Did Nikolai Basque marry Victoria Lopyreva. Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva: wedding, latest news from personal life

The sweet-voiced nightingale of Russia, Nikolai Baskov, is today the hero of all news sites. A few hours ago, he made an offer of marriage to Victoria Lopyreva and received consent from the beauty. It would be possible to consider this information as an ordinary fake, if it were not for the circumstances under which the offer was made ...

Everything happened in Grozny, where Russian stars gathered yesterday to attend the solemn reception of Ramzan Kadyrov on the occasion of the presentation of the Akhmat football club. During the holiday, Nikolai Baskov, in the presence of hundreds of guests, turned to the head of the Chechen Republic, asking him to become a witness at the engagement and future wedding with Victoria Lopyreva. At the same time, the chief organ grinder of Russia pulled out a ring from his breast pocket and put it on Victoria's ring finger of her right hand.

The fact that Nikolai Baskov made an offer to Victoria Lopyreva became known thanks to President Ramzan Kadyrov, who hastened to announce the latest news on his Instagram:

Interestingly, after Baskov put an engagement ring on the finger of Victoria Lopyreva, he did not kiss the bride, but rushed to hug Ramzan Kadyrov.

The wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva: truth or joke

From the very morning, journalists and Internet users have been scratching their heads over the question - are Baskov and Lopyreva really going to get married. On the one hand, Ramzan Kadyrov on Instagram announced the “wedding of the year”, which will take place in Grozny in three months, on October 5. On the other hand, Nikolai Baskov has been in a relationship with Sophie Kalcheva for several years, and the singer's relationship with Victoria Lopyreva became known only at yesterday's reception with Kadyrov. Has the president of Chechnya, together with Russian stars, decided to arrange a prank?

Meanwhile, Sophie Kalcheva, who is currently on vacation in Greece, confirmed the latest news to her subscribers. At the same time, the woman does not comment on the act of her already ex-fiance.

The happy groom this morning published a new photo with Victoria Lopyreva on his microblog. In the picture, Baskov is kissing his bride, who does not seem to be feeling too good after yesterday's fun: on the table in front of Vika is a pack of pills.

Baskov and Lopyreva broke a long silence and for the first time gave a frank interview on their relationship. The stars appeared in the studio of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” to tell your story to the public.

Iosif Prigozhin admitted that he did not expect the engagement of Baskov and Lopyreva. The stars surprised the producer and his wife Valeria. Many even at first decided that Victoria and Nikolai decided to joke. “We didn’t understand anything at all! This is the number, ”Valeria recalls her reaction. The couple plan to go to the wedding of Baskov and Lopyreva. “Vika reminds me of a runaway bride. She ran away from everyone, ”Marina Yudashkina noted, in turn.

Otar Kushanashvili admitted that he would not go to the wedding. The host fears that the wedding ceremony will be canceled at the last moment. Iosif Prigozhin objected to the TV journalist. According to the producer, Baskov has long sympathized with Lopyreva. The artist told a friend about this in secret.

Basque appeared to the applause of the audience. When the singer entered the studio, everyone stood up. Valeria noticed that the artist looks amazing. It turned out that there would be two weddings - in Grozny and Moscow. When asked about the marriage contract, Nikolai said that he did not feel sorry for anything for a girl like Lopyreva. “The ring is different. Not five carats, but seven. When Vika and I spoke, she said: “You are lucky. The dress is hanging at home. I ordered it when I married Smolov. I decided to change my image to look more masculine, so now I'm a little brunette, ”Baskov shared.

The first love of Nikolai Baskov, actress Natalya Gromushkina, joined the discussion of the pop star's wedding. “I found out about it yesterday. Honestly, I thought it was just another show. It turns out that everything is serious. Just look at how he is dressed today. And of course, Vika is a charm itself. I was not invited to the wedding, but I insist that they invite me to the bachelor party, ”the artist joked.

Among the participants in the program was the bride Victoria Baskova. Victoria Lopyreva first spoke about the wedding with a famous singer. The blonde was greeted with thunderous applause. Victoria thanked the guests of the program for their attention. “Guys, well, first of all, I want to say that our union happened because we have a good sense of humor. Both Kolya and I have experience behind us, we are not 18 years old. When a lot of people follow personal life, it collapses. I don't post pictures because I don't want to... Believe it or not, I don't care. We don't want to prove anything to anyone, we just want to live. There is such a phrase: “Forgive our happiness and pass by,” the model shared.

The artist's mother admitted that she asked him to postpone the wedding ceremony. "She lost her father on October 5," Baskov explained. He also added that the date of the wedding will be known later.

“When Nikolai called, I was overwhelmed with insane joy. I took this news as welcome. I realized that my son is ready to start a family. But then they told me the date. October 5th is a day of remembrance in our family... Vika understood this situation. At the moment we are talking about the postponement of the date of the wedding. I like Vika, I love my son very much ... I would like them to take a closer look at each other, ”said Nikolai’s parent, Elena Nikolaevna.

At the end of the program, Nikolai sang a song that he dedicated to Victoria. The lovers swirled in the dance, like other guests of the studio.


On October 15, the singer celebrates his birthday. And we, taking this opportunity, found out the details of the upcoming marriage, and also remembered all his serious novels.

How it all started

The first to talk about the wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva was the President of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. He posted on his Instagram page a video from the reception dedicated to the first match of the Akhmat football club in Grozny.

In this video, Basque proposes to Lopyreva and gives her a beautiful gold ring with a very noticeable diamond:

“Dear Ramzan Akhmatovich, I ask you to become a witness at our engagement and future wedding. I want to propose to Victoria, because I have known this girl for a long time and love her very much. I want to make her the happiest person in the world. My heart is completely hers, and there is no other woman in my thoughts.

Photo by Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

Ramzan Kadyrov, in turn, promised to support the young people and offered to play the wedding in Grozny. All this happened in front of the skater Evgeni Plushenko and his wife Yana Rudkovskaya, singer Valeria, rapper Timati, actor Igor Vernik ...

To be a wedding?!

The wedding was scheduled for October 5th. But due to a number of circumstances, the lovers postponed the celebration for an indefinite period and promised that they would definitely tell about it in advance. More

As Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov said: "You can get married in Grozny, but you can't get a divorce."

By the way, the wedding will be alcohol-free. In Chechnya, you can not only get divorced, but also drink.

“I was not just a witness to the engagement, but a cameraman, I filmed what was happening on the phone,” producer Iosif Prigozhin told Antenna. - I saw how Kolya put a ring on Victoria's finger! It was a pleasant shock. I will quote the lines from the song: "Love will inadvertently come when you do not expect it at all." And so it happened. A spark ignited a flame. Kolya Baskov says that he liked Victoria for a long time. And Vika said: “All my life I dreamed that Nikolai Baskov would conduct my wedding.” I replied that her dream had come true and Kolya would not only lead the wedding, but would make Vika happy every day. I think she's lucky. Kolya is a very cheerful, decent guy, a holiday person. They look great together. After the engagement, Vika and Kolya danced a lezginka. However, everyone had to dance it. Both me and Valeria had their debut that day. Even the former CSKA coach Valery Gazzaev danced.”

Guest marriage - in the past

It is worth noting that when Basque announced the wedding with Lopyreva, many were shocked. But what about Sophie Kalcheva, with whom Nikolai had a relationship for three years?

Here is how the singer spoke about them to Antenna:

“I am not 20 years old. Sometimes, when you are very tired, you want to sleep alone ... I am a creative person and I understand very well: life with me is not sugar, but Sophie tolerates me. A woman in love should have enough wisdom to accept a man as he is, especially a man who has already been formed - forty years old. Today there is a wonderful term - "guest marriage". Believe me, he is very popular these days, although this form of relationship may seem abnormal to the older generation. But understand, with my crazy life (constant tours and filming), such an alliance is convenient for me. It suits both me and Sophie. I don't want to think about what will happen tomorrow or a year from now. Now we are good together. We enjoy life."

Nikolai Baskov and Sophie Kalcheva

Photo by Arsen Memetov

Then the artist, as if on a subconscious level, gave himself a chance to part with Sophie. Talking to Antenna before his anniversary, he admitted that after 40 years he was waiting for big changes in his life, including his personal one. True, then he asked to cross out this phrase of his.

If you believe the close circle of the singer, the relationship with Sophie really gradually began to fade away. The couple spent less and less time together, and since April of this year, their joint photos have not appeared on social networks. Sophie began an independent concert activity, which is produced by Baskov. He intends to continue to supervise his former lover - Nikolai has always drawn a clear line between work and personal life. Fans also noticed that Basque and Sophie are now relaxing in different places, and when they participate in joint concerts in other cities, they live in different rooms.

“Why is it possible for Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum to do this, but not for me at 40?” - Baskov once threw to reporters.

“Everyone has temptations,” Nikolai shared in a frank interview with Antenna. - Usually I get used to the person, and I'm comfortable. But it happened that during a serious relationship I suddenly realized that I could not be near this person. I woke up in the morning and felt that I should not rape myself. After all, I told Sophie (and other women) that if we begin to create some problems, feel discomfort from communication, then we need to solve everything in such a way that we don’t hate each other later. Life is one, no one else will give us.

Apparently, it was this situation that the couple began to experience, after which the mutual decision came to leave.

“I once made an offer to Sophie,” Baskov admitted, “but she said:“ Why is this necessary, because we are already so good. I am grateful to Sonya for the period of our happiness. We parted, but remained not strangers to each other.

Favorite women of Nicholas

Baskov has many novels behind him. Let's dwell on the most significant.

Svetlana Shpigel, daughter of producer Boris Shpigel. Nicholas was married to her for seven years. In this marriage, Baskov had a son, Bronislav. In November 2007, a difficult divorce process began, which lasted six months.

Oksana Fedorova, TV presenter, Miss Universe - 2002. The relationship of the couple began immediately after the divorce of Nikolai. Oksana at the beginning of their romance was still married to German businessman Philip Toft. In 2009, at a music festival in Jurmala, Nikolai even offered Oksana a hand and a heart. But the wedding never happened. In 2010, the couple broke up.

Anastasia Volochkova, ballerina Baskov announced this novel on social networks in the summer of 2011, posting a photo in which Nastya was sleeping on his bare chest. This novel by Baskov was bright, but fleeting. Already in the winter, the couple fled.

Victoria Lopyreva

External data, as the model and TV presenter says, she owes her parents. Mom Lopyreva (also a model in the past) and now looks amazing.

Victoria recalled that she was not going to go to the Don Photo Model competition, in which she won at the age of 16 in her native Rostov-on-Don.

Photo personal archive of Victoria Lopyreva

But she was uncomfortable refusing the person who called. Then Vika successfully combined her studies (tchaikovsky music school in piano class, Rostov Economic University) and modeling career, having received the title of "Miss Russia" in 2003.

The wedding of Lopyreva and Baskov has been postponed for an unknown date. Fans suspect that this is another PR stunt.

The reason why the wedding of young people was postponed is quite good. The distrust of the environment does not bother the star couple. The wedding is scheduled for the summer. Nikolai Baskov intends to conclude a marriage contract.

Nikolai Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: fans do not believe in the reality of star marriage

Fans and familiar couples reacted with disbelief to the news. Many suspected that the event was invented by the stars in order to “warm up” interest in their personas. And the fact that the event was still postponed and did not take place on time only increased confidence in this version.

Nikolai Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: celebrity wedding postponed, but the event will take place

In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, the mother of Nikolai Baskov said that the scheduled wedding day, October 5, coincided with the day of the death of her father, grandfather Nikolai. And at her own request, young people suffered a joyful event. Nikolai's mother really likes her son's chosen one.

According to the latest data, it is not known when and where the wedding will take place. Lovers have not yet commented on what is happening. There are suggestions that the celebration will be celebrated, as planned, in Chechnya.

In an interview, Nikolai and Vika said that they are not at all concerned about the attitude of the public to their personal lives. Many people still consider marriage a joke. And Nikolai assured that this time he quickly and decisively proposed to the girl, and Vika agreed.

Victoria Lopyreva's wedding outfit is already ready. A chic dress from fashion designer Yudashkin remained with Vika after a failed wedding with football player Smolov. And Nikolai prepared a seven-carat diamond ring for the bride.

Nikolai Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: a profitable marriage contract will save the artist from past mistakes

The wedding of Lopyreva and Baskov is still not a myth. According to the latest information, the event was postponed to the summer of 2018. Young people are carefully preparing for the celebration and for the future family life.

Nikolai unconditionally decided to draw up a tough marriage contract. In his opinion, this legal document provides certain guarantees and confidence that the mistakes of the past will not be repeated. The singer promises that having a contract will be beneficial for both him and his future wife.

The natural blond does not hide the fact that he always generously presented his ladies and Vika is no exception. In an interview, Baskov joked that if his wallet is losing weight, then he has to look for a lady with fewer requests.

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