Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth, if there is no monthly. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth when it is better to plan

Immediately after delivery, and whether it is necessary to be protected to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Consider the more detailed key points related to the conception after the birth of the baby.

The question of the probabitability of conception during lactation is immediately or after some time after childbirth, each newly-made mammy is interested. It is believed that pregnancy is impossible during breastfeeding period, since there are no monthly. This, of course, is logical, but still, the probability of conception exists. And it proves families where the weather is raised.

Recovery period

During the nursery of the baby and in the process of birth, the female organism undergoes changes regarding the reproductive system and other organs. These changes occur for 9 months in order to subsequent child feeding. Recovery will also be gradual and phased. The return of the organs and systems to the previous state will come no earlier than in three months, provided that the woman is healthy.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after delivery in the first month

Immediately after the birth of a baby and within 30-45 days after, each woman has bleeding. In the first seven days of allocating abundant, then gradually fade, in a month and a half they completely disappear. So far there are bleeding, it is almost impossible, the more love for love during this period is prohibited. If you do not ride the Council and enter into sex with an unemployed uterus, then the risk of infection is great.

Probability of pregnancy after childbirth

The regularity of re-conception after childbirth has not yet been identified by scientists nor doctors practitioners. It is known that breastfeeding suppresses ovulation processes, but to predict at what moment the new cell will begin to be formed - it is impossible. Terms are extremely individual. Even on the example of one woman, it is impossible to predict when the pregnancy after childbirth is taken.

Important. The only instruction is to use a special test, so as not to miss the first ovulation, and follow menstruation.

Without lactation

When a child on mixed or artificial feeding, the chances of pregnancy increase the second time. The prolactin hormone, inhibiting ovulation, is highlighted exclusively when feeding with milk. If the child eats children's mixtures, and the amount of applies to the breast is less than 7 times a day, then menstruation is restored for 4 weeks.

When feeding

The view that a woman, nursing breasts, will not be pregnant - myth. The assumption is based on the peculiarities of the provided period, when prolactin is produced in the body of the mother. The hormone is responsible for stimulating the secretion of the Milky glands. The high amount of prolactin does not leave the chance for resuming menstruation. This phenomenon is "lactation amenorrhea". However, married couples should not be hoped for this process as an effective method of contraception.

Sometimes a woman believes that the absence of a menstrual cycle is a consequence of breastfeeding, but it turns out that the newly minted mother is pregnant again.

You can even conceive the baby before the arrival of the first menstruation.

If the female has decided to use lactation as natural, then the following prescriptions must be observed:
  1. when feeding, apply the child exclusively to the milk glands, and not to a bottle with a reclining milk;
  2. feeding should be regular, and breaks between them - short (not more than 3-4 hours);
  3. do not replace breast milk with artificial mixtures.

If you do not adhere to these rules, menstruation can begin before three months.

With menstruation

With the occurrence of the menstrual cycle, the chances of repeated conception increase. However, the appearance of menstruation is not always a guarantee, although the onset of pregnancy depends on it.

The first menstruation after childbirth will rather be anxulatory (characterized by the absence of ovulation). If the selection is scarce and smear only two days, it means the eggs did not come out.

No monthly

Since ovulation is possible before menstruation, the pregnancy during this period is quite real. Each female organism is individual, and the restoration of the cycle in the post-rod period occurs differently.

How does the baby feeding affect the reproductive system

Breastfeeding has a positive effect on reproductive functions. In women fidgeted with breast milk, the reproductive system works well, below the risk of hormonal failures and problems with lactation in the future.

Breastfeeding prevents postpartum bleeding, contributes to the rapid recovery of the uterus. In addition, lactation makes it possible to naturally delay the offensive of a new pregnancy.

How soon can be pregnant after childbirth

It is possible a month after the birth of a baby, regardless of whether it is natural, these were childbirth or by cesarean section. Hormonal changes can provoke a failure in the reproductive system, increasing the likelihood of unplanned conception. Early pregnancy at this stage is undesirable, since the maternal organism is not yet ugly after childbirth.

In the first month

After the birth of the baby, the maternal organism is not ready for another conception. In order for pregnancy to take place, a new sex cell can mature and ovulation. Throughout the allocation period, these processes were in the "sleep" mode. They do not occur within some time after delivery. This is due to the presence of a prolactin hormone, which directly participates in the lactation process, and also oppresses the fertile function.

Full restoration of female functions, including reproductive, occurs individually. Terms depend on the heredity, the characteristics of the body, and childbirth, the availability of lactation and other factors. Therefore, you will certainly answer, after how many days or months it is possible a new conception after childbirth, it is impossible.

There are cases when the conception occurred at the 4th week of the Mainstream period. The chance is especially great to get pregnant in women who do not feed the breast.

After 2 months without monthly

Two months later, the probability of the occurrence of pregnancy is low, but it is. At this time, the ovarian functions are gradually restoring, slowly increasing the level of progesterone and estrogen.

After 4 months

If the risk of conceiving a child in 2 months is small, then at the end of 4 months of pregnancy he increases sharply. Chances are great if:

  • the kid does not wake up at night for feeding;
  • woman feeds in breast milk less than 7 times a day;
  • the child is on mixed feeding (breast milk + children's mixture).

The less often the child sucks breasts, the less prolactin produces the mother's body, and, therefore, above the risk of ovulation.

In half a year

In half a year, it often comes to breastfeeding and the transition to artificial nutrition.

Therefore, pregnancy 6 months after childbirth is quite real, it is also possible that it comes before, if not to be protected. For the mother itself, conception in six months after birth threatens the development of varicose sickness, even if it was not before, the load on the legs and the blood circulation system is huge.

In a year without monthly

Some moms cannot wait for menstruation and after a year of breastfeeding. It depends on the activity of feeding. years resume 40% of women. And after a year, 48%, while the cycle may be irregular. However, the chance for re-conception is preserved.

Pregnancy after complicated birth

Even mothers who gave birth without complications naturally, doctors advise to recover before re-conception. What to say about women whose gods have passed with complications!

After cesarean section

Early pregnancy after the operation of artificial delivery is possible, but is extremely dangerous for the life and health of the mother, her future child. After the cesarean section, the body of women is strongly weakened, the muscles of the vagina and the abdominal wall are not able to properly hold the fruit, which is a great risk of miscarriage.

The scar in the uterus and other tissues should finally delay and become durable. This process, according to physicians, takes at least one and a half years, and even more.

After premature birth

Premature is considered to be childbirth, which occurred up to 37 weeks, and the weight of the baby is 0.5-2,500 kg. After them in the body of a woman occurs, overwhelming ovulation and a delay to the onset of menstruation.

Within seven weeks after the delivery, it is prohibited to join intimate relationships. After this period, you need to think about contraception, since the probability of conception is preserved.

Ambassador after childbirth strongly exhausts the maternal organism, in particular, the critical calcium deficiency arises.

Pregnancy after severe childbirth

A large fruit is a child with a body weight of more than 4000 kg and an increase above 54 cm. It is believed that when repeated childbirth, a child is born at 300-500 gr. larger. The main reason is that the maternal organism is already configured to carry, and for the fetus the best conditions are created.

Birth is always dangerous due to the fact that there is a risk of developing anomalies of generic activity. If the circumference of the children's head does not match the tank capacity, then often doctors prescribe planned caesarean. With a high probability of breaking the uterus, the operation is carried out immediately.

The first severe births do not indicate that the second will be as complex. Everything is very individual.

How easy to get pregnant again

The female organism is ready for a new conception a month after childbirth. This is especially true when lactation is missing.

In this case, the menstrual cycle is restored much faster, which means 1-1.5 months after the birth, the reproductive system will be ready for its functions.

Therefore, it is not worth risking even in the first months.

Possible complications

Doctors not in the first two years after childbirth for several reasons.

  • After a strong shake, it is necessary to wait for the body fully recovered after delivery. High probability of miscarriage.
  • Against the background of hormonal restructuring and weakened immunity, chronic diseases are exacerbated. Re-pregnancy further aggravates the flow of pathological processes, which is able to undermine women's health for a long time.
  • Many women experience postpartum depression, the flow of which is exacerbated by a new pregnancy. This state can turn into severe mental disorders.
  • During re-conception, a hormonal background is changing, which negatively affects the lactation process. Milk can completely disappear either the child will refuse his chest. Possible closures, lactostasis, mastitis.
  • For the right growth and development of the baby, the minerals that are in women in short supply are required. It threatens the development of avitaminosis and lack of vitamins in infants.
  • Due to the big blood loss during childbirth, women develop anemia. The child inside the maternal womb suffers from the lack of oxygen, in connection with which there is a high risk of developing pathologies.

Gynecologists advise planning conception after 2-3 years after the birth of a child, the exact term depends on the method of the last delivery and from the individual characteristics of the female organism. But, if the news about the birth of a new life did not make it comes to wait, then you should not worry about this, because children are happiness and time spent in awe waiting, should flow in peace and harmony. And so that you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor and undergo all designated surveys.

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During the period of tooling and the appearance of the infant, the mother's body is experiencing certain metamorphoses. He takes time to restore and renew the work of all organs and functions. According to the urgent recommendations, doctors think about the next baby worth not earlier than two years.

But often there are cases when this moment comes much earlier laid. Even pregnancy 2 months after childbirth is rather uncommon (although quite an unexpected) event among young mothers. What to do in this case and how to survive certain difficulties?

The conception that occurred a month after the appearance of the baby on the light, a frequently unplanned event in the life of mom and dad. Women thinking that with breastfeeding risks to become a mother again reduced to zero, ignore the use of contraceptives. But if the mother does not attach to the chest, risks increase several times - after 6-8 weeks, conception will be possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant instantly after discharge? The probability of becoming pregnant after childbirth is immediately very high, even when the cycle has not fully recovered. According to official data of experienced doctors, you can get pregnant after childbirth after 2 or more weeks. This period is very fragile and the woman strongly advise you to send the existing forces to restore your body, and not for the resumption of sexual life.

Pregnancy after cesarean sections or the antenatal fetal death is also possible two months after childbirth. No one will give the exact answer to this question, the organisms of girls are different: someone is able to conceive a son or a daughter after a couple of weeks, someone after 10 months, and someone after half a year or year.

How to define symptoms

Very often, the girl does not suspect the conception of the baby, thinking that it is impossible to get pregnant in 2 months after childbirth, and finds out about it in fairly late dates. Symptoms of such a position are quite difficult to determine, since at this stage they are rarely pronounced.

Pregnancy 3 months after childbirth is no different from the period of natural recovery, these concepts are easily confused at first. The girl experiences strength and fatigue, her chest somewhat changed the view, suspicion of ordinary poisoning or exhaustion of the body arise.

But it is worth paying attention to such signs:

  • strong sensitivity, pain, swelling and irritation in the decollete area;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • urine incontinence and constant urge to the toilet room;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • nausea or vomiting, dizziness;
  • changes to their taste habits;
  • increased appetite;
  • milk has become another taste and texture, the baby refuses to eat;
  • lactation ceased or produced milk has become much smaller.

It is impossible to believe in the girl that after 9 months of tooling everything will be repeated very soon again.

Complications that may be

On the recommendations of Doctors, the abortion is not worth doing. The emergence of a child one after another will be difficult, but also a pleasant process. Even if the mother survived the operation, the death of the fetus or became pregnant after 2 weeks and did not have time to come to himself, it is necessary to save this condition. With a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and timely consultation in the clinic, the processes must be safely.

But there are a number of complications that should be paid to:

  1. Heavy degree anemia.
  2. Inflammatory processes - parameters, endometritis.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Checking fabrics.
  5. Deterioration of the condition in the presence of chronic diseases.
  6. The probability of the discrepancy of the seam in the uterus after operational intervention is already in the later timing.
  7. The tone of the abdominal wall will be relaxed, which makes it difficult to appear the fetus for light.
  8. The uterus is reduced with very low intensity.
  9. High probability of interrupt.
  10. Baby weight deficit.
  11. The duration of recovery increases twice.
  12. Danger of premature bouts.
  13. Placental insufficiency.

To avoid this, you need:

  1. Follow your nutrition and portions: you do not need to overeat and use 4-5 times more than necessary. It is also strongly recommended to forget about the calorie and harmful food.
  2. Take the necessary drugs: vitamin complexes containing magnesium, iodine, iron.
  3. Wear preventive underwear and tights to avoid expansion of veins and stretch marks on the skin.
  4. More walking out in the fresh air and relax.
  5. Ensure a full-fledged sleep, a duration of 8 hours.
  6. Do not ignore the wearing of a special bandage, since the tone of the abdominal wall is maximally relaxed.

When it is better to plan

It is better not to rush with the conception of a new one. Doctors recommend to take care of themselves and their strength still 2-3 years. This is enough to have the forces to experience a new similar stress. Even pregnancy in six months after childbirth is not the best option. Female life is worth starting not earlier than ten weeks after the child's appearance. But in this case, it is necessary to listen to your own body and the signals that it serves. The slightest discomfort or pain should alert a new mom.

The internal organs have not yet established their work, the mother has not fully recovered. Ignoring, there is a chance to get a number of unpleasant complications. Also, the stress is to get a defenseless baby when it stops breastfeeding. The probability of miscarriage at this stage is very high, the muscles of the vagina and the uterine are weakened and unable to hold the fruit inside.

What you need to concentrate attention

Special attention should be concentrated on the fact that health in most cases is much more important. If the girl feels that he did not fully come (weakness, fatigue, changes in the body, pain), then with sex it is better to postpone. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that there is a risk to end the miscarriage due to excessive weakening of intimate organs.

It is not necessary to hope for "natural" contraceptives: breastfeeding and lack of critical days.

Often, conception occurs in this period. But, if Mama and Pope suffered such a fate, to launch a hike to the gynecologist is prohibited. It is necessary to immediately seek help from a qualified technician to account for certain difficulties, circumstances and changes in the body of a woman. We will have to carefully monitor yourself, it is twice as much more analyzes and procedures, take vitamin complexes, to use extremely healthy and useful food, to regularly visit the gynecologist, take into account previous experiments, listen to recommendations.

Full ignoring or self-treatment is a neurode. Multiplely similar ends with fatal outcomes (miscarriage, the birth of a dead fetus, a stop of life in the early periods, infertility, disappointing diagnoses and other consequences).

You can start another crumb, but you should be prepare for difficulties. The process may proceed not as the previous time.

  • It will be more common to disturb toxicosis, headaches, dizziness, abdominal, constipation, thrush, hemorrhoids, inflammation.
  • It will be much more difficult to carry the fruit.
  • Unpleasant changes in appearance are possible: pigment stains on the face, stretching throughout the body (which can practically be removed), sagging skin, pallor of the cover.
  • Difficulties at birth (crucial cord, breathing problems) are also not excluded.

It is thorough to think whether it will be possible and forces to look at the second crumb. You need to be prepare for accommodated trouble.

  • eliminate any loads;
  • do not lift heavy;
  • most of the day to carry out in the fresh air;
  • consume a lot of fruits and vegetables;
  • drink enough water;
  • forget about bad habits (smoking, alcohol, facff);
  • take drugs and food nutrition rich in iron, vitamin D, iodine;
  • more often contact the doctor (even with minor complaints and suspicions);
  • choose a paid clinic or the one in which they are confident;
  • more often to take tests and go to ultrasound;
  • consult with many specialists;
  • trust yourself and your feelings;
  • take care of yourself.

For a woman, her health and condition is very important. No need to once again subject it to risk. Caring for yourself should be in priority.

It is very important to give yourself a necessary segment of time to restore physical and moral forces.


It is better not to start a sex life if there is no confidence in reliable contraception. Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth after a short period of time? It is difficult, but if something happened, I did not expect, do not take rapid decisions. Try to save this, take care of women's health and do not forget about the fact that there is such a necessary person as a doctor. Consultations and timely appeal is the necessary measure for every girl in any period of her life, and especially when she is waiting for a child.

What is the probability of a woman to get pregnant in a couple of weeks after childbirth, you can read from this article. You can get pregnant at any time.

Immediately after the generic activity for a long time, each born the woman comes blood discharge. You do not need to be afraid, because This is the natural reaction of the body, which occurs at each woman.

During the first few days of allocations, they are very abundant, and later they gradually fade. 4-8 weeks they stop.

  • When the bleeding has not yet stopped, it is not possible to get pregnant, because During this period, it is forbidden to make love. If you disobey this Council and take up a sexual act when the uterus has not yet healed, then you can apply an infection.
  • After the selection stops going to go, the woman's body expects the occurrence of menstruation. Some people come in a month, and others after mom will cease to feed her child with breasts.

Regardless of whether a menstrual cycle was restored with a woman, to conceive a child in this period quite real.

Is it possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding?

There is a myth that, when breastfeeding, a woman will not be able to become pregnant.

  1. Such assumptions are based on the features of the postpartum period, when many prolactin are distinguished in the female body. This hormone stimulates the secretion of the mammary glands.
  2. If the number of prolactin is high, that it does not make it possible to resume menstrual, then the toddler conception is impossible. This phenomenon is called "lactation amenorrhea".

Family couples do not need to hope for lactation amenorrhea as an effective way of contraception.

It is possible to conceive a child even during ovulation before the arrival of the first monthly.

Often a woman in such a period believes that she has no monthly due to lactation, although in fact it talks about re-pregnancy.

If a woman decided to use lactation as a contraceptive method, then you need to follow several advice:

  1. You should feed the baby exclusively in breast milk, and not a written.
  2. Feeding should be carried out regularly with interruptions not more than 5 hours.
  3. Do not cost replace milk from the chest with artificial mixtures.

Many women do not adhere to these advice, so their menstrual cycle renewed earlier than 3 months.

Fertilization after cesarean sections

Many women are interested how soon can you get pregnant after cesarean sections?

Restoration of the reproductive function in mothers who give birth to a natural way, differ significantly from those who make a cesarean section. After the cesarean section, you can get pregnant even for 6 week.

If the pregnancy occurred, the woman is beginning to worry only future childbirth and the question regarding whether she has enough strength to raise children's weather. We should not forget that pregnancy immediately after childbirth is a dangerous procedure.

  • After the birth of a child, a scar occurs in the uterus, which can break away during the second pregnancy.
  • Restoration of this scar last about 2 years. Prepare for re-childbirth, the doctor advises no earlier than 3 years.

When can you plan a future pregnancy after childbirth?

Doctors recommend parents not to rush with the conception of the second child and wait at least a year after the previous birth. Such measures are needed not only because of the care of the health of the fetus, but because of the risks that are associated with large loads on the female organism.

The reproductive function of a young mother is restored fairly quickly, but this does not indicate that the body can withstand new loads.

If another conception occurs, it can lead to complications.

Effective contraception after childbirth

After stopping bleeding, women necessarily need to be examined by a doctor. The gynecologist will be able to advise those contraceptives that will be able to approach the woman in its particular case.

There is such an opinion that when lactation cannot be used oral contraceptives.

But in fact it is mythbecause Most of the contraceptives are based on hormones.

  1. In breastfeeding, only those drugs, which in their composition have estrogens, which reduce the amount of milk are impossible.
  2. If there is a Gestagen in the preparations, it will not affect the dairy glands.

In addition to contraceptive tablets, the methods of barrier contraception are now used. Their choice in pharmacies is huge. In addition to the usual condoms, you can purchase different creams and tampons that prevent the survival of spermatozoa in the female organism.

  • If there are no contraindications, a spiral is a good method of contraception, which can be put after consulting with a doctor.
  • Later it will be necessary to check its position in the vagina every 6 months, as it can shift.

What is the probability of conceiving a child 2 months after childbirth?

Many mothers are interested in the question regarding how quickly you can get pregnant after childbirth.

Now the fact of the rapid conception of the second child will not surprise anyone, although earlier many believed that with breastfeeding it would not be pregnant.

  1. To conceive a child after childbirth, parents may even in the first ovulation after the end of bleeding. You can get pregnant in 3 weeks after the generic activity.
  2. If this happened and the pregnancy test shows two strips, then this suggests that the hormonal balance has already improved. But the doctors are such a previously conception not advise.
  3. If the spouses want to have children's children, it is better to wait at least six months. At this time, the couple will feel confident, and their child will grow up.

Ability to conceive a child on breastfeeding in 3 months

3 months after childbirth, moms are interested in the question regarding whether it is possible to get pregnant if you still continue to feed the baby with breasts.

Should know that the risk of conceiving a child within 2 months after childbirth is smallBut later this period, the chances are significantly increasing.

In what cases is the probability of conception:

  • if the baby stopped sucking his chest;
  • when a woman feeds a child less than 5 times a day;
  • if a combination of breast and artificial feeding occurs.

Risk increases due to low pituitary hormone. The more often the child sucks the mother's chest, the more prolactin is working, which does not allow the child to conceive.

What is the danger?

There are several significant reasons why doctors do not advise Mama to be pregnant during the first year after delivery:

  1. After delivery, you need to wait for the restoration of the body, otherwise the risk of miscarriage increases.
  2. Due to the sharp fluctuations in hormones and weakening immunity, a woman may have an exacerbation of chronic diseases that can undermine women's health.
  3. Some women after childbirth have postpartum depression. It may be complicated after the news of re-pregnancy. All this is fraught with the appearance of psychological disorders.
  4. During the second pregnancy, a hormonal background may change, which will be negatively displayed on the lactation process. Milk may disappear or the child will stop sucking the chest. There may also be such dangerous diseases like mastitis.
  5. When a new life originates in the body of a woman, then this requires a lot of strength and vitamins. If it does not get them in nutrition in sufficient quantity, avitaminosis can develop the fetus and the mother.
  6. After losing a large amount of blood during childbirth, a woman develops anemia. The new fruit suffers from the lack of oxygen, which may later lead to problems in development.

Pregnancy is an excellent condition, especially if she was planned and waited. What spiritual and physical injury is experiencing a woman when her body gets rid of the fetus and a spontaneous abortion occurs. She immediately begins to think if it is possible to get pregnant after miscarriage, whether it happened again and what to do that the subsequent pregnancy manage to endure.

Early and Late Writes

To understand how the body is restored after miscarriage and how much you can get pregnant, you need to clarify how this process takes place. The miscarriage is considered to be disruption of the fetus up to 400 grams for a period of up to 22 weeks, since children born after this time with weight 500g, modern medicine can already be saved.

There are early and late miscarriages. Early happens up to 12 weeks. Sometimes on a small time, it is even imbued for a woman. Just after a small delay, it observes rich bleeding, which is accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Often it is possible to yield a blood clock. When you can get pregnant after miscarriage, a doctor will tell the doctor after examining and finding out the reason that caused rejection of the fetus. Although in this case it is very difficult to install it.

Recovery period

Late miscarriages happen from 12 to 22 weeks. The procedure does not do without scraping. It will take a certain time to restore the mucousa. Doctors appoint a period of 3 months to the question, after how much after early miscarriage can be pregnant. And after medical intervention, they will differ very much, based on the complexity of the situation: from 6 to 12 months.

Why disorder happens

Cause reassembly of the fetus can very different reasons:

  • Genetic violations of the fetus. In one of the chromosomes there is a deviation caused by the influence of ecology, viruses, etc. In essence, natural selection is observed. The body gets rid of himself from a non-visual fetus. In this case, after miscarriage, when you can get pregnant, the doctor will say in detail the examination of both parents and finding the cause of pathology.
  • Hormonal imbalance, when a natural equilibrium of sex hormones is knocked down. Perhaps there is a lack of progesterone, or on the contrary, the oversupports of the male hormone, which does not allow the embryo to develop normally, and it dies. How quickly can be pregnant after miscarriage, it will show the blood test to the hormones. Treatment is assigned and the time will occur until the normal progesterone value will be restored.
  • The infection is not treated before the occurrence of the pregnancy lead to the infection of the fetus, and the increase in temperature and the decrease in immunity weaken the body. In this case, the uterus can not hold the embryo. Then it is possible to get pregnant after miscarriage after 6 months, will show the results of the treatment of infection.
  • The rhesus conflict arises when mom is negative, the dad is positive, and the child inherited the Dad's Rus. In this case, the organism perceives the fruit egg as a foreign body and expels it. But even with this difficult position after the first miscarriage, you can get pregnant, strengthening the immunity and making a new attempt.
  • Injuries in the form of an unsuccessful fall or raising gravity.
  • Long stress, experiences, strong psychological stress.
  • Transferred abortions.

What time can you get pregnant after miscarriage

The problem, after what time it is possible to get pregnant after miscarriage, worries a woman for whom the dream becomes not realized. She wants to get the following conception as soon as possible. But the opinion of specialists is unanimously. So that the tooling process passed without unpleasant moments, should pass at least 3-6 months. For six months, a hormonal equilibrium is guaranteed, which has begun due to an unexpected interruption and the body will be ready for a new fertilization.

Pregnancy immediately after miscarriage

Some impatient girl thinks that you can get pregnant immediately after miscarriage, not listening to the councils of doctors, because she really wants to be a mother. But one desire is not enough here. After bleeding, the blood formula has not yet been restored, the endometrium is very thin and fastening the embryo on it. Hurry in this business can lead to another breakdown.

Pregnancy a month after miscarriage

Of course, and a month after miscarriage, you can get pregnant, because every girl reacts to negative processes in itself in different ways. The ovary begins to work from the first day after an abortion, believing that a new cycle began. The egg cell can be prepared for fertilization already in the first cyclic period or in the following. But it is still better to wait for 6 months to do without serious consequences.

The less time passes from the moment of spontaneous abortion until the next conception, the higher the risk of repetition. Therefore, doctors advise our ladies not to torment themselves with questions, whether it is possible to get pregnant a month after miscarriage, and to gain patience, go through the necessary surveys and start planning the following conception when your gynecologist is satisfied with the state of a childbearing system and a hormonal background.

Restoration after miscarriage

And during this time, do the strengthening of its body:

  • try to keep calm in any situations;
  • if necessary, put in order your weight;
  • avoid receiving any medicines;
  • refuse bad habits;
  • take folic acid and vitamin E;
  • choose vitaminized products for diet.

So, we clarified whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after miscarriage. In this difficult situation, you need to go through the recovery procedure, incl. Psychological and listen to the advice of the doctor so that the future pregnancy end with the prosperous birth of a new family member.

Is it possible to get pregnant two months after miscarriage (video)

For young mothers, myth is the inability to get pregnant after childbirth. Many believe that in the first months, especially if Mom feeds his breasts, the probability of conception is excluded. In fact, it is not.

What is the probability of pregnant after childbirth? Let's deal with and learn the opinion of doctors relative to the deadlines between pregnancies.

When does menstruation and ovulation come?

Before answering the question, how soon can you get pregnant after the birth of a child and is it possible immediately after childbirth, you need to know when the woman's cycle is restored, that is, when menstruation and ovulation comes.

The restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on whether the baby feeds the baby breast or not. If the child is powered by a mixture, the first monthly should go about 2-2.5 months.

If mom feeds baby breasts, menstruation is usually resumed after six months. In some women, the cycle is renewed only after they stop lactation, others - immediately at the end of the postpartum discharge.

During lactation, the hormone, stimulating ovulation (prolactin) is suppressed. While the baby sucks the chest, the likely that menstruation and ovulation will not come. Therefore, it is believed that breastfeeding is a reliable method of contraception.

6-8 months, and even a year after childbirth, a new pregnancy represents a certain danger.

Nevertheless, everything is individually. One ovulation occurs no earlier than a year, others become capable of conception, as soon as postpartum allocations are completed, since the egg cell remains all the time saves its mobility.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth without menstruation?

After childbirth, a woman has a long time bleeding. In the first week, the allocation is abundant, then become scarce, and completely disappear after 1-1.5 months. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth, if there is such a bleeding? Until the bleeding ended, the conception is impossible.
By the way, it is not recommended to have sex during this period, since the uterus has not yet restored, and an infection can be applied to the body. But after the cessation of bleeding, most couples resume sex, not particularly worrying about protection, as they are confident that the probability of conception is excluded.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the cycle has not yet restored? This is quite likely, since ovulation can come even before the occurrence of menstruation. Conception is no longer excluded after birth.


Many women believe that during lactation fertilization is impossible, especially if the monthly does not go. But it is possible with sexual life. It depends on the concentration of prolactin hormone in the body. What it is more, the less chance to get pregnant.

Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on GW, as the method of contraception. After all, ovulation can occur, even if there is no menstruation in the GW. In the absence of menstruation, the woman will assume that this is normal, but in fact it turns out that it is already a pregnant three months or even more.

Feedback after Cesarean

Some women give birth by caesarean cross-section. This is a complex and dangerous operation requiring a long reducing period. Is it possible to get pregnant after Cesarean almost immediately after delivery?

Restoration of the reproductive function in this case is significantly different than in women who gave birth to the usual way. And after Cesarean, you can get pregnant in the first month or after 6 weeks.

But if, after ordinary childbirth, the woman is worried only by repeated childbirth and raising children, and maybe there will be enough forces on the children of weather, then in the second case, to conceive a child immediately after birth dangerous.

After Cesarean, the scar remains in the uterus, and the rapid conception and repeated childbirth threaten its gap. Recovery passes long, it will be necessary for this process one and a half or two years. And preparing for the next birth in this case, the doctor advises no earlier than in 3 years.

After how much after childbirth it is best to plan a pregnancy

Doctors do not advise to be pregnant immediately, and wait at least 1 year. This measure is needed not only because of the care of the health of the future kid, but first of all because of the risks associated with high loads on the mother's body.

The reproductive function is restored quickly, but this still does not mean that the body is ready for new loads. Reconfiguration is fraught with complications.

Therefore, immediately start using contraceptives for the restoration of sexual life, even if there was no first monthly after delivery.

What is the probability of getting pregnant 1-2 months after childbirth

How quickly can you become pregnant after childbirth, is it possible to conceive after one or two months? This question is interested in all women who have become mammies. Today, such a quick conception is no longer surprised, although before women believed that with natural feeding fertilization is excluded.

The conception is already possible in the first ovulation, which can come immediately at the end of postpartum bleeding until the cycle has been restored. That is, you can get pregnant after 3 weeks after childbirth. If this happened, and your test showed two strips, it means that the hormonal balance is adjacent. Nevertheless, doctors do not advise so soon conception.

If the spouses dream of children's weather, still better wait at least to six months. After half a year, the couple will feel more confident, and the first child will grow up.

Chance of conception in 3-4 months at GW

The question is whether it is possible to get pregnant after 3 or 4 months after childbirth, causing even those mammies that are on the GW. If the risk of 2 months after childbirth is small, then by 3-4 months, women can conceive very soon. The probability is great if:

  • the child stops sucking at night;
  • woman feeds kid less than 5 times a day;
  • natural feeding is combined with artificial nutrition.

Little baby during the first year of life is extremely needed mother's caress, in parental care and care

Risk increases due to pituitary hormones. The smaller the kid sucks the chest, the less prolactin is produced, and, therefore, more chances of the arrival of ovulation.

What could be danger?

  • after a strong shake, you need to wait for restoration after delivery, the likelihood of successful toaling the fetus decreases, the risk of miscarriage increases;
  • due to sharp fluctuations in hormones, high load and weakening immunity, there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother, which is exacerbated by re-pregnancy. It is able to undermine the health of women for a long time;
  • many women have postpartum depression, the flow of which is complicated by re-conception. This is fraught with serious mental disorders;
  • during the next pregnancy, changes are associated with hormonal background, which adversely affect the lactation process. Milk can either completely abyss, or the baby himself stop sucking the chest. Such problems as mastitis, lactostasis are not excluded;
  • when life is born, it takes a lot of vitamins and nutrients that women do not have enough. It is fraught with the development of avitaminosis and the lack of vitamins in an infant and the fetus;
  • because of the big blood loss after the previous birth during re-pregnancy, a woman develops anemia. The fruit suffers from the lack of oxygen, which can lead to development pathology.

Best contraception after childbirth

The need for contraception occurs immediately after the completion of postpartum discharge, that is, after two to three months. The gynecologist will help to choose a suitable agent.

A small fixture of plastic with copper, which slows down the promotion of sperm in the uterine cavity

Usually preferring such methods of contraception:

MethodDescription and reliability
Intrauterine Spiral (Navy)The method that is most often used in these cases. Its effectiveness is at least 90%.

If the birth was successful, it is possible to put the Navy in 6 weeks. Spiral is contraindicated with inflammation of the sexual sphere.

Barrier methods (diaphragm, cap, condom)The diaphragm and cap do not interfere with lactation and do not affect the health of the baby. You can install 4-8 weeks later, and the selection and the introduction of funds produces a doctor.

Condoms are a convenient and affordable way of protection, however, after childbirth, their use is associated with difficulties. At this time, a woman decreases the amount of natural lubricant into the vagina, so the sexual intercourse may cause discomfort. Surviscidal tools solve the problem, which are passing along and neutralized spermatozoa, as well as infection.

The effectiveness of barrier methods is high - up to 99%.

Hormonal drugsDuring lactation, hormonal tablets with estrogen content are contraindicated, as they reduce the amount of milk and reduce the lactation period. Therefore, only tablets with the gestagen content are suitable.

They are not as effective as combined funds, it is necessary to take them strictly at a certain time, but start receiving immediately at the end of the postpartum period.

Another hormonal method - injection. The first injection of nursing women is made after 6 weeks, not nursing - after 4 weeks. One injection guarantees protection for up to three months. For the third month you need to do the next injection.

SterilizationIt gives an absolute warranty from unwanted pregnancy, but only for those couples that are confident that they will never want to have children. The method lies in the dressing of the uterine pipes.

Another replenishment in the family

Recommendations of doctors to restore the female organism

From a physiological point of view, you can be pregnant immediately after delivery, because the lactation does not interfere. In many, subject to good health, such pregnancy and childbirth go well. Nevertheless, one should not neglect the advice of specialists to those who seriously consider re-pregnancy planning:

  • doctors adhere to official opinion that the optimal break between childbirth is at least two years. That is, it is possible to conceive again in about a year or a year and 3 months after delivery. During this period, the work of the body of the woman in labor is finally restored, the cardiac and vascular system, blood flow and hormonal background come to normal;
  • take into account the difficulties faced last time during pregnancy and childbirth. If there are common diseases, they need to be eliminated before conception;
  • if serious anomalies were observed during a generic activity, such women are in the risk zone. For this reason, they are recommended to protect against re-pregnancy a certain time. In turn, if unprotected sexual contact occurs, what is the probability of becoming pregnant, the gynecologist will tell;
  • with a cesarean section, doctors are categorical: for re-pregnancy, it should be waiting for at least 2-2.5 years, to then conceive and normally leave the pregnancy. What way the woman will give birth, will solve the doctor on the basis of the state of health of the patient.

Before you decide whether to start a second baby, we carefully glue everything for and against. Think about a new pregnancy, do you cope with two young children. Your forces should be enough, and this is hard with poor health and not all cope.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, doctor ultrasound, genetics