Pokemon go team color. Appraise in Pokemon Go what the phrases of team leaders mean

Each player has probably wondered how to choose the best team in Pokemon Go. Most people wonder which of all the possible commands is the best. In this article we will try to provide answers to all questions.


So, Pokemon Go is a pretty popular and quite addicting game about hunting in the real world of Pokemon. The game has a more competitive aspect. Absolutely any coach, after reaching the set level, must necessarily join any of the teams.

There are three teams in the game. These are Mystic (blue), Instinct (yellow) and Courage (red). When a new player reaches the fifth level, he must decide on the team and become a part of it. After joining, the player fights not only for his own interests, but also for the honor of the team. In the game, not a single coach is a kind of "island". In Pokemon Go, he'll be part of something bigger.

When the player has made his choice and joined the preferred team. It won't be easy to change it. That is why, before entering any of the above, you need to think carefully and be confident in your decision. And we will help you with this difficult choice.

There are only three teams in the Pokemon GO game. They are indicated in different colors: yellow, red and blue. In order for the player to be able to choose which team to join, he must reach the fifth level. In this case, the arena must be within the radius of the player. It is necessary to click on it and then the leaders of all teams appear in front of the character, each of which talks about how his group stands out.

Instinct. Leader of the Spark group. He believes that Pokémon all have excellent intuition, which in turn lies in the process of hatching from an egg. Team members believe that you need to trust your intuition and instincts to win. Team color is yellow.

Mystic. Blanche is the head of the team. Believes that Pokemon are wise creatures. Studies out evolution. The victory is achieved in the opinion of the team by calm analysis in the most unpredictable situations. The color is blue.

Valor. The leader is Candela. Believes that Pokémon are more powerful than humans. The group has no doubt that all the creatures they train are the strongest and are exploring their natural strength, looking for ways to increase it. The color is red.

It is worth noting that it will be impossible to change the team in the future. So the choice must be approached responsibly.

How to choose a team?

Mystic (blue, Mystic)

The team is led by Blanche, who has quite developed intellectual abilities. All the players on this team are quite staunch and calm. It will not be so easy to intimidate them. Mystic is most interested in evolution, as well as its possibilities in Pokémon. Therefore, if you like to study the evolution of Pokémon or their nature, and are also confident that you need calmness and cold calculation to win, this team is exclusively for you. The patron saint of the blue team is a cold bird - the famous Articuno.

Instinct (yellow, Instinct)

Team leader Spark. The name of the group comes from the leader's trust in his instincts, which did not fail. This team should be chosen by a player who always relies on his own instinct and sensations when choosing a Pokémon for the upcoming battle. The rather famous bird Zapdos is the amulet of this team.

Courage (red, Valor)

The leader of the Red team is the daring Candela. Everyone who joins this team and dreams of becoming the best coaches should be aware that they will have to train hard and hard. If regular training and perseverance are not embarrassing, then this team is yours. Those who admire the unique bird Moltres should also consider entering Courage. After all, it is she who is the patroness of the Red team.

Best Team in Pokemon Go

Today it is rather difficult to say which of the above teams is the best. Their only differences are external. Let's hope that the developers in the near future will still add some special "chips" to the gameplay, which will be based on the team mascots. Well, we'll wait.

In order to opt for one of the teams for playing Pokemon Go, we can only recommend following some rules:

  • Playing with friends is much more enjoyable and more fun. You can choose a team based on what your friends are. It is much more interesting to conquer "hymns" together;
  • You can join a small faction only when there is a great desire to fight. Joining the team of leaders will bring peace of mind to the gameplay;
  • The game should be enjoyable. You can choose a team according to the mascot that you like the most and to which the soul lies;
  • When choosing, you can evaluate the ratio of all factions in the area and join a more developed and strong one.

Video clip: "Choosing a team in Pokemon Go?"

I really hope that this post helped you decide on the team. Which team did you choose and why? You can leave answers in the comments.

Having safely reached level 5 of Pokemon Go, you cease to be just a Pokemon gatherer. Since you can now join a team, take part in Pokémon battles together with other players, and capture and defend the Gym.

Well-coordinated and effective teamwork, of course, greatly simplifies all these activities, brings the player more wins and, ultimately, more PokéCoins.

True, Pokemon Go does not provide for the ability to communicate with your teammates inside the game (for now, at least), which is not good. But if necessary, it is not so difficult to find alternative methods of communication. And with good communication, as practice shows, it is somewhat easier to capture the Halls and then it is easier to hold them, and it is also easier to exchange information about the discovery of places where some interesting or rare Pokemon are found, about new PokéStops, etc.

Now, actually, about the teams. There are only 3 of them in Pokemon Go: Yellow Team Instinct (captain - Spark, on the emblem - Zapdos), blue Team Mystic (Captain Blanchet, on the emblem - Articuno) and red Team Valor (headed by Candela, the bird on the emblem is Moltres).

Does it matter which team to join?

Some gamers are convinced that this is very, very! it is important to choose the right team in Pokemon Go, as this choice determines the success of the player's entire future career. But in fact, the gameplay of all teams is exactly the same. No one has it better, and no worse than the others.

But only if you play at random. It is quite a different matter when packs of experienced Pokémon are playing, they are perfectly played and act as a whole. Their game is, of course, different from others. Effectiveness, first of all. But, of course, outside "teammates" are not invited to such groups. Therefore, you must either look for an opportunity to join a strong flock (maybe you will be lucky), or to put together and develop your own (the right way, but labor-intensive), or play with just anyone, and then, as it turns out (as many do, and, by the way, many good flocks are created that way).

The moment your character gets to the fifth level in Pokemon Go, the game presents you with a very important choice. You need to decide which team of Pokémon trainers you will play next. This article will help you understand which team to choose in Pokemon Go.

Choose a team carefully, since you only have to choose a team once. Once you select a blue, red or yellow team, you will not be able to change your mind. So read carefully and you can choose the command that works best for you.

Team Instinct in Pokemon GO

The yellow team was created for those who have developed their reproduction and fully trust their intuition. Hence the name of the team, the main mascot and logo is the Zapdos bird. The leader of the team is Spark or Spark.

Team Mystic in Pokemon GO

It is for those who prefer intellect and reason. Will lead the blue team Blanche with extremely high rates of the main parameter of the team Mystic. Where intelligence is, there is self-control, so each of the participants must remain cool and calm. The blue team is also suitable for those interested in a detailed study of the development or evolution of Pokémon. Articuno is an ice bird as a mascot.

Team Valor in Pokemon GO

Unlike calm blues and sensible yellows, reds always burn with audacity and spontaneity. The key to their success is constant and hard training. So the red team will be the choice of the stubborn and determined users who also sympathize with the bird Moltres - the mascot of the Valor team.

You should understand that none of these teams has an advantage or any niceties that make it better than the other two. So this is a purely subjective choice. But before deciding on a team, ask your friends about their choice, so that later the friend does not turn into an enemy. It would also be nice to see which team prevails in your city. This is important, because then you will have to defend against the enemy team.

You will need to choose a team. In total, there are 3 teams in the game, which are indicated by three colors: yellow (instinct), blue (mysticism), red (valor).

In order for the team choice to appear, you must be near the arena. Then click on it and the leaders of the Pokémon GO teams will appear in front of you, who will tell you what their strength is.

  • Spark: Hi, my name is Spark and I am the leader of Team Instinct (Yellow). Pokémon are creatures with great intuition. I bet the secret of this intuition lies in the process of their emergence from the egg. Trusting your instincts won't fail.
  • Blanche: I am Blanche, the leader of the Mystic team. (Blue). The wisdom of Pokémon is immeasurably deep. I study the reasons for their evolution. Thanks to a calm analysis of the situation, it is impossible to lose!
  • Candela: I am Candela - the leader of the Valor team. (Red). Pokémon are stronger than humans, and they have hearts too! I am researching how to enhance the natural power of Pokémon in search of real power. There is no doubt that the Pokémon trained by our team are the strongest in battle.

Be careful - you cannot change the team, the choice is given only once at the 5th level.

Joining the team

At some point in the game, you will be asked to join one of three teams. When you become a member of the team, you will have the opportunity to identify the Pokémon you caught in a free one or in a Gim, where the team member has already placed his Pokémon.

Each player can only place one Pokémon in a given Gym, so we highly recommend working with the rest of the team to build a strong defense.

If a Gym is already occupied by another team, you can challenge that Gim using your own Pokémon. Use the Pokémon you capture to battle the defending Pokémon in Gym. Fighting is not only a challenge, but also fun.

Use your Pokémon's two attacks against the defending Pokémon. You can also dodge attacks from a defending Pokémon by swiping left or right on the touchscreen. If your Pokémon wins the battle, the Gym Prestige will be downgraded.

When Gym Prestige is reduced to zero, the defending team loses control of the Gym, and you or another player can take control of the Gym by assigning a Pokémon there, which will defend the right to the Gym. When a team has control of a Gym, you can raise the Gym's Prestige and Level by training your Pokémon alongside the defending Pokémon. As soon as the Gym level rises, your team has the opportunity to assign more Pokémon there to protect him. You can also work together with friends and fight together in an opponent's Gym to quickly defeat the stronger Gym.

Pokemon GO Teams https: //site/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/komandy-pokemon-go.jpghttps: //site/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/komandy-pokemon-go-150x150.jpg 2016-07-16T13: 57: 50 + 03: 00 PokemonGo Pokemon GO guides

When you reach level 5 in PokemonGO, you will need to choose a team. There are 3 teams in total in the game, which are indicated by three colors: yellow (instinct), blue (mysticism), red (valor). Teams in Pokemon GO In order for the team selection to appear, you must be near the arena. Then click on it and the leaders will appear in front of you ...

[email protected] ex.ru Administrator Pokemon GO is a real game

How to choose a Pokemon Go team? Undoubtedly, each of us asked this question. Also, many are wondering: which Pokemon Go team is the best? Today we will try to answer these questions.

Pokemon Go is not just a fun game in the real world. The game also has a competitive aspect, due to the fact that each coach, upon reaching a certain level, must join one of the teams.

There are 3 different teams in Pokemon Go - Instinct (Yellow), Mystic (Blue), Courage (Red). When you get to the 5th level, you will have to make your choice and join one of them. Now, when you fight for the next "Gym", you will do it not only for your own interests, but also for the sake of the common cause of your group. In Pokemon Go, none of the trainers are “islands” - they are always part of something larger.

Once you've made your choice, it won't work. At least it won't be easy to do. Therefore, think carefully before taking sides. We will try to help you choose.

How to choose a Pokemon Go team

Instinct Team

Spark is the leader of Team Instinct (Yellow). Spark always trusts its instincts - hence the team name. If you are used to trusting your feelings and relying on intuition in choosing a Pokémon for the next battle, then this command is for you. The team's mascot is the legendary bird Zapdos.

Team Mystic

Blanche leads Team Mystic (Blues). Blanche - has an incredibly developed intelligence. Blue Team, like no other, is interested in the evolutionary possibilities of Pokémon. In addition, the members of this faction are extremely calm and firm, and they are not easy to intimidate. If you are interested in studying the nature of the evolution of Pokémon and you are sure that calmness in battle is all you need to win, then this command is for you. Mysticism is patronized by Articuno, the legendary ice bird.

Team Valor

Candela is the head of the red team, she is daring and resourceful. Her team members need to understand that in order to become the best Pokémon trainer, you only need one thing: train, train and… train again! If this does not bother you, join the red team. If you like the legendary firebird Moltres, then all the more you should think about joining this team, because Moltres is its patron.

Best Pokemon Go Team

What's the best Pokemon Go team? At the moment, none of the teams has any advantage over the other - all the differences are only external. Perhaps, in the future, the developers will add some "chips" to the game, based on the team mascots or the description of the teams - but this is just speculation. Let's wait ... I recommend sticking to the following rules when choosing a team in Pokemon Go:

  • Find out which of your friends are already playing Pokemon Go. What team are they on? Agree, playing together and conquering the "gyms" is much more fun!
  • Estimate the ratio of members of different factions in your area or small town. If you want more struggle - join a small faction. Well, or join the team of favorites and enjoy the relative calm.
  • To which talisman does the “soul lie” more? Which team is "beckoning"? First of all, you must understand that the gameplay should bring you pleasure and this is what you should start from when choosing a team.

I hope my post helped you choose your Pokemon Go team and find out which team is the best. Share in the comments which team you have chosen and why.