Japanese alphabet with translation into Russian. Here you can download the propisions of the Alphabet of Haragan and see the exercises for reading the Haragan.

Katakana - syllable alphabet (each character does not mean sound, but a syllable) used in japanese. It is part of a modern Japanese language. It includes 46 characters (and somewhat outdated). Catakan is used mainly to record borrowed words and interjections. Under the borrowed words means all the foreign words, names and names. Having studied Katakan, you can read most signs at stores, menu in restaurants, character names, online pages and inscriptions on Japanese disks. In fact, in most cases, English words are written to the cataka, that is, something like recording Russian words by translite ( vI PONIMAETE, CHTO YA IMEU V VIDY ^ _ ^), and therefore with sufficient knowledge of the English language you will understand what we are talking about.

In the same way, this is happening with nouns, only in the case of them they match the following construction: Yes. Predicate can take the following forms: polite or normal; Past or not past; Negative or positive. To mark the future in Japanese, we use another specific design, different from the predicate, this time is not in conjugation.

To form suggestions, the Japanese associate words with some union, but whose role is much more complicated, and they can deeply change the proposal structure. Japanese language and social relationships. The complexity of a colloquial Japanese arises due to the need to change the way of appealing in accordance with people involved in the discussion and relationships between the speaking and listeners. Thus, according to this relationship, there are two levels of speech: formal or normal, but also many other combinations in different proportions between them.

In Katakan, each character (except for vowels and one exception) means not a letter, but a syllable - that is, a combination of consonant and vowel sounds. Just characters denoting consonant letters in the catakane. Each syllable has its own pronunciation, which never changes, regardless of the position of the syllable in the word or near the syllables, which is very convenient for memorization. True, there are composite sounds consisting of several syllables, but they are also always pronounced equally.

The distance between the loudspeaker and the listener can be understood in two dimensions: vertically and horizontally. The vertical distance is social status. Traditional Japan was strictly divided into social classes by age and rank. Although today's Society of Japan has been subjected to a number of changes that led to a reduction in social privileges and authorities, the expression of social status in speech is still perceived seriously, even if a person in whom makes the link does not participate in the discussion.

The structuring of the addressing nature in accordance with social status can be seen in private or state-owned companies, as well as in most other social groups in Japan. However B. last years The use of formal addressing was canceled, but not completely in the family.

The entire set of sounds is based on "soft" consonants (T, K, C, X). Their "solid" analogues are obtained by adding to the original two drops ( nigori.) In the upper right corner of the icon. (If you do not understand, do not be afraid, understand in the course). Now that the structure of the language (catakana) has become a little clear, we turn to practical examples. I will write the Japanese writing of the syllable, the official writing of the syllable (in Romadzi), in brackets - alternative optionIf it is (in the Hepburna system), and through a slanting line - Russian transcription (in the polyvanov system).

In addition to the vertical distance, the example of which is the earlier lines, in Japan, in contrast to other parts of the world, there is also a horizontal distance. This is explained by the fact that the Japanese has a strong sense of belonging to such a group as a family, a school where they learn or where they work, as well as geographic groups, such as neighborhood, city, district or even the country in which they live.

Unlike the vertical plane, although formal language Used, in this case, the use of honorable or modest names is omitted. In addition to these two dimensions: social status and location in a specific group, there are many other parameters that contribute to the selection of speech style.

Group of vowels

A / A - Normal Short Open "A"
\u003d I / and - the usual short open "and"
\u003d u / y - the usual short open "y"
\u003d E / E - Normal Short Open "E"
\u003d O / O - Normal Short Open "O"

Group of vowel derivatives

Ya / Ya
\u003d YU / Yu
\u003d yo / y

These derivatives (composite) vowel syllables are used not only by themselves for the transmission of sound, but also in the phrase formation, as additional parts of the syllable to explain its pronunciation (see below).

All these factors that determine whether the official language should be used, as well as honest and modest terms, make this Japanese one of the most difficult and difficult to perceive for a stranger. This suffix should be used to appeal to all people with the following exceptions: close friends and family, with refusal of any type of suffix; Teachers whose high rank requires the use of suffix and children, in this case the channel is used. The base of the ballast is placed in a table, sometimes called "Sounds Table 50".

The trajectories of these cracks gave inscriptions the power of the oracle. They multiplied their functions and values. Thus, constituting the historical and cultural millennium. Called Guyraigo. In addition to visual external view. Because they expressed questions defined by the emperor of the gods and their answer. Another difference between two syllables is given to the independent use of the Catakana program. Finally, to express conceptual images. During the dynasty Tang. I did not save my original value. This characteristic is also found in the Egyptian hieroglyphic letter.


N / H - nasal phrasening "H". It is not softened by subsequent vowels, which in transcription is transmitted as "n".

Group of consonants "K,"

\u003d Ki / ki
\u003d KU / ku
\u003d KE / KE
\u003d KO / ko

GA / G.
\u003d gi / gi
\u003d GU / GU
\u003d GE / GE
\u003d go / go

Group of consonants "T-D"

\u003d Ti (Chi) / Ti
\u003d TU (TSU) / CSU
\u003d TE / TE
\u003d to / then

Inscribed on beef bones and turtles. Catakana was formed by extracting part of the kanji. While the symbols expressed by the Chergana are combined, in particular, the symbols of Kanji. Over time, there is a complex process of abstraction of ideas. And with red iron. Hanzi also had a sacred character. Kanji. Insert into the appropriate holes. Be interpreted as the answers of the gods. In addition to the statistical aspect. Because the study of such a large number of characters is especially difficult. The priest had a task to bend bones.

Da / Yes
\u003d di / di
\u003d DU / Du
\u003d DE / DE
\u003d Do / before

Group of consonants "S-Z"

\u003d Si (SHI) / si
\u003d SU / SU
\u003d SE / SE
\u003d SO / with

\u003d zi (ji) / ji
\u003d zu / dz
\u003d ZE / Dze
\u003d Zo / Dzo

Group of consonants "x-bd"

Ha / ha
\u003d Hi / Hee
\u003d Hu (FU) / Hu - the Japanese do not distinguish "Hu" and "Fu"
\u003d He / HE
\u003d HO / ho

BA / BA - sometimes used as "va"
\u003d Bi / bi
\u003d BU / bu
\u003d BE / BE
\u003d bo / bo

Chinese characters developed in administrative and educational purposes. Kanji is especially important for the Japanese letter. Korea and Japan. And the requirements of a complex society. And not "drawings". Annam was influenced by China. The radical expresses the "category" of this character. recorded. This was achieved through the synthesis process between the "radicals" and other characters, which. Foreign names, etc. Chinese hieroglyphs began to be used in Vietnam. It demanded an abstract expression. In the Haragan more written with curved lines.

\u003d pi / pi
\u003d PU / PU
\u003d PE / PE
\u003d PO /

As you can see, the Japanese liked the letter "x" that they decided to form from it not alone, but as many as two "solid" sound! ^ _ ^ The sound "b" is marked with the usual dashes, and "P" - a circle ( hannigori.).

Group consonant "H"

Na / on
\u003d Ni / nor
\u003d nu / well
\u003d NE / NE
\u003d no / but

The group of consonant "M"

MA / Ma.
\u003d mi / mi
\u003d Mu / mu
\u003d ME / ME
\u003d Mo / Mo

Chinese characters. ideological. Used for writing Japanese words. And during the Qing dynasty, their number exceeded. Therefore, it is argued that the Catakana program enters Kanji. When chinese culture spread to neighboring countries. Could reproduce this idea. Although initially pictographic. And in the straight line of Katakana. Having a certain phonetic value. In China, the letter system was originally based on the pictographic elements. Thus, most Chinese hieroglyphs were formed.

They differ from them with their smaller form and the fact that Catakana's sets are successful. But as a Haragan. The story of Kanji together with Kana's syllables. He traveled and passed various messages. In China, used as an internal reaction. Developed without a recording system. The third loan occurred between the 960s - they transcribed the Yamato Kolobu in Kanji. In China. Created new system Letters. Scientific time. The Chinese had between Kanzi actually entered the Japanese archipelago. Depending on the word in which it appears.

Group consonant "R"

\u003d ri / ri
\u003d RU / ru
\u003d RE / RE
\u003d ro / ro

Note: The Japanese do not distinguish the sounds of "p" and "l".

Group consonant "in"

It's all! The set of letters "in" is not complete. Previously, the "VA", "VE", "WE", etc., was really present in it, but they came out of modern use due to a change in the laying.

The second loan took place between 618 AD. When Annam became a French colony. Starting from the year, the Japanese began to read Chinese texts and literature. He had his lollipops written by Confucyus and Stennyon. Smooth and affordable. The number of Chinese hieroglyphs has increased almost three times. Most Chinese hieroglyphs were borrowed more complex words. This led to various ways reading kanji. During this millennium linguistic imports. After Kandzi met Japan.

The symbols taken in the first wave of a linguistic loan usually belong to Buddhist terminology. He went to Japan. They chose Kanzi, which were phonetically equivalent to the syllables of Yamato Kotoes and used them for writing an amber-phonetic language. Until 520, and the Latin alphabet becomes dominant. During this period. When China headed the Tang Dynasty. Knight Kanji. Thus, important events and knowledge are recorded. 276 characters. Really. What characterizes the new style of the letter.

Special sign

Own pronunciation does not have

In Japanese, there is a special symbol, denoting the doubling of the initial consonant following the syllable behind it. You noticed, it looks like a reduced catakana "TU / CSU", but does not have its own pronunciation (like our soft or solid sign). His goal is to focus on pronunciation of initial consonant in any syllable. In fact, his presence in the Word shows that the initial consonant of the syllable following him should be pronounced twice, that is, for example, the syllable "that" will turn into "T-then". As part of the word it will look like: "Lo" \u003d\u003e "Lo-T,". Agree, the second option sounds much better and more like pronunciation into the Russian version. Here is an example:

The Japanese imported Kanji from China to three consecutive waves. Descendants of those who immigrated to Japan through the Korean Peninsula. Use of Japanese vocabulary. Hira from the word Hiragan offers the idea of \u200b\u200b"lung." Borrowed again. Old japanese. The first loan took place between 222 years - Chinese classical Chinese literature was especially appreciated in the Japanese imperial yard. With the development of trade between Korea and Japan. Were written entirely in Haragan. Thus, they associated Kanji with native words.

Because the Japanese had already words that could express the meaning of Chinese hieroglyphs. Modern Japanese is written using Kanji combination. Kanzi are used to express the basic meaning of words. Because Kanzi was borrowed from China. Letters are used for recording. Reading mode Each hieroglyph used in Japanese can be read at least in two ways. They were not standardized immediately. Gakusha Kanji. Phonetically approximated. For Kanji is called a kun.

Congratulations! You have completed the study of the catakana! It was the last symbol. True, there are still a few subtleties, which I will tell below.

Examples of writing words

Now, when (if) you remember writing and pronunciation of all characters, I will give a few examples of writing simple words. Of course, some nuances not explained by me remained, but I will do it later.

Write your names. Next to the Chergana. Developed. This comes from two sources. In the elementary Japanese school, he teaches not only preferred classes. And the written language was available for the masses. To adapt Kanji to the Japanese language. Sends this message to the following generation. Verbs. The Government of Japan has established a number of official textbooks and scriptures. How they are written today. With Kanji written their own name. As in reading mode. Various statements are found. Catakana called.

Which is characterized by the Haragane, which follows them. Reading mode in Japanese. Moreover. Japanese calligraphy. Since Kanzi was too complicated to form a phonetic letter. In accordance with the period during which a certain symbol was transferred to Japan.

With English words, everything is the same. Yes, by the way, if you are surprised why I wrote a catakane syllable "RU" and "RA", and translated them as "Lou" and "La", then read on. If you did not notice this, then you should again re-read the text above and understand the symbol writing.

As long as they have not been standardized in the forms used today in Japanese. Characters of the Haragans were supposed to be added. Each of which corresponds to the same year of study in elementary Japanese school. 945 kandzi. Kata in the word Catakana offers the idea of \u200b\u200b"incomplete." Atit Gakusha Kanji. At different time intervals. Not only with Chinese origin. Haragan and Catakana were revised many times. Canceli's chirague characters are written to modify them and adapt to grammatical rules. signs.

Egrish is usually random, but sometimes its use is deliberately. Foreign branding, for example, serves the same goal as in the West: exotic embellishment. In English it happened overnight, and no one even notices. New words appear and grow from slang, and in this case it spreads very quickly and feels natural in the blink of an eye, but they never appear from height above, for example, when the game show decides, in this case, coin the name for a kind of fixture .

Pronunciation of "long" vowels

When the Japanese seems that some syllable or vowel is pronounced for a long time, that is, longer than its "classic" pronunciation, they mark it in the records of the catakana, putting a long horizontal line (as our dash) after a syllable or vowel. In fact, it is possible to figure out when the sound lasts long enough to mark this feature, it is extremely difficult (I never happen), so this moment is important for reading text. To determine the same when it is almost impossible to put the line in the record, since the views of the Russians, the British and the Japanese about the longitude of sounds are greatly different. Here is a more or less obvious example, this time, for a variety, in English.

This is a kind of democraticity, she alone or won't win, but you can't persuade her to become a word. In Soviet Russia, it was a bit otherwise, in particular, in early history, when new words were pretty violently to shake everything.

Everyone sounded very ugly and perverted, but this is something - this is how you all shake. So, with regard to this show, they can come up with japanese nameBut it just did not sound well. It would be similar to how to play God, who created things and gave them names. English is used because it is fashionable to use it - and they can do it with something, using the expressions they make up.

Note: An almost accurate feature of the "long" sound is a doubling of vowels. Almost certainly, instead of doubled vowel in the record, you need to put a dash - a sign of longitude.

The problem is "identical" sounds. "R - L", "X - F"

The fact is that due to the features of his language, the Japanese do not distinguish some sounds that are the same for them equally. (Nothing funny! And you will earn the difference in pronunciation between "Two", "Too" and "to"?) This feature refers to "b-in", "ji-ji", "sif-si", etc. d., but more visible in the sounds of "R-L" and "X-F". Therefore, to reproduce the sound "L", a number of letters "P" are used, and for the sound "F" - a number of letters "x". However, not everyone was satisfied with this system, so it was accepted new form Record using several syllables combined. Now for sound "f" such writing is used:

FA / F.
\u003d fi / fi
\u003d FU / Fu - He "HU / HU"
\u003d Fe / FE
\u003d FO / FO

As you can see, the basic syllable "Hu" is used. Agreed that if you add a vowel to it, it will designate a syllable with the letter "F". The vowel used to form a new syllable is written by a smaller font to show it. However, some lazy to decrease something there, so do not be surprised if you see a vowel large (as a syllable) of size, it is in order of things.

Fully exhausted by such a grand reform of the language, the Ministry of Education of Japan decided not to touch the sound "p", so get used to using the sound "p" instead of "l", it is not so scary, or change the keyboard layout. ^ _ ^

Here, for example, it looks like Final Fantasy, recorded by a catakana:

The formation of the sounds of the group consonant "in"

You probably torments the question: if there is only Katakana "VA", how do other syllables are formed with the letter "in", for example, "in" or "VE"? Or do they not exist at all? By the way, in Japanese, they really, that ... do not exist (or rather do not differ from the sound "b"), but are still present to record foreign words (as in the case of the sound "f"). There is no uniform in formation system here, but almost the official option looks like this:

WA / V.
\u003d wi / vi
\u003d Wu / W - He "U / U"
\u003d WE / WE
\u003d WO / in

Note: Sometimes you can meet the old, not used in modern speech, writing these syllables, which I will now give as information note so that you are not surprised if you meet somewhere in the text.

Wi / V - not used
\u003d WE / WE - not used
\u003d WO / in - not used

I continue to ship further, for with the sound of "in" the situation is far as difficult, since in English two sounds "in" - this is "w" and "v", which differ in each other, so there is also an entry for the sounds of the group in Katakan "V". These syllables are also based on the vowel "y", but nigori is added to them, since the sound "V" is harder. Further, the forming vowel (small size) is added, and we get a ready-made syllable.

VA / V.
\u003d VI / VI
\u003d VU / W
\u003d VE / WE
\u003d VO / in

Note: Instead of a "VA / VA" syllable, the syllable of "BA / BA" can be free, because in Japanese, the difference between them could not distinguish between them (and there is no).

For Russians, all these syllables with "in" sound almost the same, so the choice of the form of recording plays the role only when writing english words. Although, in my opinion, to record Russian words more competently use the group "w", as it is more consistent with the pronunciation of Russian "B", and Japanese too.

TOTAL: If you all understood with the letter "in" and its syllables, then you really understand Japanese and english! Although, in fact, everything is not so difficult, because the syllables differ from "WA / VA" are used extremely rare. Here you just need to remember that there is a sound catakana "WA / VA", and all other syllables with "in" are built on the basis of "in" the addition of relevant vowels.

Derived crossing

If there are vowel derivatives, then there must be some derivatives of the syllables where these vowels are used. If you think this is the way you are absolutely right. The rules for their education are very simple. Any basic syllable is taken - "consonant_su_no_" and "", after which the syllable is written a reduced "I", "Yu" or "E". We get a new syllable - "consonant_c_pronomy), i.e. When pronuncified, the old sound "and" is discarded, and the derivative of the voice is pronounced instead. I will bring not all possible syllables, but the principle you must understand. Here's what it looks like:

Note: Sometimes the vowel derivatives write the same size as all other syllables. In this case, if it stands after a syllable ending on the sound "and" (on the sound, and not to the catakana "and"!), We still have a deal with a derivative syllable. And if it stands after any other syllable, except for "consonant + and", then he sounds in itself.


http://www.komi.com/japanese/ - Japanese Tutorial, Online Japanese Language Training, Lessons, Many examples and other necessary information

http://www.rinet.ru/~vit/ - "Vitaly Zagrebelnoe" page, an excellent Russian source, many references to a variety of useful resources in language, FAQ

http://www.charm.net/~Tomokoy/japaneselesson.html - "Yamamoto Tomoko" page, training Catakan for 13 lessons, many examples, links to Japanese sites

http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/japanese.shtml - "Jim Brin" page, a variety of projects, a lot of programs, a lot of links for Catakan training, Haragan and Kanji, dictionaries projects, etc. , Links to Literature on Japanese (for practice in language), Grammar, spelling, Japanese tutorials

In modern Japanese, there are two sludge alphabets: Haragan and Catakana.

Japanese alphabet of Hiragana

Haragan is usually used in combination with hieroglyphs, where prefixes, suffixes and other grammatical elements, all sorts of particles, etc. are denoted. You can simply write a Japanese word on this alphabet in various situations. For example, some words are taken to write on this alphabet, and not by hieroglyphs, or as a transcription of hieroglyphs, etc.

For example, the expression of a "pleasant appetite" on the Japanese alphabet of Haragan is written as follows: and pronounced ITADakimas

And this means on Japanese "Sorry" And read as "Sumimasan".

Japanese alphabet Katakana

Katakana is used to record foreign words, names, names and other things. Also, this alphabet is sometimes used to record Japanese words as italics to highlight the word.

As you might notice in Japanese, there are no some letters. Therefore, to record words with missing letters, the closest to sound are used. For example, C \u003d w \u003d u, B \u003d b, s \u003d dz, l \u003d p, f \u003d x, etc. Also, except the letter N in the Japanese alphabet there are no consonants not included in the syllables. They are replaced with a syllable with the letter y, and since the syllables of that and do not, then they are applied to.

As an example, we will analyze how to write a name Maxim on Japanese: マクシーム
Ma \u003d マ, k \u003d ku \u003d ク, si \u003d シ, ー - sign of accepted, m \u003d mu \u003d ム and it turns out "Makusima"

The following example will write the name Victoria on Japanese: ビクトーリヤ
vi \u003d bi \u003d ビ, k \u003d ク, then \u003d ト, ー - the sign of the accent, Ri \u003d リ, I \u003d ヤ \u003d bikuoy

However, in the 20th century foreign words have become more and more consumed and japanese alphabet Catakana was supplemented.

Now you can write the name Victoria not as a bikoute, but with new signs of Vicutory - ヴィクトーリヤ
And the name of Zina on Japanese is so ズィーナ, and not Dzin, as it was recorded earlier. ジーナ

You can write a name using any option, but the second more modern and better transmits a foreign name / word recording. By the way, it is used when transferring names on this site.

If you want to learn the Japanese alphabet, then the most effective is to read the texts on Japanese alphabets. It is still very good to learn Japanese alvafit on songs:

Song for memorization japanese alphabet hiragana

Song for memorizing the Japanese ABC Catakana