A contract guide for the good life. Good Life Contract Walkthrough

"Stalker" is one of the few games that boasts a large number of mods that not only change the interface or add weapons, but are in fact DLC with a full storyline, characters, voice acting and other parameters. Recently, the number of such mods has dropped significantly, and large developers have even left the sector.

Therefore, the "Contract for a Good Life" was supposed to once again breathe new life into the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. project. The developers promised a lot, but before the release they said that not all content will get into the final version. Also, the release was postponed several times, leaving less and less hope for the players. However, in July 2016 it was published and many breathed a sigh of relief and began to go through a new chapter of this universe.

The opinions of the players are generally similar, basically everyone is happy, but they expected much more, as it was stated. Everyone understands perfectly well that the project is non-commercial and was created for "thanks", but still there is a slice of deception in this fashion. Let's consider together whether it turned out to realize all the ideas and whether it is worth the created excitement.

"Stalker: The Contract for a Good Life". The plot of the mod

Let's not spoil the main points and twists and turns, let's talk about the general aspects. It is worth noting that the game starts from the end, which is a good move, since it was used in a number of popular games, Prototype or Max Payne immediately comes to mind. This adds more interest and makes you follow the plot more closely. Also, this mod is a little connected with the equally popular "White squad", which will also delight fans. It can be seen that the guys tried and thought through the dialogues, turns, and so on. Also, no one canceled the additional quests that you really want to complete, since they slightly open the veil of secrecy. For the fact that this is also remembered, therefore, several times they offer a choice to the player, and in a certain sense this will be reflected in the future.

The main atmosphere has not changed, the depressive atmosphere of the hard life of the stalker, betrayal, new friends, new deaths, mutants and other creatures. Everything wants to kill you, even if it is not an animate object. And in general, all this was conveyed quite well, given the fact that this is a non-profit project, it is worth paying respect for it. However, everything is not perfect. In some moments, the real drama did not reach, and the characters seem wooden and simulated. More often, on the contrary, they go too far with this, and you really understand that the situation that has occurred is impossible even in this world. Some plot twists do not answer questions, but, on the contrary, increase them significantly. And it would be understandable if this mod was the first part of the series, but no. As practice shows, if there is a continuation, then not in the next couple of years, and it turns out that the developers have left the players with a huge bag of questions and negative sediment under the name "is that all?"

Graphics in "Stalker: The Contract for a Good Life"

As is customary in the circle of moderators who position themselves as professionals, in addition to the plot, it is also necessary to work on the graphic component. In "Stalker: The Contract for a Good Life" there really is nothing to complain about. Significantly increased the graphical display of many particles, such as the fire of any firearm, as well as the effects of the flight of a bullet. Explosions look much larger and smoother. Anomalies are generally a separate issue, perfectly bends space, now it looks like a real anomaly (if it existed). An excellent interface that greatly simplifies the gameplay and makes all the necessary elements brighter and more accurate. The development team did a great job with this process and really just "squeezed" absolutely everything out of this poor 2008 engine. There is no significant increase in PC requirements, and for modern hardware it will not be a problem to launch this mod at 60 fps, even if you have to process 1000 explosions at the same time.

"Stalker: The Contract for a Good Life" and wonderful cast scenes

An integral part of any big mod is the cast scenes, which, in general, provide most of the information about the plot. Everything is perfectly worked out, bugs, freezes are not observed. Everything is worked out with a soul and for the players to immerse themselves as much as possible in the problems of the protagonist and some of his allies. There is a decent amount of action-packed cast scenes, which are certainly not on par with the CoD series in terms of graphics quality, but quite well in terms of the storyline. Sometimes you really don't understand what to pay attention to, where to look, what to remember. For this part of the mod, you can put a bold plus, since this is 60-70% of the whole picture. The most important thing is that they do not get bored, they always appear on time, the developers have not stopped playing the "kinzo" game, where after 5 minutes of gameplay there is another cast scene. Before some I want to save and view it a couple more times, the picture is so nice.

Locations in "Stalker: Contract for a Good Life"

There are two main locations: Red Forest and Limansk. The beginning of the game starts in the forest and from the first minutes it says that the location just wants to get rid of us. In fact, everything has been worked out in great detail. The mysticism that this forest should betray is completely palpable. The peculiarity of this location is that it is not linear and the player can choose any type of development he likes.

However, there are still places where it is initially better not to appear due to strong monsters. Yes, and you will not be able to get into some of them, since they will be useful in the future for the main quest, but their number is minimal, so freedom is limited to only 1%. Limansk, in turn, is more corridor, but there are several branches, but in fact the exhaust is the same, no matter how it passes.

In addition to your squad, there is a camp of stalkers in the area with their own problems, which they will politely ask you to decide what you can refuse, which will be the biggest mistake. The camp is perfectly drawn, and the characters in it are colorful. In it you can get all the side quests that will plunge even deeper into the history of this part of the zone. Also, every 2 days a merchant appears there, from whom you can buy or, on the contrary, sell the whole swag. It is worth noting that throughout the location there are many caches and boxes with supplies, which makes the gameplay much more enjoyable. A pleasant addition was the Agroprom plant, which is not needed in the plot, but in fact is a huge cache with a bunch of useful things.

Sound component "Stalker: Contract for a Good Life"

Say what you don’t say, but the sound component also takes on a part of the atmosphere and pleasure of perceiving the plot. In terms of musical accompaniment, this mod surprised few, but very pleased with the voice acting. It is divided into two camps - original and borrowed. From the second, it is clear, they took from other games, but with the original things are good. Many characters are self-voiced. And this is not some kind of trash, you can hear that the guys tried. There are pauses in dialogues, accent, pronunciation, emotional plan - it is clear that the developers did not care even to such a trifle. Of course, in some moments it is simply terrible, reminiscent of the game "Gulman" or the pirate voiceovers of games in the mid-2000s, but for the most part it is pleasant to the ears.


The mod is 100% worth the time spent, as a little, but expands the Stalker's universe. There are many pleasant moments that captivate from the very beginning, and even the shortcomings that you meet in the future cannot upset you. Yes, the ending leaves you with questions, but maybe it was done on purpose so that everyone thinks out their ideal ending. The mod is freely available, so everyone is advised to try it out.

The plot of the modification starts in one of the dungeons of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, in the X-8 laboratory. Building - Contract for the Good Life: Go down to Lab X-8.
Having opened the door to the X-8 laboratory, we are greeted by a cutscene in which the Mercenaries who betrayed him want to kill the main character, but our friend, the Beast, saves us.
After talking with the Beast, we need to destroy the stalkers who are in one of the rooms of the X-8 laboratory. After destroying the stalkers, we are shown a cutscene where a helicopter with our squadron crashes due to an anomaly in the sky.
After the cutscene, we need to talk to Solomon, and then inspect the tunnel.
At the end of the tunnel, we find a green container, the gap of which we find a dungeon map.
After that we need to turn on the electricity in the dungeons. To do this, you need to find a switch on one side of the wall and turn on the electricity. After turning on the electricity, we jump into the teleport and we are thrown back to the beginning of the tunnel, we run to Solomon and report to him about what happened. After the conversation, the controller attacks us and one Mercenary from the detachment dies. We kill the controller and report to Solomon. The main thing is not to rush out of the tunnel, as you can find food and medicine in it. To do this, you need to break wooden boxes and search the hatches of armored personnel carriers. In addition, in the tunnel you can find 2 corpses of dead stalkers, which you can loot and take from them the swag. After everything has been collected and everyone has been locked up, we talk with Solomon and get out of the tunnel and go to the Red Forest.

In the Red Forest we go on assignment, you need to check the point marked on the map. At the point we find a dead stalker named St. John's wort.

We search it and after that our squad is attacked by bloodsuckers. After killing all the bloodsuckers, you can remove the tentacles with it and entangle St. John's wort.
After which we discover that one of the squad, Ryder, has become a zombie and must be killed or left alive. Decide for yourself. In my case, I left him alive. If we leave him alive, we'll meet him later.

After that, we go with the detachment to the camp at the privateer. There we open the gate and let the detachment in. In the camp you can find a gas mask, cartridges, medicines.

And also, not far from the camp, there is a place near the tower where the fallen helicopter lies. There you can search pipes and remove weapons, medicines, food and ammunition from them, and in addition, pick up a PDA for remote opening of a cache, which is located near the bridge to Limansk, on the second floor of the tower.
Also, a Muscovite is standing nearby, you can search him and unravel the mystery of the knock coming out of his trunk. To solve the riddle, you need to talk to all the Mercenaries in the squad and with Orange, the leader of the stalkers in the mine.

After talking with Solon, we go with the Mercenary to the mine, where you need to check the area. There we find the corpse of a Mercenary and a living bloodsucker. We kill the bloodsucker and fill up the corpse. Returning to Solomon, we report to him about what happened and we have 1-2 days of rest.

We run to the bridge that leads across the river to Limansk and there we talk with Professor Kornenosov about the assignment. We take a task to search for an artifact and install scanners.
We have a task on the PDA to talk to the Patron. We run to the coordinates marked on the map and talk to the Patron. We help him to fight off a pack of mutants and get some kind of disk from him, save it. After that, the Agroprom location is available to us to visit.
Also, the CCP has a mission to help the Fatalist. To do this, we run to the southeast of the location and help him fight off the snorks. After killing all the snorks, we take him to a detachment of stalkers that made a camp in one of their mines. Having reached the camp, we take from him a task to search for his cache near the bus stop.

In the camp of stalkers, we talk with their leader, Orange, and learn that a stalker named Miserdy has disappeared from them, who went into the mine on the left side. We take a task to find him.

We run to the anomaly and kill the lair of the bloodsuckers on the instructions of Solomon. In the same place, near the anomaly, we install scientists' scanners.

We jump into the anomaly and go to the very bottom.
There we find a container with three artifacts and take them away, after which we are teleported to the mine, next to a squad of stalkers.
In this mine we search the backpack and take away a note and an artifact there. In the same mine you can find the RPK machine gun and cartridges for it.
Having got out of the mine, we run to the secret with the teleport, which is located further than the anomaly.
There, on the tank, we take the RPG and charges to it.
In the same place, on the tank, we find the body of the missing stalker Miserly. We search him, take away his PDA and the Compass artifact. We run to Orange and report to him and that his friend is dead.

After talking with Orange, we run to find the Fatalist's cache. Having dug out the cache behind the stop, we run to the scientists and report on the completed assignment.

We receive a reward and they ask to complete one more task. We accompany Kaimazonawa to the anomaly and receive a reward. We give the Fatalist his cache and return to Solomon.
Having reached the camp, we hear a siren. We speak with Solomon and he asks us to climb the tower and be a sniper. We choose, either we go with them, or we will be a sniper. After the choice, we are attacked by a large number of zombies, after whose death the monoliths appear. After killing everyone, we obscure them, take the most necessary things and speak with Solomon.
After the conversation, we go with Solomon to the underground of the mines, where we set a charge of dynamite on the iron door and we run into captivity.
We speak with the Wolfhound and spit in his face.
After that we talk with Solomon and get out of the camp. After getting out of the camp, we kill all the mercenaries and save our squad. After killing the mercenaries, we run after the Wolfhound and question him, after which we kill.
After leaving the mines, we receive the task "Check the specified point".
Having reached the place, we see the dead mercenary Tamerlane and then we see a dream in which we are talking to Lame.
After waking up, talk to Solomon and go with the Mercenary into the dungeon to open the door to the D6 set. Trying to open the door, the military attack us. We kill the military and go back to the camp. There we report to Solomon that the military are clearing the Red Forest. We leave with the squad in the dungeon near the bridge in Limansk. There we talk with Solomon and get free time.
We go to the tower that is near the bridge and there we speak with the Patron. He asks us to help him find one anomaly in Limansk. We leave with him to Limansk. Behind the bridges, in the tunnel, under the truck there is a good armor of the Debt, we take it away. The gas mask could have been found earlier, in the Mercenaries' camp at the privateer.

In Limansk we walk through the city and get under psi radiation. Gloomy hears the sounds and cry of local residents of the city and asks to kill him. We run deep into the city to turn off the installation. On the way we meet many ghosts, but we don't touch them. In one of the houses we go to bed and again see a dream in which Lame is talking to us. After sleep, we run to the construction site and there we kill the bloodsuckers and turn off the switch.

After disconnecting, we are transferred to the laboratory, in which we need to get to the computer and turn off the installation.
After turning off the installation, we wake up on the couch in the house where Lame spoke to us. We run to the Patron and there we are ambushed. We kill the bandits and speak to Khan and tell him about the installation.
After talking with Khan, we jump into the anomaly and teleport us to the Red Forest. In the Red Forest, we run to Solomon and go down to the D6 set. In D6 we fight off mutants and go into the depths of the complex. There we will get under the explosion and during the cutscene we learn that Solomon is a traitor and he had his own plans for contact. Then we are knocked out by a stalker with scars on his face.

Before us is a new plot modification for "Call of Pripyat". This time we will play for the mercenary Hmuriy, who is in the zone for the first time. A special task force, which includes our character, receives a contract, the implementation of which, for some reason, will not go according to plan. The mod is memorable for its well-built storyline, improved graphics and realistic hardcore gameplay. "Contract for a Good Life" received positive reviews from all playing stalkers, so we look forward to the continuation of this mod from its developers.

Key features of the mod:

  • The mystery of what is happening in the zone, the hero needs to reveal all the secrets.
  • New plot and game surroundings.
  • Used in the mod: new textures, locations, special effects.
  • Game mechanics changed towards realism.
  • A lot of action, combat is very delivering.
  • Gorgeous cut scenes.
  • Interesting weapon pack.
  • High stability of the mod.
  • Interesting side missions.
  • New ambient sounds.
  • General high stalker atmosphere.
  • Lots of dialogue and game texts.
  • Nice game menu.
  • Stealth elements.

The disadvantages of the mod include excessive hardcoreness, the difficulty level cannot be lowered, unfortunately. Some players say about this mod that it's worth it, but not everyone can ... Therefore, we have a great chance to test our stalker skills and still pass this mod. Also at the end of the plot, the authors clearly hint to us about the continuation of the modification, we look forward to it!

Download the ‘Contract for a good life’ mod from the Cloud-Mail.ru service.

The last fix for the mod on Yandex disk.

The "contract for a good life" is installed on top of a pure game ‘’, version Mod files should be unpacked with an archiver and dropped into the root folder of the game with the replacement of all files. Then install the fix on top (with the replacement of files). The start of a new game is required.

Video with a step-by-step review of the modification:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The contract for a good life is another mod for the Stalker.


It is assumed that there are 10 parts in the game. In the version that I downloaded - only 3. Yes, they are long, so these 3 were enough for me for several evenings.

Honestly, there is no desire to look for a continuation of the desire.

Of the pros:

2. Redesigned and made new maps. The factories are cool, with labyrinths.

3. This is "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."

Well, actually, that's all.

1. A lot of "animation" inserts: something is happening on the screen, but you cannot move. You stand dumbly and wait. There are a lot of them, and if you were killed after it (and this happens very often), you have to revise the animation. And this is very annoying.

2. Enemies appear out of thin air. Often - right behind your back. In most cases - very close, a couple of steps. At one location, you talk to the Patron (this is one of the quest characters), and immediately enemies appear behind you, literally 3 meters away. At the same time, the animation is triggered, and you still need to uncover the machine. In general, they put me down 7 times in a row, I didn't even have time to turn around. I had to replay about 10 minutes from the last save in order to stand a little to the side. After that, they began to kill in a couple of seconds, as I took out the machine gun.

With snorks the same thing: they "give birth" literally a couple of meters from you. And they jump far, and shoot at once for half their lives. And they also scratch you through the wall. Bugs.

3. Yes, there are bugs. Very stupid at times. Like, for example, a texture on a kiosk that says "Will be removed."

4. "Vintorez" is given almost immediately. ... and that's not interesting. To be fair, you still have to run with a shotgun: there are a lot of critters in the Red Forest (the game starts here), and the script is triggered every time you run there.

5. By the way, about the red forest: there will be a shootout with the commandos. It is unplayable. Put immediately and through the leaves. I just stood on the sidelines while my partners shot everyone.

6. By the way, about partners: they are immortals. And that's not interesting either.

7. There are no hucksters. More precisely, they are there, but rarely, and they still need to be caught. For 3 chapters, I have not met a single one. Repair is free. But there are no improvements. I found the exoskeleton almost at the very end of the game. I do not like him, but there are no other armor, except for the "standard mercenary".

8. There are also very few artifacts. There is nothing even to put in the pockets.

9. From the "Red Forest" there is an exit to Agroprom. But there is absolutely nothing to do there: there are a lot of anomalies and few people. Even the building of the agricultural industry is empty. Apparently, there will be an exit to this location, but so far there is no link. I think this is also a jamb of developers.

10. There are places where they just kill you. He just stuck his head into the corridor - and that's it, he died. No reason given, no warning signs, no anomalies. Even without explosions. It's ugly to somehow do such things. If you don't want to let the player go there, put up a wall. But don't kill ...

Total: A lot of work has been done, maps are well thought out (almost always), but the playability is rather low. The original "Stalkers" are cut much more evenly (the 3rd part - so in general it was knocked down very tightly).

And one more thing: putting out a third of the game is a perversion. I understand that drawing cards and coming up with dialogues is still a job, and I want to quickly pass everything ... but, damn, an unsaid story is also a jamb.

The new mod will tell the player a completely new chronicle of the Zone, in the middle of which a hired stalker Gloomy will appear. He, like other newcomers, having ended up in the ChEZ, negotiates with the customer to participate in the role of a killer in a special operation under the code name "Contract for a Good Life". In Khmuriy's detachment there were ten, not counting the hero, the same as him. Almost before landing in the center of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, something went awry, and future ideas for the operation run counter to the rest of its tasks. We will find out what will happen next in the game itself.

Navigating the guide.


The game starts with a short cut-scene. Where the main character named Gloomy got the task to go down
to laboratory X-8. Immediately on the stairs lies the corpse of a scientist with a key card from the laboratory door, we take it away.
2. We open the door with a card and immediately get it on the head by unknown people

Chapter X: Death Sentence.

We come to our senses, it turns out that Hmury was rendered harmless by "old friends". One of them talks to us about prying our noses into our own business.
and is already giving the soldier standing next to him, the order to eliminate Khmuriy.
1. Two shots are fired and the two drop dead. The Beast comes out of the door. We talk with him
2. We receive a task to kill representatives of the "White squad" in the laboratory, the Beast is called to help us in this

3. Together with the Beast, they cleaned out the laboratory. A cut-scene has begun, where Hmury will tell us everything in order already in the game itself.

Prologue: Our Time.

The prologue begins with the fact that our helicopter crashed in the red forest during the landing. Nobody except the pilots seems to have died.
We come to our senses 26 hours after the crash.
1. We go to Solomon, we learn that one of ours named Patron is missing. We also learn that Solomon has a map of the area. Many underground communications are marked on it, through which we can get to the center.

Chapter 1: There is always a way out.

1. We search the nearest tower for cartridges and medicines and catch up with the soldiers who went into the tunnel. We examine the tunnel for provisions and cartridges.
In one of the boxes we find some documents that may be useful.

2. We receive a task to try to turn on the electricity. Not far on the wall we find a shield with which we turn on the light.

Immediately at the door that is nearby, a teleport appears. We go into it and we are transferred to the entrance to the tunnel
3. We talk with Solomon about the blocked tunnel and the teleport at the emergency door.
- The controller comes to visit and while we resist his influence we need to somehow kill him. Somehow sorted it out.
We return to ours. We discover that Ramfil is killed because of the controller.
4. We talk with Solomon, inform him about the death of Ramfil. We decide that we need to change the place and find a rest
safer. Solomon's PDA catches the SOS signal. As we leave, let's check the signal source. We inspect the entire tunnel again, talk
with Solomon and we leave this place
5. We move deeper into the forest. We arrive at the place where the SOS signal was caught, together with the detachment we repulse the attack of the bloodsuckers. Gloomy talks to
Solomon. Here's the problem, Ryder was apparently bitten by one of these creatures, now he will become a zombie. We decide to shoot him so that he does not suffer.
We are catching up with our squad.
6. The path further was blocked by a gate that could not be opened from our side. Gloomy decides to climb over the fence and opens the gate.
We arrange for ourselves a temporary shelter near the trailer.
7. We talk with Solomon, he introduces us to the detachment. Do not forget that he is in charge.
Until tomorrow we are free so we go to bed
8. In the morning, having a little refreshment, we go to Solomon. Solomon has already sent several soldiers to scout the forest. He sends me and Karp
scout the mines nearby. The Mute went there and still has not returned, you need to find out what happened there.
9. We talk with Karp, he agrees to walk with us to the mines. In the mines, Karp asks to stand on the nix. After 10 minutes, Karp's scream is heard,
we are urgently going on reconnaissance. We find the body of the Mute in one of the mines, we take a note from him, we urgently need to tell Solomon about it.
10. We return from the mines to Solomon. We talk with him about the loss of Dumb and Karp. It looks like the bloodsucker has dealt with them,
whom we killed in the mines. Solomon informs us that Keith has returned from reconnaissance, you will need to talk to him
At night, a merchant appears in the forest.

11. We take a task from a medic to search for any medicines of at least 15 pieces.
12. We go to inspect the nearest buildings near the trailer. Khmury's attention is attracted by a Muscovite from whom some knocks are heard.
We inspect the car, the sound comes from the trunk. But we cannot open it yet. Maybe someone knows how to open it.

We go to the tower, except for the mercenary, who does not want to talk to us, and there is nothing locked there. We examine the fallen helicopter near the tower.

13. A message from Patron comes to Khmuriy's PDA, it turns out that he is alive and wants to talk, the mark on him appears in the PDA.

We examine the corpses near the helicopter and, as it turned out, not in vain, in one of them we find a PDA with a remote password from the "black box", which we saw on the tower near the bridge in Limansk.

14. We talk with everyone in the camp about knocking in a Muscovite, they send
15. We give medicines to the Scalpel
16. We go to the tower near the bridge to open the "black box" using the military's PDA. In the "black box" we find a PDA with a message about the B-28 evacuation point.

17. We meet a scientist not far from the bridge. We talk with him. He offers us a job installing a scanner in the Witch's Circle anomaly. We agree to put the scanner in an anomaly, the mark appears in the PDA. We also give the scientist the USB flash drive and PDA found in the laptop from the tunnel. We take one more task from the scientist to search for the "Altered Isolator" artifact. It is located near the "Witch's Circle" anomaly.
18. We go to a meeting with the Patron. He says he brought mutants on the tail. We help him to shoot the dogs.
19. We talk with the Patron about his disappearance. He tells us that he escaped on purpose and advises us to run away.
The patron leaves a disk for storage and asks not to tell anyone that we met with him, and he himself leaves for the agricultural industry. After this dialogue, the transition to Agroprom opens.

20. A signal for help comes to Khmuriy's PDA and a mark appears on the map.

Let's go check the coordinates of the signal. By the mark, we find a stalker named Fatalist. We talk with him about the signal for help. Snorks are attacking us. With the Fatalist, we fight them off. We talk with the Fatalist, ask him about the road to the center of the zone. Unfortunately, he doesn't know her. We take the Fatalist to the stalkers' camp. In the stalker camp, talk to the Fatalist again and get SPAS as a reward.
21. We talk with Orange. He says that he sent his man into the tunnel on the left and he disappeared, now he asks to find him. Nickname Cooperdy. We take this task.

22. We ask Orange about a strange Muscovite and a knock from his trunk. Orange tells a mystical story about this. He advises against approaching this car.
23. We go to the anomaly "Witch's circle", there is a task to destroy the lair of bloodsuckers. Together with stalkers, we deal with bloodsuckers. Now you can report to Solomon that the lair has been destroyed. An SMS comes from Professor Kornenosov about a new job.
24. We install the scanner near the anomaly, as well as in the anomaly itself (in the center of it) you can find artifacts that lie in the chest. Bummer, we were moved behind the teleport to the tunnel where the stalker camp is.

There were no artifacts from that chest with us. In the backpack we find the weapon and the "Modified Isolator" artifact. Also in this backpack is a note of a certain Karzan for the Fatalist.

We find a machine gun with a box of cartridges, hidden behind a trolley. When Khmuroy tried to get out of the tunnel, the teleport disappeared and a fighter of the "Monolith" group appeared, who wanted to kill us, but we manage to eliminate him.
25. We return Karzan's note to the Fatalist and receive a reward. We ask the Fatalist about the work. The fatalist asks to find his cache here in the red forest behind the stop, the mark appears in the PDA, we take this task. Digging up Fatalist's swag. We go to Kornenosov. We give him the artifact and report on the successful installation of the scanners. We take from Kornenosov one more task to accompany his colleague Kaimazonov to the "Witch's Circle" anomaly. Kaymazonov himself is located in the checkpoint building.

26. We talk with Kaimazonov and set off. Along the way, we give the box with the swag to the Fatalist and get a reward. We bring Kaimazonov to an anomaly and get a reward.

27. Let's go look for Cooperd. We find his corpse on the tank, which is located north of the "Witch's Circle" anomaly. We take away his PDA and the "Compass" artifact. We also find RPG-7 on the tank.

We go to Orange and inform about the death of Miserly, as well as give him Miserly's PDA.
28. The next day, a message comes from Solomon. We talk with him about the passages in the mine and the anomaly that does not let down. We will need to check everything there. Solomon also says that he found some kind of key, maybe he will come to that locked door on the tower. We report to Solomon about the elimination of the lair of bloodsuckers and receive a reward. Open the tower door and examine the room. We find in it a backpack, which contains a gas cylinder, an anomaly deactivator and a note from the Forester. We take everything.

29. There was a task to deactivate the anomaly in the tunnel near the bridge to Limansk
30. We discover that the strange Muscovite has disappeared, and in its place lies the corpse of Petrukha
31. We leave for the mines to look around there. We receive a task for spraying UX-812 gas through tunnel pipes. We spray gas at one of the valves.

There was a task to search for a secret door in the mines. We find the desired door on the lower level. Now we need to find a way to open it. I need to tell everything to Solomon
32. We return to Solomon and tell him about the found door in the mines. He says that we must wait for Tamerlane, then we will think what to do.

Solomon instructs us to find boxes of supplies for the group, in addition he gives a radio transmitter to find boxes. A mark appears in the PDA, which indicates the place of installation of the radio transmitter (for the mark to appear, you need to use the device). We install the device in the right place. We get the coordinates of three boxes on the PDA. We go to pick up boxes.
33. We take the first box
34. We take the second box
35. We take the third box
36. We return to the camp. We give boxes with supplies to the Scalpel, we get a reward.
37. At night we return to Solomon. He says that we need to take a sniper position on the roof of the forest base, all questions later.

38. We destroy with the help of SVD zombies who attacked us. Now that we have fought back, you can talk to Solomon about the zombie invasion.

39. We tell Solomon about the explosives for the door. He says he has something to blow up the door with. We go with Solomon into the mines to the door that we found. We get explosives from him and install it on the door

Chapter 2: Enemy of One Blood.

1. We talk with the Wolfhound. He's trying to sniff out where our squad came from. We do not tell him anything, for which they knock us out.

We wake up in the middle of the night, next to Solomon. We are discussing with him the tactics of eliminating the Wolfhound group. We crawl on all fours after Solomon to a better shelter. We talk with Solomon and get a grenade launcher in our hands. With his help we deal with the mercenaries. Only the Wolfhound remained, and went on the run. We catch up with him in the mines. We interrogate him about the way to the center of the zone and other things. We kill the Wolfhound and take away the flash drive from him.

2. At the exit from the mines, my eyes began to double and there was a task to check the coordinates on the map.

We return to the camp for weapons and go to check the specified coordinates. At the marked place we find Tamerlane. He shoots in different directions, and then himself in the head. We find the patch of the "Renegades" group on him.

Now we need to find out what caused Tamerlane's suicide. Some crying is heard nearby, we go to the sound into the tunnel near the checkpoint of the bridge.

We lose consciousness there. We come to our senses. We talk with Lame. He keeps repeating about some goal. That you can't kill her. It turns out that it was a dream and we wake up in the forest base in the gatehouse.
3. Finally, we find a night merchant in the stalker camp. We get new equipment from him.

4. We go to Solomon. We inform him about the device that deactivates anomalies. Perhaps with its help, you can remove that teleporter at the door leading to the D6 complex. Solomon is sending the scalpel with us.

In the tunnel we talk with Scalpel and ask him to cover us. Several soldiers appear, which we, together with the Scalpel, destroy. At one of the military we find a document with an order. Let's get acquainted with its contents. Now we need to talk to Scalpel about this document. We are urgently returning to the camp.

5. After returning with the Scalpel to the base, hostile military men appear in the forest. Apparently, a sweep has begun.
6. We inform this news to Solomon, show the order to clean up the forest. We come to the conclusion that we will have to fight our way to the tunnel.

7. We show the Wolfhound flash drive to Solomon. He buys it from us.

8. We talk with Solomon again and we move through the forest to the tunnel, clearing the way from the military.
9. Arriving in the tunnel, we talk with the head of the squad. Solomon says that as long as they have small things to do, we can be free.
After that, the PDA receives a message about the meeting with the Patron. The mark on the map points to the checkpoint next to the bridge. We go to a meeting.
We talk with him. He tells Khmuriy that there is presumably an anomaly in Limansk that can teleport to any
a place conceived by a man. The patron invites us to go there with him to find her. But we will go with him later, but for now we will go to the agricultural industry.

!!! If you have not installed a fix, then you will not be able to return to the red forest from the agricultural industry, you will teleport back from the transition. It must be installed before visiting the research institute
10. We go to the agricultural industry. Getting to know the area. We go to the base "Debt". In the main building of the 2nd floor on one of the tables we find a key marked "B". In the base commander's room on the third floor we find a box. To open it you need keys "A" and "B". We will need to look for the second key.

11. We are going to explore the territories of the agricultural industry. In the railway tunnel we find a stalker camp, where there is a merchant, a medic and a repairman (he can also do upgrades). We slightly improve the equipment. We approach the central complex of the research institute. In the main building on the second floor we find the key "B", which lies near the radio receiver. Well, we also find all sorts of little things. We return to the base "Debt" to open the box. In it we find a Gauss cannon and documentation for this device.

12. We return to the red forest. We go to the Patron. We agree with him to go to Limansk. By some miracle, he gets to the other side of the bridge and lowers it. We leave with him into the city.

Chapter 3: Ghosts of the Past.

1. At the entrance to Limansk we speak with Patron. He advises to stick to some rules. And most importantly, if we see the ghosts of the "Souls" of the zone, then it is better not to open fire on them, you can die right away. We move on with him.
2. We find the corpses of stalkers, the Patron assumes that these are mutants who have dealt with them. Go ahead. Then a voice appears in our head, which advises us to leave. The partner drops to his knees and holds his head.
3. I'm talking to Patron. He began to hear the voices of residents and rave about some kind of installation that needs to be turned off.