How does the English elastic band fit in? English rib knitting

After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this pattern, it does not hurt to remember how to knit it:

Two main ways to knit English elastic

The first way

In order to knit a sample with an English elastic band, you need to dial 16 loops on the knitting needles.

And then start knitting, following the description below:

1 row: 1 front loop, 1 purl loop

2nd row: 1 front loop, yarn (straight), remove the purl loop and do not knit the right knitting needle.

The figure on the left clearly shows how to make a yarn over a purl loop.

3rd row: knit a crochet stitch, that is, a double loop, knit with a front loop from above.

All subsequent rows are knit as the 3rd row.

In the pictures that are located on the right and the other below, it is shown in stages how to knit a front loop from above.

English gum the second way

1 row: 1 front loop, 1 purl loop.

2nd row: 1 front loop is knitted from the loop of the underlying row, otherwise a double loop is formed, then 1 purl loop.

Attention! Explanation in more detail how to knit a double loop: insert the right knitting needle into the middle of the loop of the lower row and grab the working thread with the end of the knitting needle, thus pulling out a new loop, and discard the loop of the upper row from the knitting needle, do not knit.

All subsequent rows: knit as second row.from here

English elastic band 2x2

The number of loops, a multiple of 4, plus 2 edging.
1st row: * knit 2, remove 1 loop with the purl, without knitting, together with the yarn, also remove the next loop with the purl, without knitting, together with the yarn *.
2nd row: * 1 loop with a crochet knit the front one, knit 1 loop with a crochet with the front one, remove 1 loop with a crochet, without knitting, together with a yarn, remove 1 loop with a purl, without knitting, together with a yarn *.
Then repeat the 2nd row all the time.

The elastic is double-sided, cannot be knitted in a circle. from here

IN last years the color gave newness to the well-known patterns:

Colored elastic band 1X1

Cast on 24 loops (the number must be divisible by 4, the hem are included in this count).

1st row (dark thread) - knit 2, purl 1, remove 1 (thread by loop), etc. 2nd row (dark thread) - 2 purl, 1 remove (thread in front of the loop), 1 front, etc. 3rd row (light thread) - purl 1, remove 1 (thread by loop), knit 2, etc. 4th row (light thread) - remove 1 (thread in front of the loop), 1 front, 2 purl, etc. 5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Elastic band 2X2

Cast on 20 loops (the number should be divisible by 5 plus 3 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edging). Knit with circular needles.

1st row (light thread - beige) - * 1 front, 1 purl, 1 front, 2 purl. From * repeat to the end of the row. At the end of the row, 1 front, 1 purl, 1 front and edge. 2nd row - move knitting to the opposite knitting needle and knit with a dark thread - remove all front loops without knitting (thread by loop), knit purl loops with purl. 3rd row (light thread) - knit all removed loops (light) with purl, all front loops (dark) - front. 4th row - move knitting to the opposite knitting needle and knit with a dark thread - remove all purl loops (thread in front of the loop), knit all knit with front loops. 5th row (light thread) - according to the picture. 6th row - move knitting to the opposite knitting needle and knit with a dark thread, like the 2nd row. 7th row - repeat the pattern from the 3rd row.From here

English faceted elastic band

We start, as always, by making a knitting pattern, which you intend to try and learn to knit. To knit a sample of English faceted elastic, dial on the needles and dial 18 loops on the needles. I want to remind you that edge loops are counted as well.

1 row: K 2, purl 2

2 row: 2 front loops are knitted from the loops of the underlying row, that is, a double loop is obtained, 2 purl loops.

All subsequent rows are knit as the second row.

That's all, such a simple description and simple knitting, but effective at the same time. But, it should be remembered that this is still an English elastic, which means that more yarn will be needed than when using ordinary knits.From here

All descriptions indicate that knit the English gum in a circle CANNOT , but according to popular wisdom, if you really want to, then CAN !

How to knit a "fishing" (or English?) Rubber band in a circle

Knitting is a human skill dating back several thousand years, and it was passed on to women only in the 17th century. Since then, the keepers of the hearth at all times knit clothes for family and friends, fashion accessories, interior items, everything that can be designated with one very important and symbolic word for any family "comfort".

Traditional knitting has changed along with the course of life, trends, images and fashion, gently adjusting to modern realities, but at the same time not losing everything accumulated in its thousand-year history - technique, variety of styles, authenticity. So the authentic English Fisherman pattern has rightfully taken an honorable place among various knitting techniques and is known in Russia as the English elastic band.

English pattern

English gum is considered the most spectacular report in the making - lush, voluminous and at the same time elementary. It is used as the main pattern for knitting hats, scarves, any elastic bands on gloves or mittens, berets, pullovers and other sportswear. The use of the pattern is not limited to the above, but extends much further than clothes, the English elastic band on the needles is successfully used as an element of interior decor: spectacular kitchen knitted towels, teapot covers or cushions, toys and much more.

Technique and scheme of knitting English gum

To knit an English elastic pattern, it is necessary to calculate and dial an odd number of loops, in the technique itself, face loops, purl loops and a straight yarn are used, it is he who allows the pattern to become convex and embossed. The scheme for knitting an English gum is as follows:

  • in the second row, the first, edge loop is removed, the front loop is knitted over the front column, a straight yarn is made and the purl is knitted;
  • all subsequent rows are the same: a straight yarn goes in front of the front loop, the front loop is removed and not tied (the thread is behind the fabric), the back loop and yarn are knitted with a purl loop.


The loops are knitted together with the front loop, picking up both loops with a knitting needle in front.

Remove from the left knitting needle to the right loop untied, while the thread is located at the back, behind the knitting needle.

There is a second way to knit an English elastic band:

  • the first row is knitted using alternately 1 front and 1 purl (1x1 elastic);
  • in the second row, the front loop is tied out of the loop of the underlying row, which gives a different option for the formation of a double loop, then the purl is tied;
  • the next rows are knitted in accordance with the second row.

In addition to the simple classic (single) English elastic band, there are also options for its knitting, such as a double English elastic band and a false English elastic band.

The English faceted elastic band on knitting needles is most often used when knitting children's clothes and adult scarves, stoles and various hats.

  • in the first row, 2 front and 2 purl loops are tied;
  • in the second row, knit 2 are knit with knit loops, but from the bottom row to get a double loop, then 2 purl loops follow.

A mock or simplified English gum can be attractive due to significantly less yarn going to the garment.

  • in the first row, all loops are knitted with the front ones;
  • in the second row, after the edge, the reverse yarn follows, then 1 loop is removed, without knitting, the thread was behind the canvas, then 2 front and, edge.

Use cases and color patterns of English gum

The effectiveness of the English gum is also achieved due to the two-sidedness of the report, the drawing looks the same from the inside and from the outside. This advantage can be diversified by knitting an elastic with multi-colored yarn, the so-called two-color technique, creating creative knitted knee pads for winter boots, or a tube scarf, or a transforming hat.

In the knitting process, yarn of two colors is used, then each side of the fabric will have its own color. The only thing you should be careful not to confuse the colors, especially when it comes to knitting a colored elastic band horizontally multi-colored, and not vertically. Replace the ball when turning the canvas and strictly monitor the color of the extreme loop, it is she who speaks about the color required in this row. As an option for help, use the algorithm that the front side is tied with a light thread, and the wrong side is tied with a dark thread.

English gum tricks

There is a small peculiarity in products tied with an English elastic band, the volume and relief of the edges that we like so much, do not hold their shape at all over time, which, naturally, is a rather large minus. However, there are a few tricks that can be done to get around this drawback and increase the lifespan.

You should know that the yarn will take about twice as much due to the volume and splendor of the knitting, in comparison with simple patterns, respectively, immediately before knitting, carefully and carefully calculate the amount of yarn so as not to end up at the "broken trough" and unfinished product.

In order not to lose volume, the English gum should not be ironed, and it should also be dried unfolded, otherwise the knitting will stretch.

Let's dwell on one more subtlety, a scarf should be knitted shorter than in other techniques, since it will stretch out quickly enough, no matter how much we want to avoid it. The same technique applies to hats with berets.

It is very important to know the technique of processing the edges of clothing tied with an English elastic band, in particular sleeves, necks and the bottom of products; they should not be decorated with an English elastic band in any case in order to avoid further deformation.

Modern tendencies

English elastic band - a pattern perfect for hats, berets, scarves, as well as elegant stripes for the head, gloves, mittens, socks, did not pass the English elastic band and fashion trends... It began to be used not only in its practical meaning - to fix the edges of the product, be it the sleeves or the bottom of a warm sweater, but its relief attracted attention when creating fashionable dresses that were tight like a glove. Together with high boots, cuffs for arms and legs, connected on the basis of English elastic bands with inexhaustible imagination of different lengths and colors, have become relevant. Designer scarves and shawls appear in every autumn-winter collection, they are especially spectacular and are not going to go out of fashion snoods - circular scarves knitted by the technique of English elastic.

Thanks to new textile technologies, the clothes of a modern person have become very comfortable and light, but at the same time, very uniform. Owning the same art hand knitted, you can create your own unique designs of clothes, in accordance with the new trends of the fashionable modern industry.

Applying English gum

Needlewomen claim that knitting English elastic with knitting needles is one of the most simple waysthat a beginner should master. Detailed descriptions and diagrams will help in this non-tricky art. This method can be called a "universal soldier". It can be used both for finishing products, and as a complete fabric of a knitted thing.

Rules and tricks for knitting English gum

Despite the simplicity of this pattern, before starting work, it is worth remembering some rules:

English knitting needles: technique step by step

There are many different options for knitting English elastic with knitting needles. The scheme for beginners will help you optimally determine the desired technique.

English gum 1/1

To get an English rubber band ornament, any amount of loops is typed, which can be divided into two... The first line is knitted with alternation of one front loop and a purl one.

In the second line, the front loops are made over the front loops, and the purl loops are made over the purl loops. Further, the entire odd lines are knitted as the first line, and the even ones are completely knitted as the second line.

English gum 2/1

Any even number of loops is typed. The first chain is knitted, alternating two front and one purl. The next chain is passed with the front loops over the front loops, and the purl loops over the purl loops. Then all the odd stripes go, repeating the initial chain, and the even ones completely repeat the second chain.

English gum 2/2

Such the ornament comes out very elastic and embossed. To begin with, the sum of the nodes is a multiple of two.

The 3/2 English elastic is very embossed.

Initial chain:

Second chain:

  • throw the first loop to the opposite knitting needle;
  • then, repeat the pattern: facial over the front loops, and purl - over the purl.

English gum 3/2

This pattern is very embossed.


  • gain the sum of loops divisible by 5;
  • one loop is removed;
  • then alternate three wrong side and two front;
  • finish - edge;

In the following rows, the drawing is observed.

English gum 5/1

Knitting in this version is not very similar to English elastic, but it is based on the same pattern.

Knit like this:

  • start with such a sum of loops that will be divisible by six;
  • edge loops along the edges;
  • alternate purl and five front loops;
  • the subsequent rows are knitted, observing the pattern.

Simplified English gum

The pattern is created by alternating the front and back loops... However, the front loop is always knitted, grabbing upper part bottom loop. At the edges of the rows, edge loops must be made.

False English gum: 2 options

This double-sided pattern knits fast enough and saves yarn. Collect the required amount of loops divisible by 4 + edging.

False English elastic will knit fast enough and save yarn

Option number 1.Row one:

  • the initial loop is removed;
  • three loops alternate with one purl;

Row two:

  • after the edge, make two front loops: 1p. for the far thread, and the second for the front;
  • then knit the purl loop, followed by the front loop;
  • and repeat again: 2 facial, purl, front, to the edge.

The third stripe copies the drawing of the initial one, and the fourth - the drawing of the second stripe.

Option two.

The pattern is embossed with bumps, in the center of which is a path of pigtails.

Copying the first option, perform the initial strip.

The changes take place in the second row:

  • after the edge, make a pair of front loops: the first for the back thread, and the second for the front;
  • purl loop;
  • then 3 facial: the first for the back thread, the second for the front and the third again for the back thread;
  • the pattern is copied to the edge loop.

Difficult English gum

Having mastered knitting with simple patterns, start trying your hand at more complex patterns of English elastic. An even amount of loops is knitted. The 1/1 ornament is recruiting the original line.

  • after the edging knit the front knot for the inner slice;
  • then the loop is reshomed, putting the working thread in front. In this way they work up to the final edge loop.

Working further, the actions are exactly repeated. This method is called double or hollow, since the parts of the product are divided into 2 halves. They are used for knitting cuffs, necks, shoulder straps and belts in children's and adult products.

Faceted English gum

Working on this method, make an odd sum of loops.

Working with a Faceted English elastic band, make an odd amount of loops.


  • the initial one is removed;
  • then alternate a pair of facial with a pair of purl;
  • end with 1 front and edge loop.

Second line:

  • after the hem, the entire line is alternated with a pair of purl and a pair of knit loops, at the end of 1 purl and 1 hem loop.

The third line repeats 1, and the 4 line repeats 2, etc. The product is embossed with beautiful convex edges.

Lush English gum

A similar knitting stretches well, is the same on both sides and looks voluminous... The initial chain is knitted one to one, doing alternately, then the front, then the wrong side.


  • the original node is removed;
  • the latter is knitted inside out.

The following chain:

  • the initial loop is removed;
  • then the front loop is knitted like this: the knitting needle is inserted, going down into the lower chain.
  • the wrong side is done as usual.
  • the front one is taken from the previous chain again.

Two-tone English elastic band

Products knitted with an English elastic band on knitting needles look very bright when two multi-colored threads are used. First, for ease of description, colors will be indicated in the diagram. Pink will be color # 1, and blue will be color # 2. Collect an odd amount of blue loops on the needles with two working ends. At the edges of each strip, edge loops are made.

Products knitted with an English elastic band on knitting needles look very bright when two multi-colored threads are used.

Front page:

In the second strip, we enter pink:

  • we pass the pink thread through the first blue loop and tie;
  • knit 2 strip with a pink thread;
  • 1 p. Remove, throw on the thread and again remove the next loop without knitting;
  • a blue crochet loop is knitted with the front one for the inner thread;
  • repeat the steps until the end of the strip, where the edge is made.

Move the stripes to the other side of the knitting needle and make 3 blue rows:

  • 1 p. Is removed, a pink-blue loop with a cap thread is knitted with a purl;
  • throw on the thread and remove the loop without knitting;

Move the stripes to the other side of the spoke and make 4 pink rows:

  • 1 p. Remove, throw on the thread and reshoot one loop without knitting it;
  • a pink-blue loop with a cap thread is knitted with a purl; copy the pattern to the edge of the strip, where they make the edging.

Move the stripes to the other side of the knitting needle and make 5 blue row:

  • 1 p. Reshoot, a pink-blue loop with a crochet is knitted with the front one by the inner thread;
  • throw on a thread and reshoot one loop without tying it;
  • copy this order to the end of the strip, where they make the edging.

The sixth row copies the actions of the second lane. Ornament rapport is equal to 2, 3, 4, 5 stripes. A rapport is a complex of stripes that makes up a repeating unit of a pattern.

English gum in a circle

In order to knit this English elastic, an even amount of loops is collected on any ring knitting needles.

They start according to the scheme:

  • add an additional loop for connection, which then disappears;
  • to do this: the loop on the left side is reshoot to the right side. The left needle is passed into the penultimate loop of the right needle. And through it, pull the loop with the right knitting needle, which was on the left knitting needle;
  • the resulting loop is tightened by the ends of the threads and thrown back to the left side. The ring has formed. This loop is considered the first.
  • for convenience, hang a marker delimiting the beginning and end of the row;
  • the thread is thrown before work and removed. It turns out a loop with a crochet;
  • the second is knit facial;
  • then make a loop loop and face again;
  • copy this order to the extreme front loop.

Second row:

  • a couple with a cap thread is knitted on the wrong side;
  • the front one is removed with a crochet;
  • and copy the drawing in a circle.

The third row repeats the first, and the fourth repeats the second, and so on.

Two-tone elastic around

The two-color ornament gives a beautiful piece that can be worn on both sides... For ease of description, color # 1 will be blue and color # 2 pink.


  • an even amount of blue knots are collected on circular knitting needles;
  • add an additional loop, which will disappear when connected.

The first ring is knitted with the English circular elastic. Going to the second circle, they tie up the pink wool.

  • the pink thread is placed in front of the knitting needle and removed along with the blue front loop;
  • a blue yarn-knot pair is tied inside out;

The third circle is made with a blue thread:

  • a pink-blue pair is knitted with the front;
  • the pink purl loop is re-shot with a cap thread;
  • repeat the steps until the end of the circle.

The fourth circle repeats the ornament of the second ring. The fifth circle repeats the pattern of the third ring. The ornament rapport is 2, 3 rings.

English gum 1/1 round


  1. An even sum of knots is collected on circular knitting needles.
  2. The ring is closed using the "circular English gum" method.
  3. Next, the front stitch is interspersed with the purl stitch.
  4. On the next ring, the alternation is continued according to the pattern. Purl lines, removing for the back thread, and front ones for the front.

We knit products with an English elastic band

For things like women's hat, a children's scarf and even a stylish men's pullover is quite suitable for knitting an English elastic band with needles. The scheme for beginners will help implement the creative idea of \u200b\u200bthe needlewoman. It is best to start with more simple subject clothes - a scarf.


A long scarf knitted with a fluffy elastic band will suit those who like to combine this accessory with different kinds clothes.

For a scarf you need 800 m merino wool and needles No. 5.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on 26 loops.
  2. Knit according to the "Lush English elastic" pattern to the desired length.
  3. To make the brushes, take any hardback book.
  4. Exactly wrap the book with threads in a circle and cut at one end.
  5. One brush equals 4 strands. The threads of the brush are folded in half. With the help of a hook, they are pulled into the lower edge of the scarf like a loop. Thread the ends of the hand through this loop and tighten gently.
  6. This is how both sides of the product are designed.


For size 52 caps, you will need 100 meters of yarn (acrylic 25%, wool 75%) and circular needles No. 6.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on 47 loops. The second knitting needle is pulled out and the wool is distributed in a circle. In order not to get confused with the beginning, attach a marker.
  2. To connect the product in a circle, the loop from the left knitting needle is transferred to the right side. And the first loop on the right side is pushed through the removed loop and transferred to the left side.
  3. Knit with a circular English elastic band about 20 centimeters.
  4. In order to knit the crown, they switch to a circular elastic band 1/1. Knit in this way 3 rows.
  5. Next, the loops are gradually reduced, knitting the ring along a pair of loops with a front pattern. To preserve a beautiful braid, the front loop is turned over, the front thread, making the back.
  6. The next four rows are knit.
  7. Using a hook, pull the remaining thread through all the loops.
  8. The knitting needles are pulled out. The product is turned inside out and the crown of the head is tightened with a working thread.

At the top of such a hat, you can attach a pompom made of natural fur.


For a fashionable, voluminous snake, you need 300 g of semi-wool.


  • on circular knitting needles of size 6, they gain 100 lines. Knit with a circular English elastic to the desired length. Having tied the slings, close:
  • a couple of knots are knitted together with the front;
  • the resulting loop is thrown back onto the left side;
  • this combination is repeated to the end of the row.

Men's sweater

Before taking on the implementation of such a large subject you need to take measurements and build a pattern... When performing work, periodically check the product with it. Since the yarns are different, the density is checked against a sample. The main pattern of this sweater will be the second version of the false English elastic band. Ring knitting needles are selected according to the yarn recommendation.

Start from the back of the sweater:

  • for size L on needles of a smaller size, 70 loops are recruited and knitted with an ornament 2/2, seven centimeters. In the final row, add three loops (73 p.);
  • further, changing the knitting needles to larger ones, continue with the main pattern;
  • in rows under No. 9.10, add one loop on both sides (77 p.) for side slopes;
  • having knitted 33 cm from the elastic, seven loops (63 points) are closed for the armhole on both sides;
  • for the collar cutout, after 62 cm from the elastic, the middle 35 are closed. Each side is completed separately;
  • to round the neck from the inside of the cutout in every second row, 4 loops are closed twice;
  • close shoulders after 65 cm from the elastic.

The front section of the sweater is knitted like a back, only with a deeper groove in the collar zone. To do this, knitting 57 cm from the elastic, 21 loops are closed in the middle. To round the neck, in every second row, it is necessary to close 3 loops once, five times in a pair of loops and twice in 1 loop.


  • cast on the needles 30 loops and knit with a 2/2 pattern seven centimeters;
  • in the extreme row, add six loops evenly (36 p.);
  • then knit with the main pattern;
  • further, counting from the elastic, bevels are made. To do this, add at the same time: in each 4 row, fifteen times, one loop and a couple of times, 1 loop in every 2 row, including the added loops in the pattern (70 p.);
  • after 49 cm from the elastic, close all the loops.

Putting together a sweater:

  • dial 108 loops on the collar cutout on the ring needles and knit 5 cm. option 2/2, then finish all the loops according to the pattern;
  • fold the neck tape in half on the inside and sew on;
  • sew in finished sleeves by sewing on the sides and on the sleeves.

Looking at this pattern, you can start knitting a sweater using any version of the English elastic band.

This pattern is basic in mastering the art of knitting. A rare thing goes without his participation. Often this ornament serves as an element of clothing. Collar zones, cuffs, belts, trimming of the bottom edge are mostly carried out with its help. Wherein english drawing looks great when creating a whole volumetric thing.

Video on how to knit an English gum with knitting needles

Lesson of knitting English elastic with needles for beginners:

Knitting of a children's snood scarf with English rubber:

Knitting is an ancient type of needlework that many women and even some men are fond of. Skillful craftswomen create truly magical patterns from simple threads and knitting needles. It would seem that this is beyond the power of an ordinary person. In fact, everything turns out to be quite simple.

In knitting, there are no complex manipulations or mysterious weaves of threads. Everything is based on the most common loops - front and back. Having learned to knit simple patterns, you can start making more complex patterns.

Many needlewomen fell in love with knitting; the English elastic band is especially popular today. She is good for her splendor, amazing lightness and excellent extensibility. In addition, the wrong side of the finished product is in no way different from the front side. Most often, an English elastic band is used to decorate the bottom of clothes, create

Before you start knitting an English gum on a future jumper or sweater, you will need to practice on a small sample. And only after gaining experience and mastering this "intricacies", you can begin to perform the main work.

So, for training you need threads and knitting needles. It is important to choose the size of the knitting needles and the thickness of the threads. Too thin knitting needles will not be very convenient to work with thick threads, and vice versa.

Knitting pattern: English elastic knitting

An odd number of loops are recruited onto the needles. Do not knit too tight, otherwise the pattern may not work.

Row number 1. One front, one yarn, remove one loop without knitting. So repeat until the end of the row.

Row number 2. One yarn over, remove one without knitting. The crochet and the front loop are knitted together with the front one for the front wall. If you knit behind the back wall, then the pattern will not work.

Row number 3 and subsequent - knit like row number 2.

Multicolored english gum

It is not necessary to knit the elastic in one color. It will look much more elegant if you use two (or even more) matching threads.

The multi-colored fabric is knitted simply: colored threads alternate every two rows. Another, no less beautiful, version of the colored English gum is double-sided. To do this, you need to work either on a fishing line or on knitting needles with both ends working.

Double-sided multicolored English elastic band

Cast on the needles an odd number of loops.

Row number 1 (sample face). Red thread: one front, one yarn, remove one loop. Repeat to the end of the row.

Row number 2 (wrong side of the sample). White thread: one yarn over, remove the purl loop without knitting. The front loop and yarn are knitted together with the front loop for the front wall. Repeat to the end of the row.

Row number 3 (wrong side). The thread is red. Move the work to the other end of the working spoke. One loop and crochet are knitted together with a purl loop, one crochet, one off. Repeat to the end of the row.

Row number 4 (face). The thread is white. One yarn over, remove one, knit a purl loop and a crochet together with a purl stitch. Repeat to the end of the row.

Row number 5 (face). Move the sample to the other end of the spoke. The thread is red. One front loop and crochet are knitted together with the front loop for the front wall, one crochet, one off. Repeat to the end of the row.

Row # 6. Repeat from row # 2 to # 5.

Knitting is a popular type of needlework. Using it, you can create clothes and jewelry.

It is also a great way to express yourself. Exist different types patterns, having studied which, you can make original things.

One of them is the English gum. This is a well-known and uncomplicated knitting method.

Features of knitting

This type of knitting is used to create scarves and hats. It is also often used to make cuffs. Things made using this method look impressive, since the English gum is characterized by volume and splendor.

This method involves alternating the front and back loops. The volume of the picture is given by a straight yarn. The pattern can be knitted with ordinary knitting needles or circular.

Very often yarns of two colors are used - this makes the thing more effective. Since this knit is bulky, it uses more yarn than in other cases.

There are several ways to knit a pattern. You need to consider them in order to be able to use them.

Simple traditional knit

You need to start work with a set of the required number of loops. There must be an odd number of them for the product to be neat.


  1. The first loop must be knitted with the front one, made a straight yarn, and the next one must be removed without knitting. So continue to the end of the strip. The thread should be kept at work.
  2. In the second row, you need to throw on a thread, remove the peephole, and knit the yarn and loop from the previous row together like a face. This is how you need to act until the strip ends. The thread should be in the same position as when knitting the first row.
  3. The next strip should be started by knitting a loop and crochet from the previous row. Then the thread is thrown, and the next peephole is removed. The principle is maintained until the end.
  4. Further work is to alternate the sequences of the second and third rows.

The loops located at the beginning and at the end are edging. The scheme does not take into account their presence.

Bulky two-tone English yarn

The principle of such knitting is to use threads of two colors. This allows you to create bright and unusual things.

In a two-color elastic band, each strip is knitted twice - once with each thread.


  1. The first row starts with a knit stitch, followed by a yarn over. Further, the peephole is removed without tying. So they knit to the end.
  2. Change the thread and make a yarn over. Further - withdrawal. A loop with a thread draped over from the first row is knitted together like a face. We must continue until the loops are over.
  3. Return to the first thread, and move the resulting flap to the opposite edge of the knitting needle. The loop and crochet must be knitted with one purl loop, put on the thread and remove the peephole. Knit like this until complete.
  4. Change the thread. You need to start by throwing on the thread, followed by the removal and knitting of the loop with the crochet as purl.
  5. Again, changing the thread and shifting the knitted flap in the opposite direction. They knit a loop and yarn over like a front one, make a new yarn over, remove the loop.

Further work is to repeat steps 2-5.

Double rib knitting

They start working with a set of loops in an amount that is a multiple of four, and add 2 pieces. (edge).


  1. In the first row, front and back loops alternate, 2 pieces each. The last 2 eyes need to be knitted like facial ones.
  2. The strip begins with threading, 2 pieces are removed without knitting, 2 are knitted with the front.
  3. A crochet with a loop must be knitted behind the face, made a front one and put on a thread, remove 2 eyes.

To create a canvas, you need to repeat steps 2-3 until you get a canvas of the desired length.

Curvy English knit

This type of knit is similar to the pattern in question, but easier to perform. The beginning of work is a set of an even number of loops.


  1. The loops are knitted one by one on the wrong side and behind the face.
  2. From the second row, the wrong side is knitted in the usual way, and the facial eyes are tied from the eyes of the row below. The top loop must be removed.

You need to knit, repeating the second step. The removed loops can be loosened or left in their original form.

Simplified false or fake eraser

This option is created for those who find it difficult to knit according to the rules. The pattern is similar, but the principle is simpler.


  • first you need to dial the number of eyes, a multiple of four;
  • you need to knit 3 loops for the face and one for the wrong side;
  • 2 front loops are made, one purl and one front loop.

To obtain a canvas, continue performing 2-3 steps.

Products connected in the specified ways

This pattern is used in the manufacture of various products. But it is most convenient to make hats and scarves (snood) with it.


Scarves of this type are very popular. This product is easy to knit.

They start with a set of an odd number of loops. In the first row, the usual knitting principle is used - front, thrown over the thread, removal without knitting. At the beginning of a new strip, an edge is knitted, a yarn is made, the eyelet is removed, and the loop with a yarn is processed together - as a front one.

When the eyes run out, turn the fabric over and knit a yarn over with a loop. After that, the thread is thrown, and the next loop is removed.

The work continues until the item of the required length is obtained. The fabric needs to be sewn at the ends to make a scarf-collar.

English knit hat

The elastic band will be able to quickly knit a stylish hat. You need to start by measuring the volume of the head and dialing the required number of loops. They are combined to form a ring, and distributed over the knitting needles.

Edge knitting involves alternating the face and the wrong side. In the second and subsequent rows, a simple English gum scheme is performed. This should be knitted until it is necessary to form the crown (decrease).

When reducing, you need to knit 2 eyes together for the face. Between them, make one loop purl. This will decrease by a third. After completing the strip, perform a row along the pattern, then lower it again. When the strip is over, you need to cut the thread, leaving a small piece that should be pulled through the remaining eyes. This is where the work ends.

Knitting an English elastic is not difficult. To do this, you need to understand the principle and study the main varieties of the pattern. After that, you can practice creating different things. These can be scarves, hats, mittens, etc.