After the soul itches the body: the causes of the itch, what to do. Why do red spots appear after the bath? What to do!? Itching and redness of the skin after the soul

The reception of the shower is perfectly relaxing the body and flushes fatigue from it. But what if after such water procedures, does the skin begins to get skin? After all, itching does not bring us any comfort nor positive emotions. That is why it is important to understand what is the reason for the appearance of such a symptom.

After the soul body itches: why it happens

Causes of the appearance of itching:

  • Rigid water. If water with a large amount of chlorine is in water supply, then there is nothing surprising that itching itching after receiving the soul;
  • Unsuitable means for washing. If you have sensitive skin, then you should pay attention to the quality of cosmetics for swimming;
  • Itching may appear on the skin due to the powder, which is erased by clothes. After the shower, all the pores are disclosed and the microscopic particles of the powder fall into the epidermis. And as a result, the body begins to hide;
  • Medical preparations. In the case of receiving certain medicines, itching may occur when the pores can occur. If you think that the reason for the appearance is precisely this, we recommend that you apply for advice to your doctor. Perhaps he will be able to pick you up another medicine;
  • Nervous excitement. As research shows, people suffering from constant stress, discomfort after receiving the soul is a frequent phenomenon. The recommendation in this case can only be one: try to minimize the nervous stress, sleep at least eight hours per day. If such simple methods of facilitating the nervous voltage do not work, we recommend that you apply for a consultation to a psychologist.

Also the reason for the appearance of such a symptom may be a serious disease. And, perhaps, itch is the first symptom, with which the body is trying to say that health is no longer so strong.

In medicine, such reasons are distinguished:

  • Polycythemia or increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood. Under the action of warm or hot water, a specific substance is released, which leads to the fact that the skin is itching;
  • Jaundice. In this case, bark acid accumulates in the epidermis. Through the opened pores, the liquid enters the skin and causes burning;
  • Basedova disease. The burning sensation may appear due to improper work of the thyroid gland. In particular, an unpleasant feeling is affected by a hormonal background of the body;
  • Diabetes. It is not a secret for anyone that the epidermis suffers from this disease. After hot water, he begins to peel. This explains the unpleasant sensations;
  • Scabies. The reason is the presence of a scaffolding tick in the skin. After bathing, he tries to climb into the deeper layers of the epidermis, hence itch.

It is worth noting the fact that itching can be aquatic. Such an atypical reaction occurs when the body with water is in contact. The reaction can continue within two hours after the moment of contact with water. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the temperature of the water in this case does not affect the power of the reaction.

Attention deserves the fact that the aquagenic itch may be a sign of several serious diseases.

These include:

To accurately determine the reason you need to consult a doctor. Remember that only after a complete examination it can be concluded that it was the reason for the appearance of such a symptom.

After the soul itches the body: what to do

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that it is necessary to treat in this case only the root cause of the disease. After all, while you do not understand why this symptom occurs, it will not work out itching. But you can relieve your condition, because there must be some time to determine the reason for the appearance of such a symptom. Time will be needed for treatment. But the epidermis itches it now.

Mentol or camphor-based lotions can be used to facilitate. In some cases, it helps an increase in water temperature. This does not mean that it is constantly needed in hot water. Just before the shuttleties itself, wait a few minutes under hot water.

Child nutritious cream can help. You need it to apply a thin layer on the outer surface and wait a few minutes before it is completely absorbed. And only after that you can dress.

If the body is drawn after the shower, you can minimize damage caused by contact with water using simple rules:

  • Recover the cosmetics that you use during swimming. Remember that there are a huge number of chemistry in the stores, so at the time of treatment it is desirable to restrict ourselves to economic or children's soap;
  • Immediately after bathing, you can soften the epidermis with natural cosmetic oils. You can use vaseline or nutritious children's cream;
  • On places that are too strong, you can apply cold compresses. To do this, simply wet a soft cloth in cold water and applied to the skin cover;
  • Immediately after visiting the shower, you should not heat the skin. So you only increase irritation and skin covers will be hung even more. Moreover, since after rough rubbing, you still scratch your skin with nails, then scratches may appear. And through them you can be infected;
  • As for clothing and bed linen, it is necessary to give preference to natural materials. Careful worth being with wool things. They can rub the skin, and the irritation then itches.

Another way to reduce the aquagenic reaction is to reduce the swimming time in the shower. You need to start with three minutes. After it starts to decrease, gradually increase the time of being under water. In order for such addictive to a water contact with water, it is recommended to take antihistamines in parallel. Attention! Only a doctor can assign them. Remember that self-treatment can significantly aggravate the situation.

Prevention of itching on the skin after swimming in the shower

First of all, it is worth remembering that the appearance of such a symptom may indicate health problems. Therefore, in order to minimize the likelihood of such a reaction to contact with water, you need to follow your health. Try to eat right, drink at least two liters of water per day. Maintaining health at the desired level also serves a full sleep (at least eight hours per day).

Itching after the shower or aquagenic itch is manifested by a feeling of discomfort, pointing "tingling" of the skin, a feeling of burning after contact with water, and its temperature may be any. Strong itching is sometimes accompanied by urctronic rash (small blisters on the skin).

The nature of rashes during the urban is different

Distinguish the following types:

  1. Heavy urticaria or cholinergic. It occurs when contact with hot water. After receiving the soul, an exalted dermographism may be observed (long non-disappearing swirl stripes of red). Their appearance is capable of calling: rubbing with a towel, exposure to water jets on the body.
  2. Cold Harus. After contacting the skin with cold water, the rashes of pink or whitish color appear. To the touch, they are dense, accompanied by itching, can appear for several hours, and then disappear without a trace.
  3. Aquaginal urticap. A rare type of disease occurs directly from water, the nature of manifestation is similar to the first two types. It is believed that a cholinergic reaction arises from the effects of water on the skin, due to which the amount of free histamine increases. There is also another hypothesis in accordance with which the acetylcholine chemical participates in the development of this disease.

Causes of itching, which can be confused with itching after bathing


If you have experienced serious experiences such as: the loss of a loved one, parting, problems at work, study, then probably the cause of the occurrence of itch after receiving the shower is precisely because of the nervous overvoltage. In such a situation, humans violates the work of protective systems of the body.

Try to rest more, spend time outdoors. Also recommended to drink tea on herbs (with mint, chamomile).

If the symptoms do not disappear - consult a doctor, because only thanks to the qualified assistance you can cure a serious psychological disorder.

Powder that was used for laundry

Remember, you may have recently changed this kind of detergent. Some substances in the composition of the powder can cause an allergic reaction and provoke the itchy of the skin after the shower.

The skin will not be seal if the means for washing and washing are chosen correctly

It is obvious that here we are talking about contact of the skin after water procedures with a folded thing.

Use powder that meets such criteria:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • good rejuvenation;
  • the absence of fragrances (mixtures in the composition of a pronounced fragrance product).

Shampoos, foam for baths, soap

These cosmetics are also able to have a negative impact on the skin and cause itching. Especially if we are talking about a new or low-quality shampoo, which was used for a long time (since the accumulation effect is not excluded). As part of these cosmetics, it is possible to meet components and chemical compounds provoking the occurrence of allergies.

Pick facilities for water procedures, best, with flax or oats extracts and without SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) in the composition. To prevent itchy sensations after swimming, use cosmetic hypoallergenic products (baby oil, body milk), apply compresses with mint infusion.


Some women have itching on his chest, back, lower or upper limbs after they put on clothes after the shower. Synthetic tissue prevents normal heat exchange. It does not absorb moisture, as a result of which the skin "does not breathe."

Wear linen from cotton or silk.


Because of the large chlorine content, it can pull and cut the skin, causing strong discomfort and the desire to hide.

Add food soda to water, set the filters (for example, inside which contains a coal sorbent). Take a warm bath by adding different oils (essential menthol or with juniper), brazers from the herbs and colors of calendula or chamomile (they will help calm the skin).

Food allergies

The delayed type food reaction is developing at least two hours later, but more often a few days after receiving certain products. The patient often cannot connect it with any specific product. By virtue of its uncontrollable nature, allergies can manifest itself in the most unexpected moment (for example, after swimming).

Review your diet. An allergist or nutritionist will help determine the diet. The patient is recommended to pass tests for food intolerance, which can more objectively evaluate the human allergic reaction to food.

Reception of drugs

For example, due to the reception of Kok - combined oral contraceptives, a pathological reaction may occur in the form of urticaria after taking a shower.

Create treatment can only doctor.


Itching may appear on any period, while it is distinguished by intensity and accompanied by skin rash (in this case, it is not only desired during water procedures). This state can be an alarming signal that serious processes that threaten the health of the future mother and the baby occur in the body.


Often, the fascinating sensations of the top of the body are found in women during this period.

Contact your doctor. Basically, this problem is associated with "tides", the patient is usually recommended to undergo diagnosis on the determination of plasma gonadotropins.

Itching after bathing as a symptom of other diseases

The reasons why the body is scratching after the soul, quite a lot. The main ones we will consider below.

  1. Scabies. In this disease, a person suffers from the activities of a garlic tick, which can be infected in public baths, saunas, pools from other carriers. Pliers quickly multiply, their livelihoods are irritated to the skin. Patients observe the strengthening of itching at night and after water procedures.
  2. Diabetes . The body increases the number of toxic products of distorted metabolic reactions, as a result of which all organs are violated. There is a loss of elasticity, dryness and hypersensitivity of the skin. For this disease, the anogenital and itching feet flowing constantly, and not only after receiving the soul.
  3. Polycythemia or vacuise disease (Also known as multi-world or eritrea). In 40% of patients, the skin sebum is observed, increasing after bathing in warm water. This is associated with the release of serotonin, prostaglandins and histamine. Other blood diseases such as: Mastocytosis, Hodgkin's disease, myeloma disease, iron deficiency anemia can also be accompanied by itchy sensations.
  4. Jaundice (Madin's disease). The amazed liver produces gully acids more than the norm. They accumulate in blood and tissues, causing itching the skin.
  5. Dermatological diseases such as: deprive, dermatitis, korosta, psoriasis. Itching is usually enhanced after swimming. Recommended to reduce water procedures to a minimum, to wipe off a separate towel, the fabric of which should be soft and well absorb moisture. The washcloth is better not to be used to avoid additional damage to the affected parts of the body.
  6. Glice invasions (helminthoses). In patients infected with worms, the body is poisoning their livelihoods, there is a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result, itching the skin.
  7. Kidney disease, for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.

For each specific case, your type of examination will be required. Only the doctor will be able to diagnose the disease and assign appropriate treatment.

Causes of itching after contact with the water in the elderly

This is a special form of the disease that is often suffering from the age of 60. In patients, there is an increase in the intensity of the title sensations and the frequency of exacerbations, often in winter, as the body is subjected to a contrest of temperature and low humidity in the rooms. A characteristic symptom of the disease is also "sedening xerosis" (very dry skin).

The main factor provoking the aquagenic itching in the elderly - the reception of the hot bath. In some patients, there are occurrence of disease symptoms after:

  • seizons of insomnia;
  • flashes of bright light (photoshes);
  • irritating effect on the skin of a rough cloth.

Dry skin in older people can cause itching after water procedures

Aquataine itching in the elderly people givend to external therapy. Often, the patient prescribe funds that soften and moisturize the skin. Recommended to take baths with the addition of soda.

Preventive measures

  1. Watch your diet. Limit the use of products that belong to the group of food allergens (canned food, peanuts, chocolate, nuts, milk, citrus and dr.), Because they stimulate the production of histamine in the body.
  2. Wear cotton clothing, as well as from other natural fabrics (this also applies to the bottom and bed linen). However, remember that natural wool can cause inflammation and itching of the skin.
  3. Two up to a minimum use of cosmetics that can provoke an allergic reaction (for example, nail polish, SLS shampoo in composition).
  4. After receiving water procedures, soften the skin with various creams with phenol, menthol, resorcin and ichthyol, as well as oils. Do not sit for a long time in the bathroom (no more than half an hour). They will help reduce the itching of the bodies of lotions and cooling wet compresses.
  5. Use economic or baby soap.
  6. Do not self-medicate. Take medications without appointing a doctor - dangerous, as many drugs have a number of side effects.

Do not use alcohol based funds!

There are no cases when the shots of red appear after the shower on the skin. They bring the carrier not only discomfort, but also signals violations in the body.

Before proceeding to the elimination of such pathologies, it is necessary to deal with the reasons for the appearance of red spots on the body after the water.

Causes of the appearance of red spots on the body after the shower

As you know, the vegetative system of our body is responsible for the work of the internal organs, such as: pancreas, greasy and sweat glands. With a negative impact on the system, the skin surface changes its color - the narrowing of the vessels leads to the pale color of the epidermis, and when the capillaries expansion, the skin acquires a reddish tint.

The brine of the red shade can be both in some areas and throughout the body. The nature of red spots on the body after the shower can be different. Also, rashes can be without itching, and sometimes on the contrary it is strongly saczy. If the skin is sensitive and prone to allergies, red spots after bathing can be obtained from the effects of soap, water and even from sweat.

Itching and skin redness indicate such pathologies as:

  • blood disease;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • allergic reaction of components of the components of the detergent;
  • too hot water;
  • the reaction of the epidermis on the chlorine compounds contained in a large amount of water;
  • oncology;
  • failures of the endocrine system;

Other reasons for spots

To determine what it can be and what exactly served as a prerequisite for the appearance of rashes on the skin after bathing, will help the visual study of the character of the spots.

So, dark red uneven stains are associated with the failure of the nervous system. Localizes, mostly hands, face, but soon pass. In order to avoid their appearance, stressful situations should be avoided.

The appearance, itching and peeling on the body after bathing, is alarming the carrier. Do not let the disease on samonek. The prevailing majority of cases prove that defects, external skin changes - signs of the arranged changes in the body.

Reception of water procedures usually begins and refreshes the body. But itching the skin after the soul is able to spoil pleasant feelings strongly. You can get rid of it by finding out the reason and making certain measures.

  1. Skin irritation can cause water used. Very hard, with a great content of chlorine, it dries and tightens the skin, causing strong discomfort and the desire to scratch the body.
  2. Some means for washing (soap, gels) have a negative effect on sensitive skin due to the content of components that cause allergies or having a dried action.
  3. For skin, harmful underwear of synthetic origin. It does not contribute to normal heat exchange. The skin in such laundry does not breathe and does not absorb the moisture allocated.
  4. Allergies and itching of the skin after the soul can provoke a powder that was belored. Most household chemicals contain compounds, harmful to human skin.
  5. The pathological response after bathing may be associated with the reception of drugs (drugs, contraceptives, etc.) containing certain stimuli.
  6. Strong experiences and stressful situations can cause malfunctions in the immune system. Itching skin after the shower may be a consequence of such failures. This is especially true of people with an unbalanced psyche.

At what diseases can be a body after the soul

  1. Policytemy. The blood suffering from this disease contains the amount of white cells exceeding the norm. During swimming, these cells allocate a special substance that irritating the skin.
  2. Jaundice. Bile acids, which at the same time, in large quantities are present in the body, can accumulate in the skin, which causes a characteristic burning sensation.
  3. Basedova disease. In this case, the body can be made due to improper work of the thyroid gland. The condition of the skin affects the malfunction in normal highlighting hormones and other adverse changes in the body.
  4. Diabetes. With this disease, dry skin and itching is observed due to violations in the metabolic body. The skin loses its natural elasticity and becomes shross. It happens that there is some specific areas of the body in case of illness, it is often legs.
  5. Scabies. The moves that break through the pathogen of this disease, and the products of its livelihoods are annoyed by the skin, and the person itches, from where and the name of this disease occurs.
  6. Dermatological diseases. If the skin is amazed by dermatitis, deprive or other similar disease, it causes intensive itching. In this case, it is impossible to use the washcloth - it is a direct way to infect healthy skin sections.
  7. Aquaginic itching. This is the name of the skin reaction arising directly from the water contact. The characteristic sensations of the burning range from a few minutes to two hours. The water temperature does not matter.

Actions in the occurrence of itching and its prevention

Get rid of unpleasant sensations helps:

  1. The use of cosmetics. It may be a gentle shower cream or a special milk, applied to the wet body. It is also useful to lubricate the skin with soft baby oil.
  2. Soothing warm baths. To eliminate itching after the soul, it is recommended to add menthol, oats decoction (barley grain) or juniper extract.
  3. Rubbing the skin. For this, the salicylic alcohol is used. Also, mint insists on alcohol and this solution is used for wiping.
  4. Compresses. If not the whole body, but certain areas, can be applied to them compresses from the branch of the burdock, consisting of water (500 ml) and the root of the plant (2 art. L.). Cook half an hour.
  5. Healing drinks. For example, dill has therapeutic properties. It is necessary in a crushed form to add to a glass with water and drink such a glass every day for a week.
  6. Solving psychological problems. With a strong nervous voltage, you need to try to calm down and relax. In most cases, tingling and itching pass. Sometimes it is advisable to take a sedative.

But it happens, even knowing how to remove itching, and applying effective methods, a person cannot completely get rid of unnecessary sensations, and they acquire regular character. In this case, you should try to exclude the influence of various impacts.

Elimination of factors causing itching

  1. With the help of a special filter-softener selling in stores, you can make water less rigid. Also, water for swimming softens the drinking soda added to it.
  2. Sometimes allergies can be caused by water to a certain temperature. In this case, it is necessary to wash only a suitable water for the body.
  3. "Aggressive" soap or gel need to be replaced by another means containing mitigating components (for example, oats or starch).
  4. Perhaps itching after the soul will disappear if you change the washcloth to the softer.
  5. On the washed body, it is recommended to wear linen without irritating skin, from cotton.
  6. Can help change the washing agent. In any case, clothes when washing should be thoroughly rinsed.
  7. If some medicines or drugs are accepted, and the skin responds to them negatively, you should refuse them.
  8. Special attention should be paid to your nutrition. It happens that the condition of the skin worsens the use of certain foods (acute marinated).

Action for diseases

Skin itching after the soul is a symptom of many serious ailments. The usual ways to solve skin problems in this case are only temporary relief, because the reason that causes them remains. Therefore, if itching the whole body or its sites does not disappear, you must contact the clinic.

For each specific case, your survey will be required. The diagnosis will determine the appropriate treatment. These may be ointments, injections or certain medicines. The appointed funds will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Skin itching after the shower is a signal that requires compulsory attention. With the right actions in such a situation, the problem will disappear.

Most people are confident that in the bath the source of health. However, it often occurs trouble related to bath procedures. In previous articles, such questions were considered :, In this article, we consider cases when and from which the skin flies after the bath, why red spots appear after the bath, swelling, rash, itching, acne and so on.

Why after the bath the body is covered with red spots

After the bath appeared red spots? To understand why stains appear on the skin after the bath a little deeper in anatomy and physiology. It is well known to all that capillaries located on the surface of the skin are given. The capillaries are both permanent (normal) and reserve. The disclosure depends on the load on the human body. The backup capillaries are slow, they are not so much, it is scattered on the skin.

And so, visiting the bath, we give the body a serious burden, and the body to cope with this load connects backup capillaries.

And since the backup capillaries are slower than normal, inertial phenomena are observed.

Those. When warming, normal capillaries are quickly revealed, and the backups are lagging behind. Visually, on the skin in places with normal capillaries, the skin pose, in places with backup capillaries, the skin remains pale. Such spots on the skin can be seen in the bath in the warm-up process.

When cooled the body, there is an inverse picture, normal capillaries are quickly narrowed (the skin pale), the backups are lagging behind - the skin remains pink. Such spots on the skin appear after the bath.

Now you know why red spots appear after the bath. In other words, the spots on the body after the bath is an ordinary phenomenon, there is nothing terrible in it.

Rash after bath

It happens that after the bathhouse on the body a rash appears. It is mainly an allergic reaction to any components of detergents. And there are plenty of them in modern shampoos and gels. Read the article. Allergic to water and brooms are not excluded, bathing equipment.

In the bath, the skin is usually cleaned from acne. But maybe on the contrary, acne occurs after the bath. To understand why this happens, we will find out the cause of acne.

The occurrence of acne depends on surface and internal factors. Surface factors are the clutching of sopper-hair flows, the accumulation of squeezing leather scratches, in which bacteria fall and are rejected abundantly. Internal factors are hormone and malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Internal factors for the appearance of acne after visiting the baths do not affect little, the answer lies in surface factors.

Most often this is the enhancing infection in the planned open pores of the skin when using non-fresh washcloths, towels, sheets, etc. This is an elementary non-compliance with personal hygiene. Remember and observe hygiene always.

It is also not uncommon, under the influence of the bath, the aggravation of sluggish small skin inflammation. Those. Existing on the skin implicit inflammation due to the lifting in the Ban of exchange processes rapidly "grow" in the form of acne. This pimple, one way or another, would get out without a bath, but a little later.

Bruisies after bath

Often after the bath you can see people with bruises. Bruises are mostly small in the form of points, dotted lines. There is nothing to be criminal, people go to the bath to go down with a broom, with pleasure they whip themselves and comrades. But it happens that in the process of steaming the leaves from the tip of the broom, they seek, and a person who is passionate as a savage does not notice this and continues to whip himself with twins that leave the bruises.

Video about how you can spoil the skin of the face after the bath. Do not do it!

Many people have some time after contact with water, it begins to painfully hide the whole body, sometimes bubbles and stains appear. Aquaginic itch is a common problem requiring adequate treatment.

Itching the skin after the soul, which is also called the Avgenic itch, becomes more and more common in everyday life and delivers many inconveniences and concerns to both adults and children, both men and women.

In most cases, it is an inadequate response of sensitive skin on water components or detergents. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not fully understood, however, it is believed that skin cells, biologically active substances that cause itching begins to produce a certain adverse factors. Among these substances, histamine occupies a special place, which is produced by obese cells and leads to the fact that the skin begins to get itching and very much.

In rare cases, skin itching after the shower can be a sign of some diseases or a manifestation of hidden diseases, for example, blood diseases or endocrine disorders. In this case, the mechanism of the appearance of the itch is even more complicated and depends on the type of disease, stage and process running. Thus, the causes of the skin reaction after contact with water (aquagenic itch) can be divided into physiological and pathological.

Causes of aquatic ferry

The physiological itching of the skin after the soul is the skin reaction, which can be explained by increased sensitivity to the following factors:

  • to components of tap water (increased chlorine content, various harmful impurities, water rigidity, insufficient disinfection);
  • to the annoying action of detergents (gels and foam for baths, soap).

The pathological anquaginic itching accompanies some chronic diseases, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • polycythemia, leukemia, anemia;
  • diabetes, hyperthyroidism;
  • liver diseases accompanied by cholestasis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin diseases (deprived, dermatitis, scabies);
  • glice invasions.

When the reasons for the appearance of itching after the soul are not clear when the water reaction and the supply of water with water is accurately established, when all other possible causes of the appearance of itching, they speak of an idiopathic aquagedium itch.

The idiopathic aquagenic reaction is not accompanied by a whelling and skin dermographism. Anamnesis lacks chronic diseases and medication. Itching can be generalized or local (upper and / or lower limbs).

When the aquagenic itch is accompanied by rash, they are talking about the presence of an extremely rare variety of allergies, allergies for water or aquary urticaria (Aquagenic urticaria). Its pathogenesis is not clear. It is believed that after contact with water there is a release of histamine as a result of a cholinergic reaction. The influence of acetylcholine on the development of aquagenic allergy is also intended.

People suffering from aquatic allergies are extremely careful with water and avoid long-term contacts with it.


Aquagenic skin itching or itching after the soul is a feeling of tingling throughout the body that causes discomfort. Appears with any contact with water of different temperatures. It can flow without rashes or accompanied by a rash. The itchy reaction appears at the moment of swimming or shortly after it. The reaction lasts from a few minutes to 2 hours, which depends on the secretion of the skin glands, on the general condition of the body.

In some cases, the reaction can develop only from cold water - cold urticaria. Thermal (cholinergic) allergy is a reaction only to high temperature water.

Provice itching is capable of a strong mechanical action of water jets on the skin or too vigorous skin rubbing towel. A rash or ulitar stripes appear (sublime dermographism).

Aquataine itching in the elderly is a special form of this disease. It appears after 60 years, with age the intensity of symptoms is enhanced, exacerbations are replaced by remissions. Characterized by the "Shenyl Xeroz" and the aggravation of symptoms in winter. Provocates the reaction of the hot bath or shower, the surrounding temperature.

Itching skin after the soul is a frequent and characteristic symptom of blood diseases. These include myelochetics, mastocytosis, Hodgkin's disease, iron deficiency anemia, eritremium and polycythemia.

Polycythemia (vacuise disease) is a disease accompanied by an increased red blood cell content and, as a result, hemoglobin. Over time, the development of all blood cells increases.

Skin itching after the soul is a diagnostic symptom of polycythemia. Half of patients suffering from this disease are experiencing severe itching after contact with hot or cold water: White blood cells when skin contact with water, a substance is selected that contributes to the appearance of the title reaction.

The occurrence of the skin ferrous with diabetes mellitus is associated with the accumulation of toxic products of distorted metabolic reactions caused by hyperglycemia. This worsens the condition of all systems and organs, including skin condition. In diabetes, it becomes dry, hypersensitive, loses elasticity. Not rarely dry skin and itching are harbing diabetes or signs of its hidden flow. However, generalized itching rarely accompanies diabetes, it is characterized by local forms, most often anagenital. In addition, with diabetes mellitus, it is constant, and not only after contact with water.

With hypertension or toxic zob, generalized skin itch occurs in 4-11% of cases. The urticaria under the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is caused by the action of kinin, reinforced elevated body temperature or accompanying xerosis.

Cholestatic itching in the diseases of the liver is caused by either increased content of bile acids, or histamine and prostaglandins, which are released under the influence of bile acids. Skin reactions in cholestatic liver diseases are generalized and often preceded by the rest of the symptoms, amplified from mechanical pressure on the skin and at night. Hemochromatosis can begin with painful skin itching.

As for such skin diseases, as depriving, dermatitis, then the accompanying itching is not necessarily associated with water. But the aqueous procedures are contraindicated with them, because they contribute to the spread of the disease throughout the body.

Itching of the skin under gliscate invasions is the result of the body's intoxication of the organism by the products of helminths and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract arising during helminths.

Treating itch

To understand how to remove the itch in each specific situation, it should be found out for its reason. The elimination of this pathogenic cause can largely solve the problem.

If itching after the soul is associated with the reaction to detergents, they should be replaced with a hypoallergenic or baby soap. As an option - make soap yourself.

The consequences of the skin hypersensitivity to chlorinated tap water can be reduced by the use of maximum moisturizers: hypoallergenic gel-milk for the shower, children's gels for washing. After washing, lubricate the skin with oil creams or leather butters.

If possible, you should install powerful high-quality filters for tap water.

Help in eliminating the symptoms of idiopathic aquagenic itch or itching during polycythemia, since it is caused by an elevated level of histamine, antihistamines can be tablets, creams and ointments.

Symptomatic itching in chronic diseases is eliminated by the treatment of the underlying disease and specialists are engaged.

Aquagidic itching may be preceded by hematological diseases for many years, for example, polycythemia. Therefore, all persons suffering from itching after contact with water must be held annual surveys in the hematologist.

Oh no no no! We read below:
Chronic hepatitis is a polyethological disease of the liver of inflammatory nature, which is continuing without improvement 6 or more months. Chronic hepatitis belongs to the group of diffuse chronic inflammatory liver diseases (DHVZP or DVLP).
According to literature, the prevalence of chronic hepatitis is estimated at 5-6 cases per 10,000 people
1. Viruses of hemocontact hepatitis, herpesviruses.
3. Made - (bond and optional). Looking for more than 200 potentially hepatotoxic drugs.
4.Criptogenic (with PSX, PBC).
6. alcohol.
Risk factors
2.Parental interventions - blood transfusion, extracorporeal therapy, operations, drug addiction, etc.
3. INFECTIONS (tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria and many etc.) - the lesion of the liver comes either due to the direct exposure to the pathogen, or as an answer to contact with high-precance medicinal substances used for their treatment.
4. Chronic diseases.
5. Alcohol addresses. (I miss a little on the text)
IV. Cholestatic syndrome. Clinically manifested by the skin itching, hyperpigmentation of the skin, jaundice, calculations, xanthematosis and xantels (due to the deposition of lipids in the skin), hepatomegaly. With a long-term cholestase, there are vision disorders in the dark, bleeding, sesalgia (due to impaired absorption of fat-soluble vitamins). In the serum, hyperbilirubinemia is detected, mainly due to the conjugated (bound, direct, bilirubin, an increase in the enzyme-alkaline phosphatase (SFC), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GTR), leucinopeptidases (LAP), 5-nucleotidase (5-NTD), fatty acids , cholesterol, copper, reduction or disappearance of urobilin in the urine.
Treatment of chronic hepatitis:
Treatment of this contingent of patients is a very difficult and responsible task.
Patients of contraocy:
1. Insolation, vaccination;
2. Physical and mental loads;
3. Tuba and choleretic events, including balneotherapy - because There is a large load on damaged hepatocytes;
4. physiotics, sauna bath, supercooling, active hydroprocessors;
5. Acceptance of alcohol.
Compliance needed:
1. The permanent mode (because in a horizontal position, hepatic blood flow and reparation processes are improved);
2.Deta - table N5;
3. Into the minimum exception of all chemicals, incl. Medicinal impacts on the liver
Mineral water is used with small (up to 5 g / l) and medium mineralization (5-15 g / l) containing bicarbonate, sulfates, magnesium, chlorine, calcium. Mineral waters contribute to strengthening bile formation and berevel, normalization of metabolic processes in the liver, and other organs, reduce inflammatory phenomena in the digestive mucosa, normalize the motor function of these organs, relieve pain, improve the production of hormones of digestion. For diseases of the liver and gallbladder, mineral waters are replaced: Essentuki N 4 and N17, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Arshhan, Arzni, Jermuk, Borjomi, Java, Su-Su, Izhevskaya, Darasun, Ergeninskaya, Karachinskaya, Kashirskaya, Krainskaya, Karmadon, Lipetsk, Mashuk N 19, Moscow, Newlyevskaya, Sirnodskaya, Smolenskaya, Uglich, Ufa, Ankavan, Birut, Vyarska N 1, Zvara, Sairma, Badakhson, Nukus, Varnitz, and Identical Mineral Waters. Water is heated to 40-50 C., in a circle, dropping it into a saucepan with warm water (in a water bath) and take 200-250 3 times a day for a month. The time of water intake depends on the acidity of the gastric juice. With reduced acidity, water is taken 20-30 minutes before meals, with normal - in 45 minutes, with elevated - for 30-60 minutes. before meals. If you do not know the condition of acidity, water can be taken in 45 minutes before meals (as at normal acidity). The amount of mineral water taken is reduced to 150-100 g. With inclinations to diarrhea, when pain enhanced in connection with accompanying pancreatitis, with accompanying heart diseases with durability of cardiac activity. Drink mineral water is recommended to spend 2 times a year. Pre-acquired mineral water is stored in a dark, cool place, the bottle in the lying position. The mineral water remained in the bottle after taking the cork tightly and is used for the next reception. - Please drink ...
(Original here.

Recently received a question from our readers, after the release of the article
In it, we talked about how the adoption of a relaxing bath can improve well-being and remove emotional tension.

The question sounded like this: "I have sensitive skin and after the bath body is covered with red spots. What do you advise?

Yes, really the topic is burning. Due to rigid and chlorinated water, now many women have discomfort after taking a bath and do not even wash off with water from under the tap. But one thing to experience unpleasant sensations, and the other when already on the body - redness.

Consider the main reasons.


If the body is inclined to allergies, then our skin can respond to any stimulus.

Common allergens:

Various additives in centralized hot water (chlorine, iron, aluminum ...);
- any component is part of the cosmetic agent (shower gel, soap, bath foam, shampoo, etc.);
- remnants of detergent on the bathroom. All cleaning products are very caustic and aggressive, and our skin often suffers from contact with them.

  • If you suspect that you are allergic, or already 100% confident, then first need eliminate the source of irritation.
  • If you do not fully understand what the reaction, try to take the bath and change the cosmetics every time. When the malicious bubble is discovered, read the composition and try to avoid similar components in the future.
  • With suspicion of chlorine, iron, aluminum ..., carry out an experiment. Pre-boil the water and let it stand out. Pay in this water. After watching the reaction.
  • Refuse chemicals when you wash the bath. Try using soda for cleaning surfaces.
  • If the allergen is detected, and for some reason you cannot eliminate it, or did not find the source of irritation. Be sure to consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will help solve the problem.

Close position of capillaries to the skin surface

Another reason for redness. From irritation and hot water, the vessels are expanding, become more visible than usual.

  • We exclude: rubbing the skin with rigid washcloth, cosmetic scrubs and peelings, sharp drops of water.
  • If you are a lover of high temperatures, then redness will appear again and again. Take a bath moderate and even with a slightly cool water temperature. Reduce degrees gradually, you can use a special thermometer. To control the process. For example, reduce 1 degree every month.
    Important!Long in cool water, of course it is not recommended, here oriented to comfort, usually approximately 37-40 degrees. But for the soul it is possible and smaller. But remember that the cold shower is already hardening, and here you need a special approach.

Disorders of the nervous system

Stresses, nervousness, unfavorable emotional atmosphere at home or at work - all this can affect red spots on the body. The bath in this case serves as a kind of accelerator, which gives out all your experiences.

  • Analyze the situation, you may find a certain pattern.
  • You can independently drink herbal soothing fees. It is more in the fresh air and relax.
  • If you feel that you yourself do not cope - consult a doctor. Sometimes stress has a deeper character, then it is desirable to undergo a course of medication therapy.

Sensitive skin.

Sensitivity can be with you almost all life, and may appear suddenly.

Manifestations of sensitive skin:

Necessary whisp shade of the skin;
- tightening feel after taking a bath;
- irritations that occur sometimes "in the same place";
- a tendency to the formation of pigment stains;
- You are periodically experiencing: burning, swelling, tingling, redness, itching, peeling;
- susceptibility to ultraviolet rays (leading to burns).

    What is not desirable to do with high sensitivity:
  • Take an overly hot bath;
  • Rub the skin with rigid washcloth;
  • Often use scrub or peeling;
  • Wash the bath with aggressive chemicals
  • What is better to refuse:

  • From different baths for bath, gels, soaps - having a hard or "doubtful" composition;
  • Add salt and / or potent essential oils to the bath.

- buy eco-friendly or natural cosmetics for the body, with the lack of chemical components in the composition;
- or try to prepare homemade cosmetics, yourself;
- Take a bath with influences from herbs. Choose those that will remove irritation and reassure sensitive skin
- Install the trunk filter for water purification (today it is a great solution for any skin type)!

Diseases of internal organs

If all of the above reasons did not fit, it can be assumed about some disease in the internal organ. Our organism is a solid and multi-size system, with a violation of one body, often the reaction to another. And because the skin is the biggest organ - we can observe a side effect - outside.

    Here is the recommendation only one - consult a doctor. Perhaps external manifestations of our body, as if "attracts attention" to a more important issue.

In this article, we briefly reviewed the main reasons why red spots on the body may appear after the adoption of the bath.
If you, like our reader, want to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, write in the comments:

  • Did this article be useful for you?
  • What do you think for what reason you can appear red spots?
  • What information did not have enough information, and maybe in the next article to reveal it in more detail?
  • Thanks for attention! Your cosmetologist-aestheticist Alina Kamyshev.