The most common superstitions. Folk omens and superstitions about life

Superstition - for those who believe in them - is a way to "negotiate" with fate and influence what usually depends only on chance. And even someone who believes only in the interconnection of things that directly affect each other will name one or a couple of the most popular superstitions in Russia.

We all remember about spilled salt and “knocking on wood”, but we do not always know why exactly this should be done, where it came from and how to protect ourselves from failure due to a black cat crossing the road. So, let's take a look at a list of the most popular superstitions.

Many random unpleasant events are interpreted as a sign of the imminent appearance of money. A kind of consolation.

  • Step into the dog's' gift"- to profit and good luck in business. There are especially many of them in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, given our lack of a culture of cleaning for pets.
  • The bird has marked you - also for money. One of the few positive signs associated with birds, usually birds are heralds of misfortune.
  • You can't whistle in the house - there will be no money. It is believed that the whistle attracts evil spirits, which steal good luck and prosperity (or even just money, which it is not clear where disappeared from the envelope with savings).
  • You can't take money straight from your hands - will be transferred. It is better to ask to put them on the table so that you can calmly take them later. It's the same with the transmission - don't give it directly into your hands.
  • Can't sit on the table - you will attract poverty. The table is a symbol of satiety, of everything valuable that is in the house, there is nothing to offend him.
  • Can't lend in the evening - not only will the debtor, most likely, forget to return the money, but also his own will suddenly run out.
  • Also you can't take out the trash in the evening - money goes with him.

Life and death

It is better to live long and in good health than to be sick and die early - the truth for all ages. Superstitions that foreshadow death and measure the length of the remaining life, more than enough. List of fateful signs and superstitions:

  • Can't sit on the doorstep - you will attract the disease. Drafts in the door are not useful to anyone, plus - the symbolism of the threshold as a transition from one world to another. You shouldn't linger there.
  • Celebrate fortieth birthday- call trouble. Forty (days, years) is an unlucky number, it is better to pretend that you are still thirty-nine.
  • Ravens are circling over the house - soon someone will die there. What else can scavengers symbolize if not death?
  • If a ask the forest cuckoo how many years are left to live, she will bake the answer.
  • After the death of a person, the mirrors in the house must be closed... Anything otherworldly looks at us through the mirrors.
  • Dream Meatto the disease. The body is clearly prompting something.

Popular superstitions about the road

The road, especially the long one, is a small adventure full of unforeseen circumstances or even dangers. Our ancestors were serious about any trips beyond their own backyard.

  • Returned -there will be no road. It is believed that if the path was not set from the very beginning (forgot the keys, gloves), then nothing good can be expected. To ward off troubles, you need to make a face in the mirror.
  • Need to sit on the track - to luck and an easy way. You need to sit down in order to deceive evil spirits, who will think that you were not going anywhere, and will not follow.
  • You need to eat on the train immediately after it starts.This is not from great hunger, but from the desire to make a new place, albeit temporarily, your own. Where you have eaten is a branch of your house, and they will not harm you there.
  • The bird beats through the car window - there is danger on the road. A variant of a sign with a bird beating through the window of a house, which portends death. The ancient peoples did not have cars, and the omen migrated from real estate to cars only recently.

Relationships and family happiness

What is most important for survival? Both in ancient times and now it is a community of people ready to help. Quarrels shake our bonds with people, so it's best to avoid them.

  • Spill salt - to quarrel. To prevent this from happening, you need to throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder. After making sure that there is no one there, otherwise there will be no need to invent a reason for a quarrel.
  • Put on the underwear inside out -to discord. Or even be beaten. A twist, inside out means wrong, and this attracts bad events.
  • You can't eat with a knife- you will become angry . Apparently, the meaning of the knife as a weapon will be transferred to humans. Or the tongue will be as sharp as a knife.

How not to stay in girls

Why not, though? Being single these days is better than ever. It was our ancestors who were terrified of being left alone, and superstitions on this score multiplied and accumulated. Take it into service - it will come in handy to divert the marriage, if you are not going there at all.

  • Girl sit opposite the corner of the table - stay unmarried for seven years. Long-lasting remedy!
  • To measure someone else's wedding dress before the wedding - to secure yourself a few free years. But the dress already participating in the wedding ceremony has no effect.
  • Sitting on a windowsill (especially dangling your legs) -to dare the suitors.
  • Passing food and things across the threshold -postpone the day of your marriage.

Failure and protection from it

What signs of fate promise us failure, how to protect ourselves from them, and what should be avoided so as not to incur trouble ourselves?

  • You can't sew things on yourself - "you will sew the memory". It is not known why it is memory that suffers, but the danger of being pricked with a needle is quite real. To neutralize the effect, you need to take a piece of thread or tissue in your teeth.
  • A black cat ran across the road - to failure! The most famous superstition. How to deal with harmful animals? Find a detour or spin around three times.
  • You cannot pick up things (especially coins) at intersections - pick up failure. Magical rituals of getting rid of unnecessary things prescribe to speak and throw small change on the crossroads or the road, so you don't want other people's problems - it is better to leave the coins where they lie.
  • Knock on wood- protect your optimistic plans for the future from evil spirits who love to spoil everything. You tell how you are doing well, and it will be even better - knock on wood to avoid bad changes.
  • Friday 13th- a bad day, and it is better not to start anything serious and demanding effort and good luck on it.

The existence of popular signs and superstitions has been going on since the birth of mankind. And they accompany us throughout our lives. Their origins go back to the distant depths of antiquity. This was helped by the absolute and indisputable meanings that generally accepted signs and superstitions about life have. Existing in a wide variety of forms and manifestations, often folk signs and signals contain an accurate reflection of the essence of the processes that happen to us almost daily.

Interpretation may vary

Folk omens and superstitions about life are human observations that have been passed from mouth to mouth for several millennia. Very often there are situations when the interpretation of the same symbols and signs among representatives of different peoples is completely different from each other. For example, a Russian person perceives a black cat that crosses the road as a very negative sign, while the Egyptian, regardless of color, perceives this animal from the position of a sign of upcoming good luck.

Signs played an important role

In ancient times, generally accepted signs and superstitions about life accompanied people not only in their personal lives, but also when making decisions at the state level. There were frequent cases when the outcome of the war was determined only by the foot from which the leader rose in the morning. People's omens and superstitions are considered to be those that have already gone out of use, but continue to influence the performance of our actions.

Very often, in various signs, the true essence of what is happening to a person is reflected in the best possible way. But at the same time, it must be remembered that folk omens and superstitions about life also contain a large number of false assumptions and delusions, giving an explanation for almost any sacrament in the form of a manifestation of powers of a supernatural, mystical nature. That is why we should not take the various signs that are encountered at every step as exceptionally correct explanations of the events that happen to us. This can be just a parting word for making an internal decision.

What can be the signs

There are a huge number of popular signs and superstitions, but it just so happened that in most cases a person remembers and attaches more importance to bad signs. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most famous and popular beliefs in a significant amount do not promise us anything good. Good folk omens and superstitions come across much less often.

Commonly accepted signs with regards to our life are associated with the daily manifestation of everyday activities, important events that occur regularly. It is necessary to consider in more detail those folk omens and superstitions that may be associated with our daily activities.

Beliefs that can accompany people in everyday life

The bad ones are not noticed by many even at the present stage. And this happens until the moment when something happens. This is due to the fact that we simply ignore superstition. Of all the signs, many talk about failures in business or undertakings. And it was they who attracted more attention, since the negative result in solving problems is always stored in memory. In addition, there are many more bad omens.

The most famous negative superstitions include the one that claims that if a black cat crosses your path, then nothing good can happen after that. And if the plate breaks, then you have to wait for happiness. But such a sign will speak of good only if everything happens by accident.

Popular superstitions

Some signs should be highlighted.

  1. If you leave the slippers in which you walk at home, in a crossed position, then you are causing trouble.
  2. Raw salt portends bad weather.
  3. Sweeping the dust out of your own home means sweeping the luck out of your family.
  4. Never put a hat on the table, as this leads to a lack of money.
  5. It is not a good sign to exchange glasses while eating.
  6. Misfortune is promised by the porridge running out of the pan.
  7. In order to avoid misfortune, you must return the knife that was taken for the purpose of cutting an apple or other fruit. This should be done "with a smile."
  8. A change in the weather is indicated by creaking and crackling furniture in the house.
  9. What other signs and superstitions are there about life? A mirror that has fallen and broken has a negative meaning. This speaks of the imminent death of a loved one.
  10. Passing salt at the table to someone during a meal foreshadows a quarrel with this person. To prevent this, you need to laugh when you pass this product.
  11. If you return a previously taken bucket, basket, bag, plate, can, you need to put something in them. Do not give these items empty. Then yours will also increase.
  12. It is believed that laughing at the table contributes to the fact that the demon shits on food.
  13. Under-eating and under-drinking are considered evils forsaken.
  14. Leaving keys on the table means no money in the house.
  15. If you put on the left sleeve first in your clothes, expect trouble.

What are the birds trying to tell us?

There are signs and superstitions about birds. Even in ancient times, many peoples of the birds used in mystical rituals, casting spells or idle fortune-telling. The bird symbolized the human soul. And a similar association has survived. Today there are not only good, but also superstitions about life. Birds play the main role in them. And it is worth noting that some of the signs were scientifically substantiated.

Among the verified observations, it is worth highlighting the belief in swallows that fly low. This suggests that it will rain soon. The veracity of this sign is very easy to explain. Before the rains, the atmospheric pressure decreases. Accordingly, the insects caught by the swallows begin to fly very low.

A large number of folk signs are associated with crows, chickens and sparrows. For example, there is a belief that if all the hens begin to cackle at once, then there will be a quarrel in the family. If the chicken starts crowing like a rooster, then trouble must be expected.

The titmouse is the hero of both bad and good omens. If she suddenly flies into the window or knocks on it, expect trouble. There are other interpretations explaining the behavior of the bird. Her arrival suggests that good should be expected soon. This is due to the fact that some peoples consider the titmouse to be a representative of light forces. And in folk legends, she is often equated with the Blue Bird, which symbolizes happiness.

Several signs with birds

What other signs and superstitions are worth highlighting? Birds often make people nervous by their behavior. Some superstitions should be cited as an example:

  1. If a bird flies into the house through the window and immediately flies out, then this indicates that a message will soon come. In some beliefs, this symbolizes that soon someone will die.
  2. Did a stork build a nest on a pipe? This is for wealth and happiness.
  3. If the bird flew into the chimney of the fireplace, it is to someone's death.
  4. The raven, which croaks over the house, speaks of the disease.
  5. If the bird sits on the window, then the owner of the house will expect material costs.
  6. If the woodpecker starts knocking on the roof of the house, then you should expect trouble.
  7. If a bird dies in the cage on the morning of the wedding day, the marriage will be unhappy.
  8. If the stork begins to move away from a certain place ahead of time, then misfortune will occur in this area.
  9. When a bird hovers over or around the house, this suggests that someone will soon get sick.
  10. Three times cawing of a crow flying over the house speaks of death.
  11. The flight of a bird of prey around the house symbolizes betrayal.
  12. When a swallow, having built a nest for itself, leaves it, trouble will occur.
  13. An unexpected change in direction of flight indicates an approaching danger.
  14. If the rooster begins to walk importantly at the door and scream at the same time, then you have to wait for the arrival of a stranger.
  15. The flight of a bird at you will speak of luck. If they fly away from you, this is a bad omen.

Maybe the birds aren't trying to warn us?

If you analyze the behavior of birds and understand it, then it does not have any signs. They can be influenced by weather, predatory animals, lack of food. Good and bad omens and superstitions do not play any role in this case. Birds can knock on the window if it's cold. They are attracted by food and light. Do not think that the tit is calling you trouble, it is just hungry.

Can you protect yourself from bad omens?

If you are interested in signs, then take into account not only their interpretation. We must also take care of how to protect ourselves from the consequences if the belief is bad. For example, if you return home half way, then this indicates bad events that will happen in the future. To fix this situation, you need to look in the mirror before leaving again. This can protect yourself.

Has the salt crumbled? This is a bad sign. According to interpretations, such carelessness in actions will lead to a quarrel. But even this can be avoided. You just have to laugh, and the promised disagreements and disagreements will not happen. And if they do, it is no longer the fault of the salt. A bird flew through the window? This is also a bad omen. Try to get her out of the house as soon as possible. And we should try to spend a few nights, for example, with friends.

What can insects talk about?

Signs can be associated not only with the weather, clothes, money and things. Animals or birds may be affected. But insects do not stay out of the way either. Some superstitions should be cited, starring spiders and flies:

  1. If you killed the firefly, then your love was also killed. Or a loved one may die altogether.
  2. What else do omens and superstitions say about life? The spider, or rather, its fall on the face from the ceiling, promises pleasant consequences.
  3. If a white spider nests above the bed, expect happiness. If it is black, the consequences will not be very pleasant.
  4. Falling a fly into a glass from which you are going to drink or is already doing it - to success in business.
  5. Descent of a small spider in front of your eyes - to a message, a letter.
  6. The ants in the house symbolize happiness.
  7. What other signs and superstitions about life can be distinguished? Flies that get into food promise a gift.
  8. If you find a spider on a dress, then you should wait for a profit.
  9. Have you killed a ladybug? Wait for trouble. Have you killed a beetle? The result will be exactly the same. Have you killed a spider? 40 sins will be forgiven and misfortune should await.
  10. Is a beetle flying in the house? This speaks of trouble.
  11. You have to wait for bad news if you saw a spider and got scared. And if you are not frightened, everything will be fine.

You should not always look for a double meaning in what you see

Signs and superstitions are not unambiguous. And people are quite contradictory towards them. Someone is convinced that these are just prejudices, and they are not worth attention. Others believe in signs, whether good or bad. You choose how you feel about superstition. Sometimes they can come true. But sometimes you should not look for any signs in them, since they can be explained quite simply.

Folk omens contain knowledge that has repeatedly proven its truth. Our grandmothers also believed in things that were of special value to them. Today people strictly observe traditions and customs, fearing to break them. Some beliefs are so strong that a person can ruin their mood when they learn about a bad meaning.

Popular Russian folk omens and superstitions

Superstitions in Russia are largely related to the state of the weather and everyday activities.

Related to financial well-being

Good omens emphasize the need for hard work, and superstitions with negative connotations help to avoid mistakes.

  • Breadcrumbs must not be thrown away. They must be carefully collected from the table in a handful and taken out into the yard. If you feed them to birds, wealth will come to the house.
  • It is useful to show money to the waxing moon. A person can imagine that he is deliberately showing everything to the last coin. Then the financial situation will improve.
  • You cannot borrow for a young month so as not to waste your financial well-being.
  • If there are coins on the road, they cannot be lifted. The sign warns of a high probability of attracting needs to the house.
  • A home broom must be stored with the twigs up, otherwise you can lose all your savings.
  • Having found an unpleasant spider on a dress or palm, you cannot drive it away. It attracts good luck to life.
  • In order for the money to flow into the family, it is necessary to put a bill under the threshold. If you believe the belief, then this action attracts success.
  • Money needs to be counted to the last coin. It is advisable to always give change.
  • When the old laces are torn, we must rejoice, because this is a good sign. A decent replacement is coming soon.
  • Sudden breakage of the heel carries a bad meaning. We'll have to spend a lot.

Associated with luck in various fields

Every reasonable person strives for success. If you follow the signs, prosperity will increase.

  • When an important task awaits, you need to start in the early morning, while there is a lot of strength. Luck loves the adventurous and the brave.
  • Horseshoe brings happiness. It is best to hang it over the door.
  • The table should be wiped down only with a rag - then success will always be there.
  • Dishes with cracks should be thrown away immediately. Broken cups and plates cannot be stored in the apartment.
  • Sprinkle salt - attract a quarrel with loved ones. To prevent this from happening, you need to throw a pinch over your shoulder. If sugar is on the floor, then this case is less negative.
  • The window is the entrance to the outside world. You can't throw anything through it.
  • A fly in a mug promises a pleasant gift.
  • Tea spilled - to good news.
  • Before the trip, you need to clean the house - then you can expect good luck.

About marriage

Interesting folk beliefs are associated with marriage. Some Russian superstitions make you think about a lot. Unmarried girls should take them into account.

  • If suddenly the apple fell to the floor, then the wedding is not far off.
  • A bruised hand means that a letter will come from a loved one.
  • A mirror is an individual thing. You can't let your girlfriend look at him, otherwise the groom will be taken away.
  • The cheek is on fire - the guy thinks about the girl, remembers her.
  • You can't hug on the stairs: a sign promises quarrels and disagreements.
  • A turquoise engagement ring foreshadows love.
  • A date with a growing moon leads to a strong union, with a waning moon - to parting.
  • The betrothed dreamed - you need to prepare for the wedding.
  • If the ring fell during the wedding, the life of the young will not be happy.
  • You cannot rush to a date, otherwise you will have to sit in girls for a long time.

Signs came to us from the distant past. They were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. And even today, in the age of widespread computerization and high technologies, people continue to believe in all sorts of signs. Do not think that omens are absurdity that does not have a reasonable basis, because senseless warnings could not exist for hundreds, or even thousands of years. After all, that which has no rational basis under it is quickly forgotten and dies, and that which has the deepest roots lives.

Once a neighbor came to the great Danish physicist, Nobel laureate Niels Bohr, and found him doing a strange occupation - Bohr was nailing a horseshoe to his door.

"Do you, a world-renowned scientist, believe in such nonsense?" The astonished neighbor asked.

"You see," Niels replied, "a horseshoe brings happiness whether you believe it or not."

In our article you will read about the amazing, incomprehensible and often contradictory everyday signs that our distant ancestors believed in. To listen to them or not is your own business.

  1. Any dishes must be covered so that the demon does not possess.
  2. You can't eat while reading a book. Otherwise, you know the memory.
  3. If you forgot a spoon on the table, then wait for the guests.
  4. A fly got into tea or compote - fortunately soon.
  5. Choking at dinner, or dropping a spoon or bread - by the arrival of guests.
  6. You cannot wipe your hands with a tablecloth, otherwise there will be burrs.
  7. A brick fell out of the oven - to trouble.
  8. When a person dear to you has left the house, you cannot sweep the floor so as not to cover his way to your house.
  9. Do not give or accept knives as a gift - this is enmity.
  10. Do not cut new bread after sunset, as this can lead to lack of money and quarrels.
  11. It is considered a bad omen to spill salt (to a quarrel). To neutralize negative messages, sprinkle spilled salt on your head, or bang yourself on the forehead.
  12. You should not pass the salt shaker from hand to hand. It needs to be put on the table.
  13. If you are asked to pass salt at the table, then be sure to smile at this person, otherwise you will quarrel.
  14. Do not put keys on the table or knock them - this leads to conflicts.
  15. When you come to visit, cross the threshold with your right foot. This will avoid quarrels and disagreements with the owners of the house.
  16. So that the brothers do not quarrel among themselves, they sew magnetically into their clothes.
  17. In the living room or bedroom, do not put an open umbrella so as not to shed tears in the future.
  18. Do not wipe the table with paper, as this leads to losses and fights.
  19. Whoever sits on a chair dangles his legs, that devil shakes.
  20. If there is a pin, then a friend remembered about you.
  21. If someone is mistakenly called the name of the person who left, then upon his return, the absent person will be angry.
  22. You cannot leave untidy dishes on the table, otherwise evil spirits will settle in the house.
  23. If you have to pass the needle to another, you need to prick this person lightly (jokingly) so that there is no enmity between you.
  24. Women cannot step over a broom - there will be difficult childbirth.
  25. If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will go through the body.
  26. There is a lot of frost all winter - summer will be difficult for health.
  27. A lot of mountain ash - for a frosty winter and a difficult year.
  28. In one house, do not mark with different brooms, otherwise the wealth will disperse in different corners.
  29. The raven on the church croaks - to the deceased in the village, on the roof of the house - to the deceased in the house.
  30. Jackdaws and crows screaming near the house, especially in the morning, are in trouble.
  31. Sprinkle peas - to tears.
  32. If a girl puts on shoes with her right foot, then she will be lucky.
  33. A hollow in a log house - for worse.
  34. Finding a horseshoe is fortunately. Hang it over your front door and your home will never be out of luck.
  35. To avoid being jinxed, wear something sharp, such as a safety pin, on your clothes.
  36. To meet an old man with a stick on the day of the exam is not good.
  37. If they gossip or swear in the house, then indoor plants die.
  38. A bird (except a raven or a raven) knocked on the window - good news.
  39. If a tea leaves are floating in a cup of tea, a gift awaits you.
  40. If at the same time two people said the same word or phrase, you need to take each other's hair and ask: "When is my happiness?" Let each tell the other the number and time at which a good event will take place.
  41. If, during a fire, you go around the house with icons, or good people stand in the corners of the dwelling, then the fire will not go further.
  42. Did you hear the rumble in the pipe? The soul of the deceased has come to you.
  43. Ears are on fire - someone is scolding you; cheeks are burning - someone is talking about you.
  44. If the girl oversalted the food, then she fell in love.
  45. If a person hiccups, then someone remembers him. To find out who thinks of you, slowly go over the names of those you know. On the name of the one who remembers you, the hiccups will stop.
  46. If a butterfly has flown into the dwelling, then release it so that misfortune does not happen in the house.
  47. If someone praises your beauty or health, then spit over your left shoulder three times so that you don't get the evil eye.
  48. A fly got into the soup - you will soon receive an unexpected gift.
  49. A pimple appeared on the tip of the nose - someone fell in love with you.
  50. Find a closed pin - a friend remembers you. If you find an open pin, and even with a point towards you, the enemy is plotting bad things against you. Never lift such a pin.
  51. If the first thunder comes from the south, then the summer will be stormy.
  52. The apple accidentally fell from the table - you will meet with your beloved.
  53. A cat or a cat washes its muzzle with its paw - in time for the arrival of guests.
  54. The black cat crossed the road - you won't see good luck all day. To avoid this, you need to: turn around your axis, break a twig or twig, cross your fingers or grab a button.
  55. If you meet a person with empty buckets, then you will be spending an empty and useless day.
  56. Forgot to remove the spoon from the table after dinner? Wait for guests.
  57. If you left the house, but returned halfway for some reason, then look at yourself in the mirror and show yourself your tongue. You can also look under the rug or rug.
  58. If you donate a wallet to someone, then put a banknote or a coin in it so that it is never empty.
  59. If you accidentally pronounced your wish out loud, then spit over your left shoulder and say: "So that you don't jinx it."
  60. You shouldn't say hello or say goodbye on the doorstep, because this can lead to a quarrel.
  61. Finding a nail or other sharp object on the road is in trouble.
  62. If you do not recognize someone you know, be rich for him.
  63. If you put on underwear or outerwear inside out, then ask someone from the household to lightly hit you on the back, otherwise you will be beaten.
  64. Spilling tea is a misunderstanding.
  65. Stumbling over the left foot is good luck, on the right one - to problems.
  66. Seeing a spider on a web is a letter.
  67. If you are going on a long journey, and it suddenly started to rain, do not be discouraged - this is a good sign, the trip will be successful.
  68. If you are sitting or standing between people with the same name, be sure to make a wish.
  69. If you got up with your left foot in the morning, then there will be no way.
  70. To make your cherished wish come true, you need to find a leaf of a clover with two or four petals and eat it. Instead of a clover, a lilac flower with five petals will do.
  71. If on the way home you run into, then be prepared for a quarrel with your household.
  72. If a person has a lot of moles, then he should be happy.
  73. If you find a thread on your clothes, then someone likes you. White thread - a fan of blond or brown-haired, dark or black - a brunette. Wind the thread around the little finger of your left hand, pronouncing letters of the alphabet for each turn. On which letter the thread ends, the name of the fan begins with that.
  74. The left eye itches - to love, the right - to chagrin.
  75. If your hands itch: the left one is for money, the right one is to say hello.
  76. You can't eat from cracked dishes - it's unfortunate.
  77. Whoever eats with a knife will be angry.
  78. Breaking the mirror is bad.
  79. If a mirror is broken in the house, then collect all the fragments and discard them as soon as possible.
  80. You can't look in the same mirror with your friend at the same time, otherwise you will fall in love with one guy.
  81. Mirrors are hung in the house where the deceased is, so that he cannot look at them closely.
  82. The earth from the seven graves of good people saves from various troubles.
  83. The icon fell - to the deceased.
  84. Do not take garbage outside after sunset because it can lead to poverty.
  85. If a dog howls at night, turn the pillow under you and say: "On your head." There is a superstition that after that she will shut up.
  86. If you step on someone else's trail, your legs will hurt.
  87. If a lump of the grave earth is applied to the heart, the sorrow will subside.
  88. To kill a cat - seven years of luck will not be.
  89. Whoever kills the snake will be forgiven for forty sins.
  90. It is undesirable that there are thirteen people at the table. It is especially bad to sit thirteenth.
  91. Whoever plants a pussy willow prepares a spade for himself (he will die when a shovel can be hewn out of a tree).
  92. A man who loves cats will love his wife.
  93. The one who is born on the new moon will live a long life.
  94. Sneezing during a conversation means confirming the veracity of the words just spoken.
  95. If you want to get rich, then carry a double nut in your pocket, but soap in your bosom will protect you from damage.
  96. Do not brush the crumbs off the table with your hand and do not whistle in the house, otherwise there will be no money.
  97. Clothes inside out - either beat or you will be drunk.
  98. After cutting off a slice of bread, never stick a knife in the middle of the loaf, otherwise you will starve.
  99. Do not sew anything before the road - luck will turn away from you.
  100. Do not step over someone's outstretched legs, as this may cause the person to stop growing. If you accidentally do this, then immediately step back.
  101. Losing a glove is a disaster.
  102. If birds are bred under the roof, then the house is not afraid of fire.
  103. After sunset, no bread or money is lent.
  104. Hard days are Monday and Friday, light days are Tuesday and Saturday.
  105. When moving to a new house, a cat or rooster is first launched into the dwelling to spend the night.
  106. When combing, tidy up your hair, otherwise headaches will torment.
  107. Do not leave an empty bottle on the table, otherwise there will be no money.
  108. Bees only sting sinners.
  109. You cannot call a child by the name of a deceased relative, because the deceased will call a living one to him. Also, do not use the same name for members of the same family. It is believed that one of the namesakes will survive the other.
  110. Do not take someone else's handkerchief - along with it, other people's tears will pass to you. If you are presented with a handkerchief, then pay the ransom, at least a penny.

Video: signs and superstitions

Since ancient times, people have noticed the connection between events. On the basis of these observations, folk signs were born. Some of them boded good luck, others boded bad luck. These beliefs have been accumulating for centuries, gradually becoming an integral part of the national heritage. Many of the signs are still alive today. Despite the achievements of science, a person sometimes checks his actions against ancient beliefs.

In this article

Old bad omens

Many prohibitive signs have a religious basis. They are recommended to be observed so as not to attract evil spirits.

  • It is believed that night is the time when dark spirits infiltrate our world. Therefore, it is forbidden to talk about the devil and other hostile spirits after sunset. Any mention of demons and other evil spirits in speech serves as an invitation for these creatures.
  • There is also a belief that sitting with your legs crossed and swinging your feet is not just a bad habit. With such a gesture, a person attracts the attention of devils.
  • After washing your hands, be sure to wipe them dry with a towel or clean cloth. Shaking water off your palms is a bad omen. In the old days they said: how many drops fall on the floor, so many demons will start in the hut.
  • Belief in evil spirits is associated with the custom of crushing the shell of broken eggs. Otherwise, according to superstition, devils will come to have fun to crunch.
  • On the eve of an important event, it is not recommended to indulge in fun and even more loudly laugh. The old people said that excessive joy brings tears.
  • Part of the signs has an educational purpose. For example, in villages, children are not allowed to spit on the ground. And the one who does not fulfill this requirement will face a severe punishment after death: he will have to lick a hot frying pan with his tongue.
  • For a long time, meeting an elderly woman on the road holding a broom (or broom) was considered a bad sign. Knowledgeable people recommended turning around and going the other way. The superstition is probably associated with a folkloric witch.
  • Another old sign: in old age you cannot build a new house, this will speed up the day of death. For the same fears, the windows in the old houses were not changed for new ones.
  • A special recommendation was intended for those who went on a long journey. So that the travelers during the wandering did not overtake trouble, they tried not to wash before the road.

A list of signs that can definitely be attributed to bad

There are a great many bad omens in the Russian tradition. It is impossible to list all of them, and therefore we will name only the most famous ones.

Whistling in the house

The Russian people considered it not just bad manners, but a very dangerous idea. They beat me on the lips and teeth for this. The Russians believed that the whistle infuriated the brownie. The guardian spirit could get angry and leave the hut, and without his protection, misfortunes and misfortunes would fall on this house. The end of contentment and prosperity.

All the more so as the petty evil spirits really adore whistling. This is how evil spirits communicate with each other. Demons will come running to whistle from all around and arrange a sabbath, so that the owners will then have to call the priest.

Do not lend in the evening

After sunset it is better not to touch the money, so there is even such an expression “At night money sleeps”. By violating the custom, a person sets up against himself the spirits that ensure his well-being.

Most likely, this money will not be returned on time. You can also incur a whole series of troubles. However, this applies not only to loans, but also to other important decisions, which are better to postpone to the beginning of the day. As the saying goes, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Returning is a bad omen

This phrase is widely known, it is even found in songs. The belief is connected with the threshold, which the ancient Slavs considered to be something magical, like the border between the worlds. Once upon a time, the ashes of deceased ancestors were buried there. Therefore, it is impossible to linger on the threshold, as well as to talk through it or transfer things.

If a person returned without reaching the goal, it means that he missed his luck, changed the vector of fate, got into an unfortunate streak. There is only one way out. Leaving the house again, take a quick glance in the mirror so that the evil spirits go into their ghostly world.

Sit down on the track

Even those who are not interested in signs are familiar with the expression “let's sit down on the path”. Meanwhile, the omen has mystical roots. The purpose of the maneuver is to divert the attention of the brownie, who is attached to the owners and does not want them to leave. Therefore, he builds all sorts of intrigues to prevent them from going far. This is how the custom arose to sit down before setting out on a journey. Let the brownie think that no one is going anywhere.

Hanging mirrors in front of the deceased

Practical magicians view the mirror as a portal between the real world and its virtual copy. Through the looking glass is not an afterlife where souls go after death. But the soul of the deceased, living on earth for the first three days, can get lost in the Looking Glass, and then visit your apartment in the form of a ghost.

To avoid this development of events, the mirrors are covered with a cloth. And they take it off after the funeral.

Clothes inside out

Even among children there is a saying "You cannot put on clothes inside out - you will be beaten!" And if it doesn't come to a fight, such negligence can lead to a conflict situation, quarrel and physical collision.

The recommendations here are very simple: be careful when you dress. Even if in a hurry you put on a topsy-turvy thing, you need to take it off and dress correctly. Better to pin a pin on the back to serve as a reminder of vigilance. In addition, it works as a protective amulet, but the point of the needle is directed towards the ground.

Spilled salt

Everyone knows that such an event leads to a quarrel. The roots of belief in the past lie when salt was almost its weight in gold. And collecting it from the earthen floor in a peasant hut is not an easy task. The family suffered serious losses. The guilty person faced severe punishment, so that the conflict was inevitable.

Empty bucket

If you meet a woman on the road with an empty bucket, there is a reason to be wary. By acceptance, troubles and troubles await you. And if she carries two empty buckets, then all far-reaching plans will go to dust. On the contrary, a full bucket portends success and luck.

The clock has stopped

The clock counts down the passage of time, and this applies to our own lives. They seem to remind that time is inexorably moving forward, and we grow old and die. Therefore, many perceive a gift in the form of a watch as something completely inappropriate.

In superstitious people, stopping the clock causes panic. They are waiting for something fatal and irreparable to happen. However, is there always a reason for concern? Maybe the battery is out of charge or the mechanics are out of order? If it's not a breakdown and a dead battery, then there is a certain message addressed to the owner.

  • An inexplicable stop of the clock indicates that a person does not develop, but stands still in the spiritual plane.
  • The situation indicates a lack of career growth.
  • The watch reflects inner doubts, self-doubt.

Fallen photograph

A photograph is not just a picture of a person. He has an inextricable connection with the personality, with the energy of the individual. Photos should be handled very carefully, trying not to lose them. It is not very wise to show everyone pictures that are dear to you. Through a photograph, a person can be cured, or you can harm him.

If a framed photograph suddenly falls, it seems like an alarming signal. The circumstances under which this event occurred are important here.

If someone accidentally touches a picture and inadvertently drops it, then this is not a cause for concern. But if the fall occurred for no apparent reason, then this should alert. In fact, this is a warning to the person in the photo. In the coming days, he must exercise extreme caution: cancel trips, refuse to attend public events.

Bad omens and superstitions about trees

Folk wisdom keeps many beliefs:

  • In villages, it was considered a bad omen when a spruce grows in the yard. The villagers believed that if the tree reached the height of the head of the family, the man would die. If this fate has passed him and he survived, then there will be no more sons, only daughters.
  • In Russia, they were afraid to chop a birch with growths for firewood, since you could pick up damage.
  • The villagers were careful not to sit on a tree stump in the forest. After that, the children no longer grew, and the pregnant woman could lose the fetus.
  • It was not customary to plant an oak near the house, since it allegedly took the vitality of a man. But the birch growing at the doorstep took away the health of women.

Superstitions related to birds and animals

Let's list the beliefs that in Russia were attributed to animals and birds.

  • A bird flew into the house - expect misfortune. To ward off trouble, you have to leave the house empty for one night.
  • The dog in the village is howling piteously, which means that soon one of the villagers will go to another world.
  • We heard a crow's cry outside the window - misfortune will happen soon. And if someone from the family is sick, then it will take a long time to recover.
  • When a bird just looked through the window, it means that some unpleasant news is expected.
  • You cannot kill spiders in the house - this will cause a heavy downpour, or even bring more serious misfortune on yourself. Everything depends on the size of the spider. The larger the insect, the more unpleasant the consequences.
  • Heard the squeak of rats or mice, be prepared for misfortune to happen. And if these rodents suddenly ran out of the house in a flock, then danger threatens: the building will either collapse or be flooded.

Bad omens of the peoples of the world

Each nation has its own set of beliefs that help prevent unwanted events.

  • In Greece are very careful about how the shoes are stored. It is considered a bad sign if the boot lies with the sole up: this promises trouble in the future. The Greeks also attach great importance to sneezing. Chih says that a person is "washed with bones."
  • Chinesenever cut their nails after nightfall. They believe this will attract the attention of evil spirits. Four is considered an unlucky number in China. This figure is not even used in the numbering of houses and cars. They also disapprove of the beard and mustache, because they see them as a sign of failure. But the worst omen is a blow with a broom or a broom, this is tantamount to a curse. In addition, the Chinese will never store a broken comb.
  • Japanese residentsare also quite superstitious. For example, the three of them are afraid to be photographed, because they are sure that the one who stands in the center is doomed to die soon. The Japanese avoid going to the mirror in the dark, and at night they even curtain them with a cloth. The number four is also banned in Japan.
  • Italiansthey consider it a bad omen to meet a nun. Peacock feathers, which the British perceive as a symbol of prosperity, are equated in Italy with a sign of dark forces.
  • The Britishbelieve that you cannot open an umbrella on the doorstep - this can attract the angel of death. Shoes on the table have a similar meaning. In England there is another gloomy belief: if crows begin to fly out of the Tower, then the state will soon come to an end.
  • Czechs,big beer lovers react extremely negatively if someone refills a glass that has not yet been emptied, especially when different varieties are mixed. A person who drinks from such a glass incurs unhappiness.
  • In South Koreathere is a sign similar to the Russian belief about the inadmissibility of whistling in the house. If a Korean dangles his legs in the air, he destroys the family's well-being.
  • Tajiksit is not customary to transfer money, keys, scissors, needles and pins from hand to hand. These items are placed on the table so that the person can then pick them up.
  • In Turkeyare wary of the water in which the moon is reflected. It is not used for drinking.
  • Women living in Rwanda, do not eat goat meat: they believe that this will start to grow a beard.

Good omens

Of course, everything in the world is balanced and along with bad signs there are good ones. We usually rejoice at the arrival of guests, and everyone knows the sign about a fallen fork (this portends the appearance of a woman) or a spoon (then a man will be a guest).

For home, family, warmth and comfort

Beliefs that promise happy events are widely known among the people.

  • For example, when someone breaks a plate or a cup, the hostess of the house usually does not get upset, but says with joy: "The dishes are broken - it means, fortunately."
  • If a spider has descended from the ceiling to you, it is believed that good news will soon come to the house.
  • A ladybug sat on the hand - this promises happiness in personal relationships, meeting a loved one soon.
  • If a girl, after walking through the forest, found an acorn in her pocket, she will retain her attractiveness and youth for a long time.
  • If the newlyweds received a blue gift for the wedding (in a blue package), this portends happiness and mutual understanding.

How to find happiness with signs

  • In order for a wish to come true, you need to make it at a certain moment. This is done during the fall of a star from the sky; on New Year's Eve when the chimes strike; on your birthday, when you need to blow out the candles on the birthday cake.
  • Holidays in Russia have always been tied to signs. Before Christmas, girls and unmarried women who care about happiness in their personal lives used to guess on the betrothed to find out who would be her companion.
  • Another sign recommends combining the wedding day with a big holiday. In this case, the life of the spouses will be filled with joyful events.
  • The timing of the wedding is also important. When the marriage is concluded in the spring, the relationship will have a romantic color, and if in the summer, the atmosphere in the family will be even and comfortable.


No matter how a person treats signs, he must understand that they are not a sentence, but only a warning. Moreover, much depends on the faith of the person and his inner attitude. The sign offers us a variant of events, but it is in our will to influence the circumstances.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!