertilization was developed to eliminate one cause of infertility - problems with pipes. Gradually, the list of readings for Eco has expanded, and includes:

  • Pipe pathology, which can be congenital or acquired, to be a consequence of ectopic pregnancy, inflammation, endometriosis, abdominal operations.
  • Polycystic ovarian - a disease in which the ovaries contain many cysts with liquid content. The level of men's hormones in the body of a woman in this case is increased, and therefore there are failures of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea), abundant hair growth on the chest and face, obesity. Sometimes patients occur strong uterine bleeding. Treatment of the disease is carried out first conservatively (hormones) or operational (ovarian resection, cruise migation). Eco when infertility due to polycystosis is prescribed when the remaining methods of therapy are exhausted, and pregnancy has not come.
  • Endometriosis is a disease, the essence of which consists in the growth of endometrial cells in the fallopian tubes or abdominal cavity. Along the endometrium, only the inner uterine surface should be submitted. Its distribution beyond the uterus leads to infertility due to the fact that the ripening of eggs and ovulation is disturbed, the patency of the pipes is reduced - because endometrium foci contribute to the formation of adhesions. As in the case of polycystic ovarian, Eco with infertility due to endometriosis is appointed when the possibilities of drug (hormonal) and surgical treatment are exhausted, and did not bring the expected result.
  • The age of patients can be a hindrance for the onset of natural pregnancy due to changing the properties of egg cells. Auxiliary reproductive technologies (Eco with Ixi, Hetching) allow you to overcome these problems.
  • Annovulation in the absence of an effect from therapeutic treatment, stimulation of ovulation and artificial intrauterine insemination is also an indication for ECO.
  • Infertility of unclear genes, in which the clear cause of difficulties with the onset of pregnancy is not defined.
  • Male infertility associated with a decrease in fertilizing sperm ability. Auxiliary reproductive technologies (Eco with aspiration of sperm from the appendages of eggs or their extraction from eggs, Ixi - the introduction of a spermatozoa in an egg) increase the chances of the occurrence of pregnancy.

How is the treatment of infertility eco-method? The essence of the technology is to stimulate ovulation of several eggs at a woman, puncture of the resulting eggs and fertilizing their sperm of her husband in laboratory conditions. The resulting embryos for 3-5 days are developed in special incubators under the supervision of doctors, and then they are transferred to the uterine cavity. Each of the steps is important to achieve the final result.

To stimulate ovulation, special hormonal drugs, accelerating the growth and ripening of follicles and eggs, are used. To monitor the process of ripening cells and the endometry state, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests (control of the level of estradiol, progesterone and LH) and ultrasound.

The puncture of ripe follicles is carried out under intravenous anesthesia. A disposable needle with suction is connected to a special ultrasound sensor, and then it is injected alternately through the vagina alternately into all follicles, and they suck their contents. The liquid obtained as a result of puncture transmits embryosologists to prepare for fertilization.

Fertilization can occur both independently - an embryologist only connects the treated spermatozoa and egg (ECO) and the ICSI - the spermatozooid method is introduced directly into the egg. Ixi is used, as a rule, when the quality of sperm is bad, and the fertilizing ability of it is reduced. In addition, when infertility, men use other modern methods - IMS (spermatozoa injection in egg cytoplasm) and pixie (additional selection of sperm before Icsi).

The cultivation (cultivation) of embryos begins the day after the follicle puncture. At first, the embryologist assesses the fact of fertilization, the signs of which can be observed in 17-18 hours after the connection of men's and female cells. The doctor then observes the process of dividing the embryos for 3-5 days, it allocates the most promising and non-genetic deviations among them, and determines the best time for transplanting to the uterus. As a rule, the best chances are embryos who have reached the stages of blastocysts - and this happens on the 5th day.

The transfer of embryos and their implantation is the most exciting stage of treating infertility with Eco, because it is then it becomes clear whether the doctors manage to make another married couple happy. Immediately the transfer of embryos to the uterine cavity occurs with the help of thin soft tubes (catheters) under the control of the ultrasound - it allows them to put them in a comfortable place in the uterus. Before it is possible to pass hCG and learn the results of Eco, a woman is prescribed drugs to maintain pregnancy early.

Period after eco

For infertility treatment through eco has two outcome.

Successful when pregnancy comes, and a happy family leaves the clinic to prepare for the birth of a long-awaited baby. You can find out whether Eco has been possible, after 14 days after the transfer of embryos to the uterine cavity, passing the blood test to the HCG. A little later, the presence of arrival embryos in the uterus must be confirmed on the ultrasound, and then turn to the gynecologist for pregnancy. Check out the child after Eco at first requires hormone therapy, the purpose of which is to maintain a sufficient level of progesterone. Therefore, signs of pregnancy can be more pronounced and specific, compared with the usual conception. What points to an interesting position:

  • Strong nausea and vomiting (toxicosis).
  • Irritability and insomnia.
  • Breast swelling.
  • Increase basal temperature.
  • Sensitivity to smells.
  • Moderate pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the lower back and the sacr.
  • Headaches.

Unsuccessful - pregnancy has not come. Why does it happen?

  • Ovulation happened before the follicles were punctured.
  • Failed to extract high-quality eggs during puncture.
  • No fertilization occurred.
  • Fertilized cell ceased to share and evolve.
  • The embryo implantation did not occur after transferring the uterus.

Unsuccessful Eco, although he strikes the mental state of a couple suffering from infertility, gives doctors a lot of useful information:

  • As ovarian ovarian stimulation responded.
  • Why the egg cell fertilized.
  • What quality were embryos.
  • How endometrium grew.
  • Whether implantation happened, and whether the embryo continued to develop further.

It is very important to study the circumstances of failure, because the tactics of further treatment of infertility depends on this - does it make sense to make re-eco, what changes to the program need to be made, which should be carried out additionally from the procedures. So, if the pregnancy ceased to develop at the implantation stage, solve the problem in some cases may the procedure of the hatching, when the elastic shell is pierced or cut off, so that the embryo can "hatch" and attached to the endometry.

Pregnancy after infertility can have specific complications that are a consequence of deviations in health.

The consequence of hormonal disorders is the threat of miscarriage and undeveloped pregnancy at an early term. This is due to existing ovarian pathology, which provokes a disadvantage or surplus of hormone secretion.

The obstruction of the uterine pipes, the adhesion process in a small pelvis can cause an ectopic pregnancy, breaking the pipe and powerful intraperous bleeding, threatening women's life. Therefore, after a positive pregnancy test, you need to go on an ultrasound and make sure that the fruit egg is in the uterine cavity, and not attached to the pipe.

Immune problems lead a pair to the procedure of artificial insemination or eco to avoid contact of spermatozoa with cervical mucus. Therefore, in this case, there is practically no complications during pregnancy, if a woman has no other diseases.

The violation of the production of spermatozoa can cause a genetic disorder in the embryo - "bad", a defective sperm with a fusion with an egg carrying incorrect genetic information and chromosomal disorders, which is why the embryo stops developing on an early term. Sometimes pregnancy is still preserved, but the child can die immediately after birth, or have a hard disease. To avoid such an outcome, it is recommended to undergo all planned screening ultrasound, where you can identify pathology in a timely manner.

Previous gynecological diseases - a frequent cause of pregnancy complications after infertility:

  • Previously transferred sex infections can escalate by the reduction of immunity, and this leads to intrauterine fetal infection.
  • If the pregnancy proceeds against the backdrop of the Moma of the uterus, it may interfere with the implantation of the embryo, and later it is to promote the rapid growth of myomatous node, as well as his edema and necrosis. If the placenta is attached to a myomatous node or a header after removing such an assembly, intrauterine hypoxia and the delay in the development of the fetus, the threat of interrupting pregnancy is possible.
  • Inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, its mucous membrane, cervical erosion, transferred to the scraping of the inner cavity of the uterus may cause an abnormal attachment of the placenta - low or overlapping inner zev, and this often leads to premature detachment and bleeding.

Anomalous placentating and infectious diseases are a risk factor for the development of fetoplacentage insufficiency, in which a child in the mother's womb does not receive the desired amount of nutrients and oxygen. Pregnancy after infertility in this case is complicated by hypotrophy (lag behind the body weight) and kid hypoxia.

Infertility is a disease that usually does not bring physical suffering, but "kills" the family morally. It is hard to live with the thought that everyone has long been happy parents around, and someone has to go from one clinic to another. But do not despair. Medicine is developing rapidly and offers all new treatments. It is necessary to gain patience, listen to all the advice of doctors, look for "their" doctor who can be trusted - and then be sure to be lucky!

Female infertility is the impossibility of a woman to reproduce offspring. How to treat infertility in women? It is impossible to answer this question uniquely. Two types of infertility distinguish:

  • the absolute is noted the impossibility of the occurrence of pregnancy associated with abnormal changes in the genital organs (the absence of ovaries, hypoplasia, etc.);
  • relative - pregnancy does not occur even with regular sex life without prevention.

The main causes of female infertility

According to statistics in about 15% of cases, the reasons cannot be installed. The remaining cases are explained by the following reasons:

  1. Unavigible to the normal development of changes in internal genital organs (vaginal anesthesia, anomaly of the uterus, an infection of the uterus and the other);
  2. Inflammation in the field of small pelvis;
  3. Tuberculosis of the uterus;
  4. An increase in ovaries due to cystic formations;
  5. Polycystic;
  6. Obesity;
  7. Damage to mucosa of uterine pipes;
  8. Abortion;

Required factories for the occurrence of pregnancy

  • In men, the effect of spermatogenesis has an effective impact;
  • Ovulation stimulation (egg formation);
  • The fusion and combination of the structures of the mucous membrane of the uterus and spermatozoa (cervical factor);
  • Structural structure and size of the uterine cavity;
  • Patency of pipes and anatomical matching them with ovaries.

Methods of infertility examination

When examining female infertility, a variety of methods are applied:

  • A survey is conducted with the establishment of the frequency of sexual acts, the technique of its holding, orgasme with sexual seeding;
  • Anatomical features of the structure of the cervix;
  • The presence of the amount of movable sperm in the mucus 3 hours after Socia.

Symptoms of female infertility

The following symptoms are most common:

  1. Hormonal malfunctions;
  2. Regular changes in the menstrual cycle mode, accompanied by painful sensations. Allocations are abundant or scant;
  3. Disappearance of menstruation for several cycles (amenorrhea);
  4. Changing the type of hair. Too thick coating indicates the presence of a large number of male hormone - testosterone, if in small quantities, then a reduced level of estrogen;
  5. Changes in body weight (reduction or increase);
  6. Acne.

Basically, the above-listed symptoms of infertility signals the hormonal changes in the body that negatively affect the appearance of pregnancy.

Operable diagnostic methods of infertility

Hysteroscopy is a surgical treatment of infertility, which includes inspection of the uterine structure using a special device. This method effectively diagnoses this disease.

Conducting this survey happens in cases:

  • miscarriages;
  • symptoms of primary or secondary infertility;
  • pathological anomalies of the uterus;
  • bleeding, menstruation violations;
  • myoma;
  • unsuccessful eco.

This analysis allows you to examine all sides of the inner cavity of the uterus and identify education. The survey is a rather painful procedure, therefore is carried out under the anesthesia in the hospital.

When examining the internal structure of the uterus, the doctor has the ability to remove some of the education or take a test for analysis. After the operation, the patient is discharged in a short time after the procedure.

Laparoscopy is carried out similarly to hysteroscopy, but hysteroscopy includes observing the structure of the uterus using a special device that is entered through the urets. This method effectively diagnoses infertility.

Causes of laparoscopy:

  • symptoms of primary and secondary infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the appearance of the Moma of the uterus;
  • obstruction of uterine pipes;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • spikes.

This operation occurs painlessly, bloodlessly and seamlessly. After 3 days, the patient is written out from the stationary department.

Medical diagnosis

At the first visit, the doctor conducts a survey (history). The survey consists of finding out the following details:

  • The specialist listens to the patient's complaints;
  • Sets heredity;
  • Past illnesses;
  • Regularity of menstruation;
  • The constancy of the partner and the frequency of sexual relations.

After the history, a physical examination occurs, that is, they characterize body weight, type of exhaustion and inspection of genital organs.

Functional tests are held at the third stage:

  1. A graph of basal temperature is created, with the help of it is determined by the presence of ovulation and the operation of the ovaries;
  2. Measuring hormonal activity - estrogen;
  3. Postcoital test (the presence of antibodies against spermatozoa).

Lab tests:

  1. Blood tests on the content of hormones;
  2. The content of antibodies with respect to spermatozoa;
  3. The presence of infectious diseases.

Tool tests:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and the structure of a small pelvis;
  2. Tomography skull on identifying pituitary disorders;
  3. Colposcopy;
  4. Radiography.

Surgical tests:

  1. hysteroscopy for the purpose of examining the uterus and the uterine is carried out using a special device, which is introduced through the urets. This method effectively diagnoses infertility.
  2. Laparoscopy is carried out by the introduction of an optical device through the urets.

In rare cases, the causes of infertility are not installed even after analyzing.

Medical treatment of infertility in women

The recommendation of the doctor is considered a popular tool to conceive a hostility - to have sex every night from the eighth to the eighteenth day after menstruation. It is proved that in these periods, the probability of conceiving a child becomes higher. Make love precisely in these periods, and after a woman should lie down with high legs raised, without applying arms and douching. Pose when you have sex does not have a cardinal value.

The process of treating infertility begins with suppressing the reasons for the dysfunction of the sexual system.

Medicase treatment includes generalifying, psychotherapeutic measures. Effective impact has integrated treatment, corrective functions of the reproductive system - ovulation, transport weight, implantation, egg activity.

How to get rid of infertility? To achieve the maximum effect of treatment and accepted drugs, it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle - food, outdoor walking, compliance with the mode, emotional mood, lack of bad habits.

The beneficial effect on the stimulation of conception produces the use of vitamin E, large quantity of fruits, carrots, rosehip, eggs, salad, onion, sea buckthorn, peas, liver.

Ovulation stimulation by medication

To stimulate the activity of ovulation, the procedure of folliculose is carried out.

Indications for ovulation stimulation:

  • Infertility of inexplicable genesis;
  • Functional failure of ovaries.

Treatment of female infertility by folk remedies

People have long been wondering how to cure infertility? "

The people there are many recipes of braverapers, tinctures and even conspiracies and prayers for the occurrence of pregnancy associated with.

The most popular and efficient recipes are presented below:

  • A good effect brings a compress that is recommended to do daily, overlapping on the bottom of the abdomen. For the preparation of the compress you need to boil the grains of barley, wrap them into the cloth and attach to the bottom of the abdomen for 20 minutes. After this procedure, enter the tampon, sprinkled with sunflower oil of parsley and wrapped woolen thread, in the vagina;
  • Take 2 tablespoons of dry grass wormwood and pour cold water in a volume of 300 ml, cover with a lid and laughed within five hours. After that boil, cool and take 5 tablespoons in the morning and in the evening;
  • Preparation of tinctures from boroval boroval, pier, wintering. Take 50 g of the above grasses and poured with alcohol or vodka. Insist for 10 days and consume 1 teaspoon every day;
  • Handful of seeds of the plantain pour a glass of boiling water, to boil once again. Insist the decoction, cool and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 12 days;
  • Rosyanka grass table spoon brew boiling water, let it brew within an hour. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day;
  • Two teaspoons of dry crank roots are poured with half liters of boiled water, boiled on fire for 10 minutes. Then get coldered and accepted half a glass 30 minutes before eating;
  • 3 table. Dry grassy ledge brew boiling water and leave to appease in the thermos. After that, take half a glass of beam 3 times a day;
  • A tincture of the uterine carnation is prepared as follows: 30 g of carnations pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 10 days and we use 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating;
  • The pinch of the Grass Adams root pour the glass of boiled water, insisted and use 3 times a day.

Video: Reception of infertility


Most often, infertility is a consequence of a complex of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Girls from an early age should think about the future motherhood and take care of their health, follow the right and healthy lifestyle.

The diagnosis of "infertility" is heard by approximately 15% of married couples in Russia. According to the recognition of the World Health Organization, a marriage is considered to be fruitless, in which pregnancy does not occur during the year of regular sex life without the use of contraceptives.

Unfortunately, for many couples, the path to the birth of a long-awaited child is very long. Expert of the educational program "The Happiness of Maternity - every woman!" Antonina Kozlova, k. M. N., Doctor's reproductist of the Medical Center "World":

"One of the most common causes of female infertility is damage or obstruction of uterine pipes, which prevents the meeting with spermatozooms and subsequent transport is already a fertilized egg in the uterus. In addition, disorders of the uterine pipe function can also lead to the same sex hormones.

Another serious reason is the impairment of the menstrual cycle and the ripening of the egg. If the woman has irregular menstruation or their absence, that is, a reason for the examination. Ovulation disorders are often associated with hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, it is not difficult to diagnose, and the treatment is easy and quite effective.

The following factor is various uterus lesions, as a result of which the physiological process of implantation, or adaptability, embryo is disturbed. Such uterus losses include: Misa of the uterus, polyps endometrial, fusion in the uterine cavity, congenital deformations, and sometimes the complete absence of a critical organ.

In addition, changes in the cervical mucus (produced in the cervical), as well as can be influenced by the ability to conceive.

Separately, it is necessary to note the value of the age of a woman. This is especially true now when a change in the reproductive behavior of a woman occurred. Modern ladies try to make a career first, to secure a steady social situation, and then give birth to a child. But at the same time, it is necessary not to forget that after 35 years old female fertility (ability to conceive) begins to drop sharply, the chances of getting pregnant 2 times lower than in 20 years, and by 40 the probability of spontaneous pregnancy is only 10% compared with 20- Summer age.

The factor, which also cannot forget, especially young people who are fond of various diets, is the weight. Significant deviations from the normal body weight, whether it is overweight or lack of body weight as a result of sharp weight loss, can lead to a decrease in fertility, and sometimes to infertility both in women and men. According to one study, 12% of primary infertility is associated with weight impairment.

Thus, various factors can affect the fertility of a woman, such as: sexually transmitted diseases, stress, sexual disorders and some common diseases.

Infertility is not only a female factor

It so happened that infertility was previously considered an exclusively female problem. However, today, 30% of married couples are infertility due to disorders in the body of a woman, and in the other 30% in the men's body. Another 30% of the couples are infertility, in combination of violations of both partners. In 10% of cases, it is not possible to identify the cause of infertility. It may be due to various diseases that ultimately lead to a deterioration in the quality of sperm, up to the complete absence of spermatozoa, and ejaculation disorders.

Infertility is treated!

But even if you heard the diagnosis of "infertility", you should not despair! Modern medicine now offers many methods to conceive a child. The main thing is not to miss the time and turn to specialists in time.

When the pair appeals to the clinic specializing in, the examination begins, identifying the causes of infertility. The primary survey must be answered to 3 main questions:

  • Does women have ovulation and how regularly?
  • Is the sperm of a man to fertilization capable of fertilization?
  • Are Fallopiev Pipes Women? Are there any other anatomical obstacles to the passage of spermatozoa to the egg and fertilization?

The survey of spouses is carried out simultaneously. Only after the exception of pathology, a man is diagnosed with infertility in a woman.

If the initial examination did not reveal the causes of infertility, then additional analyzes and diagnostic procedures may be needed. Sometimes the traditional set of diagnostic tests from both partners cannot be diagnosed. Then resort to additional surveys, such as transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, endometrial biopsy, immunological test.

Considering the data of the anamnesis and examination of both spouses, consultation and treatment can be appointed, not only among gynecologists, Andrologists, reproductologists, but also from other specialists (endocrinologist, neuropathologist, therapist, psychotherapist).

According to the results of the examination, the method of treatment for this pair is elected:

  • medical correction of hormonal and immunological disorders;
  • surgery;
  • combination of surgical and drug methods;
  • use of auxiliary reproductive technologies (intrauterine husband or donor, extracorporeal fertilization with subsequent transfer of embryos to the uterine cavity).

Both hormonal preparations, and endoscopic methods, and eco are modern highly efficient methods of treating infertility, which are units of one chain, the ultimate goal of which is the restoration of reproductive ability.

The ECO procedure includes several stages:

  1. Stimulation of ovarian. Within 1 menstrual cycle, a woman matures one egg. Getting a few eggs increases the chances of success Eco.
  2. Obtaining eggs by puncture follicles. Puncture is carried out through the vagina under UZ-control.
  3. Fertilization of eggs with spermatozoa in a special nutrient medium.
  4. Cultivation of the resulting embryos in a special environment.
  5. Transfer of embryos to the uterine cavity.

To increase the chances of success, eco tolerate 2-3 embryos in the uterine cavity.

The success of Eco depends on many factors: from the response of the ovaries to stimulate, obtain "high-quality" capable of fertilization of eggs, the ability of spermatozoa to penetrate inside the egg, the development of the formation of the embryo, the readiness of the mucous membrane to the adoption of the embryo, attachment (implantation) to the wall of the uterus and further development Embry.

To date, the overall effectiveness of infertility treatment is more than 50%.

The use of modern techniques allows for 2-3 months of surveys to establish the cause of 99.6% of married couples and for 12-15 months to achieve recovery of fertility in 70% of pairs.

But, despite the available capabilities of medicine, the main thing is not to miss your chance to become parents and turn to the doctor in time! Together, you will achieve the desired result!

To achieve its goal, becoming parents from spouses requires patience, mutual understanding, clear observance of all recommendations and complete confidence in the doctor. Only with a specialist you can pass the way from the first visit to the clinic before the desired Mig, when your baby will appear. Tatiana Yanochka, head of the Eco "clinic": "The main thing is not to fall in spirit, do not panic if the woman ceases to fight, the possibilities of medicine are limited. And no doctor will cure if a person does not want it. In addition, between the doctor and the patient There must be complete confidence and mutual understanding, only then you can expect a positive result. "

Antonina Kozlova,
to. m. n., medical reproductist medical
center "World", an expert of the educational program
"The happiness of motherhood is every woman!".