S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Dream Reader walkthrough

Stalker Dream Reader Mod is a new global mod with a new storyline released in 2011. The main goal of the Dream Reader mod was to introduce the Exclusion Zone as it is described in the Stalker books full of danger and post-apocalyptic atmosphere. The Dream Reader mod changes the game Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl radically, almost all components of the game have undergone changes in full, the climatic conditions of the zone are expressed in 4 types of weather with the elaboration of textures and effects, character models. In this mod you will meet completely new and unique characters, artifacts, hear new legends and interesting quests. But the main goal of the authors of the Dream Reader mod was to rework the old one and add a new plot (New Plot 4 was used).

Walkthrough Stalker Dream Reader Mod


At the beginning of the game we appear on the Cordon, behind the military checkpoint with the task "Solve the riddle of the Call." We go towards the village of newcomers, bypassing the military checkpoint, otherwise they will be shot.

In the village we go to the merchant Tambourine (sitting in the place of Sidorovich in the original), we take the tasks "Take information from the scout" and "Find an artifact". We leave the buner, the stalker Ramir will be on the right. We speak with him, we are looking for an artifact magnet. If you can't find it, here are screenshots:

We bring the artifact and immediately take the task "Bring the artifact Gold fish "from the Dark Valley. Next, there is an attack by the military of the village of newcomers, we help the stalkers to fight back (Watch that key characters do not die). We speak with a stalker named Porcupine, we go to storm the ATP, on the way we treat the stalker Tolyan. We clean the ATP, take the flash drive and carry it to the Tambourine, on the way we carry out the task "Find an artifact". It is located here:

We hand over to Tambourine quests for an artifact and a USB flash drive and take the quests "Find documents "and" Find the robbers and take the things of the Tambourines from them. " We go towards the railway bridge, along the way we see a small group of Clear Sky stalkers. We speak with the chief, Gandalf.

We take the task "Find a courier in the Dump" and move on. After crossing the railway embankment, we receive a message with a request to help the stalker Scout. There is an obvious flaw in fashion with this task. We run to the point, there will be 4 stalkers, one of them with the controller's visual (don't get scared and in no case kill him !!!). But among these 4 stalkers what we need is not. Personally, I did this: carefully, with a knife, so that the others did not become enemies, killed Jager, then searched his corpse and the task "Go to the signal for help" was automatically completed, and also a new task "Talk to the Chemist" appeared. Next, we go to carry out the task "Return the things of the Tambourines", the mark where to go is in the PDA. We speak with the chief named Cross and get a new task "Eliminate the rat". We go into the tunnel behind the ATP, where in the original there was Shustry's jacket, we take out the gang of bandits and return to the Cross. We receive a box with things, we carry the Tambourine. Now we go to the Dump ... Near the passage we are met by a group of bandits led by Kovrygin, who demands a payment for the passage in the amount of 4000. We give the money and go to the Dump.


At the Dump we see an ambush on a stalker. We kill the bandits, we save the stalker. Next comes a message for help, let's go. We speak with Hemul, we agree to help. We destroy a detachment of bandits, report on the implementation. On the instructions of Gandalf, we go behind the swamp into a small forest. At the end there will be 3 corpses and a wounded stalker. We treat the stalker, we search the corpses and in one of them we find documents for Gandalf.

After taking the documents, 2 controller and zombies appear, we bring down all of them and we get out of this forest. We go to the Depot, help the stalkers repel the attack of the bandits, talk to Hemul and get a new task "Meet the leader" at Agroprom and some information.


At the entrance to the location, a stalker meets us and asks for help to fight back a group of stalkers from the military. We go to the point, clean up the military, save the stalker named Vasyan, accompany him to the transition to the Agroprom Dungeons and talk to him. We receive the task "Find the expedition report" and a tip on the cache in the dungeon.
You should try to go through the Agroprom location without intermediate saves / downloads. My attempt to load from an intermediate save at this location always resulted in crashes ...

Dungeons of Agroprom.

So, we go down to the dungeon. On the way to the cache, we bring down the bandits and military. We climb into the hiding place, for the map we take a flash drive and information about the Call. Also in the cache you can collect a little useful swag. When leaving the dungeon, you can meet with the following problem: GG falls through the following gratings:

Try to jump over them or go around in some way. How do you approach exit - the controller appears. We bring him down and go back to Agroprom.

Again Agroprom + subway.

We get to Agroprom and see that it is occupied by the Clear Sky grouping. We go to the main building, go up to the 3rd floor and instead of documents we see Lebedev.

We talk to him, find out about the documents. Lebedev says that just about there should be an attack on their base by mercenaries and asks for help, we agree. We liquidate the mercenaries, again we speak with Lebedev. He gives a tip that it is necessary to hiccup in the documents in the Agroprom Dungeons, we go there. You need to go IMMEDIATELY, without stopping anywhere, otherwise the "corpse cleaner" will clean up the corpse, and you will not find the documents. And go into the subway through the passage where Vasyan will take us. In the tunnel with electrons we find the corpse of ChNovets and take away the documents. Here are screenshots of them

After taking the documents, 2 controllers will spawn. We bring them down and get out of the Dungeon. As we appeared at the Agroprom, we go towards the Dump, and then we stumble upon an ambush of mercenaries led by a mercenary named First. We bring them all down and from the corpse of the first we remove the flash drive with the code. Also, information appears from this flash drive, which can be viewed in the PDA in the Mail section in the Investigation topic. Okay, let's go to the Garbage Dump.

Dump + Bar.

We go to the Bar to hand over the found documents. On the way to the stalker parking lot, where Hemul was, we meet 2 new characters: Artem Kulinar and Vitka Vorona.

These characters do not give any quests, but if you talk to them, then you can find out some information. We go towards the transition to the Bar, help the debtors to fight off the mutants, talk to Lieutenant Starshov and get permission to enter the Bar territory. So, let's go to the Bar. Along the way, at first glance, the long-timers begin to attack us. Do not panic, this is not a glitch in the game, these are just mercenaries dressed in Duty costumes. We bring them all down and move on. We give the documents from the Agroprom to Farid and get the task "Find information in the underground laboratory", ie will have to go to the Dark Valley. You can also talk to Farid and other bar patrons and learn some interesting stories. In addition, in the Bar you can take quests from some characters. For example, for:

All of them give simple quests, and the Wolf, CHE and the Hunter are asked to complete quests from the original game, so there is no point in describing them. I will only describe the passage of the Grini quest.

Now we must go to the Dark Valley. When leaving the bar we are again "met" by a detachment of mercenaries led by the Second. We bring them down and remove the flash drive from the corpse of the Second and again look at the new information in the PDA. We run through the Garbage before going to the TD. If someone crashes when going to the Dark Valley, then read the FAQ, that a solution to this problem is described.

Dark Valley.

Actually, we find ourselves in the Dark Valley. We immediately see a wounded bandit. You can kill, or you can pass by - this does not play a special role. We go further and we are attacked by disguised mercenaries. We kill them, search the corpses and remove the "PDA of the Third" from one of them. On Ramir's instructions "Find the Goldfish artifact" we go to the place marked in the PDA. The cache is located in the center of radiation, so do not stay there for a long time. Here is the location of the cache:

We take the cache and go to carry out the task "Bring the photo album to Green". We arrive at the point, five monoliths will be waiting for us there. They will sit in a place where there is a high level of radiation, so I advise you to stock up on first-aid kits and antiradics before going in there. We take out all the monoliths, we search the corpses. On one of them there will be a photo album that will need to be brought to Grin. We are going to storm the bandits' base, on the way you can look into a small building near the gas station. There will be a wounded stalker and, if you help him, you can get a recipe for "Snotty Porcupine". Capturing the bandit base is a quest from the original game, so I won't describe it in detail, we just take the second key from Borov and go to the X-18 laboratory.

Laboratory X-18.

We go down to the laboratory. The passage algorithm remains the same as in the original game, that is, we search the corpse of the 1st scientist / open the 1st door / we search the corpse of the 2nd scientist / open the 2nd door. We take documents, as well as information about artillery modification. For some reason, the documents are called "Documents from laboratory X-18, part 4". Perhaps this is a flaw of the mod's developer, because having climbed the entire laboratory up and down for 3 times, I did not find any other part of the documents. In general, we take the docks and get out of the Laboratory.

Dark Valley + Cordon

As we left the lab, we see that now there are military men instead of bandits. We take out everyone and move to the South Gate. Not far from them will be a stalker named Prince.

Be sure to talk to him, otherwise further advancement in the plot will not will be. We receive from him the task "Meet the left-handed person at the Garbage." Now we go through the passage to the Cordon. If, upon arrival at the Cordon, the task "Get out through the southern gate" remains hanging, then we load from the save in front of the gate and try to go to the transition along a different trajectory.

So, we have successfully passed the transition, we go in the direction of the Tambourine. At ATP again bandits settled, we will eliminate them. In the village of newcomers, we approach Ramir, hand over the task, and receive a good rifle as a reward. From Tambourine we get a reward for completing the quests "Destroy the bandits near the Agroprom Research Institute" and "Kill the leader of the bandits", which were automatically given to us during the game. Immediately from Tambourine, you can get the special task "Steal documents from the checkpoint", but if there is no special desire, then you can not fulfill it, there are only problems with this task ...

We leave the bunker of Tambourines and speak with the stalker Fly, who appeared instead of Porcupine. We agree to help, repel the attack of the mercenaries, and receive a reward. Now we go to Gandalf to hand over the quest for documents from the Landfill. We passed the quest and immediately a new dialogue appears. We say we agree to help the stalker. We arrive at the point, we see the wounded stalker Vovan. We treat him, we say, we agree to accompany him. TIP:As soon as we finished the dialogue, we IMMEDIATELY run ahead of Vovan and clear the area, otherwise he dies with one stray bullet ... We accompany the stalker to an abandoned factory, talk to him, and receive cartridges as a reward. Now you can talk to Gandalf again, he has a new task for us.
before talking with Gandalf, it is necessary to hide all things in some kind of cache, since he takes all things and then refuses to return some, even important ones. Personally, I hid them in a cache nearby and just on the way to the bloodsucker here:

So, we get the task and go with one knife to bring down the bloodsucker. Valim, We bring the carcass to Gandalf. For the quest to be counted, the carcass must be placed in a strictly defined place, here it is:

We report to Gandalf on the implementation, we receive a reward. He has no more tasks, so we go further, to the Garbage ...


At the Dump we go to the hangar on the instructions of the Prince. The hangar is attacked by bandits again We clean up and make sure that the Lefty stalker does not die. We speak with Lefty, we get the task to find the Decoder in the X-18 laboratory.

X-18 again.

Through the Dark Valley, on the way destroying a detachment of military and squads
mercenaries, we go to the laboratory X-18. We are looking for a decoder for Lefty. If not
know where to look for a decoder, then it lies in the back with a pseudo giant in
small room. Here's a screenshot of the location:

But here you can face a problem: the GG falls through the grate,
therefore, it is impossible to get into the room. There is a way out: you can climb
handrail on the stairs, here:

As we took the decoder, we get out of the laboratory, here we have nothing else to do.

Dump + Agroprom + Bar.

We go to the Dump, we hand over the task to Lefty to find a decoder, he agrees
on the terms of the Prince. Talking to Lefty again, we get a new task
"Get the carcass of an old controller for Lefty." To this quest we still
let's return, but for now we go to the Prince in the Dark Valley. We hand over the task, we get in
award an excellent sniper rifle. Then we go to Agroprom to kill
controller on the instructions of Lefty. We come to the right place:

We kill the first controller, wait, the second appears. Similarly, we bring down
his. Now we carry the corpse of Lefty to the indicated point in the PDA. Pay
attention: we need the corpse of the SECOND controller, do not mix it up, otherwise the task will not be counted! We bring the corpse to Lefty, put it here:

We say that we receive as a reward the coordinates of the Agroprom -> Amber transition. Then we go to the Bar.

In Bar we hand over the quests to Farid and Green. You can immediately take another one from Grini
quest to find the artifact "Gold hunk". Read the dialogue carefully,
because the mark where the artifact lies will not be in the PDA. Now our way
lies on amber.

Wild Territory.

We make our way through the Wild Territory in the same way as in the original. We carry out
minor original quests, if you took them. For example, if
took a quest in the bar to bring the family gun and do not know where to look for it.
Then here are screenshots to help you:

Also in the Wild Territory there is a new quest to find an artifact for
Greenie. Finding an artifact, in principle, is not difficult, the main thing is to read carefully
dialogue with a description of the location of the art. But if someone does
having problems with this quest, here is the location of the artifact for

After taking the artifact, 5 mercenaries will spawn, kill them. We search the corpses and on one of them we find the Fourth's flash drive. Now you can go further to Kruglov.
We accompany Kruglov until the transition to Yantar.


Actually, we go to Amber and go to the bunker of scientists to the professor
Sakharov. We talk. We agree to help Kruglov with measurements.
We accompany, there is an ejection. We treat Kruglov and accompany him again
back to the bunker. We speak with Sakharov, we get a tuned psi-helmet and
task "Search the corpse of Vasiliev." We come to the point, we kill the zombies,
we search the corpse and get information about the entrance to the X-16 laboratory. Let's go ...

Laboratory X-16

There are few differences from the original at this location. The only thing that's changed
Sakharov's initial words and a few additional burers added.
Just as in the original, turn off the installation, kill the controller,
we take documents from the corpse of the Ghost and get out of the laboratory.

Amber again.

We leave the laboratory through the underground catacombs, destroying
snorks, zombies, pseudo-giant and controller ... We come to Sakharov,
talk to him. He has a new task "Protect a scientific
bunker ". As soon as we take the task, 2 ecologists will spawn near the bunker,
to help us. IMPORTANT: You can not go outside the territory of the scientific

Otherwise, the quest will automatically fail. Enemies attack a few yards
and mostly zombies and snorks. During the assignment, everyone
ecologists become friends (green). We successfully repel the attack,
we return to the bunker to Sakharov. When I entered the bunker, on the floor where
no way, a grenade launcher appeared:

Perhaps this is some kind of bug in the mod, but I had it. We talk with
professor, we receive as a reward the coordinates of the transition Amber ->
Agroprom. We are in no hurry to leave, he has a new task for us
"Help Scientists." We go to the territory of the plant, to the indicated place. We see
wounded scientist.

We treat him, he asks to bring documents, we agree. When we come to
entrance to the building, we are teleported to the 3rd floor and 3 mercenaries appear at
one of which has a Fifth flash drive.
We kill the mercenaries, forget about the documents and return to the scientist.
We find out that it was a setup and we accompany the scientist to the bunker. We speak
first with him, we get an excellent artifact "Witch's spiral". Further
we talk with Sakharov, we get a reward for completing the quest. More
he does not give any tasks, except for the standard ones, so you can
now go to Farid's Bar.


In the bar, we hand over the tasks to Grini, to the Hunter (if we took the quest for a gun) and
we give Farid the documents from the X-16 laboratory. You can also sell Farid
the flash drive that Kruglov gave us for saving him. Also now we have
there is an opportunity to freely go to Shulga (instead of Vronin). Let's go take from
his task is "Steal RG-6 from Svoboda." Now you can move on
Army Warehouses.

Army warehouses.

Many colorful characters can be found in the Army Warehouses, and
even stalkers with a flamethrower. But, unfortunately, no quests or else
what they do not give ... We go to the base of freedom. When we approach her, we see
along the edges of the road there are several "superfluous" Svoboda members. They are disguised
mercenaries who begin to attack if you try to go further, on
base. We kill all the mercenaries and from the corpse of one of them, dressed as
bandit, shoot "PDA Sixth".

Both conditionally new and completely new characters have appeared in the Army warehouses. Here they are:

Some of them can take tasks, for example, from Yar, Ashot and Flint... You cannot take a task from Chekhov,
since in the fashion the quest with the Dolgovtsy is cut, but the dialogue remains. it
flaw of developers. In addition, there was an opportunity
negotiate with the guard. Who guards the warehouse of weapons at the base
freedom. He asks to bring him the "Carapace" artifact. Now I will describe the quests
in order:

Yara's quest.

The quest is nothing complicated and interesting. Yar asks
bring him a bottle of vodka. We find, we bring. We receive as a reward
Optical sight 2x 4-Dot.

Ashot's quest.

Ashot asks to destroy the bloodsuckers in the village at the AU. We go to the village
we kill all bloodsuckers. On the way, you can look at the water tower,
where you can find the excellent expensive artifact "Monchrome" at the top.

We return to Ashot and receive the "Ruby" artifact as a reward.


Flint is a key character in Shulgi's quest "Steal RG-6 from Freedom."
Before going to Flint, you must have at least 3 bottles with you
vodka. We drink vodka with him, and he tells us about the location
grenade launcher. We go to the point, we take away the grenade launcher. If for some
reasons there is no grenade launcher in the specified place, then you can use
another option. You can bring the "Armor" art to the guard of the freedom warehouse,
or throw something out of the backpack near the guard.
To get him out of his place. In general, we take the grenade launcher and carry it
Shulge to the Bar.

Now you can go to the Radar. How do we approach
Freedom checkpoint, we get the task to protect it. We speak with Kep,
we repel the attack of the monolith, again we speak with Kep. And here we have 2
options for receiving a reward. You can just take money, or you can take
broken flamethrower. If we choose the second option, then a new one opens.
a quest to repair a flamethrower. Go back to freedom base, talk to
Yarom, and we have two options to sell the broken Flamethrower to Yar
or try to repair it.


At the beginning of the game we appear on the Cordon, behind the military checkpoint with the task "Solve the riddle of the Call." We go towards the village of newcomers, bypassing the military checkpoint, otherwise they will be shot. In the village we go to the merchant Tambourine (sitting in the place of Sidorovich in the original), we take the tasks "Take information from the scout" and "Find an artifact" We leave the buner, the stalker Ramir will be on the right. We speak with him, we are looking for an artifact magnet. If you can't find it, here are screenshots:

We bring the artifact and immediately take the task "Bring the artifact Goldfish" from the Dark Valley. Next, there is an attack by the military of the village of newcomers, we help the stalkers to fight back (Watch that key characters do not die). We speak with a stalker named Porcupine, we go to storm the ATP, on the way we treat the stalker Tolyan. We clean the ATP, take the flash drive and carry it to the Tambourine, on the way we carry out the task "Find an artifact". It is located here:

We hand over to Tambourine quests for an artifact and a flash drive and take the quests "Find documents" and "Find robbers and take the things of Tambourines from them." We go towards the railway bridge, along the way we see a small group of Clear Sky stalkers. We speak with the chief, Gandalf.

We take the task "Find a courier in the Dump" and move on. After crossing the railway embankment, we receive a message with a request to help the stalker Scout. There is an obvious flaw in fashion with this task. We run to the point, there will be 4 stalkers, one of them with the controller's visual (don't get scared and in no case kill him !!!). But among these 4 stalkers what we need is not. Personally, I did this: carefully, with a knife, so that the others did not become enemies, killed Jager, then searched his corpse and the task "Go to the signal for help" was automatically completed, and also a new task "Talk to the Chemist" appeared. Then we go to carry out the task "Return the things of the Tambourines", the mark where to go is in the PDA. We speak with the chief named Cross and get a new task "Eliminate the rat". We go into the tunnel behind the ATP, where in the original there was Shustry's jacket, we take out the gang of bandits and return to the Cross. We receive a box with things, we carry the Tambourine. Now we go to the Dump ... Near the passage we are met by a group of bandits led by Kovrygin, who demands a payment for the passage in the amount of 4000. We give the money and go to the Dump.


At the Dump we see an ambush on a stalker. We kill the bandits, we save the stalker. Next comes a message for help, let's go. We speak with Hemul, we agree to help. We destroy a detachment of bandits, report on the implementation. On the instructions of Gandalf, we go behind the swamp into a small forest. At the end there will be 3 corpses and a wounded stalker. We treat the stalker, we search the corpses and in one of them we find documents for Gandalf.

After taking the documents, 2 controller and zombies appear, we bring down all of them and get out of this forest. We go to the Depot, help the stalkers repel the attack of the bandits, talk to Hemul and get a new task "Meet the leader" at Agroprom and some information.


At the entrance to the location, a stalker meets us and asks to help fight off a group of stalkers from the military. We go to the point, clean up the military, save the stalker named Vasyan, accompany him to the transition to the Agroprom Dungeons and talk to him. We receive the task "Find the expedition report" and a tip on the cache in the dungeon.
Tip: You should try to go through the Agroprom location without intermediate saves / downloads. My attempt to load from an intermediate save at this location always resulted in crashes ...

Dungeons of Agroprom.

So, we go down to the dungeon. On the way to the cache we bring down the bandits and the military. We climb into the hiding place, for the map we take a flash drive and information about the Call. Also in the cache you can collect a little useful swag. When leaving the dungeon, you can meet with the following problem: GG falls through the following gratings:

Try to jump over them or go around in some way. As you approach the exit, a controller appears. We bring him down and go back to Agroprom.

Again Agroprom + subway.

We get to Agroprom and see that it is occupied by the Clear Sky grouping. We go to the main building, go up to the 3rd floor and instead of documents we see Lebedev.

We talk to him, find out about the documents. Lebedev says that an attack on their base by mercenaries is about to occur and asks for help, we agree. We liquidate the mercenaries, again we speak with Lebedev. He gives a tip that it is necessary to hiccup in the documents in the Agroprom Dungeons, we go there. You need to go IMMEDIATELY, without stopping anywhere, otherwise the "corpse cleaner" will clean up the corpse, and you will not find the documents. And go into the subway through the passage where Vasyan will take us. In the tunnel with electrons we find the corpse of ChNovets and take away the documents. Here are screenshots of them

After taking the documents, 2 controllers will spawn. We bring them down and get out of the Dungeon. As we appeared at the Agroprom, we go towards the Landfill, and then we stumble upon an ambush of mercenaries led by a mercenary named First. We bring them all down and from the corpse of the first we remove the flash drive with the code. Also, information appears from this flash drive, which can be viewed in the PDA in the Mail section in the Investigation topic. Okay, let's go to the Garbage Dump.

Dump + Bar.

We go to the Bar to hand over the found documents. On the way to the parking lot of stalkers, where Hemul was, we meet 2 new characters: Artyom Kulinar and Vitka Vorona.

These characters do not give any quests, but if you talk to them, you can find out some information. We go towards the transition to the Bar, help the debtors to fight off the mutants, talk to Lieutenant Starshov and get permission to enter the Bar territory. So, let's go to the Bar. Along the way, at first glance, the Dolgians begin to attack us. Do not panic, this is not a glitch in the game, these are just mercenaries dressed in Duty costumes. We bring them all down and move on. We give the documents from the Agroprom to Farid and get the task "Find information in the underground laboratory", ie will have to go to the Dark Valley. You can also talk to Farid and other bar patrons and learn some interesting stories. In addition, in the Bar you can take quests from some characters. For example, for:

All of them give simple quests, and the Wolf, CHE and the Hunter ask to complete quests from the original game, so there is no point in describing them. I will only describe the passage of the Grini quest.

Now we must go to the Dark Valley. When leaving the bar we are again "met" by a detachment of mercenaries led by the Second. We bring them down and remove the flash drive from the corpse of the Second and again look at the new information in the PDA. We run through the Garbage before going to the TD. If someone crashes when going to the Dark Valley, then read the FAQ, that a solution to this problem is described.

Dark Valley.

Actually, we find ourselves in the Dark Valley. We immediately see a wounded bandit. You can kill, or you can pass by - this does not play a special role. We go further and we are attacked by disguised mercenaries. We kill them, search the corpses and remove the "PDA of the Third" from one of them. On Ramir's instructions "Find the Goldfish artifact" we go to the place marked in the PDA. The cache is located in the center of radiation, so do not stay there for a long time. Here is the location of the cache:

We take the cache and go to carry out the task "Bring the photo album to Green". We arrive at the point, five monoliths will be waiting for us there. They will sit in a place where there is a high level of radiation, so I advise you to stock up on first-aid kits and antiradics before going in there. We take out all the monoliths, we search the corpses. On one of them there will be a photo album that will need to be brought to Grin. We are going to storm the bandits' base, on the way you can look into a small building near the gas station. There will be a wounded stalker and, if you help him, you can get a recipe for "Snotty Porcupine". Capturing the bandit base is a quest from the original game, so I won't describe it in detail, we just take the second key from Borov and go to the X-18 laboratory.

Laboratory X-18.

We go down to the laboratory. The passage algorithm remains the same as in the original game, that is, we search the corpse of the 1st scientist / open the 1st door / we search the corpse of the 2nd scientist / open the 2nd door. We take documents, as well as information about artillery modification. For some reason, the documents are called "Documents from laboratory X-18, part 4". Perhaps this is a flaw of the mod's developer, because having climbed the entire laboratory up and down for 3 times, I did not find any other part of the documents. In general, we take the docks and get out of the Laboratory.

Dark Valley + Cordon

As we left the lab, we see that now there are military men instead of bandits. We carry out all and move to the South gate. Not far from them will be a stalker named Prince.

Be sure to talk to him, otherwise there will be no further advancement in the plot. We receive from him the task "Meet the left-handed person at the Garbage." Now we go through the passage to the Cordon. If, upon arrival at the Cordon, the task "Get out through the southern gate" remains hanging, then we load from the save in front of the gate and try to go to the transition along a different trajectory.

So, we have successfully passed the transition, we go in the direction of the Tambourine. The bandits have settled on the ATP again, we will eliminate them. In the village of newcomers, we approach Ramir, hand over the task, and receive a good rifle as a reward. From Tambourine we get a reward for completing the quests "Destroy the bandits near the Agroprom Research Institute" and "Kill the leader of the bandits", which were automatically given to us during the game. Immediately from Tambourine, you can get the special task "Steal documents from the checkpoint", but if there is no special desire, then you can not fulfill it, there are only problems with this task ...

We leave the Tambourine bunker and talk to the stalker Fly, who appeared instead of Porcupine. We agree to help, repel the attack of the mercenaries, and receive a reward. Now we go to Gandalf to hand over the quest for documents from the Landfill. We passed the quest and immediately a new dialogue appears. We say we agree to help the stalker. We arrive at the point, we see the wounded stalker Vovan. We treat him, we say, we agree to accompany him. TIP: As soon as we finished the dialogue, we IMMEDIATELY run ahead of Vovan and clear the area, otherwise he dies with one stray bullet ... We accompany the stalker to an abandoned factory, talk to him, and receive cartridges as a reward. Now you can talk to Gandalf again, he has a new task for us.
IMPORTANT: before talking with Gandalf, you need to hide all things in some kind of cache, since he takes all things and then some, even important, refuses to return back. Personally, I hid them in a cache nearby and just on the way to the bloodsucker here:

So, we get the task and go with one knife to bring down the bloodsucker. Valim, we bring the carcass to Gandalf. For the quest to be counted, the carcass must be placed in a strictly defined place, here it is:

We report to Gandalf on the implementation, we receive a reward. He has no more tasks, so we go further, to the Garbage ...


At the Dump we go to the hangar on the instructions of the Prince. The hangar is again attacked by bandits, we clean it and make sure that the Lefty stalker does not die. We speak with Lefty, we get the task to find the Decoder in the X-18 laboratory.

X-18 again.

Through the Dark Valley, on the way destroying a detachment of military and a squad of mercenaries, we go to the X-18 laboratory. We are looking for a decoder for Lefty. If you don't know where to look for a decoder, then it lies in the back with a pseudo-giant in a small room. Here's a screenshot of the location:

But here you can face a problem: the GG falls through the grate, so it is impossible to get into the room. There is a way out: you can climb the railing on the stairs, here:

As we took the decoder, we get out of the laboratory, here we have nothing else to do.

Dump + Agroprom + Bar.

We go to the Dump, we hand over the task to Lefty to find a decoder, he agrees to the terms of the Prince. We talk to Lefty again, we get a new task "Get the carcass of an old controller for Lefty." We will return to this quest, but for now we go to the Prince in the Dark Valley. We hand over the task, we get an excellent sniper rifle as a reward. Then we go to Agroprom to kill the controller on the instructions of Lefty. We come to the right place:

We kill the first controller, wait, the second appears. Similarly, we bring him down. Now we carry the corpse of Lefty to the indicated point in the PDA. Please note: we need the corpse of the SECOND controller, do not mix it up, otherwise the task will not be counted! We bring the corpse to Lefty, put it here:

We say that we receive as a reward the coordinates of the Agroprom -> Amber transition. Then we go to the Bar.

In Bar we hand over the quests to Farid and Green. Immediately from Grini, you can take another quest to find the artifact "Golden Chunk". Read the dialogue carefully, because the mark where the artifact lies will not be in the PDA. Now our path lies on Amber.

Wild Territory.

We make our way through the Wild Territory in the same way as in the original. We carry out minor original quests, if you took them. For example, if you took a quest in a bar to bring a family gun and do not know where to look for it. Then here are screenshots to help you:

Also in the Wild Territory there is a new quest to find an artifact for Grini. Finding an artifact, in principle, is not difficult, the main thing is to carefully read the dialogue describing the location of the art. But if someone still has problems with this quest, then here are the locations of the artifact for Grini:

After taking the artifact, 5 mercenaries will spawn, kill them. We search the corpses and on one of them we find the Fourth's flash drive. Now you can go further to Kruglov. We accompany Kruglov until the transition to Yantar.


Actually, we go to Yantar and go to the bunker of scientists to Professor Sakharov. We talk. We agree to help Kruglov with measurements. We accompany, there is an ejection. We treat Kruglov and again accompany him back to the bunker. We speak with Sakharov, we receive a tuned psi-helmet and the task "Search the corpse of Vasilyev." We arrive at the point, kill the zombies, search the corpse and get information about the entrance to the X-16 laboratory. Let's go ...

Laboratory X-16

There are few differences from the original at this location. The only thing is that Sakharov's initial words have been changed and several additional burers have been added. Just as in the original, we turn off the installation, kill the controller, take the documents from the Ghost's corpse and get out of the laboratory.

Amber again.

We leave the laboratory through the underground catacombs, destroying snorks, zombies, a pseudo-giant and a controller on the way ... We come to Sakharov, talk to him. He has a new task "Protect the Science Bunker". As soon as we take the task, 2 ecologists will spawn near the bunker to help us. IMPORTANT: You cannot leave the territory of the scientific bunker!

Otherwise, the quest will automatically fail. Enemies attack a few wonders, and mostly zombies and snorks. During the assignment, all environmentalists become friends (green). We successfully repulse the attack, we return to the bunker to Sakharov. When I entered the bunker, a grenade launcher appeared on the floor out of nowhere:

Perhaps this is some kind of bug in the mod, but I had it. We talk with the professor, we receive as a reward the coordinates of the transition Amber -> Agroprom. We are in no hurry to leave, he has a new task for us, "Help scientists." We go to the territory of the plant, to the indicated place. We see a wounded scientist.

We treat him, he asks to bring documents, we agree. When we approach the entrance to the building, we are teleported to the 3rd floor and 3 mercenaries appear, one of whom has a Fifth flash drive. We kill the mercenaries, forget about the documents and return to the scientist. We find out that it was a setup and we accompany the scientist to the bunker. We talk to him first, we get an excellent artifact "Witch's spiral". Then we talk with Sakharov, we get a reward for completing the quest. Everything, he does not give any more tasks, with the exception of the standard ones, so you can now go to Farid's Bar.

In the bar, we hand over the tasks to Grini, to the Hunter (if we took the quest for the gun) and give Farid the documents from the X-16 laboratory. You can also sell Farid the flash drive that Kruglov gave us for saving him. Also, now we have the opportunity to freely go to Shulga (instead of Vronin). Come on, take the task "Steal RG-6 from Svoboda" from him. You can now move to Army Warehouses.

Army warehouses.

In the Army Warehouses, you can find many colorful characters, and even stalkers with a flamethrower. But, unfortunately, no quests or something else they do not give ... We go to the base of freedom. When we approach it, we see several "superfluous" Svobodists standing at the edges of the road. These are disguised mercenaries who begin to attack if you try to go further to the base. We kill all the mercenaries and from the corpse of one of them, dressed as a bandit, we remove the "PDA Sixth".

Both conditionally new and completely new characters have appeared in the Army warehouses. Here they are:

Some of them can take tasks, for example, from Yar, Ashot and Flint... You cannot take the task from Chekhov, since the quest with the long-runners was cut out in the fashion, but the dialogue remained. This is a flaw of the developers. In addition, it became possible to negotiate with the security guard. Who guards the liberty base's weapons depot. He asks to bring him the "Carapace" artifact. Now I will describe the quests
in order:

Yara's quest.

The quest is nothing complicated and interesting. Yar asks to bring him a bottle of vodka. We find, we bring. We will receive a 2x 4-Dot Optical Sight as a reward.

Ashot's quest.

Ashot asks to destroy the bloodsuckers in the village at the AU. We go to the village, we kill all the bloodsuckers. On the way, you can look at the water tower, where you can find an excellent expensive artifact "Monchrome" at the top.

We return to Ashot and receive the "Ruby" artifact as a reward.


Flint is a key character in Shulgi's quest "Steal RG-6 from Freedom." Before going to Flint, you must have at least 3 bottles of vodka with you. We drink vodka with him, and he tells us about the location of the grenade launcher. We go to the point, we take away the grenade launcher. If for some reason there is no grenade launcher in the indicated place, then you can use another option. You can bring the "Armor" art to the guard of the freedom warehouse, or throw some thing out of the backpack near the guard. To get him out of his place. In general, we take the grenade launcher and carry it to Shulga in Bar.

Now you can go to the Radar. As we approach the Freedom checkpoint, we receive the task to protect it. We speak with Kep, we repel the attack of the monolith, again we speak with Kep. And here we have 2 options for receiving a reward. You can just take the money, or you can take a broken flamethrower. If we choose the second option, then a new quest for repairing the flamethrower opens. We go back to the base of freedom, talk to Yar, and we have two options, sell the broken Flamethrower to Yar or try to repair it.

Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Action / Shooter / 3D / 1st Person
The developer: GSC Game World
Publisher: DRM Team
Edition type: Repack
Game version: 1.0006
Mod version: Build 1935 / v2.0 + fix2
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn

? Operating system: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
? Processor: Intel® Core ™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon ™ X4
? RAM: 1/2 GB
? Video Card: 512 Mb - / nVIDIA® GeForce ™ / ATI Radeon®
? Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0c
? Free space on hard disk: 15 GB

This DR assembly is a continuation of the well-known series of mods of the same name and is made on a freeplay basis and provides freedom to the player when moving through the levels. You will have to visit various legendary places and engage in the main stalker business: hunting for profit and fighting the creatures of the Zone. The player is provided with a completely different quest system, which was not in other mods: we find various PDA, documents and other things of a similar type in order to solve some kind of story, or just make money on equipment. The choice depends on the player. Players are also provided with standard new quests from the characters who inhabit the Zone.
The zone has been for many years, it has calmed down, and it is no longer shaken by daily emissions. Somehow the usual stalker life got better: equipment repair, medical care, trade. But from this the Zone did not lose its oddities and did not become less dangerous. She has become different, but she still lives her own life and is constantly changing.

Features Fashion


Everything is extremely simple here: there are more than 40 of them and they are all interconnected. What levels and what is on them - you will find out for yourself.

Quests, population of the zone:

The quest system has not undergone any significant changes since version 1.5. All the same, interesting stories will be waiting for you with the search for anything tasty and not very tasty. I would like to say that new quests have also appeared, and there are quite a few of them.
The population of the Zone has expanded pretty well. There are also new book and original NPCs, and new monsters. But now, instead of wandering and constantly dying stalkers, full-fledged bases, camps and respawns have been added. The bases themselves also tried to make them extremely detailed. You will also see how all this is arranged if you dare.

Gameplay, sound and graphics features:

Certain transformations in the interface, engine, scripts and configs will try to do their job to the maximum. So be on the lookout for who knows what can happen to you and what conditions you will get into.

Third-party developments:

SMP, NLC 6, OGSE, LW, Dangerous Zone, Artefact Pack1, MISERY, BB_Mod_Redux.v2, Realistic Dialogs Pack v0.5, SWTC
The mod uses the work of many AMK modders.

I mean - build !?
Yes, like this: the development of the mod was discontinued 2 weeks ago due to the fact that Koshak left, leaving me alone at the "broken trough". For more than three years, I have been working almost completely alone on the mod, and I can no longer bear this burden on myself. Therefore, I decided to put this assembly of the mod in the public domain. I had to do this ........ for the sake of those people who believed in us and were waiting for us.

What is an assembly?
This assembly contains all the locations from version 1.5 + modified build locations (Giza, Dead City, Science Sector, etc.) This assembly includes everything that was at the time of development closing. Much has not been completed, not polished, but the global component has been worked out relatively well. The weapon has been slightly changed and a decent number of quests have been added, which I will open as I explore the world. The start of the game will begin in the Bar, and not in the dressing room, where it should be.

What happened to the team ?!
Broke up ... or rather, all the project has already specifically got it. In the last year, the leading techies left us, but we still did not have new staff, and therefore only Koshak and I remained. But he also gave up. Everyone has lost hope and aspiration. To some extent, I want to say that we were in a kind of stagnation: we lagged behind the leading column of the mod-builder and "got stuck in time." And in the end, what I was so afraid of happened. I was left alone.

So what's next?
And then everything is up to you. If suddenly there are people who are ready to modify the mod, then I will only be glad. Perhaps I will even help. But not anytime soon. For I am very tired and want to unwind. Any edits are, of course, welcome. I want to say right away that I do not guarantee the full performance of this assembly. There will be no real-sensible technical support from me (at least in the near future, for sure). Now development and refinement is in your hands. But if you suddenly have any questions, I will try to answer.

Repack features:

The game:
- Nothing is cut
- Nothing recoded
- Game version: Build 1935 / v2.0 + fix2

_ For Windows 7/8/10 owners, if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, run the game with administrator rights.
_ If the saves in the game do not work, then run the game with administrator rights.
_ If the game won't start, try to delete the user.ltx file from the userdata folder in the root of the game.
_ Do not put the repack on the "C" drive (where Windows is)
_ For Windows 8/10 owners, if the mod crashes when starting the mod, put compatibility with Windows 7 in the shortcut.