Message about the animal brown bear. Brown bear brief information

Terrible brown bears - the majestic guards of forests. This beautiful animal is considered to be a symbol of Russia, although numerous places of his habitat can be found in all corners of our planet. Since the brown bear is under threat of complete disappearance, it is listed in the Red Book. Basically, this animal lives in Russia, the USA and Canada. A small number of bears has been preserved in Europe and Asia.

The lifestyle of this important "Taiga's owner" is very interesting. How many brown bear live? What weight can it reach? Most interesting Facts We will tell about the life of the brown closure in this article.

Brown bear: appearance description

This animal is very strong. The powerful body is covered with thick hair, and the withers distinguish on the back clearly. It clustered a large number of muscles that allow the bear to apply crushing shocks with legs, pump trees or dig ground.

He is very big, with small ears and small, deeply planted eyes. The tail of the bears is short - about 2 cm, barely noticeable under the wool layer. The paws are very strong, with large curled claws that reach the length of 10 cm. When walking, the bear evenly transfers the body weight to the entire sole, as a person, and therefore it belongs to the type of adjoining animals.

The wool among the famous "Taiga owner" is very beautiful - thick, evenly painted. Brown bears have a tendency to molt - in the spring and autumn they update their fur coat. The first change of wool comes immediately after the hibernation and is very intense. Especially noticeable its manifestations during the Gon. Autumn molting flows slowly and continues until hibernation.

How many brown bear live?

The life expectancy of the Kosolapoy depends on the environment of its habitat. Under wildlife, a brown bear can reach age from 20 to 35 years. If the animal is contained in the zoo, this figure increases almost twice. In captivity, the bear can live for about 50 years. The offensive of puberty occurs between the ages of 6 and 11 years.

Animal sizes and weight

The standard length of the body of a closure predator varies within one or two meters. The largest bears live in Alaska, Kamchatka and Far East. These are grizzlys, true giants whose growth at the hind legs reaches three meters.

The maximum weight of the bear (brown) can be 600 kg. These are real heavyweight giants. The average weight of the adult male is at the level of 140-400 kg, and the weight of the female is 90-210 kg. The largest male was discovered on the island of Kodiak. His body weight was huge - 1134 kg. However, animals living in the middle lane of Russia weigh much less - about 100 kg.

By autumn, this animal accumulates a large fatty supply for the upcoming hibernation, and therefore the weight of the bear (brown) increases by 20%.


Mostly bears live in dense forests, in swampy locations. Often they can be seen in the tundra or alpine forests. In Russia, this animal occupies remote northern regions. Very often there are brown bears in Siberia. Taiga's calm forests allow Kosolapi to feel spacious and freely, and here nothing prevents their existence.

In the US, bears live predominantly in open areas - on the coasts, alpine meadows. In Europe, they mainly live in mountainous dense forests.

In Asia, you can also meet the population of brown bear. Their area takes small areas of Palestine, Iran, North China and the Japanese Island Hokkaido.

What is food?

Oviationity and endurance are the main qualities that help survive the beast in difficult conditions. In the diet of the brown bear, 75% is vegetable food. Kosolapiy can feed with tubers, nuts, berries, herbs stems, roots and acorns. If this is not enough, the bear can go on oats or corn crops, feed in cedarns.

Large individuals have an incomplete strength and hunt for small young animals. With just one blow of a huge paw, the bear can kill the spine moose or deer. He hunts on a roe, kabanov, lins, mountain goats. Without problems, brown bears can eat rodents, larvae, ants, frogs, worms and lizards.

Skillful fishermen and masking

Often bears feed on Padal. The found the remains of animals Kosolapiy skillfully covers the twig and tries to be nearby until he is completely eating his "find". If the bear recently poked, he can wait a few days. After some time, the meat of the dead animal will become softer, and he will gladly enjoy them.

The most amazing study of the bears is fishing. They go to the Far Eastern spawning rivers, where salmosi massively accumulate. Especially often here are nursed by the bear with their offspring. Mother skillfully catches salmon and refers him to his young.

Simultaneously on the river you can see up to 30 bears, which often come into battle for prey.


The Bear has very developed sense of smell. The smell of decomposed meat he felt clearly, even from him at a distance of 3 km. Hearing it is also very good. Sometimes the bear rises to the hind legs to listen to any sound or feel the direction of the smell of food.

How does the bear behave in nature? The brown "owner of the Taiga" begins to bypass his possessions with the onset of twilight or early in the morning. In bad weather or on rainy periods, he can wander through the forest all day in search of food.

Speed \u200b\u200band dexterity - distinctive quality of the beast

At first glance, this huge animal seems very clumsy and slow. But it is not. The big brown bear is very prompt and lightweight. In pursuit of the victim, he can develop a speed of up to 60 km / h. Bear also excellent swimmer. It can easily overcome water from a distance of 6-10 km and with pleasure bathes in hot summer days.

Young bears are flawed in trees. With age, this ability is slightly dulled, but does not disappear. However, deep snow is a heavy test for them, since the bear on it moves with great difficulty.

Reproduction period

Restoring the strength after a long sleep, brown bears are ready for mating. Gon begins in the spring, in May, and goes on about a month. Females notify about the readiness for mating a special secret, which has a strong smell. On these labels, males find their chosen and guard them from rivals.

Sometimes for the female between two bears, cruel fights arise, in which fate is solved, and sometimes the life of one of them. In the event of the death of one of the males, the winner can even eat it.

In the marriage period, bears are very dangerous. They publish a wild roar and can attack a person.

Reproduction of offspring

Exactly 6-8 months in Berloda are born by cubs. Usually the female brings 2-4 young, completely bald, with underdeveloped hearing and vision organs. However, a month later, the cubs open their eyes, the ability to capture sounds. Immediately after the birth of the young weighing about 500 g, and their length reaches 25 cm. By 3 months, all milk teeth are cut down.

The first 6 months of their lives of the kids feed on the mother's milk. Then berries, insects, greens are added to their diet. Later, the mother brings them a fish or her prey. About 2 years old, the kids live together with the mother, are trained by the sobs, hunting toes, lie in a hibernation. An independent life of a young bear begins at the age of 3-4 years. The Bear Father never takes participation in the upbringing of offspring.


Brown bear - an animal is non-permanent. In one place he feeds, he sleeps in the other, and for mating can leave the usual habitat by several kilometers. A young bear wanders around the terrain until he becomes a family.

Brown owner marks his possessions. Here only one can hunt here. Borders he marks a special way, breaking the bark from the trees. In areas without plantings, the bear can rip off the items that are in the field of his vision - stones, slopes.

In the summer he can rest carelessly on open glades, goes right on the ground. The main thing is that this place is secluded and safe for the bear.

Why the rod?

Before running in the winter hibernation, the bear must dial the required amount of fat stock. If it turns out not enough, the animal has to wander further in search of food. From this there was a name - connecting rod.

Moving on the cold course of the year, the bear is doomed to the death of frost, hunger or hunter gun. However, in the winter you can meet not only the connecting rod. Often, the bear can be simply disturbed by people. Then this disturbed beast is forced to look for new shelter to immerse themselves in a hibernation.

Search for Berlogs

This winter fabric is a bear chooses with special care. For Berherry, reliable calm places are elected, located on the borders of the swamps, in the burlomas, on the banks of the rivers, in secluded caves. Refuge should be dry, warm, spacious and safe.

The bear seats his burgrel with moss, laying out a soft litter from it. The branches of the trees are masked and insulated. Very often good Berlry Bear enjoys a few years.

The life of brown bears is to search for food, especially in front of the winter hibernation. Before immersed in a dream, the beast diligently confuses the traces: goes on the swamps, loops and even walks back in advance.

Silent and relaxing rest

In the cozy Berorga, bears sleep all frosty long winter. Old males leave their refuge before all. The longest of the rest is in the Berld of the Major with the offspring. The holy of brown bears is 5-6 months old. She usually begins in October, and ends in April.

In deep sleep, the bears are not immersed. They retain sensitivity and vitality, they are easy to disturb them. Body temperature of a bear during sleep is within 29-34 degrees. During the hibernation, little energy is consumed, and the closure is enough of its bodybuildly acquired in active time. During the winter recreation period, the Bear loses about 80 kg of its weight.

Features wintering

All winter, the bear sleeps on the side, conveniently curled up by the village. Less often observe poses on the back or sitting, with the head down. Breathing and heart rate with hibernation slow down.

Surprisingly, but during the winter sleep, this animal is not defecated. All waste of life in the body of the bear is repeated and transformed into the valuable proteins necessary for its existence. The rectum closes a dense tube consisting of needles, compressed herbs and wool. It is removed after the exit of the animal from the berry.

Does the bear sucks?

Many people naively believe that during the winter hibernation hibernation, it produces valuable vitamins of their limbs. But it is not. The fact is that in January there is a skin update on the pads of the lapse of the bear. Old dry skin burst and gives him strong discomfort. To somehow temper this itching, the bear licks the paw, moisturizing and softening it with its saliva.

Dangerous and strong animal

The bear is primarily a predator, mighty and scary. A random meeting with this enjoyable beast will not bring anything good.

Spring Gon, winter search for new shelter - in these periods the brown bear is most dangerous. A description or photographs of animals who live in nurseries and are kindly relate to people, do not have to seduce you, - there they have grown completely in other conditions. In nature, the calm beast can show cruelty and easily demolish your head. Especially if you wandered on its territory.

Self-side follows and females with offspring. Mother moves instincts and aggression, so it is better not to get up on its way.

Of course, the behavior of the club depends on the situation and time of year. Often, the bears themselves run away, huvie away by man. But you should not think that since this beast can eat berries and honey, this is his favorite food. The best meal for the bear is meat, and he will never miss the opportunity to get it.

Why is Kosolapy?

This nickname securely fixed the bear. And all the fact that when walking it comes alternately on the right and on the left paws. Therefore, on the part it seems that the bear is closer.

But this slowness and clumsy is deceptive. In case dangerous situation This beast is instantly started in a gallop and easily overtakes a person. The feature of the structure of the front and rear paw allows it to be unprecedented with a lifting of the mountain. He conquers the peaks much faster than descending from them.

It took not one millennium to formed such a complex habitat and life of this amazing animal. As a result, the brown bears have gained the ability to survive in areas where harsh climatic conditions are present. Nature is amazing, and it remains only to admire her wisdom and immutable laws arising from all in its place.

Brown bear can be called one of the most famous predators. In many nations, he is mentioned in fairy tales and legends. He is a frequent hero of Russian fairy tales. This is one of the largest land predators.

Brown bear has a powerful body, high withers, a large head with small ears and eyes. The tail is short, barely released from wool. Paws are strong with powerful long claws. Wool thick. Color from light to dark brown, almost black.

Due to the extermination by man, the brown bears in the world remained very little. In Russia, brown bears live in the northern forests to the border of the tundra. They meet in the mountain forests of Europe. In North America, the brown bear is known called "Grizzly". A brown bear has several subspecies that differ in size and color. The smallest bears are found in Europe, the largest - on Alaska and Kamchatka. They weigh an average of 500 and more kg, there were giants weighing 700-1000 kg. Body Body Length from 1 to 2 meters. Adult males on average one and a half times larger than females. Grizzly larger, some individuals, put on the rear paws, reach growth of 3 m.

The bear lives in the forests. The male is usually held one on its own territory, female - with bearings of different ages. Females bring offspring once every 2-4 years, 2-3 bears rebuke. Bear is born in the burgrel in the winter. They are born blind and deaf, but after a while they begin to hear, later - to see, and when the spring leaves the burgogs, they can already eat not only maternal milk, but also berries, greens and insects. Young holds up with mom under 3 years old.

The bear walks, at the same time advancing two legs on each side. From this, his gait looks like a turning room with a side on the side, the feet are directed a little inside. For that, he was nicknamed Kosolap. Despite the clumsy species, the brown bear can sometimes run quickly - at a speed of up to 50 km / h, perfectly floats and goes well in the youth on trees. Bear - the beast is very curious, but cautious and smart, having met in the forest Fresh trail of a person, does not premone go through it to find out what he did in his faults an impaired guest.

The brown bear is omnivore, but the diet is on 3/4 floral: berries, aches, nuts, roots, tubers and herbs stems. All types of bears are distinguished by excellent memory - they remember all berry and mushroom places, bypassing them as ripening. Meat food that is eating a bear: insects (ants, butterflies), worms, lizards, frogs, rodents (mice, crops, horses, chipmunks) and fish. If you manage, the bear can catch a roof or deer. The brown bear loves honey, eats Padal, and can also take prey from other predators. Bear tricks are often surprised even experienced hunters. It is known, for example, that they know how to confuse traces, going back in advance.

By winter, the bear feeds the subcutaneous fat and from autumn it lies in a hibernation in Berlnogo. The bears have favorite places of wintering, where they are going every year with a whole district. In different areas, the winter sleep of the bear lasts 3-6 months. For the wintering period, the bear loses up to 80 kg of fat. It is the opinion that the bear sucks the paw during the hibernation and therefore does not starve. But in fact, in the winter there is a change in the rigid skin on the pads of the paws of the bear, while the old skin flakes, and hees greatly, and in order to somehow reduce these discomfort, the animal licks its paws.

Sometimes the bear does not have time for autumn as they should quit, so among the winter wakes up and begins to wander in search of food, such bears are called rods. The connectors are very dangerous, they are hungry and attack anyone who will meet them on the way.

Brown bear is listed in the Red Book as a threat of disappearance.

Questions on the report on the Bar Bear

1. What does the brown bear look like?
2. Where does it live?
3. How to breed?
4. Why is the bear called Kosolap?
5. What eats a brown bear?
6. Why does the Bear suck in the winter?
7. Who is such a connecting rod?

Terrible brown bears - the majestic guards of forests. This beautiful animal is considered to be a symbol of Russia, although numerous places of his habitat can be found in all corners of our planet. Since the brown bear is under threat of complete disappearance, it is listed in the Red Book. Basically, this animal lives in Russia, the USA and Canada. A small number of bears has been preserved in Europe and Asia.

The lifestyle of this important "Taiga's owner" is very interesting. How many brown bear live? What weight can it reach? The most interesting facts about the life of the brown closure we will tell you in this article.

Brown bear: appearance description

This animal is very strong. The powerful body is covered with thick hair, and the withers distinguish on the back clearly. It clustered a large number of muscles that allow the bear to apply crushing shocks with legs, pump trees or dig ground.

He is very big, with small ears and small, deeply planted eyes. The tail of the bears is short - about 2 cm, barely noticeable under the wool layer. The paws are very strong, with large curled claws that reach the length of 10 cm. When walking, the bear evenly transfers the body weight to the entire sole, as a person, and therefore it belongs to the type of adjoining animals.

The wool among the famous "Taiga owner" is very beautiful - thick, evenly painted. Brown bears have a tendency to molt - in the spring and autumn they update their fur coat. The first change of wool comes immediately after the hibernation and is very intense. Especially noticeable its manifestations during the Gon. Autumn molting flows slowly and continues until hibernation.

How many brown bear live?

The life expectancy of the Kosolapoy depends on the environment of its habitat. Under wildlife, a brown bear can reach age from 20 to 35 years. If the animal is contained in the zoo, this figure increases almost twice. In captivity, the bear can live for about 50 years. The offensive of puberty occurs between the ages of 6 and 11 years.

Animal sizes and weight

The standard length of the body of a closure predator varies within one or two meters. The largest bears live in Alaska, Kamchatka and the Far East. These are grizzlys, true giants whose growth at the hind legs reaches three meters.

The maximum weight of the bear (brown) can be 600 kg. These are real heavyweight giants. The average weight of the adult male is at the level of 140-400 kg, and the weight of the female is 90-210 kg. The largest male was discovered on the island of Kodiak. His body weight was huge - 1134 kg. However, animals living in the middle lane of Russia weigh much less - about 100 kg.

By autumn, this animal accumulates a large fatty supply for the upcoming hibernation, and therefore the weight of the bear (brown) increases by 20%.


Mostly bears live in dense forests, in swampy locations. Often they can be seen in the tundra or alpine forests. In Russia, this animal occupies remote northern regions. Very often there are brown bears in Siberia. Taiga's calm forests allow Kosolapi to feel spacious and freely, and here nothing prevents their existence.

In the US, bears live predominantly in open areas - on the coasts, alpine meadows. In Europe, they mainly live in mountainous dense forests.

In Asia, you can also meet the population of brown bear. Their area takes small areas of Palestine, Iran, North China and the Japanese Island Hokkaido.

What is food?

Oviationity and endurance are the main qualities that help survive the beast in difficult conditions. In the diet of the brown bear, 75% is vegetable food. Kosolapiy can feed with tubers, nuts, berries, herbs stems, roots and acorns. If this is not enough, the bear can go on oats or corn crops, feed in cedarns.

Large individuals have an incomplete strength and hunt for small young animals. With just one blow of a huge paw, the bear can kill the spine moose or deer. He hunts on a roe, kabanov, lins, mountain goats. Without problems, brown bears can eat rodents, larvae, ants, frogs, worms and lizards.

Skillful fishermen and masking

Often bears feed on Padal. The found the remains of animals Kosolapiy skillfully covers the twig and tries to be nearby until he is completely eating his "find". If the bear recently poked, he can wait a few days. After some time, the meat of the dead animal will become softer, and he will gladly enjoy them.

The most amazing study of the bears is fishing. They go to the Far Eastern spawning rivers, where salmosi massively accumulate. Especially often here are nursed by the bear with their offspring. Mother skillfully catches salmon and refers him to his young.

Simultaneously on the river you can see up to 30 bears, which often come into battle for prey.


The Bear has very developed sense of smell. The smell of decomposed meat he felt clearly, even from him at a distance of 3 km. Hearing it is also very good. Sometimes the bear rises to the hind legs to listen to any sound or feel the direction of the smell of food.

How does the bear behave in nature? The brown "owner of the Taiga" begins to bypass his possessions with the onset of twilight or early in the morning. In bad weather or on rainy periods, he can wander through the forest all day in search of food.

Speed \u200b\u200band dexterity - distinctive quality of the beast

At first glance, this huge animal seems very clumsy and slow. But it is not. The big brown bear is very prompt and lightweight. In pursuit of the victim, he can develop a speed of up to 60 km / h. Bear also excellent swimmer. It can easily overcome water from a distance of 6-10 km and with pleasure bathes in hot summer days.

Young bears are flawed in trees. With age, this ability is slightly dulled, but does not disappear. However, deep snow is a heavy test for them, since the bear on it moves with great difficulty.

Reproduction period

Restoring the strength after a long sleep, brown bears are ready for mating. Gon begins in the spring, in May, and goes on about a month. Females notify about the readiness for mating a special secret, which has a strong smell. On these labels, males find their chosen and guard them from rivals.

Sometimes for the female between two bears, cruel fights arise, in which fate is solved, and sometimes the life of one of them. In the event of the death of one of the males, the winner can even eat it.

In the marriage period, bears are very dangerous. They publish a wild roar and can attack a person.

Reproduction of offspring

Exactly 6-8 months in Berloda are born by cubs. Usually the female brings 2-4 young, completely bald, with underdeveloped hearing and vision organs. However, a month later, the cubs open their eyes, the ability to capture sounds. Immediately after the birth of the young weighing about 500 g, and their length reaches 25 cm. By 3 months, all milk teeth are cut down.

The first 6 months of their lives of the kids feed on the mother's milk. Then berries, insects, greens are added to their diet. Later, the mother brings them a fish or her prey. About 2 years old, the kids live together with the mother, are trained by the sobs, hunting toes, lie in a hibernation. An independent life of a young bear begins at the age of 3-4 years. The Bear Father never takes participation in the upbringing of offspring.


Brown bear - an animal is non-permanent. In one place he feeds, he sleeps in the other, and for mating can leave the usual habitat by several kilometers. A young bear wanders around the terrain until he becomes a family.

Brown owner marks his possessions. Here only one can hunt here. Borders he marks a special way, breaking the bark from the trees. In areas without plantings, the bear can rip off the items that are in the field of his vision - stones, slopes.

In the summer he can rest carelessly on open glades, goes right on the ground. The main thing is that this place is secluded and safe for the bear.

Why the rod?

Before running in the winter hibernation, the bear must dial the required amount of fat stock. If it turns out not enough, the animal has to wander further in search of food. From this there was a name - connecting rod.

Moving on the cold course of the year, the bear is doomed to the death of frost, hunger or hunter gun. However, in the winter you can meet not only the connecting rod. Often, the bear can be simply disturbed by people. Then this disturbed beast is forced to look for new shelter to immerse themselves in a hibernation.

Search for Berlogs

This winter fabric is a bear chooses with special care. For Berherry, reliable calm places are elected, located on the borders of the swamps, in the burlomas, on the banks of the rivers, in secluded caves. Refuge should be dry, warm, spacious and safe.

The bear seats his burgrel with moss, laying out a soft litter from it. The branches of the trees are masked and insulated. Very often good Berlry Bear enjoys a few years.

The life of brown bears is to search for food, especially in front of the winter hibernation. Before immersed in a dream, the beast diligently confuses the traces: goes on the swamps, loops and even walks back in advance.

Silent and relaxing rest

In the cozy Beror, the bears sleep all frosty long winter. Old males leave their refuge before all. The longest of the rest is in the Berld of the Major with the offspring. The holy of brown bears is 5-6 months old. She usually begins in October, and ends in April.

In deep sleep, the bears are not immersed. They retain sensitivity and vitality, they are easy to disturb them. Body temperature of a bear during sleep is within 29-34 degrees. During the hibernation, little energy is consumed, and the closure is enough of its bodybuildly acquired in active time. During the winter recreation period, the Bear loses about 80 kg of its weight.

Features wintering

All winter, the bear sleeps on the side, conveniently curled up by the village. Less often observe poses on the back or sitting, with the head down. Breathing and heart rate with hibernation slow down.

Surprisingly, but during the winter sleep, this animal is not defecated. All waste of life in the body of the bear is repeated and transformed into the valuable proteins necessary for its existence. The rectum closes a dense tube consisting of needles, compressed herbs and wool. It is removed after the exit of the animal from the berry.

Does the bear sucks?

Many people naively believe that during the winter hibernation hibernation, it produces valuable vitamins of their limbs. But it is not. The fact is that in January there is a skin update on the pads of the lapse of the bear. Old dry skin burst and gives him strong discomfort. To somehow temper this itching, the bear licks the paw, moisturizing and softening it with its saliva.

Dangerous and strong animal

The bear is primarily a predator, mighty and scary. A random meeting with this enjoyable beast will not bring anything good.

Spring Gon, winter search for new shelter - in these periods the brown bear is most dangerous. A description or photographs of animals who live in nurseries and are kindly relate to people, do not have to seduce you, - there they have grown completely in other conditions. In nature, the calm beast can show cruelty and easily demolish your head. Especially if you wandered on its territory.

Self-side follows and females with offspring. Mother moves instincts and aggression, so it is better not to get up on its way.

Of course, the behavior of the club depends on the situation and time of year. Often, the bears themselves run away, huvie away by man. But you should not think that since this beast can eat berries and honey, this is his favorite food. The best meal for the bear is meat, and he will never miss the opportunity to get it.

Why is Kosolapy?

This nickname securely fixed the bear. And all the fact that when walking it comes alternately on the right and on the left paws. Therefore, on the part it seems that the bear is closer.

But this slowness and clumsy is deceptive. In the event of a dangerous situation, this beast is instantly started in a gallop and easily overtakes a person. The feature of the structure of the front and rear paw allows it to be unprecedented with a lifting of the mountain. He conquers the peaks much faster than descending from them.

It took not one millennium to formed such a complex habitat and life of this amazing animal. As a result, the brown bears have gained the ability to survive in areas where harsh climatic conditions are present. Nature is amazing, and it remains only to admire her wisdom and immutable laws arising from all in its place.

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Brown Bear: Description for children

When we draw a bear at imagination, a huge animal comes to mind. And although in fairy tales, he is usually a positive hero, and do not forget that this is a real predator.

Bear's legs in thick, massive head with small ears and eyes. The fur in the animal is thick and smooth, brown-brown.

One blow of which he is able to kill even the animal stronger. Large durable claws on all paws help catch prey. The bear loves insects, fish, hunts on a roe and deer. Less often feeds on grass, nuts, various berries.

Bear is a formidable forest inhabitant. Indeed, he is alone, he is able to dump the enemy pushed. And a loud roar only emphasizes the power and greatness of the beast. The bear has a warm fur that allows you to withstand the most very coldy. For the winter, the animal prepares its berrogue: collects branches and moss. They say that the bear is not worthwhile, it is dangerous for life.

Also in winter it is born by young. Little bears cute and fluffy. It is the mother who teaches them to hunt and climb trees.

At the same time, the bear is a symbol of wisdom. In all stories, he acts as a wise mediator. But despite positive qualities, you should not meet the bear face.

Brown Bear Scientific Description

The appearance of the predator of this species is typical for all representatives of a bear family: a powerful, pretty high to the withers torso, a massive head with enough small ears and eyes, a short, slightly noticeable tail, and large paws with very powerful claws.

The length of the predator's body may vary from 1.2 to 3 meters, and the weight of the bear varies from 40 kg to tons. Powerful jaws make it easy to turn out both plant and meat food. The limbs are rather short and slightly curved. Therefore, the bear walks, swaying from side to the side, and relies on the entire foot.

The speed of the bear at the moments of danger can reach 50 km / h. With the help of large and sharp claws, these animals mined food from under the ground, breaking the prey and boil the trees.

Bears do not differ acute vision and well-developed hearing. This is compensated by a great sense of smell. Sometimes animals get up on the hind legs so that with the face of the surrounding environment.

The torso of the brown bear is covered with thick wool with a brownish, dark gray, reddish color, which varies from the habitat of the "Kosolapoy". Clean-kids often have large bright fastening on the chest or in the neck area, however, with age, these marks disappear.

The lifespan of the bear can reach 45 years.

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As soon as they are not called the people of Bear - Kosolapiy, Toptygin, the owner of the taiga. It is considered by their clumsy and lazy animals, but this is a delusion. The brown bears are very mobile and energetic, young individuals are able to develop a greater speed and very deftly climb on the trees.

The habitats of brown bears are scattered around the world, but they are becoming less and less, according to the results of the last statistics - about 200 thousand. Therefore, animals were listed in the Red Book. In Russia, the beast can be found in the Far East and Chukotka, in Siberia and in Kamchatka. Bears attract dense impassable forests, where they can hide or deposit in Berorgan.

Brown bear is considered one of the largest predators of the planet. The weight of an adult animal reaches 600 kg, and the body length is about 2 meters. The head is strong, massive, with deeply planted small eyes. The color depends on the habitat, from light sandy to black, sizes may also differ. In captors, predators live longer, and in wildlife Usually 30 years.

In search of food bears can take long distances, they are fairly hardy. And in the winter they are looking for privacy in mountain clefts, under the roots of large trees and arrange to themselves Berlogue, pulling inside dry grass, branches, moss. Winter hibernation lasts a few months before thaw. There are cases when the winter is warm, the bear wakes up and begins to wander in search of food, it happens that it turns out and near human housing. Such animals were nicknamed rods, they are hungry and therefore are very dangerous. The brown bear menu includes not only other animals, insects, fish, but also vegetable food.

Bears are multiplied, starting with a 3-year-old age, closer to the summer. The female is born not more than 4 cubs. Their weight is only 500-600 g, a whole month of bear blind and helpless, and by 3-4 months begin to go out with the mother from the Berlogs and join adulthood.

Video about the life of bears.

Bear nomad. Wild Alaska / Bear Nomad. Alaska Wild / 2011. Wild Alaska Ecologist Chris Morgan explores one of the largest populations of brown bears in the world.

Bear kingdom. Page Valentin Sergeevich and his wards.

Coast of brown bears.